The woman helped draft the border bill to solve those problems, but then, when Trump said "No, we don't want to fix the problems at the border," she voted against her own bill. You seriously can't make this stuff up. No wonder the GOP is in such disarray.
@@klaussterken559 famous for making the worst response speech ever--such a good actor, right? Trump lost a lot of votes last night, after watching a real leader, and then he lost more when people watched that embarrassment.
I really doubted you - I thought you'd made that up - so I had to rewind. 😂 'Ridgeway' , an Anglo-Saxon term for a track that runs along the high ridges of hills. Could have been worse, might have been "my son Pathway"
Let’s hope she’s better at “other”things. I have never seen someone lie that much, and act so badly! When she asked if we are better now, I yelled hell yes!!
Sex trafficking is horrific, and yet she has the audacity to support a man who brags about sexually assaulting women? And, how many tables are empty from lack of gun control? This is so gross.
The kicker is that the woman from the story has spoken out, and said that she was raped repeatedly by the cartels in Mexico in 2007, before Biden was even VICE PRESIDENT let alone president. Britt just co-opted this brave survivor’s story for her own agenda.
She even made up the story about the woman she 'spoke to'. She took a true 10 year old story, changed it to being Mexican drug cartels and many other parts of of the story. The woman even had to release a fact check press release to set the record right. Oh and @JLa7257, Chicago gun violence has been going down every year since Biden took office and is lower than the first 2 years of the trump administration. While Chicago is going down, Dallas TX has been going up every year since the open carry law was passed. It's now 50% higher than before the open carry law was passed and shows no sign of leveling off let alone going down. If this trend continues, Texas will be more dangerous than Chicago in less than 10 years. All this while they pass laws to make it easier to get guns.
Her state allows child marriage, and they are in the top 10 of states that allow the most child marriages which is very often a very young girl to a much older man. Many times it happens bc of SA and parents try to cover up the result with marriage. Between 78%-95% of the children are young girls. Don’t see this lady crying about her own constituents. EDIT: There is a comment below this claiming that I am wrong. I am right. In fact, there are multiple reliable sources to back what I’ve said here. Question is, why is this person trying to cause doubt in this statistic?🤢
So because you’re worried about that older man you talked to at the gas station, you’ll advocate for affordable drugs, expanding Medicare, and keeping social security, right???
@@alphabeyta I have heard responses to the SOTU that actually addressed certain policy decisions and not just rhetoric. Over all, it was how dramatic it was that made me dislike it, and I am a strong supporter of Trump. However, if the goal of the response was to make the GOP seem stronger and more vote deserving than the dems, this speech utterly failed.
@@jessegarnertheopinionated544can you explain any redeeming qualities for the gop right now? Genuinely curious. I used to be pretty moderate, and am still pretty centrist voting wise, but what do you see in the party anymore?
@@yupp9393 Honestly, the party is just as much a joke as the democrat party. Due to my own philosophical ideologies, I align with the right. I would say that Biden made a lot of stupid choices during this term. I know Covid is thrown out there a lot, and I am not saying Trump handled it very well, but it seemed like Biden did not have much of a plan either. For me, the economy was better under Trump, and Biden did make multiple poor decisions right out of the gate regarding issues in the east. I will vote for Trump because I am more ideologically aligned with him, but make no mistake, both parties' rhetoric is getting old. So, to answer your question, I do not see much. I would gladly discuss some of these issues, and please, let me know your thoughts. I cannot speak for other people, but I promise I will be civil. I just want to discuss some of the issues and learn more about them. Edit: I really do love talking about these issues. Almost nothing makes me angrier than watching right wing new media as they interview people who are clearly not very intelligent and make it seem like all democratic voters are that ignorant. Left leaning news outlets and talk shows do the same thing to Trump voters, and it is so annoying. You know they set out to find the dumbest people they can. No wonder so many people hate the other side. The only ones they have exposure to are the goofballs and the maniacs of each party.
It's because she's smiling like a lunatic while saying, "this kitchen is where my family makes hard decisions.' It's like telling you I have cancer and then bursting out into laughter. It just doesn't make sense; her body language and speech are in conflict with each other.
Fact Check first……Thank you R Hubbell, “A centerpiece of Britt’s speech was her (alleged) encounter with a woman at the border who was (allegedly) sex-trafficked by drug smugglers at the US border. Britt blamed Biden for allowing the victim to be sex-trafficked at the border. Although the woman was indeed sex trafficked when she was 12 years old, that crime happened in Mexico (not at the border) between 2006 and 2008-when George W. Bush was president. Moreover, Britt never met the victim at the border, as claimed; instead, Britt repeated the testimony the victim gave to Congress.“
*Thank you.* Lies upon lies - no wonder she has no idea which emotion to channel... What an absolutely morally (and financially) corrupt party they are! All said so "innocently", complete with that Southern "blessing" and a silver cross over her heart.
When she began to share the sad story of the woman who allegedly got sex-trafficked and raped (probably in Mexico) and began to praise America, I naively thought she was about to acknowledge the shere despair of people like her who see no other possibility but run, but nope 😵💫
Horribly bad acting. She sounds as if she was trying to sell some kind of pill for the elderly. "Did you ever wonder why just so many meals have been giving you indigestion recently? That's what we have XYZ for." Also, she has this creepy mix of pretending to constantly be on the verge of tears and this huge hidden aggression coming through. Plus the complete absence of any substance in what she is saying, apart from lies which have already been repeated ad nauseam. And, of course, the problems at the Southern border which Biden and a bipartisan group wanted to fix, but the orange Jesus wanted it to remain broken. So sickening. Who on earth believes this kind of B. S.?
Wait a minute 🚩🚩🚩 She's mad because one girl died. Where's the outrage when kids die in their own schools? What is being done about those??? Those parents didn't get to see their kids reach 22 years old. But when it comes to mass shootings, there's nothing that can be done because "bad people are gonna get guns no matter what". Come off it, lady. Enough with the fear mongering. Also, take some acting classes. This is not how human emotions work.
What’s strange is this is who they decided to go with. Usually they like stronger talking points with a small set of facts in their pockets. This felt like a joke.
This is how she is, it isn’t some “performance” or act, go watch all her senate hearing and everything. Thats the only reason this is famous is because people assume she’s putting on a performance then mock her relentlessly but it’s just her genuine personality.
@@flubzee Better mental health awareness and treatment, better funded and managed school systems. Two things conservatives dont want to put money into.
@@flubzee amend : make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date. amendments: something that can never be changed or updated or improved upon. let me have my guns. screeeeeeeeee - republicans
Eh mate don’t feel to high and mighty. As an American, european politics is like the office UK. Yeah we’ve heard it about it, but ours is more bigger and more entertaining
Britt (JD and US Senator), Husband Wesley (lobbyist and former pro football player), hurting and sitting around the table at night worrying about the future of Bennet and Ridgeway. Yep, a typical American family … NOT.
Seriously. I can’t imagine Trump *ever* having pushed a cart around a grocery store. But I can totally see uncle Joe in the ice cream aisle loading up a cart with quarts of chocolate mint chip, flashing his pearly whites and giving you a wink and some finger guns.
Two people have said this, but I haven't been able to confirm she "co-wrote" the bill ... only that she helped negotiate for a bipartisan deal, then voted against it.
@@lethargogpeterson4083 Yes there is. He did a press release with other members of the republican party talking about their meetings before approving the bill. Also may be the fact that you know she did not dispute it is telling.
Would like to hear what any Republican has done or presented doing for solving these problems. All I ever hear is complaining as they vote no on every Democrat solution.
