  • Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
  • My mailing address and be sure to include the business name:
    IMS merilni sistemi
    Mariah Dolenc
    Cesta Ljubljanske brigade 23a
    1000 Ljubljana
    For business inquiries DO NOT contact my husband, Luka. Email me at: mariah.dolenc@gmail.com
    Lahko mi tudi pišete v sloveniščini.

Комментарии • 126

  • @akozuh
    @akozuh 6 лет назад +28

    "Se motim?" in that context would mean "Am I wrong?". English speaking people usually use a positive form of that question - Am I right? :-)
    There are two kinds of verbs - "motiti" - to bother, disturb... in "motiti se" - to be mistaken, to be wrong... The advice from Natalija Kontrec is very good, if you are searching for a specific word.
    Keep up the good work :-)

  • @TotalProFoSure
    @TotalProFoSure 6 лет назад +14

    You should react to different Slovene dialects and see how much u understand 😁 The variety of dialects in Slovenia is insane! Every few miles there are words being said differently. You could do it together with Luka perhaps 😀

  • @kajazalokar
    @kajazalokar 6 лет назад +14

    Zelo dobro si povedala, da ti je težko reči kakšno besedo recimo lj, ker se tega nikoli nisi učila. Res je lepo da se hočeš učiti slovenščino in da želiš da to ostane v družini. 🙂

  • @patriciaridzi7642
    @patriciaridzi7642 6 лет назад +31

    you could make a video on your life before luka (as a kid, teen and young adult)😊

  • @Roxynad
    @Roxynad 6 лет назад +10

    Zelo simpatičen video, všeč sta mi tvoja pozitivna energija in iskrenost! Le tako naprej 😊
    Imam en predlog za video - I don't know if you ever watch Eurovision song contest, but if you haven't seen it yet, I think a reaction video could be a lot of fun! 😁
    A hint - the final show is tomorrow, on saturday, in the evening ;)
    You should ask Luka about it and then watch it together haha
    Samo ideja :)
    Lep vikend!

  • @jenelledaily1020
    @jenelledaily1020 6 лет назад +1

    I love your reasoning for keeping cultures alive! Plus, I personally think you should attempt to learn the language of whatever country you are in. It's the respectful thing to do. You go smart girl! 🤓

  • @Bertoncl-y5o
    @Bertoncl-y5o 6 лет назад +3

    Tvoja slovenščina je odlična, kar tako naprej in bravo 11000 naročnikov ( Your slovene is great, kepp up the good work and congrats on the 11000k subscribers )

  • @venesakoprivniktajk9117
    @venesakoprivniktajk9117 6 лет назад +1

    Wowww...zelo lepo govoriš slovensko😍😍😍odlično ti gre!😉😘✌

  • @misaam.8241
    @misaam.8241 6 лет назад +1

    Zelo dobro govoriš slovensko. Bravoo!!👏🏼❤️

  • @tejaklanjsek5236
    @tejaklanjsek5236 6 лет назад

    5:27 - thank you for bringing this up! i was waiting for someone to say it my whole life!

  • @rahelabograf6171
    @rahelabograf6171 6 лет назад

    Bravo super govoriš slovensko res BRAVO!! ne moram vrjeti da lahko kdo z druge države govori tako dobro slovenščino, ki je vrjetno zelo teška za tebe👍👍👍👍👍😉😉

  • @majazver3205
    @majazver3205 6 лет назад +1

    Jaz sem slovenka in zelo dobro govoriš slovensko! :)

  • @tjasakandare1212
    @tjasakandare1212 6 лет назад +3

    Zelo dober video..želim si da bi jih posnela še veliko kajti tako boš vadila slovenščino..ali kdaj prideta z Lukom v Slovenijo?❤️🌎

  • @nikasfamilyvlogs1015
    @nikasfamilyvlogs1015 6 лет назад

    Res lepo, da se želiš učiti slovensko, that's great :) keep up

  • @mwngw
    @mwngw Год назад

    I use the Suvorov Slovene to English translator...an excellent translator, and I communicate with Slovene musicians often. I double-check, reverse translate to see if the translation is what I intended, and it's quite excellent.

  • @mitjalicen4918
    @mitjalicen4918 6 лет назад +8

    Mariah, uporabi www.fran.si. Tvoja slovenščina je dovolj dobra, da lahko uporabljaš slovenske slovarje.

