Derivation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells by Immunosurgery

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • The process of obtaining human embryonic stem cells through immunosurgery, which involves the destruction of the embryo, can be derived in an alternative manner that does not involve the destruction of embryos. This alternative method is known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) or therapeutic cloning.
    In SCNT, the nucleus of a somatic cell, such as a skin cell, is transferred into an enucleated egg cell. This egg cell, now containing the genetic material of the somatic cell, is then stimulated to divide and develop into an early-stage embryo. This embryo, known as a blastocyst, contains pluripotent stem cells that can be harvested without destroying the embryo.
    The process of SCNT begins with the collection of somatic cells from the individual who requires the stem cells. These cells can be easily obtained through a simple skin biopsy or blood sample. The collected somatic cells are then cultured and prepared for nuclear transfer.
    Next, a donor egg cell is obtained from a consenting donor. The nucleus of this egg cell is removed, leaving behind an enucleated egg cell. The prepared somatic cell is then inserted into the enucleated egg cell, and the two are fused together using electrical or chemical stimulation.
    Once the fusion is successful, the reconstructed egg cell is stimulated to divide and develop into an early-stage embryo. This embryo contains pluripotent stem cells that are genetically identical to the individual who provided the somatic cells. These stem cells can be harvested and cultured for further research or used for therapeutic purposes.
    The advantage of using SCNT to obtain human embryonic stem cells is that it avoids the ethical concerns associated with the destruction of embryos. Since the embryos used in SCNT are created solely for the purpose of obtaining stem cells and not for reproductive purposes, it eliminates the need to destroy viable embryos.

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