I think the Higher Salary is the most important factor when looking for a new job. It's because we can have a relaxed life financially. In the case of my best friend, she changed jobs for a high salary. So she bought a large house In downtown. Also she travels abroad often. As a result, most of my friends envy her life. In addition when I was an intern, I got a higher salary so I could have various hobbies such as climbing and painting. It made my life happy. Therefore, I think this way.
Most of all, We can live/have a relaxed/stable/comfortable life financially. In the case of best friend, she changed her job for higher salary/to get higher salary. So, she bought a large house in Downtown. also, she travels abroad often. As a result, my friends envy her life. Most of all, We can live/have a relaxed/stable/comfortable life financially. In the case of my best friend, she changed job for less working hours (because she wanted to spend time with her family). But, he had defficulty in paying the rent (for his house). Also, he couldn't save his money/a lot/at all. As a result, he regret his decision.
제이크 선생님 ! 꼭 저두 감사 문자 남겨 드리고 싶었는데 ! 드디어 쓰게 되네용 🪄 진짜 영어를 너무 못했는데 매주 특강도 듣고 쌤 영상도 보고 해서 만족스러운 점수로 떠납니당 🌊 언젠가 또 준비하러 올때 또 올께요 정말 질좋은 영상으로 올려주시고 가르쳐 주시니 진심으로 감사드립니다😁
초안 I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job because of several reasons. First we can live more comfortably. For example, last year, my friend changed his job to enjoy his free time. However he had tight budget because his salary decreased. So, he couldn’t enjoy his free time Also, he couldn’t collect his money After all, he got much debt.
I think less working hours are more important than a high salary because it results in lower stress. These days, many people are stressed out due to working hard. According to an article, people who work hard are more likely to have cancer than those who don't. Therefore, working hard can lead to health issues, causing individuals to be unable to work anymore.
카투사 지원 때문에 140점이 목표였는데, 오늘 성적 나온 걸 보니 160 AL이더군요! 감사합니다 선생님! 비록 남들보다 준비 기간은 많이 짧았지만 그래도 나름 열심히 했다고 생각했는데, 목표 점수보다 20점이나 높은 점수를 받아서 너무 뿌듯합니다! 이 정도면 어학병도 지원해볼 수 있을 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 다시 한번 감사합니다!
I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job. Most of all, money is important in my life. When I was young, our family was poor. So, I can't do my favourite things. As a result, I'm not interested in doing something. Threrfore, I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job. 역시 급하게 만드는 문장은 내용의 퀄리티가 많이 떨어지는군요...
1. Higher salary. 이유) Most of all, we can live a comfortable life financially. we can live a stable life financially. We can live a well-balanced life. 배경) In the case of my friend, she ★changed jobs★ for high salary(=to get high salary). 경과) So, she bought a large house in Seoul. Also, she travels abroad often. 결과) As a result, my friends envy her 배경) " ~ , she changed jobs for less working hours because he wanted to spend time with her family. 문제점)So, she had difficulty in paying the rent. Also, she couldn't save money. 2. Less working hours. 이유) Most of all, we can spend time with our family. 배경) In the case of my best friend, she swithced jobs for less working hours. 경과) So, she can help her daughter do homework. And, she can have dinner with her family. 결과) As a result, she is happier than before.
I think, less working hours is the more important factor when looking for a new job. Most of all, people want work&life balence. When i was in my 4th year of university, i worked as an engineer at the IT company. I often worked overtime. So I left office late and didn't get a enough sleep. Also, I didn't have a time to meet my friends after work during a weekdays. As a result, I lost both my health and friends. +마무리(Therefore, less working hours is the more important factor when looking for a new job.)
I think the Higher Salary is most important. it's because the money is important for the stabled life. In case of my friend, about 2 month ago, my friend has moved to a new job. But, there is a one problem that she has faced the tight budget situation, As a result, she is regreting about her decision.
