Doors kept getting closed one after another, (and yes when God makes us ready, we become ready for His use - it is not in our time, but in His time) God was protecting you Jon from making mistakes you would regret. We are glad you are here. He has called you to help many in a way they have never been helped before. All praise and glory be given to the wisdom of God for doing what He did, to ensure that happened.
I liked what Tim said, it is what I preached to my then adolescent teenage daughters of mine, now 27 and 31 WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING IN THE WORST WAY, often that is exactly how you will get it. Pray, seek God, He will show you what is right, not your feelings, not your heart, not what your peers or friends tell you. He will speak to you. So far the scoreboard is showing 1 listened, Alma Skye, and one has not, but fortunately the game is not over until the Lord decides the game is over. So we continue to pray and seek prayer for our oldest daughter, Lisa Sunrise.
Curtis makes the correct and astute assessment here, we are all in FULL-TIME MINISTRY, yet many lose enthusiasm when presented a mop to clean the bathroom, a broom to sweep up, or do what they may consider mundane things. However, there is a fine line about the "devaluation" of what one is doing. Too often many a good man was led away from the pulpit, only to find more acceptance in a secular group, that pulled away from their daily fellowship and the community of and with God, and His people, many a leader never preached about it decades ago, and so they walked without much thought of ever looking back. There are many a good LOST PASTORS out there, who need to come back to the fold. The Harvest is still ripe. Every day is an opportunity, whether you are recognized as on staff or your name is out front on a marquee, that will not be the important factor to the success or failure of your ministry - what will be - is well done, good and faithful servant - you have done what I asked you to do - you obeyed. Enter into the joy of your King.
Many of us would not have picked King David to be a man after God's own heart. We would have had our list of disqualifications for sure. Yet it is apparent in each of you 3 men, to be good listeners first, good counselors second, able to bring the word of God 3rd, and what Curtis says in many ways REFLECTS you men and the church. When you don't like what you see this speaks back to us. When you do like what you see and hear, this also speaks back. In short, it is what David said and Pastor Curtis is a great example of this, Lord Shine your light on me, search my heart, try my ways. We may find at the end of the day, no one of us is perfect, (right??? - lol) but we are learning daily to follow God, love God, and be called according to His purpose and will for Him to live His life in and thru us to others. Therefore even when David failed and miserably failed, as many do not meet the marks of a perfect vet score, their heart is still set on following God. The heart and character as he said are key, because if a shepherd is more out for themselves than the flock the journey will not go well if sheep are led off the cliff or to the wayside.
Lol, Pastor Jon wasn't here to hear Pastor Darryl Tuesday (he said he was in grade 57 - really grade 65, but I am right behind him * people used to say to me, you are old, what are you doing in school, and I would tell them - when you don't pay attention close enough the first time, you go round and round again until you do. 17 years, that's nothing, still wet behind the ears young man. We love you!!!!
Amen ~ it is refreshing to see how God has called each one of you and as you say, we are each unique, not a cookie-cutter mold. God placed you where you are (here) at the right time (now) to do what He wills (and that is being accomplished). Curtis - you would have made a great commentator or sports analyst. Of course, Tim is the Cubs fan (pray for him) but you two will have a bit to chat about. That was a big step of faith of yours the local church vs. formal teaching - really a sacrifice and a challenge each way. Yet when God calls you to do something, He sees you thru to get it done. I like Pastor Jon's testimony to help people. I too wanted to help and be in the helping professions. Funny I remember as a 19-year-old preaching in a Hermeneutics class telling those in Bible college, all you guys are old enough to be my father. That didn't go over well as I also found out in my first few years behind the pulpit and ministry. Zeal, ambition, and knowledge sometimes need to be tempered, and sometimes that 11-day trip can take a while. For some 40 yrs. For Joseph it was many years, for David it was many years as well. After my 1st wife left me to be w another, and my father passed away that same summer of 1985, I sought Christian Counseling. Up until that time, I never thought you could do anything else (like a job or career) and still be serving God. They didn't teach us business or promotion back in those days. Finding good help, I also pursued this avenue working towards my MA., Psych - MFCC - Marriage Family Child Counselor. Graduating Azusa Pacific the same year Dr. James Dobson came out to speak at commencement 1988 for his own BA graduating children, and also listening and reflecting to radio therapy ministries, I came to the same conclusion (much later albeit than Jon) that the ETERNAL ANSWERS and wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs and Song were far more valuable the Rohrshact tests, and MMPI inventories, and Skinner, Freud, Jung, Maslow, and all the behavioral therapists. The answer was simple, why do people go wrong, they were born sinners, and they naturally sin. Is there a cure to curb sin? Not an effective one. You cannot reform the flesh, it is carnal. Jesus said it best, you (one day) will know the Truth, and (when you do - the chains of bondage will fall, you will be liberated) and you will be free. The best thing about Dr. Jesus the Great Physician, is he diagnoses the problem, Rx - prescribes the remedy, and then pays the bill for you. Now no helping professional I know has ever done that.
