What hypocrites! How many Protestant congregations prayed for the military and support troops in their churches as they went off for 20+ years of the US's war in the middle east? Its no different here except the countries have changed.
And what those Protestant churches have done are evil. What about it? You as a minister of Christ must follow a higher calling. The failing of others is never a justification of your own sins
The Orthodox Christian Russia became a godless country under the communist. Under Stalin, the original Russian Orthodox Church was almost entirely liquidated, suffering an immense martyrdom measured in hundreds of thousands. By 1941, only a few Russian Orthodox bishops remained; the Church was nearly extinct in terms of its hierarchy.
I'm with you there. Not only Jesus, but even proffits in other religions like Jewish faith, True Moslem teachings etc, don't condone war. Buddhistic teachings are also about peace. I am a Christian, but do some research on other religions. Problem is that religion sometimes gets twisted in ways to condone wars etc. Isis is one example, taking a peaceful religion like Koran holy book and misinterpreting it's teachings. Christians have done the same, twisted what's said in the Bible to fit in with what they want the scripts to mean. Like in the long past when Jesus said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again. The people thought he was refering to a actual Jewish temple, but Jesus was talking about the temple of his soul. That he would come back to life after he was crucified. Not much had changed since then, as many of Jesus teachings are still often misinterpreted. Teachings in the Koran and Torah also misinterpreted a lot as well. Christian soldiers weapons are meant to be the word of God, not swords, guns and so on.
Kirill is bloated by the power allowed to him by Putin, why would Kirill go against his own interests by speaking out against anything Putin supports ? I admire the bravery of any Russian people or religious who speak out against this unnecessary Russian war of aggression on Ukraine.
You are incorrect. Often times, wars are necessary. The crusades are a great example of the Catholic Church defending the west from Islam. Thank goodness for the crusades!!
@@suzannemcmaken4648 Christ wasn’t a pacifist. When he saw people sinning, he took a whip and whipped them out of a temple. Sometimes, violence is necessary. If we are to be like Christ, we have to use violence when it’s called for. Are you doing that?
@@mosesking2923 Christ drove people out of the temple with a whip because they were making the house of God a marketplace selling goods and showing disrespect. It wasn’t a war He was engaging in.
The media has always been against the church. I question the reason behind this story. Notice they never attack Islam for the constant wars in the Middle East.
Whether a church leader, or a newly, born-again child of God taking their first faltering steps, surely you understand: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap." For: "Blessed are the peacemakers"
@@ambihalpe8195 "Blessed those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled." But remember, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."
The news 2 yrs ago was that this Orthodox leader of Moscow...is a very rich billionaire....backing Putin.....big new .....HE IS VERY RICH AN CONTROLS THE PEOPLE TO KEEP PUTIN IN POWER
You all will know! When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute.. Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints. Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
they are fighting a proxy war for the west against russia not defending their sovereignty. they already gave that up when america backed the overthrow of their govt under obama. we turned ukraine into one of the most corrupt nations in europe. not a coincidence hunter biden was on the board of an energy co in ukraine with no knowledge of the industry or ability to speak the language.
What about Russian ortodox priests in Ukrain? Many of them are arrested, some killed and ocupy Russian ortodox church by Ukrains? It hapened last 8 years.
Then the devil led Jesus up to a high place and quickly showed him all the nations on earth. The devil said, "I will give all this power and glory to you. It has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. Just worship me, and you can have it all." Jesus answered. "The Scriptures say: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!" 🔥 ~ Luke 4:5-8 [CEV]
You all will know! When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute.. Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints. Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
You all will know! When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute.. Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints. Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
He's supposed a man of God, a religious zealot - NO WAY - not if he supports what Russia is doing under false premises, blasting Ukraine apart. Dump the priest.
He will caught the corrupted bible 👇 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword" Jesus christ - the bible: matthew 10:34
Blessing given to a mass butcher and his invasive war in the house of God is purely making a mockery of Jesus Christ n his father. A sad development for true Christianity within Russia Federation. Amen! 👏🏼🙏🏼
Man fighting against man isn't human nature. But of course religion supports war. Ever heard the term,"Holy Wars?" There is nothing holy about war. War is about power. Religion loves power.
@@dobbysboggart6883 All religions arrogantly claim that they, and only they, have all the answers. They seek to convert everyone to their beliefs and have everyone live by their doctrine. *Their* play for world domination is surreptitious and insidious. They oppose or support wars depending on how well it suits their purposes. Of course, an absolute maximum of *one* of them will be right. The greater likelihood is that none of them will be.
Lol the crusades were a good thing. Sometimes war is necessary. You should be thankful the Catholic Church wages the crusades and defended the west from Islam. Thank goodness for the crusaders!
@Dobbys Boggart to become atheist because of this wayward priest is an overreaction. It’s not that simple. God exists whether humans falter or succeed.
@BigBirdy100 of course God cares, but humans have free choice/will which explains the current state of our civilization. God will wipe away this current civilization and the humans that survive will create a better one. The horribleness of our world right now was written about in the Bible many centuries ago, it’s coming true.
