There will be 2 destructive earthquakes in Alaska ( 7.6 and 7.3), and we are to witness destruction of Damascus. After that children will go missing. It will be Jesus who is coming with promised redemption! After few hours He will also take his believers! Our God has revealed all those details to his prophets right now ! Gvernments will explain it away with UFO. Now you have been told in advance, so do not be deceived. Only God knows the future. Jesus loves you, accept him as your Saviour, and escape what's to come. We are in the last pages of the Bible now. What saves us is the faith that Jesus bled and died on the cross for our sins and he was resurrected three days later.Believe in what he has done for us with the full heart, confess your sins to him, and pray, build a relation with him. Ask him to come into your heart. It is God's grace that saves you. It's nothing that you can do but what he has done for us. No works required.
Thank you Pastor John P. Peace and Joy . Romans 5:1-11 Therefore there is no Condemnation. Romans 8:1-4 To the Glory of God, in Christ Jesus Name Amen.
There will be 2 destructive earthquakes in Alaska ( 7.6 and 7.3), and we are to witness destruction of Damascus. After that children will go missing. It will be Jesus who is coming with promised redemption! After few hours He will also take his believers! Our God has revealed all those details to his prophets right now ! Gvernments will explain it away with UFO. Now you have been told in advance, so do not be deceived. Only God knows the future. Jesus loves you, accept him as your Saviour, and be safe! We are in the last pages of the Bible now. What saves us is the faith that Jesus bled and died on the cross for our sins and he was resurrected three days later.Believe in what he has done for us with the full heart, confess your sins to him, and pray, build a relation with him. Ask him to come into your heart. It is God's grace that saves you. It's nothing that you can do but what he has done for us. No works required.
Genesis 15:1-20 (God's(😊100%❤) covenant❤ with Abram😊❤ ) Genesis 15:1-11 "15 After things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: " Fear not Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great." 2 But Abram said,." O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Demascus? " 3 And Abram said," Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir." 4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: " This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir." 5 And he brought him outside and said, " Look toward heaven, and number of stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, " So shall your offspring be. 6 And he believed( trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤. 7 And he(the Lord God😊❤) said to him( Abram😊❤), " I am the LORD who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to posses." 8 But he said, " O LORD God😊❤, how am I to know that I shall posses it? " 9 He( the LORD God😊❤) said ❤ to him( Abram😊❤), " Bring me a heifer three year old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon. 10 And he( Abram) bought him( the Lord God😊❤) all these, cut them in half, and laid each half over against the other. But he did not cut the birds in half. 11 And when birds of prey came down on the carcasses, Abram😊❤ drove them away."( Genesis 15:1-11 ESV) In Genesis 15:6, "6 And he believed(trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤."(Genesis 15:6 ESV) ESV said, "This key verse in Genesis is quoted in four times in the NT (New Testament)(Romans 4:3; Romans 4: 22; Galatians 3:6; James 2 :23( will open them later in Christ ). Faith😊❤ in God(😊100%❤) is something that everyone in the Bible was to expected to exercise. "( ESV) ( Have you also exercise our faith ❤ in God😊❤ and trust in Jesus😊1st❤ today? ) " It entails trust in or confident reliance on God (... John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) based on the truthfulness of his words, and it will lead to obeying his commands."(ESV) Pause. Back to New Testament Scriptures in Christ😊❤ on Romans 4:3😊❤ ; Romans 4: 22😊❤; Galatians 3:6😊❤; James 2 :23😊❤ ;John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) in Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤) for you( trust in Jesus too😊❤ or believe (trust) in God and Abram had trusted in God for that it was credited to him or "counted it to him as righteousness" becauese he believed the LORD(Lord God or so today we in Christ also by faith( trust) in our Lord, Jesus by faith( trust) or trust in God too in Christ because we trust Him just like Genesis 15:6 "6And he believed( trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤."( ESV ) lead to Romans 4:3😊❤ ; Romans 4: 22😊❤; Galatians 3:6😊❤; James 2 :23😊❤ ;John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) . In Jesus'name, i pray(John 14:6) . Amen. Romans 4:3😊❤ "3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham( Abram later became Abraham) believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV , do you want credit to Abraham or Abram mean right? Because He trusted God first and then it was counted to him ( or credited to him in modern language) as righetousness. Abram( Abraham) 1. AbrahamTrusted ( believed) God. 2. "...and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness."( Romans 4:3b ESV) Romans 4:3 "3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV) Romans 4: 22😊❤, 24-25 too in Christ. Romans 4:22-25 "22 But the words " It was counted to him" 😊❤ were not written for his sake alone, "( Romans 4:22 ESV) Romans 4:24-25 "24 but for ours(😊❤😊❤😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊❤ 😊❤ in Christ) also. It will be counted to us who believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤), 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤."( Romans 4:23-25. God's words😊❤ are so beautiful and sweeter than honey and money too. In Jesus'name, i pray( for you to " ...believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤), 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤." ( (Romans 4:24b-25 ESV) too). Amen. Galatians 3:6😊❤ "6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."? "( Galatians 3:6 ESV. Amen in Christ). Need to go back to Galatians 3:5-6 "5 Does he who supplies the Spirit😊❤ to you😊❤ and works miracles among you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith- 6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."?"( Galatians 3:5-6 ESV Amen.) James 2 :23😊❤ "23 and the Scriptures was fulfilled that says, " Abraham😊❤ believed( trusted😊❤) God(😊100%❤), and it was counted😊❤(credited😊❤) to him( Abraham😊❤) as righteousness"- and he was called a friend😊❤ of God(😊100%❤)."( James 2:23 ESV Amen.) John 1:12-13😊❤ "12 But to all who did receive him who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor( not) of the will of man, but😊❤ of God( 😊100%❤)."( John 1:12-13 ESV) Under by faith( Hebrews 11:1-11( by faith( trust) in Christ. Hebrews 11:1😊❤) "11 Now faith( trust😊❤) is assurance😊❤ of things hope😊❤ for, the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV) For example, we do not see God or Jesus physically face to face yet but it doesn't he doesn't love us because He does love us, who put our trust, in Him. In Jesus'name, i pray( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven and Jesus(😊1st❤) our savior in Christ and the Holy Spirit (😊❤) our helper in Christ Jesus😊1st ❤too in Christ. So help us God like Abraham trusted( trust) in You ( the Lord God) in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen. John 14:6❤😊 " 6 Jesus answered, " I am the way ❤😊 and the truth ❤😊 and the life😊❤. No one comes to the Father( God😊100%❤ , our Father in heaven ) except through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
