💥🤯 Tucker Carlson NAILS the current state of the gender debate in the U.S. in less than 30 seconds

  • Опубликовано: 23 сен 2024
  • 💥🤯 Tucker Carlson NAILS the current state of the gender debate in the U.S. in less than 30 seconds
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Комментарии • 1,7 тыс.

  • @monna1111
    @monna1111 Год назад +350

    When children are being sacrificed, it is time to stop being silent and egocentrically ignorant!

    • @hectorcasanova7550
      @hectorcasanova7550 Год назад

      Agreed. The number 1 cause of children’s deaths is guns.

    • @kissfantastic
      @kissfantastic Год назад +25

      Bad people prevail when good people do nothing ....

    • @miguellabordaburnett3617
      @miguellabordaburnett3617 Год назад +16

      Your children is the only thing that you should put above the nation, the rights of the trans penguins, the environment etc etc

    • @avegoodtime
      @avegoodtime Год назад

      Trans kids who don’t transition are more likely to commit suicide. You’re the one sacrificing them

    • @judyjones2578
      @judyjones2578 Год назад

      Society now has qualms about sacrificing children to their gods (transgender god) just as they did when children were thrown into fires to appease the gods.

  • @officialthomasjames
    @officialthomasjames Год назад +250

    We need to stand up to evil. No more sugarcoating and dancing around their “feelings.” Speak the truth no matter what.

  • @philipe7937
    @philipe7937 Год назад +151

    We need Tucker Carlson to inform us to what is really going on

    • @Gigi1111Layna
      @Gigi1111Layna Год назад +2

      yeah, hope Jesse's not next.

    • @GOD-xe5gk
      @GOD-xe5gk Год назад +2


    • @ameliahlatshwayo7686
      @ameliahlatshwayo7686 Год назад +5

      I live a continent away from America but I know exactly what's going on in your country.

    • @tomtorrell8019
      @tomtorrell8019 Год назад +1

      ​@@ameliahlatshwayo7686 Is Tucker right?

    • @donaldlynch5861
      @donaldlynch5861 Год назад +3

      Tucker is right, but do you really need him to tell you right from wrong? Wake up people!

  • @jm7643
    @jm7643 Год назад +118

    The most pathetic thing is the people who hate Tucker coming on here to tear down those who liked him. And then they will say Hate has no home here when they do the opposite

    • @kathleenfleming7519
      @kathleenfleming7519 Год назад +7


    • @susandanner496
      @susandanner496 Год назад +6

      Well said..and spot on.

    • @larrytews2349
      @larrytews2349 Год назад

      Amen the only people that don't like Tucker all the ones who are part of the problem Tucker is an American Hero🇺🇸

    • @charliebakerspen
      @charliebakerspen Год назад +13

      It's their way of the highway, the irony is they will hate you for holding any view counter to theirs, then also cry about fascism whilst ignoring their own fascist tendencies

    • @JohnSmith-mv4qz
      @JohnSmith-mv4qz Год назад +4

      JM “ exactly “
      Moreover, these so-called “ liberals “ have be come “ fascist”
      Isn’t this ironic!!!

  • @heatherkessler3453
    @heatherkessler3453 Год назад +119

    God bless Tucker Carlson!

    • @Jesusbride515
      @Jesusbride515 Год назад +2

      We must all be ready for the rapture, it is any day now! Jesus will snatch us away. I am ex-LGBT, and I know that I would go to hell if I continued in it. I also know that my divorced and remarried parents will die and go to hell if they don't repent and leave the adultery. For now, my Mom is a believer who goes to church and thinks that she and my Dad are going in the rapture. Her pastor is also divorced and remarried. It's a big lie from the devil that has MANY deceived.
      What does the Bible say? Loving Jesus means loving His Word. BUT from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter. And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
      Mark 10:6‭-‬12 KJV
      And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery.
      Luke 16:14‭-‬18 KJV
      Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man.
      Romans 7:1‭-‬3 KJV
      And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: but and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.
      1 Corinthians 7:10‭-‬11‭, ‬39 KJV
      “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”
      1 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬-‭11‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
      Galatians‬ ‭5‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭KJV‬‬
      This is honestly what the Bible says. The road is definitely narrow. If people want to repent from this, they have got to leave the adulterous relationship altogether and get that divorce to get out of it.
      Hoping people will get born again now, before it’s too late! Maranatha!

