Damon looks so hurt and he knew he messed up baaaaad. Bonnie really hit him where it hurts and the look on his face and his reaction says everything. Bamon has come a really long way from hating each other to Damon wanting to protect his BFF from everything.
I know, it’s why they bonded. They were hurt by someone they really trusted. They’re both very loyal people so Enzo understands what it’s like to not be appreciated. You can also see the huge difference between Damon and Enzo. Damon left and comes back and blames Enzo for what happened to Bonnie. When if he hadn’t left he would’ve be protecting her and she would’ve never got involved with Enzo. In other words he’s blaming everyone but himself. Enzo has been beating himself up for giving her those pills even though her didn’t know they would harm her. He took accountability and is doing everything he can to fix it. Off topic but it just further explains why I loved Enzo for Bonnie!
I love that crazy look Damon has when he's been caught f*cking up! Lol....When Bonnie shout "Damon!"and he looks back at her...I laugh every time I see this scene.
I know my comment is too late, but I'm glad Bonnie tells damon how she truly feels and let's be honest Enzo was there for her without any expectations from her like saving a loved one or friend. He was there for her only.
+Sweet Venom I always thought there was something gayish between the two, but if so, it is Enzo who is attracted by Damon. This could be the reason why Enzo went after Damon's mother and now has a relationship with Damon's best friend.
+Francesca “emalaith29” Armani Strangely, since Enzo first appearance he had this obsession with everything Damon, not where he wanted to be him but be with him. lol
The two seem like a couple who broke up a few years ago, the girl moved on (or is trying/pretending to) and Damon made a mistake and wants to redeem himself but she won't let him.
Exactly! This formula has been used so many times in a revenge/get your lover jealous scenario with other books/movies but people keep trying to insist Damon doesn't see her as more than a 'sister figure'. Such blindness!
Enzo and Bonnie have a true love that is strong and can endure. I'm so happy after so many years of Bonnie being taken for granted, making sacrifices as well as being sacrificed, and been through so much pain that she has Enzo. And we should not forget that Damon left Enzo too. He doesn't have a leg to stand on here.
Do y'all remember when Damon hated Bonnie? When he didn't give half a shit if she died or not? I never thought I'd see the day where he'd tell her, and I'm quoting him here, "If something ever happened to you I'd lose my mind." I never thought I'd see the day where he would be her protector. Like when they were stuck on the other side with Kai. Kai took half a step toward Bonnie and Damon basically slammed him against a wall and told him to never touch her. I never thought I'd see the day that he'd basically beg for her forgiveness...in his own way of course. Damon doesn't gravel on his knees and cry. You have to look at his eyes here. That's where he holds his emotions. He loves and misses Bonnie so much and he hates that he doesn't have her anymore. I just hope she forgives him before the finale.
Why you trying to make me cry!!!! Damon has grown so much, he's not as selfish or conniving. He truly cares about her and Bonnie really does mean the world to him. And Bonnie cared about him- that's why she was so hurt when he chose to never see her again even if it was to protect her. She loved him, he left her under the guise of never seeing her again...And she broke because of that. When has she ever not been hurt by someone? When has someone cared about her above anyone else? That's why Enzo is such a change. He refuses to let her be alone, and she healed because of that. But I think some part of her still loved Damon hence why she's so angry with him now. And they refuse to admit their feelings to each other because both have always been seen as 'second best', never being looked at first. Plus I think they didn't even realize it then, but no one can tell me here that Damon and Bonnie didn't love each other and are hurting now! ;_;
Opaque Anity I never really thought about that but you are so right. They both are used to being second best all the time. I really hope they can save him and that he does right by her. I want to hear him tell her he loves her without the (the same way Elena loved you) part. His love for Bonnie is entirely different from what Elena's love for her was. You don't fight the way Damon and Bonnie fight without the most intense love possible. You don't show that much anger unless the love out of this world.