Wow from all the comments I'm reading keep voting for the left that is destroying America and when you all finally wake up from your blindness of the left and we are only a couple of years from a communist country then just maybe you will understand the right fighting for freedom why do you think Trump is way ahead of Biden right now in winning 2024 !!!
But these problems did not exist three years ago, The Blue states being run by Democrats are having the problems right now, because of the reversal of the Immigrations Laws. The solution is so simple, and that is for the Democrats to just reverse the laws that was enforced three years ago.
As a resident of Alabama, I had to force myself to watch it. It was so disgusting that I had to break up the 17 minute video, especially due to the onslaught of lies! Was she trying to see how many lies she could fit into a minute? I'm so embarrassed that Alabama has to claim her!
This is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. She comes across as sweet and churchy at first- then goes dark real quick. Hype up the fear. But there is NO POLICY. It is senseless.
She can't be serious about sexual assault because her entire 'woman raped daily' story was false. The story about the woman was / is in Mexico. The story was from the mid 2000sish.. Biden wasn't even in office. If a woman would lie about sexual assault, you can NEVER trust her on any topic.
It's the acting, it just didn't work. The problem is that it's basically the GOP's attempt of saying "Yes, we feel you women, we understand you!" But Britt clearly doesn't feel any of the emotions she is trying to evoke. Instead our brain tells us it is uncanny, fake, and unsafe. It's triggering the part of your brain that says "Yeah she a psycho, run!"
Manic depression meets dystopian propaganda in this creepy breather delivery. Jesus, I was waiting for her to wheeze out “It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!”
She comes across like a really bad teen actress in a high school drama club who still doesn’t know how to deliver lines in a believable manner. The obvious phoniness and forced drama is painfully cringeworthy.
@@jakeplumber1373 they're too moderate, and although It's hard to think a republican admin would do any better, biden's handling of the Israel palestine conflict has been atrocious.
Looking at HB815, I can't find her name anywhere. Not in any of the sponsors list nor in the amendments list. Where is that it shows her involvement with the bill?
All I could find was a hearsay article stating K. Britt "was among the Republican senators who helped negotiate a bipartisan border security deal, but then ultimately voted against it" after the former guy gave his directive. I always check statements made by EITHER party, so would need your source to accept your statement as fact.
“As the daughter of two small business owners” for all we know her parents were millionaires and she’s never taken out a cent of debt. Would make sense that she’s an entitled Karen
This woman….her voice shakes with “emotion” as she keeps smiling. She is ridiculously dramatic. My skin is crawling. I don’t think she did the repubs any good
@@night6724by the reactions I see across both sides, it appears to be you who doesn't know what normal is. This was rough dude. Biden said in his speech that GOP was trying to take us back to the past and restrict women. The response? A pretend upset woman in a kitchen. Whoever approved this should be fired.
Well, when Alabama homes were no longer permitted to have slave quarters, the trend was to really expand the kitchen. Having the extra and open space is symbolic, architecturally, of a void, like the void created in your life when you no longer have slaves to abuse.
Senator from Alabama. I live in Alabama. If she wasn't a Trump cultist she would make sense. When Trump is back in office and Putin gives the orders, her children will be learning Russian with everyone else.
Hey Katie Britt, thank you so much for your audition for Days of our Lives. We appreciate the initiative you took to put this performance together, and you obviously took the time to practice. However, at this time, we will be going in a different direction. A few notes - try to relax and look a little more natural, the emotion seems a bit forced. Although we are a soap opera, we prefer some nuance to our actors' performances. When every moment is high drama, it loses its punch. You may also want to consider a different green screen background. A woman in the kitchen is a bit cliche and we're looking for diversity and range. Also, we suggest keeping your audition tape to less than 5 minutes, and focus on more than one subject. We wish we had better news for you, but at this time you're just not a good fit. Next year we may consider a retro show based in the 1950s, so we'll hold on to your tape and reconsider at that time. Good luck.
This is nothing short of brilliant. While I didn't vote for her, she's unfortunately still my Senator. She got the job through connections. She and her husband are worth over $5 million, so don't let her quaint, Southern "charm" fool you! Actually, the acting was so terrible that I believe few people were fooled!
what issues did she mention aside from we should all be scared as illegals are attacking us and confusing us about Alabama's stance on IVF. What else did she talk about? @@eaglerider1826
@@eaglerider1826 "President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable. And it’s almost entirely preventable." Sen. Katie Britt, R-Ala., on March 7, 2024: THE SAME PERSON WHO HELPED WRITE THE VERY BILL THEY WANTED & THAN VOTED DOWN!
The rapid shuffling between emotions is so unnerving. What kind of person can speak of something as horrific as gang-rape and murder, with such seemingly haunted emotions, and then transition to the next topic and the next faux outrage so casually? This was some real Stepford Wives / Handmaid's Tale nonsense. Curiously, assuming her story about the "woman" who was gang-raped after being trafficked by a cartel is true, since she noted that occurred when the woman was 12, these people have no regard for the American public being able to do simple math. Certainly that couldn't have occurred while Joe Biden was President. Hell, it possibly happened while Donald Trump was President. Without knowing the woman's current age, it's impossible to say for sure. It could have happened during the Obama administration (while Biden was VP), G.W. Bush admin, Clinton admin, etc. If it demonstrates anything at all, it's that this problem precedes the time since Biden has been President. What's different is that in this current term, we've seen the first bi-partisan effort to actually take meaningful action to help the situation at the border in a very long time (2 decades or so, which would obviously encompass Trump's presidency as well). It was a bi-partisan bill that she happened to help architect as a coalition of Senators. Then she voted against her own measures when Trump asked her and her colleagues to kill them for political reasons. So, spare me the choreographed distress about the border. You had a chance to do something about it, literally put your own fingerprints on the potential solution, and then walked away from it when your cult leader asked you to.
@@Maggie-zr2ow I just saw a TikTok by a user named katzonearth, who researched the story of the rape victim. Long story short, it happened between 2004-2008, and not even in the US or close to the border. It occured in Mexico, in the cities of Guadalajara and Mexico City. So Katie Britt suggesting that this victim's experience has anything to do with Joe Biden or safety in the US is all bullshit. It's really despicable for her to exploit someone else's tragedy in such a dishonest way. I hope this gets a ton of exposure.
I'm sorry, I dont understand. She cited inflation, which is under 3%. The economy has added more jobs and the stock market is at a record high. She complains about the boarder, yet the hard right of her party killed a bipartisan bill. She talks about choosing between buying medications and food- yet her party has tried to take helath insurance away from 22 million Americans. It just doesn't track. Also, that sexual assault story she told happened during the George W Bush administration. I'm just dumbfounded- does her base not do research into basic economic indicators, or fact check what she says. And yes, I'm WAY better off than 3 years ago. Our economy was in recession and friends were dying or hospitalized from COVID, because her party refused to follow CDC guidence. Who actually buys this?
Take the responsibility? So why don't the Republicans go ahead and pass the border bill that she and Lankford worked on? The ball is in your court 6:33
Their leader said no, so it is no as they follow their leader, it’s not about doing the right thing for the country. Fascism is the cult of the leader.
@@Larry-gn1xjThey're talking about the bipartisan bill about the border. You can look that up to see what was in it by googling those words. Rather, it WAS a bipartisan bill, until Trump made the Republicans say no to the bill they actually wrote. And like obedient followers, they did.
