Just a reminder that this free 5 star has no expiration, you don't have to make the pick right away like last year's. If you are not sure, it's ok to sit on it for a little bit.
I recommend Tamamo highly if you still don’t have her, even if you have double Castoria. 1 Tamamo and a plugsuit is the free substitute for going to NP2+ to make an arts looper work.
I use my Tamamo super often, she provides so much utility. She's also been especially good in LB 6, where you're forced to use only 1 Castoria (if you even have her), so you can put Tamamo in and she'll compliance Castoria super well
Returning player here. I’m absolutely blown away by all the free stuff. I was able to get Castoria on a single eleven pull and I didn’t have to spend any money.
I already have Waiver, so I'm going to get Artoria. I haven't been able to get her yet, but she's my waifu and favorite character in the entire Fate franchise, so for me she's a must pull.
I also thought about Artoria for essential season to increase her NP but Lance Artoria is way more hotter and I use her more often. Makes me wondering.
Tamamo definitely still has her uses, she comes in really handy in Lostbelt 6 when the game won't let you use double Castoria for most of it and you still want to run an arts team.
I'm a returning player after 3 years of taking a break from this game. I decided to just start over again instead of trying to recover my old account, my first impression after returning was wow they're giving away free 5 star servants now? It was a breath of fresh air from what I experienced during the first years of the game. As for the free servants I gotta agree with you waver is the best choice from the selection, Cu alter is also a solid choice but you could never go wrong with a very strong support like waver.
I would advice for those with Waver, to either pick Ozymandias or go for your favorite story locked 5 star since they are so hard to come by. Me personally I am going for Tesla since I still don't have a 5 star AOE Archer and he is top tier and after that I would get Lartoria since I want to collect all Artorias.
To me it comes down to either Batty (because I love her and her weeb talk)or Artoria (Saber) (because for the life of me she just refuses to come to my Chaldea even after all these years). Although Medb has won me over a lot lately, especially after that idol event. (Her idol dress is my favorite outfit of hers)
I'll roll for Koyans first: if I do get her > roll for melu at GSSR > if I get Melu, picking Medb If I get Koyans > then don't get Melu, I'll pick Lartoria (cause my eresh is close to bond 15 lmao) If I don't get Koyans, rolling Castoria banner GSSR, then picking Medb or Tamamo I think this is good for now lmao
When I got the app, I got a free 5 star ticket, don’t remember if it was from an anniversary celebration or a new player support campaign, but I instantly picked Mordred despite not knowing the meta of the game just because she’s one of my favorite servants and have no regret to this day. First choice, best choice and first 5 star servant, still favorite 5 star servant.😂
My choice will be the same as the one I made for JP at the time: Cuzilla. Powerful berserker, good at doing solo runs and he's story lock so he ticks all the boxes for me who already have good dps in each class and Waver, Tamamo, Merlin and Castoria on the support side.
Definitely agree on the waver take, he's great and all, but I noticed that I use him WAY less now that I have castoria. (I also have reines, tamamo, skadi, merlin, etc.) I got him to bond 12 before castoria dropped and since then he still hasn't hit bond 13. I still whip him out now and again, but he's not what I would consider a necessity unless if you're lacking the more specialised supports and 50% chargers (especially castoria).
I'm in a weird place when it comes to picking on here. I narrowed it down to: Achilles (Crit Star factory) Bradamante (She has a wonderful... asset) Sitonia (I have literally every other version of Illya aside from her) Honorable mention: Nicola Tesla (I think he's cool and strong). Everyone else I either have or have better alternatives for them. Even these 4 I have better alternatives. Odysseus Ereshkigal (Absolute Queen of Lancers) Kingprotea Ishtar... And yes, I have Waver, and last time this happened I got Jack the ripper.
Listen to him everyone supports are great I have Waver, Tamamo, Castoria, Merlin, Skadi, and Reins and I use all of them to this day they all do something better than the other and help so much.
I missed out on Castoria the first time around, so I had been doing my arts looping with Berserker Musashi, a friend support Castoria, Tamamo (with bond craft essence) and either Reines/Waver plug suited into the Castoria slot. Now that I have recently acquired my own Castoria, its even more brian-dead/reliable/powerful, but it was still doable on most nodes before. If you don't have Castoria, Tamamo can help your arts loop game a great deal. She's also great in stall teams, and she also solo demolished Koyanskaya for me back in LB5. Niche maybe, but hardly someone you won't ever use.