Ailicia Torrence Exactly! Even in the books, Bonnie saw herself as Elena's shadow and was too shy to pursue Damon because she thought he loved Elena. Here in the show, Bonnie is extremely loyal to Elena even to the point of dying for her. And Katherine never truly loved Damon, and once he knew this what does he do? He goes to Elena. And both women had loved Stefan at first- the self destructive nature of Damon is overwhelming. Loving two women with the same face, both of who chose his brother at the start...? No wonder he see's himself as second best then. That's why I feel his relationship with Bonnie is so much healthier and beautiful. In season 6 when Bonnie returned, she was still damaged from the hell she had went through with Kai and I feel Damon was the one she felt safest with. When he called her on the phone while she was at the club, her entire face lit up. Plus Damon has made it clear that wanting Bonnie to live has nothing to do with doing right by Elena. It's because she means so much to him that he can't bare to live without her. And when she kept brushing hands with death and putting her life on the line for him, he couldn't take it anymore and tried to give her a life safe away him. But he didn't explain that to her in person, and she never read the letter, so she just saw it as him abandoning her and running away from his problems. Alaric is Damons friend- he accepted it. Stefan was Damons brother- he managed to move on. But Bonnie was completely destroyed by it and had to have therapy. When Jeremy cheated on her and when Matt started to hate everything supernatural and grew distant, Bonnie was never so heartbroken that she had to seek that type of help. How can anyone try and say she wasn't in love with him then? And how can anyone look at Damons eyes every time he see's Bonnie with another man and deny that he feels something for her? He regrets leaving her and he wants her to give him another chance but she was so hurt back then and thats why she refuses to read the letter, because she didn't *want* to forgive him. Not because she hates him, but because he meant everything to her and he broke her heart. They act like ex lovers so much it isn't even funny and now I'm writing up a huge essay and should probably stop....but yes, I really want Damon to just admit he loves Bonnie to her face. I really feel like the story is being set up for another confrontation between them. Bonenzo is like that one 'happy, perfectly perfect' pairing thats almost too good to be true. The type of relationship that is made as a plot device to make a lover jealous- and Damon clearly is very jealous. He's not irritated with Stefan and Caroline- just with Bonnie being with Enzo. And Bonnie's face when Damon made his presence known while she was flirting with Enzo on the couch...her expression was so telling. It speaks volumes to me that Sybil was even aware of Damon and Bonnie's dynamic and grew jealous. If it wasn't clear before, it's very obvious now. God these two are so amazing, I really want Bonnie to wake Damon up from all this somehow....
See the change in Damon's face when Bonnie said that she loves Enzo, that is total jealousy right there, yeah, he loves Bonnie P.S sexy moment with Enzo and Damon's face were close together
lol Bonnie is so not over Damon no matter what she says, and Damon will do everything to save Bonnie. hope that Bonnie hears what's in the letter soon, mostly cause I am nosy and want to know what it says 😍
I dont. Lol but I want to know! Who knows it might be the key to forgiveness. Plus, they keep bringing up the letter so it must be important. I want them to let us see what it says though, they are such teases
Can you believe they still havent shown whats in the letter? I hope maybe Damon can read it himself, maybe a stepping stone to making him decide to finally oppose Sybil. And I really want to see whats it in. I mean Damon thought it would help wake Bonnie up from her coma in Requiem for a Dream, he tried to give it to her but she ripped it up so he 'improvised' and tried to make her angry. I'm so curious I really want to know what he said in it....
yes it does......I want it to happen.......and if the director cares about not not losing his job he will give the fans what we want......right????.......
I understand that Damon left bonnie, that was cruel and very heartbreaking. I was actually crying during that scene. I totally understand that Bonnoe doesnt have anyone in her life anymore expect for Damon because her mom is gone and Elena is gone as well. so, the one person who she called her best friend is "Damon". Bamon has this relationship that I could see growing into something more. Damon really has come back to redeem himself and I see in his eyes that he really want to apologize to Bonnie because he knows he has hurt her the most. but we all have been waiting for the Damon from Season 1 , the damon who kills without having no remorse. and it was really great seeing that Damon especially when he killed the heretic without really caring about what Bonnie says. Usually Bonnie would love Damon exactly the way he is. i just feel they rushed benzo because bonnie had no one, enzo was just there for comfort. they really did rush the couple together. they look cute but Bamon is endgame to me. The writers didnt rush Bamon but made then develop over the seasons. first, they hated each other, then they became best friends and now they will make them a couple. i will love to see them as a couple because i feel they have progressed over the seasons. damon and bonnie are my OTP till the end. it amazes me how much Damon and Bonnie has grown together. they will get together in Season 8. Enzo will find someone else, but Bonnie and damon belong together.
Chania Akers I love seeing comments like this, so I can laugh at the people that are so sure, and confident, that Bonnie and Damon would be together, and she would break up with Enzo, because even though Enzo died, I like to think that they were endgame... I'll never understand how anyone could ship Bonnie and Enzo, thus is the television show, not the books...
She doesn't want to read the letter because he betrayed her and maybe it may contain something that will make her forgive him, something she doesn't want to do
Honestly I don't understand how someone can continue to hate another person that tries so desperately to apologize and make it right. Never in my life has anyone tried that hard to obtain forgiveness from me. I don't get how Bonnie can still be mad with Damon trying so hard...it just doesn't make sense to me. Not unless Bonnie really, really, did love Damon.
I understand her because he left even though she needed him and so did his brother, but me I seem to forgive people too easily. I just can't take when people keep trying to apologise and it just annoys me. But then again with me people only seek my forgiveness for about twenty minutes and then they're done
Sazzi Swag Ehh i dunno. Damon is trying to save her life...like he isn't just like "I'm sorry, now get over it." He's really trying...I dunno. I understand Bonny still being mad, but to this extent makes me think she was actually in love with Damon and not just his friend.