@@Larry-gn1xj Pt.3 for your lazy a***: **Division C** : **BORDER SECURITY** , and I quote: "Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to **resume** all activities related to constructing a **wall** along the U.S.-Mexico border that were underway or planned prior to January 20, 2021.... along at least 900 miles of that border, whereas currently DHS is required to have at least 700 miles of reinforced fencing along that border. [I.e., **200 miles more** than Trump!] ... to ensure the **expeditious** construction of the border barriers.... Authorizes retention **bonuses** for eligible frontline U.S. Border Patrol law enforcement agents.... **PROHIBITS** DHS from (1) processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals ( **aliens** under federal law) arriving in between ports of entry; (2) providing funds to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that facilitate or encourage unlawful activity; or (3) providing funds to NGOs that provide certain services, such as lodging or immigration legal services, to inadmissible non-U.S. nationals who enter the United States." [There are about 25 additional sections under Division C that bulk up security at the southern border. Read them yourself, you lazy so-and-so.]
>complain about the border >write a bill to tighten up border security >trump says to kill the bill >kill the bill >complain about the border Republicans y'all
@reeseb4005 You can edit/rewrite/negotiate a new bill rather than just tanking it and destroying it like babies every time you don't like something. (Both sides do this but one side is way more petty than the other...)
Of 23,000 homicides and nearly 500,000 sexual assaults and rape in the United States of America you can only account for 1 illegal immigrant... What are we going to do about those that are supposed to be here that are doing these crimes? To me that seems to be the real issue here 6:16
🤣 can you imagine his extra long tie getting caught in the grocery cart… and the wheel of the suburban… and the little trap door where the gas goes… yeah, neither can I
But THAT is why they are so upset - when it's out in the open, it simply looks dumb. Using one or two anecdotes about victims of crime and telling lies really does expose their lack of honesty and their lack of policies aimed at improving the lot of ordinary Americans. I think that is why they are upset. This really was the worst thing I have ever seen - and in the UK we have had some real stinkers, where middle-aged, posh politicians pretend to be "one of the people"
Because they realize how ridiculous she seems, which is what the rest of us see when we look at the GOP. Whether or not they are self-aware enough to realize they are no different with their policies and support is the real question.
Can we just not go there about responsibility for deaths in America, how quickly we forget the millions who passed on during covid, under who's watch? And who lied to our people?
If she cared about the border so much then why did she vote against her own border bill (that she, Katie, actually WORKED ON!!!!) on orders from DJ Trump?? A BIPARTISAN border bill urgently supported by border police I might add. You gotta ask yourself. Does she care more about the border? Or does she care more about making sure Trump has the "border crisis" to use as a campaign issue??
So sick of this democrat talking point . Read the bill 60% of it was for spending for other countries . The rest of it was for judges and border patrol agents to only speed up the process of allowing more people in . None of it was for border enforcement . Biden can sign one executive order and solve this . He could have done this three years ago .
sorry I don't remember this being such a big problem 4-8 years ago? it's almost like in 2021 the border suddenly got overwhelmed for some "unknown" reason.... might be time for you to continue to lite gas lanterns.
That border bill is a trick bill. It legalizes 5,000 illegals to cross daily. Ship them to Chicago? It also pays billions of dollars to hire judges to have hearings in a week after illegals arrive. How about NOT HAVE ASYLUM INSTEAD? SAVE US BILLIONS?
@@LuisVelazquezLV3 It got overwhelmed because on day one Biden suspended all of Trumps policies. Trumps remain in Mexico policy punished Mexico with 15% trade tariffs unless Mexico stopped the flow...which they did. Until Biden took office.
As Judges tell Juries... "If you find one thing Untrue, you may assume the rest to be untrue."-- She destroyed her credibility with a 20 year old story right out of the gate.
ah yes...everyone is a middle-aged housewife living in a million dollar home worrying about which private school to enroll their kids in. The average American.
I was thinking similar. When she talked about gathering around kitchen tables and implying what she is sitting in is what it looks like across America, I was thinking: it’s what rich White America looks like. Not my home
The Fiery Independent: Please tell me this woman isn't serious about what she's saying? As a Repulbican leaning independent (NON MAGA), I fail to see how this wins the hearts and minds of anyone.
@@janmiechan-ellis9992As a left-leaning woman, I agreed that some of the things she said are problems ARE, in fact, problems, but where she lost me was in who she blamed for the problems, what she suggested as solutions to the problems, and just her overall demeanor. Like, even if I agreed with everything she said, her delivery was still creepy af.
@@ethelip5239 I hate to break it to you, but what you see here is not an anomaly for MAGA. At least from the non-MAGA POV, this fake, performative outrage is to be expected. Fox news does a better job masking it, but it's all the same content.
@@AB-bg1orWho exactly were yelled at? MAGA extremists who tanked the best border bill? MAGA politicians who refuse to do their jobs for Americans and kowtow to Trump? Yes. That’s who he yelled at.
@@jeanneganrude8549 he opened the border with executive fiat and did away with Trump’s immigration policies on day 2 of his administration. 1.7 million came across the border under Trump. 7.4 million under Biden. So there’s that.
@@AB-bg1or. That is a rather disgusting lie. Trump's policies were kept in place until early 2023 (I think that's right) because Republicans sued to keep those policies in place due to COVID. Which I thought at the time was pretty hilarious, since so many of them were insisting that COVID wasn't even real when they were talking to their constituents.
This is one of my all-time favorite videos. Honestly, this should be preserved in history. I come back to watch this every few months because it's such a glorious train wreck that I cannot look away from: * The over-the-top, insane storytelling * The awkward forcing of facial expressions * The level of effort being put in to come off as "normal" * The constant and sudden transitions from happy to sad * How she keeps bringing the narrative back to "kitchen tables just like this." I think what fascinates me the most, though, is that to the average person, this is no doubt insane, without question. If any of us were on the production team, we would have said, "Uh...maybe we should try this again, but let's tone it down a notch" But no, this clearly had been reviewed by more than one person and still received sign-off. Katie even probably thought, "THIS is going to be how I launch my career." which shows how out of touch politicians really are haha.
She helped work on the border bill. Then Trump said "Kill it!" so she didn't even vote for her own bill. This is what fundamentalist women are taught to do. Be quiet and obey.
Living in Germany this is painfull to watch!!! What a bad actress and storyteller. She has no shame at all..... I feel very sorry for her kids having such an insane mother.......what future can you expect beeing raised in such an unhealthy environment.
lol....sitting around the kitchen table, having difficult conversations, and smiling like a lunatic, while we get ready to play the next episode of Handmaid's Tale.
@@melmingin8445You mean daughter Bennett and son Ridgeway? 😂 yikes, trying so so hard to saddle her children with name’s they’ll eventually hate (and I dated a guy named Bennett). Too precious.
I don't worry about being in 3 places at once and having to get dinner on the table, because my husband makes the dinner. He also helps me clean. You know why? He understands that my place is not in the kitchen.
If she wanted to come across as a psychopath well she nailed it .
She looks and talks like a character in “get out” 😂😂😂😂😂
@@nikhiltrivedi8126Did she originally want to be an actress?
Total psychopath
Bless her heart
Millionaire lawyer/career politician posing as a suburban mom struggling to make ends meet! Her kitchen cost more than my house.
For real!!!
You have to admit, though, she has a nice backsplash. 😂
@@PthaloGreen2 🤣
Definitely can't relate to the average family.
SHEs trying for an OSCAR!
The woman helped draft the border bill to solve those problems, but then, when Trump said "No, we don't want to fix the problems at the border," she voted against her own bill. You seriously can't make this stuff up. No wonder the GOP is in such disarray.
This one speech makes her famos MTG
Lol too funny
I was trying to find the vote count on did you find it? If you did can you link or give me the bill number (S.###)
@@klaussterken559 famous for making the worst response speech ever--such a good actor, right? Trump lost a lot of votes last night, after watching a real leader, and then he lost more when people watched that embarrassment.
@@MrBeast-1 Right? She was hilarious.