My late parents were married by a Ukrainian born priest in Cleveland Ohio who became a Cardinal I love what the non Russian Orthodox leader says true Christianity is peace ✌️✌️✌️✌️
From this report, I don't know why the church is in favor of war in Ukraine. With all the gold in these churches, it's hard to believe they call us greedy.
You all will know! When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute.. Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints. Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
the Ukrainian Church is not as I understand it 'Instanbul based' it is autocephalous like the russian church. The Ecumenical Patriarch recognised it as autocephalous.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been Autocephalous for a long time , it is Recognized even by the Russia Patriarch .But Istanbul heretic Bartholomew started a new church in Ukraine and stuffed it with Clowns and pigs called Orthodox Church of Ukraine and this is why we have War for God was offended. Bartholomew even calls him self ( First Without Equal) a Heretic as low as Judas and Arius !!
Matthew 7:15-20 New King James Version You Will Know Them by Their Fruits(A) 15 (B)“Beware of false prophets, (C)who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 (D)You will know them by their fruits. (E)Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, (F)every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 (G)Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
Jesus is All about love and peace.our Lord is a peace maker.our Lord don't stand for war.Jesus Christ lives all people.God gives people the right to choose.Jesus Christ is all about love .❤❤❤❤
Any organized religion who is professing to be Christian and a true follower in action and deeds of what that is supposed to stand for, surely should NOT be pro war in any way, shape, or form. That's just totally jacked up for sure !!!
What you guys seem to mis is that during the soviet time the church was forbidden, Russia has forbidden religions in Russia on this moment and to be safe they support the government
The Russian church has always supported the government. Tolstoy denounced the Russian church for this reason, that between the government and the oppressed, the church always sides with the government.
Kirill isn't wrong about the problem with the western culture, but he should have stayed at least neutral about this war, because the Russian government is wrong from the Orthodox perspective. This kind of support for the government, instead of being the voice of reason, can only lead to a conflict within the Church, and sooner or later will split Russia into two Patriarchates.
Its easy to be critical about your enemy, much harder to be critical about your own side. Russian Orthodox church has been a puppet of the Russian state for a long time regardless of which regime was in power
Often times, wars are necessary. The crusades are a great example of the Catholic Church defending the west from Islam. Thank goodness for the crusades!!
A former KGB member For the first time in history, a high religious leader is being questioned by the European Union. While the conflict in Ukraine continues, the European Commission proposed last week to sanction 58 personalities involved in this war, including the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. Is he an oligarch like the others? For Bernard Lecomte, a journalist specialising in the Vatican and Eastern Europe, "the religious leader Patriarch Kirill is very close to Vladimir Putin. It’s pretty clear that he took advantage of that as well. He did business. This man is not only a religious leader, he is a KGB elder, he is a former civil servant and today he is also in charge of his affairs. He has a cottage in Switzerland and he has all the characteristics of anyone who takes advantage of the scheme. Let us not compare it with the other oligarchs but let us take it for what it is". The propaganda of Patriarch Kirill According to the European Union Etienne, Kirill is "one of the main supporters of Russian military aggression against Ukraine". Since 2009, Kirill has been the political-religious cover of the Kremlin. He does not hesitate to bless weapons and missiles, he supports the repression of the opposition and independent media. Like Vladimir Putin, he sees Ukraine and Belarus as "brother" countries that should have remained Russian... Today Kirill multiplies statements of support for the Russian offensive in Ukraine. For him the detractors of Russian ambitions are "forces of evil". "Patriarch Kirill goes so far as to bless the Russian invasion troops in Ukraine. It seems logical to ban it on the territory of the European Union and to designate it as one of the co-responsible for this dramatic war that has already caused tens of thousands of deaths. He is not only someone who provides religious covers to President Putin’s imperial ideology. He goes so far as to say untruths. On May 3, during a sermon at the Kremlin, he explained that Russia never attacked anyone. This is propaganda," explains Antoine Arjakovsky, historian and director emeritus of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies in Lviv. The divided Orthodox Church A position that nevertheless divides within the Russian Orthodox Church. This is one of the fundamental stakes of the conflict in Ukraine. Orthodox faithful to the Moscow Patriarchate represented 40% of Orthodox in Ukraine.
I think the Pope should travel to Kiev and meet with the head of the Ukraine Church and demonstrate that they are unified against this type of non christian aggression. i think this will help to heal divisions between the Catholic and non-Russian Orthodox churches. It's very powerful when you are on the right side of history
It will not, especially now, heal the thousand year schism between Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism. And there are those who oppose it. The Pope is going to get involved in Russian politics? And he is going to help the Patriarch deal with Putin?
@@patriciah3235 No the Pope is going to support the head of the Ukraine Church and not the Russian Patriarch or Putin. The Ukraine church broke away from the Russian Church and Patriarch before the war.
