This 22 minute film just reinvigorated my love for this album as a whole, rather than just a handful of my favourite songs from it. Truly inspiring. She is an absolute blessing.
After all those years Madonna still knows how to re-invent herself. I adore her as a musician. I only hate one thing - even Madonna fans usually under-estimate the Madame X era. This album is so unique and fresh. Its messages are important. Erotica was met with mixed and negative reviews in 1992 but now it's a classic album-masterpiece. I'm sure, Madame X will be more loved and respected in the future
Totally agree madamex is a masterpiece all the critics said so them self after almost 40 years madonna is still pushing herself musicly and artistically. No other artist has the courage todo music like madonna god control was the best video released in the last few years no one even comes close to madonna. Madonna herself said madamex was not for everyone and she new it wouldn't be a massive success but it was the album she wanted to make and she did to worldwide aclaim. Not kylie or lady gaga, Taylor swift, miley cyrus the list goes on can match madonna artistically. In a few years Madamex will on the list of the albums you have to hear before you die. Plus if medellin or crave or god control was releaes by any of today's younger artist the 3 of then would have been top 5 all over the world, its shameful the way radio bicote madonna her music is a billion times better than the trash radio play.
Oh I love the Erotica album. There is a part in that album that talks to every Madonna fan. When I played Madam X the album from the first time I felt Madonna had created that personal, unique breed of her own. She accomplished this for herself but it isn't selfish. I feel the personal journies that artists can go on can produce the best moments.
I find this album amazing. Each song is important and completely different form others. And besides - no other album has such a strong message and meaning as this one in these days. I love it.
Madame X is a political experimental album, of course it wasn’t the most public friendly record, but it was revolutionary and it will be remembered for years.
Thanks for your support and comments, I really appreciate you so much for being one of my big fans,you can send me a direct message +1 5083061139
Actually, all.of the singles out of this record deserved much better. Awards, airplay, recognition, views, streams, everything. Crave is one of her best singles in.her whole career. God.control is a masterpiece.
Madame X is a masterpiece. I love that this is your first album in your 60s. Confrontational, political, personal, experimental, full of love and hope. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do next.
@@reginaldoconceicao1766 Also, very important, Madonna doesn’t stick to the same choreography *cough Jlo Get Right & Beyoncé Crazy in love, among many others. *cough. Every performance of Vogue is different. There would never be a pop artist as innovative and ever changing as she is. Long love the Queen of Pop
This is my cute daughter💗👇видео.html Cover of the song Bird Set Free - SIA. Check out that sweet and wonderful voice there!🌹🌹🌹👇👇видео.html
I was fortunate enough to see this show at the Wiltern in LA last year in the 7th row. Hands down the best stage production I’ve ever seen. Pure theatre genius from the stagecraft to the collection of beautiful artists in the show. Thank you Madonna, it was the high point of what was a really tough year. She is my GenX warrior queen. She is a fully realized artist and has never compromised her vision. I am so grateful for this slightly older generation of women who have refused to yield to the patriarchy and mendacity of the music industry. Amen
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong #staysafe #stayhome. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Madame X is truly one of Madonna's greatest albums. It joins the ranks of Like a Prayer, Erotica and Ray of Light. It's an album that only comes around once ever few decades and I feel so fortunate that I just happened to be alive at the same time this work of art made its appearance.
...HOWEVER, I would like to boldly and proudly claim (more like announce😏🥳)... I was able to “one, two. one, two... cha(x3)” CONVERT HATERS, AND REDIRECT those that had GONE ASTRAY!😇 That’s right 😎
I really don't know why she's not as much acclaimed as other artists of her level. She's the only artist that keeps releasing interesting stuff in her 60s, no other singer has done that, they usually rely in their oldest music. She keeps trying new things that no other artist has try, not even the younger ones, that's what you do when you LOVE music.
Well... You can thank Pitchfork for giving this album a 4.8/10 Probably why no one listens to it, even though I thought it was the most mesmerising, risk taking, thought provoking album of 2019... But no... Bad Guy wins song of the year.
I think the lack of acclaim has to do partially with being a woman (and I know that sounds like a cliche, but women still don't get the same level of respect in the music business that men do) and the perception of her as "just a pop star." The fact that she is a song-writer gets ignored. The influence that she's had, not just on other female singers, but in bringing up many "fringe" producers into the mainstream gets ignored. The fact that she completely redefined what a concert experience should be gets ignored. People get hung up on the controversy and think that means she's not an artist. She's far more versatile than someone like Paul McCartney or Bob Dylan (not to bash either of them), but she gets a fraction of the respect. I hate to think that she won't really be recognized for the talent and skill that she has until after she's gone, but that seems to be the case with so many artists. We don't know how to appreciate them until they're dead. Like Joni Mitchell said, "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?"
@@cjsouthworth5363 couldnt agree more with you. Madonna is everythin the music industry dont want. Everything they rejects because of ignorance. Madonna is a white woman who is old. To be her is a sin ultimately. Such a shame coz they dont know they are before the greatest artist of all the times.