I cant imagine what happens when Starbucks messes up her order
Proceeds to give a 20 min speech on work ethic * cringe*
Snort 🤣🤣🤣
Starbucks messes up her order? Could that happen? Surely that cannot happen to her.
She lost me at "my son Ridgeway" I can't even.
I really doubted you - I thought you'd made that up - so I had to rewind. 😂
'Ridgeway' , an Anglo-Saxon term for a track that runs along the high ridges of hills.
Could have been worse, might have been "my son Pathway"
I'm thinking that either he was concieved in the bed of a Honda truck or they named him in honor of the Green River Killer here in Washington State.
@@mlfix that was something I didn't think of 🤔. Good catch.
My horrible sons drawbridge and footpath that i hate
“Ridgeway Britt” = Alabama’s top law firm. 😏😁
Who came to watch this right after SNL? 🙋🏼♀️😆
Present 😮they nailed it... What in the heezy is this?
Lol 🙋🏽♀️ they nailed it!
Her emotional transitions are crazy. This woman is scarily ridiculous.
Let’s hope she’s better at “other”things. I have never seen someone lie that much, and act so badly! When she asked if we are better now, I yelled hell yes!!
She clearly is auditioning for a spot on The View. But I’ve seen better performances from middle schoolers in class.
textbook thirsticious over acting
THAT CREEPY SMILE it doesn’t stop and it will haunt me
She wish she knew what emotions were 😂😂😂
Sex trafficking is horrific, and yet she has the audacity to support a man who brags about sexually assaulting women? And, how many tables are empty from lack of gun control? This is so gross.
How's gun control working out in Chicago?
The kicker is that the woman from the story has spoken out, and said that she was raped repeatedly by the cartels in Mexico in 2007, before Biden was even VICE PRESIDENT let alone president. Britt just co-opted this brave survivor’s story for her own agenda.
She even made up the story about the woman she 'spoke to'. She took a true 10 year old story, changed it to being Mexican drug cartels and many other parts of of the story. The woman even had to release a fact check press release to set the record right.
Oh and @JLa7257, Chicago gun violence has been going down every year since Biden took office and is lower than the first 2 years of the trump administration. While Chicago is going down, Dallas TX has been going up every year since the open carry law was passed. It's now 50% higher than before the open carry law was passed and shows no sign of leveling off let alone going down. If this trend continues, Texas will be more dangerous than Chicago in less than 10 years. All this while they pass laws to make it easier to get guns.
That's just stupid, get real. And so called "gun control" doesn't work. Criminals will always have guns, just like right now.
That's just stupid, and gun control is too.
So the woman against sex trafficking, supports a sexual abuser. Make it make sense.
Seriously though the math ain’t mathin
THANK YOU!! Exactly what I was thinking.
Opportunistic women feeding the court system is who the Democraps support.
I know I can't beleive people still support Biden.
What are you actually talking about???? Hahahahaha must be misquoting Trump like all the other ignorant people on the internet
One woman killed by an “illegal border crosser”. How many people murdered by home grown mass shooters? Hey, what are you doing about that?
she should look at her own home states gun violence rate that far exceeds any US city
One melanin murderer = all melanins are murderers - GOPunk logic
Great question. To which the answer is : ZERO
Her state allows child marriage, and they are in the top 10 of states that allow the most child marriages which is very often a very young girl to a much older man. Many times it happens bc of SA and parents try to cover up the result with marriage. Between 78%-95% of the children are young girls. Don’t see this lady crying about her own constituents.
EDIT: There is a comment below this claiming that I am wrong. I am right. In fact, there are multiple reliable sources to back what I’ve said here. Question is, why is this person trying to cause doubt in this statistic?🤢
@@Maggie-zr2ow No. Under 18 marriages in the US are almost always between two underaged people. It's never "a very young girl to a much older man."
How about all those little kids that went to school and never got to go home because they were gunned down?
They don't want to talk about that though🤦🏿♀️
They are more concerned about fetuses.
That's the american way
You leave Bennet and Ridgeway alone!
We need more armed citizens!
So because you’re worried about that older man you talked to at the gas station, you’ll advocate for affordable drugs, expanding Medicare, and keeping social security, right???
not in the playbook sorry
I am a Republican, but I do not think this speech made much sense. She addressed little that Biden actually said. It was rather over dramatic.
because it was pre-recorded and planned to be released right after his speech. She is not intelligent enough to write this on the fly
@@alphabeyta I have heard responses to the SOTU that actually addressed certain policy decisions and not just rhetoric. Over all, it was how dramatic it was that made me dislike it, and I am a strong supporter of Trump. However, if the goal of the response was to make the GOP seem stronger and more vote deserving than the dems, this speech utterly failed.
You think?
@@jessegarnertheopinionated544can you explain any redeeming qualities for the gop right now? Genuinely curious. I used to be pretty moderate, and am still pretty centrist voting wise, but what do you see in the party anymore?
@@yupp9393 Honestly, the party is just as much a joke as the democrat party. Due to my own philosophical ideologies, I align with the right. I would say that Biden made a lot of stupid choices during this term. I know Covid is thrown out there a lot, and I am not saying Trump handled it very well, but it seemed like Biden did not have much of a plan either. For me, the economy was better under Trump, and Biden did make multiple poor decisions right out of the gate regarding issues in the east. I will vote for Trump because I am more ideologically aligned with him, but make no mistake, both parties' rhetoric is getting old. So, to answer your question, I do not see much. I would gladly discuss some of these issues, and please, let me know your thoughts. I cannot speak for other people, but I promise I will be civil. I just want to discuss some of the issues and learn more about them.
Edit: I really do love talking about these issues. Almost nothing makes me angrier than watching right wing new media as they interview people who are clearly not very intelligent and make it seem like all democratic voters are that ignorant. Left leaning news outlets and talk shows do the same thing to Trump voters, and it is so annoying. You know they set out to find the dumbest people they can. No wonder so many people hate the other side. The only ones they have exposure to are the goofballs and the maniacs of each party.
She gives me the creepiest Stepford Wife vibes.
It's giving Serena Joy from Handsmid Tale
Exactly what I was thinking- weird to no end. Lol
Yes my wife said the same.
It's because she's smiling like a lunatic while saying, "this kitchen is where my family makes hard decisions.' It's like telling you I have cancer and then bursting out into laughter. It just doesn't make sense; her body language and speech are in conflict with each other.
"I'll just die if I don't get that recipe."
Fact Check first……Thank you R Hubbell, “A centerpiece of Britt’s speech was her (alleged) encounter with a woman at the border who was (allegedly) sex-trafficked by drug smugglers at the US border. Britt blamed Biden for allowing the victim to be sex-trafficked at the border. Although the woman was indeed sex trafficked when she was 12 years old, that crime happened in Mexico (not at the border) between 2006 and 2008-when George W. Bush was president. Moreover, Britt never met the victim at the border, as claimed; instead, Britt repeated the testimony the victim gave to Congress.“
I wish more people could hear this! It’s so frustrating!!!
*Thank you.* Lies upon lies - no wonder she has no idea which emotion to channel... What an absolutely morally (and financially) corrupt party they are! All said so "innocently", complete with that Southern "blessing" and a silver cross over her heart.
When she began to share the sad story of the woman who allegedly got sex-trafficked and raped (probably in Mexico) and began to praise America, I naively thought she was about to acknowledge the shere despair of people like her who see no other possibility but run, but nope 😵💫
Horribly bad acting. She sounds as if she was trying to sell some kind of pill for the elderly. "Did you ever wonder why just so many meals have been giving you indigestion recently? That's what we have XYZ for." Also, she has this creepy mix of pretending to constantly be on the verge of tears and this huge hidden aggression coming through. Plus the complete absence of any substance in what she is saying, apart from lies which have already been repeated ad nauseam. And, of course, the problems at the Southern border which Biden and a bipartisan group wanted to fix, but the orange Jesus wanted it to remain broken. So sickening. Who on earth believes this kind of B. S.?
