My message to Justin Welby & HTB…

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 160

  • @NicholasPaulFranks
    @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +3

    I AM JEALOUS: The Exclusive Demands of Yahweh & His Renegade Bride:

  • @chadbyp
    @chadbyp Месяц назад +10

    Thank you Nicholas. As a US pastor it is disheartening to see the continued direction of the church. It's pursuit of its own vain glory and prominence have allowed many to set-up their own messiahs that don't match or are only fragments of what we have in Christ. I call him Lego Jesus...we pull him out of our pockets and pose him how ever we desire to fit our own cultural narratives or emotional ideologies. The apostasy of the church is alive and well as it continues to move towards Christian Humanism and the glorification of self (all wrapped up in a neat, pretty, Jesus package). Having removed our church from the Charismatic movement several years ago (which is impossible not to do once you start actually reading scripture) and becoming non-denominational, my heart is heavy as I watch many continue to drink from a well that will never fill them...but only make them seek after more and greater experiences instead of pursuing the God of scripture. I am very much a continuist and believe in the work of the Spirit of God in a believer's life but will not dance to the emotional dirge that charismatics create. Sola Scriptura defines and awakens our heart to our Holy and righteous God.
    Last month I was on a tour of the UK and found myself in Stirling on a Sunday. I tried to find a church I could attend and support and was heartbroken to realize how difficult that would be. As you call out the church nf the UK, I am with you and call out the church in the US...and will hold to what I believe God has called us to in this time. Be a remnant BECAUSE the gates of Hell will not prevail against HIS church.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@chadbyp Thank you, Chad…I can but say a hearty “amen!” to what you say, especially calling the Charismatic circus to repentance along with the cessationists. Loving His appearing means suffering for His kingdom when loving His appearing puts one at odds with so much of the Church. The Glorious Few book that I wrote last year is my manifesto.
      Hope you all enjoyed Stirling… please feel free to drop me a line about your church:
      Cheers mate!

  • @jamesmg4694
    @jamesmg4694 24 дня назад +4

    The need for true believers to remove themselves from apostate denominations is paramount. There is a spiritual linkage between people belonging in submission to a common authority. When some deviate from the truth, especially on important issues, then defilement enters the body. That is why separation is so widely preached in the bible - a little leaven leavens the whole lump. This is primarily spiritual. What we tolerate (indicated by what we can live with!) will encroach upon us and we will end up lukewarm. God bless you for your testimony.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  24 дня назад

      @@jamesmg4694 Thank you for your time and excellent comment, James. Amen indeed. FYI: I have documented this in detail in my two books with a more radical/hope-filled vision here:

    • @mairifranks5373
      @mairifranks5373 24 дня назад +2

      So true! We completely underestimate the impact of even the slightest of deviations from the Word of God if we do not take seriously the call to be separate.

    • @jamesmg4694
      @jamesmg4694 24 дня назад +1

      @@NicholasPaulFranks Thank you for your kind reply. This is an issue that has troubled me for sometime. I believe I had a 'message' about it not long ago which I tacked onto a Sunday sermon. I am not given to giving 'messages' but this time I sincerely believe God spoke to me.
      This is a 'short' compiled by the church.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  23 дня назад +1

      @@jamesmg4694 Thanks again, James...and sorry I've only just seen this. Amen and amen. May the LORD God Jealous have mercy.

  • @kbchiwuta2280
    @kbchiwuta2280 Месяц назад +5

    I'm not too sure how or why your video appeared on my YT feed but thank God it did.
    We are so used to heresy coming American churches, but rarely from the UK.
    May God continue to use you and protect you and your family as you continue to what he has called you to do.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@kbchiwuta2280 Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and glad that it was of help. Nick

  • @PilgrimMission
    @PilgrimMission Месяц назад +7

    Hi Nicholas I hear your heart. As a missionary of more than 40 years in Africa India and Europe I have seen a lot of nonsense going on. You are right. Keep your focus but let me just say when one comes out of India after ten years its quite a pleasure to meet somebody who has done the Alpha Course..or to listen to some of the apparently apostate people you mention...simply because one cannot but accept these people as brothers and sisters in the Lord. I know its a mess. I had a friend in India who worked with lepers he was a Catholic. It was great to sit in his little room and just be together...before going back into the chaos which is India. I am reading the history of the conversion of the European peoples at the moment..and boy are there some weird stories. Even the good guys like Boniface, Aiden and Anskar are rather weird if one comes from a pure Biblical perspective...but there you have it. These fellows laid the foundation in Europe. Yes, doctrine by all means but I have discovered the unity of the Spirit with people who are pretty different. Africa is wild...the African people just swallow Anglicanism, Catholicism, Brethren, Seventh Day Adventist, N.A.R, Vineyard..well, anything. They cant tell. However, they really do get born of the Spirit, and sometimes sit under the weirdest of teachings. Go there and have a look around, its very interesting. You will find yourself passionately trying to explain to all these Christians all the ins and outs of what exactly the right kind of church is. But in the end it wont make much difference. God is building his church and forty fifty years is like a drop of dust in these matters. Keep up the good work, don't dilute your message, and pursue peace with all men.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      I hear your heart also; thank you. There is undoubtedly a deep mystery to this under His sovereign goodness (that’s why I referred to His keeping of me whilst in said church falsity). But I do beg to differ in what you say in that eschatologically there will be a darkening before the Day breaks and I don’t believe the biblical standard is to be governed by so much by a philosophical response to the darkness (sorry if that’s not the right word) as much as a determined vigilance against it. Loneliness will be inevitable because the majority will be freezing cold. Maranatha