There will never be another Madonna and she made it in a world of zero social media: no instagram, Snapchat, RUclips, smartphones, etc etc...,. and yet *every person in the whole wide world* knew who Madonna was; even in the midst of the Amazon forests I’ll be willing to bet... But - and this upsets me to say; she let the likes of the Kardashians and their ilk get to her.....She tries too hard to maintain an illusion of youth.... ....she could have been a real inspiration to older women by embracing her age and being proud of being a woman in her 60s but all the plastic surgery and the butt implants have now made her into a bit of a laughingstock - and that’s tragic, it’s a crying shame.... Look at the camera angles and the clever lighting in this video. Madonna is ashamed of being an older woman; she is trying too hard to be someone she outgrew long ago; her face is frozen in time... I wish she would not be ashamed of growing old - we all do - you can’t stop nature and time, no matter how much money one has. God bless her ❤️🙏🏽
I love this documentary and the album too. So sad it didn't get the recognition it deserved - but that's the thing about Madonna, her albums are always timeless and usually appreciated a long time after their release. Madame X should receive all music awards there is because it's so important and necessary. It doesn't have only music, it has history, concept. I am doing my part and listening to this album religiously every day. You should do that too.
this is so beautiful I teared up and am just sitting here with chills in awe. I have been singing like a virgin in the car since I was 5 driving in the way way back with my mom. whatever way way back means. but it's very memorable. you've been through every chapter of my life, Madge. you have done so much for this world and women I'm so thrilled to have incarnated in a generation with you as our Queen.
Madonna honestly had an amazing struck of genius when she wrote Madame X. The music is very experimental and sounds amazing, and the messages in some of the songs are very important or relatable.
@@APoliticalConfusionAndMess why should I? Just giving my opinion. Madonna is an icon, she has produced some amazing songs over the years, but I don't think her recent work is good due to the production, particularly the use of autotune. She doesn't need it. She's better than that.
I love to see the story behind each song. Madonna is a creative genius and she pours her heart into her art. I loved Madame X and I hope more people appreciate this album for the beautiful gem that it is.
I agree unlike Kylie Cher Elton John Taylor swift gaga who constantly do the catalogue show .I'm so glad Madonna he as never done that that's why she is the artist she is everyone look up to MADONNA
@@davidmadden447 *? **#Cher** ❤🔥is a TRUE Artist ... AMERICAN Rock&Roll is a music genre that i´ve nEver rEAlly liked, but she has an Amazing voice ... And her ACTING Ís OSCAR worthy MOONSTRUCK / SILKWOOD / MASK❤❤🔥💛the paparazzi, fans, talkshow people is `HELL´ for artists **#LadyGaga** ++she mUst do a bUnch of good artistic stuff ( i don´t have the time to follow her ) ~~~then (this is for EVERYONE who might read what i´ve written here) nEver!EVER think of ME as a fan or stan ... **#Madonna** ++knOws it..R!C*
I love that Madonna always bring a back story behind each album, Madonna’s music is not just a random and hallow tunes and sounds, as she said in an interview, “people always say that I Reinvent myself but it’s more than that, it takes a lot of time , study and investigation” . There’s no other artist as smart like Madonna in the music industry history.
Madonna, Your latest album is so underrated, despite it's filled with songs with great diversity. I've had You as a great idol from around 1985 until present days. God bless You, Madonna!
Madonna is the most incredible artist of all time!! She’s so versatile, she’s so talented, she is so inspiring!! Love her so much!! She’s the best artist of all time!!! There’s no one like Madonna!!! Long live The Queen!!!👸🏼
The side of Madonna the media doesn’t want you to see the side interscope records should’ve promoted I’m glad she’s back at Warner they’ve always treated her better with promoting her music
Wait what?!! She's back at Warners?!!?!😲🤩Oh my god, that's amazing!💗 Has she signed a new record deal? (I feel like I've missed something.....there's been no word on a new record deal)
@@angelvisions444 She doesn’t follow her old label anymore but the rumors started when Warner added a pic of Madonna to their lineup on their page then it was also seen that they both started to follow eachother I’m thinking it’s the best choice the last time she was really successful music wise on the charts she was with Warner because they focus more on the music and promotion interscope focuses more on touring when it comes to Madonna which she’s successful in but her music is always left for her to self promote which imo is so sad considering how big her name is in the industry you’d think the label would try their best to help boost her career and music on the charts
I've been a fan since 1985. Madonna's creative process astounds me. She's incredible. This glimpse into her creative mind is brilliant! I've already watched this a few times. Love this so much!!!
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong #staysafe #stayhome. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is pure ART ! Almost a 40 year career, still she impresses with the creativity and all the work she puts to make her vision come alive. A true LEGEND!
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong #staysafe #stayhome. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
No other artist can reinvent themselves and their sound like Madonna. This is why she is the biggest selling female artist in history! While the Madame X album is not the easiest album to listen to, it is up there with her finest works. A brilliant journey and evolution.