On that couch Curtis, when you cried out to God as we all do sometimes in similar situations, Are We Not Closest To God, When We Are In Pain and Suffering. In pleasures, we do not hear well, but in the urgency of infirmity, He has our utmost attention, and even in a whisper He can speak loudly. We need to get a sticker for you though at the Greeting Sections, HUG - but FRAGILE - HANDLE w CARE :) When you said you didn't think you could do the intern, that is a key point too. When we try to shine using our natural abilities we miss it. When we are completely weak and dependent on God, it is then and there, He calls us to do, what we think is impossible, can not do.
Somehow I ran across this video. I thought, “Who are these guys? Are they legit?” Then I look and see Costi on other videos, then saw the books behind you. Subbed lol! Good stuff men, press on towards the goal.
The highest and most important work one could ever do - is for God. So all people should be called to do God's work, and desire to do it. Yet not anyone or everyone ever recognizes that, and others will tell you, as Jon found out, take your bio, and portfolio, elsewhere.
Lol, Tim - your mom making you designated blessor of the food because of your title. In vetting the veterans it is God who ultimately vets each one of us, in conscious, thought, word, and deed, not we ourselves, lest we think way too highly of ourselves. The Lord himself adds, subtracts, and is in total control, even when we don't think He is, even when we sometimes want to be. Amen - it is often not who we would choose but whom God chooses. Like Pastor Darryl says, we all have life stories and in those experiences, God wastes not a one.
That is an ironic concept Jon brings to light - RELIGION and institutions determine what is Holy and Sacred, they cannot live up to them, like the Pharisees - separating what they deemed holy, not even associating with others - yet not seeing themselves as Jon's slogan campaign denotes - we are scum, come and join us. We are sinners, we need forgiveness. So when we emphasize RELATIONSHIP over determining relics of religion the perspective does change from top to bottom. For whosoever will ... Jn 3:16 and Prov 1:6 starting points, building blocks to ABC's and ministry.
I know I'm 3 years late. But can't you guys ever get someone that a lived a life in reality and got saved later in life? Let's say, 40 years old and then became a pastor? Someone that literally started with zero and never had the ability to just say randomly, you know what, I want to get my PhD, or I want to be a lead pastor at age 20. That's not a life that's lived in reality whatsoever.
Wonderful, thanks much gentlemen. It touched my heart to hear how God moved each of you into the Pastorial position. God bless you .
Doors kept getting closed one after another, (and yes when God makes us ready, we become ready for His use - it is not in our time, but in His time) God was protecting you Jon from making mistakes you would regret. We are glad you are here. He has called you to help many in a way they have never been helped before. All praise and glory be given to the wisdom of God for doing what He did, to ensure that happened.
Am on this journey too,may God guide me.
I liked what Tim said, it is what I preached to my then adolescent teenage daughters of mine, now 27 and 31 WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING IN THE WORST WAY, often that is exactly how you will get it. Pray, seek God, He will show you what is right, not your feelings, not your heart, not what your peers or friends tell you. He will speak to you. So far the scoreboard is showing 1 listened, Alma Skye, and one has not, but fortunately the game is not over until the Lord decides the game is over. So we continue to pray and seek prayer for our oldest daughter, Lisa Sunrise.
Curtis makes the correct and astute assessment here, we are all in FULL-TIME MINISTRY, yet many lose enthusiasm when presented a mop to clean the bathroom, a broom to sweep up, or do what they may consider mundane things. However, there is a fine line about the "devaluation" of what one is doing. Too often many a good man was led away from the pulpit, only to find more acceptance in a secular group, that pulled away from their daily fellowship and the community of and with God, and His people, many a leader never preached about it decades ago, and so they walked without much thought of ever looking back. There are many a good LOST PASTORS out there, who need to come back to the fold. The Harvest is still ripe. Every day is an opportunity, whether you are recognized as on staff or your name is out front on a marquee, that will not be the important factor to the success or failure of your ministry - what will be - is well done, good and faithful servant - you have done what I asked you to do - you obeyed. Enter into the joy of your King.
It is fascinating to think that you're guaranteed salvation no matter what you do.
From the Philippines.
Pastor Freddie R. Briones
Many of us would not have picked King David to be a man after God's own heart. We would have had our list of disqualifications for sure. Yet it is apparent in each of you 3 men, to be good listeners first, good counselors second, able to bring the word of God 3rd, and what Curtis says in many ways REFLECTS you men and the church. When you don't like what you see this speaks back to us. When you do like what you see and hear, this also speaks back. In short, it is what David said and Pastor Curtis is a great example of this, Lord Shine your light on me, search my heart, try my ways. We may find at the end of the day, no one of us is perfect, (right??? - lol) but we are learning daily to follow God, love God, and be called according to His purpose and will for Him to live His life in and thru us to others. Therefore even when David failed and miserably failed, as many do not meet the marks of a perfect vet score, their heart is still set on following God. The heart and character as he said are key, because if a shepherd is more out for themselves than the flock the journey will not go well if sheep are led off the cliff or to the wayside.