Hebrews 11:1-40( by faith😊❤ ) Genesis 15:1-20 (God's(😊100%❤) covenant❤ with Abram😊❤ ) Genesis 15:1-11 "15 After things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: " Fear not Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great." 2 But Abram said,." O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Demascus? " 3 And Abram said," Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir." 4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: " This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir." 5 And he brought him outside and said, " Look toward heaven, and number of stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, " So shall your offspring be. 6 And he believed( trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤. 7 And he(the Lord God😊❤) said to him( Abram😊❤), " I am the LORD who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to posses." 8 But he said, " O LORD God😊❤, how am I to know that I shall posses it? " 9 He( the LORD God😊❤) said ❤ to him( Abram😊❤), " Bring me a heifer three year old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon. 10 And he( Abram) bought him( the Lord God😊❤) all these, cut them in half, and laid each half over against the other. But he did not cut the birds in half. 11 And when birds of prey came down on the carcasses, Abram😊❤ drove them away."( Genesis 15:1-11 ESV) In Genesis 15:6, "6 And he believed(trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤."(Genesis 15:6 ESV) ESV said, "This key verse in Genesis is quoted in four times in the NT (New Testament)(Romans 4:3; Romans 4: 22; Galatians 3:6; James 2 :23( will open them later in Christ ). Faith😊❤ in God(😊100%❤) is something that everyone in the Bible was to expected to exercise. "( ESV) ( Have you also exercise our faith ❤ in God😊❤ and trust in Jesus😊1st❤ today? ) " It entails trust in or confident reliance on God (... John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) based on the truthfulness of his words, and it will lead to obeying his commands."(ESV) Pause. Back to New Testament Scriptures in Christ😊❤ on Romans 4:3😊❤ ; Romans 4: 22😊❤; Galatians 3:6😊❤; James 2 :23😊❤ ;John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) in Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤) for you( trust in Jesus too😊❤ or believe (trust) in God and Abram had trusted in God for that it was credited to him or "counted it to him as righteousness" becauese he believed the LORD(Lord God or so today we in Christ also by faith( trust) in our Lord, Jesus by faith( trust) or trust in God too in Christ because we trust Him just like Genesis 15:6 "6And he believed( trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤."( ESV ) lead to Romans 4:3😊❤ ; Romans 4: 22😊❤; Galatians 3:6😊❤; James 2 :23😊❤ ;John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) . In Jesus'name, i pray(John 14:6) . Amen. Romans 4:3😊❤ "3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham( Abram later became Abraham) believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV , do you want credit to Abraham or Abram mean right? Because He trusted God first and then it was counted to him ( or credited to him in modern language) as righetousness. Abram( Abraham) 1. AbrahamTrusted ( believed) God. 2. "...and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness."( Romans 4:3b ESV) Romans 4:3 "3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV) Romans 4: 22😊❤, 24-25 too in Christ. Romans 4:22-25 "22 But the words " It was counted to him" 😊❤ were not written for his sake alone, "( Romans 4:22 ESV) Romans 4:24-25 "24 but for ours(😊❤😊❤😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊❤ 😊❤ in Christ) also. It will be counted to us who believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤), 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤."( Romans 4:23-25. God's words😊❤ are so beautiful and sweeter than honey and money too. In Jesus'name, i pray( for you to " ...believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤), 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤." ( (Romans 4:24b-25 ESV) too). Amen. Galatians 3:6😊❤ "6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."? "( Galatians 3:6 ESV. Amen in Christ). Need to go back to Galatians 3:5-6 "5 Does he who supplies the Spirit😊❤ to you😊❤ and works miracles among you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith- 6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."?"( Galatians 3:5-6 ESV Amen.) James 2 :23😊❤ "23 and the Scriptures was fulfilled that says, " Abraham😊❤ believed( trusted😊❤) God(😊100%❤), and it was counted😊❤(credited😊❤) to him( Abraham😊❤) as righteousness"- and he was called a friend😊❤ of God(😊100%❤)."( James 2:23 ESV Amen.) John 1:12-13😊❤ "12 But to all who did receive him who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor( not) of the will of man, but😊❤ of God( 😊100%❤)."( John 1:12-13 ESV) Under by faith( Hebrews 11:1-11( by faith( trust) in Christ. Hebrews 11:1😊❤) "11 Now faith( trust😊❤) is assurance😊❤ of things hope😊❤ for, the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV) For example, we do not see God or Jesus physically face to face yet but it doesn't he doesn't love us because He does love us, who put our trust, in Him. In Jesus'name, i pray( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven and Jesus(😊1st❤) our savior in Christ and the Holy Spirit (😊❤) our helper in Christ Jesus😊1st ❤too in Christ. So help us God like Abraham trusted( trust) in You ( the Lord God) in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen. John 14:6❤😊 " 6 Jesus answered, " I am the way ❤😊 and the truth ❤😊 and the life😊❤. No one comes to the Father( God😊100%❤ , our Father in heaven ) except through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
In my hand ESV Bible in Christ , it said, " A person's faith or lack of it is most apparent in crisis such as Abram( later called Abraham) was facing. He believed God ( trusted😊❤😊❤ God(😊100%❤). Pause in Christ just decoding language to us in Christ so that anyone can understand God's words too in Christ by His grace( Ephesians 2:8😊❤ In Jesus'name, i pray(😊❤) Amen) Again " He( Abraham😊❤) trusted God( 😊100%❤) would give him a son despite many years of childlessness."( EESV). ) " ...Counted... as righteousness"( Genesis 15:6B ESV) " Righteousness" is the fundamental OT(Old Testament) virtue characterized by godly life lived in confirmity with the law. It is the righteous who 😊❤ enjoy😊❤ God's😊❤ favor😊❤. Here the narrator underlines the significance of faith😊❤( trust in God(😊100%❤) and trust in Jesus (😊1st❤) to me too in Christ), in that before Abram has proved himself righteous😊❤ by his deeds, he is counted( that is, regarded) as righteous because of his faith( trust in God 😊100%❤)."( ESV) Hebrews 11:1😊❤) "11 Now faith( trust😊❤) is assurance😊❤ of things hope😊❤ for, the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV) For examples, you did not see me in person, doesn't mean i do not love you all with a pure heart ( Matthew 5:8 " Blessed😊❤ are the pure😊❤ in heart❤ , for they will see God(😊100%❤)."( Matthew 5:8 ESV. Do you also see God or God's words today too in Christ in Matthew 5:8 too?). Hebrews 11:1😊❤) "11 Now faith( trust😊❤) is assurance😊❤ of things hope😊❤ for, the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV) John 14:6❤😊 " 6 Jesus answered, " I am the way ❤😊 and the truth ❤😊 and the life😊❤. No one comes to the Father( God😊100%❤ , our Father in heaven ) except through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
There will be 2 destructive earthquakes in Alaska ( 7.6 and 7.3), and we are to witness destruction of Damascus. After that children will go missing. It will be Jesus who is coming with promised redemption! After few hours He will also take his believers! Our God has revealed all those details to his prophets right now ! Gvernments will explain it away with UFO. Now you have been told in advance, so do not be deceived. Only God knows the future. Jesus loves you, accept him as your Saviour, and escape what's to come. We are in the last pages of the Bible now. What saves us is the faith that Jesus bled and died on the cross for our sins and he was resurrected three days later.Believe in what he has done for us with the full heart, confess your sins to him, and pray, build a relation with him. Ask him to come into your heart. It is God's grace that saves you. It's nothing that you can do but what he has done for us. No works required.