  • @thegrandarchitect1
    @thegrandarchitect1 Год назад +1016

    Clearly we are looking at the age old battle between good and evil.

    • @famfamfam5782
      @famfamfam5782 Год назад +5

      Right? Look up thug shaker-that video game chat room leaker, Ali Alexander and maybe the Carlson show people too…some perverted stuff!!

    • @rensinclair4218
      @rensinclair4218 Год назад +4

      No such thing exists. That's childish

    • @famfamfam5782
      @famfamfam5782 Год назад +13

      @@rensinclair4218 no what thing exists?

    • @nicolebass4352
      @nicolebass4352 Год назад

      Tucker Carlson Tonight," a cornerstone of the Fox News propaganda lineup since 2016, was one of the most-watched shows on American cable news, outpacing rivals at CNN and MSNBC.
      Carlson established himself as one of the most influential figures in a conservative political coalition reshaped by former ignoble President Donald Trump. He regularly drew controversy for incendiary statements about race, LGBTQ rights and other topics, while also promoting Lies about Jan 6th insurrection attempt by MAGA Conseratives as a Peaceful Rally .!

    • @thegrandarchitect1
      @thegrandarchitect1 Год назад +1

      @@rensinclair4218 Childish? Yeah ok. U are probably an atheist too right??

  • @TravelsWithSophia
    @TravelsWithSophia Год назад +142

    I'm going to endorse Truth platform. Boycott Fox.

    • @kylethedalek
      @kylethedalek Год назад

      Yeah name me all these athletes taking over woman’s sports?
      As trans people loose a lot of muscle and bone density when changing.
      There has been many trans people beaten in these sports.
      There are loads of females who have naturally dense bones and muscle mass.
      Should they not be allowed to compete due to not being on the average?
      Why do men have nipples?
      And women grow face and body hair?
      Why with just changing some chemicals a make can grow breasts?
      And a female hair and deeper voice?

    • @kylethedalek
      @kylethedalek Год назад

      And he like Fox and Alex Jones got sued for lying.
      Don’t you get that?

    • @happygilmore1844
      @happygilmore1844 Год назад

      Same...at this point its so obvious that this is a moral issue for the population...we need to fight back with our votes and dollars

    • @zerotoleranceforsataniceli4794
      @zerotoleranceforsataniceli4794 Год назад

      Lying about what ?
      I don't know the Sandy Hook story in detail, but most of our news consists of staged events.
      In some staged events people do get hurt
      They mix and match reality with fiction to confuse us .
      In this way we will follow all fiction as reality including the metaverse

    • @RorkesDriftVC
      @RorkesDriftVC Год назад

      A lot of these Pro-Tucker posts have to be Russian bots.

  • @patriciahogan4705
    @patriciahogan4705 Год назад +65

    Thank God for those who like Tucker Carlson are informing the world what evil lurks in our country.

  • @NickyLKing
    @NickyLKing Год назад +84


  • @gobbler1957
    @gobbler1957 Год назад +110

    Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Megyn Kelly, Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson. Fox doesn't like the facts that were coming out of there mouths.

    • @GypsyGirl317
      @GypsyGirl317 Год назад

      Exactly 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @timmytimpster3807
      @timmytimpster3807 Год назад

      Apart from tucker the rest are shills for the system at one stage or another

    • @roxdarmurray6634
      @roxdarmurray6634 Год назад +1

      Agree! Minus Kelly. I USED to really admire her. No more! She’s a snake & liar! Ask O’Reilly, AJ etc!

    • @timmytimpster3807
      @timmytimpster3807 Год назад

      @@danstrayer111 yes Dan you clown....maybe I am dyslexic....but my point stands you cuckstain ass wipe

    • @timmytimpster3807
      @timmytimpster3807 Год назад

      @@danstrayer111 phuck you Dan you slimy little lickspittle neo Con douche

  • @lucyflores8233
    @lucyflores8233 Год назад +93

    Speaking truth, thank you Tucker.

  • @jackyb6635
    @jackyb6635 Год назад +35

    I’m very very disappointed with Fox

  • @terriwatson3993
    @terriwatson3993 Год назад +35

    Once again Tucker Carlson is making an honest point. It's a fact. That's how they are very true.

  • @paulprevey6240
    @paulprevey6240 Год назад +135

    Tucker stood up to the go along to get along crowd and now he's out.

