r/ProRevenge | My GIRLFRIEND'S CRAZY COFFEE REVENGE! - Reddit Stories

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 73

  • @starcachehq
    @starcachehq 2 года назад +12

    The cops (having been with the PD for a few years) would have done nothing about it. There's no way to prove that the person at the address or the phone number given was actually the person who did it (there is a difference betwren what YOU think is proof and what a jury thinks is proof). The most they'd do is go do a knock and hope the person confesses but then it would just end there and become a cold case.

  • @hovis62
    @hovis62 2 года назад +6

    1st story: I really hope this doesn't come back to bite OP...
    2nd story: I'm sure DHS/CPS would appreciate recordings of the Karen yelling at her kids.
    3rd story: making a Karen uncomfortable for a few hours is my kind of petty!
    4th story: I'm glad the cats are okay and re-homed.
    5th story: That granny is just my kind of petty as well! Love her spiteful spunk, and congrats to OP for scoring what you wanted! 😆
    6th story: I hope he's at the block party so all the neighbors might learn he's a sneakthief!
    7th story: I love hearing when parents protect their child's interest in school.
    8th story: Biological warfare against management which I could get behind! KNo pun intended, LOL)
    9th story: "Don't burn bridges unnecessarily. "
    10th story: some charity thrift stores unfortunately do accept unsullied underwear (not that I've ever considered picking them up while shopping)...
    11th story: proper petty revenge FTW!
    12th story: hilarious WiFi story, I've no sympathy for those Karens (Kevins?) trying to squeeze extra amenities from beyond their rental.
    Last story: I love the anti-woke movement. Not to disparage people's preferences in their own life, but don't expect our language to change because of your unacceptance of other's preferred language, barring insults. This wasn't an insult to HIS GIRLFRIEND, just a statement of fact. What a bitchy Karen of a barista.

  • @ambriasaunders1869
    @ambriasaunders1869 2 года назад

    Screaming at kids like that is 100% abuse. OP should absolutely report it.

  • @barrygray5227
    @barrygray5227 2 года назад +1

    Story 11: There are often people in massive financial straights (2 mortgages by freak coincidence etc...) who may loose both houses if something doesn't happen quickly.
    That's who these people were after, I can see it as a lopsided deal, but still a deal where everyone wins.
    But it is definately predatory and I'm glad op did something

  • @BlueSkyBS
    @BlueSkyBS 2 года назад +5

    Story 13: Precious, small-minded imbeciles who impose their pedantic, small-minded ideas onto other people deserve the ridicule and petty vindictiveness that their behaviour draws out of others.

  • @G-y_m
    @G-y_m 2 года назад +2

    Story 13 I'm glad OP loves me but he's not my type

  • @Icalasari
    @Icalasari 2 года назад +1

    Last Story - That wasn't that complicated. I could have come up with a FAR worse one to make that person suffer

  • @Silverserri
    @Silverserri 2 года назад

    Story 10: That barista had zero right or privilege to correct OP on what to call their girlfriend. Any cat owner can tell you that the box you climb into by choice is infinitely better than the one you are forced into. If one half of the pair calls her "girlfriend," you do NOT butt your nose in and tell them to say "partner." The other half can make the correction if they bloody well want to.

  • @StaitlyNatters
    @StaitlyNatters 2 года назад +3

    Where I live in Australia we pay anywhere between $8 and $15 per load, that being a 15kg machine. So a quick conversion roughly $5.50 usd to $10 usd. The use of a dryer is just as variable, from $2 aud per 5 minutes to $5 aud per 5 minutes. So yes expensive here.

  • @deeperthings
    @deeperthings 2 года назад

    BUCKET!? "It's Bouquet, dear. It's Bouquet."