  • @clairenewman3958
    @clairenewman3958 Месяц назад +5

    just seen this, & following last nights prayers asking about the truth of todays churhes such as this. You have answered those questions more fully to me as I struggle with so much of this. I am shortly off to church, where upon going in I am confronted by the Icon or Image of Christ, face to face, full blown eye contact and can can only humble myself, eyes to the ground and ask for His Mercy as a sinner unworthy to enter His gates. The world stays outside, as we will spend approx 2 hours in honourng and praying even the psalms to our King, nothing else, repenting and asking for His divine forgiveness and mercy, not just for us but all the world. We stand through this because Christ is risen and we are awaiting his return. We stand in the midst of Christ himself and all of heavens hosts and saints in praise. "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." I can now never go back.

  • @andrewm9221
    @andrewm9221 Месяц назад +5

    We are called to be holy, set-apart, pure, righteous, and utterly separate from the world. This is the way of the cross. The Lord God demands a spotless Bride for His Beloved Son and will not have second best for Him.
    We are not called to be nice. The Church of 'nice' is wicked, unholy, worldly, damnable and utterly to be deserted. Apostate churches are nice and therefore acceptable to the world; they are however detestable to the thrice Holy Lord God of Israel.
    Christ is risen ☦☦☦ Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

  • @Lseverett5
    @Lseverett5 Месяц назад +6

    Even though I'm not in the UK but in the US, your message rings true as to the state of churches today. Bless you for doing what the Lord has laid on your heart.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for taking the time to watch/comment…I’m sure it’s the case the world over. I’ll drop you an email soon re your comment the other day re the young lads and their Bible study 🙏

    • @Lseverett5
      @Lseverett5 Месяц назад +1

      @NicholasPaulFranks thank you, I'd like your thoughts. It has caused quite an uproar and division. Two elders have left.
      Prayers over you both as always.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@Lseverett5 🙏 🧔🏻‍♂️

    • @Lseverett5
      @Lseverett5 Месяц назад +1

      Well Nick, today the pastor and associate pastor resigned. No explanations given to the congregation. Who knows if we will ever know. Did find out it was 2 elders and 9 families that left before the resignation announcement. All very disheartening. Just thought I'd let you know.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      @@Lseverett5 Romans 15:13
      May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

  • @hmgissing
    @hmgissing 29 дней назад +1

    Good to HEAR HIS VOICE being POURED OUT Nicholas. May He continue to GROW you in HIS STRENGTH. Shalom

  • @arunamy362
    @arunamy362 Месяц назад +3

    Powerful, Nick. And YES, may God have mercy!

  • @josierose8
    @josierose8 Месяц назад +1

    "God doesn't call us, primarily, to be happy - He calls us to be Holy." Well said. This is what I was trying to articulate to a few friends who are caught up in the New Age and self-love/self-help deception. I was saved when I stopped seeking love and happiness and turned my focus towards seeking peace and truth. The beautiful irony is that now I've been saved...I have been gifted with peace, love, happiness and the truth. God is astounding.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@josierose8 He certainly is. Shout it from the rooftops! (Matthew 10): God’s Unfaithful Wife (I AM JEALOUS 4/8) 🌋видео.html

  • @ruthmaryprays8455
    @ruthmaryprays8455 Месяц назад +1

    Jan 2020- The Lord gave me a powerful experience of Him that I will never forget. Through me the Spirit bellowed ‘they are trying to sell me, the Living God and I will not be sold’. ‘They package and brand me, as if I The Lord of the Universe need their marketing.’ I felt for a moment some of the anger coming from the throne room. Then He showed me His mighty fist coming down from heaven and crushing what He hates, starting with the church.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@ruthmaryprays8455 wow. Amen. Indeed, all true religion is marital which makes this circus a prostitution and, ultimately, whoredom. You might be encouraged by my recent work on this:

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@ruthmaryprays8455 p.s. also, in January 2020, we produced this warning from the LORD about the churches closed being His judgment:
      I’ve written a whole chapter about this in The Glorious Few:

  • @gailward7449
    @gailward7449 Месяц назад +1

    Nick, your admonition is spot on. It was a staggering moment when I realized the enemy has used the church to lead billions of people away from the only One by whom we are saved. Because the ecclesia (remnant body) remains, He will have his bride. But, far too many, who have been deceived by mainstream Christianity into thinking they are a part of it, won’t be saved. As always, the serpent deceives and wolves ravage. Thanks for keeping this message front and center.
    2 Corinthians 11:1-4 I wish that you would bear with me in a little foolishness, but indeed you are bearing with me. For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy, for I betrothed you to one husband, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to Christ. But I fear that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be corrupted from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we did not preach, or you receive a different spirit which you did not receive, or a different gospel which you did not accept, you bear this beautifully.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      Thank you likewise Gail…for your strength of conviction, speaking truth and longing for Christ to come. Maranatha

  • @phyllislovelace8151
    @phyllislovelace8151 Месяц назад +1

    Dear Nicholas, you popped up out of the blue in my feed. Talk of chocolates & pastries in this context absolutely cause my heart sorrow, fully recognize this. But by God's grace, we challenge gently and with love. Thank you for speaking & may God bless & keep you.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      Dear Phyllis, thank you very much for taking the time to leave this comment which encourages us deeply up here in the north of Scotland. God bless you/yours, Nick

  • @peterhesedzao
    @peterhesedzao Месяц назад +3

    Preach Christ Jesus and Him crucified

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      @@peterhesedzao I have resolved to know nothing else… Paul also wrote Ephesians 5:11. 👇 Evangelism: The Context of the Power (Fear & Trembling) 🔊🦁видео.html

    • @peterhesedzao
      @peterhesedzao Месяц назад

      John 3:16 is NOT the gospel, 1 Corinthians 15:1-3 is...