Watch "The Most Reluctant Convert," and see that our existence has to be intelligent. The fact that our hearts yearn for something earth can't supply is proof that heaven must be our home. C.S. Lewis
You all will know! When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute.. Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints. Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
Religious war?😂.. Am an Irish practicing Catholic and fully support Ukraine fight against Russian aggression, so does our pope , his Holiness, in Rome .. many Irish Catholics gone to Ukraine to defend it…many English protestant, who despise our pope , gone to Ukraine too, and fighting side by side, back to back in Ukraine …good people forget small differences for the greater good.. Jesus is lord… 🧐.🇮🇪🇬🇧
This slander is disgusting and unsurprising how it comes from the rotten tongues of the West, may the West burn in God’s wrath and the faithful be saved
I don’t think any religion should support any war. People were made in God’s image, we are supposed to be better than mass killing each other. Yes, I understand people are sinful but religions should not be sinful. I don’t know how people can stand themselves, we are such a disappointment.
No, it doesn't. Such things do not divide the Church, which is one in steadfast love for Jesus Christ. This "divides" only those who place other things above Christ & His Church.
This is the apostle Paul. If we or an angel from heaven preach to you any other gospel let him be accursed. Now the head hog at the trough in the Russian orthodox church is telling these young men that to die in war in Ukraine will cleanse them of their sins. That is the doctrine of demons,spitting on the cross, and trampling underfoot the blood of Jesus which is the only forgiveness and cleansing of sin.
There are Christian denominations including the RCC that condemned that war just like it condemns this one. Seems like in this case all Eastern Orthodox in Russia which is the only denomination there supports this war.. There is a difference just fyi
Mixing politics and religion hurts both. And leaves people ignorant. I'm still surprised how many Americans mistakenly believe that U.S. Presidents and members of Congress must take an oath on a Bible. It's like they think there is something in the Constitution about Christianity.
They can take their oath on any book that they value. It has typically been a Bible, but could be something else, or nothing. The oath is the important part
Well America was founded upon Christian principles. For a time America prosper because laws were closer to the perfect ones of God. But really no nation can measure up to Gods perfect laws. His kingdom will soon replaced all of the worlds kingdoms
@@jdos5643 America's founding principles were: natural/ inalienable rights, limited government, popular sovereignty, federalism, republicanism, checks and balances and separation of powers. I just googled "Christian principles" and found about ten. None overlapped with those I listed earlier in this comment.
@@kindnessfirst9670 the United States prospered at one point because of upholding God above the nation. Righteousness exalted a nation but sin is a reproach to ppl. Proverbs 14:34. But as far as a nation goes, All nations come and go but Only Gods government will crush these earthly ones and last forever.
Whether or not the Bishop of the church support one thing or not doesn’t affect the teachings of the Church which focuses on the salvation of souls and proclaiming a Christ crucified and resurrected. Everyone is entitled to hold their own opinion regarding. That being said, I will remain faithfully Orthodox. Christ is risen!
He does not contradict his office of priest by advocating retaliation. He serves as a kind of advisor, but one which boosts morale in a very intimate, spiritual manner. This is the kind of counsellor that facilitates martyrdom, especially useful in a nuclear age. And so with a faith in God, the God mentioned on your money, they carry on.
Religious war?😂.. Am an Irish practicing Catholic and fully support Ukraine fight against Russian aggression, so does our pope , his Holiness, in Rome .. many Irish Catholics gone to Ukraine to defend it…many English protestant, who despise our pope , gone to Ukraine too, and fighting side by side, back to back in Ukraine …good people forget small differences for the greater good.. Jesus is lord… 🧐
Can't each country run its own (local) Orthodox church if it so wishes? The Ukrainian Orthodox has long been colonised. It's about time it runs its own independent Orthodoxy. God sees the heart.
Hope they realise that everyone in the west doesn't go along with the debauchery of the west. There are Christians and Jews who support God's statutes too. Putin has killed many people who have challenged him politically. I hope the Orthodox Church walks circumspectly around these acts. May they be blessed in God's wisdom, knowledge and may they attain eternal life.
What hypocrites! How many Protestant congregations prayed for the military and support troops in their churches as they went off for 20+ years of the US's war in the middle east? Its no different here except the countries have changed.
All but one...Jehovah's Witnesses.
Father Michael, with all due respect, two wrongs do not make a right. You, as a man of G_d, should be even more aware of that fact than parishioners.
Don’t get me started with evangelical Protestants
And what those Protestant churches have done are evil. What about it? You as a minister of Christ must follow a higher calling. The failing of others is never a justification of your own sins
Exactly Father Michael
It's unfortunate he doesn't just support peace. He has failed as a representative of God. Church members should stop supporting him.
Have you not read The Bible, nothing but destruction from and by a God who created the very devil he is punishing mankind for 😓😕😒
Unfortunately the level of propaganda in both the Russian Orthodox Church and Russian media, many of them feel they are fighting a crusade
Reportedly, the Patriarch of Moscow Orthodox Church was originally trained in the KGB, and also a friend of Putin.?
So 😢 that a representative of a Church supporting War.May God deal with them severely.
The Orthodox Christian Russia became a godless country under the communist.
Under Stalin, the original Russian Orthodox Church was almost entirely liquidated, suffering an immense martyrdom measured in hundreds of thousands. By 1941, only a few Russian Orthodox bishops remained; the Church was nearly extinct in terms of its hierarchy.
There is absolutely nothing that the patriarch spews that is Christian. Christ would not want war.