I think I'm going to go for Quetz. It was a toss up between her, Ozy, Cu, and Artoria but I'll go for her since I think she's cool (although she is on dire need of an animation update and buffs)
I used my ticket last year to get tamamo and I love using her with my Castoria for cheep looping. I was originally going to get Quetzalcoatl but I got a copy for Valentine’s Day and a second for her rank up so I’m going for Cu Alter.
Last few banners really shafted me, but then I get Koyanskaya right at the start of my first 11 pull, and Morgan on the GSSR. This free 5 star is gonna be a hard choice. I thought I was gonna take Tamamo, but now I'm a bit torn.
For years I thought Medb was in the accidental summon pool cuz I never read into it. So I never tried to summon for her. I'll be grabbing her this time around.
I already have Waver, so I think I'm gonna go with Saber herself. I have NP2 Mordred already, so it's not the most tactical pick - but I think I'll let my heart choose this time.
(Small spoiler alert: idk if it counts or not but one of the characters listed here appear in LB6 and you wouldn't know until you actually reach it) Personally, I'm down to between Saber Lancer (I know it sounds stupid, that's why I call her that :P ), Saber, Queen Medb, Illya and Quetz. I know it's a long list but here's my explanation: Saber: Been a fan of the series since I first watched the DEEN anime, even if she can spook I wouldn't mind. Saber Lancer: Saber but booba (though her Ascension 1 with the amour is badass as hell), also, I am a self proclaimed Master of Lancer like how Myst is Master of Caster cause 90% of my spooks have been Lancers, the majority of my gold servants are Lancers and all of my 5 star Lancers came with the least SQs used in comparison to the rest. Queen Medb: Originally she wasn't on the list but now I'm doing LB6 and I really am liking her over there. Illya/Sitonai: I want to get all of the Fate/Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia characters + all Pseudo servants, she's both, I also only have one Alter Ego so having a second one would be nice. Quetz: Like Medb, originally she wasn't here but after watching Babylonia I just fell in love with her. And as you may have noticed, all of them except for Saber are story locked, I personally wouldn't choose a character that I might randomly get instead of the one I'm trying to get in a banner (again with the exception of Saber cause she's a favourite), yes that includes Tamamo and Waver imo (though either way I'm a character>meta person).
I already have all the supports I need (save for Vitch and Oberon, who I have saved enough quartz and tickets for double pity), and all the loopers I could need, so it's right down to who I want. So I have to go with Lancer Artoria, if only because this will be my only real chance since she's story locked. But Quetz, Medb, Jack, Jinako, and Osakabehime are all tempting on a personal level.
Waver's biggest strength is that he starts with a 50% NP charge with all skills at level 1. I've had my looping tripped up by picking several times by a support Castoria not realizing the owner hasn't gotten her first two skills to level 10 yet
@@gammaamin I really want them to give Singularity 4 servants more love. Fergus is absolute fav but of the female servants, Med B is pretty good only topped by Kiara in personality. Have Cu Alter already so she will be coming to my Chaldea🧐🍹
Everyone in the comments sleeping on Sanzhang party np gain up, crit star drop rate and a party attack up is great. She also has a major single target nuke with her first skill.
It’s gotta be cu alter for me, love the character but also he’s one of the ones that’s getting a rank up, and for me he just finishes up one of the 10 rank up extra missions. So yeah I’d I pick him I get another 10sq for Koyanskaya and Oberon, so it’s kind of an easy choice
Over the years I’ve accumulated about half this list from mostly spooks, and having waver and Tamamo already, I’m grabbing mordred for the same reasons. Also tempting is Osakabehime. I choose the ones that make me happy to see on my list! If I had none of these, I’d likely pick Tamamo. The perfect intersection of useful and waifu.
I was planning on grabbing Saber because she's the OG... but then I pulled her chasing Morgan. I'm covered on basically all other classes so I might just flip a coin on the story locked ones.
