Real Faith Session 3: Tongue Tied: James 3:1-12

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • James 3:1-12
    Antoine Yates was attacked by his cat in his New York City apartment. After going to the hospital, the wounds were so serious that the authorities went over to his high-rise to figure out, "Man, what in the world happened to this guy?" Do you know what they discovered? They discovered that this was not just a mad Siamese; this was a 500-pound tiger. The 500-pound tiger had been living in this New York City apartment since he was just a little baby. This man had snuck him into the apartment. He had grown and grown and grown to be 500 pounds. You know, they found that, not only was there a 500-pound tiger, but that the tiger had a roommate. The roommate was a 5-foot long American alligator. Can you imagine living in an apartment with a 5- foot long alligator and a 500-pound tiger? That's crazy.
    I've been to New York City. I can tell you how big those apartments are. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in the middle of a zoo. Rumor has it that the tiger attacked his owner because he got jealous when he was cuddling with the alligator. Now, I don't know if that's actually true or not, but something provoked him.
    The Bible tells us even though tigers and alligators are wild animals, they are not near as wild as the tongue. The tongue is far wilder. You know, the words that comes out of our mouth, can inflict so much harm and damage yet can also inspire and encourage greatly. In fact, if we were to think back on some of the most encouraging experiences, and greatest moments of our lives, undoubtedly we would remember words like, "I love you," "You can do it," "You can change," "It's not over." At the same time, when looking back on the pages of our life, we could look back at some of the most painful experiences where people have said things to us like, "You can never change," "You can never be different," "You're a failure," "You'll never measure up." Those words have so much power, either for good or for bad.
    Discussion Starter
    Talk about a time in the past when a small word or phrase started a huge spark to a detrimental relationship or experience. Could you have avoided it? If so how?
    In general, how susceptible are you to saying something that could cause harm to others that could hinder the relationship?
    Verse to Remember
    Proverbs: 12:18 “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
    Discussion Questions
    1. Read Proverbs 18:21. What is the most encouraging thing someone has ever said to you?
    2. James 3:4-5 makes the comparison of the tongue to a rudder of a boat. Why does the writer use this as an illustration? What can we learn about the tongue directing our life?
    3. Read James 3:2-6. The rudder, the bit of a horse, and the flame are all very, very small things; but they are very powerful. How is the tongue similar, and how can something so small bring so much destruction/blessing?
    Application Questions
    1. How can you leverage your speech to bless others? How could you encourage others more in the things you are saying?
    2. Read James 3:7-8. Why is the tongue so wild? Why is it so difficult to govern what you say?
    Prayer Focus
    1. The Bible says out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. How does a right heart effect what you say? What can we do to check our hearts?
    2. Harsh words can cause division in relationships and the church. Pray that people you encounter and the church will be loyal to any divisive talk that would bring division.

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