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@peterhesedzao enlighten us re what you mean all if you would, Peter?

    • @peterhesedzao
      @peterhesedzao 25 дней назад +2

      @NicholasPaulFranks the gospel was revealed and given to the apostle Paul on Mount Sinai by Jesus Christ. Read Galatians chapter one. Any other gospel is NOT the gospel...

    • @peterhesedzao
      @peterhesedzao 25 дней назад +1

      @NicholasPaulFranks God loves you is NOT the gospel. Even Mormons teach that and they are bound for Hell, if they don't repent and make Jesus Saviour and Lord

  • @lornaguard2842
    @lornaguard2842 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you for your bold message. I really appreciate it and completely understand what you are saying. Since Covid I have been on a journey realising the deception that is out there and in the church. In response to some of the other comments, no it's not a happy, cheerful message but it's a massively important one! Time for people to wake up! Thank you Nick, keep fighting the good fight of the faith! 🙂

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you, Lorna. Joy is greatly misunderstood and greatly misrepresented by other comments under this video. If we are called to renounce all for Christ (Luke 14:33) then there is no price that is too high to pay. Jesus was a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering but His deep, deep joy was in doing the will of His Father. 😮 This is where my joy and peace rests (Luke 12:5). Lord bless you/yours.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1


  • @slender6990
    @slender6990 3 дня назад +1

    Nicholas. Understand the Christian church is apostate (both Catholic or Protestant). Read God's Law from Genesis to Deuteronomy and understand that the Law, which the Church say is a curse or dead, is alive. Matt 5:17-18. Yah bless

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  3 дня назад

      I hope this (along with the I AM JEALOUS ebook) will elucidate:

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  3 дня назад

      I’ve had a couple of folk with this tone saying such things. Do you not think I read the Bible?

  • @daviocampi6951
    @daviocampi6951 25 дней назад

    Thanks Nick for highlighting your faith journey and sharing it on RUclips. We all are responsible to take stock of ourselves in the light of Christ. We are not called to judge others, but to flag up behaviours which are not in line with the fruit of the Spirit.
    I was in a cessation church for 22 years until I was tired of that road. Apart from being saved by Jesus people have various motivations in doing church. Many that I knew got married found a spouse within the church, so the dynamics of the church significantly changed.
    I didn't know until I came out that I was locked into a religious system even though the Bible was quoted. What that church didn't know which God showed me through revelation, is when I took full responsibility for my faith in Christ, is that one can be in an organisation where Christ is preached, but men get in the way of the Holy Spirit.
    In other words we are not called to be controlled by men, though God moves through men to teach us about ourselves via His Holy Spirit.
    The pivotal question one needs to ask is how does one see God?
    For years God was a Jekyll & Hyde character to me. Love +Anger so I never felt secure in His presence. How can one when the picture of God is confused.
    Until by God's amazing grace God showed me that sin shall no longer be my master because I am not under the law but under grace. Romans 6:14.
    In terms of your video what I see is that you are calling men of faith to lead biblically. Men can only do that when Jesus is Lord over their lives and their willingness to obey through faith. Too many Christians are being nice rather than speaking the truth in love.
    Leadership has to be modelled and to lead from the front like Jesus and Paul. I agree with you we need robust Christian leadership not conformist to the society around us.
    The bible says Christ will build His church. Psalm 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, They Labour in vain who build it;
    unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman keeps awake in vain.
    I believe God wants us to develop horizontally in His body hence the need for church and to exercise grace upon grace. Since I left the cessation church I haven't been able to find a church which is very sound biblically, though I haven't given up seeking for Godly men and women who have a serious fear of God and love to demonstrate the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
    It is important to be gentle but if believers are not open to listening then one must move on and trust as David stated: He restores my soul;
    He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  25 дней назад

      Thanks ever so much for your willingness to listen and share reciprocally something of your life here in public view of others. Your account of leaving cessationism is interesting. The quenching of the Holy Spirit is also happening in many charismatic churches. I won’t say more here (I’m tired!) but, as you mention the fear of the Lord, I’ll point you to some seminal teaching (including ebook) that forms the bedrock foundation of my knowledge of Yahweh. It is also central to my book of last year, The Glorious Few:

  • @alexdyter8237
    @alexdyter8237 25 дней назад +2

    I am really worried for sister. She goes to the one in bromton. The one thing bothers me is how much serving she does. Its hard to contact her as she always seems to be in a group thing with the church. This worries accoss all across the network. Its like they are forcing it to become an active part in every day life. So pleased somone has brought someone insight on what really going on inside especially the alpha courses and right now meadia.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  24 дня назад

      @@alexdyter8237 I’m sorry to read this, Alex, but glad that you’ve had a chance to listen to what I’m saying. Perhaps you’d forward it to her/hers but the reality is that it is a work of the Spirit to open eyes of those embedded in falsity, and it’s usually via trauma that this happens.

