Kelihatannya cara ngomongnya sangat berhati-hati... Saya jadi ingat cara nyebut direktur Antara tentang pemilu tahun depan sebagai "Indonesian silly year", ya menurut saya ibu Sri sudah baguslah ngobrol jauh-jauh dari politik, saya suka cara dia ngeles daripada goreng-goreng isu politik yang gak jelas hehe Since Jokowi administration took office, i think she is the best minister in Kabinet Kerja, with a prudent policy, well made check and balance.. Indonesias Ease Doing Business ranks are skyrocketing and dont forget to our improvement on debt rating from "junk" to Investment ratings no wonder if she become minister of finance in two different administrations and the most important things except infrastructure she is rellying so much attention for education, health and social protectsm
Indonesia is still a consumers market of largely foreign goods and services. From an emerging to a well established economy you need to become a producer of goods, services and expertise. This is a long term goal that needs investment in human capital; education, skills training, facilities etc. Buy Indonesian products and support local businesses!
US already and still benefit a lot from Indonesia, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Apple, and many other American brands prospering here for many decades... IDR become weakening to USD wont worry us much, we can still import and get investment from other countries, US should worry about that, because Indonesia market is huge...
So we still growth, i believe thr youngest indonesian will change it! After jokowi became president, we build so many entrpenure then we have alots about what we need because we r huge country,. So after the youngest generation succes we will kicking off kfc, mcdy, bk, and many american brands,.
makanya di arab sebagai istri takut di ceraikan , karena gak bisa cari nafkah , silakan suami berpoligami. kalau di indonesia busyet istri malah minta cerai karena harga diri sebagai wanita. gw ngobrol sama TKW waktu di pesawat..wanita disana gak mandiri.
Dolor Lawas iya, lucunya org luar arab ngerasa perempuan sana ditekan laki2.. Justru saya malah kasian sama cowok di arab saudi yang jadi babu setelah nilah wkwk
Bu Mentri tetap mempertahankan aksen jowone, mantap Bu,, ngga usah dipaksa pakai aksen British atau aksen Amerika/Aussie, kita harus bangga punya aksen sendiri, orang India atau China pun bangga ngomong bahasa Inggris dengan tetap memakai aksen mereka
Wow, Indonesia is having a surplus trading with the US that the Trump government has to investigate about this. And anw, that smile at the end is giving a hint of something. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Bonus demografi Indonesia itu 2030, dimana angkatan kerja produktif diperkirakaan mencapai 180jt manusia, yang punya anak siapin pendidikan yang bagus.
Bu sri dilihat jago bukan berarti yg lain tidak lebih jago dari bu sri. Bu sri pintar, iya. Yg lebih pintar ada apa tidak? Pasti ada. Pintar saja tidak cukup mengurus negara, tapi butuh seluk seluk beluk ekonomi makro maupun mikro dan penyerangan pihak luar kekita. Negara kaya SDA selalu digiur oleh negara luar. Mereka juga niat untuk hegemoni ataupun ekspansi.
Stop messing up our relationship with that advanced country. You sound like indonesian can stand alone and doesn't need friends! Wake up, Don't be such a waste !
Han Dini Pokoknya isinya menteri keuangan ngeyakinin para bule bahwa Indonesia itu memiliki potensi untuk menjadi negara hebat, dan salah satunya melalui Investasi di sumber daya manusia
He is one in a million, best among many, most trusted , I almost gave up on trading then I met him through a friend, Austin is the most trusted trading expert who helped the life of my family and I ,
tetep gak jawab sih bu :( ditanya depresiasi rupiah makin parah kok malah ngomongin niat fundamental. Semoga jangan nyentuh 15rb ya buu, nanti banyak pabrik yg impor bahan pake dollar bisa mati lho. Kasiani juga mahasiwa2 yg di luar negeri bu. Mending tembak aja bu reserve kita ke pasar currency bentar, at least sampe 11ribuan per dollar lah bu hiks
Itu comment gue seminggu yang lalu 14,6 rb/dollar terus pas udh 13,8rb/dollar sejam yang lalu, lo baru comment. Cape deh, terus gue disuruh baca berita lebih teliti? zzzzzz. Kalo sampe bisa nyentuh 10rb/dollar kayak jamannya SBY (padahal dunia lg recovery krisis 2008) baru deh gue hormat sama kabinetnya jokowi
Sebenarnya sulit untuk rupiah menembus 10000 kecuali "almighty dollar kecelakaan", or something happen in eurozone.. IMO untuk nilai rupiah yang terlalu menguat dibawah 10000 justru akan menekan ekspor dan memberikan kesempatan lebih untuk import jadi buat saya rupiah yang stabil dan inflasi yang terkendali sesuai dengan asumsi ekonomi makro APBN 2018 itu lebih baik.. FYI Asumsi ekonomi makro 2018 yaitu nilai rupiah dikisaran 13500, inflasi 3,5%, pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,4% check this out
Bukan rupiah aja yg lemah dsini d malaysia jg lemah dgn dolar..itu bukan alasan itu menguntungkan buat kita yg krj diluar .jgn hanya liat negara kita aja tp secara keseluruhan kalau mau liat dolar menguat.