- high salary most of all, we can live a relaxed life financially. In the case of my best friend, she changed jobs for a high salary/to get a high salary. *이직하다 change job So, she bought a large house in the downtown. Also, she travels abroad often. *도심지 downtown As a result, my friends envy her life. In the case of my best friend, he changed jobs for less working hours because he wanted to spend time with his family. So, he had difficulty in paying the rent for his house. *임대료 rent Also, he couldn't save at all/ a lot. - less working hours most of all, we can live a well-balanced life. In the case of my best friend, she changed jobs for less working hours. So, she can enjoy a hobby such as climing after work. Also, she can spend a lot of time with her family.
i think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job. most of all, i can have a relaxed life financially. when i was a new employee, i received a small salary. so i was not able to save money. also, i couldn't buy a new car and big house. as a result, i changed the job. so i was able to buy a new car and house.
I think higer salary is more important factor when i looking for a new job most of all, it is able to buy expensive something so it is able to improve the their life from my experience when i was intern i get a high salay so i could buy expensive game it made me happy! therefore i think higher salary is important factor.
i think less working hours is the more important factor when looking for a new job. most of all, we can learn more things after work. in the case of my friend, she has less working hours. so, she has a lot of free time after work. for this reason, she can learn many things such as foreign language therefore, i think~~ 선새ㅇ님 이정도면 괜찮을까요... ㅠㅠ 반복되는 느낌도 많은 거 같고 너무 빈약한 거 같아서 불안해요 ㅜ
I think less working hour is the more important factor when looking for a new job. Because I want to get a lot of rest time. When I was an universary student, I had a part time job for conveniece store. So, I didn't have enough time to have a rest. As a result, I had a lot of stress. Therefore, I think less working hour is the more important factor when looking for a new job. 선생님 이정도면 괜찮을까요?? 약간 내용도 부족하고 반복적인 느낌 때문에 감점요소가 있을거 같아서요 ㅜㅜ...
약 한 달 전 급하게 점수가 필요해 일주일 정도 선생님 보라색 책 구입해서 정독하고 유튭보면서 공부해서 130점이 나왔습니다. 필요한 점수가 150 160이라 저번주 토요일 다시 급하게 시험을 보고 왔는데 110점이 떴습니다.. 저번 시험보단 분명히 질문도 다 알아들었고 시험치고 나왔을때 더 잘 본 거 같은 느낌이였는데 ..... ㅠ 어떻게 공부해야 할 지 막막합니다 이번주 토욜 다시 시험인데 보라책 정독하면서 선생님 강의 복습하면서 연습하면 점수가 올라갈 수 있을까요 ㅠㅠ........
강의 감사드립니다! 답변 피드백 및 질문 드릴게 있습니다 ㅠㅠ I think less working hours is the more important factor than higher salary. Most of all, working a lot of time can give a stress for me. In the case of my friend, he worked over 9 hours every day in his previous job. Eventually, he got some disease and he changed his job. For that reason, I think less working hours is the more important factor. 이정도 답변 괜찮을까요? 제가 7번, 11번같이 제 사견이 들어가는 문제를 시간 내에 답변하는게 너무 어려운데, 어떤 방식으로 연습하는게 좋을까요? 그리고 일주일 뒤에 인강 수강생 전용으로 변경된다고 말씀주셨는데 어디서 볼 수 있을까요? 현재 시원스쿨 강의 수강중입니다 !
less working hours의 이유로. from my experience, i exercise during my free time. it's very helpful because I can increase my stamina. In addition, I can relieve my stress. 괜찮을까요??
안녕하세요 오픽 열심히 준비하다가 8.14 응시했는데 im2받고 좌절한 오픽준비생입니다. 아무래도 오픽이 잘 맞지 않는거같아서 토스로 변경해볼까 하는데 제이크님이 유명하다고 들었습니다 그래서 그런데 제이크님의 유튜브 동영상을 어디서부터 봐야하나요? 정말 단 1 도 토스에대해서 아는게 없어서 막막해서 질문드립니다. 어떻게 공부 시작하는게 좋을까요?