I’m so in love with this Woman.. Her mind.. and when she uses her voice to express her heart and mind.. You are eternal, #Madonna !!.. A God and a Goddess.. 👑💙🙏🏼
5 years later. I liked Madame X but after 5 years.... I wished I had appreciated it more. She pours her whole soul into her projects. I adore Madame X. I loved what it meant for her to do it and her endless sense of curiosity in music. She lives every album like an era unlike some others.
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618759088
I'd like to say this woman inspires me since I was a child. Her attitudes and everything that she says with no fear about the media will say, she's strong like no other was before.
Hi dear thanks for your support and comments, I really appreciate you so much for being one of my big fans,you can send me a direct message +1 5083061139
wow, I will be coming back to rewatch this, I was meant to see it. I just came here to play justify my love ( obsessed with it) and then this video came up. They way she has worked this album and the way she's talking about it, a true artist/professional in what she does.
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong #staysafe #stayhome. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Madame X is one her best, yet most underrated albums. So many different sounds from different places mixed together in a beautiful collage, that still stands as a typical Madonna album. Gotta give her so much credit for still experimenting as an artist and not playing safe and sticking to her back catalogue. QUEEN!❤️❤️❤️
God bless the QUEEN!! This album was everything I needed from M. You see the love and passion she has for her art in this doc. The way Dino just stares in AWE as she speaks.
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong #staysafe #stayhome. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thats not all.... You saw fires, you saw crown on her head, masks, "we come from future" "crucifixion" etc.... Go listen to her song one more time but with subtitles and see what she sang, take care of everything!
I've enjoyed experiencing Madonna grow as an artist and human being over the years. Her influence shows throughout many platforms and most dont even realize it...a true icon and trailblazer MADONNA.👑
Me since 1984 like a virgin album she hypnotized me with her sex symbol looks wayback 80s yeah shes got the look and i got head turning eyepopping watching her on tv omg I guess like a virgin album is all about sex and love Then i searched the first album name madonna the first album where the party started Then i falling in love with madonnas true blue album like ive found my true love wow Then like a prayer album came which is the most artistic album of all time in my own opinion They said madonna cant sing high notes but i dont care high notes coz what matter most to me is to listen to a singers voice s that can make my ears mind and heart relax madonnas voice is just simple but her arts as an artist on her songs is so amazing enjoyable For me madonna is the best of the bests thats why im a fan always for ever
i wish she would make an acapella album. She has such a beautiful voice and I would love to hear her sing her songs with no instruments distracting from it. Maybe in a lullaby form....I think it would be beautiful.
I can watch this everyday. Madame x is more than an album.. it’s a manifestation of greatnesses, godlike rooted into the grounds of what’s beyond the human experience and the capacity to fully understand the concept of Madame X.... after all, Madame X is everyone and everything. Madame X is godlike, Madame X is a circle
The whole Madame X album is such a Masterpiece ♡♡♡ It deserves so many awards and certifications it sadly hasn't gotten. I also wish it would have gained way more recognition when it was released back in 2019.
Month after month I still fall in love with this record. At every listening I discover new details or sounds. It's a shame that MX is a such underrated album.
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong #staysafe #stayhome. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
After a career of 4 decades always at the top, you expect that Madonna will try to maintain the "commercial" level of her works in addition to the artistic level, but then you come across Madame X, a surprising album. An artistic maturity and a courage that only very few artists dare to have and Madonna has shown once again that she has it to sell, before and better than any other artist has done. An extraordinary job for a courageously extraordinary and extraordinarily courageous Artist ... even more, Legendary!
She has such a hunger for life, she never stops evolving and discovering new things.
*Madonna is my inspiration! my mom said that if I got 3K subscribers!! On my cover channel! She definitely buy me a professional mic!!*
Madonna isn’t an artist who sticks to the same sound and same image throughout her career... Madonna is the greatest.
How are you doing today
@@ginasousabranco5637 hello
This 22 minute film just reinvigorated my love for this album as a whole, rather than just a handful of my favourite songs from it. Truly inspiring. She is an absolute blessing.
So true, it’s so sensual
I was relaxing and chilling and popped it on now I'm hella inspired to get in the studio 🎵💪🏾
After all those years Madonna still knows how to re-invent herself. I adore her as a musician. I only hate one thing - even Madonna fans usually under-estimate the Madame X era. This album is so unique and fresh. Its messages are important. Erotica was met with mixed and negative reviews in 1992 but now it's a classic album-masterpiece. I'm sure, Madame X will be more loved and respected in the future
I agree with your comment 100%👍👍
The same happened with “American Life”. People are only now looking back on that and noticing how amazing it actually was! One of her best!
Totally agree madamex is a masterpiece all the critics said so them self after almost 40 years madonna is still pushing herself musicly and artistically.