Actually, she met the woman, took her in, taught her to play left tackle and will be there when she gets drafted into the NFL.
Wait a minute 🚩🚩🚩 She's mad because one girl died. Where's the outrage when kids die in their own schools? What is being done about those??? Those parents didn't get to see their kids reach 22 years old. But when it comes to mass shootings, there's nothing that can be done because "bad people are gonna get guns no matter what". Come off it, lady. Enough with the fear mongering. Also, take some acting classes. This is not how human emotions work.
You people hate the 2A. Why? Guess who doesn't listen to gun laws? Murderers and ctiminals. Get a clue. ♡
Woman, you have never been poor any time. In your life, you are the one out of touch with reality
She and her husband are worth over five million dollars!
Her nightmare is turning on a tv and watching a real president speak 😂 I’m sure she’s in a lot of danger in that white picket fence she has.
@@krunchyt4co293Yeah...Money prevents suffering and the more money means eternal bliss. 🙄
@@krunchyt4co293Standing ovation!
That $5 mil she has just doesn't go as far as it used to.
She went from Betty Crocker to Chucky real quick. Then back to Betty Crocker. These people are insane.
Republican Christian Family Values 👹
Good one!
I do feel sorry for her kids. This is going to be on the internet FOREVER!
I feel sorry because they are named Bennet and Ridgeway.
@@malamer1279Her homemade candle company will for sure be affected by this
Ridgeway might disagree
I feel like nothing is real anymore. This is the weirdest performance I've seen in a long time.
Honey ain’t it cringe 😂
The people behind this weren't even trying to be liked lol
What’s strange is this is who they decided to go with. Usually they like stronger talking points with a small set of facts in their pockets. This felt like a joke.
Welcome to 2024 America.
This is how she is, it isn’t some “performance” or act, go watch all her senate hearing and everything. Thats the only reason this is famous is because people assume she’s putting on a performance then mock her relentlessly but it’s just her genuine personality.
Her middle school drama teacher will have to go into hiding after this performance.
But probably not her...
Most certainly!😁
So worried about the kids you refuae to do anything to curb mass shootings?
boo hoo
The republicans care more about guns than kids.
What do you propose to stop the mass shootings that aren’t directly opposing our constitution?
@@flubzee Better mental health awareness and treatment, better funded and managed school systems. Two things conservatives dont want to put money into.
amend : make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date.
amendments: something that can never be changed or updated or improved upon. let me have my guns. screeeeeeeeee - republicans
As an European I was thinking that our politicians are bad, but looking at this brings it to another level, lol. What a joke.
It's all good for anyone that owns US stocks. Politicians are more hot air than anything ... on any continent.
Eh mate don’t feel to high and mighty. As an American, european politics is like the office UK. Yeah we’ve heard it about it, but ours is more bigger and more entertaining
Well as an American... Is your country taking refugees yet?
As an American who's travelled, I do get embarrassed by people like this. Don't worry some of us are well educated.
yes they do @@the_grim_gamer3039
I'd be worried about the future of a girl named Bennett and a boy named Ridgeway too
Britt (JD and US Senator), Husband Wesley (lobbyist and former pro football player), hurting and sitting around the table at night worrying about the future of Bennet and Ridgeway. Yep, a typical American family … NOT.
I love how she takes a shot at Biden's privilege and still feels that Trump is the one that's different. Such a ridiculous video.
Seriously. I can’t imagine Trump *ever* having pushed a cart around a grocery store. But I can totally see uncle Joe in the ice cream aisle loading up a cart with quarts of chocolate mint chip, flashing his pearly whites and giving you a wink and some finger guns.
It's cringe watching her say that she just watched Biden, knowing that this is pre-recorded.
Maybe it was but she did mention Biden saying Laken Riley's name. So maybe both parties created this script. I don't know. Makes you think...
@@Eli_Bankz69nope. The MAGAts had no idea Biden would bring her name up.
Is this for real? The whispering the near sobbing. So phony. What DA F...!!!
I think they released a script of the speech to the press before the speech.
@@Eli_Bankz69No. Biden only mentioned Riley's name after being heckled by MTG. She's the one that gave him the button as he walked into the House.
I’m autistic and even I could tell she was being fake as hell. Made even me cringe
Dude, same. I straight up laughed, too. 😂
She’s shooting for that 2032 ballot
She helped cowrite the immigration bill then voted against it when her cult leader asked her to.
Two people have said this, but I haven't been able to confirm she "co-wrote" the bill ... only that she helped negotiate for a bipartisan deal, then voted against it.
@merriebrown4089 yea she was part of the republican team that negotiated and approved the bill.
@@merriebrown4089 That is cowriting it.
Is there a reference for her involvement? I haven't been able to find one yet.
@@lethargogpeterson4083 Yes there is. He did a press release with other members of the republican party talking about their meetings before approving the bill. Also may be the fact that you know she did not dispute it is telling.
Obviously people see through the phoniness… but, I hope you notice the evil too. Pimping a rape victim for political purposes is low. 4:55
Would like to hear what any Republican has done or presented doing for solving these problems. All I ever hear is complaining as they vote no on every Democrat solution.
Wow from all the comments I'm reading keep voting for the left that is destroying America and when you all finally wake up from your blindness of the left and we are only a couple of years from a communist country then just maybe you will understand the right fighting for freedom why do you think Trump is way ahead of Biden right now in winning 2024 !!!
But these problems did not exist three years ago, The Blue states being run by Democrats are having the problems right now, because of the reversal of the Immigrations Laws. The solution is so simple, and that is for the Democrats to just reverse the laws that was enforced three years ago.
Wait... I had something for this.
Oh, right!
Just talking about the issues! Blaming it on the other party. That fixes things, right? 😂
“All issues are caused by the other political party” - average American citizen who’s team can do no wrong
They voted no against THEIR OWN solution, simply because Donald wants to use the border as a campaign dog whistle.
You didn’t specify that the 12 year old incident happened under the Bush administration.
And in MEXICO!!!
You voted against your own border bill
Because the so called border bill was about better (faster) processing at the border.
That bill was ridiculous
Tell the border agents that liked it that and the Republican Senator that worked so hard for that bill that.
Why do you think that?
Is this for real? I couldnt take her. The whispering the near sobbing. So phony
As a resident of Alabama, I had to force myself to watch it. It was so disgusting that I had to break up the 17 minute video, especially due to the onslaught of lies! Was she trying to see how many lies she could fit into a minute? I'm so embarrassed that Alabama has to claim her!
I agree with what she said but dang she really took it too far
And that VOICE. Egad.
@eurodiaz3712. Everything she said easily applies to Chump.
Coworker of mine said she sounded like a Hallmark move meets The Purge.
This is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. She comes across as sweet and churchy at first- then goes dark real quick. Hype up the fear. But there is NO POLICY. It is senseless.
What REALLY creeped me out is the way she hissed her vitriol through that weird big-toothed grin the whole time. 😱
You know it’s bad when not even the SNL parody can be as creepy as this!
If she’s so worried about sexual assault, why isn’t she demanding Trump is taken off the ticket?
Very good point!
And don't force that 12-year-old rape victim to carry the resulting baby.
She can't be serious about sexual assault because her entire 'woman raped daily' story was false. The story about the woman was / is in Mexico. The story was from the mid 2000sish.. Biden wasn't even in office.
If a woman would lie about sexual assault, you can NEVER trust her on any topic.
Death by words right here
This feels so scripted and fake.