+BASSFZz She sacrificed everything and he left her-Its not like what he did to Stefan or even Alaric (there was still a chance he could have seen him again) He chose to never see her again, to remove himself from her life until the day she died. It was selfish and unbelievably cruel (I know he had a lot of reasons) and would be difficult to forgive. Plus you have to consider all the other stuff. Damon has always lied (He could have told Bonnie what he thought he did to Elena and Rayna would never have got the sword but he is an emotional coward and he always tries not to take responsibility and to hide the truth and mistakes he has made (that's why I think the best thing about Bonnie and Enzo is that they have trust and honesty (seems like at least )I do think she loved Damon a little bit though.
BASSFZz she is hurt. she lost elena and damon was basically all she had left so when he decided to go lay and rot in that casket it was basically a "fuck you" to her. he decided that he would lay their and rot until Elena wakes up (when Bonnie dies)
we've waited since season two-seven for bamon and if they dont end up in season eight than i'm done. honestly enzo and bonnie really!,and if lilly was to come back i'm sure he would leave bonnie for her, just like jeremy left bonnie for a ghost. anyway, most of the people who love this ship are delena and ones who dont want bonnie to end with damon. I mean this is such a joke, but i do love the fact that damon looks jealous and hurt at the end. hopefully he realize how special bonnie is to him.
I agree with you on most of it here. Once I realized that bigot Julie Plec and the other female producer were never gonna let Bamon become endgame, because they were cutting it close in Ssn 8, then that's when I started liking Bonenzo. He treated her like his queen, let her rant and rave whenever she needed it then soothed her, and he put her first. He did all the things that she was waiting to step up and claim, but he coward away from their connection. He loved her, but for stupid undeserved blind loyalty to Elena they never proclaimed it and acted on it. Deep down, I know Enzo knew she was still in love with Damon, but he didn't mind because he knew she was committed to their relationship, just like he knew Damon would never have the balls to go for who he really wanted because he would have done it 3 years earlier when she stood in front of him, broken hearted and crying over him. I looooved that Damon was jealous of them being together. I'm talking crazy eyes 👀 Damon jealous. 😂😂 I was just glad that Bonnie finally had someone love and fight for her so fiercely, just like Enzo did against the siren. She deserved the world and every main male character from both shows, throwing themselves at her feet, like the goddess she was, although none of them were worthy of her. But fucking Plec even stole that from her too. She only would write her as a magical negro trope, unless Kevin gave her a break. She hated her, and is a bigot/racist unless it's for Marcel. And you saw what she kept scripting him to be chasing... Julie would nearly wet her panties gooshing over him in interviews. Mandingo fantasy trope of hers... Truth be told Stefan was more evolved than Damon, so he was the better man. Damon being the older brother, and them both being so old, you would think he would stop reverting back to that insecure monster he becomes when things stop going his way. At least he grew into his own man with Bonnie. But he converted back into a coward. He couldn't even stick around for his brother. The writers made these characters have a sick devotion to the overrated girl. Like no humanity Stefan said, she's just a stupid girl. Nothing special about her...at least not after the doppelgangers were over with.
Damon has walked away from many people when he had free will I know his reasons for each but they were still messed up choices non the less you could say that about many other characters in the show yeah,
I just want to ask all of you trying to say Bamon is a platonic brother/sister dynamic to imagine if they were *legit* siblings and actually related. Now remember every scene they have with every sexually intensified stare and try to say you wouldn't be getting incest vibes if they were actually related. This is *not* a platonic relationship no matter how the writers try to deny it. ^_^
JaredLeto IsLife none of this started happening until they spent damn half of a year in that prison world. I see that they love each other but I don't see them being in love. Especially after seeing how she is with Enzo. Now that is who she is in love with
Damon use to hit that, that's why he's acting so jealous. Its the story in the show the writers didn't tell. Benzo is cute an all, but they are not match. Tbh I preferred Bonaire over this.
Damon is hurt too. Bonnie defend Enzo who did all those mess.. I don't like to watch hate in everybody's eyes for Demon.Even wht happend to Ric... we Love u forever Demon❤❤❤
okay i'm sorry but I fully support Bonnie and Enzo. I was at one time a huge Bamon fan and then guess what....Damon left. He so called chose to leave so he could 'save his friends' but we all know that he was running from his problems. Now i'm not saying that I hate Damon in fact I would love for him and Bonnie to be friends again but he left Enzo to pick up the mess that he left Bonnie in, so why should he get her forgiveness so quickly, cause he said sorry? Wow I can't imagine how difficult that would be for him.