Romans 4:3😊❤ Romans 4:22😊❤ Galatians 3:6😊❤ James 2:23😊❤ John 1:12-13😊❤ Hebrews 11:1😊❤1-3😊❤ Romans 3:23😊❤ Romans 5:8😊❤ Ephesians 2:8😊❤ Romans 10:9😊❤ Acts 16:31😊❤ Hebrews 11:1-40( by faith😊❤ ) Genesis 15:1-20 (God's(😊100%❤) covenant❤ with Abram😊❤ ) Genesis 15:1-11 "15 After things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: " Fear not Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great." 2 But Abram said,." O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Demascus? " 3 And Abram said," Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir." 4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: " This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir." 5 And he brought him outside and said, " Look toward heaven, and number of stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, " So shall your offspring be. 6 And he believed( trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤. 7 And he(the Lord God😊❤) said to him( Abram😊❤), " I am the LORD who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to posses." 8 But he said, " O LORD God😊❤, how am I to know that I shall posses it? " 9 He( the LORD God😊❤) said ❤ to him( Abram😊❤), " Bring me a heifer three year old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon. 10 And he( Abram) bought him( the Lord God😊❤) all these, cut them in half, and laid each half over against the other. But he did not cut the birds in half. 11 And when birds of prey came down on the carcasses, Abram😊❤ drove them away."( Genesis 15:1-11 ESV) In Genesis 15:6, "6 And he believed(trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤."(Genesis 15:6 ESV) ESV said, "This key verse in Genesis is quoted in four times in the NT (New Testament)(Romans 4:3; Romans 4: 22; Galatians 3:6; James 2 :23( will open them later in Christ ). Faith😊❤ in God(😊100%❤) is something that everyone in the Bible was to expected to exercise. "( ESV) ( Have you also exercise our faith ❤ in God😊❤ and trust in Jesus😊1st❤ today? ) " It entails trust in or confident reliance on God (... John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) based on the truthfulness of his words, and it will lead to obeying his commands."(ESV) Pause. Back to New Testament Scriptures in Christ😊❤ on Romans 4:3😊❤ ; Romans 4: 22😊❤; Galatians 3:6😊❤; James 2 :23😊❤ ;John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) in Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤) for you( trust in Jesus too😊❤ or believe (trust) in God and Abram had trusted in God for that it was credited to him or "counted it to him as righteousness" becauese he believed the LORD(Lord God or so today we in Christ also by faith( trust) in our Lord, Jesus by faith( trust) or trust in God too in Christ because we trust Him just like Genesis 15:6 "6And he believed( trusted 😊❤) the LORD, and he counted it😊❤ to him😊❤ as rightousness 😊❤."( ESV ) lead to Romans 4:3😊❤ ; Romans 4: 22😊❤; Galatians 3:6😊❤; James 2 :23😊❤ ;John 1:12-13😊❤ ; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) . In Jesus'name, i pray(John 14:6) . Amen. Romans 4:3😊❤ "3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham( Abram later became Abraham) believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV , do you want credit to Abraham or Abram mean right? Because He trusted God first and then it was counted to him ( or credited to him in modern language) as righetousness. Abram( Abraham) 1. AbrahamTrusted ( believed) God. 2. "...and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness."( Romans 4:3b ESV) Romans 4:3 "3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV) Romans 4: 22😊❤, 24-25 too in Christ. Romans 4:22-25 "22 But the words " It was counted to him" 😊❤ were not written for his sake alone, "( Romans 4:22 ESV) Romans 4:24-25 "24 but for ours(😊❤😊❤😊❤ 😊❤😊❤😊❤ 😊❤ in Christ) also. It will be counted to us who believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤), 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤."( Romans 4:23-25. God's words😊❤ are so beautiful and sweeter than honey and money too. In Jesus'name, i pray( for you to " ...believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤), 25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤." ( (Romans 4:24b-25 ESV) too). Amen. Galatians 3:6😊❤ "6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."? "( Galatians 3:6 ESV. Amen in Christ). Need to go back to Galatians 3:5-6 "5 Does he who supplies the Spirit😊❤ to you😊❤ and works miracles among you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith- 6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."?"( Galatians 3:5-6 ESV Amen.) James 2 :23😊❤ "23 and the Scriptures was fulfilled that says, " Abraham😊❤ believed( trusted😊❤) God(😊100%❤), and it was counted😊❤(credited😊❤) to him( Abraham😊❤) as righteousness"- and he was called a friend😊❤ of God(😊100%❤)."( James 2:23 ESV Amen.) John 1:12-13😊❤ "12 But to all who did receive him who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor( not) of the will of man, but😊❤ of God( 😊100%❤)."( John 1:12-13 ESV) Under by faith( Hebrews 11:1-11( by faith( trust) in Christ. Hebrews 11:1😊❤) "11 Now faith( trust😊❤) is assurance😊❤ of things hope😊❤ for, the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV) For example, we do not see God or Jesus physically face to face yet but it doesn't he doesn't love us because He does love us, who put our trust, in Him. In Jesus'name, i pray( God😊100%❤ our Father in heaven and Jesus(😊1st❤) our savior in Christ and the Holy Spirit (😊❤) our helper in Christ Jesus😊1st ❤too in Christ. So help us God like Abraham trusted( trust) in You ( the Lord God) in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen. John 14:6❤😊 " 6 Jesus answered, " I am the way ❤😊 and the truth ❤😊 and the life😊❤. No one comes to the Father( God😊100%❤ , our Father in heaven ) except through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