Seemed almost human when watching at 1.75 speed. Then I slowed it down to see what all the fuss was about and damn
Because it is.
@@TeresaSlevin- You got me. I was watching at 2x speed.
Well, I would feel her...but I wouldn't let her talk to me.
Ya think? It's corny af
There's something terribly wrong with her whole vibe. Is someone offstage holding her hostage?
It's the acting, it just didn't work. The problem is that it's basically the GOP's attempt of saying "Yes, we feel you women, we understand you!" But Britt clearly doesn't feel any of the emotions she is trying to evoke. Instead our brain tells us it is uncanny, fake, and unsafe. It's triggering the part of your brain that says "Yeah she a psycho, run!"
Ura fvkboii son 😂😂🎉🎉😂😂😊
She's creepy... I don't know why I feel as if we'll see her on 20/20 at some point replaying this same video.
@@kool2btrue "Word" Run lol
I came to watch this after SNL, and it is 1000 times weirder than SNL
Extra creepy....
Who all came here after watching Scarlett Johanson on SNL??
I watched her the night of, & then SNL...they nailed it!
I'm saving it for after this 💩 show
@@kikidevine694 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This has to be the weirdest, most uninformed state of the union response I've ever seen.
It was made for an audience of one.
It’s unintentionally hilarious😂😂😂
Eh. Intentionally misleading, probably not misinformed.
Tough conversations like why you named your kid ridgeway😂
This way, she can complain about bullying in school. Whilst he carries a gun in his backpack.
Like Gary Ridgway? It’s like naming your son Gacy or Dahmer.
@jenniferepich2369 I guess the name Pennywise Sauron-Vader was taken, tough luck.
They just drove around their neighborhood and used street names for their kids
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Inherited the most secure border in history. Unbelievable, these people think nobody will fact check them.
While your at it compare bidens numbers to trumps
Don’t even need to fact check…it was just four years ago, we still remember! 😂
They stopped building the border before Trump left office too.
Manic depression meets dystopian propaganda in this creepy breather delivery. Jesus, I was waiting for her to wheeze out “It puts the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again!”
She comes across like a really bad teen actress in a high school drama club who still doesn’t know how to deliver lines in a believable manner. The obvious phoniness and forced drama is painfully cringeworthy.
Her eyes are dead.
i have some issues with Democratic party, but any Republican that thinks THAT would swing any voters needs a mental evaluation ...
Without using buzzwords, what issues do you have with the democratic party? Be specific.
@@jakeplumber1373 they're too moderate, and although It's hard to think a republican admin would do any better, biden's handling of the Israel palestine conflict has been atrocious.
Blink twice if you need help 😂
Clench your hand over your thumb twice if you need help 😂
Pass a bipartisan bill for once if you’re okay. 😂
She’s not.
I swore I was thinking hostage video.
"Are you better off now than you were 3 years ago--"
You mean when we were in a pandemic??
Which Trump let go with inaction....hmmm I don't understand this logic
What a hypocrite. She help WRITE the immigration bill.
Looking at HB815, I can't find her name anywhere. Not in any of the sponsors list nor in the amendments list. Where is that it shows her involvement with the bill?
All I could find was a hearsay article stating K. Britt "was among the Republican senators who helped negotiate a bipartisan border security deal, but then ultimately voted against it" after the former guy gave his directive. I always check statements made by EITHER party, so would need your source to accept your statement as fact.
“As the daughter of two small business owners” for all we know her parents were millionaires and she’s never taken out a cent of debt. Would make sense that she’s an entitled Karen
@@merriebrown4089 My source was the listing on H.R. 815 National Security Act, 2024
Exactly !!!
This from a woman who lives in a state that has billboards reminding people that incest is illegal. Yep.;
This woman….her voice shakes with “emotion” as she keeps smiling. She is ridiculously dramatic. My skin is crawling. I don’t think she did the repubs any good
At this point, even being bipartisan doesn’t do GOPunks any good, lest they rouse the ire of their orange overload.
I don't get what you are talking about. Guess you have never seen normal human actions before
It's cringey to watch her. Tired of this fake outrage. No Oscar for this lady.
@@night6724by the reactions I see across both sides, it appears to be you who doesn't know what normal is.
This was rough dude. Biden said in his speech that GOP was trying to take us back to the past and restrict women.
The response? A pretend upset woman in a kitchen. Whoever approved this should be fired.
@@swilliams1759 imagine having so much to say about a nervous woman but nothing to say about an incoherant biden..quit playing teams...its abhorrent
As a woman, I'm embarrassed and sad that there are women like this out there. I could only stomach the first 5 minutes.
A Stepford wife, like all Republican women.
😂😂😂100% agree... they are either like this or the evil and ugly MTG@@mungous1000
Me too!!
The cracking voice. Does one have to gargle with cyenne pepoer to get that going? Would explain the tears, too!
It gets better. I think she hit some wacky tobacco before filming this. NO ONE is this happy and airy!
Who is she? Never heard of her.
Real families! The kitchen is bigger than my house!!
Well, when Alabama homes were no longer permitted to have slave quarters, the trend was to really expand the kitchen. Having the extra and open space is symbolic, architecturally, of a void, like the void created in your life when you no longer have slaves to abuse.
@michaelbayer5094 The same void in which keeps death that cannot die… Chumpthulhu ftagn….
Senator from Alabama. I live in Alabama. If she wasn't a Trump cultist she would make sense. When Trump is back in office and Putin gives the orders, her children will be learning Russian with everyone else.
Exactly. Talk about out of touch.
Nice Sub Zero!
I can’t believe they would give someone this much air time…like watching a 17 minute long car crash
Hey Katie Britt, thank you so much for your audition for Days of our Lives. We appreciate the initiative you took to put this performance together, and you obviously took the time to practice. However, at this time, we will be going in a different direction. A few notes - try to relax and look a little more natural, the emotion seems a bit forced. Although we are a soap opera, we prefer some nuance to our actors' performances. When every moment is high drama, it loses its punch. You may also want to consider a different green screen background. A woman in the kitchen is a bit cliche and we're looking for diversity and range. Also, we suggest keeping your audition tape to less than 5 minutes, and focus on more than one subject. We wish we had better news for you, but at this time you're just not a good fit. Next year we may consider a retro show based in the 1950s, so we'll hold on to your tape and reconsider at that time. Good luck.
Thanks for the satire. Excellent!
Yes! I have Tina Faye, Sally Fields, oh heck any of them delivering this in a movie/skit.✌💜
As she herself could not resist saying (as they say down South): “Well, Bless Her Heart!”
I wish that I had written that!
This is nothing short of brilliant. While I didn't vote for her, she's unfortunately still my Senator. She got the job through connections. She and her husband are worth over $5 million, so don't let her quaint, Southern "charm" fool you! Actually, the acting was so terrible that I believe few people were fooled!
Its kind of wild that the SNL skit was more cohesive than this.
Exactly my thoughts!
I thought it was a skit at first.
She would make a great soap opera star if politics didn't work out. SNL is gonna have a field day with her.
Its freaking me the f out!
Typical democrat response . Criticize the spokesman and ignore the actual issues .
what issues did she mention aside from we should all be scared as illegals are attacking us and confusing us about Alabama's stance on IVF. What else did she talk about? @@eaglerider1826
@@eaglerider1826 "President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable. And it’s almost entirely preventable." Sen. Katie Britt, R-Ala., on March 7, 2024: THE SAME PERSON WHO HELPED WRITE THE VERY BILL THEY WANTED & THAN VOTED DOWN!
Who’s here after SNL 😂
SNL and Scarlett Johansen nailed this so well …… 😂🤣😂🤣
This is obviously pre-recorded. Many want to know, who the heck approved this? Her voice is so over dramatic and cringe worthy.
