This is dope! A beautiful voice singing a beautiful song in a very creative video that doesn't take itself too seriously and still gets the point across. Loved it. Vote up if you agree!
If you continue to live in the past...there is no way to move forward in a positive direction. If you continue to look back, you will fall and will not see where you need to go. It's like running with your head turned looking back or running backwards. You'll either run into something or fall. Learn to forgive and move on. There are many things that happened in the past for a reason. But to dwell on them in a negative way will only hinder the human race and weigh it down. Learn to live as one!
Take experiences for what they are, a chance to learn and grow. View them as positive influences. Strength not weakness. Someone that has not been affected by discrimination in some form is not human. What you do with that experience is totally up to you. Stop blaming and start living. There is only one race...the human all uniqueness (young/old, man/woman, belief, characteristics, etc.) We are all different but the same.
Because I do know Erin, I don't think the intent had anything to do with the debate below, but frankly because she might have not wanted to make the song tooo sultry (which the song naturally conveys) but was trying to lighten up the mood of the song and be playful. The song is amazing, and for those who would be too hard toward Erin, you might ask yourself if any of your past efforts were mis-interpreted and try to give her a break. Erin is incredibly sweet and only tries to be kind.
It's a choice what you find and see. What are you looking for, Jenn? Are you happy? Content with yourself? Where are you on YOUR journey? That's the question you have to ask yourself rather than asking me. Everyone is traveling their own path and have obstacles to overcome on their own. We are here to help each other out along the way. We live in the same world. But you choose where you want your mind to take you. To love and happiness? Cheers!
Jenn, If you see hate, you can see love and vice versa. It's your choice what you see in this video and in day-to-day life. If you choose to see love, happiness will follow. Because like love, happiness is a state of mind which has physical effects on the body. It links mind, body & spirit/soul/energy...what you will. But you must first choose to look at it from another/different/new perspective. Which you totally discarded my view. Inside all of us there is chaos; but there is also love/beauty
And the fact that you are getting so upset speaks volumes. I'm not upset by your comments (although they are offensive) because I know you're projecting. It's all good. To each their own. I wish we could all get along, but there are people (like you) that just don't have that on their radar. Listen to yourself, Jenn. Are those things that you would say to someone to tell your side of a story in a calm, loving manner? What example are you when you advocate for such an awesome cause? Great Lead!
@ThrakkorzogPJM That's what I've been saying!!! Geeeezzzz!!!! Thank you arkangel2001 for pointing out the character of Erin. You are spot on!!! She's absolutely a GEM! Love her...and what she creates. It's beautiful.
And I totally agree with you! I too believe that you need to raise awareness of racism as it does effect people in a negative way (it has it's traumatic effect) and a lot of people don't know that they do this. To make them more aware of what they are doing is a great thing to do and I'm happy that you do this. But HERE is not the place. Trust me. There are no secret racist underlining message anywhere in this video. Racism is something everyone must overcome on their own in own mind. Yes, aware
I have absolutely nothing against this version of this song, it's beautiful, fun, playful, and I think the video is awesome. However, that being said I do prefer the version from The 11th Florr much more! :D
You know what, maybe I was upset and I'm sorry I didn't get where EXACTLY you were coming from. This was a reflection of even bringing up that there is a difference between race and ethics. I honestly thought they were the same thing. Race (HUMAN) and ethics (right & wrong). Thanks for sharing and thanks for the inlightenment. I guess I just don't differnciate from the two. We are all humans...that's about it.
We all wear masks. I choose to look past them to what really matters...the heart. I dare you to try this. Try looking not at what they have, or who they know, or how they look, or sex, or class, or race, or religious beliefs...but their true self. What you feel when you're around someone. I do study people. I love watching mannerisms and behaviors. Why people do things a certain way. It's fascinating to me. To actually see their thought process. Reading people in a positive way.
Well's association and how you perceive/view the world. And I, too, didn't associate race anywhere in this video because it's not in here. I don't see race or view the world in this way from every corner. So it's foreign to me. Your comments didn't make sense to me. If it was an attack, yeah I can see someone taking offense...but it's not. I guess I'm just confused by your comments. I would really like to get more views on this to see what other people think. Taught/learned response.
Jenn, I think it might be you stretching the symbolism of chocolate. Have you even read the title and listened to the lyrics of the song you are posting on? She is speaking of chocolate in the literal sense...mix that with LOVE. Or being in love. Try looking at it from that point of view.