    • @tracybalentine5660
      @tracybalentine5660 Год назад +7

      Well said ❤👍

    • @JFord1234
      @JFord1234 Год назад +7

      Tucker needs to be where he has no chains....They were scared before just wait

    • @grammarwhiz
      @grammarwhiz Год назад

      He may be
      “Our” right now, but not forever! Just wait…!

  • @ter784
    @ter784 Год назад +23

    Tucker we as Americans are 100% behind you. No matter where you go or where you speak we will be there supporting your voice.

  • @sonflower730
    @sonflower730 Год назад +47

    Tucker is a real hero!!!! ❤❤❤

    • @Riviera1777
      @Riviera1777 Год назад +1

      Really? How exactly?

    • @GypsyGirl317
      @GypsyGirl317 Год назад

      ​@@Riviera1777 if you don't already know then you won't understand.
      IYKYK. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @Riviera1777
      @Riviera1777 Год назад +1

      @@GypsyGirl317 such a lame answer from you and btw the question was not even for you.

    • @heartstrings110
      @heartstrings110 Год назад

      @@Riviera1777 He had the courage to tell the truth about what the gov is doing and expose the fact that this is more than a physical agenda. People who speak out get canceled, demonitized, and fired. That makes him a hero because he was willing to lose his career to stand up for the truth.

    • @Riviera1777
      @Riviera1777 Год назад +1

      @@heartstrings110 he did not tell the truth. He told his opinions and mocked people.

  • @tracyrodgers6622
    @tracyrodgers6622 Год назад +15

    People that are messing with our children are absolutely sick.

  • @antonroux6737
    @antonroux6737 Год назад +145

    literally the only person on Fox worth watching

    • @teenashear4283
      @teenashear4283 Год назад +1

      Greg Gutfield is fun as he speaks truth. Laura Ingraham is good. I don't have cable or regular TV, but I get clips of Tucker & Gutfield on the internet Roger Ailes founded Fox news, was CEO. He really did strive for balanced reporting. The other stations couldn't stand that. Wikipedia claimed he left due to accusations of sexual harrassment. It also named Megyn Kelly as one of the accusers. Wikipedia isn't trustworthy.
      Megyn Kelly said he had never harassed her and she didn't believe the accusations. The other media moguls played dirty to get him out and eventually make Fox as left leaning as them.

  • @lhites9830
    @lhites9830 Год назад +21

    Tucker Carlson telling the truth will bring out spiritual growth . God Bless all . ❤

  • @edsweeney8066
    @edsweeney8066 Год назад +262

    Just cancelled Fox Nation.

    • @stevewild5012
      @stevewild5012 Год назад +11

      Same same, I won't be watching Fox any longer either the only reason I watched it was because of Tucker in the first place

    • @StevenVWms
      @StevenVWms Год назад

      @@stevewild5012 Why? Tucker Carlson was an admitted liar!

    • @nicolebass4352
      @nicolebass4352 Год назад

      I'm sew sads theys gots rid of Truth , Ownlee are Orange Jesus cans Saves are Grate Nashun. y'all. Who new Fox where lying 2🇺🇸

    • @truckbros35
      @truckbros35 Год назад +3

      I never watched that crap except for Judge Napolitano

    • @rayaussie8325
      @rayaussie8325 Год назад

      Are you one of the sickos who would mutilate children ? Ye answer yourself.

  • @HendricksBloodlines
    @HendricksBloodlines Год назад +24

    Please start a podcast tucker, we need you!

  • @markmcdonald7122
    @markmcdonald7122 Год назад +157

    We need more like Tucker!

  • @carlosrubio5393
    @carlosrubio5393 Год назад +200

    Boycott fox

  • @raygon8
    @raygon8 Год назад +77

    Towards the end of this speech ,he called the left EVIL thats what got him fired !

  • @nicklaslundgren
    @nicklaslundgren Год назад +13

    Tucker is so right! The world has gone nuts !

  • @dominicmassaconi6160
    @dominicmassaconi6160 Год назад +677

    God bless Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson

  • @edwardbisono6714
    @edwardbisono6714 Год назад +12

    I've been in USA for 21 years and I've never seen a most evil and dark era than now...But I know that this wonderful nation will raise over all these craziness that a few ones want to impose!!!...Let's go fellas let's show them corrupt corporations whose power belongs to...GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

  • @Chris.Morales
    @Chris.Morales Год назад +388

    Cancel Fox, they took a knee for wokeness and fired Tucker!