Bonnie makes it so clear that Enzo is the one for her. She finally found someone who loves unconditionally, supports her always, and will be with her forever. Damon, is not a good friend. Hell, Enzo was one of the only friends he's ever had and he left him to burn in a fire after giving Damon his rations and they spent like five year trapped together. And we all know what he did to Bonnie and those two were trapped together for three months before she sacrificed herself for Damon to escape. So honestly, these are two rare people that gave Damon a chance and both got screwed over by him. He owes them both. Yet, here he is trying to place blame on Enzo for the pills killing Bonnie and he's trying to tell Bonnie that her relationship wasn't good for her when you'd think he'd have some understanding because everybody including himself and Elena tried telling her that their relationship wasn't a good one. Also, if he were in Enzo's shoes and thought those pills would save Elena he would've made the same choice to protect the love of his life. Damon is just mad at himself because he knows he screwed up by taking the easy way out but admitting fault is not Damon's strong suit so he lashes out and makes the situation worse.
+Bellamy Islove from the first half of the first season it was clear that damon was between stelena. It was a triangle from the very start. It wasnt thrown out of nowhere.
Damon is correct it being Enzo fault, giving her pills without knowing what the true effects were. Though Damon could have just let Bonnie die and be with Elena again, not sure Bonnie gets that
Sucks.. TVD is trying to force bamon really happens in romantic relationship... Crazy! Everyone are dating each other.. No true friendship, no true love. The moments between delena for many years meant nothing .. It's useless.. Their oath, promises, love means nothing. They're trying to kill Elena off.. If Nina can't come back, why don't Julie replace her with someone new to play Elena character? At least, Elena can come back , remember guys, Elena is the love of Damon's life..
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Damon and Enzo were so close in each others faces like damn lol
Holy Crap.... it's so intense
Omg I dont know if I ship Bonenzo or Bamon ahah
+Gijo iL tubo #Denzo all the way ahhahaha
+xXWolfMurderessXx 😂😂
Almost thought that they where going to make out.
Damon fighting for Bonnie is everything.
Damon looks so hurt and he knew he messed up baaaaad. Bonnie really hit him where it hurts and the look on his face and his reaction says everything. Bamon has come a really long way from hating each other to Damon wanting to protect his BFF from everything.
The fact that Damon left both Enzo and Bonnie...
please enzo and damon weren’t even friends anymore 💀
@@alban_mga7958 I meant in the fire -_- Have you even watched the show
@@ghost-bison you did make it sound like he left Enzo when Damon chose to go to sleep.
I know, it’s why they bonded. They were hurt by someone they really trusted. They’re both very loyal people so Enzo understands what it’s like to not be appreciated.
You can also see the huge difference between Damon and Enzo. Damon left and comes back and blames Enzo for what happened to Bonnie. When if he hadn’t left he would’ve be protecting her and she would’ve never got involved with Enzo. In other words he’s blaming everyone but himself. Enzo has been beating himself up for giving her those pills even though her didn’t know they would harm her. He took accountability and is doing everything he can to fix it. Off topic but it just further explains why I loved Enzo for Bonnie!
Damon looking at Enzo's lips
Forget Delena and Bamon
let's go with Denzo
Luyopsowx He's naw gay
@@allysediting no
the man looks lips man nothing like you think it's natural
Damons face after Bonnie tells him that she loves Enzo , jealous damon is so cute xD
Imagine how he would have felt if he found out that those two bonded over the fact that Damon left them both.
I love that crazy look Damon has when he's been caught f*cking up! Lol....When Bonnie shout "Damon!"and he looks back at her...I laugh every time I see this scene.
I know my comment is too late, but I'm glad Bonnie tells damon how she truly feels and let's be honest Enzo was there for her without any expectations from her like saving a loved one or friend. He was there for her only.
The acting here was A1.
Best face-to-face scene!! I can feel the tension between Damon and Enzo :o :o And I love how Bonnie clarifies her feelings to Damon, you go girl!!
0:50 They're damn near kissing. 0:54 Damon's thinking about actually doing it...for science...of course. #Denzo #Bamon #BonDenzo
+Sweet Venom I always thought there was something gayish between the two, but if so, it is Enzo who is attracted by Damon. This could be the reason why Enzo went after Damon's mother and now has a relationship with Damon's best friend.
+Francesca “emalaith29” Armani Strangely, since Enzo first appearance he had this obsession with everything Damon, not where he wanted to be him but be with him. lol
Actually Damon was the one looking att Enzo lips TWICE
Damon would be sexy and seductive even with a Labrador puppy :D
Bonnie: "I love him, Damon."