Come on, people! This obviously has NOTHING to do with race. But rather the opposite sex, desire, seduction, and primal instincts. In order to get over race issues, you must learn that everything is not a personal attack. It seems as if you are looking for it. It's your own perspective. And issues within yourself that are surfacing. Reflection. Something that you must overcome and has nothing to do with this video. Trust me. Negativity is heavy and weighs on the soul.
Jenn, we can't change the past BUT we can influence the future (in a positive way). To move forward past the indifference. Yes, I understand where you are coming from but it's not relevant to this video. And yes, it's part of US history. But we don't live in those times anymore. You only live in the past if you choose to. It's a choice. It's traumatic if you choose to let it be. I have gone thru a lot in my others have. Traumatic experiences that I had to overcome on my own.
BUT what you are talking about and what I'm talking about are two TOTALLY seperate things. Primitave (1st stages of love...where you give chocolate to your lover), that euphoric feeling of love as chocolate gives most women (all the ones that I know), euphoric love and euphoric that's a great combo. In those states, you see past everything...their wrong. It's primitave. And there is nothing that is racist about that.
That happens across the board. This happens in race, sex, class, etc... Women make up 51% of the US population...but 17% of Congress is comprised of women. There are issues everywhere. But when you look for them in everything you see, you miss the overall picture. And you complain about how things were/are and nothing gets done. Instead of holding on to this, maybe you should actually do something to change it. It's an equal opportunity country. We are free. Pave your own path.
Whoever thinks that this is "racist" or whatever...needs to check out the new rolo commercial. This video has nothing on that commercial and it is aired during the Summer Olympics 2012. So what does that say? Personally, I don't see anything wrong with this video. If you are lookin for something, then you'll find what you're lookin for. It's all about perspective. I think of good sweet food when I hear this song.
Maybe there is a reason for this disproportionality in every aspect? My point from the beginning. Move forward in a positive direction and see where it takes you instead of holding on to the past in a negative way. I see discrimination everywhere...but it takes effort to change the views of others. You have to prove to you and to others that you want to change the world in a positive manner (and this is NOT positive). Love for everyone. And forgiveness. Great opportunity to change the game, huh?
Jenn, your comments are offensive. You are STILL attacking. This video is not meant to attack anyone. So your posts here don't make sense. You are judging me when you should take a look deep within yourself. These feelings are merely an expression of who YOU are. Try mixing creativity (art) and analytical thinking...somethimes they don't always go together. Like I said, I understand where you are coming from but it doesn't apply here. Sorry.
As I watched this video, I sincerely hoped it was a parody of itself- a way of comically reminding us about how there are still people who see race as a determinate of humanity. This is obviously not the case, and while many are inclined to laugh off cries of racism as petty insistence on the politically correct and act like we are living in a post-race culture, race is a very real issue for the people who don't have the luxury of pretending it is not.
"Ky, chocolate is a candy.I use to give it to my mother on holidays, i was in no way trying to seduce her." Men also give chocolate to their lovers on Valentine's Day. That would be twisted if men looked at their girlfriends and wives as their own mothers. You have a totally different view of the world. And your association skills are skewed. You are trying to put two things together that DON'T belong. And you are picking apart each and every thing twisting it into what you want to believe.
Don't try to educate me when you know nothing about upbringing, my personality, my experiences. That, to me, is what you are trying to prevent. Listen to your approach. Being on the attack and pushing your views on to people, that obviously do not apply in this instance, is a total turn off. If you want to educate people, you must 1st know where they are coming from and can relate to them on a certain level. Connect to that person to show them what you see. Maybe you will get somewhere.
You are categorizing/placing me into a group…racial or otherwise. And that’s not what you want to do, right? If you change your approach, you might understand where everyone is coming from and be able to relate to them. You will be more connected to people (no matter what ethnic background). Because, yes, it’s everywhere in every culture unfortunately. If you can connect, then you can eventually become one with everyone and THAT is the GOAL! Right?
I honestly don't see color and I'm native american, brittich, scotish, irish...a lot of different origins. Soon enough it won't matter here. One day...huih? ;) Hopefully VERY soon if it's not taking place right now. That's why we need to stop differentiating from humans. That was what I was upset about that someone could. For change, there must be everyone working together and treating each other right. And I shouldn't have got upset. I'm sorry and understand where you are coming from.