In my hand ESV Bible in Christ , it said, " A person's faith or lack of it is most apparent in crisis such as Abram( later called Abraham) was facing. He believed God ( trusted😊❤😊❤ God(😊100%❤). Pause in Christ just decoding language to us in Christ so that anyone can understand God's words too in Christ by His grace( Ephesians 2:8😊❤ In Jesus'name, i pray(😊❤) Amen) Again " He( Abraham😊❤) trusted God( 😊100%❤) would give him a son despite many years of childlessness."( EESV). ) " ...Counted... as righteousness"( Genesis 15:6B ESV) " Righteousness" is the fundamental OT(Old Testament) virtue characterized by godly life lived in confirmity with the law. It is the righteous who 😊❤ enjoy😊❤ God's😊❤ favor😊❤. Here the narrator underlines the significance of faith😊❤( trust in God(😊100%❤) and trust in Jesus (😊1st❤) to me too in Christ), in that before Abram has proved himself righteous😊❤ by his deeds, he is counted( that is, regarded) as righteous because of his faith( trust in God 😊100%❤)."( ESV) Hebrews 11:1😊❤) "11 Now faith( trust😊❤) is assurance😊❤ of things hope😊❤ for, the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV) For examples, you did not see me in person, doesn't mean i do not love you all with a pure heart ( Matthew 5:8 " Blessed😊❤ are the pure😊❤ in heart❤ , for they will see God(😊100%❤)."( Matthew 5:8 ESV. Do you also see God or God's words today too in Christ in Matthew 5:8 too?). Hebrews 11:1😊❤) "11 Now faith( trust😊❤) is assurance😊❤ of things hope😊❤ for, the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV) John 14:6❤😊 " 6 Jesus answered, " I am the way ❤😊 and the truth ❤😊 and the life😊❤. No one comes to the Father( God😊100%❤ , our Father in heaven ) except through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
Genesis 15:12-21 "12 As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram. On behold, dreadful and great darkness fell upon him. 13 Then the LORD said to Abram, " Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not their and will be servants there, and they will be afflicated for four hundred years. 14 But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions. 15 As for you, you shall go to youe fathers in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age. 16 And they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete." 17 When the sun had gone down and it was dark, behold, a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch passed between these pieces. 18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, " To Your Offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates, 19 the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, 20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, 21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites and the Jebusites."( Genesis 15:12-21 ESV)
Philippians 2:1-11( Christ(Jesus😊1st❤) 's example of humility😊❤ ) "2 So if there is any encouragment(❤) in Christ, any comfort(😊❤) from love(❤) , any participation(❤) in the Spirit(❤) , any affection(❤) and sympathy(❤) , 2 Complete my joy😊❤ by being of the same mind😊❤ , having the same love😊❤ , being in full accord😊❤ and one mind😊❤. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility😊❤ count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you😊❤ look not only to his own interests , but😊❤ also to the interests 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤ of others😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤ . 5 Have this( one) mind😊❤ among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus(😊1st❤). 6 who, though he was in the form of God(😊1st❤) of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but(😊❤) emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he( Jesus😊1st❤) humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore(😊❤) God( 😊100%❤) has highly exalted him( Jesus😊1st❤) and bestowed on him( Jesus😊1st❤) the name that is above every name, 10 so that the name of Jesus(😊1st❤). every knees should bow, in heaven(😊❤) and on earth(😊❤) and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess(😊❤) that Jesus(😊1st❤) Christ is Lord(Jesus😊1st❤), to the glory😊❤ of God(😊100%❤) the Father( in heaven😊❤)."( Philippians 2:1-11 ESV)
Matthew 5:27-30(Lust) " 27 " You have heard that it was said, " You shall not commit adultery.' 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already commited adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye cause you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand cause you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it it better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. "( Matthew 5:27-31 ESV Amen to what Jesus😊1st❤said in Christ.) In Jesus'name, i pray for you( Ephesians 5:22-33( Wives and Husbands)😊❤. In Jesus'name, i pray( Ephesians 6:1-4😊❤; Ephesians 6:10-20(The Whole Armor😊❤ of God(😊100%❤ ) and 1 John 4:18❤-19😊❤ and Philippians 4:4😊-7😊❤). . Amen.
Amen wow Amen Jesus Christ!! Give a round of applause For Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤
Righteousness is a free gift absolutely totally free.
Bestowed upon the elect!
There will be 2 destructive earthquakes in Alaska ( 7.6 and 7.3), and we are to witness destruction of Damascus. After that children will go missing. It will be Jesus who is coming with promised redemption! After few hours He will also take his believers! Our God has revealed all those details to his prophets right now ! Gvernments will explain it away with UFO. Now you have been told in advance, so do not be deceived.
Only God knows the future. Jesus loves you, accept him as your Saviour, and escape what's to come. We are in the last pages of the Bible now. What saves us is the faith that Jesus bled and died on the cross for our sins and he was resurrected three days later.Believe in what he has done for us with the full heart, confess your sins to him, and pray, build a relation with him. Ask him to come into your heart. It is God's grace that saves you. It's nothing that you can do but what he has done for us. No works required.
