For anyone curious this concept is based on a book called Perfume story of a murderer about an orphaned boy who grows up killing girls to create the perfect scent. Then eventually kills himself because he took all the good scents out of the world. Vixx seriously know how to make top quality art out of anything.
Shawol Get_It i believed it was not, because the concept purely based on scent + artist, hence the word Scentist. jelpi has never released any info about this, so i take it as they made the concept based on scents, or VIXX's scent if i may to add up. 😊
@@bahulikaj3322 They’re not active at the moment. Some of them are in the military and Hongbin left the group because of a scandal. But hopefully they’ll make a comeback soon
@Fatima Mohamed /Aroha Hongbin celebrsted reaching a lot of followers on Twitch by going live while drinking. He reacted to some Kpop videos, but since his is drunk at that time, he criticised the videos and even did the middle finger to the camera. Netizens weren't happy with what he did so he made an apology. He also said that soemonr from the company told him to leave if he will continur the attitude. And he decided to leave.
@Fatima Mohamed /Aroha I know. But he still chose to leave the group, and many others still think his apology wasn't sincere (even though he apologised a lot of times already).
@Fatima Mohamed /Aroha I think he will leave the Kpop scene, since he didn't announce a solo career. I'm not sure if he will continue streaming on Twitch, though.
snowseouls no i ja się pytam człowieku dumny ty jesteś z siebie zdajesz sobie sprawę z tego co robisz?masz ty wogóle rozum i godnośc człowieka?ja nie wiem ale żałosny typek z ciebie ,chyba nie pomyślałes nawet co robisz i kogo obrażasz ,możesz sobie obrażac tych co na to zasłużyli sobie ale nie naszego papieża polaka naszego rodaka wielką osobę ,i tak wyjątkowa i ważną bo to nie jest ktoś tam taki sobie że możesz go sobie wyśmiać bo tak ci się podoba nie wiem w jakiej ty się wychowałes rodzinie ale chyba ty nie wiem nie rozumiesz co to jest wiara .jeśli myslisz że jestes wspaniały to jestes zwykłym czubkiem którego ktoś nie odizolował jeszcze od społeczeństwa ,nie wiem co w tym jest takie śmieszne ale czepcie się stalina albo hitlera albo innych zwyrodnialców a nie czepiacie się takiej świętej osoby jak papież jan paweł 2 .jak można wogóle publicznie zamieszczac takie zdięcia na forach internetowych?ja się pytam kto powinien za to odpowiedziec bo chyba widac że do koscioła nie chodzi jak jestes nie wiem ateistą albo wierzysz w jakies sekty czy wogóle jestes może ty sługą szatana a nie będziesz z papieża robił takiego ,to ty chyba jestes jakis nie wiem co sie jarasz pomiotami szatana .wez pomyśl sobie ile papież zrobił ,on był kimś a ty kim jestes żeby z niego sobie robić kpiny co? kto dał ci prawo obrażac wogóle papieża naszego ?pomyślałes wogóle nad tym że to nie jest osoba taka sobie że ją wyśmieje i mnie będa wszyscy chwalic? wez dziecko naprawdę jestes jakis psycholek bo w przeciwieństwie do ciebie to papież jest autorytetem dla mnie a ty to nie wiem czyim możesz być autorytetem chyba takich samych jakiś głupków jak ty którzy nie wiedza co to kosciół i religia ,widac że się nie modlisz i nie chodzisz na religie do szkoły ,widac nie szanujesz religii to nie wiem jak chcesz to sobie wez swoje zdięcie wstaw ciekawe czy byś sie odważył .naprawdę wezta się dzieci zastanówcie co wy roicie bo nie macie widac pojęcia o tym kim był papież jan paweł2 jak nie jestescie w pełni rozwinięte umysłowo to się nie zabierajcie za taką osobę jak ojciec swięty bo to świadczy o tym że nie macie chyba w domu krzyża ani jednego obraza świętego nie chodzi tutaj o kosciół mnie ale wogóle ogólnie o zasady wiary żeby mieć jakąs godnosc bo papież nikogo nie obrażał a ty za co go obrażasz co? no powiedz za co obrażasz taką osobę jak ojciec święty ?brak mnie słów ale jakbyś miał pojęcie chociaz i sięgnął po pismo święte i poczytał sobie to może byś się odmienił .nie wiem idz do kościoła bo widac już dawno szatan jest w tobie człowieku ,nie lubisz kościoła to chociaż siedz cicho i nie obrażaj innych ludzi .
Pls vote for vixx on idol champ app for show champion..we are so close to #scentistsecondwin..we can make his happen...its rly simple to vote..check out tutorial on VIXX Starlight channel or ask here if u need help..u dnt even need to knw korean..u can vote 3 times per account per device..pls vote on as many devices nd accounts as u can..🌟🌟starlights🌟🌟#hwaiting..
I love to see them thrive, but I still wish I would wake up one day and see them dropping a song that would shake the whole k-pop industry again. Like back then with Voodoo Doll, Hyde, or Error. 😭
Scentist record: 1m in 18.5 hrs, 128k likes Shangri-la record 1m in around 20hrs, 2m in 2days 1hrs It's doing pretty good, keep enjoy the song everyone~
Guess wht,they are #40 trending in Malaysia!!Like srsly?(still cant believe😭)i know its still far from top 10,but this is the proof tht our fandom can do it!!i knew it when i just woke up,dunno in other country,maybe much higher..but i cant contain myself!!i'll left the news here and gonna brag abt it to the others!!😘#proudstarlight
Maybe it hasn't been long enough for me to be feeling this nostalgic, but a lot has changed since then... I love VIXX and this song. I'm sure all of us Starlights can relate.
I agree. whenever I watch their MVs, I just get very nostalgic but sad at the same time. of course I wish for them to come back, especially as OT6, but there are too many circumstances and the current group constellation that are making it a bit more difficult for it to happen. k-pop has also changed drastically within the past few years, so it would need a lot of proper management and exposure for the group to have succesful promotions. whenever they do decide to have a comeback, let us be more supportive than ever and shower them with lots of love!
오채로Ohjero if you gonna try to insult certain fandom, please get out of here.. no need to bring out unnecessary things. Starlights have pride to be a nice and peaceful family. If you are a Starlight, please dont write comment like this. If you aren't, please be careful later.
Vixx deserves al recognition they work hard on this album. I think in order for jelpi to give them another contract they have to get very recognzed this time around.
이 노래 빅스 노래 중엔 좋아하는 편이 아닌데(다른 곡을 너무 좋아해서) 다시 보니까 와 세련됐네 엄청나게 세련됐음 와.. 젠장... 멤버들 균형이 환상적일 정도로 잘 맞네... 너무 슬프다 다신 이 완전체를 못 본다니... 젠장 왜 그랬어........... 왜 그랬어 왜 왜 그랬어 왜 그랬어...