i think less working hour is more important factor when i look for a new job because i can enjoy my life for example, the bank or clinic close too early on weekday but if my working hour is less than them , i can use clinic or bank on weekdays too and also i can play with my kids so i can enjoy my life more convenient there fore i think less working hour is more important factor when i look for a new job
i think less working hour is more important factor than higher salary when i look for a new job most of all i can use my time on weekday more conveniently forexample a bank or clinic close too early on weekday if my working hour is longer than them i can not use them on weekday but if my working hour is shorter than them i can use them on weekday also so i can use my time conveniently and also i can play with my kids after work so i think less working is more important factor
선생님 파트5 답변할때 Less working hours is the more important factor. 까지만 말하고 시작하면 안되나요??? 이 문제뿐만 아니라 agree/disagree 문제도요~~!! 입장문을 대답하느라 시간이 부족합니다 ㅜㅜ 입장문은 꼭 처음부터 끝까지 말해줘야 할까요 ㅠㅠ
I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job. Most of all, people want to get a lot of wages . when i was a university student, i didn't have enough money. So, i looked for a part-time work. but, my part time work was very hard. nevertheless, it's ok. because i received a lot of money. 뭔가 제가 작성한 예시가 질문의 의도에 살짝 안맞는거같은데 이정도면 괜찮은가요?
시험 점 수 잘 받아서 감사해서 댓글 남기러 왔습니다 일주일 보고 IH 받았습니다! 감사합니다!! 제일 기초가 되는 문장으로 자신감 있게 해서 좋은 점수 받은 것 같습니다!
축하드립니다 :D 고생 많이 하셨어요 ㅎㅎ
진급 땜에 준비할 시간도 없이 강의 영상만 챙겨보고 셤 봤는데 다행히 진급 기준 보다 높은 점수 받았네요 감사합니다
축하드립니다 ^^
선생님 정말 감사합니다!! 토익점수 만료되고 급하게 토스 준비했는데 덕분에 140점 나왔습니다. 스피킹은 정말 자신없어서 고민 진짜 많았는데 정말 감사드려요!!!
이야 축하드립니다 :D
감사합니다 선생님 ㅎㅎ 해커스로 보다가 어렵고 표현도 안되어서 선생님 유튜브강의 정독했는데 저한테 최고점수 150나왔네요! 감사합니다ㅎㅎ
네! 도움이 되었다니 다행이에요 ^^
감사합니다 쌤 강의 1주일 보고
ih 150점 나왔습니다 ㅜㅜ
5번문제 제대로 답 못했는데도 점수가 잘 나온 거 같아요 정말 감사합니다
크 축하드립니다 ^^
I think the Higher Salary is the most important factor when looking for a new job.
It's because we can have a relaxed life financially.
In the case of my best friend, she changed jobs for a high salary.
So she bought a large house In downtown.
Also she travels abroad often.
As a result, most of my friends envy her life.
In addition when I was an intern, I got a higher salary so I could have various hobbies such as climbing and painting. It made my life happy.
Therefore, I think this way.
아 이제는 심심해서 보러 오게 되는군요😅
저 첫시험 죽쒔다고 댓글 달았는데 130 나왔습니다ㅠㅡㅠ 진짜 쌤 영상 거의 다봤거든요.. 감사합니다ㅠ 그래도 170 목표로 다시할거에요!!! 토익 좀만 조지고 다시 오겠습니다 감사합니다 선생님😆
축하드립니다 :D 고생 많이 하셨어요 ㅎㅎ
선생님 영상 덕분에 일주일 만에 ih목표였는데 al 받았습니다. 좋은 강의영상 감사합니다.
축하드립니다! 고생 많이 하셨어요 :D
looking for a new job이 이직을 뜻하는 거였군요!! 잘 알고 갑니다
'구직' 이 더 맞을 것 같습니다 :D
선생님 덕분에 150나와서 공기업 서류가점 다 맞췄습니다. 감사드립니다.
축하드립니다! 고생 많이 하셨어요 :D
Most of all, We can live/have a relaxed/stable/comfortable life financially.
In the case of best friend, she changed her job for higher salary/to get higher salary.
So, she bought a large house in Downtown.
also, she travels abroad often.
As a result, my friends envy her life.
Most of all, We can live/have a relaxed/stable/comfortable life financially.
In the case of my best friend, she changed job for less working hours (because she wanted to spend time with her family).
But, he had defficulty in paying the rent (for his house).
Also, he couldn't save his money/a lot/at all.
As a result, he regret his decision.
제이크 선생님 !
꼭 저두 감사 문자 남겨 드리고 싶었는데 !