I love me some Erin Ivey, but this video is too strange. Love the song, but the video seems to strive to be weird for weird's sake. Think I'll stick with listening to it on my ipod.
I have yet to attack you. And, yes, I admit that I have a lot to learn. You never stop learning. When that happens, you stop living. But you are falsely accusing me and I have a right to defend myself. It's not this video that I'm's my view. Everyone has their own. I'm not angry. I understand that you view the world differently than I do maybe because of your experiences and what you were taught. And that's OK. But I just wish that you would look at it differently. That's all.
Jenn, I know for a FACT that this does not mean what you think it does. And that tells me that you were looking for a reason to believe this. Which tells me that you are extremely sensitive to racism (as I am) and you were looking for something negative here. Please see my comments below. It is meant to be light-hearted, fun, daring, sensual, etc. Like chocolate...sweet and seductive. Desirable. With a comedic twist. That's about it. I'm sorry that you took offense to it.
Patrickthemeaney, you seem to get very defensive about this video not portraying any racist sentiments. You have to understand that using an ape in a song titled chocolate does reinforce racism regardless of what you think.
Think creatively and not literally analytical for a change. And see what you find, Jenn. Use your own mind for a change instead of youtube telling you what is really going on in the world...or CNN, Fox News or any other brainwashing network. We all have those primal instincts (unless you have never been in love and do not know love). But I think everyone has love and the capability to love (if they recognize it, see it and surrender to it.) It's there. That's birth.
This song/video has many dynamics but race is not one of them. But I think that I understand where you were going with it. But trust me, you might have went a little too far. It's about Love/Lust. Yin yang/balance. Do you believe that Good and Evil are racist? Love is totally blind. So if this video is about Love, then it would have nothing to do with what you are talking about. The ape is merely a disguise. Chocolate and lust can be viewed as sinful. Euphoric feeling. Transcending into Love.
This is dope! A beautiful voice singing a beautiful song in a very creative video that doesn't take itself too seriously and still gets the point across.
Loved it. Vote up if you agree!
Love it! both funny and thinky the video, and music and voice sweet like chocolate.
So wonderful you just blow me away
Congratulations on one hundred likes in ten years !
Love it!
If you continue to live in the past...there is no way to move forward in a positive direction. If you continue to look back, you will fall and will not see where you need to go. It's like running with your head turned looking back or running backwards. You'll either run into something or fall. Learn to forgive and move on. There are many things that happened in the past for a reason. But to dwell on them in a negative way will only hinder the human race and weigh it down. Learn to live as one!
Take experiences for what they are, a chance to learn and grow. View them as positive influences. Strength not weakness. Someone that has not been affected by discrimination in some form is not human. What you do with that experience is totally up to you. Stop blaming and start living. There is only one race...the human all uniqueness (young/old, man/woman, belief, characteristics, etc.) We are all different but the same.
Because I do know Erin, I don't think the intent had anything to do with the debate below, but frankly because she might have not wanted to make the song tooo sultry (which the song naturally conveys) but was trying to lighten up the mood of the song and be playful. The song is amazing, and for those who would be too hard toward Erin, you might ask yourself if any of your past efforts were mis-interpreted and try to give her a break. Erin is incredibly sweet and only tries to be kind.
It's a choice what you find and see. What are you looking for, Jenn? Are you happy? Content with yourself? Where are you on YOUR journey? That's the question you have to ask yourself rather than asking me. Everyone is traveling their own path and have obstacles to overcome on their own. We are here to help each other out along the way. We live in the same world. But you choose where you want your mind to take you. To love and happiness? Cheers!
@moebetta08 You nailed it! Awesome voice and video. Loved it!
Jenn, If you see hate, you can see love and vice versa. It's your choice what you see in this video and in day-to-day life. If you choose to see love, happiness will follow. Because like love, happiness is a state of mind which has physical effects on the body. It links mind, body & spirit/soul/energy...what you will. But you must first choose to look at it from another/different/new perspective. Which you totally discarded my view. Inside all of us there is chaos; but there is also love/beauty
And the fact that you are getting so upset speaks volumes. I'm not upset by your comments (although they are offensive) because I know you're projecting. It's all good. To each their own. I wish we could all get along, but there are people (like you) that just don't have that on their radar. Listen to yourself, Jenn. Are those things that you would say to someone to tell your side of a story in a calm, loving manner? What example are you when you advocate for such an awesome cause? Great Lead!