I know lots of you are not starlights. Some just stumbles upon this mv. As a starlight I'll tell u wats the mv abt. GUIDE FOR SCENTIST MV: The mv is based on a book called 'perfume'. It's abt this kid who got abandoned when he was small and he got a special ability - he can differenciate scents. He got adopted by this weird family in Paris. One day when be was walking on Paris street, he found the most delicious scents he ever encountered ( a woman's scents) so he followed her and end up killing her. He then takes the opportunity to smell her scent to his heart's content. It is the happiest he has ever been. He leaves the body and feels no remorse. Later he works w this guy who own a perfume shops and they make the best of the best perfume tht ever existed at tht time. Then one day he falls ill again but he survived cz the guy who he's been working with, told him tht there's a way to preserve the scents. He quit the job and he went to learn different way of distillation method to make perfumes. He works in a small perfumery, learning different methods of distillation, but especially cold enfleurage. He now begins to distill scents other than flowers, such as inanimate objects. He moves onto animals, finally realizing that he must kill them in order to get their scent properly. Now he has a goal; he has found a scent to match the girl he killed in Paris. He devises a plan to create a scent of her essence, but he needs other scents to buoy up and extend her scent, to make it truly wonderful. He thus proceeds to kill twenty-four teenage girls in the region, and he distills their scent by cold enfleurage. Finally he murders and obtains the scent of his prize, the best-smelling girl. He is caught for his crimes but, by using the master scent he has created, he is believed innocent by all and released. Feeling depressed and suicidal because there are no greater scents to be discovered or distilled, he goes to Paris to die. hopefully it'll give you some ideas of what happened in the mv. Pls give lots of love to our boys ❤ GUYS PLS LIKE THIS SO EVERYONE CAN READ IT. THANKS
Not only great music, but amazing videos to go with the music!!! I'm from the US and I have loved VIXX almost from the beginning! I, too, believe they deserve much more recognition than what they got!!!
This is my first comeback as a new Starlight (I found them in October of 2017) and I'm really excited!!! My bias is Jaehwan :") please take care of me, older Starlights!!! VIXX FIGHTING!!!
jel Zoozero even though their success do not seem fair to how good they are, one thing is certain. Because they do their own thing they made their OWN NAME out there. Even people that don’t necessarily stand them know that vixx puts unique quality music out there.
Soo true! Their new album is amazing. On the one hand, I want everyone to pay more attention to VIXX because they deserve it but on the other hand, I want them only for real Starlights 😅
VIXX concept is way ahead of their time. It's kinda sad how people don't give attention to them in their earlier years and some even find their concepts weird or absurd but nowadays there are other groups who have similar concepts as VIXX but they were easily recognized and deemed unique. I really wish that we get a VIXX comeback soon cos I miss them so much. Starlights fighting~~
This year is a blessing after all. We are blessed by more lines from HongBin, Pastel Hair Colors from HongBin, a drama, Hongbin being weirdly active (can you believe) on SNS and much much more
They totally killed the girl in this song lyrics. : o I guess he killed her to have her scent forever just for him. They are actually playing psycopath, in this beautiful concept. haha
damn I must have been real good in my past life to deserve living in the same era as vixx. i'm in tears. what a time to be alive everyone. congrats, starlights, our kings are back to slaying our lives :')
People talked about the lyric and video, but what about the choreo? it's full of flowy movement that symbolizes scent and a lot of sniffing movement that references Grenouille is highly dependent of his nose.The self touching movement at 1:02 and 1:53 references the ending where Grenouille drenches himself of the virgin perfume.The pointing at 1:34 references when Grenouille set his nose on which virgin to kill, pointing to the targets.It's just so Hakyeon to make choreo that tells story in pantomim- like way. He already done this before with the Fate dance cover where sometimes he's graceful, referencing the performer, and sometimes majestic, referencing the king. N stans, m we stan a king .
저주인형에서 입덕해서 도원경~향 사이에 휴덕했다가 다시 돌아와서 도는중인데 진짜 아 미칠 것 같다. 진짜 진짜 와 진짜... 너무 보고싶고 좋아했었고 좋아하고 좋아할거고 멋졌고 멋지고 멋질거야. 돌고돌아 다시 빅스로 돌아오는구나 하... 향 정택운은 진심 레전드다. 핀트나간 조향사느낌 집착광공 그냥 그대로 갤탭에 이마박고 들어가고 싶어짐ㅜㅜ~
The MV is based off a book called "perfume" Grenouille is born to a fishwife mother in Paris in the early eighteenth century. He is delivered behind his mother's fish stall and is immediately abandoned to die. The baby, who strangely has no scent, cries out and is saved by onlookers. His mother is executed for this attempt and for her previously successful infanticides, leaving Grenouille, a bastard, alone in the world. He is brought up in a sort of home orphanage, tended together with several other orphans by an emotionally damaged woman named Madame Gaillard. At the age of eight he is given in apprenticeship to a tanner, Grimal, where he is almost worked to death. After having survived anthrax, and thus becoming more useful in a tannery, he is treated marginally better and is given some slight freedom. Grenouille roams the city of Paris, searching for new scents, because he has the most gifted nose in the world. On one of his olfactory jaunts around the city, Grenouille finds the most delicious scent he has ever encountered, that of a adolescent girl. He finds her scent from a long distance, and he follows it until he is very near her in the dark. She senses him, and as she turns around to see him he strangles her. He then takes the opportunity to smell her scent to his heart's content. It is the happiest he has ever been. He leaves the body and feels no remorse. One night he delivers some goatskins to Baldini the perfumer. He begs the old man to let him work for him, after showing the master that he has a wonderful nose and a great memory for mixing perfumes. Baldini is so impressed with the scent that Grenouille creates that he buys his apprenticeship from Grimal. While working for Baldini, Grenouille makes the best scents Paris has ever smelled, and Baldini becomes very rich. Grenouille falls ill again, but he survives once Baldini tells him there are other ways to distill and preserve scents to be learned in the south of France. This news revives Grenouille, and he lives. Eventually he leaves Baldini to go learn distillation methods in Grasse. On the way to Grasse, Grenouille makes a detour for seven years to a mountain cave, where he ponders the scents he has known in his life thus far. Descending from the mountain looking like a wild man, he is rehabilitated by a slightly mad pseudo-scientist nobleman who believes that he is a prime example of a vicitm of fluidum letale. After a farce of a scientific "proof" is enacted, Grenouille slips away and goes to Grasse. There he works in a small perfumery, learning different methods of distillation, but especially cold enfleurage. He now begins to distill scents other than flowers, such as inanimate objects. He moves onto animals, finally realizing that he must kill them in order to get their scent properly. Now he has a goal; he has found a scent to match the girl he killed in Paris, another red-head here in Grasse named Laure Richis. He devises a plan to create a scent of her essence, but he needs other scents to buoy up and extend her scent, to make it truly wonderful. Grenouille thus proceeds to kill twenty-four teenage girls in the region of Grasse, and he distills their scent by cold enfleurage. Finally he murders and obtains the scent of his prize, the best-smelling girl, Laure. He is caught for his crimes but, by using the master scent he has created, he is believed innocent by all and released. Feeling depressed and suicidal because there are no greater scents to be discovered or distilled, Grenouille goes to Paris to die. He douses himself with the master scent and is then devoured by a mob.
The song is so good but can we talk about their hairstyles? Each one fits each member perfectly. Visual on point and a standing ovation for VIXX's beautician :) *clap* *clap* *clap*
Yes! I noticed that too, i was a little mad about Ken in teasers but in mv i see that he really rock this style, and literally every one of them look perfect, like i have nothing to complain about!