    • @datadoesdorian
      @datadoesdorian Год назад +3

      How do you define "woke"?

    • @Chris.Morales
      @Chris.Morales Год назад

      @@datadoesdorian firing someone for saying the truth. It doesn’t matter if you get sued for saying the truth.
      It’s like firing someone for stating that Lia Thomas objectively speaking is a biological male individual of the human species.

    • @WonderWeezul
      @WonderWeezul Год назад

      Truth hurts... As it turns out, Fox News isn't a bastion for patriotic right wingers... It's a corporation driven by shareholders and an insatiable need for profit.
      Classic Trumpian incel behaviour today... Fox did something I don't agree with, so Murdoch must be a woke Liberal!! 🤣

    • @rodneycampbell5687
      @rodneycampbell5687 Год назад +8

      ​@@datadoesdorian Asleep

    • @susanrenee9494
      @susanrenee9494 Год назад +5

      ​@@datadoesdorian they caved under the pressure of personal sacrifice.

  • @willysbest9242
    @willysbest9242 Год назад +18

    He speaks the truth, and Fox couldn't control his behavior. Fox is slowly going woke.

  • @SusanGHaws
    @SusanGHaws Год назад +9

    Exactly. Thank you for bringing this out in the open.

  • @Petra01233
    @Petra01233 Год назад +8

    We love you Tucker !! Keep standing for the TRUTH.

  • @jesusreignsoveraustralia
    @jesusreignsoveraustralia Год назад +13

    He is only speaking the truth that most normal, decent people think and yet he gets cancelled…everything is upside down.

  • @PrtySmrt
    @PrtySmrt Год назад +11

    Tucker is the voice of reason that lights the darkness. Missing you Tucker! Looking forward to seeing you wipe the board with your comeback. Only the blind and the lemmings cannot see the reality. ❤ from Canada 🇨🇦

  • @caryccharlson
    @caryccharlson Год назад +253

    I'll follow Tucker anywhere he goes. I've already deleted all my fox news recordings

  • @briano.1503
    @briano.1503 Год назад +13

    The outcome they want is a population that doesn't breed.

  • @natedwicz4251
    @natedwicz4251 Год назад +757

    Fox news just canceled themselves. I will not watch Fox news anymore, only watched because of Tucker Carlson. I go where he goes.

    • @citizencyx4012
      @citizencyx4012 Год назад +39

      That's the only reason anybody watched...

    • @StevenVWms
      @StevenVWms Год назад +5

      He's a known and admitted liar. So you were released from an abusive relationship.

    • @ThomasBlaa
      @ThomasBlaa Год назад +36

      ​@@StevenVWms Ok buddy.

    • @catiesmith9166
      @catiesmith9166 Год назад +1

      Nate…I hear that he will be taking over the fairy story hour at the library! You can catch him there! Lucky you! Where one liar goes, so goes another?

    • @daves913
      @daves913 Год назад +3


  • @rron999able
    @rron999able Год назад +17


  • @cghrios783
    @cghrios783 Год назад +152

    He really is a thinker.

    • @4363HASHMI
      @4363HASHMI Год назад

      Hopefully this retrospection will allow him to understand the philonious disposition leveraged by Kushenyahu

    • @billieboy8
      @billieboy8 Год назад

      You spelt wanker wrong .

    • @keithhinchcliffe5629
      @keithhinchcliffe5629 Год назад

      Sure is, and a lyiing one.

    • @cghrios783
      @cghrios783 Год назад +3

      @@jellyfishi_ I imagine with all the pressure from fox he was not able to fully & freely talk in the last 3 years. He is also principled and he wanted to see tangible evidence (this is why it was so great and to his detriment) the Jan 6 videos. Then he also had Kennedy in that Wed and that might have been the last straw for the owner & is also partly owned by black rock that they decided he was not doing what he was being told.
      I hope to see him soon and hopefully without filters.
      I also believe that he is very influential and so that makes him dangerous if he is on air in the next 1.5 years. Elections are coming and if Mr. T. or K. are running I think this would make T.C. unstoppable.
      Let’s see what fox comes up with now to prevent him for being on SM or Internet.
      I also think people did not see what was really truly happening for a long time.
      Eventually though truth always comes to light.