Free 5* time makes me feel bad, i keep wanting to grab Drake but something always comes up to make me choose someone else... probably grabbing Medb this time, i originally didnt care for her but all her event appearances have really changed my opinion on her, she's also Story locked plus i got a cute idol outfit just waiting for her.
I actually got a second spook bradamante and I can actually loop her now. Yeah!! My first 5 star looping lancer. -2 weeks later Melucine arrives in my Chaldea. Brada who???
I'm between Lartoria and the bi...Medb, at the begining I was going full on Lartoria for some BIG reasons, but now I get Melusine, and I feel that I could just leave aside artoria on the second archive when the moment of fight an archer come
I know Medb isn't that good now a days, but I've been trying to get her for 3 years. Rolled at least 2-5 multies on every banner she's been on and never could catch her. Now, She will come home.
Fr, it’s a hard choice between picking her or artoria that I have never gotten. But since the meta is now buster I just have to choose her. Definitely picking her up next time.
Whilst it would be nice to pick up an NP2 of somebody, I'm picking Old Man Li because he has the distinction of being both Story-locked and the only one of the SL Servants I don't have. The few others I don't have are both spookable and not particularly outstanding so as to be worth picking over him.
I would say: 1) Waver if and only if you don’t have 2 50% chargers If you have Koyanskaya: 1) Artoria 2) Tesla (if lacking Ishtar, Gil, etc) ^ Two of our best buster farmers. Then I’d recommend, in no order: 1) Tamamo (if you have Castoria) 2) Medb (good support, good for raids) 3) Ozy (fantastic all around) 4) Enkidu (see Ozy) 5) Vlad (if you have Castoria) 6) Lartoria (if you don’t have Eresh) That said, I will be going for another Achilles copy :)
I'm probably gonna pick Mordred. I already have at least one of all the Servants listed and Mo-san's at NP4, might as well get her all the way to the top.
I'm torn between Lancer Artoria and Quetz. I'm only missing 9 from the entire list but those 2 are the only ones I really care about adding to the box. Honestly I probably won't use either outside of the occasional random node/ random team comp.
Im so stumped. Ozymandias is litterally one of my favorites of all time, but so is Medb! And then theres Mordred which is part of thw reason i even started playing fgo! And Waver is also there i guess
Well, considering I *Don't* have Waver, Altera, any of the Archers, any of the Lancers, any of the riders (Except Drake, I have her), Xuangzang, Scaherazad, Osakabehime, Li, Vlad, Cu Alter, Xiang Yu, nightengale, Jeanne or Sitonai. NP2 for Mordred looks good!
This one is easy for me. I already have Cu Alter so the only other story lock that interests me is Lancer Artoria. Story lock= Limited let's not sugar coat it
I've been pretty sure that I'd go for Tamamo but idk as of now. I already got Waver from last year's, and Quetz is really tempting me just from lore/character perspective but I'm more than good on the ST Rider slot...
Probably going to go for cu alter since I have almost everybody but him and he's story locked Side note, I would say tamny has a resurgence of usage with Faye Britain walking you out of double castiria set up for most fights
I'm kinda stuck between Jeanne and Artoria. I've got more of a connection to Saber, after having read FSN, but I've got AoE Sabers for days, including Mordred, meanwhile Jeanne provides a service that very few other Servants in my box provide in being one of the best stall Servants in the game, which will help a LOT with AoE attacking enemies, since right now my options for protection on that front are rather light.
I'd say go for whoever brings the most to your account, unless Saber will bring you joy cause she is your waifu or something like that, then go for her.
The ones I don’t have are Artoria Mordred Tesla Lancer Artoria Brad Achilles Europa Quetz Story caster lady Jack Cu Alter Also wasn’t Ivan an option to pick?? Cause that’s who I was considering
I am going for Tamamo. She´s the last of the EX-Rank support Casters I am missing. Some of my main Loopers suffer from weak Attack Damage like Jarcher or Muramasa and the additional 30% np up and 50% arts up for 3 turn will make them a lot more usable for harder content, especially Jarcher.
@@griffin5322 Thanks man. I slowly build up her NP level over the years. NP2 a lot better than NP1. If you really like Artoria and there's no one else on this list you want to get. I'd say just go for her. She's pretty EX. She one of the best buster loopers in the game when Koyan comes out. Also if you have a kscope and a Waver. She can clear 2 waves thanks to her np refund.
