Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop - Part 2 [english translation]

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • Durch die Nacht mit Bill Kaulitz und Wolfgang Joop. Arte. No subtitles, this time, but you can find a translation in the video description :)
    BILL: What I find amazing is that you don't seem nervous at all, especially since you're shooting this today and tomorrow's the show. I would just say "all right, piss off", and...
    JOOP: To be honest, I never shoot things like this. I mean, maybe at your age but...
    talks in English, about his art, and stuff
    BILL: What was going on there, a terror attack or something? I didn't even hear about that...
    JOOP: Yes, that's why they told me that we couldn't visit the Eiffel Tower tonight, and I was hoping you wouldn't want to go there.
    BILL: What a pity! I was looking forward to it. I've never seen it. I've been in Paris so many times but I've never actually seen it.
    JOOP: I was twelve when I was there for the last time. Do you have your passport?
    BILL: Um... I think they gave me one earlier?
    JOOP: Otherwise they'll think you're a terrorist. Apparently it was a group of women who wanted to blow up the Eiffel Tower earlier today. Probably out of penis jealousy (??? XD)
    BILL: I moved to Hamburg when I was fifteen.
    JOOP: Really? I didn't know that!
    BILL: Yes, I was fifteen. For me it was just... I wanted to get out of the province, didn't want to finish school there, I wanted to get out as soon as I could, and when it worked out for us... We released the first song during the summer break...
    JOOP: So you didn't go to school in Hamburg?
    BILL: No, I didn't go to school at all anymore. I quit at fifteen, and then we tried again but it was impossible, of course. The press was everywhere and the principal asked us to her office and was like, "Okay, we need to find a solution here. You need to get out of school." Of course I immediately packed my bags, and then we moved to Hamburg. And... yeah. Tom and I had four dogs. [lists all the dogs they have; I don't feel like translating those right now XD] And they were all accidents, we saved them all. We got the first one from an animal shelter, and the others too. We didn't want to keep them at first but... you know how it is.
    JOOP: I brought a female dalmatian from New York. She had another owner before me - her name is Gretchen. And then the previous owner followed us to Germany and wanted her back. And then I found an alternative dog for the first time in my life - a [insert dog name]. And her name is Lottchen. And they both sleep in my bed.
    BILL: Aww, they're so great. I love those.
    JOOP: I think I haven't slept properly in weeks. Because then they do like this, and at night I sometimes get up and try to push her away, but she won't budge! Then I walk around the bed and lay down on the other side where there's only a little room left for me. And then on the other side, there's Gretchen.
    JOOP: And do you know whom I was on the runway with? Grace Jones.
    BILL: Wow.
    JOOP: She was walking in front of me, and... I designed that collection... [*mumblemumble*] And then I said "Grace, come/calm down." And she was like, "You know what? I'm not coming back. I'm coming back as a singer." And I was like: "Yeah, yeah, right, whatever." And the next time she came back, and everything was like in La Vie En Rose. I experienced that first-hand, that pop history. Yeah, I know her.
    BILL: Unfortunately, I can't talk about that [as in, I don't have anything that exciting to say].
    JOOP: And then she was like, "My husband is Turkish, he's very jealous."
    BILL: shivers
    JOOP: I feel like I'm in a French 'Nouvelle Vague' film. You're Alain Delon, I'm Romy Schneider.
    BILL: I love those parachutes when they like, hook you up and then let you fall down, you know?
    JOOP: Like bungee jumping?
    BILL: Or parachuting. Oh, I did that a while ago, yes. About two months ago. For the first time. It's a dream! It was incredible.
    JOOP: Adrenaline, adrenaline...
    BILL: Over there is where we had our concert, on the French national day. It was in 2007.
    JOOP: And ever since all the teenagers here want to learn German.
    BILL: And there were 500,000 people here. It was incredible. I think that was the first time that I really couldn't see the end of the crowd.
    JOOP: What kind of a feeling is that, by the way?
    BILL: Actually, starting from a certain number, there's not really a difference anymore. I'd say at... 30,000, there's not really a difference if there are 30,000 or 70,000 people. Then you don't see much anymore; you just see little dots.

