hey quick question how do i fix the "access denied" thingy since every time i try to open it after doing all of the thingy all it does is give me a screen with some text and says random numbers and then it does "access denied" is there any way to fix it? (edit: ive sent this message to others to see if i can get other ways to fix it) edit part 2: i was able to fix it
한머 스크립트 다시 만들어주실수 있나여 😢😢
인젝하고 게임 들어가면 솔라라가 꺼지는데 이유 아실까요?
혹시 다른 사람 계정 밴도 되나요 안된다면 계정 핵하는 핵같은게 있나요. MPTI678 이놈이 자꾸 까부는데;
@@localxtop solara에 어떤 스크를 입력해도 Solara is not in어쩌고가 떠요
@@Dadot._.옆에 클립같은거 누르셈
디코 어디에서 다운 가능하나요?
이거 깃헙 링크 들가면 404 에러 뜨는데 뭔가요
마이크로소프트 스토어에서 로블록스가 안보이는데 어떻게 깔죠?
거긴없고 구글에서 깔아야죠
걍 뭔가 앞아 이상한거 안적고 바로 스크 적어도 되너요
오 로컬님도 드디어 solara 영상 올리시네
Pls scripts
오 해주셔서 감사합니다 ㄷㄷ
skill issue
hey quick question how do i fix the "access denied" thingy since every time i try to open it after doing all of the thingy all it does is give me a screen with some text and says random numbers and then it does "access denied" is there any way to fix it? (edit: ive sent this message to others to see if i can get other ways to fix it) edit part 2: i was able to fix it
@@localxtop when i try to open it i just get some screen that with some weird letters more text and then "access denied"
@@localxtop i will
sent dont mind my user i randomly changed it to that cuz of discord spamming change user
Delete the app it’s a known logger
집에 온다음에 해야짘