    • @Jamie-hh5bj
      @Jamie-hh5bj Год назад +3

      ​@@keithhinchcliffe5629 what lies? You'll have show it, prove it

  • @isaconner932
    @isaconner932 Год назад +17

    TUCKER is a TRUE journalist.....

  • @aliciaseger6387
    @aliciaseger6387 Год назад +12

    I think what he's saying is are we just going to stand around and continue to allow this nonsense to control our lives. We hold the power!

  • @rickabelt6175
    @rickabelt6175 Год назад +9

    Need Tucker Carlson back!! Our country is going insane and people NEED to know ALL THE FACTS BEHIND IT!!

    • @Mockduck2020
      @Mockduck2020 Год назад

      Well, you sure as hell aren’t going to get that from Tucker! You meek tourist 🥴

  • @michaelpettengill4789
    @michaelpettengill4789 Год назад +13

    Thank you Tucker Carlson you need to start your own program

    • @Mockduck2020
      @Mockduck2020 Год назад +1

      Maybe he could sell you supplements and vitamins too

    • @michaelpettengill4789
      @michaelpettengill4789 Год назад

      @@Mockduck2020 lol yes I belive he does sell ads that do that that's how he gets money to tell u the truth

  • @joesilva-my5eu
    @joesilva-my5eu Год назад +8

    We as a people need to stop this madness and stop propagating it on our children

  • @regiebrace5262
    @regiebrace5262 Год назад +5

    It's called corruption period...😮😮😮😮😮

  • @trevorandrade
    @trevorandrade Год назад +7

    This is why Tucker is hated by the Jon Stewart and Jon Olivers. They don't know how to defend things when you express them that way.

  • @marcusp726
    @marcusp726 Год назад +7

    can't wait to see him on his own channel where he isn't held back by Fox and can really let lose this is gonna be good

  • @myracassel
    @myracassel Год назад +22

    I Hate Fox News But Love Tucker Carlson

    • @4touchdownsinonegame178
      @4touchdownsinonegame178 Год назад +2

      You like BS

    • @PhilRockwell
      @PhilRockwell Год назад +1

      Only watched his show

    • @myracassel
      @myracassel Год назад

      The answer to 4 touchdown , I Dont Like Youre BS, But I do Like a Man of God that can call the abortions being done today as Sacrifices, and how He Opened the Big Lie of our Corrupt Congress on the Jan 6th Attack on the Capital Lol, we All knew it was a setup by the Alphabits, cia dod, fbi ETC, He Exposed them to the World yeah Dang Straight I Love this Man! and Id suggest you watch him some youreself Unless Youre Part of The Swamp The Problem!

  • @MrJdblunt
    @MrJdblunt Год назад +8

    The most HONEST human to ever have a program on ANY "News organizations"

  • @johnakai6975
    @johnakai6975 Год назад +5

    They want complete control its got to STOP!

  • @bernadettemitchell1872
    @bernadettemitchell1872 Год назад +8

    Tucker Carlson was such a great speaker

    • @GypsyGirl317
      @GypsyGirl317 Год назад +1

      Still is. He'll simply find a new platform to keep speaking from. ❤️ 🌿 😊

  • @Emily-rq9ke
    @Emily-rq9ke Год назад +5

    It’s just insane! Thank you Tucker for standing up against the evil liars! God bless you and your family!

  • @imonaroll9502
    @imonaroll9502 Год назад +5

    Truth. ❤

  • @uofa82
    @uofa82 Год назад +10

    Tucker is on the level as Rush Limbaugh. He should create his own syndicated radio show completely uncensored.

  • @nomvonglismerced4311
    @nomvonglismerced4311 Год назад +11

    And that's why Fox ousted him...Fox is WEF arm.

    • @stevewild5012
      @stevewild5012 Год назад

      Yes they are, and also a bunch of pos

    • @kevindukes3012
      @kevindukes3012 Год назад

      @@stevewild5012 poor trump sheep are so ignorant

    • @tinabenson1492
      @tinabenson1492 Год назад

      Well, that could explain it! 🤔

  • @stevends3865
    @stevends3865 Год назад +16

    No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth. - Plato

  • @ginamarcaccio5088
    @ginamarcaccio5088 Год назад +6

    I’m sure Tucker was awake and alert when he researched the demasculation of men

    • @stanleybuchan4610
      @stanleybuchan4610 Год назад

      ........and why shouldn't he be? What are you implying?