Комментарии • 49

  • @vicciwarrior
    @vicciwarrior 13 лет назад +4

    Bill could never be ugly - he is an absolutely beautiful human being - inside and out. He has grown up - none of us stay as we were in our teens. His performances are as exciting as ever and his singing voice keeps getting better. Tokio Hotel forever! The song someone asked about is 'Human Connect To Human'

  • @pizzawings75
    @pizzawings75 13 лет назад +3

    :04 "i like your ring" haahaahaha Bill just keeps on talkin'

  • @Taegrn
    @Taegrn 14 лет назад +2

    LOL Bill's like talking, and that guy with Joop is like "I like your ring," and Bill totally ignores him XDD

  • @xoxBTGGxox
    @xoxBTGGxox 14 лет назад

    Vielen dank fur typing dass all out

  • @Luciandreia
    @Luciandreia 14 лет назад

    hope you'll update the 3rd part soon :)
    thank you for the translation.

  • @DC-jn9cc
    @DC-jn9cc 5 лет назад +1

    BILL: What I find amazing is that you don't seem nervous at all, especially since you're shooting this today and tomorrow's the show. I would just say "all right, piss off", and...
    JOOP: To be honest, I never shoot things like this. I mean, maybe at your age but... (BILL: O que eu acho incrível é que você não parece nem um pouco nervoso, especialmente porque você está gravando isso hoje e amanhã é o show. Eu apenas diria "tudo bem, não me chateies" e ...
    JOOP: Para ser sincero, nunca filmo coisas assim. Quero dizer, talvez na sua idade mas ...)
    Wolf: Frag ihn, wie ich bin, wenn es um die Kollektion geht. (Wolf: Pergunte a ele o que eu sou quando se trata da coleção.)
    Wolf: Wir arbeiten zusammen daran. (Wolf: Nós trabalhamos juntos nisso.)
    Damian: Es ist eine große Kollektion. (Daminan: É uma grande coleção.)
    Damian: Wir sind uns fast immer einig, was hineingehört und was nicht. (Damian: Quase sempre concordamos com o que pertence a ele e o que não .)
    Damian: Alles von der Bilderwand hängt hier. (Damian: Tudo da parede da imagem paira aqui.)
    Wolf: Ich kann es ihm überlassen. Ich bin fertig mit meiner Arbeit. (Wolf: Eu posso deixar isso para ele. Eu terminei meu trabalho.)
    Wolf: Ich komme gerade aus München, (Wolf: Acabo de chegar de Munique,)
    Wolf: wo ich eine große Kunstausstellung hatte. (Wolf: onde tive uma grande exposição de arte.)
    Wolf: Ich bin nicht mehr auf dem Planeten Mode, (Wolf: Eu não estou mais na moda do planeta,)
    Wolf: sondern auf dem Planeten Kunst. (Wolf: mas na arte do planeta.)
    Wolf: Ich mache Engel. So wie du ein schwarzer Engel warst, (Wolf: Eu faço anjos. Assim como você era um anjo negro,)
    Wolf: mache ich schwarze und weiße Engel. (Wolf: eu faço anjos negros e brancos.)
    Wolf: Seit zehn Jahren mache ich Skulpturen aus Marmor. (Wolf: Há dez anos venho fazendo esculturas de mármore.)
    Wolf: Ich springe zwischen Mode und Kunst hin und her. (Wolf: Eu pulo para frente e para trás entre moda e arte.)
    Wolf: Ich muss mich beeilen. Das Leben ist kurz. (Wolf: Eu tenho que me apressar. A vida é curta.)
    Wolf: Im November habe ich Geburtstag. (Wolf: É meu aniversário em novembro.)
    Wolf: Das ist der bedrückendste Moment des Jahres. (Wolf: Este é o momento mais deprimente do ano.)
    Wolf: Deshalb muss ich mich beeilen. (Wolf: É por isso que tenho que me apressar.)
    Wolf: Sie wollen, dass wir jetzt zum Eiffelturm fahren. (Wolf: Eles querem que a gente dirija até a Torre Eiffel agora.)
    BILL: What was going on there, a terror attack or something? I didn't even hear about that...
    JOOP: Yes, that's why they told me that we couldn't visit the Eiffel Tower tonight, and I was hoping you wouldn't want to go there.
    BILL: What a pity! I was looking forward to it. I've never seen it. I've been in Paris so many times but I've never actually seen it.
    JOOP: I was twelve when I was there for the last time. Do you have your passport?
    BILL: Um... I think they gave me one earlier?
    JOOP: Otherwise they'll think you're a terrorist. Apparently it was a group of women who wanted to blow up the Eiffel Tower earlier today. Probably out of penis jealousy (??? XD) (BILL: O que estava acontecendo lá, um ataque terrorista ou algo assim? Eu nem ouvi sobre isso ...
    JOOP: Sim, é por isso que eles me disseram que não poderíamos visitar a Torre Eiffel hoje à noite, e eu esperava que você não quisesse ir para lá.
    BILL: Que pena! Eu estava ansioso por isso. Eu nunca vi isso. Eu já estive em Paris tantas vezes, mas eu nunca realmente vi isso.
    JOOP: Eu tinha doze anos quando estive lá pela última vez. Você tem seu passaporte?
    Bill: Hum ... acho que eles me deram mais cedo?
    JOOP: Caso contrário, eles vão pensar que você é um terrorista. Aparentemente, foi um grupo de mulheres que queria explodir a Torre Eiffel hoje cedo. Provavelmente por ciúme do pênis (??? XD))