My favorite Servant is Altera, but I already have her. Also already have Waver, Ozy, and Tamamo. Honestly, I'm probably going to go for Mordred. I find her charming, and I've had her wardrobe unlock for ages, but was never able to pull her (and I've got enough meta Servants that I can kind of get away with just picking based on which ones I like as characters)
I’ve personally narrowed it down to two: Cu Alter and Waver On one hand, Waver is technically more useful and I could use one more 50% charger On the other hand, I like Cu Alter a little more, he’s story locked, and I wouldn’t mind having a “just press red” Berserker
Just a reminder that this free 5 star has no expiration, you don't have to make the pick right away like last year's. If you are not sure, it's ok to sit on it for a little bit.
Bro , where do I go to even get this 5 star? Do I have to go through a certain part of the story first? I'm new. And I got Nothing in my bag
@@lyleholland2803 I think it's in the shop menu, there should be a special menu item for the free 5 star
@@zs190 okay thanks I'll look . Though I was in the shop before and didn't see any text like that
@@lyleholland2803You do have to clear Fuyuki first I think, which you possibly haven't if you are new. Then it'll be in shop as special summon.
I recommend Tamamo highly if you still don’t have her, even if you have double Castoria. 1 Tamamo and a plugsuit is the free substitute for going to NP2+ to make an arts looper work.
Thanks since I don't have castoria
@@gammaamin Castoria/Tamamo/Waver is a totally workable team for looping
@@gammaamin waver works better as a substitute for castoria since he has charge skills. You can easily replace tamamo with paracelsus or xufu
@@GS_CCC yea but I already have waver
I use my Tamamo super often, she provides so much utility.
She's also been especially good in LB 6, where you're forced to use only 1 Castoria (if you even have her), so you can put Tamamo in and she'll compliance Castoria super well
I also use her with order change. Just want to see more np damages every single battle😊
2:40 - 'Just because you're correct, doesn't mean you're right.'
Returning player here. I’m absolutely blown away by all the free stuff. I was able to get Castoria on a single eleven pull and I didn’t have to spend any money.
I'm just watching your old free 5star video 🤣
Yeah pretty much, this one just has a few more story banner locked units
I took Waiver and haven’t looked back since. Dude lives up to his reputation as one of the best servants
I already have Waiver, so I'm going to get Artoria. I haven't been able to get her yet, but she's my waifu and favorite character in the entire Fate franchise, so for me she's a must pull.
I also thought about Artoria for essential season to increase her NP but Lance Artoria is way more hotter and I use her more often. Makes me wondering.
Tamamo definitely still has her uses, she comes in really handy in Lostbelt 6 when the game won't let you use double Castoria for most of it and you still want to run an arts team.
I'm a returning player after 3 years of taking a break from this game. I decided to just start over again instead of trying to recover my old account, my first impression after returning was wow they're giving away free 5 star servants now? It was a breath of fresh air from what I experienced during the first years of the game.
As for the free servants I gotta agree with you waver is the best choice from the selection, Cu alter is also a solid choice but you could never go wrong with a very strong support like waver.
I already know who I want to get. If I don't get Castoria from the Gssr I'm getting Waver if I do get her I'm getting Tamamo
I would advice for those with Waver, to either pick Ozymandias or go for your favorite story locked 5 star since they are so hard to come by. Me personally I am going for Tesla since I still don't have a 5 star AOE Archer and he is top tier and after that I would get Lartoria since I want to collect all Artorias.