After Damon shut up. hehe
Damon's face is so funny after Bonnie left, he looked like a sad puppy. Especially his expression after Bonnie told Damon that she loves Enzo
Bonnie is so not over it, and Damon was so hurt to here she loves Enzo. Bamon has real build up guys make Bamon happen
+brookcty YES
I want benezo to happen but yeah whatever happens happens
brookcty they don't even act like a couple. they love and protect each other more like a brother/sister than lovers
The two seem like a couple who broke up a few years ago, the girl moved on (or is trying/pretending to) and Damon made a mistake and wants to redeem himself but she won't let him.
Exactly! This formula has been used so many times in a revenge/get your lover jealous scenario with other books/movies but people keep trying to insist Damon doesn't see her as more than a 'sister figure'. Such blindness!
Enzo and Bonnie have a true love that is strong and can endure. I'm so happy after so many years of Bonnie being taken for granted, making sacrifices as well as being sacrificed, and been through so much pain that she has Enzo. And we should not forget that Damon left Enzo too. He doesn't have a leg to stand on here.
you don't know women who love she's shows hate she's love Damon but don't forget he's left her this truth of feelings all women
Jajajaa Damon :
Talk to me about anything
When he saw them kissing each other , he got jealous and upset
Do y'all remember when Damon hated Bonnie? When he didn't give half a shit if she died or not? I never thought I'd see the day where he'd tell her, and I'm quoting him here, "If something ever happened to you I'd lose my mind." I never thought I'd see the day where he would be her protector. Like when they were stuck on the other side with Kai. Kai took half a step toward Bonnie and Damon basically slammed him against a wall and told him to never touch her. I never thought I'd see the day that he'd basically beg for her forgiveness...in his own way of course. Damon doesn't gravel on his knees and cry. You have to look at his eyes here. That's where he holds his emotions. He loves and misses Bonnie so much and he hates that he doesn't have her anymore. I just hope she forgives him before the finale.
Why you trying to make me cry!!!! Damon has grown so much, he's not as selfish or conniving. He truly cares about her and Bonnie really does mean the world to him. And Bonnie cared about him- that's why she was so hurt when he chose to never see her again even if it was to protect her. She loved him, he left her under the guise of never seeing her again...And she broke because of that. When has she ever not been hurt by someone? When has someone cared about her above anyone else? That's why Enzo is such a change. He refuses to let her be alone, and she healed because of that. But I think some part of her still loved Damon hence why she's so angry with him now. And they refuse to admit their feelings to each other because both have always been seen as 'second best', never being looked at first. Plus I think they didn't even realize it then, but no one can tell me here that Damon and Bonnie didn't love each other and are hurting now! ;_;
Opaque Anity
I never really thought about that but you are so right. They both are used to being second best all the time. I really hope they can save him and that he does right by her. I want to hear him tell her he loves her without the (the same way Elena loved you) part. His love for Bonnie is entirely different from what Elena's love for her was. You don't fight the way Damon and Bonnie fight without the most intense love possible. You don't show that much anger unless the love out of this world.
Ailicia Torrence Exactly! Even in the books, Bonnie saw herself as Elena's shadow and was too shy to pursue Damon because she thought he loved Elena. Here in the show, Bonnie is extremely loyal to Elena even to the point of dying for her. And Katherine never truly loved Damon, and once he knew this what does he do? He goes to Elena. And both women had loved Stefan at first- the self destructive nature of Damon is overwhelming. Loving two women with the same face, both of who chose his brother at the start...? No wonder he see's himself as second best then. That's why I feel his relationship with Bonnie is so much healthier and beautiful.
In season 6 when Bonnie returned, she was still damaged from the hell she had went through with Kai and I feel Damon was the one she felt safest with. When he called her on the phone while she was at the club, her entire face lit up. Plus Damon has made it clear that wanting Bonnie to live has nothing to do with doing right by Elena. It's because she means so much to him that he can't bare to live without her. And when she kept brushing hands with death and putting her life on the line for him, he couldn't take it anymore and tried to give her a life safe away him. But he didn't explain that to her in person, and she never read the letter, so she just saw it as him abandoning her and running away from his problems. Alaric is Damons friend- he accepted it. Stefan was Damons brother- he managed to move on. But Bonnie was completely destroyed by it and had to have therapy.
When Jeremy cheated on her and when Matt started to hate everything supernatural and grew distant, Bonnie was never so heartbroken that she had to seek that type of help. How can anyone try and say she wasn't in love with him then? And how can anyone look at Damons eyes every time he see's Bonnie with another man and deny that he feels something for her? He regrets leaving her and he wants her to give him another chance but she was so hurt back then and thats why she refuses to read the letter, because she didn't *want* to forgive him. Not because she hates him, but because he meant everything to her and he broke her heart. They act like ex lovers so much it isn't even funny and now I'm writing up a huge essay and should probably stop....but yes, I really want Damon to just admit he loves Bonnie to her face.
