i am happy to give views on this platform....after spending a year in remand and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment,,,,i was acquitted after 7 months...freedom is fought for
Sad situation, everywhere, from,hospitals,school, prisons,but we have people who caught with gold worthy millions of us dollars, walking free and enjoying, yet innocent people are in prison, denied bail,8yrs no trial, minister of justice what is he doing,please do something.
Zim kushaya kana chinhu one chinoshandawo zvakanaka majeri, hospitals,soccer - no working stadiums,schools,roads,railsystem,public transport system, judiciary system...zvese dololo
Zvakaoma hazvo hanzi dai ma guard Jeri ariwo anotenga mhosva vamwe vangadai vakabuda ,thank you ma officers nekubata vasingade nemwoyo une Rudo nekuti vanhuwo may God bless you
True these people are saying the real truth, gvt should act swiftly to these release them in time , there should be managers to the judges who oversees the judges and monitor there work and over staying prisoners
Vanhu varikuti 8 years muRemand dzakawanda search maDocumentary emaPrisons aya...Cotabato neAntananarivo...those who should bring justice to the world are now the ones inflicting people with injustice...
It's so sad tht u find old people and pple who are sick still locked inside. Haven't they suffered enough to js let them go and reunite with their families b4 they die. Where is justice in all ths most of the pple serving jail time fr the things they didn't do
Vakabuda sister hamubude mumba after dark for years trust me, ukagara in remand for that long you'll be facing serious crimes like rape, armed robbery and murder. Masmall-small aya you'll do a few months max.
If you're in prison for that long these guys will be courts for multiple, serious crimes apo they'll be fighting the cases so they stay in remand for years. Dai vaizotaura nyaya dzacho dzese.
I understand you but musi wauchakandwa mujeri usina chawaita ndopauchawona kuti kunezviwiravanhu kunze uku. Some are guilty and some are innocent while others are in there for petty things
We can only pity vasina mhosva in that crowd, the rest of that crowd handinzwe ,no rights for them ...Ana mbavha nanamhondi ava kana vachiri nefreedom vanoshungurudza big...they should suffer the way yavanoshungurudza their victims
i am happy to give views on this platform....after spending a year in remand and sentenced to 15 years imprisonment,,,,i was acquitted after 7 months...freedom is fought for
Mwari wangu pindirai vamwe vasungwa Havana dzavakapara asivashaiwa Gweta ,ndapotazvangu baba mirainnavo ndimi gweta guruu🌟
Zimbabwe needs help shuwa, everywhere people are suffering.
Sad situation, everywhere, from,hospitals,school, prisons,but we have people who caught with gold worthy millions of us dollars, walking free and enjoying, yet innocent people are in prison, denied bail,8yrs no trial, minister of justice what is he doing,please do something.
Powerful words Professor 👌
U cn feel the pain within them....God bless Zim bless Africa...
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 Well spoken. Zimbabwe as a whole has been let down by zanu pf.
Its so sad xhokwadi after 8years in remund....vaxhatongwei nhaimi...they have rights as humans...great speech 😢
These guys have valid points zvekuti dhuuu!!!I hope they are going to be heard
Uuu 8 years is too much ...hurumende yezimbabwe ka ....marara chaiwo ...2023 vote for chamisa pliz
Speak up Zimbabwe 💪
Chiiko ma court mashoma here or ma judge acho mashoma here? Imagine after 8 years in remand wozonzi 10 years in prison, so sad.
Professor avo vaburitseiwo please
Vanzwisiseiii Vakomana avoo ndaove navo mu same cell . I was fraimed but I got out early ....vabatsireiwoo avo
In hutsinye zimbabwe
anatsotsi vakatovhurika kudarika our justice system
Voice of the voiceless 💔
8 years usati watongwa..
Its jus too much...
Plz upote uchivaonawo
Mwana wevhu achema chema wonaiwo kodzero dzavo uye ngavapiwe mutongo kana vakatadza ini naivo tese tine basa rekushandira nyika yedu 🙏 🇿🇼🇿🇼 Zim bhoo
8 years is to much Jesus we're are you please help people of Zimbabwe
I hope they are given a chance to vote. Very sad situation 🙆🏽♀️
No mercy to armed robers ........