To me it comes down to either Batty (because I love her and her weeb talk)or Artoria (Saber) (because for the life of me she just refuses to come to my Chaldea even after all these years). Although Medb has won me over a lot lately, especially after that idol event. (Her idol dress is my favorite outfit of hers)
I'll roll for Koyans first:
if I do get her > roll for melu at GSSR > if I get Melu, picking Medb
If I get Koyans > then don't get Melu, I'll pick Lartoria (cause my eresh is close to bond 15 lmao)
If I don't get Koyans, rolling Castoria banner GSSR, then picking Medb or Tamamo
I think this is good for now lmao
When I got the app, I got a free 5 star ticket, don’t remember if it was from an anniversary celebration or a new player support campaign, but I instantly picked Mordred despite not knowing the meta of the game just because she’s one of my favorite servants and have no regret to this day. First choice, best choice and first 5 star servant, still favorite 5 star servant.😂
My choice will be the same as the one I made for JP at the time: Cuzilla. Powerful berserker, good at doing solo runs and he's story lock so he ticks all the boxes for me who already have good dps in each class and Waver, Tamamo, Merlin and Castoria on the support side.
Supports are always valued highly.
Just pick Waver/Tamamo.
even after 6 years in NA or 8 years in JP I never had OG saber in my roster....
so.... yeah, I'll pick her.
Finally, a free 5 star guide. Have to pay for the rest of the guides all the time.
I used my free SSR from starting last year on Bradamante... I was new, I didn't know... so much regret
It's alright. You can start now.
was the cake worth it? 😂😂😂😂😂
Got Jeanne for waifu reasons and actual stalling reasons, and got really lucky anyways, because my GSSR was Reines, so I call it an absolute W
Definitely agree on the waver take, he's great and all, but I noticed that I use him WAY less now that I have castoria. (I also have reines, tamamo, skadi, merlin, etc.) I got him to bond 12 before castoria dropped and since then he still hasn't hit bond 13. I still whip him out now and again, but he's not what I would consider a necessity unless if you're lacking the more specialised supports and 50% chargers (especially castoria).
I'm in a weird place when it comes to picking on here. I narrowed it down to:
Achilles (Crit Star factory)
Bradamante (She has a wonderful... asset)
Sitonia (I have literally every other version of Illya aside from her)
Honorable mention: Nicola Tesla (I think he's cool and strong).
Everyone else I either have or have better alternatives for them. Even these 4 I have better alternatives.
Ereshkigal (Absolute Queen of Lancers)
And yes, I have Waver, and last time this happened I got Jack the ripper.
achilles is the bro 😉😉😉
I only have two rules for this ticket : Only story-locked servants and Booba > Meta so the obvious choice is the Cleveage King Lartoria
Getting Tesla because he has the most interludes in that list. I've got all my much needed servants. I just need more SQ for Oberon.
If you don’t have waver, you pick waver
Thankfully I already do so Sitonai, please wait for me-
Listen to him everyone supports are great I have Waver, Tamamo, Castoria, Merlin, Skadi, and Reins and I use all of them to this day they all do something better than the other and help so much.
I missed out on Castoria the first time around, so I had been doing my arts looping with Berserker Musashi, a friend support Castoria, Tamamo (with bond craft essence) and either Reines/Waver plug suited into the Castoria slot. Now that I have recently acquired my own Castoria, its even more brian-dead/reliable/powerful, but it was still doable on most nodes before. If you don't have Castoria, Tamamo can help your arts loop game a great deal. She's also great in stall teams, and she also solo demolished Koyanskaya for me back in LB5. Niche maybe, but hardly someone you won't ever use.
I think I'm going to go for Quetz. It was a toss up between her, Ozy, Cu, and Artoria but I'll go for her since I think she's cool (although she is on dire need of an animation update and buffs)
If they updated Quetz NP to her Ultimo tope patada kick from the anime shed easily be my favorite rider in the game
I'm picking zerk vlad personally. I was also thinking of picking medb or jinako. I also have over 1k SQ's ready for my koyanskya rolls.
I used my ticket last year to get tamamo and I love using her with my Castoria for cheep looping. I was originally going to get Quetzalcoatl but I got a copy for Valentine’s Day and a second for her rank up so I’m going for Cu Alter.
Meta be damned, I can finally have you, Anastasia
Im still thinking of getting her or jeanne cuz i love them both
Anastasia can 6-slot farm, how is that not meta.
@@GS_CCC oh Pog, ever since Castoria I've gotten caster brain rot and don't know what's meta at all now
Just ask Myst to roll her for you man
@@franciscoarzapalozapata4610 true but, what can he do with my f2p 12 SQ? HAHAH...well, 3 one pulls each one being Anastasia is possible with Myst...
i'm probably just gonna pick a waifu this time. but then again, that doesn't really narrow down the list.
