Catholic For A Reason --The Present Reality

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • The real presence....Presence always describes a relationship between people. Is it true that we are always present to God? Is it also true that God is always present to us, physically? Yes. He is always present to us by His infinity, and physically, because the reality of God is always affecting or influencing us. We become aware of Jesus being here and respond to that presence...

Комментарии • 18

  • @angelamwatts
    @angelamwatts 13 лет назад

    May He be praised, worshiped and adored in all the tabernacles of the world until the end of time. Catholic forever!!!! God bless

  • @willthacheerleader18
    @willthacheerleader18 13 лет назад

    beautiful video! The Eucharist is the Most Blessed Sacrament.

  • @hiswife2002
    @hiswife2002 13 лет назад

    Excellent video, steve, and perfectly on the usual!
    Bless you for speaking the truth, my brother :)

  • @mapollo
    @mapollo 13 лет назад

    "The reality of the Eucharist"
    Nicely said, Steve.
    Pace e bene.

  • @DudeSociety
    @DudeSociety 13 лет назад


  • @36maxkolbe
    @36maxkolbe 13 лет назад

    In the Gospel of St. John, when Jesus talked about eating His Flesh & Drinking His Blood. Many disciples walked away, because they could not understand Jesus's teachings. Still even today many Christians walk away, because they do not understand this teaching this command. It is hard for protestants to see this & even some Catholics. However it is taught by Christ Himself. The Eucharist is the the true core of the Church & Christian faith.

  • @andrewduartesr
    @andrewduartesr 13 лет назад

    Hello everyone, if we all take a minute and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us before we speak to each other we will find that, He will guide us with His divine hand to the truth. And all this hate in the form of "correction" shall be revealed for what it is. Pray that this be so................... Amen

  • @xxFairestxx
    @xxFairestxx 13 лет назад

    @stevesilvia I couldn't have said it any better.

  • @farsight001
    @farsight001 13 лет назад

    @jotyod How exactly does that make your point? I didn't say he wasn't literally present. Nor did I imply it. I said that his presence in the bread and wine is not the same as having two arms and two legs, etc. His body and blood is present, just not "in like manner" as with two arms, two legs, etc. How you got that out of what I said, frankly, I have no idea.

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад

    @stinkygeorgia1, now you are talking about a different subject. John 6: 53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. As you can see, Jesus commanded this, for "eternal life"... That is our belief. If it is too hard for you to believe.....

  • @asaltarumugam
    @asaltarumugam 13 лет назад

    @stinkygeorgia1 first of all, the eucharist which priest holds is not wafer, its the body of christ and bowing is the act of veneration,,, showing respect to the lord, the jesus himself,,

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад

    @stinkygeorgia1 what we do is follow the command of Jesus...."Do this in memory of me" Your judgmental comments reveal your lack of any bible education. Your statement "They see the physical, not the spiritual; due to the lack of knowledge - that is, the lack of the Holy Spirit." shows you don't understand what our Faith is about.... Ask, and we will teach you. Your statement "So, they are "condemned already" because they have not "believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." is wrong

  • @stevesilvia
    @stevesilvia  13 лет назад

    @stinkygeorgia1 since Jesus commanded that we do this, your remark shows that you don't understand what Jesus said....

  • @farsight001
    @farsight001 13 лет назад

    @jotyod You should read what you write before you post it. You said yourself that Jesus is supposed to return in like manner. His presence in the form of bread and wine is in no way in like manner to two arms, two legs, etc.
    It is also not a daily returning or resacrificing. He is always present. He may have ascended to heaven, but he never truly left us. Pity for those who think he has.
    You really should understand our faith before you try to ciriticize it. You just look silly otherwise.