Kenapa SBY ,, memecat Sang Berlian ini dalam pemerintahan nya ??? Serius nanya.. ..... .. Sorry , i,m no body.. just speechless... Whatever with my stupidity.
Ngga ada yg mecat, dia kena pansus DPR mengenai billout Bank Century bersama wapres Budiono, yg desak bikin pansus itu dulu oposisi partai banteng, sekarang jilad ludah ambil Bu Sri jadi Mentri lagi, dulu diserang dituduh korupsi, antek2 Neo liberisme,,,dan yg nuduh partai banteng
Kelihatannya cara ngomongnya sangat berhati-hati... Saya jadi ingat cara nyebut direktur Antara tentang pemilu tahun depan sebagai "Indonesian silly year", ya menurut saya ibu Sri sudah baguslah ngobrol jauh-jauh dari politik, saya suka cara dia ngeles daripada goreng-goreng isu politik yang gak jelas hehe
Since Jokowi administration took office, i think she is the best minister in Kabinet Kerja, with a prudent policy, well made check and balance..
Indonesias Ease Doing Business ranks are skyrocketing and dont forget to our improvement on debt rating from "junk" to Investment ratings
no wonder if she become minister of finance in two different administrations
and the most important things except infrastructure she is rellying so much attention for education, health and social protectsm
bangga punya sri mulyani. semoga investasi sdm dari pemerintah dapat melahirkan sri mulyani yang lainnya aamiin
Best quote: I'm commited as finance minister for the good of Indonesian people"
Indonesia dipuja luar negeri, tapi di dalam negeri malah dinyinyirin terus.
Indonesia is still a consumers market of largely foreign goods and services. From an emerging to a well established economy you need to become a producer of goods, services and expertise. This is a long term goal that needs investment in human capital; education, skills training, facilities etc. Buy Indonesian products and support local businesses!
Thanks so much Mom Sri Mulyani Indrawati for information. May economic Indonesia can be better or stronger.
terima kasih bu sri
2024-2029 sy mendukung penuh kalau ibu Sri Mulyani bisa dicalonkan jadi the next President of Indonesia.
US already and still benefit a lot from Indonesia, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, Apple, and many other American brands prospering here for many decades... IDR become weakening to USD wont worry us much, we can still import and get investment from other countries, US should worry about that, because Indonesia market is huge...
the power emak emak , jago tawar menawar
LOL that's why indonesia become one of the most uneducated country in the world. money no talk.
@@Zulkanaen77 is a Malaysian. It's not unique the Malaysian ppl talk like that sounds jealous
yeah... dats yuuge :3
So we still growth, i believe thr youngest indonesian will change it! After jokowi became president, we build so many entrpenure then we have alots about what we need because we r huge country,. So after the youngest generation succes we will kicking off kfc, mcdy, bk, and many american brands,.
A Great Leader and Knowledgeable Financial Management Professor
Cerdas... kagum saya sama ibu Sri Mulyani...
Indonesian Proud to have you madam
She is a smart minister..proud of you mrs.sri mulyani
cuma 2 menteri cewek yg lancar inggrisnya kyk gini... terkenal lagi
@@bodat5356 Tapi Bu Susi SDH ga jadi menteri di periode ke 2
Maju terus Ibu Menteri
Pantas menyandang menteri terbaik dunia...
Inggrisnya beliau so smooth..keren ..
TopanMoTV kagum banget
iya kagum, dan saya jadi semangat belajar bahasa inggris..hehe
Wanita hebat...
