Like the new lessons, a refreshing appraoch to playing! A pity pdf-sending doesn’t work for some reason. CanI do something on my side to solve any problem ??
Hi Hans, Rogine has had some technical issues with his machines. Could you please send me an email to: Let me know what is the PDF or lesson you want more information and I will try to help you with what I have as I am in Brazil.
Grtz, Hans Pekelharing.
Always glad to see a new lesson!
Yeah! "send us an email for the pdf of this lessons and more".... Keep playing, keep pushing. ;)
Like the new lessons, a refreshing appraoch to playing! A pity pdf-sending doesn’t work for some reason.
CanI do something on my side to solve any problem ??
Hi Pekelharing, what was the problem with the PDF? Let me know what was the problem and I will reach Peter and have it fixed. Thanks for your comment.
Marcos Rosa Hi, I havo no idea, I just don’t get any. Thnx, Hans
Marcos Rosa I have no idea! I just don’t get them. Thnx for inquiring with Peter. Grtz, Hans
Hi Hans,
Rogine has had some technical issues with his machines. Could you please send me an email to:
Let me know what is the PDF or lesson you want more information and I will try to help you with what I have as I am in Brazil.
...i can just see Joe Carbone with a bowl of linguini...
Joe Carbone --- smoking his big cigars!