    • @DC-jn9cc
      @DC-jn9cc 5 лет назад

      BILL: I moved to Hamburg when I was fifteen.
      JOOP: Really? I didn't know that!
      BILL: Yes, I was fifteen. For me it was just... I wanted to get out of the province, didn't want to finish school there, I wanted to get out as soon as I could, and when it worked out for us... We released the first song during the summer break...
      JOOP: So you didn't go to school in Hamburg?
      BILL: No, I didn't go to school at all anymore. I quit at fifteen, and then we tried again but it was impossible, of course. The press was everywhere and the principal asked us to her office and was like, "Okay, we need to find a solution here. You need to get out of school." Of course I immediately packed my bags, and then we moved to Hamburg. And... yeah. Tom and I had four dogs. [lists all the dogs they have; I don't feel like translating those right now XD] And they were all accidents, we saved them all. We got the first one from an animal shelter, and the others too. We didn't want to keep them at first but... you know how it is.
      JOOP: I brought a female dalmatian from New York. She had another owner before me - her name is Gretchen. And then the previous owner followed us to Germany and wanted her back. And then I found an alternative dog for the first time in my life - a [insert dog name]. And her name is Lottchen. And they both sleep in my bed.
      BILL: Aww, they're so great. I love those.
      JOOP: I think I haven't slept properly in weeks. Because then they do like this, and at night I sometimes get up and try to push her away, but she won't budge! Then I walk around the bed and lay down on the other side where there's only a little room left for me. And then on the other side, there's Gretchen. (BILL: Eu me mudei para Hamburgo quando tinha quinze anos.
      JOOP: Realmente? Eu não sabia disso!
      BILL: Sim, eu tinha quinze anos. Para mim, era só ... eu queria sair da província, não queria terminar a escola lá, queria sair o mais depressa possível e quando deu certo para nós ... Nós lançamos a primeira música durante as férias de verão ...
      JOOP: Então você não estudou em Hamburgo?
      BILL: Não, eu não fui mais à escola. Eu parei aos quinze anos e depois tentamos novamente, mas era impossível, é claro. A imprensa estava em todos os lugares e a diretora nos pediu em seu escritório e foi tipo: "Ok, precisamos encontrar uma solução aqui. Você precisa sair da escola." Claro que imediatamente arrumei minhas malas e depois nos mudamos para Hamburgo. E ... sim. Tom e eu tivemos quatro cachorros. [lista todos os cachorros que eles têm; Eu não estou com vontade de traduzir isso agora XD] E eles foram todos acidentes, nós salvamos todos eles. Nós pegamos o primeiro de um abrigo de animais, e os outros também. Nós não queríamos mantê-los no começo, mas ... você sabe como é.
      JOOP: Eu trouxe uma dálmata feminina de Nova York. Ela tinha outro dono antes de mim - o nome dela é Gretchen. E então o dono anterior nos seguiu para a Alemanha e a queria de volta. E então eu encontrei um cão alternativo pela primeira vez na minha vida - um [insira o nome do cachorro]. E o nome dela é Lottchen. E os dois dormem na minha cama.
      BILL: Aww, eles são ótimos. Eu amo esses.
      JOOP: Eu acho que não dormi bem em semanas. Porque então eles gostam disso, e à noite eu às vezes me levanto e tento afastá-la, mas ela não vai ceder! Então eu ando ao redor da cama e me deito do outro lado onde há apenas um pequeno espaço sobrando para mim. E então, do outro lado, tem Gretchen.)