    • @alexdyter8237
      @alexdyter8237 24 дня назад +1

      @NicholasPaulFranks I am afraid she in to deep. As she does a lot of singing for them. What would be a good way of challenging her and not to feel like I am attacking her?

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  24 дня назад

      Thank you.
      It’s a difficult situation when close friends or relatives are entrenched in a church/doctrine that is false. It depends to some extent on the nature of your relationship with her but perhaps you could arrange a meeting face-to-face and express your concern.
      The video that I’ve produced on this (above) is my best effort to help people so I would hope this would help you to do that but this is ultimately achieved by assessing the faithfulness of our hearts (and our understanding of the Church) *with reference to Scripture*
      This blog doing this from 2 Timothy may help you:
      And this is a recent conversation re the Alpha Course in which we talk about a book by a man called E S Williams. I’d strongly recommend you get and read this book to understand the major issues with Alpha and the ecumenical Christian world BUT with the caveat that he is a cessationist and therefore himself in deep error:видео.htmlsi=unVky-teOe-59dLP
      There’s no getting away from it: this is all an overwhelming reality; coming to terms with it all is difficult and a matter of urgent prayer, ideally with others.
      More positively, this is my very best work to help people see what I’m saying more broadly with a view of a positive/faithful vision before the Lord returns:
      I will pray.
      In Christ

    • @alexdyter8237
      @alexdyter8237 24 дня назад +1

      @NicholasPaulFranks Thanks. I will have a look.I was originally going to try and remember much of this video and tell her! Thanks, I will have a look at them. I have been really struggling with my faith as well recently. I think It's because there is just so much false suff out there! I was also part of on of those alive churches.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  24 дня назад +1

      @@alexdyter8237 Thank you for your honesty about your own faith; this is exactly why we speak as we do - to help folk who are understandably confused and overwhelmed.

  • @FaithledmeHere-gx9mb
    @FaithledmeHere-gx9mb Месяц назад +1

    I am on fire for Jesus
    Brother there are plenty of these types of warp churches in London I was assigned to 4 and all 4 have fallen in disgrace, the Lord is given them their final calling to come unto Him and get purged He says they run from Him they cannot face it. This is where we see the great fallen away, we have a gracious God He will release a remnant to not only find the lost but turn those back
    Final. We are in the end times for sure.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      Thank you for taking the time to watch/listen/comment. I've done what I can to lay it all on the line here in this video, applying to many other denominations of course. Christ is coming and a winnowing fork is in His hand. MARANATHA

  • @marty1234able
    @marty1234able Месяц назад +1

    Could you let me know who performs the two songs that you used at the beginning of you video please.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      That would be myself, Marty:

    • @marty1234able
      @marty1234able Месяц назад +1

      @NicholasPaulFranks Just visited. Well done! I can hear your heart in your songs and your love for Jesus. Be encouraged. The message of truth is getting out to His Bride for these last days.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      @@marty1234able thank you my bro. Hallelujah

  • @ianhoward1518
    @ianhoward1518 Месяц назад +4

    I watched the entire video, and I am a little confused. You rightly call out the wolves at the top of the CoE, yet I get the impression your own gospel is just as lifeless and dead as theirs?
    The good news is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Word made flesh, who died on a cross to pay the sin debt of anyone who asks Him for forgiveness, and was raised from the dead on the third day to earn everlasting life for all who BELIEVE in Him, and His FINISHED work.
    1) Recognise you are a sinner, deserving of punishment
    2) Believe in Jesus to save you from your sins
    3) You will be born-again with a clean heart, receive God's life-giving Holy Spirit, and pass from death into everlasting life.
    The good news is simple, yet powerful! Amen!

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@ianhoward1518 you will be confused because you don’t want to listen or understand…

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@ianhoward1518 And it’s certainly not my gospel!

  • @ashlangmer3618
    @ashlangmer3618 2 дня назад

    Bang on the money nick lad.

  • @philipbenjamin4720
    @philipbenjamin4720 Месяц назад +1

    The first world is now dominated by two gospels - a false gospel - and the true gospel. The false gospel - as believed by churches in the HTB network - and by the senior leadership of the Church of England - is built on God's UNCONDITIONAL love. The true gospel is built on God's UNCHANGING love.
    Think for a moment about this wrong idea that God's love is unconditional. It means that God's love has no definition until human beings begin to sin in every imaginable way and Jesus then either dies for that sin without people having to repent - or God tolerates that sin. It doesn't matter which it is - each is about a God who tolerates evil - by the time human beings have done every imaginable wrong thing while continuing to have God's acceptance the unconditionally loving God has been proven to be corrupt - impotent.
    But doesn't a gospel built on God's UNCHANGING love (the true gospel) have the same implications? No - because human beings have the freedom - having come to believe - to turn away from God - to become positioned in respect of God's unchanging love in a way that causes God's holiness to repel them - and God's justice to judge them - instead of restore them (each of these being part of God's love). This is what hell is.
    The unconditional love gospel exists in two different forms. There are those who preach it without venturing into Calvinist doctrines - and there is the reverse - Calvinists who believe original sin and the doctrines that make up the acronym TULIP (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints) - without focusing on the idea that their beliefs MUST mean that God's love (for the elect) is unconditional. The latter group may talk about people needing to repent of their sin - but they do so in the context of people being unconditionally elected - which contradicts the need for repentance. It's like the two guys outside the pub at the end of the night:
    Guy A: "if you do that again I'm going to...."
    Guy B: "What's that? You're going to what?"
    Guy A: "I'm going to.... never mind".
    If Guy A is never going to act on his demand then his demand is meaningless.
    (I did not make up this example in order to suggest that people resolve their disputes with violence!)
    When one combines those who preach the unconditional love gospel - with those who tolerate those who preach it - we have a huge proportion of the UK 'church' - especially in the cities. Reasoning with those who preach the false gospel will bring no good result. Scripture instead requires that we TOTALLY SEPARATE (Rom 16:17, 2 John vv10-11) from people whose gospel completely undermines the DUAL dimensions of the gospel (the unconditional love gospel is the first dimension below only - it erases the second):
    -Salvation is receiving Jesus dying and rising for us
    -Salvation is our dying and rising with Jesus.
    True believers must get on with planting and growing faithful churches.
    Below is a link to an article in which I PROVE what I just explained above - that the unconditional love gospel dominating the UK - and the Calvinism that dominates the US - are in fact a single false gospel. (I show that the reason they don't appear to be one is because each group chooses not to logically follow through the full extent of their beliefs - if they did they would include the beliefs of the other group).

