Fenomenalna torta! Pravila sam detetu za rodjendan i svi su bili odusevljeni ukusom.Sve sto sam radila do sad po vasim receptima, sve je bez greske. Hvala vam i za ovaj predivan recept i puno pozdrava :)
Samo tvoje klipove pratim , i pravim sve po tvojim receptima. Uvek uspe jer fantastično objašnjavas. Kratko,jasno. Do sada sam pročitala samo jedan komentar da"gnjavis". Neobracaj pažnju na takav komentar jer zaista nije tako. Dotična nek posluša "serpicu" pa će da vidi šta je gnjavaza. Ostani ovakva kao što si do sada bila. Ljubim te.
Torta je 👍all me najvise zanima za vrecicu ima kod nas umakedoniju dase kupi. Aj recimiti kako koristis taj spric Dall je pères isus objasnimi please cekam
Planiram da napravim ovu tortu, ali me brine fil. Plašim se da mi se fil ne raspadne, pa sam mislio da stavim dve kesice želatina, šta vi mislite? Veliki pozdrav za Vas, odlični su Vam recepti, redovno Vas pratim!
Nisam je još pravio, mnogo mi se svidela ona torta sa čokoladom i plazmom, već dva puta za redom je pravim, uskoro planiram i ovu da napravim, samo se malo plašim da se smesa ne raspadne kad skinem kalup, staviću dve kesice želatina, nadam se da se neće raspasti. Pozdrav.
Postovana ovu vrecicu kad zavrsis s dekorisanjem Dall je pères Dall tije pllatno ill sta vec Dall ti se otvara pisto to radis na tome ijako je susis molimte za ogovor
Yeah. It definetely would. :) Here's the translation if your interested. :) Base: 250g of crushed biscuits 70g of melted butter 500ml of orange juice Cream: 1l of milk 8 tablespoons of caster sugar 3 packs (150g) of chocolate pudding 200g of dark chocolate 125g of butter 100g of caster sugar 250ml of heavy cream 1 pack (10g) of gelatin 40 ml of water Decoration: 250ml of heavy cream 1 bar of chocolate 1 tablespoon of oil Method: To make the pudding: Warm up 900 ml of milk. Mix 3 packs of chocolate pudding, sugar and 100ml of milk. When your milk is warmed up add sugar pudding mixture to the warmed milk and cook it until it thickens stirring it constantly. When your pudding is done add dark chocolate (brake it into pieces) or dark chocolate chips ad stir it until the chocolate is melted. Let it cool completely. While pudding is cooling down prepare the base. Combine crushed biscuits, melted butter and juice together and mix until everything is combined. Wrap sides of springform tin into plastic foil. Place it onto serving plate. Press the biscuits crumbs into the bottom of your serving plate. Whip 250ml of heavy cream. Cream together the butter and sugar. When the pudding is cooled down mix it with butter. When the butter and pudding are mixed together add cream and mix everything again. Add water to gelatin and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. After 10 (15) minutes warm up the gelatin. You can warm it up on the stove or in the microwave. It needs to be liquefied but be careful not to boil it. When the gelatin is liquefied add it to the chocolate mixture and mix everything together. When everything is nicely combined pour it into your serving plate (of course with sides on). The cream will be very runny at this point but don’t worry cause it will thicken after about 3 hours. Put the cake into the fridge for at least 3 hours. (you can put it into the fridge over night if you want to). When the cake is set remove the sides and plastic foil. Whip 250ml of the cream and decorate your cake. You can melt chocolate and combine it with oil and spoon the chocolate over the cream. That’s it! I hope I helped. Bon appetite!