드디어 쓰게 되네용 🪄 진짜 영어를 너무 못했는데
매주 특강도 듣고 쌤 영상도 보고 해서 만족스러운 점수로
떠납니당 🌊 언젠가 또 준비하러 올때 또 올께요
정말 질좋은 영상으로 올려주시고 가르쳐 주시니 진심으로
축하드립니다 :D 고생 많이 하셨어요 ^^
I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job because of several reasons.
First we can live more comfortably.
For example, last year, my friend changed his job to enjoy his free time.
However he had tight budget because his salary decreased.
So, he couldn’t enjoy his free time
Also, he couldn’t collect his money
After all, he got much debt.
I think less working hours are more important than a high salary because it results in lower stress. These days, many people are stressed out due to working hard. According to an article, people who work hard are more likely to have cancer than those who don't. Therefore, working hard can lead to health issues, causing individuals to be unable to work anymore.
카투사 지원 때문에 140점이 목표였는데, 오늘 성적 나온 걸 보니 160 AL이더군요! 감사합니다 선생님!
비록 남들보다 준비 기간은 많이 짧았지만 그래도 나름 열심히 했다고 생각했는데, 목표 점수보다 20점이나 높은 점수를 받아서 너무 뿌듯합니다! 이 정도면 어학병도 지원해볼 수 있을 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 다시 한번 감사합니다!
축하드립니다! 고생 많이 하셨어요 :D
So he had difficulty in paying the rent
I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
Most of all, money is important in my life.
When I was young, our family was poor.
So, I can't do my favourite things.
As a result, I'm not interested in doing something.
Threrfore, I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
역시 급하게 만드는 문장은 내용의 퀄리티가 많이 떨어지는군요...
1. Higher salary.
이유) Most of all, we can live a comfortable life financially.
we can live a stable life financially.
We can live a well-balanced life.
배경) In the case of my friend, she ★changed jobs★ for high salary(=to get high salary).
경과) So, she bought a large house in Seoul.
Also, she travels abroad often.
결과) As a result, my friends envy her
배경) " ~ , she changed jobs for less working hours because he wanted to spend time with her family.
문제점)So, she had difficulty in paying the rent.
Also, she couldn't save money.
2. Less working hours.
이유) Most of all, we can spend time with our family.
배경) In the case of my best friend, she swithced jobs for less working hours.
경과) So, she can help her daughter do homework.
And, she can have dinner with her family.
결과) As a result, she is happier than before.
I think, less working hours is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
Most of all, people want work&life balence.
When i was in my 4th year of university, i worked as an engineer at the IT company.
I often worked overtime. So I left office late and didn't get a enough sleep.
Also, I didn't have a time to meet my friends after work during a weekdays.
As a result, I lost both my health and friends.
+마무리(Therefore, less working hours is the more important factor when looking for a new job.)
I think the Higher Salary is most important.
it's because the money is important for the stabled life.
In case of my friend, about 2 month ago, my friend has moved to a new job. But, there is a one problem that she has faced the tight budget situation, As a result, she is regreting about her decision.
- high salary
most of all, we can live a relaxed life financially.
In the case of my best friend, she changed jobs for a high salary/to get a high salary.
*이직하다 change job
So, she bought a large house in the downtown.
Also, she travels abroad often.
*도심지 downtown
As a result, my friends envy her life.
In the case of my best friend, he changed jobs for less working hours
because he wanted to spend time with his family.
So, he had difficulty in paying the rent for his house.
*임대료 rent
Also, he couldn't save at all/ a lot.
- less working hours
most of all, we can live a well-balanced life.
In the case of my best friend, she changed jobs for less working hours.
So, she can enjoy a hobby such as climing after work.
Also, she can spend a lot of time with her family.
i think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
most of all, i can have a relaxed life financially.
when i was a new employee, i received a small salary.
so i was not able to save money.
also, i couldn't buy a new car and big house.
as a result, i changed the job. so i was able to buy a new car and house.
1인칭을 쓰지 않고 3인칭을 쓰는 이유가 뭔가요??
어디에서 말이신가요??
It depends on how much time we less work. 이런 식으로 하나를 선택하지 않아도 괜찮을까용 잘생긴 제이크님?