      JOOP: And do you know whom I was on the runway with? Grace Jones.
      BILL: Wow.
      JOOP: She was walking in front of me, and... I designed that collection... [*mumblemumble*] And then I said "Grace, come/calm down." And she was like, "You know what? I'm not coming back. I'm coming back as a singer." And I was like: "Yeah, yeah, right, whatever." And the next time she came back, and everything was like in La Vie En Rose. I experienced that first-hand, that pop history. Yeah, I know her.
      BILL: Unfortunately, I can't talk about that [as in, I don't have anything that exciting to say].
      JOOP: And then she was like, "My husband is Turkish, he's very jealous."
      BILL: *shivers*
      JOOP: I feel like I'm in a French 'Nouvelle Vague' film. You're Alain Delon, I'm Romy Schneider. (JOOP: E você sabe com quem eu estava na passarela? Grace Jones.
      BILL: Uau.
      JOOP: Ela estava andando na minha frente e ... Eu projetei aquela coleção ... [* murmuriomurmurio *] E então eu disse: "Grace, venha / acalme-se." E ela ficou tipo: "Sabe de uma coisa? Eu não vou voltar. Vou voltar como cantora". E eu estava tipo: "Sim, sim, certo, tanto faz". E a próxima vez que ela voltou, e tudo foi como em La Vie En Rose. Eu experimentei essa história pop em primeira mão. Sim eu conheço ela.
      BILL: Infelizmente, eu não posso falar sobre isso [como em, eu não tenho nada tão excitante para dizer].
      JOOP: E então ela era como: "Meu marido é turco, ele é muito ciumento".
      BILL: * arrepios *
      JOOP: Eu sinto que estou em um filme francês "Nouvelle Vague". Você é Alain Delon, eu sou Romy Schneider.)
      BILL: I love those parachutes when they like, hook you up and then let you fall down, you know?
      JOOP: Like bungee jumping?
      BILL: Or parachuting. Oh, I did that a while ago, yes. About two months ago. For the first time. It's a dream! It was incredible.
      JOOP: Adrenaline, adrenaline... (BILL: Eu amo aqueles pára-quedas quando eles tipo, te prendem e depois deixam você cair, sabe?
      JOOP: Como o bungee jumping?
      BILL: Ou paraquedismo. Oh, eu fiz isso há um tempo atrás, sim. Cerca de dois meses atrás. Pela primeira vez. É um sonho! Foi incrível.
      JOOP: adrenalina, adrenalina ...)
      BILL: Over there is where we had our concert, on the French national day. It was in 2007.
      JOOP: And ever since all the teenagers here want to learn German.
      BILL: And there were 500,000 people here. It was incredible. I think that was the first time that I really couldn't see the end of the crowd.
      JOOP: What kind of a feeling is that, by the way?
      BILL: Actually, starting from a certain number, there's not really a difference anymore. I'd say at... 30,000, there's not really a difference if there are 30,000 or 70,000 people. Then you don't see much anymore; you just see little dots. (BILL: Ali é onde fizemos nosso show, no dia nacional da França. Foi em 2007.
      JOOP: E desde então todos os adolescentes aqui querem aprender alemão.
      BILL: E havia 500.000 pessoas aqui. Foi incrível. Acho que foi a primeira vez que realmente não consegui ver o fim da multidão.
      JOOP: Que tipo de sentimento é esse, a propósito?
      BILL: Na verdade, a partir de um certo número, não há realmente mais diferença. Eu diria que ... 30.000, realmente não há diferença se houver 30.000 ou 70.000 pessoas. Então você não vê muito mais; você acabou de ver pequenos pontos.)