*For those who are new and still don't know the members* : 1) the hot one leaning against the wall is Han Sanghyuk (stage name: Hyuk) maknae/youngest 23 years old. He's cute and adorable BUT DON'TLET HIM FOOL YOU HE'SSECRETLYSATAN.. got left at the gas station by the older members once but overall sweet kind and loving and really cares about the other members you'll love him.. boy also does english covers 2) the cute little kid is Juhoon Kim he's not a member obviously. He's a 10 year old child model go follow his Instagram @juhoon_kim he's so cutee 3) the hot one that had the red background and is blessing your ears with his angelic voice is Lee Jaehwan(Ken) part of the hyung/elder line he's 26 he loves doing cute acts basically the cutest man alive and is loved by too many people especially Ravi.. He's your typical neighbourhood fool and can always make you laugh on sad days love the man.. his position is (cutie)main vocal.. also the man ate cereal in his closet once. A man truly worth stanning but be aware of his split personality and bad temper 4) the hot one playing the piano is Jung Taekwoon(Leo) he's the second oldest also part of the hyung line age 28 he used to be always done with everything but now he's more open and... crazy(???) He likes coffee and is our hamster and the group's dad(??? With Hakyeon omma/mom) he's also a grandpa pray for his back.. He's also main vocal with Jaehwan 5) after Taekwoon's scene is Hakyeon(stage name N) he's the oldest member and leader also lowkey the mom of the group he's also 28 he's also very hot and dangerous watch out for his leg and booty attack. HE'SALSO THE DEFINITIONOF FLAWLESSAND PERFECTION LIKE ??????? He's an ANGEL sent from HEAVEN 6) After Hakyeon is mister visuals Lee Hongbin(no stage name just Hongbin) he's 25 and was given the title visuals he's basically typical flower boy that's always cringing over everything.. He's also a gamer and the members once said that he's a perfectionist so yeah.. also HIS VOICE IS DEEPER THAN MY EMPTY WALLET.. appreciate his dimple smile 7)Lastly is our Mr. Rapper Kim Wonshik (Ravi(French not Indian)) also 25 but older than Hongbin there's not much I can say about him besides that he's king🔥 also he looks fierce but is actually one of the biggest softies to have ever existed love the man also he has a thing for Ken please take note there will be a lot of touching amongst those two.. he also once wore an ugly hat on error and it's funny until today.. also be aware THAT HE WILL cry on stage must protect.. also the group's songs lyricist & sometimes composer and made a solo debut check out Nirvana/Rebirth/Bomb/DamnRa.. also has appeared shirtless in Fantasy until today we don't know why but ok Ravi ok.. used to have cute raps in 2012... also be aware that when they talk about Ravi having a nice butt or touching his butt they are probably referring to *his dog* named butt (real name BadA$$) I hope there are more starlights now than before to new starlights welcome to the family let's shine bright together 🌟
Just reacted to this banger! And this starlight was not disappointed! From the outstanding aesthetics, the vocals all the way LEO LOOKING LIKE HIS FROM FINAL FANTASY WITH THAT SILVER HAIR! The chore was straight fire! Can't wait for them to release more stuff!
chloe lim yes that little punk has grown up, finished college and all... I am not even done yet!! My baby hyukkie is now finally a man(didn't he already told me that with his pelvic and crotch grabs in blackout???) Yes he is old enough to drive
Yes ,he’s old enough to drive the problem is if he knows how to drive. remember in closer MV he definitely crushed the Car against the wall there hahaha
My beautiful Starlights, I'm really happy to spend another comeback with all of you. Remember to enjoy this new album as much as you can and let's celebrate together! Love you. STARLIGHTxVIXX FOREVER.
Just wanna give a shout out to Starlights. You're the best fandom I've ever seen and I'm so glad to be a part of it! Thanks for streaming! Now we need a win ^^
IIiel Falsis I don't think I ever found him ugly. I've always thought he was super adorable along with the rest of the group. Ravi and Leo are both my top favorites, but they are all very handsome and growing up nicely ^^
So cool! The child actor did really well too and the transitions between the child and vixx in the same poses damn whoever edited this did great too! Thank you 🖤 Vixx was amazing as always (also the stylists are hero's, Leo's hair will leave me looking for mine for weeks)
LEO IS RAPPING, I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL! LEO IS RAPPING!!! When I thought there isn't something else for them to surprise us with, THE MAIN VOCAL STARTED SPITTING FIRE! OH. MY. GOD! VIXX, thank you for saving the year
@@theuntamedismylife4479 so actually N he showed in 0:21 _ 0:24 / 0:40_0:45/1:25_1:31/1:44_1:50/1:56/2:23-2:28 is in military right now and we're waiting for him to comeback
@@theuntamedismylife4479 and i think ravi 1:06_1:15/2:10_2:22/2:34 he will focus on his solo career so i don't if he's gonna stay with the group or leave and leo too 0:15_0:20/1:00_1:05/1:37_1:43/1:57_2:03/2:51_2:54 the same thing I'm not sure i hope not , i hope that helped you
@@theuntamedismylife4479 Military break, yay. Although I wouldn't worry about Ravi too much. He didn't sign up again with Jellyfish but he already took part in group activities after that so their agreement seems to be working.
After everything that happened throughout the years, I cannot help but feel extremely nostalgic, even sad. VIXX is forever in my heart, and I will forever be a ST☆RLIGHT. I know the future holds something amazing for you all. Thank you for all the great memories and beautiful music.
Honestly for me this is the best fandom along with Shawols and Monbebes. Sometimes I read people comenting"Why is VIXX so underated" and no... VIXX has a solid and respectful fanbase and I love it for that (they're known for their airport video). Could it be bigger? Yes! But I would never change respect for popularity. 💕
LOL dunno whether you're serious or not. But the blackhaired (longer hair) guy is Hakyeon... leader... and oldest of VIXX the blackhaired (short hair) guy is Ken, main vocalist and 3rd when ranking in age :)
I’m glad their song doesn’t sound like every other Kpop song out there at the moment. Lately they all be sounding the same, but finally a group who stays to their true colours~
꽃 don't worry! That's my love and the man of my life. Who rules me with his sensual hips, deadly expressions, sweet voice and angelic personality? Cha hakyeon does.
꽃 nothing to say... when it comes to dance it's not easy to beat him... and his voice.. it's really sweet... in this mv he kills us with his expressions and moves... 💜💕...
Wow. Their music ages like fine wine. I mean it's very rare that I stick with artists once they go mainstream and have a couple of hits. I'm older now and dont listen to kpop as often but Vixx keep pulling me back lol I mean their passion is certainly in their music. Congratulations VIXX! Keep up the amazing work and thank you for never letting go of that passion and selling short for a few dollars #starlight4life
Tasmin Loganberry it's not that I leave the artist once they go mainstream. I like mainstream (sometimes) but most times once an artist goes mainstream they lose themselves and just worry about the money. Dont get me wrong, I know it's a business but staying true to yourself is harder when it being yourself is harder to sell. I salute to the artists they stay true to themselves.
Oh my... I get you. I did not totally stop listening to kpop,but by 2018 I got really busy and somewhat forgot all about what I like about kpop. But now, its 2021 and I'm still listening to this and it just sounded better when I first heard it.
For anyone curious this concept is based on a book called Perfume story of a murderer about an orphaned boy who grows up killing girls to create the perfect scent. Then eventually kills himself because he took all the good scents out of the world.
Vixx seriously know how to make top quality art out of anything.
Shawol Get_It i believed it was not, because the concept purely based on scent + artist, hence the word Scentist. jelpi has never released any info about this, so i take it as they made the concept based on scents, or VIXX's scent if i may to add up. 😊
I saw that movie it was amazing
and so it makes sense , thank you , because I really wondered where did they pick up a concept .
Shawol Get_It I loved the concept what movie title ??
taemin's nippels Perfume: Story of a murderer
They legit change concepts every comeback.Can't get any more versatile than that.
They're not called concept kings without a reason
Weird Kpop true that
hi love your vids lol
Im crying.. my boys are yet back again KILLING IT ALLLLLLLL KINGS
Jaylah Jones woah sorry this is off topic but we have the same name AND spelling and I never see that
I saw u on JBJ's comeback lol
Yasmeen Rojas *I STAN TALENT* 😂 yeah I love both groups so much and I saw they came out with mv’s so yeet!