@ThrakkorzogPJM That's what I've been saying!!! Geeeezzzz!!!! Thank you arkangel2001 for pointing out the character of Erin. You are spot on!!! She's absolutely a GEM! Love her...and what she creates. It's beautiful.
I love the scene at Highball! #Kungfufighting
Maybe there are just some people that are just not ready to view this at this point in time.
You know that Girl at the beganing? The one getting the icecream througn out of her hand? She is my BFF!!!! And her dad derected this film!
And I totally agree with you! I too believe that you need to raise awareness of racism as it does effect people in a negative way (it has it's traumatic effect) and a lot of people don't know that they do this. To make them more aware of what they are doing is a great thing to do and I'm happy that you do this. But HERE is not the place. Trust me. There are no secret racist underlining message anywhere in this video. Racism is something everyone must overcome on their own in own mind. Yes, aware
I have absolutely nothing against this version of this song, it's beautiful, fun, playful, and I think the video is awesome.
However, that being said I do prefer the version from The 11th Florr much more! :D
You know what, maybe I was upset and I'm sorry I didn't get where EXACTLY you were coming from. This was a reflection of even bringing up that there is a difference between race and ethics. I honestly thought they were the same thing. Race (HUMAN) and ethics (right & wrong). Thanks for sharing and thanks for the inlightenment. I guess I just don't differnciate from the two. We are all humans...that's about it.
We all wear masks. I choose to look past them to what really matters...the heart. I dare you to try this. Try looking not at what they have, or who they know, or how they look, or sex, or class, or race, or religious beliefs...but their true self. What you feel when you're around someone. I do study people. I love watching mannerisms and behaviors. Why people do things a certain way. It's fascinating to me. To actually see their thought process. Reading people in a positive way.
Well's association and how you perceive/view the world. And I, too, didn't associate race anywhere in this video because it's not in here. I don't see race or view the world in this way from every corner. So it's foreign to me. Your comments didn't make sense to me. If it was an attack, yeah I can see someone taking offense...but it's not. I guess I'm just confused by your comments. I would really like to get more views on this to see what other people think. Taught/learned response.
Jenn, I think it might be you stretching the symbolism of chocolate. Have you even read the title and listened to the lyrics of the song you are posting on? She is speaking of chocolate in the literal sense...mix that with LOVE. Or being in love. Try looking at it from that point of view.
Come on, people! This obviously has NOTHING to do with race. But rather the opposite sex, desire, seduction, and primal instincts. In order to get over race issues, you must learn that everything is not a personal attack. It seems as if you are looking for it. It's your own perspective. And issues within yourself that are surfacing. Reflection. Something that you must overcome and has nothing to do with this video. Trust me. Negativity is heavy and weighs on the soul.
Jenn, we can't change the past BUT we can influence the future (in a positive way). To move forward past the indifference. Yes, I understand where you are coming from but it's not relevant to this video. And yes, it's part of US history. But we don't live in those times anymore. You only live in the past if you choose to. It's a choice. It's traumatic if you choose to let it be. I have gone thru a lot in my others have. Traumatic experiences that I had to overcome on my own.
BUT what you are talking about and what I'm talking about are two TOTALLY seperate things. Primitave (1st stages of love...where you give chocolate to your lover), that euphoric feeling of love as chocolate gives most women (all the ones that I know), euphoric love and euphoric that's a great combo. In those states, you see past everything...their wrong. It's primitave. And there is nothing that is racist about that.
That happens across the board. This happens in race, sex, class, etc... Women make up 51% of the US population...but 17% of Congress is comprised of women. There are issues everywhere. But when you look for them in everything you see, you miss the overall picture. And you complain about how things were/are and nothing gets done. Instead of holding on to this, maybe you should actually do something to change it. It's an equal opportunity country. We are free. Pave your own path.
Whoever thinks that this is "racist" or whatever...needs to check out the new rolo commercial. This video has nothing on that commercial and it is aired during the Summer Olympics 2012. So what does that say? Personally, I don't see anything wrong with this video. If you are lookin for something, then you'll find what you're lookin for. It's all about perspective. I think of good sweet food when I hear this song.