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      Thank you, Philip... I will have a read before endorsing but it'll probably be tomorrow afternoon. In the meantime:

    • @philipbenjamin4720
      @philipbenjamin4720 Месяц назад +1

      @@NicholasPaulFranks I hope you get benefit from the article Nicholas.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@philipbenjamin4720 Thanks. As I say, I will endeavour to have a read. But I’ve removed your other long comment. You really shouldn’t be dropping long comments like that which are effectively mini-blogs. It’s not great, mate. Can you imagine that it immediately puts me under quite a lot of pressure to have to read/vet etc. Would you think about that before posting further comments? It’s not that I’m necessarily disagreeing with what you’re saying (I don’t know yet!) but it’s not the way forward. If you’d like contact me please feel free:

  • @max-nm6qx
    @max-nm6qx Месяц назад +1


    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@max-nm6qx Cheers max. What’s the context of the book?

  • @mikecolley5130
    @mikecolley5130 Месяц назад +2

    Hi. Your speech is very complex - not sure exactly what your point is. I've moved in the church circles you criticise and now am settled in Orthodoxy. I think the point is, are we walking with the Lord? Are we serving ourselves or serving Christ?
    Perhaps you should consider Orthodoxy, be warned though it's not an easy path.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@mikecolley5130 Oh Mike, this is one of the most confused comments I’ve read among hundreds. 1) I’m not surprised you find what I’m saying complex cf. HTB teaching 2) For you to suggest that I’m not aware of the centrality of suffering to biblical orthodoxy proves that you have either not watched this video (which is probably why you find it complex!!!) or you have a particularly pronounced case of selective hearing. Get a grip, man

  • @willhemmings
    @willhemmings Месяц назад

    Jesus is claimed to have said among other confounding phrases, 'I have not come to bring peace, but a sword'. I admit that's too militant for my sensitive constitution; but for all those who claim to be lovers of Jesus, including Welby, I advise tread carefully

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@willhemmings You’re quite right about Jesus saying that (Matthew 10:34-36) - and the claims, as you say, are significantly more historically reliable than the vast majority of people are aware. The autographs of toe gospel of Mark, for example, are some of the oldest and most reliable of any ancient artefacts in existence. (We’ve done some podcasts on textual criticism of you’re interested).
      But I’m not quite following who you’re advising to tread carefully, and about what?

    • @willhemmings
      @willhemmings Месяц назад +1

      There are many christians who are brazenly cocksure in their relationship with the Almighty. They should tread carefully before making bold claims about a relationship with the gentle Jesus meek and mild, because the gospels I have read suggests he is not like that

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@willhemmings Amen, Will. Thanks for clarifying… He will come with a winnowing fork. Hence the importance of the inversions that I talk about in this video.

  • @user-vv5jb3br1y
    @user-vv5jb3br1y Месяц назад +4

    Oh dear! This is a very sad talk.I know many Christian people whose lives have been changed dramaticaly by the Alpha course and I bless the work and dedication of HTB and other like them. It is the first 3 fruit of the spirit:Love,joy peace. Unity should be celebrated !

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      You have literally not understood anything in this video. The LORD rebuke your wilful ignorance…

  • @susanparkauntiesuze5447
    @susanparkauntiesuze5447 26 дней назад

    Listen to Jonny Enlow on Billy Graham and his rise.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  26 дней назад +1

      @@susanparkauntiesuze5447 Billy Graham’s gospel was embedded with John Stott and Rome: Looking Back at Lausanne | 50 Years of False Covenant ❤️‍🔥видео.html