조금 애매할 수 있으니 명확하게 입장을 밝혀주는 것이 좋습니다 ^^
Less working hors로 하고 이유를 you can have time to do that you want해도 되나요
I think higer salary is more important factor when i looking for a new job
most of all, it is able to buy expensive something so it is able to improve the their life
from my experience when i was intern i get a high salay so i could buy expensive game
it made me happy!
therefore i think higher salary is important factor.
선생님! she had difficulty in paying the rent 라는 말 대신 she had a hard time financially 라고 해도 말이 되는 문장인가요?
네 가능합니다!
선생님! 그럼 답변할때 입장 -> 이유문장 -> 예시하나 이렇게 답안구성하면 만점가능한가욥!?
네 가능합니다!
제이크쌤 안녕하세요!!
쌤이 올려주신 영상들과 보라색책으로 im3 받았습니다!!!감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
그리고 im3가 레벨6라고 생각하면 될까요?!? 130점인데 더 연습해서 올려야할지 고민돼서요!
축하드립니다! 고생 많이 하셨어요 ㅎㅎ 네! im3가 레벨 6 맞습니다 :D
i think less working hours is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
most of all, we can learn more things after work.
in the case of my friend, she has less working hours.
so, she has a lot of free time after work.
for this reason, she can learn many things such as foreign language
therefore, i think~~
선새ㅇ님 이정도면 괜찮을까요... ㅠㅠ 반복되는 느낌도 많은 거 같고 너무 빈약한 거 같아서 불안해요 ㅜ
나쁘지 않습니다 ^^
I think less working hour is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
Because I want to get a lot of rest time.
When I was an universary student, I had a part time job for conveniece store.
So, I didn't have enough time to have a rest.
As a result, I had a lot of stress.
Therefore, I think less working hour is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
선생님 이정도면 괜찮을까요?? 약간 내용도 부족하고 반복적인 느낌 때문에 감점요소가 있을거 같아서요 ㅜㅜ...
140점이면 토익 몇점정도 될까요??
800점 초반 입니다 :D
기업마다 다른데 대부분 공기업은 831.3점으로 쳐줘요.
아우 어렵다
He couldn't save money at all
선생님 파트5에서 마무리 문장이 중요한가요? 생략 하고 싶은데 마무리 문장도 중요한지 여쭈어 봅니다.
아뇨! 마무리는 중요하지 않습니다 ㅎㅎ
약 한 달 전 급하게 점수가 필요해 일주일 정도 선생님 보라색 책 구입해서 정독하고 유튭보면서 공부해서 130점이 나왔습니다. 필요한 점수가 150 160이라 저번주 토요일 다시 급하게 시험을 보고 왔는데 110점이 떴습니다.. 저번 시험보단 분명히 질문도 다 알아들었고 시험치고 나왔을때 더 잘 본 거 같은 느낌이였는데 ..... ㅠ 어떻게 공부해야 할 지 막막합니다 이번주 토욜 다시 시험인데 보라책 정독하면서 선생님 강의 복습하면서 연습하면 점수가 올라갈 수 있을까요 ㅠㅠ........
일단 2024 모의고사 8회분을 싹 다 연습해주세요! 마음같아서는 노란책 15회도 꼭 다 정독을 했으면 하는 바램이지만 시간이 부족하네요 ㅠㅠ
강의 감사드립니다! 답변 피드백 및 질문 드릴게 있습니다 ㅠㅠ
I think less working hours is the more important factor than higher salary.
Most of all, working a lot of time can give a stress for me.
In the case of my friend, he worked over 9 hours every day in his previous job.
Eventually, he got some disease and he changed his job.
For that reason, I think less working hours is the more important factor.
이정도 답변 괜찮을까요?
제가 7번, 11번같이 제 사견이 들어가는 문제를 시간 내에 답변하는게 너무 어려운데, 어떤 방식으로 연습하는게 좋을까요?
그리고 일주일 뒤에 인강 수강생 전용으로 변경된다고 말씀주셨는데 어디서 볼 수 있을까요? 현재 시원스쿨 강의 수강중입니다 !
답변 괜찮습니다! 만든 내용을 여러번 반복해 보시는 것이 중요해요!
인강 제공 방식은 아직 논의중입니다 :D
less working hours의 이유로.
from my experience, i exercise during my free time. it's very helpful because I can increase my stamina. In addition, I can relieve my stress.
