That's a nice set! I got my sparrows set because of Wiz. But, like you said, the older companies are falling behind to these new companies that are Locksport based. Nice having options now to get top of the line tools.
Sandman, I’m going broke watching your channel!! 😂 seriously though, nice unboxing. Love those Blood Reapers! Just went over and picked myself up some Bare Bones products. Looking forward to checking them out!
Great unboxing as always! Have to get some Bare Bones after this. Would really like to see a good review of the Dangerfield Nano SLIMLINE Lock Pick Rake set.
Yes aussie flag goes that way, uk flag at the top left, few other countries have a UK flag on it too and they go the same way. Awesome score from bareones you got there👌 be nice if you did international giveaways of picks etc too 😉😂 looks like I'm gonna have to start putting videos out too 😅
They’ve got some cool sh!t. Thanks for showing it off for us my friend. Another great video my friend, you fucking rock! And you’re already at 3.17K subscribers? Keep doing what you’re doing because you do it well. Talk to you soon.
D-Man got me hooked a couple years ago. Now I'm working single picks and adding to my EDC.
That's a nice set! I got my sparrows set because of Wiz. But, like you said, the older companies are falling behind to these new companies that are Locksport based. Nice having options now to get top of the line tools.
Sandman, I’m going broke watching your channel!! 😂 seriously though, nice unboxing. Love those Blood Reapers! Just went over and picked myself up some Bare Bones products. Looking forward to checking them out!
Nice haul. Get the reviews going! Yes! The troll voice!
I wish we had locksport meetups in my area, I guess I’m gonna have too get one started
Great unboxing as always! Have to get some Bare Bones after this. Would really like to see a good review of the Dangerfield Nano SLIMLINE Lock Pick Rake set.
I can’t wait to get a bare bones order in
Yes aussie flag goes that way, uk flag at the top left, few other countries have a UK flag on it too and they go the same way. Awesome score from bareones you got there👌 be nice if you did international giveaways of picks etc too 😉😂 looks like I'm gonna have to start putting videos out too 😅
That 3 piece Reaper set is similar to one's made for Crono Lock in Canada 👌
Yeah I noticed that last night.
Love bare bones! Bought their bundle an ordered a handful of their deforest half diamond picks lol where did that troll come from
The troll just shows up in my comments. I don’t know where they come from
I was letting you know you had the Australian flag displayed properly on the case you put it on
Damn, we're going to have to start you a gofundme page.
You should do Bare Bones pick reviews on the weekend and call it "Skeleton Satur/Sunday"
They’ve got some cool sh!t. Thanks for showing it off for us my friend. Another great video my friend, you fucking rock! And you’re already at 3.17K subscribers? Keep doing what you’re doing because you do it well. Talk to you soon.
I thought I was irresponsible. LOL
I see the necromancers in Australia sent their lockpicks to you. 💀
Damn! now I have to wait for my own box opening... I've been irresponsible... and Impatient.
Please review all barebones product
Great review, but please stop. My bank account can't take anymore! 😂
That's only funny because it's so true 😅
You have the flag correct
Don't forget lock noob...