  • @hmgissing
    @hmgissing 29 дней назад

    Doctrinal TRUTH - what is it?
    Shalom Nicholas, We are a family being sent to Scotland to give the Good News. To give the Truth in love. We are most hated. For the past 6 years, we have found no sheep wanting to hear what the 'doctrine; the teaching' is that is to 'anchor us all who abide in Him'.
    The Torah of Elohim is the doctrine that our Messiah taught (Yoch / Jn 8:28 - FOR HIS TORAH is the LIGHT: Then said Yahusha unto them, “When you have lifted up the Son of ADAM, then shall you know that I AM HE, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father has TAUGHT me, I speak these things”. (Deut 30 - for HE is the TREE of LIFE, He is the VOICE, He is the SHEPHERD (Yoch / Jn 10 & Eze 34:11-31).
    The FATHER & the SON are ECHAD (ONE) - Deut 6. We are the BODY & He is the HEAD, if indeed we ABIDE IN HIM.
    Isa 43 / 45.
    We are a family, called out by The Voice of Elohim some 15 years ago - seeing that His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) was not there when those walls built by the hand of men but that He RESIDES IN HIS TEMPLE, which is the BODY of the ANOINTED ONE.
    Those who have built an altar made of BRICK have no desire to truly know The Truth but rather a kingdom for themselves - this is mystery BABYLON. They are of NIMROD ‘rebellious’ at heart.
    So what is the GOOD NEWS which was given unto ABRAHAM, Isaac & Yacob? It is a SEED, the SEED that grows into a TREE that makes the BITTER WATERS SWEET, for HIS WORD is THE TRUTH. And HIS WORD is RUACH. UNITY comes to those who BELIEVE and FOLLOW HIM; walk as HE WALKED. It comes through HIS RUACH through a COVENANT of PEACE. It is the TRUTH that sets us FREE.
    Yet understanding that The MESSIAH did not come to bring PEACE but a SWORD. A FLAMING SWORD which guards the WAY to the TREE of LIFE.
    What is the DOCTRINE that we STAND FIRM UPON - it is THE WORD of ELOHIM. He is the ROCK - the WATERS of LIFE pour forth from HIM. And is TORAH brings LIFE. It teaches us THE WAY. In HIM is the LIGHT of MEN. HAlleluYAH

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  29 дней назад

      @@hmgissing Where did you come from as a family? I’m sorry that you’re experiencing hatred.
      John 14:20
      In that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.

  • @alanangilley6794
    @alanangilley6794 Месяц назад +3

    What a negative and depressing talk. Doesn't sound like the good news of the gospel to me.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +4

      What I am highlighting isn’t the gospel, you’re quite right.

  • @NicholasPaulFranks
    @NicholasPaulFranks  29 дней назад +2

    I’m copying/pasting this comment here in respect of a guy called Raymond Donaldson who has been having a go and my reply is likely buried underneath another comment:
    ​​⁠The fact that you’re accusing me of deleting comments really does say rather a lot. I have no idea who you are but your misrepresentation of me lacks the maturity that one would expect who is as biblically literate as you claim.
    You talk of my dislike of being disagreed with as though I was a churlish child expecting people to all like the same football team or style of clothes as me. Mate, I am talking about *matters of eternal significance* not our pet fancies; I rebuke your wilful ignorance.
    You almost certainly haven’t ever read one of my books much less listened to my recent I AM JEALOUS series from a place of being distressed by the dishonour to the glory of His precious Name and the leading of His people astray.
    Amos 6:1 perfectly conveys the *nature* of your whole demeanour:
    *”Woe to those who are at ease in Zion, and to those who feel secure on the mountain of Samaria…”*
    For the benefit of anyone else reading, who may not be at such ease, a few years ago a gentleman in his sixties pastoring a church in Bristol contacted me in the polar opposite spirit to this chap who I’m rebuking. He’d bought my first book in 2019 and just wanted to chat because he recognised the urgent need for the radical changes I am calling for in the church that he led. He was a superb guy, full of spiritual compassion, security to defer to a younger man whilst being respected as elder; he had an all-consuming conviction from God and leadership burden that recognised that Christian leaders are often lonely and alienated from the majority. This man’s life ended very suddenly due to cancer, but also in a very similar way to the way that has been horribly portrayed above (that somehow his loneliness and isolation was *necessarily* because he was led astray or unfruitful or not blessed etc. etc.).
    But then I think of the Lord Jesus Christ and I remember his final weeks/days/hours and I am reminded that the “bluster” from folk like this guy commenting, who thinks that all of their years reading the Bible gives them a ‘good handle’ on God, is actually betrayed for all to see by the things they object to…and those things that they do not.
    If anyone actually wants to know what I am saying in my books, rather than speculating about such, you can read my radical manifesto of preparation for the Body of Christ to get themselves sorted before the Lord splits the skies. The truth is Tommy Robinson - an as yet unsaved social activist - is closer to understanding the urgency of what I’m saying than many so-called Christians: 👇

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  28 дней назад

      @@dykeneuk James was not a personal friend and neither did I know of his passing. But from the little I did know of him he was certainly not looking to me for any kind of guidance. I won’t engage further with you here because your comments here are extremely barbed and not least in this most recent one in which your inferences are actually very serious. I suggest in light of the fear of the Lord that you don’t message me again and humble yourself to read my latest work. (Feel free to email privately after that and I will listen to anything you may want to say at that point).

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  28 дней назад

      @@dykeneuk You are bringing serious (and baseless) allegations against me (and my wife) and were you to be faithful to Scripture in the way that you think you are you would be going about this very differently. This is the only warped view of the Kingdom of God in public view here.
      That said, when you have written a book or blog that shows me and others (including the fine men who endorse my work) why I contributed to the suffering of your late friend, I will gladly read and respond to you as I should, first in private and then, if needs be, publicly with witnesses.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  28 дней назад

      @@dykeneuk That’s why I reposted my response to it.
      You are bringing serious (and baseless) allegations against me (and my wife) and were you to be faithful to Scripture in the way that you think you are you would be going about this very differently. This is the only warped view of the Kingdom of God in public view here.
      That said, when you have written a book or blog that shows me and others (including the fine men who endorse my work) why I contributed to the suffering of your late friend, I will gladly read and respond to you as I should, first in private and then, if needs be, publicly with witnesses.