이게 6년전이라니 지금들어도 세련됐다
Ok, but can we talk about how gorgeous Taekwoon is in his platinum hair!
Fearless Playlists yes!!! I am having so many feels!!!!!!
SO beautiful
i literally ca nnot breath ajskdmfdsf
Ikr!!! And when they zoomed in his adam's apple I DIED!!!!
Vixx is one of those very few groups who can be sexy without showing skin & trying too hard 🙌🏻
Agree tho 😏
SP true that!!!
no hip thrusts detected
Here is a important point. 👏👍
Vixx are trending everywhere... This never happened before... Now people start realizing their hard work..
as a person YAYYY
GO VIXX BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep supporting!!!!!!
they deserve that 💗💗💗💗
this is the truth 💖💖💖💖💖
their time is now..
Here in 2020, still stating facts. No group will ever, ever do concepts as good as VIXX. Man, I miss them.
are they not active anymore wtf
@@bahulikaj3322 They’re not active at the moment. Some of them are in the military and Hongbin left the group because of a scandal. But hopefully they’ll make a comeback soon
here in 2021 and yes, i agree with you
Ah I’m so sad they’re not active~ I miss them sm
@@yuhhh1171 what scandal did hongbin have? :o
this song is so addictive
and dangerous....should've put a disclaimer up before the mv started :T
I haven't even seen live performances yet and I already know what points in the choreo that N will use to kill us all.
achachaN I love your videos and your work... they always make me laugh and smile 😄 when’s the next one?😅
Q hermosa cancion de vixx me encanta
achachaN correct like me rip play button😄
Hongbin's so handsome even his voice is.
IKR EVEN WITH that hair that doesn't fit him! *_*
Aesthetics everywhere
nice pic tho
Were you expecting anything else from vixx?
Can you please reccomend me the hoodie that was shown in the music video? I can't find it.
Glad to you
STARLIGHTS! Promise you won't forget about our Bean, no matter what.
Of course!
We would never! He's always gonna be with VIXX in spirit! VIXX IS ALWAYS OT6!!!!!!
@Fatima Mohamed /Aroha Hongbin celebrsted reaching a lot of followers on Twitch by going live while drinking. He reacted to some Kpop videos, but since his is drunk at that time, he criticised the videos and even did the middle finger to the camera. Netizens weren't happy with what he did so he made an apology. He also said that soemonr from the company told him to leave if he will continur the attitude. And he decided to leave.
@Fatima Mohamed /Aroha I know. But he still chose to leave the group, and many others still think his apology wasn't sincere (even though he apologised a lot of times already).
@Fatima Mohamed /Aroha I think he will leave the Kpop scene, since he didn't announce a solo career. I'm not sure if he will continue streaming on Twitch, though.
now this is what you call art
snowseouls we have to reach a 1M in 24h
The only art i need in life
snowseouls no i ja się pytam człowieku dumny ty jesteś z siebie zdajesz sobie sprawę z tego co robisz?masz ty wogóle rozum i godnośc człowieka?ja nie wiem ale żałosny typek z ciebie ,chyba nie pomyślałes nawet co robisz i kogo obrażasz ,możesz sobie obrażac tych co na to zasłużyli sobie ale nie naszego papieża polaka naszego rodaka wielką osobę ,i tak wyjątkowa i ważną bo to nie jest ktoś tam taki sobie że możesz go sobie wyśmiać bo tak ci się podoba nie wiem w jakiej ty się wychowałes rodzinie ale chyba ty nie wiem nie rozumiesz co to jest wiara .jeśli myslisz że jestes wspaniały to jestes zwykłym czubkiem którego ktoś nie odizolował jeszcze od społeczeństwa ,nie wiem co w tym jest takie śmieszne ale czepcie się stalina albo hitlera albo innych zwyrodnialców a nie czepiacie się takiej świętej osoby jak papież jan paweł 2 .jak można wogóle publicznie zamieszczac takie zdięcia na forach internetowych?ja się pytam kto powinien za to odpowiedziec bo chyba widac że do koscioła nie chodzi jak jestes nie wiem ateistą albo wierzysz w jakies sekty czy wogóle jestes może ty sługą szatana a nie będziesz z papieża robił takiego ,to ty chyba jestes jakis nie wiem co sie jarasz pomiotami szatana .wez pomyśl sobie ile papież zrobił ,on był kimś a ty kim jestes żeby z niego sobie robić kpiny co? kto dał ci prawo obrażac wogóle papieża naszego ?pomyślałes wogóle nad tym że to nie jest osoba taka sobie że ją wyśmieje i mnie będa wszyscy chwalic? wez dziecko naprawdę jestes jakis psycholek bo w przeciwieństwie do ciebie to papież jest autorytetem dla mnie a ty to nie wiem czyim możesz być autorytetem chyba takich samych jakiś głupków jak ty którzy nie wiedza co to kosciół i religia ,widac że się nie modlisz i nie chodzisz na religie do szkoły ,widac nie szanujesz religii to nie wiem jak chcesz to sobie wez swoje zdięcie wstaw ciekawe czy byś sie odważył .naprawdę wezta się dzieci zastanówcie co wy roicie bo nie macie widac pojęcia o tym kim był papież jan paweł2 jak nie jestescie w pełni rozwinięte umysłowo to się nie zabierajcie za taką osobę jak ojciec swięty bo to świadczy o tym że nie macie chyba w domu krzyża ani jednego obraza świętego nie chodzi tutaj o kosciół mnie ale wogóle ogólnie o zasady wiary żeby mieć jakąs godnosc bo papież nikogo nie obrażał a ty za co go obrażasz co? no powiedz za co obrażasz taką osobę jak ojciec święty ?brak mnie słów ale jakbyś miał pojęcie chociaz i sięgnął po pismo święte i poczytał sobie to może byś się odmienił .nie wiem idz do kościoła bo widac już dawno szatan jest w tobie człowieku ,nie lubisz kościoła to chociaż siedz cicho i nie obrażaj innych ludzi .
Pls vote for vixx on idol champ app for show champion..we are so close to #scentistsecondwin..we can make his happen...its rly simple to vote..check out tutorial on VIXX Starlight channel or ask here if u need help..u dnt even need to knw korean..u can vote 3 times per account per device..pls vote on as many devices nd accounts as u can..🌟🌟starlights🌟🌟#hwaiting..
I can smell the sexiness from across the ocean
This is what I call *P E R F E C T I O N*
here watching them in 2024 . i miss them so much 😭
I love to see them thrive, but I still wish I would wake up one day and see them dropping a song that would shake the whole k-pop industry again. Like back then with Voodoo Doll, Hyde, or Error. 😭
Scentist record: 1m in 18.5 hrs, 128k likes
Shangri-la record 1m in around 20hrs, 2m in 2days 1hrs
It's doing pretty good, keep enjoy the song everyone~
Yutu tse Isn't it 18,5 hours?
byeolbit danjjack yes
byeolbit danjjack yes, it's 18.5 hrs..haha my mind is error..cuz VIXX's music
Yutu tse hahahah
Guess wht,they are #40 trending in Malaysia!!Like srsly?(still cant believe😭)i know its still far from top 10,but this is the proof tht our fandom can do it!!i knew it when i just woke up,dunno in other country,maybe much higher..but i cant contain myself!!i'll left the news here and gonna brag abt it to the others!!😘#proudstarlight
VIXX MV are a work of art, seriously.
Monbebeing Real Hard the MV itself looks like it costs $90M sth
PianoRose honeslty though
Maybe it hasn't been long enough for me to be feeling this nostalgic, but a lot has changed since then... I love VIXX and this song. I'm sure all of us Starlights can relate.