Last few banners really shafted me, but then I get Koyanskaya right at the start of my first 11 pull, and Morgan on the GSSR. This free 5 star is gonna be a hard choice. I thought I was gonna take Tamamo, but now I'm a bit torn.
For years I thought Medb was in the accidental summon pool cuz I never read into it. So I never tried to summon for her. I'll be grabbing her this time around.
I picked Xiang yu and I don’t regret it
I already have Waver, so I think I'm gonna go with Saber herself. I have NP2 Mordred already, so it's not the most tactical pick - but I think I'll let my heart choose this time.
(Small spoiler alert: idk if it counts or not but one of the characters listed here appear in LB6 and you wouldn't know until you actually reach it)
Personally, I'm down to between Saber Lancer (I know it sounds stupid, that's why I call her that :P ), Saber, Queen Medb, Illya and Quetz.
I know it's a long list but here's my explanation:
Saber: Been a fan of the series since I first watched the DEEN anime, even if she can spook I wouldn't mind.
Saber Lancer: Saber but booba (though her Ascension 1 with the amour is badass as hell), also, I am a self proclaimed Master of Lancer like how Myst is Master of Caster cause 90% of my spooks have been Lancers, the majority of my gold servants are Lancers and all of my 5 star Lancers came with the least SQs used in comparison to the rest.
Queen Medb: Originally she wasn't on the list but now I'm doing LB6 and I really am liking her over there.
Illya/Sitonai: I want to get all of the Fate/Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia characters + all Pseudo servants, she's both, I also only have one Alter Ego so having a second one would be nice.
Quetz: Like Medb, originally she wasn't here but after watching Babylonia I just fell in love with her.
And as you may have noticed, all of them except for Saber are story locked, I personally wouldn't choose a character that I might randomly get instead of the one I'm trying to get in a banner (again with the exception of Saber cause she's a favourite), yes that includes Tamamo and Waver imo (though either way I'm a character>meta person).
None of those characters appear in LB6, she just looks like her but it's not her
I already have all the supports I need (save for Vitch and Oberon, who I have saved enough quartz and tickets for double pity), and all the loopers I could need, so it's right down to who I want. So I have to go with Lancer Artoria, if only because this will be my only real chance since she's story locked.
But Quetz, Medb, Jack, Jinako, and Osakabehime are all tempting on a personal level.
just started thanks for the vid bro, i actually liked jack and picked her, im having so much fun
I’m seeing this after I picked Jack the Ripper, enjoy using her, especially when paired with Anastasia
I had already made up mind. Last Time I got Ozzy, this time I will get Sitonai.
Waver's biggest strength is that he starts with a 50% NP charge with all skills at level 1. I've had my looping tripped up by picking several times by a support Castoria not realizing the owner hasn't gotten her first two skills to level 10 yet
I went with Waver as there's no big "want" choices.... and now next year/etc I can go for a "want"
Big sister Quetzalcoatl is my pick! 😁
I'm picking up Sitonai cause I like Sitonai .... Waver be damned
Based, I can tell you like swords too.
"You watch Myst? Pick Anastasia" XD
I already have Waver and Castoria so I can finally do what i want and pick Artoria
I use shizerahade as a farming servant and she works very well, I even use her on some stall teams too
I wasn't sure whether to pick Cu Alter or Sitonai, but given the fact that his NP was AOE whereas Ilya's wasn't... I decided to go with Culter
As a Fergus stan, I'm picking MedB. I generally pick the most troll. Last free GSSR, I picked Orion.
@@gammaamin I really want them to give Singularity 4 servants more love. Fergus is absolute fav but of the female servants, Med B is pretty good only topped by Kiara in personality. Have Cu Alter already so she will be coming to my Chaldea🧐🍹
@@despairgumshoe6206 I was thinking to get medb as well
Everyone in the comments sleeping on Sanzhang party np gain up, crit star drop rate and a party attack up is great. She also has a major single target nuke with her first skill.