I'm Jesus Christ. I'm at war with Neo-Confederates loyal to the U.K. who've taken over NATO & the U.S. government.
Agree with you so sad that he declare a follower of Jesus.
The patriarch interest is to serve Putin, as how Putin practices caesaropapism, therefore Kirill is subordinate to Putin
Not good.
@@majo9042 then he did not know jesus
I have no doubt the Jesus would agree with me when I say the patriarch kirill blessing of a war is absolutely misguided, tragic and insane....
you don't know what Jesus would agree with without doubt
I'm with you there. Not only Jesus, but even proffits in other religions like Jewish faith, True Moslem teachings etc, don't condone war. Buddhistic teachings are also about peace. I am a Christian, but do some research on other religions. Problem is that religion sometimes gets twisted in ways to condone wars etc. Isis is one example, taking a peaceful religion like Koran holy book and misinterpreting it's teachings. Christians have done the same, twisted what's said in the Bible to fit in with what they want the scripts to mean. Like in the long past when Jesus said destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again. The people thought he was refering to a actual Jewish temple, but Jesus was talking about the temple of his soul. That he would come back to life after he was crucified.
Not much had changed since then, as many of Jesus teachings are still often misinterpreted. Teachings in the Koran and Torah also misinterpreted a lot as well.
Christian soldiers weapons are meant to be the word of God, not swords, guns and so on.
Can you quote the new testament verses that support your claims?
Religion has been, still is, and always will be used to justify war, easiest path to justify the material ambitions.
@@Cbenz280 as if it's a bad thing
Kirill is bloated by the power allowed to him by Putin, why would Kirill go against his own interests by speaking out against anything Putin supports ? I admire the bravery of any Russian people or religious who speak out against this unnecessary Russian war of aggression on Ukraine.
Aren't "religious" also "people"?
@@kindnessfirst9670 they are people but not evil people like killrill and Putin
It appears that those who've criticised Putin over the war have been lower-ranking clergy, at least so far as the Church is concerned.
are you pro gay west
i understand krill is kgb
War is evil and should never be considered as a means to resolve disputes. It's really simple.
Jeff so true.
You are incorrect. Often times, wars are necessary. The crusades are a great example of the Catholic Church defending the west from Islam. Thank goodness for the crusades!!
Christ never said to engage in wars. He said to spread the gospel. Are you doing that?
@@suzannemcmaken4648 Christ wasn’t a pacifist. When he saw people sinning, he took a whip and whipped them out of a temple. Sometimes, violence is necessary. If we are to be like Christ, we have to use violence when it’s called for. Are you doing that?
Christ drove people out of the temple with a whip because they were making the house of God a marketplace selling goods and showing disrespect.
It wasn’t a war He was engaging in.
I've read that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is a former KGB agent. What else should be expected from him?
The video reports that he was in the KGB. But no proof.
Don't believe here say
Pope Francis Says NATO Started War in Ukraine by ‘Barking at Putin’s Door’
they are evils.
"Western Excess Consumption": HUH? As he stands there amidst all that gilt, holding a bejeweled golden staff. Again, HUH?
Oh the irony! How gullible do you have to be! No cure for stupidity.
Ikr such hypocrisy
Look at his freaking garb.
It is just obscene! What is even more obscene is the fact that there are so many devotees supporting this terrorist organization.
Thank you CBS Sunday morning. Very important story to tell.
yes thank you antichrist CBS
Pope Francis Says NATO Started War in Ukraine by ‘Barking at Putin’s Door’
@@kristoftzitkel2015 Pope Francis probably don't want to fall out with Russian Orthodox Church like the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has..
The media has always been against the church. I question the reason behind this story. Notice they never attack Islam for the constant wars in the Middle East.
@@Nepthu btw maybe the reason they don't attack Islam so much is because when they do incidents like the Charlie Hebdo terror attack happen!!
Patriarch Kiril is a former KGB operative.
There you have it.
Religion should never support war and killing !
He was a KGB agent that turned in fellow clergy who had talked bad about the Soviet regime
Yes he is part of KGB
So, we don't think anything about CIA operatives being in our institutions.
Whether a church leader, or a newly, born-again child of God taking their first faltering steps, surely you understand:
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap."
For: "Blessed are the peacemakers"
All I can see open mockery of God!
@@ambihalpe8195 "Blessed those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled."
But remember, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."
@@ambihalpe8195 Faith is not an easy thing. But for me it is simple. Where else would I go?
The brutality and senselessness of this war will follow Russians for generations. Slava Ukraini. 🇺🇦💙💛
Just like every group that wages war on another group what's your point
They have deviated from the teachings of Jesus Christ...you hypocrites...God bless Ukraine
@@thomasho7292 ukraine split from Orthodox Christianity, you don't know anything
@@thomasho7292 That’s what ecumenism does in a long run
❤ ❤ and 🙏 🙏 for 🇺🇦🇺🇦 🌻 🌻 from 🇺🇸 🇺🇸. Slava Ukraini!!
Tragedy having a leader of the church that be having like a Judas.
Is Judas and Putin heading for eternal fire and no return, the demons are in control at the moment for how long, the mark of the beast is on the way.