I still can't believe this is their last comeback as OT6 😭
@@existentialrookie5432 it's almost 2022 and I still can't believe it :(
I agree. whenever I watch their MVs, I just get very nostalgic but sad at the same time. of course I wish for them to come back, especially as OT6, but there are too many circumstances and the current group constellation that are making it a bit more difficult for it to happen. k-pop has also changed drastically within the past few years, so it would need a lot of proper management and exposure for the group to have succesful promotions.
whenever they do decide to have a comeback, let us be more supportive than ever and shower them with lots of love!
@@stayskzz402 was ex
vixx are indeed the kings of concepts.
: : L I Z God bless. ^^ :3
: : L I Z They're always so clear of what they want to do and its always beutiful...
K GIRL aint that the truth.. :3
If this gets slept on, I will be so mad. This art doesn't deserve that type of disrespect.
luhan's nipples Ikrrr!
Yeah :(
오채로Ohjero if you gonna try to insult certain fandom, please get out of here.. no need to bring out unnecessary things. Starlights have pride to be a nice and peaceful family. If you are a Starlight, please dont write comment like this. If you aren't, please be careful later.
But I notice that this is getting more and more views so fast! I think that this time it and they will have the attention that deserve
#2 trending in korea.
Thank you starlights
Really?Vixx is very good.
Vixx deserves al recognition they work hard on this album. I think in order for jelpi to give them another contract they have to get very recognzed this time around.
It's trending #24 in Germany rn :D
Trending #34 in Malaysia 👍
VIXX deserved so much more love than what they got. I’ll always be a Starlight.
Me too ❤
*Vixx deserve so much attention*
They seriously r so damn underrated..i don't understand why
Yes they deserve attention they are SO talented and their music is AMAZING ⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️⭐️✨
1k like 😂❤
Kunjal yea but I have korean freinds and they said vixx wasn’t that well known in korea 😢
*vixx always makes the best comeback of the year*
changbin's grrr SO TRUE! ❤️
They deserve the "The concept kings" title
Maria Jimena i agree
they already have it wdym xD
Maria Jimena They already are
이 노래 빅스 노래 중엔 좋아하는 편이 아닌데(다른 곡을 너무 좋아해서) 다시 보니까 와 세련됐네 엄청나게 세련됐음 와.. 젠장... 멤버들 균형이 환상적일 정도로 잘 맞네... 너무 슬프다 다신 이 완전체를 못 본다니... 젠장 왜 그랬어........... 왜 그랬어 왜 왜 그랬어 왜 그랬어...
Nn re
인생은 일어난다.
**insert Hyuk's gas station scream**
we have to reach a 1M in 24h👍💪💖
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ올갱이는 왜못먹어!!
Rhiannon Edwards 😂😂😂😂
People are all sleeping on VIXX because they though they were dreaming when they saw this much talent in one group
Saphire Artist just like in Eternity
(Omg Vixxception)
Saphire Artist Tbh this make sense
ummm you can't quote the dictionary without refrences
we can give vixx ANY subject and they will SLAY it with a comeback
I know lots of you are not starlights. Some just stumbles upon this mv. As a starlight I'll tell u wats the mv abt.
The mv is based on a book called 'perfume'. It's abt this kid who got abandoned when he was small and he got a special ability - he can differenciate scents. He got adopted by this weird family in Paris.
One day when be was walking on Paris street, he found the most delicious scents he ever encountered ( a woman's scents) so he followed her and end up killing her. He then takes the opportunity to smell her scent to his heart's content. It is the happiest he has ever been. He leaves the body and feels no remorse.
Later he works w this guy who own a perfume shops and they make the best of the best perfume tht ever existed at tht time. Then one day he falls ill again but he survived cz the guy who he's been working with, told him tht there's a way to preserve the scents. He quit the job and he went to learn different way of distillation method to make perfumes.
He works in a small perfumery, learning different methods of distillation, but especially cold enfleurage. He now begins to distill scents other than flowers, such as inanimate objects. He moves onto animals, finally realizing that he must kill them in order to get their scent properly. Now he has a goal; he has found a scent to match the girl he killed in Paris. He devises a plan to create a scent of her essence, but he needs other scents to buoy up and extend her scent, to make it truly wonderful.
He thus proceeds to kill twenty-four teenage girls in the region, and he distills their scent by cold enfleurage. Finally he murders and obtains the scent of his prize, the best-smelling girl.
He is caught for his crimes but, by using the master scent he has created, he is believed innocent by all and released.
Feeling depressed and suicidal because there are no greater scents to be discovered or distilled, he goes to Paris to die.
hopefully it'll give you some ideas of what happened in the mv. Pls give lots of love to our boys ❤
woah!! Thank you!
It was a good movie too
good explaination for the other fans ...thumbs up for your hard work
Medhavi Fernando your welcome!
The kings of concepts are back!!! Is it just me or it says "scientist" when i look for the first time? hahaha
I only realized it wasnt scientist after looking at your comment😂
omg i only just realised it doesnt say scientist?!? scentist makes so much more sense for the video :')
Just Another Reaction if you hadn't pointed that out i'd probably still be thinking it was scientist lol
Same with me 😂
You’re not alone hahaah
I swear VIXX steps it up every time. They deserve so much success in this industry.
Colin Babbott YESSS!!!
아니 아무리 생각해봐도 조향사 컨셉은 어떻게 생각한거야.. 진짜 본인들 찰떡인 것만 쏙쏙 골라내네...
i really love how vixx always does their own thing, they don't follow kpop trends they just make damn good music
somedonk 🙌🏼🙌🏼
somedonk Agree with you!!they've they one colour!!
Preach! VIXX has some serious artistic integrity.
Not only great music, but amazing videos to go with the music!!! I'm from the US and I have loved VIXX almost from the beginning! I, too, believe they deserve much more recognition than what they got!!!
This is my first comeback as a new Starlight (I found them in October of 2017) and I'm really excited!!! My bias is Jaehwan :") please take care of me, older Starlights!!! VIXX FIGHTING!!!
turtle grandpa min yoongi my bias is jaehwan too ♥
welcome new starlight!! we will take good care of you
turtle grandpa min yoongi welcome. I find that starlights are all really nice and supportive
Yoon Jeonghan Omg I'm also a Carat!!! My bias is Minghao and Josh XD
Anna Chapman Thank you so much ❤ this fandom is amazing and kind and I'm so happy to be a part of an amazing family ❤
I love how vixx always does their own thing, they don't follow kpop trends they just make damn good music
jel Zoozero even though their success do not seem fair to how good they are, one thing is certain. Because they do their own thing they made their OWN NAME out there. Even people that don’t necessarily stand them know that vixx puts unique quality music out there.
They make trends😂💕
Soo true! Their new album is amazing. On the one hand, I want everyone to pay more attention to VIXX because they deserve it but on the other hand, I want them only for real Starlights 😅
VIXX concept is way ahead of their time. It's kinda sad how people don't give attention to them in their earlier years and some even find their concepts weird or absurd but nowadays there are other groups who have similar concepts as VIXX but they were easily recognized and deemed unique. I really wish that we get a VIXX comeback soon cos I miss them so much. Starlights fighting~~
Forget Chained Up, Hongbin singing the chorus is everyone's kink now.
Rhiannon Edwards agree
Rhiannon Edwards most of the songs in this album hongbin got so many lines and he rap also woaaaah.
Totaly agree
This year is a blessing after all. We are blessed by more lines from HongBin, Pastel Hair Colors from HongBin, a drama, Hongbin being weirdly active (can you believe) on SNS and much much more
@@thitUOOOOzin hongbin interaction with us on sns is fun to watch😂
They totally killed the girl in this song lyrics.