No other artist has the courage todo music like madonna god control was the best video released in the last few years no one even comes close to madonna.
Madonna herself said madamex was not for everyone and she new it wouldn't be a massive success but it was the album she wanted to make and she did to worldwide aclaim. Not kylie or lady gaga, Taylor swift, miley cyrus the list goes on can match madonna artistically.
In a few years Madamex will on the list of the albums you have to hear before you die. Plus if medellin or crave or god control was releaes by any of today's younger artist the 3 of then would have been top 5 all over the world, its shameful the way radio bicote madonna her music is a billion times better than the trash radio play.
Oh I love the Erotica album. There is a part in that album that talks to every Madonna fan.
When I played Madam X the album from the first time I felt Madonna had created that personal, unique breed of her own. She accomplished this for herself but it isn't selfish. I feel the personal journies that artists can go on can produce the best moments.
Thank u David!! Yes to all your statement! She's incomparable. This record is phenomenal. It's up there with Erotica as s misunderstood masterpiece.
I find this album amazing. Each song is important and completely different form others. And besides - no other album has such a strong message and meaning as this one in these days. I love it.
She truly is a performance artist. Their is always a strong concept derived from contemporary issues. 🙏🏼
*Madonna is my inspiration! my mom said that if I got 3K subscribers!! On my cover channel! She definitely buy me a professional mic!!*
@@sakibkhanshuvo3843 Babe, don't promote. You'll get it eventually.
Yasss Madonna and FKA
the lp1 cover, that's TASTE
the way crave deserved to be a radio hit and god control deserved a grammy so much...underrated era
Madame X is a political experimental album, of course it wasn’t the most public friendly record, but it was revolutionary and it will be remembered for years.
@@ginasousabranco5637 crave was the best pop song of the year tho
Thanks for your support and comments, I really appreciate you so much for being one of my big fans,you can send me a direct message +1 5083061139
Actually, all.of the singles out of this record deserved much better. Awards, airplay, recognition, views, streams, everything. Crave is one of her best singles in.her whole career. God.control is a masterpiece.
Stream Madonna and subscribe to her YT and Spotify channel. Queen of Pop Madonna!
Madonna is an iconic legend that stands the test of time.
Absolutamente 💛✌
She is the life.
Right on!
@Patrizia Cavaliere rosálpinarosaacevedomajanovalladarez
1987. I was 1 and my mum used to dance to La Isla Bonita with me...
Those raw, bare knuckle vocals. Her passion for music, art and justice. That's the Madonna I've always known...
She’s tireless, and her hunger for life art and connection is ever inspiring.
Madame X is a masterpiece. I love that this is your first album in your 60s. Confrontational, political, personal, experimental, full of love and hope. I’m looking forward to seeing what you do next.
Madonna is so legendary, iconic, important and a true artist.
Queen of pop👑
She's is the Best ❤👑
@@reginaldoconceicao1766 Also, very important, Madonna doesn’t stick to the same choreography *cough Jlo Get Right & Beyoncé Crazy in love, among many others. *cough.
Every performance of Vogue is different. There would never be a pop artist as innovative and ever changing as she is. Long love the Queen of Pop
This is my cute daughter💗👇видео.html
Cover of the song Bird Set Free - SIA. Check out that sweet and wonderful voice there!🌹🌹🌹👇👇видео.html
but she is sexually abusing people on a live concert tho, shes is so fcking disrespectful :)
”I don’t know why but as soon as someone tells me there’s a rule, I have to break it.” ❤️
QUE?! No me diga!
It makes you stand out,how are you dear?
That is the definition of a rebel heart
Jo, yes it is like somebody want to own you.
Same haha I've just stopped the video after listening her saying this
I was fortunate enough to see this show at the Wiltern in LA last year in the 7th row. Hands down the best stage production I’ve ever seen. Pure theatre genius from the stagecraft to the collection of beautiful artists in the show. Thank you Madonna, it was the high point of what was a really tough year. She is my GenX warrior queen. She is a fully realized artist and has never compromised her vision. I am so grateful for this slightly older generation of women who have refused to yield to the patriarchy and mendacity of the music industry. Amen
Hi Shelly how are you?
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together,
there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong
#staysafe #stayhome.
Madame X is truly one of Madonna's greatest albums. It joins the ranks of Like a Prayer, Erotica and Ray of Light. It's an album that only comes around once ever few decades and I feel so fortunate that I just happened to be alive at the same time this work of art made its appearance.
You really, really got the point. 💜. Madame ❌ is a masterpiece.
Her inspiration for this record was so tangible.
@@mirkostrokes5982 David💛💖 *
@@enricovankeeken1624 ♥️
Madame X more way better than Ray Of Light. Ray Of Light was pretty clumsy with lack of good songs. Madame X is totally better.
Love hearing her speak so candidly , you can hear music is her absolute passion. I love her as a brunette, she looks mature, beautiful and elegant.