Like the Vatican pope's!
@@brigittebeltran6701 *says the man who knows nothing about catholicism because if he did he would not bash the popes*
@@CopperheadAirsoft lmao
Copperhead Airsoft doesn’t know about the pope? Dude the only reason the Catholic’s sect exists is because they felt they were special
The news 2 yrs ago was that this Orthodox leader of Moscow...is a very rich billionaire....backing Putin.....big new .....HE IS VERY RICH AN CONTROLS THE PEOPLE TO KEEP PUTIN IN POWER
Seems like i have to assassinate someone to restore the russian empire again
He cares and knows how to help, everyone. Amen.
He’s an organized criminal. Modern day Pharisee…..he’s the one behind the persecution of Christians.
You all will know!
When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute..
Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints.
Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
Patriarch Kyril betray the martyr blood of ST Philip Patriarch of Moscow.
So I support the Moscow church how about you guys?
Such courage, such bravery, this must not go unnoticed. God bless Ukraine!
they are fighting a proxy war for the west against russia not defending their sovereignty. they already gave that up when america backed the overthrow of their govt under obama. we turned ukraine into one of the most corrupt nations in europe. not a coincidence hunter biden was on the board of an energy co in ukraine with no knowledge of the industry or ability to speak the language.
@@Kevin-jf5bw Yada, yada, yada, whatever, GO AWAY STUPID PERSON!
And 🇷🇺😇☺
Are the Russian soldiers any less brave than the Ukrainians? Also, there is no God in pride parades.
This Russian priest must have been studied wrong bibles. God taught us to live in peace with one another.
There is no wrong bibles! Do not translate that there are wrong bibles. Only man is wrong, siner
Too many bible versions
He got stuck in the old testament. Hate your enemies.
He is ex KGB. Trained liar. Nothing holy about this man
@@alpineginza7786 can you mention one by one from you?
Thank you for revealing this oligarchy mascarading as Orthogoxy. We pray for his soul 🙏
Salmo 37 for Russian!
And now we suddenly believe the MAIN STREAM MEDIA! 🤭
Pope Francis Says NATO Started War in Ukraine by ‘Barking at Putin’s Door’
@@kristoftzitkel2015 pope is people's fentanyl dope, who's afraid of the royal Corgi bark, certainly not Putin, he's a bully, a dog with a bite
What about Russian ortodox priests in Ukrain? Many of them are arrested, some killed and ocupy Russian ortodox church by Ukrains? It hapened last 8 years.
He sounds like a soviet tele-evangelist
It's his decision, cry cry bout it
@@shayna.6928he will cry before the Lord in the end
Patriarch Kirill..."excess consumption". Why don't you ask Putin about "excess consumption".😂
Excess consumption. Yes we Americans go to war for it, we like cheap stuff from China and get mad if we have to wear a mask when we go out to lunch
He is human, and frightened to death of Putin!!
Jesus said he is no part of this world so should be true Christians, no part in politics ,war ......
God bless the Orthodox Church ☦.
Then the devil led Jesus up to a high place and quickly showed him all the nations on earth. The devil said, "I will give all this power and glory to you. It has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. Just worship me, and you can have it all."
Jesus answered. "The Scriptures say: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve only him!" 🔥
~ Luke 4:5-8 [CEV]
I agree Bertha. Too many Christians and Christian leaders today have chosen to serve the world. The God of this world is Satan. God bless you.
You all will know!
When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute..
Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints.
Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
Absolutely disgusting
Religion really starts with spirituality and ends in politics.😩
You must not be familiar with Scientology. It started as a tax dodge for a sci fi writer.
Only false religion…..it’s judgment from God is coming fast…..
You all will know!
When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute..
Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints.
Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
He's supposed a man of God, a religious zealot - NO WAY - not if he supports what Russia is doing under false premises, blasting Ukraine apart. Dump the priest.
One day Kiril will have to stand before God and answer to Him for what he believes...it will be a terrifying day.
I'm guessing he does not believe in God.
@@nosuchthing8 It wouldn't surprise me.
Terrifying for God!
@@tominnis8353 I don't think so.
He will caught the corrupted bible 👇
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword" Jesus christ - the bible: matthew 10:34
I hope the Eugenics Labs are shut down in the Ukraine
Blessing given to a mass butcher and his invasive war in the house of God is purely making a mockery of Jesus Christ n his father. A sad development for true Christianity within Russia Federation. Amen! 👏🏼🙏🏼
Man fighting against man isn't human nature. But of course religion supports war. Ever heard the term,"Holy Wars?" There is nothing holy about war. War is about power. Religion loves power.
Not all religions are like that.
@@dobbysboggart6883 Yes they are.
@@dobbysboggart6883 actually you are right. sad to say that does not stop members of a religion from twisting it to serve their agenda
@@dobbysboggart6883 All religions arrogantly claim that they, and only they, have all the answers. They seek to convert everyone to their beliefs and have everyone live by their doctrine. *Their* play for world domination is surreptitious and insidious. They oppose or support wars depending on how well it suits their purposes.