Thank you Pastor John P.
Peace and Joy .
Romans 5:1-11
Therefore there is no
Romans 8:1-4
To the Glory of God, in Christ Jesus Name Amen.
Praise God! Thank you for sharing this sermon.
Revelation 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. ✝️🙏❤️
There will be 2 destructive earthquakes in Alaska ( 7.6 and 7.3), and we are to witness destruction of Damascus. After that children will go missing. It will be Jesus who is coming with promised redemption! After few hours He will also take his believers! Our God has revealed all those details to his prophets right now ! Gvernments will explain it away with UFO. Now you have been told in advance, so do not be deceived.
Only God knows the future. Jesus loves you, accept him as your Saviour, and be safe! We are in the last pages of the Bible now. What saves us is the faith that Jesus bled and died on the cross for our sins and he was resurrected three days later.Believe in what he has done for us with the full heart, confess your sins to him, and pray, build a relation with him. Ask him to come into your heart. It is God's grace that saves you. It's nothing that you can do but what he has done for us. No works required.
America today- lawless
Romans 1 stage 3 cancer.. malignant
Genesis 15:1-20
covenant❤ with Abram😊❤
Genesis 15:1-11
"15 After things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: " Fear not Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great."
2 But Abram said,." O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Demascus? "
3 And Abram said," Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir."
4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: " This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir."
5 And he brought him outside and said, " Look toward heaven, and number of stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, " So shall your offspring be.
6 And he believed( trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤.
7 And he(the Lord God😊❤)
said to him( Abram😊❤), " I am the LORD who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to posses."
8 But he said,
" O LORD God😊❤, how am I to know that I shall posses it? "
9 He( the LORD God😊❤)
said ❤ to him( Abram😊❤),
" Bring me a heifer three year old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
10 And he( Abram) bought him( the Lord God😊❤) all these, cut them in half, and laid each half over against the other. But he did not cut the birds in half.
11 And when birds of prey came down on the carcasses, Abram😊❤ drove them away."( Genesis 15:1-11 ESV)
In Genesis 15:6,
"6 And he believed(trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤."(Genesis 15:6 ESV)
ESV said, "This key verse in Genesis is quoted in four times in the NT (New Testament)(Romans 4:3; Romans 4:
22; Galatians 3:6; James 2 :23( will open them later in Christ ). Faith😊❤
in God(😊100%❤) is something that everyone in the Bible was to expected to exercise. "( ESV) ( Have you also exercise our faith ❤
in God😊❤ and trust in Jesus😊1st❤ today? )
" It entails trust in or confident reliance on God (... John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) based on the truthfulness of his words, and it will lead to obeying his commands."(ESV)
Pause. Back to New Testament Scriptures in Christ😊❤ on Romans 4:3😊❤
; Romans 4:
Galatians 3:6😊❤;
James 2 :23😊❤
;John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) in Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤) for you( trust in Jesus too😊❤ or believe (trust) in God and Abram had trusted in God for that it was credited to him or "counted it to him as righteousness" becauese he believed the LORD(Lord God or so today we in Christ also by faith( trust) in our Lord, Jesus by faith( trust) or trust in God too in Christ because we trust Him just like Genesis 15:6 "6And he believed( trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤."( ESV ) lead to
Romans 4:3😊❤
; Romans 4:
Galatians 3:6😊❤;
James 2 :23😊❤
;John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) . In Jesus'name, i pray(John 14:6)
. Amen.
Romans 4:3😊❤
"3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham( Abram later became Abraham) believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV , do you want credit to Abraham or Abram mean right? Because He trusted God first and then it was counted to him ( or credited to him in modern language) as righetousness.
Abram( Abraham)
1. AbrahamTrusted ( believed) God.
2. "...and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness."( Romans 4:3b ESV)
Romans 4:3
"3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV)
Romans 4:
22😊❤, 24-25 too in Christ.
Romans 4:22-25
"22 But the words " It was counted to him" 😊❤ were not written
for his sake alone, "( Romans 4:22 ESV)
Romans 4:24-25
"24 but for ours(😊❤😊❤😊❤
😊❤ in Christ) also. It will be counted to us who believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤),
25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤."( Romans 4:23-25. God's words😊❤ are so beautiful and sweeter than honey and money too. In Jesus'name, i pray( for you to " ...believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤),
25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤." ( (Romans 4:24b-25 ESV) too). Amen.
Galatians 3:6😊❤
"6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."? "( Galatians 3:6 ESV. Amen in Christ).
Need to go back to Galatians 3:5-6
"5 Does he who supplies the Spirit😊❤ to you😊❤ and works miracles among you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤)
do so by works of
the law
by hearing with faith-
6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."?"( Galatians 3:5-6 ESV Amen.)
James 2 :23😊❤
"23 and the Scriptures was fulfilled that says,
" Abraham😊❤ believed( trusted😊❤) God(😊100%❤), and it was counted😊❤(credited😊❤) to him( Abraham😊❤) as righteousness"- and he was called a friend😊❤ of God(😊100%❤)."( James 2:23 ESV Amen.)
John 1:12-13😊❤
"12 But to all who did receive him who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) of God,
13 who were born,
not of blood
nor of the will of the flesh
nor( not) of the will of man, but😊❤ of God( 😊100%❤)."( John 1:12-13 ESV)
Under by faith( Hebrews 11:1-11( by faith( trust) in Christ.
Hebrews 11:1😊❤)
"11 Now faith( trust😊❤)
is assurance😊❤
of things hope😊❤ for,
the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV)
For example, we do not see God or Jesus physically face to face yet
but it doesn't he doesn't love us because He does love us, who put our trust, in Him. In Jesus'name, i pray( God😊100%❤
our Father in heaven and Jesus(😊1st❤)
our savior in Christ and the Holy Spirit (😊❤)
our helper in Christ Jesus😊1st ❤too in Christ. So help us God like Abraham trusted( trust) in You ( the Lord God) in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen.
John 14:6❤😊
" 6 Jesus answered,
" I am
the way ❤😊
the truth ❤😊
the life😊❤.
