getting mouse input in x86 assembly | SCHIZONE EP-21

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • 21st video in a series on scientific computing from scratch using x86-64 assembly. This video describes capturing and using mouse input for different purposes on Linux.
    3 good resources:
    x86 instruction reference:
    linux/freebsd syscall concordance:
    old draft of System-V ABI:
    secret discord link:

Комментарии • 16

  • @user-sj6og7wi2q
    @user-sj6og7wi2q 9 месяцев назад +4

    lol the beginning is gold

  • @wertia391
    @wertia391 8 месяцев назад

    Not only did the third tower fall, it was reported that it collapsed before it actually happened! Cool video, joking aside. I've wanted to learn assembly, but the only assembly I've written is 6502

  • @maxmuster7003
    @maxmuster7003 8 месяцев назад

    On PC booting MS DOS i used an edited true color picture from my web cam of a green watering can made of plastik with black background as a mouse pointer. I load the picture in the upper left corner of the linear framebuffer and then i made a table with the address 4 bytes and 4 bytes for color of each pixel. And additional we need space for a second table to store the background with the same size.

  • @maxmuster7003
    @maxmuster7003 8 месяцев назад

    Without a mouse drive for PS2 mouse (USB mouse with USB legacy enable in mainboard setup) we can use our own mouse handler like the open source Cutemouse driver, if we modify the handler to store the mouse bytes into our data segment. Our main routine can use the coordinates to draw a mouse pointer.
    int 11h ; get equipment list
    test al, 3
    jz noPS2 ; jump if PS/2-Mouse not indicated
    mov bh,3
    mov ax, 0C205h
    int 15h ; initialize mouse, bh=datasize
    jc noPS2
    mov bh,3
    mov ax, 0C203h
    int 15h ; set mouse resolution bh
    jc noPS2
    mov ax, cs
    mov es, ax
    mov bx, OFFSET PS2dummy
    mov ax, 0C207h
    int 15h ; mouse, es:bx=ptr to handler
    jc noPS2
    xor bx, bx
    mov es, bx ; mouse, es:bx=ptr to handler
    mov ax, 0C207h
    int 15h
    call disablePS2
    mov ax, cs
    mov es, ax
    mov bx, OFFSET IRQhandler
    mov ax, 0C207h ; es:bx=ptr to handler
    int 15h
    mov bh,1 ; set mouse on
    mov ax, 0C200h
    int 15h
    xor bx, bx ; set mouse off
    mov ax, 0C200h
    int 15h
    xor bx, bx
    mov es, bx
    mov ax, 0C207h ; es:bx=ptr to handler
    int 15h
    assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
    push ds
    push es
    mov ax, cs
    mov ds, ax
    mov bp,sp
    mov al,[bp+24+6] ; buttons
    mov bl,al
    shl al,3 ; CF=Y sign bit
    sbb ch,ch ; signed extension 9->16 bit
    cbw ; extend X sign bit
    mov al,[bp+24+4] ; AX=X movement
    mov cl,[bp+24+2] ; CX=Y movement
    xchg bx,ax
    neg cx ; reverse Y movement
    ; placeholder to store the mouse bytes into our data segment.
    pop es
    pop ds

  • @maxmuster7003
    @maxmuster7003 8 месяцев назад

    I draw some button to click on and for mouseover to change the color of the button. And here comes the problem, if some button placed without a distance to each other nearby and we move the mouse very fast we can not check if the pointer is outside of a button and so it is not changing back into the first color. We have to check this too, if the pointer jump from inside one button into another button without to go between the button.

  • @boaridaaa_lol6241
    @boaridaaa_lol6241 9 месяцев назад

    Great intro bro

  • @maxmuster7003
    @maxmuster7003 8 месяцев назад

    On Android tablet with a touchscreen i made special batch files to get the mouse coordinates from the driver to output a text message on this location, but i don’t know how to do a mouse click on a touch screen without a mouse.😅
    My routine put the coordinates of the mouse pointer into DosBox enviroment variables.
    @echo off
    REM Mouse control
    call COLOR.BAT 1b
    set XMOU=27
    set YMOU=0C
    echo X = %XMOU%
    echo Y = %YMOU%
    echo Move the mouse pointer to a position for text output and ...
    call GETMOUS.BAT
    call CURSOR.BAT 0 0 0
    echo X = %XMOU%
    echo Y = %YMOU%
    call ColText.bat %YMOU% %XMOU% 2f "test"
    set XMOU=
    set YMOU=

  • @wertia391
    @wertia391 9 месяцев назад

    I'm new to Linux, what mouse image thing are you using to make it pepe?

    • @xmdi0
      @xmdi0  9 месяцев назад

      Good question- it's actually not a Linux cursor (it's tracked and generated by the assembly code itself), and pepe is actually not an image file at all. Pepe's raw RGB pixel values are directly encoded as bytes in the assembly executable. The code then plots those RGB values on top of the rest of the screen based on where the mouse moves. Fun fact, the assembly code in this series is so minimal that the ~28x14 pixel pepe makes up around half of these Episode 21 executables (in terms of filesize). Thanks for your interest.

    • @wertia391
      @wertia391 9 месяцев назад

      That's awesome! I hadn't finished the video, but now you've got my curious about overlaying the pixels. Thank you! @@xmdi0

  • @TheBuilder
    @TheBuilder 7 месяцев назад

    You're on windows XP but using a KDE program, talking about how to read mouse input on linux, seems legit

    • @xmdi0
      @xmdi0  7 месяцев назад

      I have attachment issues

    • @TheBuilder
      @TheBuilder 7 месяцев назад

      @@xmdi0 neat

  • @edbrito-swdev
    @edbrito-swdev 9 месяцев назад

    Damn, that's really how you wanted to start the video? Oof.

  • @torcher5023
    @torcher5023 8 месяцев назад

    The beginning is cringy af.