It's good propaganda and people will eat it up. Fortunately it seems not the majority this time around which is good.
They did her dirty
Who is here after watching Scarlett Johansson kill it on SNL? The real Katie Britt is even creepier...
It’s the only reason I wanted to see the real thing!
Didnt like Scarletts acting personification of Bratt, she made her look too nice compared to Bratts awful drsmatic acting
@@tefoster9838 lol sames
The rapid shuffling between emotions is so unnerving. What kind of person can speak of something as horrific as gang-rape and murder, with such seemingly haunted emotions, and then transition to the next topic and the next faux outrage so casually?
This was some real Stepford Wives / Handmaid's Tale nonsense.
Curiously, assuming her story about the "woman" who was gang-raped after being trafficked by a cartel is true, since she noted that occurred when the woman was 12, these people have no regard for the American public being able to do simple math. Certainly that couldn't have occurred while Joe Biden was President. Hell, it possibly happened while Donald Trump was President. Without knowing the woman's current age, it's impossible to say for sure. It could have happened during the Obama administration (while Biden was VP), G.W. Bush admin, Clinton admin, etc. If it demonstrates anything at all, it's that this problem precedes the time since Biden has been President. What's different is that in this current term, we've seen the first bi-partisan effort to actually take meaningful action to help the situation at the border in a very long time (2 decades or so, which would obviously encompass Trump's presidency as well). It was a bi-partisan bill that she happened to help architect as a coalition of Senators. Then she voted against her own measures when Trump asked her and her colleagues to kill them for political reasons. So, spare me the choreographed distress about the border. You had a chance to do something about it, literally put your own fingerprints on the potential solution, and then walked away from it when your cult leader asked you to.
Excellent comment 👍
@@Maggie-zr2ow I just saw a TikTok by a user named katzonearth, who researched the story of the rape victim. Long story short, it happened between 2004-2008, and not even in the US or close to the border. It occured in Mexico, in the cities of Guadalajara and Mexico City. So Katie Britt suggesting that this victim's experience has anything to do with Joe Biden or safety in the US is all bullshit.
It's really despicable for her to exploit someone else's tragedy in such a dishonest way. I hope this gets a ton of exposure.
Exactly - well said..
It occured in Mexico when Bush was president - the woman has spoken about it in Congress 😬 Her framing is incredibly disingenuous
I'm a Minnesotan and confused as to why a born and raised Alabaman has a (Northern) Midwest accent. It's weird.
She’s secretly Canadian
and as a Canadian I can see your logic there@@amyeastman8764
This was the cringiest thing I’ve ever seen
I'm sorry, I dont understand. She cited inflation, which is under 3%. The economy has added more jobs and the stock market is at a record high. She complains about the boarder, yet the hard right of her party killed a bipartisan bill. She talks about choosing between buying medications and food- yet her party has tried to take helath insurance away from 22 million Americans. It just doesn't track.
Also, that sexual assault story she told happened during the George W Bush administration. I'm just dumbfounded- does her base not do research into basic economic indicators, or fact check what she says. And yes, I'm WAY better off than 3 years ago. Our economy was in recession and friends were dying or hospitalized from COVID, because her party refused to follow CDC guidence. Who actually buys this?
Thank you! So what did she say that was true??
Inflation is cumulative
MAGAs love to try to create an alternate reality for political purposes.
And the republicans want to decrease medicare and social security and 100% of republicans voted against lowering drug prices
@@patrick7842yes and it was continually some of the lowest world wide
SNL is really bad this season.
Strange , so many comments about her and no one is talking about the actual issues .
Take the responsibility? So why don't the Republicans go ahead and pass the border bill that she and Lankford worked on? The ball is in your court 6:33
Their leader said no, so it is no as they follow their leader, it’s not about doing the right thing for the country. Fascism is the cult of the leader.
Republicans should've passed the bill but they refused. And this lady is in Alabama which just banned IVF. Fix your own state first.
A bill she helped write then voted against. Hypocrite to the max
What was in the bill? Tell me. War funding?
@@Larry-gn1xjThey're talking about the bipartisan bill about the border. You can look that up to see what was in it by googling those words. Rather, it WAS a bipartisan bill, until Trump made the Republicans say no to the bill they actually wrote. And like obedient followers, they did.
Alabama, fourth from the bottom in education.
@@Larry-gn1xj Pt.3 for your lazy a***: **Division C** : **BORDER SECURITY** , and I quote: "Requires the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to **resume** all activities related to constructing a **wall** along the U.S.-Mexico border that were underway or planned prior to January 20, 2021.... along at least 900 miles of that border, whereas currently DHS is required to have at least 700 miles of reinforced fencing along that border. [I.e., **200 miles more** than Trump!] ... to ensure the **expeditious** construction of the border barriers.... Authorizes retention **bonuses** for eligible frontline U.S. Border Patrol law enforcement agents.... **PROHIBITS** DHS from (1) processing the entry of non-U.S. nationals ( **aliens** under federal law) arriving in between ports of entry; (2) providing funds to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that facilitate or encourage unlawful activity; or (3) providing funds to NGOs that provide certain services, such as lodging or immigration legal services, to inadmissible non-U.S. nationals who enter the United States." [There are about 25 additional sections under Division C that bulk up security at the southern border. Read them yourself, you lazy so-and-so.]
i love how even the republicans are like wtf is she talking about 😭😭
hahah right???? haha
Lmaoo same
>complain about the border
>write a bill to tighten up border security
>trump says to kill the bill
>kill the bill
>complain about the border
Republicans y'all
Alright now tell me what was in the rest of the bill
@@reeseb4005What flavor was the koolaid?
There's already a law to tighten the border!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@reeseb4005 You can edit/rewrite/negotiate a new bill rather than just tanking it and destroying it like babies every time you don't like something. (Both sides do this but one side is way more petty than the other...)
We live in a clown world. Trump caused an insurrection and they still want him in office.
Of 23,000 homicides and nearly 500,000 sexual assaults and rape in the United States of America you can only account for 1 illegal immigrant...
What are we going to do about those that are supposed to be here that are doing these crimes? To me that seems to be the real issue here 6:16
Remember when Trump pumped gas, ran a car pool, and pushed a grocery cart? Me, neither.
🤣 can you imagine his extra long tie getting caught in the grocery cart… and the wheel of the suburban… and the little trap door where the gas goes… yeah, neither can I
Trump thought you needed an ID to buy groceries. He's never been in a grocery store.
If you are so concerned about sexual abuse? Why not go with a nominee that is not a convicted rapist.
Talking about Tara Reade?
Who are you talking about
Oh but that would require logical thought and reason. Something the Republican Party is allergic to!!!
Who is a convicted rape?
I don't understand why conservatives are upset about this response. She perfectly embodies the current GOP.
But THAT is why they are so upset - when it's out in the open, it simply looks dumb. Using one or two anecdotes about victims of crime and telling lies really does expose their lack of honesty and their lack of policies aimed at improving the lot of ordinary Americans. I think that is why they are upset. This really was the worst thing I have ever seen - and in the UK we have had some real stinkers, where middle-aged, posh politicians pretend to be "one of the people"
They just expected a better actress. This performance was so terrible even the MAGAts couldn't pretend it was tolerable.
Good one😂
Because they realize how ridiculous she seems, which is what the rest of us see when we look at the GOP. Whether or not they are self-aware enough to realize they are no different with their policies and support is the real question.
Can we just not go there about responsibility for deaths in America, how quickly we forget the millions who passed on during covid, under who's watch? And who lied to our people?
I concur.
Well, it looks like America’s first AI generated SoU rebuttal was a huge flop.