Iq sri mulyani 154 loh
Ibu Sri Mulyani 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Good,mba sri mentri keuangan terbaik dunia.😍😍😍
Pengurusan APBN yg baik..krna dukungan presiden yg baik..
Love Ibu Sri
wanita arab pengen seperti beliau tapi banyak wanita indonesia pengen jadi wanita arab
makanya di arab sebagai istri takut di ceraikan , karena gak bisa cari nafkah , silakan suami berpoligami. kalau di indonesia busyet istri malah minta cerai karena harga diri sebagai wanita. gw ngobrol sama TKW waktu di pesawat..wanita disana gak mandiri.
Girls run the world💪
Dolor Lawas iya, lucunya org luar arab ngerasa perempuan sana ditekan laki2..
Justru saya malah kasian sama cowok di arab saudi yang jadi babu setelah nilah wkwk
LALAT_IDJO iya karena wanita arab cantik2, jadi ingin seperti mereka. kalo pinter jelas pengen seperti sri mulyani
Udah bro biarkan para kampret dongo menolak menteri tercinta kita ini yg jelas 2periode
Tokoh tokoh politik dan pemerintahan Indonesia dr dulu terkenal di dunia internasional.
Gila ngomongnya cepet banget gua aja gabisa kyk gitu, saking iqnya tinggi aja kali ya ni mentri kwkw
karena Ibu SMI memang menguasai topik ini, dialah salah satunya
Bu Mentri tetap mempertahankan aksen jowone, mantap Bu,, ngga usah dipaksa pakai aksen British atau aksen Amerika/Aussie, kita harus bangga punya aksen sendiri, orang India atau China pun bangga ngomong bahasa Inggris dengan tetap memakai aksen mereka
I am so glad she is our Finance Minister.
Monsieur PussyCat yesss 😂
You got it right, how can we upgrade understanding level of people across nations with no exceptions.
what a smart minister she is, two thumbs for her
I love you bu sri brilliant and smart good ruler and honorable in world🇮🇩💯🔝👍✊💐💐❤❤
The one and only...Ibu Sri!
Wajar sekali kmrn terpilih menjadi Managing Director of World Bank
Wow, Indonesia is having a surplus trading with the US that the Trump government has to investigate about this.
And anw, that smile at the end is giving a hint of something. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Good luck And God bless you my Mother Sri Mulyani 👌😁👌👍🚴🚴🚴🚴🚴
Summary of Jokowi's whole plan....long term mid class economy growth and social welfare..
Best Prime Minister ever her game is to OP
For the good of Indonesian People...
Very impressive 👍
Thank u maam
Good job finance minister..
Yang kayak gini mau diganti? Sama neno warisman ato hanum rais? Whahaha...mau ganti sampo lain? Kita mah ogaaaahhhh..
Bonus demografi Indonesia itu 2030, dimana angkatan kerja produktif diperkirakaan mencapai 180jt manusia, yang punya anak siapin pendidikan yang bagus.
Kebanyakan generasi gak berguna
Thack you president you choce sri mulyani finance minister of ripublik of indonesia
Bu sri dilihat jago bukan berarti yg lain tidak lebih jago dari bu sri.
Bu sri pintar, iya. Yg lebih pintar ada apa tidak? Pasti ada.
Pintar saja tidak cukup mengurus negara, tapi butuh seluk seluk beluk ekonomi makro maupun mikro dan penyerangan pihak luar kekita.
Negara kaya SDA selalu digiur oleh negara luar. Mereka juga niat untuk hegemoni ataupun ekspansi.
Hebat sekali Bu Sri
siip bu smg sehat2 sll
prabowo sandi capres selamanya amin...
Hamzah Hamzah iya capres trus ampe mati, d pilih jg enggk ampe mati hahahahahahahaha
muka Gila loe 🤣
Mimpi berak kalli hamzah
How to make Indonesian people more productive that could sold to other countries.
Hi Tom
Indonesia should be proud of her.
SMI for vice president! heheh..
US invests in human capital too--mostly in China but also in Mexico.
toppp abissss, sehat selalu bu
Coba kalau pak jokowi bisa bhs inggris, so pasti sangat mudah bg seorang pimpin utk menginformasikan indonesia sprt apa d mata dunia.
This indonesian finance minister is one of peoples of indonesian make to progress indonesian...
Sawung Surga opo sih ?
Careful Indonesia, the US watching us!