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 Clickhere : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1
underrated album, honestly. 💖✨
Amazing album
the way that she's still reinventing herself even after 40 years in the business .... that's a real artist y'all
Not really 40 yrs yet (from first single)
@First Last Suck what
@@sageywavey Madonna's toe coz you'll always be at that level.
@@sageywavey just admit that ur envy towards a true legend
@@kunguo3672 I’m envious of this true legend
This is not just an album, it's a criminally underrated sonic essay, a true masterpiece of concept and inspiration.
So nicely put.
Ooo... well said. Ignorance should be illegal.
...HOWEVER, I would like to boldly and proudly claim (more like announce😏🥳)...
I was able to “one, two. one, two... cha(x3)” CONVERT HATERS, AND REDIRECT those that had GONE ASTRAY!😇 That’s right 😎
Madonna said once that " I want to be the Picasso of music,I'll never stop making music I'll sing dance and perform till I die" and yes shes doing it.
I really don't know why she's not as much acclaimed as other artists of her level. She's the only artist that keeps releasing interesting stuff in her 60s, no other singer has done that, they usually rely in their oldest music. She keeps trying new things that no other artist has try, not even the younger ones, that's what you do when you LOVE music.
Well... You can thank Pitchfork for giving this album a 4.8/10
Probably why no one listens to it, even though I thought it was the most mesmerising, risk taking, thought provoking album of 2019... But no... Bad Guy wins song of the year.
I agree with you
I think the lack of acclaim has to do partially with being a woman (and I know that sounds like a cliche, but women still don't get the same level of respect in the music business that men do) and the perception of her as "just a pop star." The fact that she is a song-writer gets ignored. The influence that she's had, not just on other female singers, but in bringing up many "fringe" producers into the mainstream gets ignored. The fact that she completely redefined what a concert experience should be gets ignored. People get hung up on the controversy and think that means she's not an artist. She's far more versatile than someone like Paul McCartney or Bob Dylan (not to bash either of them), but she gets a fraction of the respect. I hate to think that she won't really be recognized for the talent and skill that she has until after she's gone, but that seems to be the case with so many artists. We don't know how to appreciate them until they're dead. Like Joni Mitchell said, "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got 'til it's gone?"
@@cjsouthworth5363 couldnt agree more with you. Madonna is everythin the music industry dont want. Everything they rejects because of ignorance. Madonna is a white woman who is old. To be her is a sin ultimately. Such a shame coz they dont know they are before the greatest artist of all the times.
There will never be another Madonna and she made it in a world of zero social media: no instagram, Snapchat, RUclips, smartphones, etc etc...,. and yet *every person in the whole wide world* knew who Madonna was; even in the midst of the Amazon forests I’ll be willing to bet...
But - and this upsets me to say; she let the likes of the Kardashians and their ilk get to her.....She tries too hard to maintain an illusion of youth....
....she could have been a real inspiration to older women by embracing her age and being proud of being a woman in her 60s but all the plastic surgery and the butt implants have now made her into a bit of a laughingstock - and that’s tragic, it’s a crying shame....
Look at the camera angles and the clever lighting in this video. Madonna is ashamed of being an older woman; she is trying too hard to be someone she outgrew long ago; her face is frozen in time...
I wish she would not be ashamed of growing old - we all do - you can’t stop nature and time, no matter how much money one has.
God bless her ❤️🙏🏽
Madame X is definitely one of her best albums and eras
Totally agree, a very real and intellectual masterpiece, gracias 💖💯❤
I don't get this era and the songs are kinda awful
@@as.dexter Not everyone is ready for it, unfortunately.
@@gabvulpes yea it's sad because i'm a big madonna fan and I've been trying to let this album grow on me and it hasn't yet
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-----۞------------
livegirls19. com 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《
!❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。
I love to see how Madonna puts her heart in her music ♡
I love this documentary and the album too. So sad it didn't get the recognition it deserved - but that's the thing about Madonna, her albums are always timeless and usually appreciated a long time after their release. Madame X should receive all music awards there is because it's so important and necessary. It doesn't have only music, it has history, concept. I am doing my part and listening to this album religiously every day. You should do that too.
this is so beautiful I teared up and am just sitting here with chills in awe. I have been singing like a virgin in the car since I was 5 driving in the way way back with my mom. whatever way way back means. but it's very memorable. you've been through every chapter of my life, Madge. you have done so much for this world and women I'm so thrilled to have incarnated in a generation with you as our Queen.
Madonna honestly had an amazing struck of genius when she wrote Madame X. The music is very experimental and sounds amazing, and the messages in some of the songs are very important or relatable.
Pity about the autotune
@@2wiceashard Shut up.
I dont mind the autotune. She uses it because she likes the robotic sound of her voice and so she uses it on purpose.
@@APoliticalConfusionAndMess why should I? Just giving my opinion. Madonna is an icon, she has produced some amazing songs over the years, but I don't think her recent work is good due to the production, particularly the use of autotune. She doesn't need it. She's better than that.
