This is similar to my bike (Amyet G60). It even has the exact same seat which I really like. It's a little wide for me when pedaling but it's super comfortable. I'm also skinny so it's wider for me than it is for you. The only thing I'd want different is a bigger battery and 30 mph. A 52 volt 25 amp for example would be great on this. There's plenty of room for a bigger battery. I understand it would be more money but I think it would be worth it
Do you know if your able to upgrade it? I'm about to be getting this exact bike in a few days. I'm not aloud to drive due to medical issues so this is gonna be my main form of transportation. I legit got to the store and work lol takes me 7 mins to get to either place on my scooter but I'm trying to sit and chill omw into work and to the store so this seems perfect for me. Even if it only goes 20 or 25 mph that's really all you need on a bike🤷♂️ wanna go faster get a surron🔥🔥🤷♂️
This is similar to my bike (Amyet G60). It even has the exact same seat which I really like. It's a little wide for me when pedaling but it's super comfortable. I'm also skinny so it's wider for me than it is for you. The only thing I'd want different is a bigger battery and 30 mph. A 52 volt 25 amp for example would be great on this. There's plenty of room for a bigger battery. I understand it would be more money but I think it would be worth it
Thanks for sharing!
Do you know if your able to upgrade it? I'm about to be getting this exact bike in a few days. I'm not aloud to drive due to medical issues so this is gonna be my main form of transportation. I legit got to the store and work lol takes me 7 mins to get to either place on my scooter but I'm trying to sit and chill omw into work and to the store so this seems perfect for me. Even if it only goes 20 or 25 mph that's really all you need on a bike🤷♂️ wanna go faster get a surron🔥🔥🤷♂️
Just discovered your channel. Excellent presentation. Liked, subscribed, and rang that bell.😁
Great video thank you
but very mediocre bike.
I know many want to see bike 40mph+, but this one is a decent bike