Wayne LaPierre Speaks in Favor of Universal Background Checks

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2013
  • In sworn testimony before the House Judiciary Crime Subcommittee on May 28, 1999, in the wake of the Columbine shootings, NRA Vice-President Wayne LaPierre speaks forcefully in favor of universal background checks.
    "Let's talk about what's reasonable, and what's not. We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory, instant, criminal background checks for every sale, at every gun show. No loopholes, anywhere, for anyone."
    Full video can be seen at: www.c-spanvideo.org/program/Co...
    LaPierre's remarks come in at 2:08 and last 11 minutes.

Комментарии • 33

  • @dj123yeah
    @dj123yeah 8 лет назад +2

    Some facts: gun industry revenues top 6 billion in 2012 (likely much more today). NRA spent $38 million helping GOP candidates in 2014.

    • @timpederson8454
      @timpederson8454 4 года назад

      38 million is a pittance compared to the Pharmas and the Education lobbying.

  • @astrofrk
    @astrofrk 11 лет назад

    Fair enough. We do have background checks at gun shows, I should know as I have purchased more than one gun at a gun show. There is no gun show loophole with licenced gun dealers. However, one can sell a gun to another without a background check and not be anywhere near a gun show, I have done so myself more than once. I knew that person very well. Criminals also sell guns to other criminals and no law will stop it.

  • @thetruthsayer1947
    @thetruthsayer1947 11 лет назад

    They should go after private sellers, its the way most criminals get their guns. Watch "How criminals get guns from gun stores"

  • @aaronsmith5600
    @aaronsmith5600 5 лет назад +1

    And this is why I have never contributed $0.01 to the NRA I recommend you finding local organizations to fight for our rights

  • @scooteristi
    @scooteristi  11 лет назад

    Read the full description for a link to the entire original hearing.

  • @astrofrk
    @astrofrk 11 лет назад

    I am talking about people with security clearences. I do have numbers and addresses, they are also my co-workers. Guns are not registered in Tennessee and shouldn't be anywhere. We have a background check but that is not registration. However, registration is being pushed nationally. Every nation that dad a registration ended up with confiscation, so hell no! You don't know how private sales work? Ever been to a yard sale?

  • @bradcrompton8095
    @bradcrompton8095 8 лет назад

    LaPierre scares the hell put of me. HE looks like the nexxt guy that hots a Post Offii9ce

  • @astrofrk
    @astrofrk 11 лет назад

    It would have been nice if you didn't cut him off, what else did he say?

  • @astrofrk
    @astrofrk 11 лет назад

    Pt2: Laws are not going to stop criminals from getting guns anymore than it stops people from buying illegal drugs. Do you think criminals are going to be stopped by background checks or registration? It never stopped them before.

  • @StarvingSound
    @StarvingSound 11 лет назад

    All these people that have committed these crazy killings have known people that knew them before as well. You think they ever thought the person would do what they did? I think it's crazy selling a gun to anybody unless you have proper paperwork so that you don't come under investigation if they commit a crime and leave it behind with you still registered to the gun. But I don't know how private sells work or how you get around that.

  • @thetruthsayer1947
    @thetruthsayer1947 11 лет назад

    Without registration there is no stopping criminals getting guns. Do you really think registration is so the government knows who own weapons when they want to sieze them? That is ludicrous in a country with over 300 million guns. Every person or gun store should be responsible for the guns they sell. Do you really believe Perry's gun store believed Steven Greenhoe purchased all those guns, many of the same make and model for his own use? They even gave him discount for bulk buying

  • @dominsu
    @dominsu 11 лет назад

    While the NICS is applicable to sales from federally licensed dealers, sales of firearms by private sellers are allowed to proceed without a background check unless required by state law. It is you who is wrong. If a criminal cannot pass a background check, what incentive is there to not mandate a background check on every sale? Most gun crimes are committed with guns bought legally, and an awful lot of those guns are bought without a background check.
    Tool for the gun manufacturing industry.

  • @astrofrk
    @astrofrk 11 лет назад

    Fair enough, I did. It sounds fishy that the UK would allow 70 guns through thier airport. The guy had to be a US citizen to purchase the guns but that makes it even stranger, given UK gun laws. Most criminals steal thier guns from

  • @monsterlikegod
    @monsterlikegod 11 лет назад

    Mandatory background checks at gun shows. Yeah maybe. Between private transfers of any weapon? Absolutely not.
    That said, I doubt background checks will make any criminal stop before buying a gun from his buddy out of the back of a van..

    • @wettau
      @wettau 2 года назад

      "That said, I doubt background checks will make any criminal stop before buying a gun from his buddy out of the back of a van.."
      You really think that a criminal would rather have a black market firearms deal with another criminal than just be able to walk into a store and buy a gun? How on earth you thought that was a logical argument is beyound me.