Base: 250g of crushed biscuits 70g of melted butter 500ml of orange juice Cream: 1l of milk 8 tablespoons of caster sugar 3 packs (150g) of chocolate pudding 200g of dark chocolate 125g of butter 100g of caster sugar 250ml of heavy cream 1 pack (10g) of gelatin 40 ml of water Decoration: 250ml of heavy cream 1 bar of chocolate 1 tablespoon of oil Method: To make the pudding: Warm up 900 ml of milk. Mix 3 packs of chocolate pudding, sugar and 100ml of milk. When your milk is warmed up add sugar pudding mixture to the warmed milk and cook it until it thickens stirring it constantly. When your pudding is done add dark chocolate (brake it into pieces) or dark chocolate chips ad stir it until the chocolate is melted. Let it cool completely. While pudding is cooling down prepare the base. Combine crushed biscuits, melted butter and juice together and mix until everything is combined. Wrap sides of springform tin into plastic foil. Place it onto serving plate. Press the biscuits crumbs into the bottom of your serving plate. Whip 250ml of heavy cream. Cream together the butter and sugar. When the pudding is cooled down mix it with butter. When the butter and pudding are mixed together add cream and mix everything again. Add water to gelatin and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. After 10 (15) minutes warm up the gelatin. You can warm it up on the stove or in the microwave. It needs to be liquefied but be careful not to boil it. When the gelatin is liquefied add it to the chocolate mixture and mix everything together. When everything is nicely combined pour it into your serving plate (of course with sides on). The cream will be very runny at this point but don’t worry cause it will thicken after about 3 hours. Put the cake into the fridge for at least 3 hours. (you can put it into the fridge over night if you want to). When the cake is set remove the sides and plastic foil. Whip 250ml of the cream and decorate your cake. You can melt chocolate and combine it with oil and spoon the chocolate over the cream. That’s it! I hope I helped. Bon appetite!
Fenomenalna torta! Pravila sam detetu za rodjendan i svi su bili odusevljeni ukusom.Sve sto sam radila do sad po vasim receptima, sve je bez greske. Hvala vam i za ovaj predivan recept i puno pozdrava :)
Pozdrav Majo!
Kratko,jasno,razumljivo objašnjavas. Svaka čast, negnjavis nas kao ona"serpica". Sludi me ,i prestanem da gledam video. Tebe obožavam.
Svi su vasi recepti super hvala na lijepim receptima naj vise sta mi se svidza sto ne kazete dobar dan lijepi moji kako ste bas ste profesionalni
Pravim večeras za sutrašnji rođendan. Pozdrav iz Sarajeva 🎉
a zašto ste tako divni sve vaše recepte su super odlične i razumljive hvalaa
Samo tvoje klipove pratim , i pravim sve po tvojim receptima. Uvek uspe jer fantastično objašnjavas. Kratko,jasno. Do sada sam pročitala samo jedan komentar da"gnjavis". Neobracaj pažnju na takav komentar jer zaista nije tako. Dotična nek posluša "serpicu" pa će da vidi šta je gnjavaza. Ostani ovakva kao što si do sada bila. Ljubim te.
Neverovatno lepa i ukusna torta.👍👍👍👍👍
Fantasticno.Kako ste ovo prikazali je za svaku pohvalu.Hvala vam lipa za ovaj video.Sve najbolje zeli vam Milica
Pravim je upravo sada, slavimo sinu rođendan. Nadam se da je super ukusna 😉😊 Ne sumnjam 💖
Rastura Torta 👍 hvala za recept 👍
Torta je vrh ! Vec je godinama pravim za sve progode.
Torta je odlicna.Pravicu je sigurno
Vi uvik imate savrsene recepte i hvala..😘😘😁😁
Upravo napravljena🥰 Vrh, Hvala
Svaka čast ...svaki detalj je izrecen ...to volim ...a ne kad se cuti ...EXTRA JE
svaka cast ,ovo izgleda prelijepo a i tebi svaka cast kako si to sve lijepo objasnila
Kuvo sam je, probo sam je: ODLIČNOOOO,VYNIKAJUCEEEE
vi pravite najbolje torte...super ste...
Bas si majstor, svaka cast!