  • @ambrosephill9
    @ambrosephill9 Год назад +4

    Tucker Carlson is needed now more than ever.

  • @teressastevenson3844
    @teressastevenson3844 Год назад +6

    Tucker spoke on the truth and they fired him for that. Don't worry about Tucker . Enjoy your retirement ❤❤

  • @philipe7937
    @philipe7937 Год назад +6

    They sold out tucker like Judas iscariot sold out Jesus

  • @michellesheridan1028
    @michellesheridan1028 Год назад +3

    Love you Tucker! Agree 💯 with all you believe! Total common sense and logic.

  • @BabylonPatrol
    @BabylonPatrol Год назад +21

    Fox is the new Bud light.

  • @AtariForeva
    @AtariForeva Год назад +88

    Ben Shapiro is ready to snatch him.

    • @JEJAK5396
      @JEJAK5396 Год назад +11

      I hope not.

    • @Hasse479
      @Hasse479 Год назад

      And put him behind pay wall?

    • @janet1744
      @janet1744 Год назад +1


    • @travisprather678
      @travisprather678 Год назад +6

      I like Ben Shapiro, but I don’t think Tucker would be happy at the Daily Wire.

    • @lynnef9330
      @lynnef9330 Год назад

      @@Hasse479 He’s going to have to pay his bills like the rest of us.

  • @dh05z28
    @dh05z28 Год назад +6

    Tucker starts a RUclips channel he'll be way more effective than Fox

  • @anthonybracco2145
    @anthonybracco2145 Год назад +4

    It’s a shame that around every corner we are boxed in by lies and when someone actually stands up to tell you the TRUTH they try and put a muzzle on them.

  • @hotdogrelish
    @hotdogrelish Год назад +5

    It's just something else to divide the people.

  • @davidgouin5700
    @davidgouin5700 Год назад +5

    Tucker keep up telling the truth and reality of some nonsense

  • @johnjackson8561
    @johnjackson8561 Год назад +48

    Is this why he was fired 😔

    • @buzzedaldrin8445
      @buzzedaldrin8445 Год назад

      He wasn’t fired

    • @caroljelliott979
      @caroljelliott979 Год назад +1


    • @heatherkessler3453
      @heatherkessler3453 Год назад +4

      From what I can find on the internet (whatever that’s worth) it said that it was mutual but in his message after on Twitter I believe he is low key saying that he was cancelled

    • @Denise-vn8wz
      @Denise-vn8wz Год назад +3

      Not fired. Kept on staff but silenced. Wonder why?

    • @Gigi1111Layna
      @Gigi1111Layna Год назад +1

      ​@@Denise-vn8wz His employment is finished. He's fired. But they still have to pay his contract out in full. That's all that's about.

  • @TheHorizun7
    @TheHorizun7 Год назад +5

    Done with Fox. Gave them a second chance after calling Arizona early for Biden. Pulling Tucker off air was the strike 3! You’re out! Hope Tucker goes totally independent!

  • @abelg141concepcion3
    @abelg141concepcion3 Год назад +4

    Dam! Our society is so jacked up! The American people have to put these criminals in check! We need a 1000 Tuckers! ❤❤

  • @adrianawind1971
    @adrianawind1971 Год назад +4

    We need Carlson in congress

  • @michellecaudill7936
    @michellecaudill7936 Год назад +4

    We miss Tucker and his truth

  • @josephcaruso8312
    @josephcaruso8312 Год назад +11

    Imagine tucker in a position of leadership

  • @shawnawatts9680
    @shawnawatts9680 Год назад +3

    Praying for you Tucker. You are a blessing to our country.

  • @graeme8768
    @graeme8768 Год назад +4

    Tucker's role is too important to lose to politics. He is the mouthpiece of our time. His role in keeping us informed is vital.

  • @tinabenson1492
    @tinabenson1492 Год назад +2

    Well, thank God that SOMEONE finally said this publicly!!!

  • @daisyserrano9100
    @daisyserrano9100 Год назад +2

    We need Tucker to speak up for these innocent children. 😮😮😊

  • @gitasingh1437
    @gitasingh1437 Год назад +5

    Tucker is a hero .