: o
I guess he killed her to have her scent forever just for him.
They are actually playing psycopath, in this beautiful concept. haha
Was it like Perfume: the story of murder movie?
That would explain Hongbin's creepy stare at 2:40 lol
K- BRASIL reminds me of the Perfume Movie
Varien Created This Idea!
damn I must have been real good in my past life to deserve living in the same era as vixx. i'm in tears. what a time to be alive everyone. congrats, starlights, our kings are back to slaying our lives :')
nasteeah Yup 😂
People talked about the lyric and video, but what about the choreo? it's full of flowy movement that symbolizes scent and a lot of sniffing movement that references Grenouille is highly dependent of his nose.The self touching movement at 1:02 and 1:53 references the ending where Grenouille drenches himself of the virgin perfume.The pointing at 1:34 references when Grenouille set his nose on which virgin to kill, pointing to the targets.It's just so Hakyeon to make choreo that tells story in pantomim- like way. He already done this before with the Fate dance cover where sometimes he's graceful, referencing the performer, and sometimes majestic, referencing the king. N stans, m we stan a king .
Yesssss...My binnie deserves thisssss!!
I'm everywhere you go it's true that you're everywhere I go, i see you everywhere
finally he has lines yeeeeeeey
Too bad it was the last time 😪
VIXX don't follow trends, because VIXX is the trend 😉 😏
Keith Ngo ye that is true♡
True they are the best at thier own way.
To new kpop fans :
this is one of those legendary groups that you missed back in your boring life before knowing kpop
Minho's lost soulmate
we have to reach a 1M in 24h
Truest statement of my life..them and life was so empty!! I'm not that new to kpop just not 6 or 9 years into it!!
Nicely said! 🤣🤣🤣
Minho's lost soulmate I totally Agree
VIXX are such kings. It's very sad no one really knows much about them. 😫
저주인형에서 입덕해서 도원경~향 사이에 휴덕했다가 다시 돌아와서 도는중인데 진짜 아 미칠 것 같다. 진짜 진짜 와 진짜... 너무 보고싶고 좋아했었고 좋아하고 좋아할거고 멋졌고 멋지고 멋질거야. 돌고돌아 다시 빅스로 돌아오는구나 하... 향 정택운은 진심 레전드다. 핀트나간 조향사느낌 집착광공 그냥 그대로 갤탭에 이마박고 들어가고 싶어짐ㅜㅜ~
thought so too oml i love this look so much *_*
im dead because look him
Starlight Pop finally got u whose like me
Couldn't take my eyes off Leo
Yup when you are Leo stan and he kills you with visuals
The MV is based off a book called "perfume"
Grenouille is born to a fishwife mother in Paris in the early eighteenth century. He is delivered behind his mother's fish stall and is immediately abandoned to die. The baby, who strangely has no scent, cries out and is saved by onlookers. His mother is executed for this attempt and for her previously successful infanticides, leaving Grenouille, a bastard, alone in the world. He is brought up in a sort of home orphanage, tended together with several other orphans by an emotionally damaged woman named Madame Gaillard. At the age of eight he is given in apprenticeship to a tanner, Grimal, where he is almost worked to death. After having survived anthrax, and thus becoming more useful in a tannery, he is treated marginally better and is given some slight freedom. Grenouille roams the city of Paris, searching for new scents, because he has the most gifted nose in the world.
On one of his olfactory jaunts around the city, Grenouille finds the most delicious scent he has ever encountered, that of a adolescent girl. He finds her scent from a long distance, and he follows it until he is very near her in the dark. She senses him, and as she turns around to see him he strangles her. He then takes the opportunity to smell her scent to his heart's content. It is the happiest he has ever been. He leaves the body and feels no remorse.
One night he delivers some goatskins to Baldini the perfumer. He begs the old man to let him work for him, after showing the master that he has a wonderful nose and a great memory for mixing perfumes. Baldini is so impressed with the scent that Grenouille creates that he buys his apprenticeship from Grimal. While working for Baldini, Grenouille makes the best scents Paris has ever smelled, and Baldini becomes very rich. Grenouille falls ill again, but he survives once Baldini tells him there are other ways to distill and preserve scents to be learned in the south of France. This news revives Grenouille, and he lives. Eventually he leaves Baldini to go learn distillation methods in Grasse.
On the way to Grasse, Grenouille makes a detour for seven years to a mountain cave, where he ponders the scents he has known in his life thus far. Descending from the mountain looking like a wild man, he is rehabilitated by a slightly mad pseudo-scientist nobleman who believes that he is a prime example of a vicitm of fluidum letale. After a farce of a scientific "proof" is enacted, Grenouille slips away and goes to Grasse.
There he works in a small perfumery, learning different methods of distillation, but especially cold enfleurage. He now begins to distill scents other than flowers, such as inanimate objects. He moves onto animals, finally realizing that he must kill them in order to get their scent properly. Now he has a goal; he has found a scent to match the girl he killed in Paris, another red-head here in Grasse named Laure Richis. He devises a plan to create a scent of her essence, but he needs other scents to buoy up and extend her scent, to make it truly wonderful.
Grenouille thus proceeds to kill twenty-four teenage girls in the region of Grasse, and he distills their scent by cold enfleurage. Finally he murders and obtains the scent of his prize, the best-smelling girl, Laure. He is caught for his crimes but, by using the master scent he has created, he is believed innocent by all and released. Feeling depressed and suicidal because there are no greater scents to be discovered or distilled, Grenouille goes to Paris to die. He douses himself with the master scent and is then devoured by a mob.
Leen Jad great
Leen Jad from where did u find that story...
Vishi Sharma Google? Hehe
That makes this the second song I've heard referencing this story
Leen Jad oh right!😂😂😂
Well, I'm just a lazy fan so...😅
Thnx for sharing this story on RUclips💖💖💖💖
i miss them so much :(
no one will ever reach the level Vixx did in their prime, even if their numbers say otherwise
so who are here before 1million on this catchy song ??
put your hands in the air 🙌🙌 starlight let's do it BABYz here to support our kingz ❤
ME! I'm doing my best effort to reach this video to 1M before this day ends!
WE CAN DO THISSSSSS!!!!!!! 200,000 isn't too much!!!! We can do this for our boys!!! This comeback is so good!!!!
Luminous Glory
yepp we can do anything for our kingz ❤
The song is so good but can we talk about their hairstyles? Each one fits each member perfectly. Visual on point and a standing ovation for VIXX's beautician :)
*clap* *clap* *clap*
Yes! I noticed that too, i was a little mad about Ken in teasers but in mv i see that he really rock this style, and literally every one of them look perfect, like i have nothing to complain about!