No one
to the Father( God😊100%❤
, our Father in heaven )
through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
Hebrews 11:1-40( by faith😊❤
) Genesis 15:1-20
covenant❤ with Abram😊❤
Genesis 15:1-11
"15 After things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: " Fear not Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great."
2 But Abram said,." O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Demascus? "
3 And Abram said," Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir."
4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: " This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir."
5 And he brought him outside and said, " Look toward heaven, and number of stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, " So shall your offspring be.
6 And he believed( trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤.
7 And he(the Lord God😊❤)
said to him( Abram😊❤), " I am the LORD who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to posses."
8 But he said,
" O LORD God😊❤, how am I to know that I shall posses it? "
9 He( the LORD God😊❤)
said ❤ to him( Abram😊❤),
" Bring me a heifer three year old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
10 And he( Abram) bought him( the Lord God😊❤) all these, cut them in half, and laid each half over against the other. But he did not cut the birds in half.
11 And when birds of prey came down on the carcasses, Abram😊❤ drove them away."( Genesis 15:1-11 ESV)
In Genesis 15:6,
"6 And he believed(trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤."(Genesis 15:6 ESV)
ESV said, "This key verse in Genesis is quoted in four times in the NT (New Testament)(Romans 4:3; Romans 4:
22; Galatians 3:6; James 2 :23( will open them later in Christ ). Faith😊❤
in God(😊100%❤) is something that everyone in the Bible was to expected to exercise. "( ESV) ( Have you also exercise our faith ❤
in God😊❤ and trust in Jesus😊1st❤ today? )
" It entails trust in or confident reliance on God (... John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) based on the truthfulness of his words, and it will lead to obeying his commands."(ESV)
Pause. Back to New Testament Scriptures in Christ😊❤ on Romans 4:3😊❤
; Romans 4:
Galatians 3:6😊❤;
James 2 :23😊❤
;John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) in Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤) for you( trust in Jesus too😊❤ or believe (trust) in God and Abram had trusted in God for that it was credited to him or "counted it to him as righteousness" becauese he believed the LORD(Lord God or so today we in Christ also by faith( trust) in our Lord, Jesus by faith( trust) or trust in God too in Christ because we trust Him just like Genesis 15:6 "6And he believed( trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤."( ESV ) lead to
Romans 4:3😊❤
; Romans 4:
Galatians 3:6😊❤;
James 2 :23😊❤
;John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) . In Jesus'name, i pray(John 14:6)
. Amen.
Romans 4:3😊❤
"3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham( Abram later became Abraham) believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV , do you want credit to Abraham or Abram mean right? Because He trusted God first and then it was counted to him ( or credited to him in modern language) as righetousness.
Abram( Abraham)
1. AbrahamTrusted ( believed) God.
2. "...and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness."( Romans 4:3b ESV)
Romans 4:3
"3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV)
Romans 4:
22😊❤, 24-25 too in Christ.
Romans 4:22-25
"22 But the words " It was counted to him" 😊❤ were not written
for his sake alone, "( Romans 4:22 ESV)
Romans 4:24-25
"24 but for ours(😊❤😊❤😊❤
😊❤ in Christ) also. It will be counted to us who believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤),
25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤."( Romans 4:23-25. God's words😊❤ are so beautiful and sweeter than honey and money too. In Jesus'name, i pray( for you to " ...believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤),
25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤." ( (Romans 4:24b-25 ESV) too). Amen.
Galatians 3:6😊❤
"6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."? "( Galatians 3:6 ESV. Amen in Christ).
Need to go back to Galatians 3:5-6
"5 Does he who supplies the Spirit😊❤ to you😊❤ and works miracles among you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤)
do so by works of
the law
by hearing with faith-
6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."?"( Galatians 3:5-6 ESV Amen.)
James 2 :23😊❤
"23 and the Scriptures was fulfilled that says,
" Abraham😊❤ believed( trusted😊❤) God(😊100%❤), and it was counted😊❤(credited😊❤) to him( Abraham😊❤) as righteousness"- and he was called a friend😊❤ of God(😊100%❤)."( James 2:23 ESV Amen.)
John 1:12-13😊❤
"12 But to all who did receive him who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) of God,
13 who were born,
not of blood
nor of the will of the flesh
nor( not) of the will of man, but😊❤ of God( 😊100%❤)."( John 1:12-13 ESV)
Under by faith( Hebrews 11:1-11( by faith( trust) in Christ.
Hebrews 11:1😊❤)
"11 Now faith( trust😊❤)
is assurance😊❤
of things hope😊❤ for,
the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV)
For example, we do not see God or Jesus physically face to face yet
but it doesn't he doesn't love us because He does love us, who put our trust, in Him. In Jesus'name, i pray( God😊100%❤
our Father in heaven and Jesus(😊1st❤)
our savior in Christ and the Holy Spirit (😊❤)
our helper in Christ Jesus😊1st ❤too in Christ. So help us God like Abraham trusted( trust) in You ( the Lord God) in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen.
John 14:6❤😊
" 6 Jesus answered,
" I am
the way ❤😊
the truth ❤😊
the life😊❤.
No one
to the Father( God😊100%❤
, our Father in heaven )
through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
In my hand ESV Bible in Christ , it said,
" A person's faith or lack of it is most apparent in crisis such as Abram( later called Abraham) was facing. He believed God ( trusted😊❤😊❤ God(😊100%❤). Pause in Christ just
decoding language to us in Christ so that anyone can understand God's words too in Christ by His grace( Ephesians 2:8😊❤
In Jesus'name, i pray(😊❤) Amen)
Again " He( Abraham😊❤) trusted God( 😊100%❤) would give him a son despite many years of childlessness."( EESV).
" ...Counted... as righteousness"( Genesis 15:6B ESV)
" Righteousness" is the fundamental OT(Old Testament) virtue characterized by godly life lived in confirmity with the law.
It is the righteous who 😊❤
enjoy😊❤ God's😊❤ favor😊❤. Here the narrator underlines the significance of faith😊❤( trust in God(😊100%❤) and trust in Jesus (😊1st❤) to me too in Christ), in that before Abram has proved himself righteous😊❤
by his deeds, he is counted( that is, regarded) as righteous because of his faith( trust in God 😊100%❤)."( ESV)
Hebrews 11:1😊❤)
"11 Now faith( trust😊❤)
is assurance😊❤
of things hope😊❤ for,
the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV)
For examples, you did not see me in person, doesn't mean i do not love you all with a pure heart ( Matthew 5:8 " Blessed😊❤
are the pure😊❤
in heart❤
, for they will see God(😊100%❤)."( Matthew 5:8 ESV.