@@EthanBoruff a vocoder would've sounded better though.
I love to see the story behind each song. Madonna is a creative genius and she pours her heart into her art. I loved Madame X and I hope more people appreciate this album for the beautiful gem that it is.
Ohh em gee. This video makes the albums 10x better 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 it’s a beautiful album
hello gorgeous thanks for subcribing and commenting on my RUclips channel hope you don't stop with your love and support
One of the best artist’s of all time!
The best artist ever.
@@jairramirez_ 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
The best*
@@joaoalejandrogonzales5980 👍👍👍👍👍
One of Madonna’s greatest album. Musically and lyrically so rich and culturally Genius. Ahead of its time, as everything she has done.
I don't care about what people say, Madame X is one of my favorite Madonna's albums (and I REALLY love all of them)
She can easily rely on the formula of her previous hits but she chooses to reinvent and venture into new territories. That's a real artist there.
And THAT is what makes her an AUTHENTIC icon! (That’s what justifies MY love!!)
I agree unlike Kylie Cher Elton John Taylor swift gaga who constantly do the catalogue show .I'm so glad Madonna he as never done that that's why she is the artist she is everyone look up to MADONNA
True. Thats why I loved immediately this record.
@@davidmadden447 *? **#Cher** ❤🔥is a TRUE Artist ... AMERICAN Rock&Roll is a music genre that i´ve nEver rEAlly liked, but she has an Amazing voice ... And her ACTING Ís OSCAR worthy MOONSTRUCK / SILKWOOD / MASK❤❤🔥💛the paparazzi, fans, talkshow people is `HELL´ for artists **#LadyGaga** ++she mUst do a bUnch of good artistic stuff ( i don´t have the time to follow her ) ~~~then (this is for EVERYONE who might read what i´ve written here) nEver!EVER think of ME as a fan or stan ... **#Madonna** ++knOws it..R!C*
I love that Madonna always bring a back story behind each album, Madonna’s music is not just a random and hallow tunes and sounds, as she said in an interview, “people always say that I Reinvent myself but it’s more than that, it takes a lot of time , study and investigation” . There’s no other artist as smart like Madonna in the music industry history.
MADAME X is a brilliant album, full of beautiful songs, a masterpiece, and this documentary makes it even more interesting. Love it!
Well said. I was speechless.
Madonna, Your latest album is so underrated, despite it's filled with songs with great diversity. I've had You as a great idol from around 1985 until present days. God bless You, Madonna!
The second most underrated album in history alongside with American life. Never stop making music and touching souls
Madonna is the most incredible artist of all time!! She’s so versatile, she’s so talented, she is so inspiring!!
Love her so much!!
She’s the best artist of all time!!!
There’s no one like Madonna!!!
Long live The Queen!!!👸🏼
I LOVE her too I’m her biggest fan !
Well said.
too bad the truth will lose her fame. Madonna is one sick alien.
The side of Madonna the media doesn’t want you to see the side interscope records should’ve promoted I’m glad she’s back at Warner they’ve always treated her better with promoting her music
Is that for sure now, M is back at Warner? 😯
Wait what?!! She's back at Warners?!!?!😲🤩Oh my god, that's amazing!💗 Has she signed a new record deal? (I feel like I've missed something.....there's been no word on a new record deal)
@@angelvisions444 She doesn’t follow her old label anymore but the rumors started when Warner added a pic of Madonna to their lineup on their page then it was also seen that they both started to follow eachother I’m thinking it’s the best choice the last time she was really successful music wise on the charts she was with Warner because they focus more on the music and promotion interscope focuses more on touring when it comes to Madonna which she’s successful in but her music is always left for her to self promote which imo is so sad considering how big her name is in the industry you’d think the label would try their best to help boost her career and music on the charts
Interscope are the devil - can't wait for them to go out of business! They treated her awfully!
@@BlueSix100 and that "Guy" ...
I've been a fan since 1985. Madonna's creative process astounds me. She's incredible. This glimpse into her creative mind is brilliant! I've already watched this a few times. Love this so much!!!
Nicely put
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together,
there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong
#staysafe #stayhome.
This is pure ART ! Almost a 40 year career, still she impresses with the creativity and all the work she puts to make her vision come alive. A true LEGEND!
I feel humbled and honoured for listening to all those silly meme raps. This is like Madonna; the Opera.
Art with no BS. Very Intelligent record.
I can watch it again and again sooo great ,the storys behind the song and how this film is beautiful edited.
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together,
there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong
#staysafe #stayhome.
Regards from Medellín (Colombia), my queen!
Are we going to have news about the Madame X Tour DVD soon? Can’t wait 🤩
*Madonna is my inspiration! my mom said that if I got 3K subscribers!! On my cover channel! She definitely buy me a professional mic!!*
They’re currently editing it! I think it was on her story I can’t really remember
@@sakibkhanshuvo3843 can u do a English cover of any song of Blackpink??🍒
Esperamos ver el concierto de madamex tour felicidades por el documental
@@ada_alarcon I'll try
A wonderful christmas present...from the greatest artist of all times. 🔥♥️❌
Portugal will be forever on the heart of her and the kids!