I got her a long time ago and she's a great Fist Caster
Rip no mention for Sitonai, Batty, or Artoria who I am definitely going to summon. 😔
It’s gotta be cu alter for me, love the character but also he’s one of the ones that’s getting a rank up, and for me he just finishes up one of the 10 rank up extra missions. So yeah I’d I pick him I get another 10sq for Koyanskaya and Oberon, so it’s kind of an easy choice
Was gonna get waver/tamamo… then I got castoria
Was gonna get artoria… then I got melusine
Guess I’ll just get cu then
Waver or tamamo actually still pair really well with castoria since they cover slightly different niches, same with artoria in some ways.
I'm picking either nightingale (waifu reasons) or enkidu (Lore reasons)
Over the years I’ve accumulated about half this list from mostly spooks, and having waver and Tamamo already, I’m grabbing mordred for the same reasons. Also tempting is Osakabehime. I choose the ones that make me happy to see on my list! If I had none of these, I’d likely pick Tamamo. The perfect intersection of useful and waifu.
I was planning on grabbing Saber because she's the OG... but then I pulled her chasing Morgan. I'm covered on basically all other classes so I might just flip a coin on the story locked ones.
Free 5* time makes me feel bad, i keep wanting to grab Drake but something always comes up to make me choose someone else... probably grabbing Medb this time, i originally didnt care for her but all her event appearances have really changed my opinion on her, she's also Story locked plus i got a cute idol outfit just waiting for her.
Guess I'll get Tesla, as he scores the highest in tier-lists of story-locked servants.
I went for artoria cause i got into fate from UBW lol
_too simple child_ lol kidding
I'm new in this game so I'm gonna wait for an indefinite timeperiod as I go along or maybe get waver
@@justtosmash9551 I am a simple person, no lie kinda wish I went for mordred tho.
I actually got a second spook bradamante and I can actually loop her now. Yeah!! My first 5 star looping lancer.
-2 weeks later Melucine arrives in my Chaldea.
Brada who???
I'm between Lartoria and the bi...Medb, at the begining I was going full on Lartoria for some BIG reasons, but now I get Melusine, and I feel that I could just leave aside artoria on the second archive when the moment of fight an archer come
I had most of them so decided to get Sitonai Np3 so she can be a beast!
Imma go for Sitonai as I don't have a Alter Ego yet. Also she's Illya 🥰
I know Medb isn't that good now a days, but I've been trying to get her for 3 years. Rolled at least 2-5 multies on every banner she's been on and never could catch her. Now, She will come home.
sitonai is getting slept on
Fr, it’s a hard choice between picking her or artoria that I have never gotten. But since the meta is now buster I just have to choose her. Definitely picking her up next time.
Whilst it would be nice to pick up an NP2 of somebody, I'm picking Old Man Li because he has the distinction of being both Story-locked and the only one of the SL Servants I don't have. The few others I don't have are both spookable and not particularly outstanding so as to be worth picking over him.
I would say:
1) Waver if and only if you don’t have 2 50% chargers
If you have Koyanskaya:
1) Artoria
2) Tesla (if lacking Ishtar, Gil, etc)
^ Two of our best buster farmers.
Then I’d recommend, in no order:
1) Tamamo (if you have Castoria)
2) Medb (good support, good for raids)
3) Ozy (fantastic all around)
4) Enkidu (see Ozy)
5) Vlad (if you have Castoria)
6) Lartoria (if you don’t have Eresh)
That said, I will be going for another Achilles copy :)
Cu Alter is the best Grail Front servant imo.Theres nothing he cant crush with his buster brave chain.
I just picked mordred cause i like her
I'm going to pick sitonai cause illya faces are just cute. AND because i already got waver amd tamamo
I'm probably gonna pick Mordred. I already have at least one of all the Servants listed and Mo-san's at NP4, might as well get her all the way to the top.
I'm torn between Lancer Artoria and Quetz. I'm only missing 9 from the entire list but those 2 are the only ones I really care about adding to the box. Honestly I probably won't use either outside of the occasional random node/ random team comp.
im picking bradamante because saito drew her
Im so stumped. Ozymandias is litterally one of my favorites of all time, but so is Medb! And then theres Mordred which is part of thw reason i even started playing fgo! And Waver is also there i guess
Sounds like you can't go wrong with Mordred if she is part of why you started playing.