Do you also see God or God's words today too in Christ in Matthew 5:8 too?).
Hebrews 11:1😊❤)
"11 Now faith( trust😊❤)
is assurance😊❤
of things hope😊❤ for,
the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV)
John 14:6❤😊
" 6 Jesus answered,
" I am
the way ❤😊
the truth ❤😊
the life😊❤.
No one
to the Father( God😊100%❤
, our Father in heaven )
through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
There will be 2 destructive earthquakes in Alaska ( 7.6 and 7.3), and we are to witness destruction of Damascus. After that children will go missing. It will be Jesus who is coming with promised redemption! After few hours He will also take his believers! Our God has revealed all those details to his prophets right now ! Gvernments will explain it away with UFO. Now you have been told in advance, so do not be deceived.
Only God knows the future. Jesus loves you, accept him as your Saviour, and escape what's to come. We are in the last pages of the Bible now. What saves us is the faith that Jesus bled and died on the cross for our sins and he was resurrected three days later.Believe in what he has done for us with the full heart, confess your sins to him, and pray, build a relation with him. Ask him to come into your heart. It is God's grace that saves you. It's nothing that you can do but what he has done for us. No works required.
Romans 4:3😊❤
Romans 4:22😊❤
Galatians 3:6😊❤
James 2:23😊❤
John 1:12-13😊❤
Hebrews 11:1😊❤1-3😊❤
Romans 3:23😊❤
Romans 5:8😊❤
Ephesians 2:8😊❤
Romans 10:9😊❤
Acts 16:31😊❤
Hebrews 11:1-40( by faith😊❤
) Genesis 15:1-20
covenant❤ with Abram😊❤
Genesis 15:1-11
"15 After things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: " Fear not Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great."
2 But Abram said,." O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Demascus? "
3 And Abram said," Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir."
4 And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: " This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir."
5 And he brought him outside and said, " Look toward heaven, and number of stars, if you are able to number them." Then he said to him, " So shall your offspring be.
6 And he believed( trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤.
7 And he(the Lord God😊❤)
said to him( Abram😊❤), " I am the LORD who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to posses."
8 But he said,
" O LORD God😊❤, how am I to know that I shall posses it? "
9 He( the LORD God😊❤)
said ❤ to him( Abram😊❤),
" Bring me a heifer three year old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.
10 And he( Abram) bought him( the Lord God😊❤) all these, cut them in half, and laid each half over against the other. But he did not cut the birds in half.
11 And when birds of prey came down on the carcasses, Abram😊❤ drove them away."( Genesis 15:1-11 ESV)
In Genesis 15:6,
"6 And he believed(trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤."(Genesis 15:6 ESV)
ESV said, "This key verse in Genesis is quoted in four times in the NT (New Testament)(Romans 4:3; Romans 4:
22; Galatians 3:6; James 2 :23( will open them later in Christ ). Faith😊❤
in God(😊100%❤) is something that everyone in the Bible was to expected to exercise. "( ESV) ( Have you also exercise our faith ❤
in God😊❤ and trust in Jesus😊1st❤ today? )
" It entails trust in or confident reliance on God (... John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) based on the truthfulness of his words, and it will lead to obeying his commands."(ESV)
Pause. Back to New Testament Scriptures in Christ😊❤ on Romans 4:3😊❤
; Romans 4:
Galatians 3:6😊❤;
James 2 :23😊❤
;John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) in Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤) for you( trust in Jesus too😊❤ or believe (trust) in God and Abram had trusted in God for that it was credited to him or "counted it to him as righteousness" becauese he believed the LORD(Lord God or so today we in Christ also by faith( trust) in our Lord, Jesus by faith( trust) or trust in God too in Christ because we trust Him just like Genesis 15:6 "6And he believed( trusted
😊❤) the LORD, and he counted
to him😊❤
as rightousness 😊❤."( ESV ) lead to
Romans 4:3😊❤
; Romans 4:
Galatians 3:6😊❤;
James 2 :23😊❤
;John 1:12-13😊❤
; Hebrews 11:1😊❤) . In Jesus'name, i pray(John 14:6)
. Amen.
Romans 4:3😊❤
"3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham( Abram later became Abraham) believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV , do you want credit to Abraham or Abram mean right? Because He trusted God first and then it was counted to him ( or credited to him in modern language) as righetousness.
Abram( Abraham)
1. AbrahamTrusted ( believed) God.
2. "...and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness."( Romans 4:3b ESV)
Romans 4:3
"3 For what does the Scriptures say? " Abraham believed( trusted) God, and it was counted to him( or credited to him ) as righteoussness. "( Romans 4:3 ESV)
Romans 4:
22😊❤, 24-25 too in Christ.
Romans 4:22-25
"22 But the words " It was counted to him" 😊❤ were not written
for his sake alone, "( Romans 4:22 ESV)
Romans 4:24-25
"24 but for ours(😊❤😊❤😊❤
😊❤ in Christ) also. It will be counted to us who believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤),
25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤."( Romans 4:23-25. God's words😊❤ are so beautiful and sweeter than honey and money too. In Jesus'name, i pray( for you to " ...believe in him( Jesus😊1st❤) who raised from the dead Jesus( Jesus😊1st❤),
25 who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification😊❤." ( (Romans 4:24b-25 ESV) too). Amen.
Galatians 3:6😊❤
"6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."? "( Galatians 3:6 ESV. Amen in Christ).
Need to go back to Galatians 3:5-6
"5 Does he who supplies the Spirit😊❤ to you😊❤ and works miracles among you(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤)
do so by works of
the law
by hearing with faith-
6 just as Abraham(😊❤) " believed God( 😊100%❤), and it was counted ( credited) to him as righteousness😊❤."?"( Galatians 3:5-6 ESV Amen.)