This is AI right?
That's how they are going to spin it I'm sure
This Karen is holding her self back from some crazy Karen screaming.
I can feel the racism radiating from my screen 😭☠️
So what about her speech was racist?
Tony, explain in detail what you mean by "Karen"...and be careful
@@The_Quaalude I feel idiocy radiating from that same screen, Quaa.....
She's not a Karen. She's something else.
If she cared about the border so much then why did she vote against her own border bill (that she, Katie, actually WORKED ON!!!!) on orders from DJ Trump?? A BIPARTISAN border bill urgently supported by border police I might add. You gotta ask yourself. Does she care more about the border? Or does she care more about making sure Trump has the "border crisis" to use as a campaign issue??
So sick of this democrat talking point . Read the bill 60% of it was for spending for other countries . The rest of it was for judges and border patrol agents to only speed up the process of allowing more people in . None of it was for border enforcement . Biden can sign one executive order and solve this . He could have done this three years ago .
Yes she cares. If voted against it it’s because there was ton of money going to the Biden’s via Ukraine
sorry I don't remember this being such a big problem 4-8 years ago? it's almost like in 2021 the border suddenly got overwhelmed for some "unknown" reason.... might be time for you to continue to lite gas lanterns.
That border bill is a trick bill. It legalizes 5,000 illegals to cross daily. Ship them to Chicago?
It also pays billions of dollars to hire judges to have hearings in a week after illegals arrive.
@@LuisVelazquezLV3 It got overwhelmed because on day one Biden suspended all of Trumps policies. Trumps remain in Mexico policy punished Mexico with 15% trade tariffs unless Mexico stopped the flow...which they did. Until Biden took office.
As Judges tell Juries... "If you find one thing Untrue, you may assume the rest to be untrue."-- She destroyed her credibility with a 20 year old story right out of the gate.
These people are fucking insane
Alabama really needs to stop with the incest
And the moonshine.
Awesome 💯
thats what i was going to say
ah yes...everyone is a middle-aged housewife living in a million dollar home worrying about which private school to enroll their kids in. The average American.
I was thinking similar. When she talked about gathering around kitchen tables and implying what she is sitting in is what it looks like across America, I was thinking: it’s what rich White America looks like. Not my home
This is weirder than the SNL sketch
The Fiery Independent: Please tell me this woman isn't serious about what she's saying? As a Repulbican leaning independent (NON MAGA), I fail to see how this wins the hearts and minds of anyone.
She is talking about what people are concerned about crime, migrants, cost of living..her comments went right over your head.
@@janmiechan-ellis9992No … they came straight from the gutter where MAGAts like you dwell.
@@janmiechan-ellis9992As a left-leaning woman, I agreed that some of the things she said are problems ARE, in fact, problems, but where she lost me was in who she blamed for the problems, what she suggested as solutions to the problems, and just her overall demeanor. Like, even if I agreed with everything she said, her delivery was still creepy af.
I lean right (these days) & support Trump. And this goofy actress is absolutely ridiculous & makes us look pathetic..
@@ethelip5239 I hate to break it to you, but what you see here is not an anomaly for MAGA. At least from the non-MAGA POV, this fake, performative outrage is to be expected. Fox news does a better job masking it, but it's all the same content.
Wow this is literally terrifying she scares me. Wow, did we watch the same state of the union? This woman is unhinged.
the one we were yelled at in?
@AB-bg1or The one that actually got your attention, that is. All the uncommitteds finally know what’s at stake.
@@AB-bg1orWho exactly were yelled at? MAGA extremists who tanked the best border bill? MAGA politicians who refuse to do their jobs for Americans and kowtow to Trump? Yes. That’s who he yelled at.
@@jeanneganrude8549 he opened the border with executive fiat and did away with Trump’s immigration policies on day 2 of his administration. 1.7 million came across the border under Trump. 7.4 million under Biden. So there’s that.
@@AB-bg1or. That is a rather disgusting lie. Trump's policies were kept in place until early 2023 (I think that's right) because Republicans sued to keep those policies in place due to COVID. Which I thought at the time was pretty hilarious, since so many of them were insisting that COVID wasn't even real when they were talking to their constituents.
So that young woman who was trafficked and raped by Cartels.... you would deport?
Would the woman who was raped repeatedly be allowed an abortion?
She implied this happened in the US but it did not. People are crossing to border to save their lives. Any of us would do the same.
This is one of my all-time favorite videos. Honestly, this should be preserved in history. I come back to watch this every few months because it's such a glorious train wreck that I cannot look away from:
* The over-the-top, insane storytelling
* The awkward forcing of facial expressions
* The level of effort being put in to come off as "normal"
* The constant and sudden transitions from happy to sad
* How she keeps bringing the narrative back to "kitchen tables just like this."
I think what fascinates me the most, though, is that to the average person, this is no doubt insane, without question. If any of us were on the production team, we would have said, "Uh...maybe we should try this again, but let's tone it down a notch" But no, this clearly had been reviewed by more than one person and still received sign-off. Katie even probably thought, "THIS is going to be how I launch my career." which shows how out of touch politicians really are haha.
What the f is this? A nervous 3rd grader applying for the cheerleader squad?
She’s a Senator. That means she makes laws. Introduce a bill and change the law. The blood is on your hands Mrs Law Maker
She helped work on the border bill. Then Trump said "Kill it!" so she didn't even vote for her own bill. This is what fundamentalist women are taught to do. Be quiet and obey.
that was sooooo FAKE, I had to tune out after 2 mins, for real. What an act. How did she get elected????
She is in Alabama
This is America. We are not smart anymore 💔
Living in Germany this is painfull to watch!!! What a bad actress and storyteller. She has no shame at all..... I feel very sorry for her kids having such an insane mother.......what future can you expect beeing raised in such an unhealthy environment.
They will end up working for Goldman Sachs's handing out loans to their friends
It's even more painful and embarrassing to watch as an American. ThIs woman is unhinged.
Living in Germany you have no idea how most American families are impacted by selected president .
@eaglerider1826 Wow, a GOPunk admitting the 2020 election was legitimate. Will wonders never cease?
Train wreck hitting a Baptist church
OMG! Now that's funny!
Now that's something worth praying for!
A dream
That made me feel extremely uncomfortable to watch…it’s like a psychopath hosting an infomercial that just won’t end…
Scarlett Johansson did a great job on SNL.
Why is she so breathy? It sounds like she’s trying to blow out a candle with every word she says lol
She thinks she's being dramatic.
Trying to blow all the creepy old guys looking for a new hot gop politician.
She's trying not to wake her kids!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Trump is underneath her
It’s her Serena Joy voice.
Her son's name is Ridgeway? Like the green river serial killer?
Giving Palin a run for her money.
"Ridgeway is a topographic surname, which was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a ridge." I thought Alabama was flat
Thanks to SNL, i gotta see the real thing now 🤣🤣🤣
lol....sitting around the kitchen table, having difficult conversations, and smiling like a lunatic, while we get ready to play the next episode of Handmaid's Tale.
It’s usually uncles who enjoy being this problematic. Now it’s the aunts turn.
Wonder how many years her kids will be in Therapy ??
@@melmingin8445You mean daughter Bennett and son Ridgeway? 😂 yikes, trying so so hard to saddle her children with name’s they’ll eventually hate (and I dated a guy named Bennett). Too precious.
sitting around the kitchen table on the creakiest chair in existence
I don't worry about being in 3 places at once and having to get dinner on the table, because my husband makes the dinner. He also helps me clean. You know why? He understands that my place is not in the kitchen.
this just gave biden another 4 years 😂
@@dagothodros641You're crazier than this lady. No one votes for Biden. They vote against Trump.
This and trump.