I really feel like the story is being set up for another confrontation between them. Bonenzo is like that one 'happy, perfectly perfect' pairing thats almost too good to be true. The type of relationship that is made as a plot device to make a lover jealous- and Damon clearly is very jealous. He's not irritated with Stefan and Caroline- just with Bonnie being with Enzo. And Bonnie's face when Damon made his presence known while she was flirting with Enzo on the couch...her expression was so telling. It speaks volumes to me that Sybil was even aware of Damon and Bonnie's dynamic and grew jealous. If it wasn't clear before, it's very obvious now. God these two are so amazing, I really want Bonnie to wake Damon up from all this somehow....
Opaque Anity ok I think you're like my spirit animal because you said what I've been saying forever! Yes!!!
Damon&Bonnie > Perfect friendship
Enzo&Bonnie > Perfect relationship " yes better than Delena "
not even close but sure
Look at his little disappointed face :'(
I dont like them fighting again! Enzo...go away
Yeah :( I want some Bamon good scene! 💔
Shania Sampson noooo Enzo needs happyiness
Shania I agree
See the change in Damon's face when Bonnie said that she loves Enzo, that is total jealousy right there, yeah, he loves Bonnie
P.S sexy moment with Enzo and Damon's face were close together
lol Bonnie is so not over Damon no matter what she says, and Damon will do everything to save Bonnie. hope that Bonnie hears what's in the letter soon, mostly cause I am nosy and want to know what it says 😍
How do u know what it says?
I dont. Lol but I want to know! Who knows it might be the key to forgiveness. Plus, they keep bringing up the letter so it must be important. I want them to let us see what it says though, they are such teases
Can you believe they still havent shown whats in the letter? I hope maybe Damon can read it himself, maybe a stepping stone to making him decide to finally oppose Sybil. And I really want to see whats it in. I mean Damon thought it would help wake Bonnie up from her coma in Requiem for a Dream, he tried to give it to her but she ripped it up so he 'improvised' and tried to make her angry. I'm so curious I really want to know what he said in it....
damon loves elena!
First time to notice, he literally and officially called her "sister" ❤
yes it does......I want it to happen.......and if the director cares about not not losing his job he will give the fans what we want......right????.......
Alazaya Watts
Alazaya Watts yesss
In the books according to some people
I understand that Damon left bonnie, that was cruel and very heartbreaking. I was actually crying during that scene. I totally understand that Bonnoe doesnt have anyone in her life anymore expect for Damon because her mom is gone and Elena is gone as well. so, the one person who she called her best friend is "Damon". Bamon has this relationship that I could see growing into something more. Damon really has come back to redeem himself and I see in his eyes that he really want to apologize to Bonnie because he knows he has hurt her the most. but we all have been waiting for the Damon from Season 1 , the damon who kills without having no remorse. and it was really great seeing that Damon especially when he killed the heretic without really caring about what Bonnie says. Usually Bonnie would love Damon exactly the way he is. i just feel they rushed benzo because bonnie had no one, enzo was just there for comfort. they really did rush the couple together. they look cute but Bamon is endgame to me. The writers didnt rush Bamon but made then develop over the seasons. first, they hated each other, then they became best friends and now they will make them a couple. i will love to see them as a couple because i feel they have progressed over the seasons. damon and bonnie are my OTP till the end. it amazes me how much Damon and Bonnie has grown together. they will get together in Season 8. Enzo will find someone else, but Bonnie and damon belong together.
Chania Akers I love seeing comments like this, so I can laugh at the people that are so sure, and confident, that Bonnie and Damon would be together, and she would break up with Enzo, because even though Enzo died, I like to think that they were endgame... I'll never understand how anyone could ship Bonnie and Enzo, thus is the television show, not the books...
I should probably be embarrassed that I know this scene word for word but hey ho it's a good party trick
she should read the letter.
I agree.
+realitybites771 that's why there saving it ... I think next season will be Bonnie and Damon together
She doesn't want to read the letter because he betrayed her and maybe it may contain something that will make her forgive him, something she doesn't want to do
+Sazzi Swag exactly😃😃
I was like wtf is you bout to kiss or something when they were so close to each other like goddamn
Damon is hurt because bonnie said she loved enzo I notice that damon is always there for bonnie but she doesn't care bamon needs to happen soon
Bonnie said SHE LOVES ENZO 😻💝
0:49 nose to nose their faces are so close to each other. lol Denzo rulez
Honestly I don't understand how someone can continue to hate another person that tries so desperately to apologize and make it right. Never in my life has anyone tried that hard to obtain forgiveness from me. I don't get how Bonnie can still be mad with Damon trying so hard...it just doesn't make sense to me. Not unless Bonnie really, really, did love Damon.