    • @dykeneuk
      @dykeneuk 28 дней назад

      @@NicholasPaulFranks Nick, RUclips is filled with folks of every persuasion, airing their views and debating with all who would care to challenge. Just because I don't share your viewpoint, don't let me stop you expressing yourself. I find it intriguing you seem to have distanced yourself from other social media sites? I remember our previous disagreements from back then, perhaps you've forgotten, but that's ok. I was obviously wrong thinking that perhaps you knew James quite well, clearly you didn't. I'm clearly of a different view to you on matters. The way you respond to criticism is a little harsh, but then maybe that's how you view me too. Perhaps my responses were reactionary and from a place of hurt, so I apologize if I've offended you in any way. I shall keep myself from venturing your way in the future. may Gods peace go with you...

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  28 дней назад

      You are evidently unaware (or don’t care) that everything you write is laced with real nastiness. Your apology isn’t accepted because it is palpably not genuine. Yes, please do stay well clear of us.

  • @user-rq4iz5vg6l
    @user-rq4iz5vg6l Месяц назад +1

    Arnt seeker sensitive churches just great…. That’s why I left and became Catholic.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@user-rq4iz5vg6l in which case you should be aware:

    • @blythemajors9193
      @blythemajors9193 Месяц назад +1

      Good move. The Church of England is finished. Orthodoxy and Catholicism are calling true believers back. Welcome to the true faith. ❤

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@blythemajors9193 I half agree with you. But as I've said to Gavin Ashenden and Michael Nazir-Ali (you can find the conversations via the playlist) what you're suggesting as a solution isn't anywhere near radical enough...certianly according to the Bible:

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@blythemajors9193 As I've said to Gavin Ashenden and Michael Nasir-Ali (you can find the conversations via the playlist) the Bible is much more radical than a mere jumping ship:

  • @karmar22able
    @karmar22able Месяц назад +1

    Fortunately, God is gracious and merciful. Yes, he is calling the church to wake up and re-focus on holiness, but he is the judge. You say that we should be respectful in our posts, but some of your responses are defensively harsh. This shows a degree of immaturity that's unhelpful. Prophetic words to the church can take this tone. Personal responses need to be less savage.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      Feel free to show me where I have been "savage" in response to anyone and I will reflect and apologise if that is the case; I am under no illusion of the need for introspective examine and holiness even when being crucified.
      But your subjective use of the word "savage" is telling. Where have I been "savage" - by strenuously resisting the run-of-the-mill accusations (as I specifically anticipate at the start), by telling wilfully ignorant Christians to stop knee-jerking in response before they listen, reflect or perhaps even *PRAY*, by highlighting the classic response of the lukewarm mainstream to gloss over the eternally serious context of videos like this while whining about tone? If this is savagery then you need to rethink the implications of what I am highlighting before commenting further. Commit to this and you *might* understand:

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      @@karmar22able p.s. you would be quite right to describe Phinehas, David, Elijah, Paul and Christ Himself as savage. Spearing Zimri and Cozbi was definitely savage but nonetheless still what God required. Do you not see? Christians get all offended and indignant when a bolder tone is adopted (when needed) but all the while two adulterers copulate in full-view of a repentant people. We have no idea about savagery.
      I won’t argue with you but it’s my duty to give you an opportunity to learn should you wish:видео.html

  • @Apileofpoodotcom
    @Apileofpoodotcom Месяц назад +2

    You cannot say Toss that is like swearing please say "I careth not a fig, nor a flea's fancy!"

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      1) Skubala (Philippians 3:8)
      2) Given the dire context (including this kind of comment you’ve left) I believe other words would also be appropriate. 3) Get a grip

    • @Apileofpoodotcom
      @Apileofpoodotcom Месяц назад +2

      @@NicholasPaulFranks "Skubala?" The Apostle Paul Uses the Word "Shit" in the Bible. I knew it was in the bible somewhere. So Justin & HTB are not the way to Christ and a pile of poo? "Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but dung, that I may win Christ." Forgive my foolish talk I will try to get a grip.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@Apileofpoodotcom Firstly, it’s not easy engaging with someone here with the handle “apileofpoodotcom” (think about it from my pov). Secondly, when people choose to nitpick about minor things (not that bad language or minor but “toss” is subjectively used), it conveys that the overriding thrust of what I’ve spent time producing has been ignored. The immature Church do this a lot: major on the insignificant or immaterial while minoring on that which is of first importance.
      I hope this video gives you pause for thought/prayer.

    • @Apileofpoodotcom
      @Apileofpoodotcom Месяц назад +1

      @@NicholasPaulFranks Hey I definitely get it's hard to engage with someone with a handle “apileofpoodotcom” it does say alot about you that you have bothered responding, thanks. Your second point on nit-picking and ignoring your message, yes I deliberately poked you with the 'toss' but I don't want to take anything away from your message as I think a lot about the state of the church and pray for it to be the perfect bride. I understand Christ's warnings and feedback to his Church, so it is only right that you are speaking up and echoing his message. It's hard for me to dismiss a movement, church and Alpha as apostate if you believe this is the definition. Apostasy, the total rejection of Christianity by a baptized person who, having at one time professed the Christian faith, publicly rejects it. It is distinguished from heresy, which is limited to the rejection of one or more Christian doctrines by one who maintains an overall adherence to Jesus Christ. Are you sure you are not talking more about heresy, errors and immaturity in the church?