  • @Guyonnn
    @Guyonnn Год назад

    Laundry story: to answer op’s question, yes, of course charities take undergarments. They do wash them. Op has clearly never been to a goodwill or Salvation Army (where I do all my clothes shopping😂)

  • @Icalasari
    @Icalasari 2 года назад

    1:50 - You'd be surprised how little shits cops can give

  • @josephinenelan4204
    @josephinenelan4204 2 года назад +3

    Story 1: No, depending where you live they do not care. I was in line to report a theft behind someone reporting an active robbery at his small business where his wife on the phone was, I guess giving live updates from what I could hear. The cop behind the counter just made the report, and someone higher up saw the printed report after the business owner left and asked if the desk jockey sent anyone.
    "Why didn't you send... Sh*t is he still out there!?" as the higher up ran outside.
    This is forever burned in my mind just how much they don't care.
    These reports are purely for insurance claims, and if you find your own stolen stuff, they'll right you off, like what happened to my husband 2x (stolen car parts and cellphone) because, he found his stuff. No charges, accidentally writing things as "lost" so then "we can't press charges because it was inputted as lost and not stolen". What!?

  • @mainegardenguy703
    @mainegardenguy703 2 года назад

    Reclining the seat makes about 2% difference. It doesn't matter....

  • @pantseatme
    @pantseatme 2 года назад

    Last story, when I heard the girlfriend's name, my mind imagined that this was going to be like that scene from Rush Hour 3 with the 2 guys named Yu and Mi.

  • @mpmansell
    @mpmansell 2 года назад

    Coffee shop. Even after that I'd have made very very public formal complaints and reviews about the incident. Among other things,that ahole ' worker might find herself paying for a very expensive and disgusting drink from her last paycheck.

  • @snonyabeeswax
    @snonyabeeswax 2 года назад

    im guilty of skipping lines ngl XD i was usually sneaky about it mainly people that were to busy blabbing and being on thier phones to notice or care

  • @SecretHero914
    @SecretHero914 2 года назад +1

    Story one: identity theft is a crime.

  • @Link60255
    @Link60255 2 года назад +1

    Story reminds me of how my mom would want to help out, as well as my 5 siblings (I’m the youngest) but I never told her anything about what was happening, because last time, I was being bullied, told her, they got punished, and they bullied me more, so I was just taught to not say anything or else things would get worse, I am thankful that they are supportive, but there’s only so much that can do

  • @SALshaNoma
    @SALshaNoma 2 года назад

    So she thinks about ditching you in line for the plan but you stop her then you proceed to be rude the whole flight yet you're trying to say that she's the Karen? Yeah, no. Pointlessly moving into being petty makes you a bigger AH then she ever was.

  • @gamingfrompixelone3070
    @gamingfrompixelone3070 2 года назад +1

    Story 7 reminds me of my mother telling a teacher off for calling me a drama queen after beening our form tutor (homeroom teacher) for less then a month. My mam said get to know her and you will see the bullying is that bad teacher apologied next parents evening

  • @dennispalavicini4447
    @dennispalavicini4447 2 года назад +1

    Depending on where you live the first story might be considered identity theft

  • @tiffanykendall6137
    @tiffanykendall6137 2 года назад +5

    Story 7 reminds me of my mom. I once got in trouble for defending myself from a boy who was bullying me. I had waist length hair, and he pulled it so hard he ripped a handful of hair out of my head. We both got suspended for fighting, but because my nails drew blood I had to be suspended for longer. My mom was super upset about it, since the boy started it. Well she got it so that I could still turn in my homework for credit. When she went in to get my work, they didn't have it ready yet, which ended up making my mom late for work. The principal called my mom to apologize, and I've literally never heard my mom use more swear words in my life. This happened 20 years ago. Lol

  • @suzieseabee
    @suzieseabee 2 года назад +1

    When someone reclines their seat into my lap I start playing with their hair.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 2 года назад +1

    Yelling at kids story: Yeah, I don't think playing loud, off-tune music is the way to go. That not only annoys the person your want to annoy, but every other neighbor within hearing. A simple recording of a few days of your neighbor yelling at her kids sent along with a complaint to CPS/police should do the trick. As long as the neighbor doesn't know where the complaint came from, that is.
    Mom's death story: While I think "S" got what he deserved, my only question is what was done with your mother's cats? I hope you didn't leave them to your father's mercies!
    Math booklet story: There are extremely few legitimate reasons for a teacher to yell at a student (such as yelling at them while the student is beating on someone), but literally no excuse to yell to simply berate a student for not getting schoolwork done.
    Laundry story: Maybe I am/was a bit paranoid about such things, but whenever I did laundry at the laundry facility at a company terminal or truck stop, I brought a chair into the laundry room and stayed with my laundry and read a book or played on my phone. My laundry did not get messed with. It seems an obvious solution to me. But what I want to know is how this person expected to get their clothes back?
    Wifi story: So how much more time did they waste waiting for a "repairman"?
    Coffee shop story: DO NOT attempt to correct other peoples speech unless YOU are the person being referred to! You have absolutely no idea how tolerant other people are of that. If someone wants to be referred to in a certain way, THEY will let their SO/friends know that and it's no one else's business! Personally, if it had been me in OP's place, I would have had no trouble telling that person they are being rude for trying to correct me and to MYOB! And possibly complained to the manager.

