謝謝你的分享! 我是第一次睇你的影片,真的很有用👍, 但仍有一些問題想向你請教🙏,我的case是同你一樣,當年用澳洲牌換香港牌,個澳洲牌肯定過哂期,我在睇你條片前已寄出了所有你提及的文件,除了澳洲車牌,所以是衰了,DVLA return哂所有嘢俾我,以下是我的問題 1.我個澳洲車牌而家係香港,剛剛已叫家人幫我揾,當揾到(如好彩), 而又當揾唔返driving license record,是否像你一樣把澳洲車牌+全部DVLA退回的物件(即你所提及的文件)寄返去DVLA? 2. 你何時收返你個澳洲牌呢? 是否同英國車牌一同寄給你?因你當時無諗佢會寄返澳洲牌俾你,你應該沒有準備回郵信封,對嗎? 3.看你影片後,才發覺我在第一部分填錯了~in which country did you pass your test? 我填了香港,平時一般我們刪去、寫返正確的,再加簽便可以,呢度英國得唔得呢? 定要重新填過一份新form呢?佢return返俾我那份D1 form 上面用紅筆圈著某些部分是for佢地內部用和蓋了日期 唔該哂🙏
我申請fail左, 原因係:this licence seems to have been granted in exchange for one from a country that we do not currently have an exchange agreement with. 但明明網上係同香港有exchange agreement. 請問你有冇朋友有類似的經驗? 會唔會係當局搞錯咗?
我email問咗加拿大嗰面,係可以申請番driver's license record, 同confirmation letter. "If you require an additional document stating that the class of licence you hold authorizes you to operate both automatic and manual transmission equipped vehicle, you may request a confirmation letter from the ministry. Confirmation letters cannot be ordered online - requests must be submitted by mail or fax. You may request uncertified or certified visions any record, for the applicable fee(s). A certified document will be embossed (stamped) with the official seal of the Ministry of Transportation. Certified documents must be mailed to you because it needs the official seal. Both certified and uncertified versions of any record contain the same information. If you are requesting a driver record and/or confirmation letter by fax/mail, please send the request to: Ministry of Transportation Licensing Administration and Support Office Attn: Information Data Retrieval Unit 87 Sir William Hearst Avenue Room 158-D Toronto, ON M3M 0B4 Fax: 416-235-4009 In your written request, please include: · Full name · Driver’s licence number (OR date of birth - if licence number is unavailable) · Type of record you are requesting (i.e. driver’s licence history, 3-year driver record, confirmation letter, etc.) · Return mailing address and/or fax number · Signature · Contact phone number · Payment by fax (VISA or MasterCard): please also include the completed form,www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/ssbforms.nsf/FormDetail?openform&ENV=WWE&NO=023-SR-LV-034E Payment by mail: Certified personal cheque (Canadian bank account) or money order, payable to ‘Minister of Finance’. If you are not able to open the credit card authorization form, on a sheet of paper, please include: The cardholder’s name Credit Card number Expiry Date A statement that states “I authorize the Ministry of Finance to charge my credit card $___. Cardholder’s signature Records are delivered by mail (they are not e-mailed). Your request will be completed within approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Please note that processing may be delayed if the demand is high or the delivery address is outside of Ontario. For additional information, please contact: ServiceOntario Driver and Vehicle Contact Centre 416-235-2999 (Toronto area) or 1-800-387-3445 (toll-free within Ontario). Staff are available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. To reach an agent, stay on the line for English; then press 1; press 2 and then press zero. 一 Customer Care Agent | ServiceOntario Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery Visit us at: ServiceOntario.ca
補充一下, 雖然 Postal Order 唔收 Credit Card, 但係收 Debit Card 既.
不過張 Debit Card 必須係來自可以響 Post Office 提款既銀行. 相當於係同時做提款同以現金俾錢既情況.