선생님! 동의 비동의 문제에 지문이 어려우면 i agree with the statement 정도만 해도 될까요? 더 좋은 구문 있으시면 말씀해주세요! ㅎㅎ 늘 감사합니다
네 가능합니다 :D
안녕하세요 오픽 열심히 준비하다가 8.14 응시했는데 im2받고 좌절한 오픽준비생입니다. 아무래도 오픽이 잘 맞지 않는거같아서 토스로 변경해볼까 하는데 제이크님이 유명하다고 들었습니다
그래서 그런데 제이크님의 유튜브 동영상을 어디서부터 봐야하나요? 정말 단 1 도 토스에대해서 아는게 없어서 막막해서 질문드립니다.
어떻게 공부 시작하는게 좋을까요?
앗 아까 인스타로 답변 드린 분이시군요 ㅎㅎ
@@제이크토익스피킹 네! 카톡으로 상담 감사합니다 선생님 ㅎㅎ
정주행 하다가 제가 처음으로 달은 뎃글을 발견했네요 선생님 덕분에 이때 뎃글 달았을때보다는 확실히 잘해진거 같아요 감사합니다 :)
선생님 경험 이야기할 때 changed jobs 말고 entered a company로 해도 가능할까요? 이직 말고 직장에 입사했다는 느낌으로요!! 그리고 change a job은 틀린 건가욤?!
changed jobs이 제일 관용적으로 많이 쓰이는 표현이에요~ entered a company는 이직이란 느낌이 없습니다 ㅎㅎ
헉... 감사합니다 제이크쌤!!!!!!!! 좋은 하루 보내세요!!!! @@제이크토익스피킹
less working hours 고르고 most of all, we can relieve stress 가능할까요?
네! 뒤에 after work을 붙이면 더 좋겠습니다 ^^
i think less working hour is more important factor when i look for a new job
because i can enjoy my life
for example, the bank or clinic close too early on weekday
but if my working hour is less than them , i can use clinic or bank on weekdays too
and also i can play with my kids
so i can enjoy my life more convenient
there fore i think less working hour is more important factor when i look for a new job
i think less working hour is more important factor than higher salary when i look for a new job
most of all i can use my time on weekday more conveniently
forexample a bank or clinic close too early on weekday
if my working hour is longer than them i can not use them on weekday
but if my working hour is shorter than them i can use them on weekday also
so i can use my time conveniently
and also i can play with my kids after work
so i think less working is more important factor
선생님 오늘 마지막 q11에서 첫문장을 5초 절다가 sorry i’ll start again, I’ll choose~ 이러면서 다시 대답했거든요 많이 감점됐을까요?ㅠㅠ
아뇨! 그정도는 괜찮습니다 걱정 마세요 :D
@@제이크토익스피킹 선생님 교재랑 유투브 보면서 1주일동안 공부했는데 AL 떴어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 진짜 저번시험 많이 절어서 망한줄알았는데 얼떨떨하네요 다 선생님 덕분이에요 제이크쌤 최고ㅠㅠ👍👍👍
선생님 파트5 답변할때 Less working hours is the more important factor. 까지만 말하고 시작하면 안되나요??? 이 문제뿐만 아니라 agree/disagree 문제도요~~!! 입장문을 대답하느라 시간이 부족합니다 ㅜㅜ 입장문은 꼭 처음부터 끝까지 말해줘야 할까요 ㅠㅠ
네! 그렇게만 말해도 됩니다 ㅎㅎ 다 끝까지 말할 필요는 없어요 :D
파트 5 아이디어 연습을 어떻게 해야할까요 ?? 보라색 책에 나온 문제들을 보면 답이 다 적혀 있는데 이건 신경쓰지 말고 저만의 주관적 생각을 가지고 답하는걸 연습해야 하나요?
네 맞습니다! 교재의 답변은 참고용으로만 사용해주세요 :D
I think higher salary is the more important factor when looking for a new job.
Most of all, people want to get a lot of wages .
when i was a university student, i didn't have enough money.
So, i looked for a part-time work.
but, my part time work was very hard.
nevertheless, it's ok. because i received a lot of money.
뭔가 제가 작성한 예시가 질문의 의도에 살짝 안맞는거같은데 이정도면 괜찮은가요?