Stvarno ste odlicni sve vase recepte su razumljivi ali sta umesto zellatina jell moze gustin molim vas objasnitemi
prelepo...idem na sajt..hvala puno
ukusno izgleda
Habiba Mehic
Jelajelena Petrovic -
Mnogu mnogu ubavo
Evo ja upravo pravim ovu tortu i mislim da je vrh
jako mi se dopada super!😀
Falavi bas obozavam vakve torte isto gi pravim
Mnogo dobra torta!
svaka cast predivna je
Super torta
odlicna torta odmah idem da je napravim
Torta je 👍all me najvise zanima za vrecicu ima kod nas umakedoniju dase kupi. Aj recimiti kako koristis taj spric Dall je pères isus objasnimi please cekam
Akako pères platno posle dekorisanja
sve cestitke stvarmo je super
Hvala! Odlicna tortica :)
Bas je super torta. die torte siet gut aus
natasa avramovic madona totta
torte madona totra
@@snezanagersic1634 dfdfsdmdkaf1
Изгледа феноменално!
Да ли је слатка павлака неопходна у крему или може без ње? 😄
Hvala 🌹🎵♥️
Po meni je ovo mnogo mnogo bolje nego svi oni na 24kitchen sto kuvaju(Rudolf i ostali)
Milan Nikolic suncokret
Cao Torta je predivna vidi se mene zanima posto mi treba za Rođendan za sina jer moze da bude Četvrtasta hvala
ljepo izgleda
lepo objasnjeno al puno posla....torta divno izgleda....:)
ja sam gladna ;-)
Rica torta de chocolate !!!
Marta Tauber !
Marta Taube
Jaojjjjj svska ti cast zeno
Extra.. 😘
napravila sam ali mi je krema ispala tecnija i ne znam da li ce se stvrdnuti preko noci bojim se da je torta propala
Jer moze gustin nevolllim zellatin
Planiram da napravim ovu tortu, ali me brine fil. Plašim se da mi se fil ne raspadne, pa sam mislio da stavim dve kesice želatina, šta vi mislite? Veliki pozdrav za Vas, odlični su Vam recepti, redovno Vas pratim!
Pozdrav. Možete staviti 2 kesice, neće ništa pokvariti, samo nemojte tri :)
jes li je napravio prijatelju
meni je uspela al jeo sam je kasikom
Nisam je još pravio, mnogo mi se svidela ona torta sa čokoladom i plazmom, već dva puta za redom je pravim, uskoro planiram i ovu da napravim, samo se malo plašim da se smesa ne raspadne kad skinem kalup, staviću dve kesice želatina, nadam se da se neće raspasti. Pozdrav.
Mustafa Mustafa mal strpljenja
da li se moze kora napraviti bez margarina ?
Postovana ovu vrecicu kad zavrsis s dekorisanjem Dall je pères Dall tije pllatno ill sta vec Dall ti se otvara pisto to radis na tome ijako je susis molimte za ogovor
Oreo torta ima tell recept to zahvaljujem
torta je odlicna
ovakav video nije zdrav za mene,sada moram traziti nesto cokoladno po kuci...;-)
Super kolaci
Da li moze u taj fil malo visanja ubaciti. Dajte mi savet . Ljubim vas. Hvala.
Naravno! Ocedjene.
vrlo je lepa svaka čast napiši detajlan recept?.
Recept se nalazi na linku u opisu videa, ali evo i ovde domacirecepti.net/nepecena-cokoladna-torta/
Domaći Recepti
Marija Jolačić
ok ste! bravo oko!!
da li mora sok od naradze ili moze neki drugi
would be even better with subtitles
Yeah. It definetely would. :)
Here's the translation if your interested. :)
250g of crushed biscuits
70g of melted butter
500ml of orange juice
1l of milk
8 tablespoons of caster sugar
3 packs (150g) of chocolate pudding
200g of dark chocolate
125g of butter
100g of caster sugar
250ml of heavy cream
1 pack (10g) of gelatin
40 ml of water
250ml of heavy cream
1 bar of chocolate
1 tablespoon of oil
To make the pudding:
Warm up 900 ml of milk. Mix 3 packs of chocolate pudding, sugar and 100ml of milk. When your milk is warmed up add sugar pudding mixture to the warmed milk and cook it until it thickens stirring it constantly. When your pudding is done add dark chocolate (brake it into pieces) or dark chocolate chips ad stir it until the chocolate is melted. Let it cool completely.