  • @glamberkitten
    @glamberkitten 13 лет назад

    Didn't understand one word - doesn't matter! Just kept thinking Bill is getting handsomer and more worldly each day! Run With It Bill And Don't Ever Stop!!!!!!!!!

  • @thenobody1234
    @thenobody1234 13 лет назад +2

    was joop kunst nennt, nenne ich kitsch.

  • @tokiohotelmedellin
    @tokiohotelmedellin 11 лет назад +1

    Bill Kaulitz es el rey de la moda ok

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 LOL ya about the piercings and clothes your right lol but i never get tired of looking at their old stuff :D haha

  • @SelJaye
    @SelJaye 14 лет назад

    @whatchukno100 actually he's saying that's what Grace Jones said to him [Joop].

  • @julietterozier1991
    @julietterozier1991 10 лет назад +1

    Hi planet RUclips, well, is there anyone who know the name of the song/melody/mix, which starts at 6:08?

  • @alex16rox1
    @alex16rox1 13 лет назад

    bill should try being a designer but he can do anything well

  • @vicciwarrior
    @vicciwarrior 13 лет назад

    Sorry - i gave you the name of the wrong song - I don't know the song at 6:08.

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 hahaha yes i know! :D lol all those years he was so adorable! :D i wonder if him and tom went to the oktoberfest thingy it sounds fun lol

  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  13 лет назад

    @tusia750 Yes, he was talking about the dogs :)

  • @21May94
    @21May94 13 лет назад

    ich wart ja die ganze Zeit auf die madchenmassen die ihn bedrängen aber iwie sind da nie welche, mal aufgefallen?

  • @kkkkkkkkk5975
    @kkkkkkkkk5975 10 лет назад +1

    lol they r so cute couple. OK NO

  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  14 лет назад

    @tokioROhotel I do - but these videos take forever to upload, so the third part is loading right now :) I'm doing it as fast as I can

  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  14 лет назад

    @IvyInsanity Ooooh, me! :D I approve of that bodyguard. *g*

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 hahaha true true and its so weird... im so used to seeing bill with short hair on the sides but not THIS SHORT! LOL looks almost completely shaved off haha.. maybe it is O.o lol

  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  14 лет назад

    @tobillinlove I know ;) I just wasn't sure if the English translation of that part made sense - in German it sounded perfectly logical *g* :D

  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  14 лет назад +1

    @xoxBTGGxox LOL No problem :)

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 yay! hopefully he will listen to us lol :D

  • @PopGracewood
    @PopGracewood 13 лет назад

    Who is the man in the video? I dunno who he is :/

  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  13 лет назад

    @PopGracewood Wolfgang Joop? A German fashion designer :)

  • @Jayce_Alexander
    @Jayce_Alexander 13 лет назад

    @MusicLover09ize Why is that a good thing?

  • @MyMaKaULitZtwinS
    @MyMaKaULitZtwinS 13 лет назад

    What is the name of song 6:08?

  • @seattlepilot
    @seattlepilot 13 лет назад

    Wow I've never said this before.....Bill, I love you to pieces and you're adorable, but I really hate the jewel-y gold things on the shirt and jacket. xD Sorry, just had to say..xP

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 lol what did u think he said?

  • @MissCheetahh
    @MissCheetahh 13 лет назад

    total abgehoben

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 yaaay LOL :D what if he's reading this omg that would be so funny lol

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 ooh i see i just know a few German words from their German songs and did it sound like he said Hunde? cuz yes thats correct that is dog haha :)

  • @tobillinlove
    @tobillinlove 13 лет назад

    @seethehalo oh okey then :)

  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  14 лет назад

    @tokioROhotel I just uploaded Part 3 :D And Part 4 is on its way.

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад +1

    @tusia750 LOL!!! whats owt?? lol haha i dont think he looks ugly... just not his best lol :D he looks ALOT BETTER with his lion hair and that type of clothes and make up he used to wear :D ♥ haha i would be embarrased and laugh too lol :D

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 I FEEL YOU! LOL yup i dont really like it either >:( i love his looks from 2005-2008 and his fauxhawk look! :D yeah! lol

  • @Cantorca
    @Cantorca 3 месяца назад

    So flirty… 😅

  • @TheDesolies
    @TheDesolies 13 лет назад

    @tusia750 lol :D yay-uh! :)

  • @xiomaradavila2937
    @xiomaradavila2937 11 лет назад

    han puesto dos canciones de tokio hotel menschen suchen menschen y hunde

  • @Giovanna2809200
    @Giovanna2809200 13 лет назад


  • @seethehalo
    @seethehalo  13 лет назад

    @MyMaKaULitZtwinS I don't know; but maybe someone else can help you ;)

  • @MyMaKaULitZtwinS
    @MyMaKaULitZtwinS 11 лет назад


  • @primuss90
    @primuss90 12 лет назад

    bill ist schwuler als der joop wenn man nichtmal mehr einen regenschrirm selber halten kann und rumstöhnt wenn man 10 meter laufen muss ich bin gegen gewalt aber bill würd ich gern mal eine reinhauen

  • @primuss90
    @primuss90 12 лет назад

    das die schwuppen immer so anziehen und reden müssen kein wunder werden sie ausgelacht man

  • @tobillinlove
    @tobillinlove 13 лет назад

    @seethehalo oh okey then :)