Well done my brother, Mwari wachapindira kutaura kwenyu Minato mukuru kunadenga nepasi kumunhu wese Broz Rasta avooo ❤
Zim kushaya kana chinhu one chinoshandawo zvakanaka majeri, hospitals,soccer - no working stadiums,schools,roads,railsystem,public transport system, judiciary system...zvese dololo
Muchinda anogona kutaura uyu🙌🙌👏👏👏
kkkk hagone kutaura uyu dai aigona asirimukati
@@blessmashie2962 my opinion not yours
Yeh zviribho gara wakadaro
Ukusangana naye husiku you'll see kuti anonyatsogona kutaura
@@Clubber_Lang_ fortunately lam very far from where he is so don't worry about me
This is so heart breaking veduwe
Plz God help these pple
Zvakaoma hazvo hanzi dai ma guard Jeri ariwo anotenga mhosva vamwe vangadai vakabuda ,thank you ma officers nekubata vasingade nemwoyo une Rudo nekuti vanhuwo may God bless you
My Sister P Zulu
True these people are saying the real truth, gvt should act swiftly to these release them in time , there should be managers to the judges who oversees the judges and monitor there work and over staying prisoners
The system is biased period. This is inhuman even health wise.
Uumm guyz 8yrs 5mnths munhu asati atongwawo here uummm Jehovha Zvoshamisa pindirai nyika yatambura chokwadi
He is strong some would have gone mad...
It's so sad
Its so sad
8 yrs remand that's too much srs pamwe ozoonekwa asina mhoswa yacho iiiii
yah Zanu wakaoma shuwa, mabasa ako ese awa
My heart bleeds
A country. Without free state lawyers ,corruption and no investigations
8 years is too much
Ndaiva navo mu same cell help them mu cell munorwadza
Professor veremand ngavasunungurwe he is reformed
Ndinorwadziwa zvakanyanya pese pandinoona vanhu variku Remand ndakakugarako and ndakatosiya vanhu vatova nemakore vasati vatongwa apa vaitaura kuti havana chavakaita vamwe vaivhuma havo mhoswa dzavo asi court yaishaya humboo
eish, 8 years its too much yhoo ndabatikana
It’s evident that there’s a cross section of society in the prisons. This is a well captured video that gives a genuine impression of the goings on.
Vanhu varikuti 8 years muRemand dzakawanda search maDocumentary emaPrisons aya...Cotabato neAntananarivo...those who should bring justice to the world are now the ones inflicting people with injustice...
Saka just because someone else suffered greater injustice zvorevakuti 8 years ishoma here ?
It's so sad tht u find old people and pple who are sick still locked inside. Haven't they suffered enough to js let them go and reunite with their families b4 they die. Where is justice in all ths most of the pple serving jail time fr the things they didn't do
Zimbabwe has no justise at all
As long as zanu pf is in power nothing will move. Zanu matsotsi ane hutsinye varoyi .
Madhoko makukutu sad eight yrs waiting try haa zvakaoma
8 years kooo kuzoti akatongwa iiìiii ime musadaro mufunge
8 years uchingodzi further remand hazviite...
Vamwe vese vabatsireyi asi team mutoriro ngavambogara ikoko for at least 5 years cz vatiurayira ma ghetto youths and ma streets haasisiri safe kufamba
Shem ndarwadziwa 💔 Shem
Ichokwadi Hama dzangu Zimbabwe haichina rusununguko kuvana vayo
Zanu pf ndiyo hinzeri yezvese izvi apa vachirikungoda kuramba vachitonga mwari tibatsireo kubva muhunhapwa hwezanu whatiri
Hama dzedu dzatsungirira kugara munyika dzatambura zvikuru kunyanya dziri muhusungwa Aiwa zvinotirwadza zimbabwe tichiri kure nekubatana uye ruzhinji rwakajaira kumwa ropa nemisodzi zvinobhowa
Vese varikutaura chirungu avo must come out and vote, plus, Zanu must be banned mhani
Dai zvaienda neni zvangu vaimboburitsa vanhu vese votangidza kupinza vasungwa vatsva ndanzwa tsitsi shame
Vakabuda sister hamubude mumba after dark for years trust me, ukagara in remand for that long you'll be facing serious crimes like rape, armed robbery and murder. Masmall-small aya you'll do a few months max.