Of course, an absolute maximum of *one* of them will be right. The greater likelihood is that none of them will be.
Lol the crusades were a good thing. Sometimes war is necessary. You should be thankful the Catholic Church wages the crusades and defended the west from Islam. Thank goodness for the crusaders!
Aahhh the connection between wars and religions, now we are getting to the truth
Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin were atheist.
Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, and the Candy Bomber were religious.
@Dobbys Boggart to become atheist because of this wayward priest is an overreaction. It’s not that simple. God exists whether humans falter or succeed.
ALL religions are man-made, like war.
@@lewstone5430 "God" doesn't care. There's plenty of proof.
@BigBirdy100 of course God cares, but humans have free choice/will which explains the current state of our civilization. God will wipe away this current civilization and the humans that survive will create a better one.
The horribleness of our world right now was written about in the Bible many centuries ago, it’s coming true.
I agree with andrey, the church should be independent and not politicized
My late parents were married by a Ukrainian born priest in Cleveland Ohio who became a Cardinal I love what the non Russian Orthodox leader says true Christianity is peace ✌️✌️✌️✌️
True Christianity is exactly what you see... a bronze age war lord religion. Try reading the bible...
@@flipflopski2951 you are to quick to make judgement and assumptions just making a fool out of your self your blocked
@@lifetimevents3726 I don't feel blocked.
That would be news to a lot of Christians throughout history
From this report, I don't know why the church is in favor of war in Ukraine. With all the gold in these churches, it's hard to believe they call us greedy.
The Church doesn’t, the people does. The people does not represent the entire church. It’s a matter of own opinion.
You all will know!
When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute..
Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints.
Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
the Ukrainian Church is not as I understand it 'Instanbul based' it is autocephalous like the russian church. The Ecumenical Patriarch recognised it as autocephalous.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been Autocephalous for a long time , it is Recognized even by the Russia Patriarch .But Istanbul heretic Bartholomew started a new church in Ukraine and stuffed it with Clowns and pigs called Orthodox Church of Ukraine and this is why we have War for God was offended. Bartholomew even calls him self ( First Without Equal) a Heretic as low as Judas and Arius !!
@JL-XrtaMayoNoCheese what do you mean by 'succession'? What is the legitimate path to autocephaly?
The Church is not divided
He wants to keep his paycheck, free lodging, food and all the other perks.
Business is competitive.
This war is a secret war between different religions not political war.
Very informative. Thank you for this report!
War is evil no matter what
Yes, sometimes spiritual leaders are mistaken, Christ taught us don't stitch old and new clothes together then the tear will be large.
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword" Jesus christ - the bible: matthew 10:34
Matthew 7:15-20
New King James Version
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits(A)
15 (B)“Beware of false prophets, (C)who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 (D)You will know them by their fruits. (E)Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, (F)every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 (G)Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
you just described the ukrainian schismatic church and patriarch bartholomew
Another example of religion ALWAYS In line with power and money!!!!
The book of revelation already sheds light to the fate of Babylon the great harlot. God will recall her sins and bring judgement upon her.
The hypocrisy of the religious leadera who are attaching themselves with politicians.
Jesus is All about love and peace.our Lord is a peace maker.our Lord don't stand for war.Jesus Christ lives all people.God gives people the right to choose.Jesus Christ is all about love .❤❤❤❤
Superstitious nonsense
There Is a schism, within the schism.
Any organized religion who is professing to be Christian and a true follower in action and deeds of what that is supposed to stand for, surely should NOT be pro war in any way, shape, or form. That's just totally jacked up for sure !!!
what a shame for the whole Christianity, they should remove him
What you guys seem to mis is that during the soviet time the church was forbidden, Russia has forbidden religions in Russia on this moment and to be safe they support the government
The Russian church has always supported the government. Tolstoy denounced the Russian church for this reason, that between the government and the oppressed, the church always sides with the government.
Kirill isn't wrong about the problem with the western culture, but he should have stayed at least neutral about this war, because the Russian government is wrong from the Orthodox perspective. This kind of support for the government, instead of being the voice of reason, can only lead to a conflict within the Church, and sooner or later will split Russia into two Patriarchates.
Its easy to be critical about your enemy, much harder to be critical about your own side. Russian Orthodox church has been a puppet of the Russian state for a long time regardless of which regime was in power
Religion as a justification for war, name a more iconic duo.
Religion is illegal in North Korea, and they are a notoriously peaceful country...
Batman and oh never mind . . .
Often times, wars are necessary. The crusades are a great example of the Catholic Church defending the west from Islam. Thank goodness for the crusades!!
This is sick, they are using the Christian faith,I hope God punish all of them.
Complaining of gay pride parades and excess consumption from a guy wearing more gold than Liberace...
He does come off as rather camp now that you mention it.
Lot of bling there
WAR is the Child of GREED and PRIDE...
Blessed are the peace makers! "The leadership of the Russian church is not, they have failed God and embrased a missguided tyrant.
The patriarch's only interest is to serve Putin, as how Putin is a caesaropapist, thar's how Kirill is subordinate to Putin
sounds like russia’s version of radical islam
That's why it's necessary to separate church and state.😑
Once again, the leaders of religion subvert their faith.