Stop messing up our relationship with that advanced country. You sound like indonesian can stand alone and doesn't need friends! Wake up, Don't be such a waste !
manteb, bu!
cara ngomongnya ada accent singapore dan australia gitu ya...😁😁
Enggak lah, yg ada aksen Jawa
@@muhammadsecret8783 betul dominan aksen Jawa
Impact of the Fed om
ada yang bisa bantu terjemahin ??
Han Dini Pokoknya isinya menteri keuangan ngeyakinin para bule bahwa Indonesia itu memiliki potensi untuk menjadi negara hebat, dan salah satunya melalui Investasi di sumber daya manusia
I mean she said The growth
Ah siap
not make indonesia great again but make indonesia great, because indonesia was never great before
That's was true Indonesia was a great before...
Yg kuliah jurusan IESP pasti udah agak paham soal ginian...
Global economic thinking!
He is one in a million, best among many, most trusted , I almost gave up on trading then I met him through a friend, Austin is the most trusted trading expert who helped the life of my family and I ,
-+/1/5/3/0/4/2/8/5/8/70/W/h/a/t/s/A/p/p/< With> /
tetep gak jawab sih bu :( ditanya depresiasi rupiah makin parah kok malah ngomongin niat fundamental. Semoga jangan nyentuh 15rb ya buu, nanti banyak pabrik yg impor bahan pake dollar bisa mati lho. Kasiani juga mahasiwa2 yg di luar negeri bu. Mending tembak aja bu reserve kita ke pasar currency bentar, at least sampe 11ribuan per dollar lah bu hiks
Ershad Nadiro Rupiah sudah mulai menguat kembali. Baca berita lebih teliti...
Itu comment gue seminggu yang lalu 14,6 rb/dollar terus pas udh 13,8rb/dollar sejam yang lalu, lo baru comment. Cape deh, terus gue disuruh baca berita lebih teliti? zzzzzz. Kalo sampe bisa nyentuh 10rb/dollar kayak jamannya SBY (padahal dunia lg recovery krisis 2008) baru deh gue hormat sama kabinetnya jokowi
Sebenarnya sulit untuk rupiah menembus 10000 kecuali "almighty dollar kecelakaan", or something happen in eurozone.. IMO untuk nilai rupiah yang terlalu menguat dibawah 10000 justru akan menekan ekspor dan memberikan kesempatan lebih untuk import jadi buat saya rupiah yang stabil dan inflasi yang terkendali sesuai dengan asumsi ekonomi makro APBN 2018 itu lebih baik..
FYI Asumsi ekonomi makro 2018 yaitu nilai rupiah dikisaran 13500, inflasi 3,5%, pertumbuhan ekonomi 5,4%
check this out
Bukan rupiah aja yg lemah dsini d malaysia jg lemah dgn dolar..itu bukan alasan itu menguntungkan buat kita yg krj diluar .jgn hanya liat negara kita aja tp secara keseluruhan kalau mau liat dolar menguat.
you forget to mention that bu sri mulyani is also in the cabinet under SBY presidency back in 2008.
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No !!, more subsidized in education will only increase the price with the same poor quality, not believing?, learn from US, mrs. finance minister
Human capital mean ,how to create value added to much more people.
MIGA.TAU AKU MEREKA NGOMONG APA cuman mau ngomong susah.
Kenapa SBY ,, memecat Sang Berlian ini dalam pemerintahan nya ??? Serius nanya.. ..... ..
Sorry , i,m no body.. just speechless... Whatever with my stupidity.
Ngga ada yg mecat, dia kena pansus DPR mengenai billout Bank Century bersama wapres Budiono, yg desak bikin pansus itu dulu oposisi partai banteng, sekarang jilad ludah ambil Bu Sri jadi Mentri lagi, dulu diserang dituduh korupsi, antek2 Neo liberisme,,,dan yg nuduh partai banteng
Yg komen ad yg muji ad yg ngehina, emang tau ap yg diomongin
yes we do.
Good girl...
Comments section filled with Indonesian over proud.
What happen to these people?
Because our heros fights against west colonialism with soul and we are proud and will be working hard for better future
We believe.. We always believe that our country will be developed in the future
I love u
😀🤩 Tidak click 🇬🇱
she talk like most politician,talk alot,but big 0 content
Politician will always talk zero. But not Sri Mulyani.
@@agusary234how old are you? being indonesian should not stop you from become rational,so start it from now on
@@madisampi2770 how old are you? Rational will always in every SM decision.