  • @20greeneyes20
    @20greeneyes20 Год назад +3


  • @deamur11137
    @deamur11137 Год назад +3

    I truly miss Tucker Carlson! Fox should be ashamed.

  • @danielbilger4125
    @danielbilger4125 Год назад +1

    You're absolutely right 👍 it's sickening BS...

  • @juanio7036
    @juanio7036 Год назад +4

    I’m reading all these comments yet no one’s seems to get that division is exactly what those who want to see the world burn want. I don’t get it. How can otherwise people fall for this circus show

  • @traciebledsoe2015
    @traciebledsoe2015 Год назад +3

    I love Tucker. There's nobody to watch on tv for the truth now

  • @tri777s
    @tri777s Год назад +1

    Evil supports Evil

  • @stevenjamison5896
    @stevenjamison5896 Год назад +60

    Conservatives are the only ones keeping this topic alive.

    • @CattyLoveKittenLove
      @CattyLoveKittenLove Год назад

      Oh really? Tiktok and other social medias' groomers are kept up by conservatives?

    • @nicolebass4352
      @nicolebass4352 Год назад +6

      Conservative Christian Republican Party
      🇺🇸 TALIBAN !

    • @jarroddavid8352
      @jarroddavid8352 Год назад +1


    • @jonathankruger2715
      @jonathankruger2715 Год назад

      Rly isn’t considering that the libs r the ones executing it

    • @rayaussie8325
      @rayaussie8325 Год назад +7

      Would you be one who offends these children ?

  • @joycescanlan7199
    @joycescanlan7199 Год назад +1

    You are the best Tucker!
    Love from Australia 🇦🇺🌺

  • @corrysmith
    @corrysmith Год назад +3

    This is why the left has to discredit and destroy Tucker Carlson.

  • @belkysmartinez8520
    @belkysmartinez8520 Год назад +1

    God Bless you!! You are the best!!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @susanhuber1932
    @susanhuber1932 Год назад +3

    OMG A Truth Teller. Now it makes sense why Fox is trying to Destroy Tucker.

  • @allanmarwood5887
    @allanmarwood5887 Год назад +2

    Well said.

  • @XHellPriest
    @XHellPriest Год назад +49

    Fox news fired Tucker Carlson

    • @Keldoh3ad
      @Keldoh3ad Год назад +9

      Woo, finally this fascist is off the air!

    • @panicbuyflax3461
      @panicbuyflax3461 Год назад

      @@Keldoh3ad yeah let’s silence the opposition! Cope harder

    • @zavenpapyan426
      @zavenpapyan426 Год назад +6

      an entertainment company fired a entertainer???!!!!

    • @panzerofthelake4460
      @panzerofthelake4460 Год назад +6

      just found out abt this, and I don't even watch mainstream media, but somehow found out.
      Its just sad

    • @onemanarmysswampparty
      @onemanarmysswampparty Год назад

      ​@@Keldoh3ad you wouldnt know what a facist is if he slapped you in the face

  • @tri777s
    @tri777s Год назад +1

    "We the People" will obliterate Evil

  • @chicagoresident973
    @chicagoresident973 Год назад +6

    Obama said if we confuse them enough they'll be easy to controll

  • @roxdarmurray6634
    @roxdarmurray6634 Год назад

    Unafraid of speaking TRUTH!! 👏👏

  • @stevewild5012
    @stevewild5012 Год назад +12

    I don't give too s**** where he goes I'm going to follow him this man speaks the truth like many others should learn how to do

  • @johnstoddard7324
    @johnstoddard7324 Год назад +2


  • @suzzen4367
    @suzzen4367 Год назад

    How do they not see it ? 😢 sad and baffling

  • @monical2840
    @monical2840 Год назад +8

    Does anyone else find it strange that Tucker Carlson AND Don Lemon are taken off the air at the same time? They are practically arch rivals. This is weird.

  • @mariasaraalvarado8058
    @mariasaraalvarado8058 Год назад +1

    You are totally right 👍👏🏻 viva la verdad, viva Tucker! 👏🏻👍🇱🇷

  • @rensinclair4218
    @rensinclair4218 Год назад +4

    You are adults who literally believe in magic. You don't get to decide ANYTHING.

    • @dncbot
      @dncbot Год назад

      You believe in your own superiority

  • @1americanboy
    @1americanboy Год назад +2

    Yes, there are a small portion of people in this country that have lost their Minds... and those people are candidates for Counseling ..