咁想問 我得wise uk同revolut既debit card 買唔買到,postal order?
thanks for your demostration
我個車牌係二十年前o係加拿大B.C.省考嘅,之後返香港都換咗香港車牌,BC o個個我都唔知係比運輸署收咗定我自己唔見咗。我尋日打咗去ICBC, 都係o係冇車牌號碼情況下問佢攞返我啲資料,問咗名,出生日期,safe word --> 呢個我真係唔知原來當時有safe word, 佢比咗個提示嘅,但我都唔知有冇答啱,跟住佢再問我最後一次影車牌相o係邊度. 之後就問我攞email address喇。 佢hold咗我條線一陣,就經email收到了。上面有寫learner牌幾時出,driving test幾時complete. 個牌係咩class, 但冇標明係考manual定auto, 我諗最後換英國牌只可以攞到auto.
請問駕駛執照細節證明書係直接上去運輸處申請?定可以上網dl定張form? 因為响運輸處見唔倒有哩個服務,得車輛細節證明書咋,請指教🙏🏽
Hello, 澳洲P牌可以轉香港車牌?
謝謝你的分享! 我是第一次睇你的影片,真的很有用👍, 但仍有一些問題想向你請教🙏,我的case是同你一樣,當年用澳洲牌換香港牌,個澳洲牌肯定過哂期,我在睇你條片前已寄出了所有你提及的文件,除了澳洲車牌,所以是衰了,DVLA return哂所有嘢俾我,以下是我的問題
1.我個澳洲車牌而家係香港,剛剛已叫家人幫我揾,當揾到(如好彩), 而又當揾唔返driving license record,是否像你一樣把澳洲車牌+全部DVLA退回的物件(即你所提及的文件)寄返去DVLA?
2. 你何時收返你個澳洲牌呢? 是否同英國車牌一同寄給你?因你當時無諗佢會寄返澳洲牌俾你,你應該沒有準備回郵信封,對嗎?
3.看你影片後,才發覺我在第一部分填錯了~in which country did you pass your test? 我填了香港,平時一般我們刪去、寫返正確的,再加簽便可以,呢度英國得唔得呢? 定要重新填過一份新form呢?佢return返俾我那份D1 form 上面用紅筆圈著某些部分是for佢地內部用和蓋了日期
Hello, 請問你澳洲張車牌certificate type 是甚麼?🙏
@@smy_hker請問你張澳洲driving record 裏面有個type,你哋係寫provisional 或 unrestricted? 🙏
我剛收到,用了一星期由申請,有齊文件,填妥form. 寄1st class, 不用回郵信郵
@@ALam-nb8bk 明白,謝謝🙏🏻
琛哥,你的講解非常清楚,多謝你🙏🏻🙏🏻。另外,請問持有香港P牌在英國換車車牌時,是否跟你所講的一樣處理? 有沒有其他事項要注意🙏🏻🙏🏻
thank you sharing, get rejected due to same situation.
Are you Australian license?
@@smy_hker yes from VIC
你好我是美國車牌那裏找到information 多謝
Hello ⋯我剛到U K不一星都,想問用B N O 過來是否要等180日才能換英國車牌?😊
台灣的也可以, 由今年 1 月 1 日開始兩地的駕駛資格有互認, 一樣可以經 D1 表格辦理. 但和香港的一樣只限私家車. 交換之後的英國駕照有效期 6 年.
不同的是, 你需要顯示你在英國有超過 12 個月的居住權. 少於 12 個月的話會要求你改申請國際駕駛執照.
@@chnet968 好多謝你的分享呀,好有用的資料🙏😊
@@chnet968 請問台灣車牌已經過咗期?台北嗰邊唔肯做文件翻譯,我哋可以點做?🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@mayyik2012 最後成功換到英國牌嗎?
我都係澳洲考牌,之後換 香港車牌,但我果時一考就係 full license. (Melbourne, VIC),apparently we are from different generation 😅
請問 有hk牌,到uk時,會過60歲,可以換到嗎? 會有歲數限制,或要醫生證明嗎? 謝謝!