Guys varikuti zvinhu zvachinja chii chachinja ma hospitals kuchema majeri kuchema.mabasa varikuraya vanhu panze apo havaende kuma jeri ccc members dzapera
Vana vari kuuraiyaiwa sehuku haaà it's not fare
So sad hurumende batsirai Hama idzo
ZANU PF muzukuru wasatan chaiye nxaa mhani kutadza kurimuvanhu mhani
Armed robbery... Imbogara shaz
Bvisai ma pp nema judge muwaise mkati Havana kudzidza
Yaaaaa wataura chokwadi hanzvanzi yangu
8yrs 5mths aaaaaaah
Covid would got through these inmates like butter the way they are packed ,
Kungochengeta wanhu mumajeri wasina kutongwa
Chokwadi kumwe kutonga kwacho hakuchisiri fair vatongi vakutongotora nyika kuisa mumavoko avo kuti vskutarisa nyaya hr or huso
Armed robbery firai mujeri
Wanosiya wakuuraira mari yako
If you're in prison for that long these guys will be courts for multiple, serious crimes apo they'll be fighting the cases so they stay in remand for years. Dai vaizotaura nyaya dzacho dzese.
Justice should be served. Period.
But rasta crime doesn't pay i know this guy i was arrested 2010 and i live him in remand if i don't make mistake his name is Given
Kana rasta muri armed robber garai mukati
Vanouraya ava havatori mari yavanenge vafambira vano siya vakuuraya vaneutsinye ma robbery
MBAVha chaidzo dziripadze Inga vana vevatongi
Sure kune vakaenda kuremand kare dai mwari abatsira
Yes yes mataura chokwadi
Zanu pf is the cause of all suffering
Honai vazhinji varikurwara vachazadzana vose vopera kufa
Armed robbers garai mukati
Ko. Zvamunevanhu vanosvisvina chirungu nhai
Pakuvhota futi tichaziva pekuvhotera
Ndakakusiya urimo degree mashumani.
Mbavja mhondi ngadzinyimwe vaurayi ngavangaremo kusvika zvanaka
You are so ignorant. You shoiuld be a zanu pf supporter
Kukosora ukooo itori TB inenge ichingotenderera imomo zvakaoma
Makore awandisa uuum mhosva yake ndeyei
Stay away from crime.
I understand you but musi wauchakandwa mujeri usina chawaita ndopauchawona kuti kunezviwiravanhu kunze uku. Some are guilty and some are innocent while others are in there for petty things
@@weshallovercome-dg6si ita mushe wangu.Usaite kunge munhu wemusangano.ZANU PF kana CCC.
@@michaelmaps2004 kana ku America/Uk zvinoitika.
@@michaelmaps2004 taura hako uyo akutauraa zvaasingazive
MBAVha dziriko
Marombe amuri kuchemera nhamo dzenyu hatombo gaya kna ,vanotoda hama dzenyu dzikupei zvose ivovachimora huchi
Team rakadzidza iri
Vamwe apana chavakapara
Parirai mhosva SA zim hada
Zvose izvozvo zvikauya zvinobiwa nemagadhijere , corruption too much muzimbabwe
Hakuna chinonzi COVID
Mbavha or mhondi whatever you are pika Jeri rako wakanyarara
These are remands
Yu don't know wat yu r talking about dai manyarara king inonzi remand iyo
Jeri rinopikwa nemunhu atongwa akawanikwa ane mhosva. These are in remand awaiting trial
Uyo raster ngaagaremo
Sure munhu uya agara mu D class uyo
No mecry kumbavha fira imomo
Uchabatwa hako uchaona kuti ma1
We can only pity vasina mhosva in that crowd, the rest of that crowd handinzwe ,no rights for them ...Ana mbavha nanamhondi ava kana vachiri nefreedom vanoshungurudza big...they should suffer the way yavanoshungurudza their victims