Maybe there is a reason for this disproportionality in every aspect? My point from the beginning. Move forward in a positive direction and see where it takes you instead of holding on to the past in a negative way. I see discrimination everywhere...but it takes effort to change the views of others. You have to prove to you and to others that you want to change the world in a positive manner (and this is NOT positive). Love for everyone. And forgiveness. Great opportunity to change the game, huh?
Jenn, your comments are offensive. You are STILL attacking. This video is not meant to attack anyone. So your posts here don't make sense. You are judging me when you should take a look deep within yourself. These feelings are merely an expression of who YOU are. Try mixing creativity (art) and analytical thinking...somethimes they don't always go together. Like I said, I understand where you are coming from but it doesn't apply here. Sorry.
enlightenment rather. I knew it looked incorrect but no spell check ;)
As I watched this video, I sincerely hoped it was a parody of itself- a way of comically reminding us about how there are still people who see race as a determinate of humanity. This is obviously not the case, and while many are inclined to laugh off cries of racism as petty insistence on the politically correct and act like we are living in a post-race culture, race is a very real issue for the people who don't have the luxury of pretending it is not.
"Ky, chocolate is a candy.I use to give it to my mother on holidays, i was in no way trying to seduce her." Men also give chocolate to their lovers on Valentine's Day. That would be twisted if men looked at their girlfriends and wives as their own mothers. You have a totally different view of the world. And your association skills are skewed. You are trying to put two things together that DON'T belong. And you are picking apart each and every thing twisting it into what you want to believe.
Don't try to educate me when you know nothing about upbringing, my personality, my experiences. That, to me, is what you are trying to prevent. Listen to your approach. Being on the attack and pushing your views on to people, that obviously do not apply in this instance, is a total turn off. If you want to educate people, you must 1st know where they are coming from and can relate to them on a certain level. Connect to that person to show them what you see. Maybe you will get somewhere.
You are categorizing/placing me into a group…racial or otherwise. And that’s not what you want to do, right? If you change your approach, you might understand where everyone is coming from and be able to relate to them. You will be more connected to people (no matter what ethnic background). Because, yes, it’s everywhere in every culture unfortunately. If you can connect, then you can eventually become one with everyone and THAT is the GOAL! Right?
I honestly don't see color and I'm native american, brittich, scotish, irish...a lot of different origins. Soon enough it won't matter here. One day...huih? ;) Hopefully VERY soon if it's not taking place right now. That's why we need to stop differentiating from humans. That was what I was upset about that someone could. For change, there must be everyone working together and treating each other right. And I shouldn't have got upset. I'm sorry and understand where you are coming from.
I love me some Erin Ivey, but this video is too strange. Love the song, but the video seems to strive to be weird for weird's sake. Think I'll stick with listening to it on my ipod.
I have yet to attack you. And, yes, I admit that I have a lot to learn. You never stop learning. When that happens, you stop living. But you are falsely accusing me and I have a right to defend myself. It's not this video that I'm's my view. Everyone has their own. I'm not angry. I understand that you view the world differently than I do maybe because of your experiences and what you were taught. And that's OK. But I just wish that you would look at it differently. That's all.
Jenn, I know for a FACT that this does not mean what you think it does. And that tells me that you were looking for a reason to believe this. Which tells me that you are extremely sensitive to racism (as I am) and you were looking for something negative here. Please see my comments below. It is meant to be light-hearted, fun, daring, sensual, etc. Like chocolate...sweet and seductive. Desirable. With a comedic twist. That's about it. I'm sorry that you took offense to it.
Patrickthemeaney, you seem to get very defensive about this video not portraying any racist sentiments. You have to understand that using an ape in a song titled chocolate does reinforce racism regardless of what you think.
Think creatively and not literally analytical for a change. And see what you find, Jenn. Use your own mind for a change instead of youtube telling you what is really going on in the world...or CNN, Fox News or any other brainwashing network. We all have those primal instincts (unless you have never been in love and do not know love). But I think everyone has love and the capability to love (if they recognize it, see it and surrender to it.) It's there. That's birth.
This song/video has many dynamics but race is not one of them. But I think that I understand where you were going with it. But trust me, you might have went a little too far. It's about Love/Lust. Yin yang/balance. Do you believe that Good and Evil are racist? Love is totally blind. So if this video is about Love, then it would have nothing to do with what you are talking about. The ape is merely a disguise. Chocolate and lust can be viewed as sinful. Euphoric feeling. Transcending into Love.