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      You will then respect why I won’t engage further (see this channel’s guidelines) but if you read my open letter to the church, as cited, you will see what I regard as being apostate.

  • @555pontifex
    @555pontifex 18 дней назад

    Nice production, but content was rambling and inprecise. You did a very poor job of demonstrating exactly what doctrines are being compromised.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  17 дней назад +1

      @@555pontifex this is coming from someone who can’t spell imprecise?! It is also rather telling as to where someone is coming from when the accusation is one of “rambling inprecision” despite my reference to the Apostle Paul’s precise priorities from prison!! Get a grip of yourself, man:

  • @iancallard3561
    @iancallard3561 Месяц назад +1

    Speaking into your upset only from what I know - parish church life - it seems to me that your problem is the philosophy of ministry of the Church of England. It exists as "Church for the people of England", whereas (I guess) you see church as being "believers' church". Believers' churches have typically been cautious about engagement with wider society and with other churches of different form. The C of E takes seriously what commentators call "the cultural mandate" in the gospel. Let's pray that at the Resurrection, each will be delighted to find the other (to God's glory).

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      @@iancallard3561 if you want to genuinely understand what my “upset” is, rather than casting vaguely spiritual platitudes, commit to this:

  • @colvinator1611
    @colvinator1611 Месяц назад

    There is nothing in my King James Bible about ' going to Church. My King James Bible clearly teaches that temple worship and sacrifice along with the priesthood were completely abolished by the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary. Hebrews chapters 7-10 KJV.
    My Bible New Testament also teaches that Almighty God does not dwell in temples made with hands.
    Acts 6 : 13-15, 7 : 42-51, 17 : 23-25, Hebrews 2 : 8 , 9 : 11 & 24 KJV.
    The so-called ' Christian ' Community have been defying the Pure and Preserved word of Almighty God with their catholic based buildings for centuries. Thankfully, they are closing at an encouraging rate and the counterfeit christians with their evil vatican approved modern books can't understand why. Simple. The Holy Ghost cannot empower evil lies and heresies.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад

      I made this a year or so back:видео.htmlsi=yhDac4dDbX3XYhMA

    • @joshfortune
      @joshfortune Месяц назад +2

      With respect, Colvanitor, your King James Bible also invents words and phrases that are not in the original Greek. Check out Romans 6:2 for example. KJV has ‘God forbid’ - which, as you might know - has now passed into English lexicon as just one of many ways that God’s name is misused lightly. Romans 6:2 doesn’t even mention God at all. To insert something like that into scripture is not helpful, and is wildly inaccurate.
      I’m not dunking on the KJV here - I use it for my own devotions - but it is far from perfect, and I’ve met many KJV-only people who have strayed from the faith to cling to this blind adherence to an imperfect translation. Please engage with the substance of what Nick is saying here!

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +1

      @@joshfortune thanks for picking this up. Will email tomorrow my bro

    • @colvinator1611
      @colvinator1611 Месяц назад

      Far from perfect ?
      Your sad words versus the Pure and Preserved word of Almighty God in English ? Psalm 12 : 6-8 et al. KJV.
      Proverbs 13 : 13 KJV.

  • @pjones5931
    @pjones5931 Месяц назад +10

    I am immensely saddened that anyone should want to spend so much time and effort producing such a negative and depressing video. Nobody is perfect. No section of the church is perfect. But God has chosen to use us to build his kingdom in a whole manner of different ways. I pray that you will find peace and fulfilment in quietly serving those you know who are in need - as Jesus did - and praying for the church - as Jesus did.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +7

      Of course you are immensely saddened, Philip…because I’ve exposed the false idol that you bow down and worship. You merely perpetuate the falsity of all that I expose in this video…as though you don’t know anything of the coming Lord Jesus Christ at all:
      2 Thessalonians 1:7-8
      [7] and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels [8] in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +5

      @@dykeneuk What I hate is the whoredom of an unjealous "church" that either can not or will not listen to what it truly means to be faithful to God. Commit to this and repent of your unjealousy:

    • @NicholasPaulFranks
      @NicholasPaulFranks  Месяц назад +3

      @@dykeneuk you better believe I’m angry. I won’t countenance the rest of your comment.

    • @dykeneuk
      @dykeneuk Месяц назад

      @@NicholasPaulFranks I bet you’ve fallen out with the leadership of every church you’ve been part of…….

    • @jaz167
      @jaz167 Месяц назад +9

      You are a beacon of truth, dare I say a 'voice in the wilderness'. I stopped going to church years ago but have never been closer to God than I am now. I yearn for a fellowship where worship is paramount. Forget about coffee, cakes, notices and chit chat - we should be on our knees in prayer and worshipping the Lord God Almighty.
      The church needs to be distinctively different to the world but it isn't. In fact, many churches have become satan's standard bearers and legitimised sin and evil.
      As for those comments that are falsely accusing you of being malicious take no notice. They do not know what true kindness and love is. Listen not to foolish men but let the Word and Holy Spirit guide you as I believe it is.
      God bless.