Beautifully designed and made gyros, real attention to detail is seen all around! Is it possible to use Viking engines on these machines? the Viking 90 and 130
Tall tail, who fly tall tails. Come on catch up with everybody. 2 stroke engine, who fly 2 stroke . They don’t make the 582 anymore. Long landing gear, who flying is flying with long landing legs. Come on catch up.
Nice overview of "assist-to-build" option. Thanks for sharing.
Dennis has put together an incredible machine with fit and finish not normally found in the gyro community.
Beautifully designed and made gyros, real attention to detail is seen all around! Is it possible to use Viking engines on these machines? the Viking 90 and 130
I’m hoping to do the same soon!
Could you tell me how much this machine weighs and give me a ballpark estimate on this gyro?
How much does one cost? Thanks
See their website.
@lorendjones what is their website..not listed in description?
Cool, Are those MayTec extrusions for the frame?
How much is a kit
It’s on their website.
Tall tail, who fly tall tails. Come on catch up with everybody. 2 stroke engine, who fly 2 stroke . They don’t make the 582 anymore. Long landing gear, who flying is flying with long landing legs. Come on catch up.
How much is a kit