Great memories were made that will last forever.
Definitely one of the best albums of Madonna !!!
Ye a
Wo w
No other artist can reinvent themselves and their sound like Madonna. This is why she is the biggest selling female artist in history! While the Madame X album is not the easiest album to listen to, it is up there with her finest works. A brilliant journey and evolution.
I absolutely love where she went with this. I just wished the Madame X tour didn't have so many glitches and matched this fabulousness of this idea.
Rainha do pop, eterna e perfeita! Te amamos Madonna!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️👑
@@RafaelAlves-cf5vq 👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It’s not easy to be a legend.... it’s not easy to be MADONNA !
@@deliyclaire6676 *"from the other side"*
I think this is easy for her because she's just can't be the other way. She is just this way.
One of her best albums. It inspires me so much!
Shes a living legend!
*Madonna is my inspiration! my mom said that if I got 3K subscribers!! On my cover channel! She definitely buy me a professional mic!!*
I’m so in love with this Woman.. Her mind.. and when she uses her voice to express her heart and mind.. You are eternal, #Madonna !!.. A God and a Goddess.. 👑💙🙏🏼
She’s Madonna, the rats can't cancel her.
5 years later. I liked Madame X but after 5 years.... I wished I had appreciated it more. She pours her whole soul into her projects. I adore Madame X. I loved what it meant for her to do it and her endless sense of curiosity in music. She lives every album like an era unlike some others.
Madonna has been breaking boundaries and reinventing herself since I was a kid & she had Holiday, Lucky Star & Like A Virgin... LEGENDARY..
She is a once in a lifetime superstar that we are blessed to have co-existed with!
Biggest Facts! She made me understand the true Gravity of being a Star... Small body with immense mass! 🌟💫
WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : livegirls19. com
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1618759088
FINALLY, now can we get the bonus tracks on streaming? thank you legend!
La Reina del Pop ganó el premio a mejor documental en Buenos Aires!
I'd like to say this woman inspires me since I was a child. Her attitudes and everything that she says with no fear about the media will say, she's strong like no other was before.
Hi dear thanks for your support and comments, I really appreciate you so much for being one of my big fans,you can send me a direct message +1 5083061139
“ could feel sadness, and you could feel, most importantly, JOY.”
I literally wrote that down.
o instrumental de Killers Who Are Partying é SENSACIONAL
Assim como todo o resto kkkk tenho uma paixão enorme por essa música
esse álbum é incrível! muitíssimo incompreendido
Killers Who Are Partying my favorite from Madame X
o meu sonho é que ela lançasse a instrumental do álbum. Batuka também é lindo. Madame X é um dos álbuns mais orgânicos dela.
...stole my heart in 1982 an still hasn't given it back !!! Long live the Queen X !!!
madonna please never stop making music, this album was a masterpiece (but you could stop using ig tho, i'm just saying) love uuu
It's hard for me to think about the day Madonna will leave this mortal life... I don't know why I feel so connected to her!
because you have no identity of your own and because of your co-dependence
*I feel connected to her as well...So, you're not alone :-) ~ And she isn't going anywhere soon..+*
I'm not ready for it.. My whole free time everyday.. I listen to Madonnas songs..
wow, I will be coming back to rewatch this, I was meant to see it. I just came here to play justify my love ( obsessed with it) and then this video came up. They way she has worked this album and the way she's talking about it, a true artist/professional in what she does.
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together,
there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong
#staysafe #stayhome.
Madame X is one her best, yet most underrated albums. So many different sounds from different places mixed together in a beautiful collage, that still stands as a typical Madonna album. Gotta give her so much credit for still experimenting as an artist and not playing safe and sticking to her back catalogue. QUEEN!❤️❤️❤️
This is Madonna's world! We're just living in it... X
Madame X is a masterpiece!
*Madonna is my inspiration! my mom said that if I got 3K subscribers!! On my cover channel! She definitely buy me a professional mic!!*
Fuck yeahhhhhhh
God bless the QUEEN!! This album was everything I needed from M. You see the love and passion she has for her art in this doc. The way Dino just stares in AWE as she speaks.
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together,
there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong
#staysafe #stayhome.
Prophetic album. "Not everyone is coming to the future." One year before Covid..
Yes. ...then, take one more step back, and feel the Rebel Heart beat.
Thats not all.... You saw fires, you saw crown on her head, masks, "we come from future" "crucifixion" etc.... Go listen to her song one more time but with subtitles and see what she sang, take care of everything!
For me means not everybody have mind and attitude to accept progress and innovation but remain connect to the past.
It surely is... if you go to minute 5:02, you'll see Corona labelled on the typewriter
had nothing to do with Covid lmao .. It's a coincidence. You are all overreacting. Artists have always been singing about the end of the world ...