Agreed. For this cb, Huyk was the one who impressed me most because he got his own charisma :))) he changed a lot....well, Vixx's maknae has grown up
Thủy Nguyễn That is what I thought when I first see this MV
*For those who are new and still don't know the members* :
1) the hot one leaning against the wall is Han Sanghyuk (stage name: Hyuk) maknae/youngest 23 years old. He's cute and adorable BUT DON'TLET HIM FOOL YOU HE'SSECRETLYSATAN.. got left at the gas station by the older members once but overall sweet kind and loving and really cares about the other members you'll love him.. boy also does english covers
2) the cute little kid is Juhoon Kim he's not a member obviously. He's a 10 year old child model go follow his Instagram @juhoon_kim he's so cutee
3) the hot one that had the red background and is blessing your ears with his angelic voice is Lee Jaehwan(Ken) part of the hyung/elder line he's 26 he loves doing cute acts basically the cutest man alive and is loved by too many people especially Ravi.. He's your typical neighbourhood fool and can always make you laugh on sad days love the man.. his position is (cutie)main vocal.. also the man ate cereal in his closet once. A man truly worth stanning but be aware of his split personality and bad temper
4) the hot one playing the piano is Jung Taekwoon(Leo) he's the second oldest also part of the hyung line age 28 he used to be always done with everything but now he's more open and... crazy(???) He likes coffee and is our hamster and the group's dad(??? With Hakyeon omma/mom) he's also a grandpa pray for his back.. He's also main vocal with Jaehwan
5) after Taekwoon's scene is Hakyeon(stage name N) he's the oldest member and leader also lowkey the mom of the group he's also 28 he's also very hot and dangerous watch out for his leg and booty attack. HE'SALSO THE DEFINITIONOF FLAWLESSAND PERFECTION LIKE ??????? He's an ANGEL sent from HEAVEN
6) After Hakyeon is mister visuals Lee Hongbin(no stage name just Hongbin) he's 25 and was given the title visuals he's basically typical flower boy that's always cringing over everything.. He's also a gamer and the members once said that he's a perfectionist so yeah.. also HIS VOICE IS DEEPER THAN MY EMPTY WALLET.. appreciate his dimple smile
7)Lastly is our Mr. Rapper Kim Wonshik (Ravi(French not Indian)) also 25 but older than Hongbin there's not much I can say about him besides that he's king🔥 also he looks fierce but is actually one of the biggest softies to have ever existed love the man also he has a thing for Ken please take note there will be a lot of touching amongst those two.. he also once wore an ugly hat on error and it's funny until today.. also be aware THAT HE WILL cry on stage must protect.. also the group's songs lyricist & sometimes composer and made a solo debut check out Nirvana/Rebirth/Bomb/DamnRa.. also has appeared shirtless in Fantasy until today we don't know why but ok Ravi ok.. used to have cute raps in 2012... also be aware that when they talk about Ravi having a nice butt or touching his butt they are probably referring to *his dog* named butt (real name BadA$$)
I hope there are more starlights now than before to new starlights welcome to the family let's shine bright together 🌟
Sarah Rizal so laughing while reading this..hahaha very well said cute😍
I'm grinning like crazy over this ❤
Love this
I feel like old even when I'm only 16. I laughed and cringing about this 😂😂 especially in N's be careful to his legs and booty (why's this true?)
Don't forget ken has split personality, ahjumma ken and a little girl inside him 😂
Just reacted to this banger! And this starlight was not disappointed! From the outstanding aesthetics, the vocals all the way LEO LOOKING LIKE HIS FROM FINAL FANTASY WITH THAT SILVER HAIR! The chore was straight fire! Can't wait for them to release more stuff!
we have to reach a 1M in 24h 💪 👍 We can
Mei wo that’s definitely possible!
Me too but you know Hakyeon and Taekwoon have to enlist next year :c
Y G are they nominated in music bank yet?
Marzy Art I'm not sure. This is the update that I got so far
You can vote on an app called Idol Champ
Can you give me a link to vote?
빅스 향아이돌챔프-idol-champ/com.nwz.ichampclient
Leo 😍
luhan's nipples hi again! 😂😂😂😂
I see you everywhere
How's your schedule
dude the feeling VIXX songs give me should be illegal.
Always so fascinated by them. I hope they get wins
luhan's nipples I see you every where 😂😂😂
Same I hope they get wins
Why am I not surprised to see you here xD
I’m not even suprised to see you anymore.
First reaction: HOLY SHIT
Second reaction: Is Hyuk even old enough to drive ??!!!!
chloe lim yes that little punk has grown up, finished college and all... I am not even done yet!! My baby hyukkie is now finally a man(didn't he already told me that with his pelvic and crotch grabs in blackout???) Yes he is old enough to drive
Well, the kid is definitely not old enough to hold that gun, that's for sure
Yes ,he’s old enough to drive the problem is if he knows how to drive. remember in closer MV he definitely crushed the Car against the wall there hahaha
Honestly one of their best eras ever NO LIE
Every VIXX ' s era is the best era
Here’s Johnny this is the first VIXX song I heard actually
If only their promotions had been longer. They did for a week and dipped 😂
@@imsoslay06 me too and it turned me into starlights
@@CK_Drama. shangri la is what got me and then fantasy confirmed it
남은 정이 있다면
남은 빅스
남은 별빛들 위해서라도
잘 살아 주길...
Everyone are so handsome but Leo is killing me this time TT
he kills me every time! >
I just can't get over Leo 😍
luhan's nipples aren't we all 😂
Ikr he's beautifull
luhan's nipples Lucas
i just cant get over your name
I fking found u in literally every kpop related videos lmao
*This is the best K-pop music video I have seen in my life* , this coming from an old multifandom fan. This is it. VIXX topped all my charts
Concept kings
Ahhhh welcome to the fandom ♥️
Ottokaji ME TOO IM SCREAMING TOO. *I cried in school*
I come here bcuz of how heartbroken i am over the news that Hongbin left Vixx. Don't touch me I'm devastated.
@@osakarose5612 I'm sorry that i noticed your reply a month later but i can relate with you :'( He's not my bias but as a Starlight, i need him too.
My beautiful Starlights, I'm really happy to spend another comeback with all of you. Remember to enjoy this new album as much as you can and let's celebrate together! Love you. STARLIGHTxVIXX FOREVER.
Aww hugs to you💖
Yes! Let's have a good time appreciating the boys
Camila Starlight and Vixx forever ❤
Camila hug hug hug hug
Fact: Vixx never disappoints
Yes!! as certain as death, VIXX will never ever disappoint us
Just wanna give a shout out to Starlights. You're the best fandom I've ever seen and I'm so glad to be a part of it! Thanks for streaming! Now we need a win ^^
Please vote idol champ for Vixx.
Vixx's song almost get out on melon.
We should save melon.
Rhiannon Edwards
That vlive was the most loving project i have ever seen. I love my awesome starlights💖💖💖
Rhiannon Edwards awww I'm happy to be part of this fandom
I agree they need to win for this
주기적으로 빅스 노래 찾아들음... 아직도 세련됨 퀄리티 미쳤음
Leo's visuals are no joke
Husky ARMY he used to be quite ugly
Right!!!! So handsome 😍
Husky ARMY Right ... he's handsome & Cute too ❤💋😚
Omfg yas I had to repeat his parts...Kckdkv
IIiel Falsis I don't think I ever found him ugly. I've always thought he was super adorable along with the rest of the group. Ravi and Leo are both my top favorites, but they are all very handsome and growing up nicely ^^
N literally SNAPPED in this comeback and I couldn't be happier
ahhh WAE which one is N? I'm assuming the dark brown curly hair who sings second?
Yahya Tariq 0:21 is hakyeon aka N :)
ahhh WAE yup i was right thanks
That's what I said lol he literally kills this Comeback. This comeback is N's and I am completely fine with that 😂😂
ahhh WAE fhsjshxhs AHHHHHH WAEEE
So cool! The child actor did really well too and the transitions between the child and vixx in the same poses damn whoever edited this did great too! Thank you 🖤 Vixx was amazing as always (also the stylists are hero's, Leo's hair will leave me looking for mine for weeks)
빅스 보고싶어 현기증 난다.
1~2년으로 끝날 기다림이 아니라
레오 말대로 자기자리에서 잘 지내려고
하는데 한번씩 막 찾아헤매는 이 기분
나 아직 빅스 많이 기다린다는 반증이라
나쁘지 않은거지!!