  • @abravesrock89
    @abravesrock89 11 лет назад

    "We think it 's reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone. That means closing the Hinckley loophole so the records of those adjudicated mental ill are in the system.
    This isn 't new, or a change of position, or a concession. I've been on record on this point consistently, from our national meeting in Denver, to paid national ads and position papers, to news interviews and press appearances. " - LaPierre

  • @suzeemarie
    @suzeemarie 11 лет назад

    If someone has a gun and isn't legally eligible to own it, then it cannot have been acquired legally. A gun cannot be sold legally to a felon, and most crimes are committed by felons, so they are no sold legally. Therefor you are ignorant or a liar. Choose one.

  • @terrydothatch
    @terrydothatch 11 лет назад +1

    And almost 15 years later, after multiple states instated background checks, they were *surprise*, found to be ineffective. Him changing his position is called learning from mistakes.

    • @wettau
      @wettau 2 года назад

      Exactly the opposite. Take Missouri as an example of a state who stripped itself (with LaPierre's help) of its strict gun laws, and now sits as one of the most violent states in the country, with the city (St. Louis) with the highest homicide rate in the country.
      And of course, checking to see if a buyer of a firearm has a legal right to do so IS MORE EFFECTIVE than not doing so. Your statement makes no sense. Hopefully eight years later, you figuted that out for yourself.

    • @terrydothatch
      @terrydothatch 2 года назад

      @@wettau Correlation is not causation. I'll leave it at that.

    • @TomBVoxman
      @TomBVoxman Год назад

      There are a multitude of tired, old pro-NRA talking points, each which can be explained away with logic, facts and common-sense.
      I’m for a ban on civilians owning semiautomatic guns for the same reason I’m for a ban on civilians owning RPGs, missile launchers, armed tanks and fighter jets, and nuclear-tipped missiles.
      Because those are weapons of war designed to kill as many humans as possible very quickly.
      THIS is the reason we have mass shooters.
      All the other advanced democratic countries ALSO have mentally-ill people, violent video games, political strife, nationalists and racists, bad parenting, disillusioned bullied youths, Internet use, and anything else one might point fingers at.
      But they don’t have anything like the number of mass-shooters we have.
      The one thing they don’t have is easy access to weapons of war like semiautomatic guns.
      And they also don’t have spineless, greedy politicians who value money (from the NRA gun lobby, which they also don’t have) over the lives of children and other innocent civilians.
      And one of the laziest talking points of all is that “bad guys will always find a way to get a gun, so we shouldn’t have more gun control or more restrictions.”
      If most or all of the weaponry used in mass-shootings was obtained legally, then obviously there’s legislation that could be passed that could make it harder for “bad guys” to get guns, or there could be stricter enforcement of current laws.
      “Why don’t we ban cars, hammers, knives, etc...?” is also ridiculous. All of those things were invented and are manufactured for other purposes.
      Guns have one purpose: to kill.
      “Chicago has strict gun control and a high rate of gun violence.” Last I checked, the state authorities don’t search your vehicle when you cross state lines. Do five minutes of research about gun-running from red states to blue states and you’ll see why mentioning Chicago gun violence is absurd.
      We need universal background checks and we need a national registry.
      If you are against this, then maybe you're the kind of person who shouldn't be trusted with a gun. What are you afraid of?
      If you have nothing to hide and you are a responsible "good guy", you will have no trouble getting a gun.

  • @suzeemarie
    @suzeemarie 11 лет назад

    1) Licensed dealers doing business have to do background checks on ALL sales no matter where they are done in every state under federal law.. 2) There is no such thing as a "private dealer". Anyone who sells guns for the express purpose of making money is breaking the law unless they have a license to do so. 3) You are ignorant and should not try to inject the things you heard Obama say into actual discussion.

    • @AndiDuck
      @AndiDuck 4 года назад

      • 20% of licensed California gun dealers agreed to sell handguns to researchers posing as illegal "straw" buyers.
      Myth : We don't need more gun laws-we just need to enforce the ones we have.
      • Around 40% of all legal gun sales involve private sellers and don't require background checks. 40% of prison inmates who used guns in their crimes got them this way.
      Weak laws and loopholes backed by the gun lobby make it easier to get guns illegally.
      I noticed your comment is 6 years old, Hopefully in all that time and all the mass shooting that have followed , you have come to see the real picture

  • @brennanbennett6349
    @brennanbennett6349 8 лет назад

    To anyone who is confused by this, the title is misleading; He is not supporting universal background checks in this statement. He supports background checks at all sales at gun shows, those being guns sold by licensed firearms dealers. There is no such thing as a gun show loophole. Universal background checks would Extend background checks to private sales and transfers. This would mean that for me to let my brother or close friend borrow my shotgun to go hunting or shoot targets, we would have to drive to a gun store and have him pass a background check even though he has passed dozens before. It's a little ridiculous

    • @iwazhear77
      @iwazhear77 7 лет назад

      Brennan Bennett That is the definition of a loop hole

  • @astrofrk
    @astrofrk 11 лет назад

    Nice try but you need to look up "Hinkley Loophole". It's not about private sales at all. I can and have done private sales of guns no where near a gunshow, just like you can buy/sell anything at a yardsale. What Wayne was talking about was people with violent mental records added to the current background check system used by FFL gun dealers at gun shops and gunshows. We need to enforce the laws we already have.