Thank you for these words of experience and wisdom
Lol, Pastor Jon wasn't here to hear Pastor Darryl Tuesday (he said he was in grade 57 - really grade 65, but I am right behind him * people used to say to me, you are old, what are you doing in school, and I would tell them - when you don't pay attention close enough the first time, you go round and round again until you do. 17 years, that's nothing, still wet behind the ears young man. We love you!!!!
Amen ~ it is refreshing to see how God has called each one of you and as you say, we are each unique, not a cookie-cutter mold. God placed you where you are (here) at the right time (now) to do what He wills (and that is being accomplished). Curtis - you would have made a great commentator or sports analyst. Of course, Tim is the Cubs fan (pray for him) but you two will have a bit to chat about. That was a big step of faith of yours the local church vs. formal teaching - really a sacrifice and a challenge each way. Yet when God calls you to do something, He sees you thru to get it done. I like Pastor Jon's testimony to help people. I too wanted to help and be in the helping professions. Funny I remember as a 19-year-old preaching in a Hermeneutics class telling those in Bible college, all you guys are old enough to be my father. That didn't go over well as I also found out in my first few years behind the pulpit and ministry. Zeal, ambition, and knowledge sometimes need to be tempered, and sometimes that 11-day trip can take a while. For some 40 yrs. For Joseph it was many years, for David it was many years as well. After my 1st wife left me to be w another, and my father passed away that same summer of 1985, I sought Christian Counseling. Up until that time, I never thought you could do anything else (like a job or career) and still be serving God. They didn't teach us business or promotion back in those days. Finding good help, I also pursued this avenue working towards my MA., Psych - MFCC - Marriage Family Child Counselor. Graduating Azusa Pacific the same year Dr. James Dobson came out to speak at commencement 1988 for his own BA graduating children, and also listening and reflecting to radio therapy ministries, I came to the same conclusion (much later albeit than Jon) that the ETERNAL ANSWERS and wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs and Song were far more valuable the Rohrshact tests, and MMPI inventories, and Skinner, Freud, Jung, Maslow, and all the behavioral therapists. The answer was simple, why do people go wrong, they were born sinners, and they naturally sin. Is there a cure to curb sin? Not an effective one. You cannot reform the flesh, it is carnal. Jesus said it best, you (one day) will know the Truth, and (when you do - the chains of bondage will fall, you will be liberated) and you will be free. The best thing about Dr. Jesus the Great Physician, is he diagnoses the problem, Rx - prescribes the remedy, and then pays the bill for you. Now no helping professional I know has ever done that.
On that couch Curtis, when you cried out to God as we all do sometimes in similar situations, Are We Not Closest To God, When We Are In Pain and Suffering. In pleasures, we do not hear well, but in the urgency of infirmity, He has our utmost attention, and even in a whisper He can speak loudly. We need to get a sticker for you though at the Greeting Sections, HUG - but FRAGILE - HANDLE w CARE :) When you said you didn't think you could do the intern, that is a key point too. When we try to shine using our natural abilities we miss it. When we are completely weak and dependent on God, it is then and there, He calls us to do, what we think is impossible, can not do.
Somehow I ran across this video. I thought, “Who are these guys? Are they legit?” Then I look and see Costi on other videos, then saw the books behind you. Subbed lol! Good stuff men, press on towards the goal.
That's good
The highest and most important work one could ever do - is for God. So all people should be called to do God's work, and desire to do it. Yet not anyone or everyone ever recognizes that, and others will tell you, as Jon found out, take your bio, and portfolio, elsewhere.
Lol, Tim - your mom making you designated blessor of the food because of your title. In vetting the veterans it is God who ultimately vets each one of us, in conscious, thought, word, and deed, not we ourselves, lest we think way too highly of ourselves. The Lord himself adds, subtracts, and is in total control, even when we don't think He is, even when we sometimes want to be. Amen - it is often not who we would choose but whom God chooses. Like Pastor Darryl says, we all have life stories and in those experiences, God wastes not a one.
12:53 🙄
That is an ironic concept Jon brings to light - RELIGION and institutions determine what is Holy and Sacred, they cannot live up to them, like the Pharisees - separating what they deemed holy, not even associating with others - yet not seeing themselves as Jon's slogan campaign denotes - we are scum, come and join us. We are sinners, we need forgiveness. So when we emphasize RELATIONSHIP over determining relics of religion the perspective does change from top to bottom. For whosoever will ... Jn 3:16 and Prov 1:6 starting points, building blocks to ABC's and ministry.
I know I'm 3 years late. But can't you guys ever get someone that a lived a life in reality and got saved later in life? Let's say, 40 years old and then became a pastor? Someone that literally started with zero and never had the ability to just say randomly, you know what, I want to get my PhD, or I want to be a lead pastor at age 20. That's not a life that's lived in reality whatsoever.