I've enjoyed experiencing Madonna grow as an artist and human being over the years. Her influence shows throughout many platforms and most dont even realize it...a true icon and trailblazer MADONNA.👑
What a beautiful name you have Stephen, Are we open to know each other?
*Who's Been A Madonna Fan For A Long Time?* ✋
Me for about 21 years. I was 4 back in 1990 when I first noticed her on the radio and Tv but I really started following her work in 1999.
Since I was 6. 43 now
Me since 1984 like a virgin album she hypnotized me with her sex symbol looks wayback 80s yeah shes got the look and i got head turning eyepopping watching her on tv omg
I guess like a virgin album is all about sex and love
Then i searched the first album name madonna the first album where the party started
Then i falling in love with madonnas true blue album like ive found my true love wow
Then like a prayer album came which is the most artistic album of all time in my own opinion
They said madonna cant sing high notes but i dont care high notes coz what matter most to me is to listen to a singers voice s that can make my ears mind and heart relax
madonnas voice is just simple but her arts as an artist on her songs is so amazing enjoyable
For me madonna is the best of the bests thats why im a fan always for ever
Since 1983 when I was 13. She's the soundtrack to my life.
i wish she would make an acapella album. She has such a beautiful voice and I would love to hear her sing her songs with no instruments distracting from it. Maybe in a lullaby form....I think it would be beautiful.
“I know this is crazy... tell me if it inspires you.”
I’m speechless.
I was dying to tell her, “yes!”
I’m pretty sure that I screamed it out loud.... but I KNOW I had tears streaming down my face at that point.
Great story, thank you. Some are followers, some are changers. ''All the world is a stage, and everybody has their part...'' that phrase stayed.
Madonna, você é incrível! Não demore para lançar outro álbum. 💖
❤️❤️I am an Arab who loves all Madonna's songs❤️❤️
ahleyn habibi.... me too
😊 I respect your point of view, mister
She’s a true living LEGEND + ICONIC!!!!!! RESPECT!!!!!!!!
This is why EVERYBODY LOVES HER!!! Thank You for the inspiration, the messages, & inner strength!!!! 😍😍😍😍👏👍✌
I can watch this everyday. Madame x is more than an album.. it’s a manifestation of greatnesses, godlike rooted into the grounds of what’s beyond the human experience and the capacity to fully understand the concept of Madame X.... after all, Madame X is everyone and everything.
Madame X is godlike, Madame X is a circle
The whole Madame X album is such a Masterpiece ♡♡♡ It deserves so many awards and certifications it sadly hasn't gotten. I also wish it would have gained way more recognition when it was released back in 2019.
its dumb shit
Madonna te amo. Todas las mujeres del pop que quisieron igualarte no pudieron ya que vos sos mucho más talentosa. Te adoro, sos una gran loca hermosa.
Month after month I still fall in love with this record. At every listening I discover new details or sounds. It's a shame that MX is a such underrated album.
an amazing video. Madonna is a woman who has given so much insight to the world. A magnificent artist!!!!!!❤
Who else just got here as soon they received notification👍
Living legend. Can't wait to hear her next album.
Medellín, Crazy & Come Alive are my faves off this incredible album ❤❤❤
I am very happy to see Mirwais in this album! Madonna, Mirwais music is your real sound!❤❤❤
The way she talks about world music is beautiful. That’s a real artist! ❤️❤️
Such an inspiration . Probably my favorite record ever .
lovely it's a hard time for the world now, we are all going through a dark phase but we can only win this war over this pandemic if we stand together,
there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Keep practicing self hygiene and wash your hands and keep supporting my career we will bounce back strong
#staysafe #stayhome.
I’m glad she put this on RUclips for more people to see.
I can not stop listening to this album. My favourite in 2019 and still my favourite in 2020. Probably the best album in years to come!
*Madonna is my inspiration! my mom said that if I got 3K subscribers!! On my cover channel! She definitely buy me a professional mic!!*
After a career of 4 decades always at the top, you expect that Madonna will try to maintain the "commercial" level of her works in addition to the artistic level, but then you come across Madame X, a surprising album.
An artistic maturity and a courage that only very few artists dare to have and Madonna has shown once again that she has it to sell, before and better than any other artist has done.
An extraordinary job for a courageously extraordinary and extraordinarily courageous Artist ... even more, Legendary!
“...the one thing that gives us HOPE, is music.”
She's the Queen, she's Madonna, the Queen of Music, a pure legend 💛💛💛
She should've released this last year with the album! I also wish Crazy was a single
Crazy should have been a #1 single.
Actually, she released this last year, in June, but she didn't upload it to RUclips until now
She released it on Amazon Prime 🤷♂️🤷♂️
We need god control remixes! madame x queen of everything We’ve Been Waiting 🙏🏻
Beautiful humble beginnings Madonna, you are a real true star, a legend. God rewarded you for you’re humble soul and hard work!
Madonna is a real artist, in any sense of this world. She is so creative