Pope Francis Says NATO Started War in Ukraine by ‘Barking at Putin’s Door’
Superstitious graffiti nonsense right here children 👆
@@matimus100 are you a viking?
you do know Ukraine is also Orthodox? You stab your "brothers" in the back
I’m a strong Christian.
“Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword" Jesus christ - the bible: matthew 10:34
@@JamalAlAwadhi ABSOLUTELY. Thank You.
"From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17*
A former KGB member
For the first time in history, a high religious leader is being questioned by the European Union. While the conflict in Ukraine continues, the European Commission proposed last week to sanction 58 personalities involved in this war, including the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. Is he an oligarch like the others? For Bernard Lecomte, a journalist specialising in the Vatican and Eastern Europe, "the religious leader Patriarch Kirill is very close to Vladimir Putin. It’s pretty clear that he took advantage of that as well. He did business. This man is not only a religious leader, he is a KGB elder, he is a former civil servant and today he is also in charge of his affairs. He has a cottage in Switzerland and he has all the characteristics of anyone who takes advantage of the scheme. Let us not compare it with the other oligarchs but let us take it for what it is".
The propaganda of Patriarch Kirill
According to the European Union Etienne, Kirill is "one of the main supporters of Russian military aggression against Ukraine". Since 2009, Kirill has been the political-religious cover of the Kremlin. He does not hesitate to bless weapons and missiles, he supports the repression of the opposition and independent media. Like Vladimir Putin, he sees Ukraine and Belarus as "brother" countries that should have remained Russian... Today Kirill multiplies statements of support for the Russian offensive in Ukraine. For him the detractors of Russian ambitions are "forces of evil".
"Patriarch Kirill goes so far as to bless the Russian invasion troops in Ukraine. It seems logical to ban it on the territory of the European Union and to designate it as one of the co-responsible for this dramatic war that has already caused tens of thousands of deaths. He is not only someone who provides religious covers to President Putin’s imperial ideology. He goes so far as to say untruths. On May 3, during a sermon at the Kremlin, he explained that Russia never attacked anyone. This is propaganda," explains Antoine Arjakovsky, historian and director emeritus of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies in Lviv.
The divided Orthodox Church
A position that nevertheless divides within the Russian Orthodox Church. This is one of the fundamental stakes of the conflict in Ukraine. Orthodox faithful to the Moscow Patriarchate represented 40% of Orthodox in Ukraine.
Жаль, что у патриарха Кирилла нет христианского мужества осудить войну в Украине. Христу должно быть очень грустно видеть это...
Господи помилуй!
Jesus hate relgion be cause you believe in Lord is not relgion
If he is realy a Christian he should pray n support peace only not war frm india
I think the Pope should travel to Kiev and meet with the head of the Ukraine Church and demonstrate that they are unified against this type of non christian aggression. i think this will help to heal divisions between the Catholic and non-Russian Orthodox churches. It's very powerful when you are on the right side of history
Unfortunately he won't. Hes not that kind of man.
It will not, especially now, heal the thousand year schism between Orthodox Christianity and Catholicism. And there are those who oppose it. The Pope is going to get involved in Russian politics? And he is going to help the Patriarch deal with Putin?
@@patriciah3235 No the Pope is going to support the head of the Ukraine Church and not the Russian Patriarch or Putin. The Ukraine church broke away from the Russian Church and Patriarch before the war.
Watch "The Most Reluctant Convert," and see that our existence has to be intelligent. The fact that our hearts yearn for something earth can't supply is proof that heaven must be our home. C.S. Lewis
The Russian Church and State under the Tsars was two sides of the same coin so Putin is repeating old history but, hey whatever works
You all will know!
When The Russia Fall, the christian around the world will persecute..
Hear this, if you read the Revelation in bible says The Soldier of the Saints. Its talk about Russian army, the soldier of saints.
Why it say the soldier, soldier talks about military.
Religious war?😂..
Am an Irish practicing Catholic and fully support Ukraine fight against Russian aggression, so does our pope , his Holiness, in Rome .. many Irish Catholics gone to Ukraine to defend it…many English protestant, who despise our pope , gone to Ukraine too, and fighting side by side, back to back in Ukraine …good people forget small differences for the greater good..
Jesus is lord… 🧐.🇮🇪🇬🇧
Religion, the scourge of humanity.
There's good religion and there's bad religion.
Marxism is atheist, which is an absence of good religion. It's been a huge scourge for many decades.
Absolutely 100%
Clumping everybody together? Easy Out?
This slander is disgusting and unsurprising how it comes from the rotten tongues of the West, may the West burn in God’s wrath and the faithful be saved
All true religions are against war and human suffering
This guy has selfish interests in place over human lives
There's a special place for him.
Example 10,251 of man (yes, man) contorting what "God" wants..
The RELIGIONS of the world need all to be calling for PEACE.
I don’t think any religion should support any war. People were made in God’s image, we are supposed to be better than mass killing each other. Yes, I understand people are sinful but religions should not be sinful. I don’t know how people can stand themselves, we are such a disappointment.