@@smy_hker 謝謝!☺
@@victorkwok2025 冇,香港換牌已收
@@victorkwok2025 yes
情況同你99%似,但請教一下 如果無澳洲車牌了,只有澳洲牌照部出既正本信證明,連同香港車牌,唔知得唔得?😢
我想問 In which country did you pass your test? 如果你答HONG KONG, 佢有冇方法查到你係AUSTRALIA?
@@smy_hker 我明 但我想知佢地有冇系統可以查到, 只係好奇
@@hkvideocollection6904 Yes, 查到. as long as your HK driving license Ref Number start with "DIC XX-XXXX-XXXXXX"
@@smy_hker 剛剛喺香港考到車牌入境都可以即刻申請?🙏🏻
@@leeoilinn4536 yes ah.
我十幾年前喺西澳考,然後返香港換香港牌,依家揾唔到點樣先可以取得當初西澳嘅driving record...
@@smy_hker 個澳洲車牌仲係度,但western australia transport department依家check唔返個licence record, 所以無得證明
我申請fail左, 原因係:this licence seems to have been granted in exchange for one from a country that we do not currently have an exchange agreement with. 但明明網上係同香港有exchange agreement. 請問你有冇朋友有類似的經驗? 會唔會係當局搞錯咗?
@@victorkwok2025 我都係,佢退番畀我,你申請咗未?
@@smy_hker 你隔咗幾耐?我已經收到英國車牌 2 個月
我email問咗加拿大嗰面,係可以申請番driver's license record, 同confirmation letter.
"If you require an additional document stating that the class of licence you hold authorizes you to operate both automatic and manual transmission equipped vehicle, you may request a confirmation letter from the ministry. Confirmation letters cannot be ordered online - requests must be submitted by mail or fax.
You may request uncertified or certified visions any record, for the applicable fee(s). A certified document will be embossed (stamped) with the official seal of the Ministry of Transportation. Certified documents must be mailed to you because it needs the official seal. Both certified and uncertified versions of any record contain the same information.
If you are requesting a driver record and/or confirmation letter by fax/mail, please send the request to:
Ministry of Transportation
Licensing Administration and Support Office
Attn: Information Data Retrieval Unit
87 Sir William Hearst Avenue
Room 158-D
Toronto, ON M3M 0B4
Fax: 416-235-4009
In your written request, please include:
· Full name
· Driver’s licence number (OR date of birth - if licence number is unavailable)
· Type of record you are requesting (i.e. driver’s licence history, 3-year driver record, confirmation letter, etc.)
· Return mailing address and/or fax number
· Signature
· Contact phone number
· Payment by fax (VISA or MasterCard): please also include the completed form,www.forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/ssbforms.nsf/FormDetail?openform&ENV=WWE&NO=023-SR-LV-034E
Payment by mail: Certified personal cheque (Canadian bank account) or money order, payable to ‘Minister of Finance’.
If you are not able to open the credit card authorization form, on a sheet of paper, please include:
The cardholder’s name
Credit Card number
Expiry Date
A statement that states “I authorize the Ministry of Finance to charge my credit card $___.
Cardholder’s signature
Records are delivered by mail (they are not e-mailed). Your request will be completed within approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Please note that processing may be delayed if the demand is high or the delivery address is outside of Ontario.
For additional information, please contact:
ServiceOntario Driver and Vehicle Contact Centre
416-235-2999 (Toronto area) or 1-800-387-3445 (toll-free within Ontario).
Staff are available Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
To reach an agent, stay on the line for English; then press 1; press 2 and then press zero.
Customer Care Agent | ServiceOntario
Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery
Visit us at: ServiceOntario.ca
@@PB-vy3hh Thanks
因為香港牌 快到期 我等唔切向加拿大申請,用加拿大嘅舊driver's licence copy, 連香港牌同A320 form 比DVLA, 寄1st class, 一星期收到新牌,不過只可揸自動波,個code係「78」