  • @cashcow6418
    @cashcow6418 2 года назад

    thanks for the story

  • @majorkilljoy
    @majorkilljoy 2 года назад

    The one about the woman screaming at her kids every day, if their local social services are anything like mine they ain't going to fk all. Told them my neighbour threatened to beat his kids, always calling them fking idiots, stupid, fk this, fk that, and all social services could say was "we can't do anything because they're not on our radar" or "keep letting us know what's going on and we'll see what support we can give". Yet they took mine and my wife's kids just because I'm autistic and she's physically disabled

  • @Evolution1101
    @Evolution1101 2 года назад +6

    30:53 Yeah, I agree. It's almost as ridiculous as insisting someone is transphobic for not wanting to date a trans person.

    • @indiashante1560
      @indiashante1560 2 года назад +1

      It's freakin weird. If someone basically says I don't want to date you and any capacity what does anyone get out of trying to force them to be interested?

  • @qnkendra1523
    @qnkendra1523 2 года назад

    LMAO my boyfriend has a bottom neighbor (apartments) who gets drunk and cranks his music. To explain how bad it is he is cranking easy listening ballad type music so hard that the floor vibrates. He does however turn it down with either a single stomp or knock now. Why? Apparently he's not a fan of The Hu listened to at loud but not too loud volume and me stomping the beat. Hehe my early years with a friend who danced at her tribe's celebrations is a gift that keeps on giving.

  • @davidlane256
    @davidlane256 2 года назад +1

    If you like the flowers, take pictures, not the flowers.

  • @andreasbernardi3654
    @andreasbernardi3654 2 года назад

    told my kid to stand up, defense and fight for themselves from bully(student, teacher or school, anyone).
    any problem they have from the school and teachers because of it, it's MY PROBLEM.

  • @GreatQuestionFran
    @GreatQuestionFran 2 года назад +3

    Story 13: I'm sorry what. How is referring to your girlfriend offensive? Like you're trying to assume her gender or something. Some people try too hard to be woke and stir conflict.
    For the record people are allowed to call each other whatever they personally agree on. I call my best friend BITCH because they like it, they call me Jerk or Jackass in return.

    • @jonnypena7651
      @jonnypena7651 2 года назад +1

      Cristal generation is a real thing, they aren't a lot but they make s lot of noise.

    • @360entertainment2
      @360entertainment2 2 года назад

      I think part of the reason the woke movement has been fizzling is because a lot of the more deranged woke folks, Karen’s in their own right, have been using it to bully folks. Now they don’t see it as bullying, to them they’re “doing the right thing”, but a lot of bullies don’t see they’re bullying as bullying. I get it though, people want to be treated right and that includes pronouns and what not but trying to force someone to believe what you believe while acting antagonistically never works, it just makes others double down on their own behaviors!

  • @celestiafanforever
    @celestiafanforever 2 года назад

    back when I was in middle school, year being 2012, I was in 6th grade and was dealing with bullying. My parents are the type that you don't want to anger or piss off, especially if it came to me or my siblings. My dad threatened to sue the schoolboard and my mom thought I would do the unthinkable, which I never did. fast forward to high school I was get sprayed with perfume, I hate that stuff, and just start crying was still crying by the time I got off the bus with my sister who told our dad what happened. We got home and he got on the phone with our school, I got to stay home from school the next day cause my dad told the principal that I would not be at school.
    so story 7 I can relate to cause of my own parents.

  • @namenloses95
    @namenloses95 2 года назад +1

    It is pronounced "Bouquet"!

  • @MrBoricua10
    @MrBoricua10 2 года назад

    It's not Bucket. It's Bouquet.