Blessed are the peacemakers for there's is the Kingdom of Heaven.... Find a peaceful way to separate from legitimate issues
No, it doesn't. Such things do not divide the Church, which is one in steadfast love for Jesus Christ. This "divides" only those who place other things above Christ & His Church.
The church IS THE PEOPLE. Otherwise it's just a building.
@@BigBirdy100 There’s different context of church used. It’s not just solely people.
This is the apostle Paul. If we or an angel from heaven preach to you any other gospel let him be accursed. Now the head hog at the trough in the Russian orthodox church is telling these young men that to die in war in Ukraine will cleanse them of their sins. That is the doctrine of demons,spitting on the cross, and trampling underfoot the blood of Jesus which is the only forgiveness and cleansing of sin.
Reminds me of Bush invading Iraq and support from Christian right
@Anna Barr wow, beautiful _and_ wise! Have a great week.
There are Christian denominations including the RCC that condemned that war just like it condemns this one.
Seems like in this case all Eastern Orthodox in Russia which is the only denomination there supports this war..
There is a difference just fyi
You choose to serve God because of love, not bombs.
Mixing politics and religion hurts both. And leaves people ignorant. I'm still surprised how many Americans mistakenly believe that U.S. Presidents and members of Congress must take an oath on a Bible. It's like they think there is something in the Constitution about Christianity.
They can take their oath on any book that they value. It has typically been a Bible, but could be something else, or nothing. The oath is the important part
@@silverforest4682 yes in India we have the Gita for oath taking.
Well America was founded upon Christian principles. For a time America prosper because laws were closer to the perfect ones of God. But really no nation can measure up to Gods perfect laws. His kingdom will soon replaced all of the worlds kingdoms
@@jdos5643 America's founding principles were: natural/ inalienable rights, limited government, popular sovereignty, federalism, republicanism, checks and balances and separation of powers. I just googled "Christian principles" and found about ten. None overlapped with those I listed earlier in this comment.
@@kindnessfirst9670 the United States prospered at one point because of upholding God above the nation. Righteousness exalted a nation but sin is a reproach to ppl. Proverbs 14:34. But as far as a nation goes, All nations come and go but Only Gods government will crush these earthly ones and last forever.
May God abundantly bless these true Christians. Lord, save Ukraine, enlighten Russia.
God bless Vladimir Putin and Orthodoxy ❤️🇷🇺🇬🇷✝️🙏⛪.
Putin is a murderous dictator, not a man of god.
Graffiti superstitious nonsense
Whether or not the Bishop of the church support one thing or not doesn’t affect the teachings of the Church which focuses on the salvation of souls and proclaiming a Christ crucified and resurrected. Everyone is entitled to hold their own opinion regarding. That being said, I will remain faithfully Orthodox. Christ is risen!
I wonder how bright week was for the Ukrainians…….all Christian churches have failed us and Christ
Im a Moslim And i Feel Love For this Ortodox Christans
wtf is a Moslim lol
And their repression and oppression? Do you feel kinship with that?
@@zyxwut321 I think Gadgets understands that the people are troubled and cannot worship like they used to. Thank you Gadgets.
Good idea splitting from Moscow
He does not contradict his office of priest by advocating retaliation. He serves as a kind of advisor, but one which boosts morale in a very intimate, spiritual manner. This is the kind of counsellor that facilitates martyrdom, especially useful in a nuclear age. And so with a faith in God, the God mentioned on your money, they carry on.
I am not a Christian I am a follower of Christ. Man has damaged it. Felt ashamed
Religious war?😂..
Am an Irish practicing Catholic and fully support Ukraine fight against Russian aggression, so does our pope , his Holiness, in Rome .. many Irish Catholics gone to Ukraine to defend it…many English protestant, who despise our pope , gone to Ukraine too, and fighting side by side, back to back in Ukraine …good people forget small differences for the greater good..
Jesus is lord… 🧐
3:58 he light thoses blunts the wrong end LMAO!
Stay strong Russian Christians ✝️☦️ 💙
wrong cross, it should be ☦️
Yes stay strong and leave the deluded false satanic church.
@@gospeljoy5713 how is it deluded, false or satanic
Yes stay strong in Jesus Christ and all that He stands for PEACE not War . No bloodshed.
Superstitious nonsense comment right here children 👆
There is so many ways to Help human salvation not a war
Russia didn't start this conflict, so what's the issue?
More proganda to separate Orthodox from Russia. That's antichrist..
Can't each country run its own (local) Orthodox church if it so wishes? The Ukrainian Orthodox has long been colonised. It's about time it runs its own independent Orthodoxy. God sees the heart.
Putin: serve me and I will give you all the alter boys in Moscow.
Bishop: There must be war, GOD WILLS IT!
Des vult
Hope they realise that everyone in the west doesn't go along with the debauchery of the west. There are Christians and Jews who support God's statutes too.
Putin has killed many people who have challenged him politically. I hope the Orthodox Church walks circumspectly around these acts.
May they be blessed in God's wisdom, knowledge and may they attain eternal life.
Isn’t that like against all the church’s values?
Yes, that is even blasphemy.
Where does God live? In majesty and bliss always.