I keep thinking that this is Leo's BEST look in every comeback of them 😂😂😂
Maggie Chen black hair(error, vodoo doll) is good om him too
LEO IS RAPPING, I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL! LEO IS RAPPING!!! When I thought there isn't something else for them to surprise us with, THE MAIN VOCAL STARTED SPITTING FIRE! OH. MY. GOD! VIXX, thank you for saving the year
Alina Suteu Now we need Ravi to sing in one of their tittle song 😂
Not the first and hopefully nto the last time :3
陈珊宁 Are you trying to kill me
"VIXX don't do concepts. THEY ARE THE CONCEPT"
It's November 2019 and still listening to this. Oh how I miss them so much :(
Zennina Parinas I am new to this group why do you miss them
@@theuntamedismylife4479 so actually N he showed in 0:21 _ 0:24 / 0:40_0:45/1:25_1:31/1:44_1:50/1:56/2:23-2:28 is in military right now and we're waiting for him to comeback
@@theuntamedismylife4479 and i think ravi 1:06_1:15/2:10_2:22/2:34 he will focus on his solo career so i don't if he's gonna stay with the group or leave and leo too 0:15_0:20/1:00_1:05/1:37_1:43/1:57_2:03/2:51_2:54 the same thing I'm not sure i hope not , i hope that helped you
@@theuntamedismylife4479 Military break, yay.
Although I wouldn't worry about Ravi too much. He didn't sign up again with Jellyfish but he already took part in group activities after that so their agreement seems to be working.
I'm still here came back every once in a while
After everything that happened throughout the years, I cannot help but feel extremely nostalgic, even sad. VIXX is forever in my heart, and I will forever be a ST☆RLIGHT.
I know the future holds something amazing for you all. Thank you for all the great memories and beautiful music.
Do NOT sleep on this comeback they worked so hard for it
ahhh WAE
I see you everywhere 😂😂😂😂
ahhh WAE how do you manage to be one of the top comments on every single video?
Yes mom HAHAHA
I saw u 10 times
I am streaming in my smartphone while I am watching with my computer. and I use my foot to use the computer😂😂😂😂😂
holy god, 3 mins and 11 seconds me being straight shook. congrats ya'll issa bop
Yeah, I just played it and my hands automatically went to my mouth...I was like...OMG!
Honestly for me this is the best fandom along with Shawols and Monbebes. Sometimes I read people comenting"Why is VIXX so underated" and no... VIXX has a solid and respectful fanbase and I love it for that (they're known for their airport video). Could it be bigger? Yes! But I would never change respect for popularity. 💕
Ookamitsu well said 👍🏻
A g r e e d
Whats with this overlap of Shawols, starlights and monbebes??? what do these guys have in common besides talent and good looks.
@@epifanny A peaceful fandom.
조향사라니 정말 컨셉에 진심이다 정말 ㅠㅠㅠ
하..앨범에 시향지라니 충격적이야 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
향수 굿즈 또한 너무나 내 사랑…
You can't even tell who the maknae is here they all look so GROWN UP
Plis we can
Rhiannon Edwards I mean of course us Starlights can but new people wouldn’t be able to.
Who da maknae???????? Is it the black haired guy?
LOL dunno whether you're serious or not.
But the blackhaired (longer hair) guy is Hakyeon... leader... and oldest of VIXX
the blackhaired (short hair) guy is Ken, main vocalist and 3rd when ranking in age :)
The maknae is the tallest - the brunette.
Vixx is literally so attractive my standards are way too high and I’ll never get married
Story of my life ㅠㅠ
Way too relatable
Me before: I will stay loyal to Leo and hope the others don’t wreck my bias list
Me now: how did Leo become both my bias and my bias wrecker-
Suga Kookie perfectly said! i'm exactly the saaame i can't stand this anymoooore ♥♥♥♥
Same hereee
Same here 😅😅
Haha same Leo bias squad 😂👌🏻
here again after 5 years of this song released. I miss full-team-VIXX sooo much 🥲
I’m glad their song doesn’t sound like every other Kpop song out there at the moment. Lately they all be sounding the same, but finally a group who stays to their true colours~
Valeria Salazar ikr Only hiphop trap songs or electronic drops
Yes I agree with you .. vixx awesome 👍
Ruah Rafat I love all of them! But VIXX is my favourite 💕
VIXX is one of these groups that KPOP need. They always do BOP and never disapoint fans. Everyone should stan them. one of the best groups
Why no one is praising our sweet N? HE IS AMAZING 😍
꽃 don't worry! That's my love and the man of my life. Who rules me with his sensual hips, deadly expressions, sweet voice and angelic personality? Cha hakyeon does.
꽃 his voice is just so 😩😏
The moment there's some ,touching between members" involved, I suspect it's N's choreography :D
I wanna know if he was involved in making of this one😉
꽃 nothing to say... when it comes to dance it's not easy to beat him... and his voice.. it's really sweet... in this mv he kills us with his expressions and moves... 💜💕...
He has killed us with his sexiness our sweet sassy leader
I forgot about this song until I saw it in my old playlist. can’t believe this masterpiece only has 12m views
Leo looks amazing with that hair. Consider my bias list wrecked
MochiHoshi well when he is your bias you can’t be bias wrecked by him 😂
Stephanie Broakling lol you right, you right
I never knew I needed a Leo with silver/white colored hair until I seen him in this mv!!😄
as the korean put it, hes 2d sexy, looks like an anime char
8 hours~~
- Shooting Starlight - WE DID IT SIS
- Shooting Starlight - it happen!! Congratulations 😃
Vixx always change the game and that's what I love about them. Their concepts are so interesting and they pull it off effortlessly.
luhan's nipples I really love how they don't follow trends and just stay true to themselfs😍 It makes for better music imo!!
their Main Vocals too
Ken suddenly turned into a Main Dancer for a while and Leo here being a Lead Rapper XD
you’re everywhere and I love it
There's a reason why they are called concept kings
luhan's nipples y r u everywhere???
정신이 어질 하네... 시선을 끌고 당기고 놔주질 않네... 색감도 화려하고 멤버들 음색도 몽환적이라 진짜 현기증을 일으키는... 미쳤어... 왜 내 취향이 몇 년 전인거야ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 컴백 해줘... 제발...
what is that??
*check her calender*
changbin's grrr lmao I didn't even go to sleep. It dropped at 2 am for me :')
Haha Yup 💕😂
Wow. Their music ages like fine wine. I mean it's very rare that I stick with artists once they go mainstream and have a couple of hits. I'm older now and dont listen to kpop as often but Vixx keep pulling me back lol I mean their passion is certainly in their music. Congratulations VIXX! Keep up the amazing work and thank you for never letting go of that passion and selling short for a few dollars #starlight4life
it's amazing how they become better and better as you said like fine wine
Yes, it's so true!! They get more and more refined and sexy!!! Will also be a fan for life!!!!
V. Carlson Why do you leave artists when they get mainstream??
Tasmin Loganberry it's not that I leave the artist once they go mainstream. I like mainstream (sometimes) but most times once an artist goes mainstream they lose themselves and just worry about the money. Dont get me wrong, I know it's a business but staying true to yourself is harder when it being yourself is harder to sell. I salute to the artists they stay true to themselves.
Oh my... I get you. I did not totally stop listening to kpop,but by 2018 I got really busy and somewhat forgot all about what I like about kpop. But now, its 2021 and I'm still listening to this and it just sounded better when I first heard it.
leo's hair tho omggggg
Mia_Z Yep
Mia_Z Leo’s hair is so unessesarily beautiful
His hair is always perfect
비주얼 아트다 아트... . . ....