James 2 :23😊❤
"23 and the Scriptures was fulfilled that says,
" Abraham😊❤ believed( trusted😊❤) God(😊100%❤), and it was counted😊❤(credited😊❤) to him( Abraham😊❤) as righteousness"- and he was called a friend😊❤ of God(😊100%❤)."( James 2:23 ESV Amen.)
John 1:12-13😊❤
"12 But to all who did receive him who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children(😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤) of God,
13 who were born,
not of blood
nor of the will of the flesh
nor( not) of the will of man, but😊❤ of God( 😊100%❤)."( John 1:12-13 ESV)
Under by faith( Hebrews 11:1-11( by faith( trust) in Christ.
Hebrews 11:1😊❤)
"11 Now faith( trust😊❤)
is assurance😊❤
of things hope😊❤ for,
the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV)
For example, we do not see God or Jesus physically face to face yet
but it doesn't he doesn't love us because He does love us, who put our trust, in Him. In Jesus'name, i pray( God😊100%❤
our Father in heaven and Jesus(😊1st❤)
our savior in Christ and the Holy Spirit (😊❤)
our helper in Christ Jesus😊1st ❤too in Christ. So help us God like Abraham trusted( trust) in You ( the Lord God) in Christ. In Jesus'name, i pray( John 14:6😊❤). Amen.
John 14:6❤😊
" 6 Jesus answered,
" I am
the way ❤😊
the truth ❤😊
the life😊❤.
No one
to the Father( God😊100%❤
, our Father in heaven )
through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
In my hand ESV Bible in Christ , it said,
" A person's faith or lack of it is most apparent in crisis such as Abram( later called Abraham) was facing. He believed God ( trusted😊❤😊❤ God(😊100%❤). Pause in Christ just
decoding language to us in Christ so that anyone can understand God's words too in Christ by His grace( Ephesians 2:8😊❤
In Jesus'name, i pray(😊❤) Amen)
Again " He( Abraham😊❤) trusted God( 😊100%❤) would give him a son despite many years of childlessness."( EESV).
" ...Counted... as righteousness"( Genesis 15:6B ESV)
" Righteousness" is the fundamental OT(Old Testament) virtue characterized by godly life lived in confirmity with the law.
It is the righteous who 😊❤
enjoy😊❤ God's😊❤ favor😊❤. Here the narrator underlines the significance of faith😊❤( trust in God(😊100%❤) and trust in Jesus (😊1st❤) to me too in Christ), in that before Abram has proved himself righteous😊❤
by his deeds, he is counted( that is, regarded) as righteous because of his faith( trust in God 😊100%❤)."( ESV)
Hebrews 11:1😊❤)
"11 Now faith( trust😊❤)
is assurance😊❤
of things hope😊❤ for,
the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV)
For examples, you did not see me in person, doesn't mean i do not love you all with a pure heart ( Matthew 5:8 " Blessed😊❤
are the pure😊❤
in heart❤
, for they will see God(😊100%❤)."( Matthew 5:8 ESV.
Do you also see God or God's words today too in Christ in Matthew 5:8 too?).
Hebrews 11:1😊❤)
"11 Now faith( trust😊❤)
is assurance😊❤
of things hope😊❤ for,
the conviction😊❤ thing not seen."( Hebrews 11:1 ESV)
John 14:6❤😊
" 6 Jesus answered,
" I am
the way ❤😊
the truth ❤😊
the life😊❤.
No one
to the Father( God😊100%❤
, our Father in heaven )
through me."( John 14:6😊❤ Zondervan NIV Study Bible.Amen.). Amen.
Genesis 15:12-21
"12 As the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell on Abram. On behold, dreadful and great darkness fell upon him.
13 Then the LORD said to Abram, " Know for certain that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not their and will be servants there, and they will be afflicated for four hundred years.
14 But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall come out with great possessions.
15 As for you, you shall go to youe fathers in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age.
16 And they shall come back here in the fourth generation, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete."
17 When the sun had gone down and it was dark, behold, a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch passed between these pieces.
18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying,
" To Your Offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates,
19 the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites,
20 the Hittites,
the Perizzites, the Rephaim,
21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites and
the Jebusites."( Genesis 15:12-21 ESV)
Philippians 2:1-11( Christ(Jesus😊1st❤)
's example of humility😊❤
"2 So if there is any encouragment(❤)
in Christ, any comfort(😊❤)
from love(❤)
, any participation(❤)
in the Spirit(❤)
, any affection(❤)
and sympathy(❤)
2 Complete my joy😊❤
by being of the same mind😊❤
having the same love😊❤
, being
in full accord😊❤ and one mind😊❤.
3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit,
but in humility😊❤ count others more significant than yourselves.
4 Let each of you😊❤ look not only to his own interests
, but😊❤
also to the interests 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤
of others😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤
5 Have this( one) mind😊❤ among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus(😊1st❤).
6 who, though he was in the form of God(😊1st❤) of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
7 but(😊❤) emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,
being born in the likeness of men.
8 And
being found
in human form, he( Jesus😊1st❤) humbled himself
by becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross.
9 Therefore(😊❤) God( 😊100%❤) has highly exalted him( Jesus😊1st❤) and bestowed on him( Jesus😊1st❤) the name that is above every name,
10 so that the name of Jesus(😊1st❤).
every knees should bow, in heaven(😊❤) and
on earth(😊❤) and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess(😊❤) that Jesus(😊1st❤) Christ is Lord(Jesus😊1st❤), to the glory😊❤ of God(😊100%❤) the Father( in heaven😊❤)."( Philippians 2:1-11 ESV)
Matthew 5:27-30(Lust)
" 27 " You have heard that it was said, " You shall not commit adultery.'
28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already commited adultery with her in his heart.
29 If your right eye cause you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.
30 And if your right hand cause you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it it better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell. "( Matthew 5:27-31 ESV Amen to what Jesus😊1st❤said in Christ.)
In Jesus'name, i pray for you( Ephesians 5:22-33( Wives and Husbands)😊❤. In Jesus'name, i pray( Ephesians 6:1-4😊❤; Ephesians 6:10-20(The Whole Armor😊❤
of God(😊100%❤
) and 1 John 4:18❤-19😊❤ and Philippians 4:4😊-7😊❤).
. Amen.