She finally move on and then he shows up. It's normal still be so mad.
I understand her because he left even though she needed him and so did his brother, but me I seem to forgive people too easily. I just can't take when people keep trying to apologise and it just annoys me. But then again with me people only seek my forgiveness for about twenty minutes and then they're done
Sazzi Swag Ehh i dunno. Damon is trying to save her life...like he isn't just like "I'm sorry, now get over it." He's really trying...I dunno. I understand Bonny still being mad, but to this extent makes me think she was actually in love with Damon and not just his friend.
She sacrificed everything and he left her-Its not like what he did to Stefan or even Alaric (there was still a chance he could have seen him again) He chose to never see her again, to remove himself from her life until the day she died. It was selfish and unbelievably cruel (I know he had a lot of reasons) and would be difficult to forgive. Plus you have to consider all the other stuff. Damon has always lied (He could have told Bonnie what he thought he did to Elena and Rayna would never have got the sword but he is an emotional coward and he always tries not to take responsibility and to hide the truth and mistakes he has made (that's why I think the best thing about Bonnie and Enzo is that they have trust and honesty (seems like at least )I do think she loved Damon a little bit though.
BASSFZz she is hurt. she lost elena and damon was basically all she had left so when he decided to go lay and rot in that casket it was basically a "fuck you" to her. he decided that he would lay their and rot until Elena wakes up (when Bonnie dies)
Damon looking at Enzo's lips 😋😂😂
poor brothers now have to fight for their girls
For a moment I thought damon and enzo were about to kiss each other. I mean...if you think about it enzo was in love with damon for 70 years.
omg Ian got hotter 😊
Yes I noticed he is particulArly hot in this episode.
OMG Damon at 2.09
I love him.
Damon segurando a carta é a melhor cena desse video
In a way, Enzo did poison Bonnie against Damon and the others.
good for her seriously...all of them just USE bonnie and enzo wants her to just live and be herself
@@aladdout9454that would imply she didn’t chose to help her friends, but she chose to help them, meaning they didn’t use her
@@deadpooldan9862excuses excuses
@@Mich-elle777 the truth isn’t excuses
Damon is like the overprotective older brother while Enzo is the boyfriend.
Damon & Enzo not so subtlety staring at each other's lips 😏😏 Bamenzo is real 😏😏
+stoneface LOL Enzo to closed minded for a bromance lol
we've waited since season two-seven for bamon and if they dont end up in season eight than i'm done. honestly enzo and bonnie really!,and if lilly was to come back i'm sure he would leave bonnie for her, just like jeremy left bonnie for a ghost. anyway, most of the people who love this ship are delena and ones who dont want bonnie to end with damon. I mean this is such a joke, but i do love the fact that damon looks jealous and hurt at the end.
hopefully he realize how special bonnie is to him.
I agree with you on most of it here. Once I realized that bigot Julie Plec and the other female producer were never gonna let Bamon become endgame, because they were cutting it close in Ssn 8, then that's when I started liking Bonenzo. He treated her like his queen, let her rant and rave whenever she needed it then soothed her, and he put her first. He did all the things that she was waiting to step up and claim, but he coward away from their connection. He loved her, but for stupid undeserved blind loyalty to Elena they never proclaimed it and acted on it.
Deep down, I know Enzo knew she was still in love with Damon, but he didn't mind because he knew she was committed to their relationship, just like he knew Damon would never have the balls to go for who he really wanted because he would have done it 3 years earlier when she stood in front of him, broken hearted and crying over him.
I looooved that Damon was jealous of them being together. I'm talking crazy eyes 👀 Damon jealous. 😂😂
I was just glad that Bonnie finally had someone love and fight for her so fiercely, just like Enzo did against the siren. She deserved the world and every main male character from both shows, throwing themselves at her feet, like the goddess she was, although none of them were worthy of her. But fucking Plec even stole that from her too. She only would write her as a magical negro trope, unless Kevin gave her a break. She hated her, and is a bigot/racist unless it's for Marcel. And you saw what she kept scripting him to be chasing...
Julie would nearly wet her panties gooshing over him in interviews. Mandingo fantasy trope of hers...
Truth be told Stefan was more evolved than Damon, so he was the better man. Damon being the older brother, and them both being so old, you would think he would stop reverting back to that insecure monster he becomes when things stop going his way. At least he grew into his own man with Bonnie. But he converted back into a coward. He couldn't even stick around for his brother. The writers made these characters have a sick devotion to the overrated girl. Like no humanity Stefan said, she's just a stupid girl. Nothing special about her...at least not after the doppelgangers were over with.
1.49 looks like Damon mouths "no" maybe just my imagination tho lol
BAMON😻. Ugh i hate bonenzo,she should be with damon but it's just my opinion.