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 2 года назад

    Good morning. Thanks for the stories. Lots of hacking lately especially on FB. Have a great day

    • @Ryanthusar
      @Ryanthusar 2 года назад

      What hacking on FB? You mean getting posts from people's messages, that was a glitch on FB's side.

    • @dorothylloyd1804
      @dorothylloyd1804 2 года назад

      @@Ryanthusar No, and it may be that cloned is a better word.

  • @delmaplain5358
    @delmaplain5358 2 года назад

    Only one question, what happened to the cats?

    • @SALshaNoma
      @SALshaNoma 2 года назад

      It said in a follow up that they were rehomed and happy. I was worried too.

  • @bryncormack
    @bryncormack 2 года назад

    Screen says no stream tap to retry

  • @geraldgrenier8132
    @geraldgrenier8132 2 года назад +1

    Girlfriend vs Partneter sorry there is diffrence. not everyone you date reaches "partner" level as it short for "life partner" it for someone pe plan on sharing you life with them long term even if marriage isn't in the cards

    • @Wi-Fi-El
      @Wi-Fi-El 2 года назад +3

      Also I see nothing wrong with the words girlfriend or boyfriend. It's a term of endearment, not an insult.
      I guess it's kinda rude to call a man or woman boy or girl, but by that logic cowboy and cowgirl would also be rude names

    • @suraangel6956
      @suraangel6956 2 года назад +1

      yeah that person was really overstepping

  • @speetdragon
    @speetdragon 2 года назад

    Story 5 I a karmaravance?

  • @dvoz9023
    @dvoz9023 2 года назад

    Are you recording this in a tunnel? It very echoes.

  • @tiffany6341
    @tiffany6341 2 года назад


  • @snonyabeeswax
    @snonyabeeswax 2 года назад

    wtf dude whats wrong with people i will never underatand why other try to mix thier clothes into someone elses

  • @JuanRodriguez-tf7fh
    @JuanRodriguez-tf7fh 2 года назад

    Not pro revenge

  • @delmaplain5358
    @delmaplain5358 2 года назад

    This is verbal/emotional abuse. Please record and report to CPS!

  • @sussnoo4081
    @sussnoo4081 2 года назад

    No adio

    • @joeschmo622
      @joeschmo622 2 года назад

      i have adio

    • @sussnoo4081
      @sussnoo4081 2 года назад

      @@joeschmo622 there's it goes

    • @joeschmo622
      @joeschmo622 2 года назад

      @@sussnoo4081 see it works 💯

    • @sussnoo4081
      @sussnoo4081 2 года назад

      @@joeschmo622 it was probably my phone

    • @joeschmo622
      @joeschmo622 2 года назад

      @@sussnoo4081 okay i use computer

  • @universemadeofcreativity5820
    @universemadeofcreativity5820 2 года назад

    the last story i think i can possibly see why the person why was not about gender terms of girlfriend & boyfriend
    but it's one thing to say your opinion & actually the coffee was in their possible rights when giving a their opinion
    the first time but don't force your opinions on other people then your giving people the right to act the same ways to
    you unless your willing to deal with it now i'm not against using the word partner i'm a lesbian yes i wouldn't mind
    calling my future girlfriend also my partner & also my Girlfriend prefers being called my partner depending were are
    in the world not all places are friendly to none girl & boy relationships or the traditional ones that are born that way
    but not the main point yes partner is gender less way for a couple but still it doesn't mean you should force your
    opinion on others or be rude the first 1. is one thing i guess but just telling the boyfriend down right his seriously
    rude to mate i guess would be only other none rude way of putting it i guess could be even more rude in other way

  • @Sylvander1911
    @Sylvander1911 2 года назад

    Story 3 - It's pronounced Boo kay (Brit Com fans will understand)

  • @dorothyn4457
    @dorothyn4457 2 года назад

    I had someone hack my Uber Eats account. Luckily I had the app installed on my phone as that's how I was alerted. I'm in Orlando and they ordered pizza in Brooklyn. They changed the email address on my account as well but was able to get back in somehow. Uber Eats credited me back right away. I emailed the pizza place in Brooklyn to alert them of fraud and he was amazed someone would hack Uber Eats account. He was very nice and told me to stop by if I'm ever in Brooklyn. 🙂