Well, considering I *Don't* have Waver, Altera, any of the Archers, any of the Lancers, any of the riders (Except Drake, I have her), Xuangzang, Scaherazad, Osakabehime, Li, Vlad, Cu Alter, Xiang Yu, nightengale, Jeanne or Sitonai.
NP2 for Mordred looks good!
This one is easy for me. I already have Cu Alter so the only other story lock that interests me is Lancer Artoria. Story lock= Limited let's not sugar coat it
Currently torn between Artoria, Altria Lancer or Quetzalcoatl.
Gonna go for Quetz. I really love her character and she's one of the like 5 units on this list that I don't have yet.
Getting Lancer Artoria to complete my 5* Artoria collection.
me : (knowing waver and tamamo best choice and dont need copies) i pick jean
Im going with jack, I really need a good assassin class.
I've been pretty sure that I'd go for Tamamo but idk as of now. I already got Waver from last year's, and Quetz is really tempting me just from lore/character perspective but I'm more than good on the ST Rider slot...
Me who used the ticket to finally get Mordred np5 since her being np4 has been bothering me for years
Satisfaction fr 😂😂😂
If you ever get 10 more, you get to use the Special Summon that only a few people have ever used.
i'm gonna get old man li, at the moment my best assassins are jack and yan quing, i really need a good arts assassin
Gonna pick Nightingale, maybe they add "that" skin in future, I gotta prepare plus %50 buster up not a bad skill.. God NG is so Hot😊
I picked out Li Shuwen months ago. He’ll make me so happy
Probably going to go for cu alter since I have almost everybody but him and he's story locked
Side note, I would say tamny has a resurgence of usage with Faye Britain walking you out of double castiria set up for most fights
Don't care, already have 4 5star casters, I am grabbing nightingale cause she's my favorite!
I'm kinda stuck between Jeanne and Artoria. I've got more of a connection to Saber, after having read FSN, but I've got AoE Sabers for days, including Mordred, meanwhile Jeanne provides a service that very few other Servants in my box provide in being one of the best stall Servants in the game, which will help a LOT with AoE attacking enemies, since right now my options for protection on that front are rather light.
I'd say go for whoever brings the most to your account, unless Saber will bring you joy cause she is your waifu or something like that, then go for her.
The ones I don’t have are
Lancer Artoria
Story caster lady
Cu Alter
Also wasn’t Ivan an option to pick?? Cause that’s who I was considering
Nope, all Lostbelt Kings besides Anastasia are all limited Servants.
I am going for Tamamo. She´s the last of the EX-Rank support Casters I am missing. Some of my main Loopers suffer from weak Attack Damage like Jarcher or Muramasa and the additional 30% np up and 50% arts up for 3 turn will make them a lot more usable for harder content, especially Jarcher.
All these years still no OG Baber. So I’m picking Artoria lol
Gotta go with Mordred, ive been wanting her for so long and i picked Jeanne last time
Do you get servant coins from these?
My NP5 Artoria is stuck at level 118 because I maxed her append skills first.
Lucky you man!
Question: I have Artoria at np1 how does her at np2 compare?
@@griffin5322 Thanks man. I slowly build up her NP level over the years. NP2 a lot better than NP1. If you really like Artoria and there's no one else on this list you want to get. I'd say just go for her.
She's pretty EX. She one of the best buster loopers in the game when Koyan comes out. Also if you have a kscope and a Waver. She can clear 2 waves thanks to her np refund.
My favorite Servant is Altera, but I already have her. Also already have Waver, Ozy, and Tamamo. Honestly, I'm probably going to go for Mordred. I find her charming, and I've had her wardrobe unlock for ages, but was never able to pull her (and I've got enough meta Servants that I can kind of get away with just picking based on which ones I like as characters)
Np3 waver with max bond
Yeah my waver deserved some rest
ye im gonna wait till i finish my rolls for koyan, if i dont get her i'll get waver, if i get koyan i'll have fun with my ssr ticket
I’ve personally narrowed it down to two: Cu Alter and Waver
On one hand, Waver is technically more useful and I could use one more 50% charger
On the other hand, I like Cu Alter a little more, he’s story locked, and I wouldn’t mind having a “just press red” Berserker