Damon has walked away from many people when he had free will I know his reasons for each but they were still messed up choices non the less you could say that about many other characters in the show yeah,
From 0:48 to 0:57 Alpha males on the battlefield
Aww! She loves him!!
I ship both XD
Does Damon love Bonnie more than Elena?
Who knows, maybe!
He loves them in a different way. He loves Bonnie like a sister, Elena like a girlfriend.
I just want to ask all of you trying to say Bamon is a platonic brother/sister dynamic to imagine if they were *legit* siblings and actually related. Now remember every scene they have with every sexually intensified stare and try to say you wouldn't be getting incest vibes if they were actually related. This is *not* a platonic relationship no matter how the writers try to deny it. ^_^
Opaque Anity I think yall just want it to be more than it really is. lol shippers are quite the hopeless romantics
JaredLeto IsLife none of this started happening until they spent damn half of a year in that prison world. I see that they love each other but I don't see them being in love. Especially after seeing how she is with Enzo. Now that is who she is in love with
Damon use to hit that, that's why he's acting so jealous. Its the story in the show the writers didn't tell. Benzo is cute an all, but they are not match. Tbh I preferred Bonaire over this.
TranceBab3 Bonaire??
Damn damon 🙈
Bonnie and Enzo are my ultimate ship, I LOVE THEM.
Damon is hurt too. Bonnie defend Enzo who did all those mess.. I don't like to watch hate in everybody's eyes for Demon.Even wht happend to Ric... we Love u forever Demon❤❤❤
shit they squared the fuck up
okay i'm sorry but I fully support Bonnie and Enzo. I was at one time a huge Bamon fan and then guess what....Damon left. He so called chose to leave so he could 'save his friends' but we all know that he was running from his problems. Now i'm not saying that I hate Damon in fact I would love for him and Bonnie to be friends again but he left Enzo to pick up the mess that he left Bonnie in, so why should he get her forgiveness so quickly, cause he said sorry? Wow I can't imagine how difficult that would be for him.
wait, did he just call her 'sister' 1:34?
i Like Bnzo And Eonnie
Bonnie makes it so clear that Enzo is the one for her. She finally found someone who loves unconditionally, supports her always, and will be with her forever. Damon, is not a good friend. Hell, Enzo was one of the only friends he's ever had and he left him to burn in a fire after giving Damon his rations and they spent like five year trapped together. And we all know what he did to Bonnie and those two were trapped together for three months before she sacrificed herself for Damon to escape. So honestly, these are two rare people that gave Damon a chance and both got screwed over by him. He owes them both. Yet, here he is trying to place blame on Enzo for the pills killing Bonnie and he's trying to tell Bonnie that her relationship wasn't good for her when you'd think he'd have some understanding because everybody including himself and Elena tried telling her that their relationship wasn't a good one. Also, if he were in Enzo's shoes and thought those pills would save Elena he would've made the same choice to protect the love of his life. Damon is just mad at himself because he knows he screwed up by taking the easy way out but admitting fault is not Damon's strong suit so he lashes out and makes the situation worse.
in real life i would be like fight !!!!!fight !!!!!!!!!! fight
This is so stupid. He gets over elena in one season. I feel like I just wasted six years worth of tv time.
+Bellamy Islove from the first half of the first season it was clear that damon was between stelena. It was a triangle from the very start. It wasnt thrown out of nowhere.
L O L good one Love It
thay breath so heavy though but I don't mind
nah bonbon u luv Damon the eternal stud. not the accent guy enzo
i literally just watched this on another Channel
follow the channel. this channel upload all the clips from the episode in HD 1080p, the other channel doesnt post the videos in HD quality
+tvd Fans cool !
Damon Enzo ..what a chemistry ! # RainKiss ?
Senti uma pontada de ciume kkk, Bamon e Benzo 3
What 😂 do I ❤think it would do 😂🙂 and I think the only way to get A few weeks and o o o and o to get a new 😊 I will 😊 I have a
Damon is correct it being Enzo fault, giving her pills without knowing what the true effects were. Though Damon could have just let Bonnie die and be with Elena again, not sure Bonnie gets that
Damon wasn't right to even say that. He abandoned her enzo did that to protect her. Like he said. He made a mistake. Damon made a choice
vontade de falar inglês
Bonnie loves Enzo but I still hate him so much
Sucks.. TVD is trying to force bamon really happens in romantic relationship... Crazy! Everyone are dating each other.. No true friendship, no true love. The moments between delena for many years meant nothing .. It's useless.. Their oath, promises, love means nothing. They're trying to kill Elena off.. If Nina can't come back, why don't Julie replace her with someone new to play Elena character? At least, Elena can come back , remember guys, Elena is the love of Damon's life..
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 i was kidding
Damon he did his lips 👄 go ahead kiss Enzo