While pudding is cooling down prepare the base. Combine crushed biscuits, melted butter and juice together and mix until everything is combined. Wrap sides of springform tin into plastic foil. Place it onto serving plate. Press the biscuits crumbs into the bottom of your serving plate.
Whip 250ml of heavy cream. Cream together the butter and sugar. When the pudding is cooled down mix it with butter. When the butter and pudding are mixed together add cream and mix everything again. Add water to gelatin and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. After 10 (15) minutes warm up the gelatin. You can warm it up on the stove or in the microwave. It needs to be liquefied but be careful not to boil it. When the gelatin is liquefied add it to the chocolate mixture and mix everything together. When everything is nicely combined pour it into your serving plate (of course with sides on). The cream will be very runny at this point but don’t worry cause it will thicken after about 3 hours. Put the cake into the fridge for at least 3 hours. (you can put it into the fridge over night if you want to). When the cake is set remove the sides and plastic foil. Whip 250ml of the cream and decorate your cake. You can melt chocolate and combine it with oil and spoon the chocolate over the cream.
That’s it! I hope I helped. Bon appetite!
pravila sam ga i jako je ukusan i ljep
Moze li umjesto cokoladnih pudinogov nugatt pudingi???
Super,hvala vam najbolji ste
Izvinite jel moze ova torta bez zelatin
mmm. ..može!
Moze li ova torta bez zelatina
koliko treba vremena da se torta napravi
dali moze da se koristi nisesta umesto zelatina
Na žalost ne...nemaju istu upotrebu.
Jel kalup od 26-28cm? Hvala iLP
svaka cas
Pobogu, ispravite pisani recept!!! Ne ide 500 ml soka od pomorandze!!!
can somebody translate how she did the cream please
250g of crushed biscuits
70g of melted butter
500ml of orange juice
1l of milk
8 tablespoons of caster sugar
3 packs (150g) of chocolate pudding
200g of dark chocolate
125g of butter
100g of caster sugar
250ml of heavy cream
1 pack (10g) of gelatin
40 ml of water
250ml of heavy cream
1 bar of chocolate
1 tablespoon of oil
To make the pudding:
Warm up 900 ml of milk. Mix 3 packs of chocolate pudding, sugar and 100ml of milk. When your milk is warmed up add sugar pudding mixture to the warmed milk and cook it until it thickens stirring it constantly. When your pudding is done add dark chocolate (brake it into pieces) or dark chocolate chips ad stir it until the chocolate is melted. Let it cool completely.
While pudding is cooling down prepare the base. Combine crushed biscuits, melted butter and juice together and mix until everything is combined. Wrap sides of springform tin into plastic foil. Place it onto serving plate. Press the biscuits crumbs into the bottom of your serving plate.
Whip 250ml of heavy cream. Cream together the butter and sugar. When the pudding is cooled down mix it with butter. When the butter and pudding are mixed together add cream and mix everything again. Add water to gelatin and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. After 10 (15) minutes warm up the gelatin. You can warm it up on the stove or in the microwave. It needs to be liquefied but be careful not to boil it. When the gelatin is liquefied add it to the chocolate mixture and mix everything together. When everything is nicely combined pour it into your serving plate (of course with sides on). The cream will be very runny at this point but don’t worry cause it will thicken after about 3 hours. Put the cake into the fridge for at least 3 hours. (you can put it into the fridge over night if you want to). When the cake is set remove the sides and plastic foil. Whip 250ml of the cream and decorate your cake. You can melt chocolate and combine it with oil and spoon the chocolate over the cream.
That’s it! I hope I helped. Bon appetite!
elmira loma
Postovana molly. Te za odgovor
Na sajtu je pod tim nazivom druga torta, mene zanimaju sastojci za ovu ako ima napisano gdje
Da li ste pogledali ispod videa ...
Aida Dobras 👍🏼😄
Tvoji recepti su dobri lepi i ukusni ali pravis skupe recepte
sieht lecker aus
Zlatne Ruke to
dobro kako pises
2 ?9.
????and I
I am so happy , do you invite me?
My birthday 25.12. !? Thanks a lot!!!
Noste je odmene