  • @gamesisters4407
    @gamesisters4407 6 лет назад

    Bravo! Zelo lepo izgovarjaš😍

  • @kristalnovak2782
    @kristalnovak2782 6 лет назад

    Ti si super.Zelo smešno in zanimivo te je gledati kako malo posebno govoriš.Zelo lepo in obožujem tvoje vloge in videje.❤❤❤👍👍En velik like od mene.❤❤❤❤In seveda sem naročena.D

  • @dejanpavlin8659
    @dejanpavlin8659 3 года назад

    Hvala ti

  • @leah4916
    @leah4916 6 лет назад

    For me, this is the first time seeing one of your videos, and I think that your slovene is really really good, specialy the way you pronounce words....
    Also I am laughing so hard at the comments written in english by slovene people omg 😂
    Prvič gledam tvoj video in mislim, da je tvoja slovenščina odlična, posebno mi je všeč način kako izgovarjaš določene besede.
    Prav smešno je kako slovenci pišejo komentarje v angleščini in delajo napake 😂😂

  • @nikakante2252
    @nikakante2252 6 лет назад

    lahko si vzor vsem😊super si! kar tako naprej!😁

  • @ZigaAndric
    @ZigaAndric 6 лет назад

    Hey, Mariah! Here's a tip for you: before using Google Translate, try typing the word you are curious about into Google search plus adding SSKJ. For instance, "čebljaš SSKJ" (SSKJ is abbreviation for Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika/Dictionary of Slovenian Literary Language, which is what Merriam-Webster dictionary is to Americans). Anyways, the first or second result will usually be the stem word, noun, adjective or verb for what you're searching for. In our case: "čebljati: živahno in brezskrbno govoriti". By entering that into Google Translate you get something along the lines of " to speak lively and carelessly". The closest correct translation, however, would be "to chatter" :-)

  • @marktavcar567
    @marktavcar567 4 года назад

    You are doing an amazing job, Congratulations on learning a hard language, credit to you

  • @Wolf-uv7qn
    @Wolf-uv7qn 6 лет назад

    I love your videos! U are so adorable and u sprak Slovenian very good! When American learns Slovene is just amazing because Slovene is hard language...

  • @chekystar
    @chekystar 6 лет назад +45

    čebljaš = speaking , but in a cute way :P

    • @imepriimek398
      @imepriimek398 6 лет назад +2

      we can always ask SSKJ:
      čebljáti -ám nedov. (á ȃ) 1. živahno in brezskrbno govoriti: venomer čeblja in skače po hiši; rada čeblja o otrocih in domu; čebljati po francosko; deklice čebljajo kot jata ptic / otroci čebljajo z učiteljico 2. oglašati se s kratkimi, nerazločnimi glasovi: lastovke, račke čebljajo / otročiček že čeblja čebljajóč -a -e: živahno čebljajoča skupinica ♪

    • @chekystar
      @chekystar 6 лет назад +1

      ja no sj na cute način tko k otroc ;)

    • @MariahDolenc
      @MariahDolenc  6 лет назад +5

      Thanks! I think it's like chitter-chatter.

    • @Saavik256
      @Saavik256 5 лет назад

      @@MariahDolenc ko čebljaš v našem jeziku = when you are chirping in our language, it is meant as a term of endearment :)

  • @Rexxxon
    @Rexxxon 6 лет назад +8

    Here's a tip for saying words with "lj" in them. Just ignore the "j". Ljubljana becomes Lublana. It's how many Slovene people say words with "lj" in them as well. It sounds almost exactly the same as you would say with the "j". Polomljena becomes polomlena.

    • @saralampret9694
      @saralampret9694 6 лет назад +1

      Rexxxon ampak verjetn se želi naučit izgovorit pravilno slovensko. Tud pri nas rečemo, da gremo "u Lublano", ampak vseeno znamo rečt tud pravilno :)

  • @evacas2653
    @evacas2653 6 лет назад

    Zdravo! Slovenščina je zelo težek jezik in zelo zelo si se ga dobro naučila...

  • @majabernik491
    @majabernik491 5 лет назад

    Rada gledam vase objave. Kar tako naprej

  • @Davidburbidge
    @Davidburbidge 4 года назад

    I liked your reflection about Americans not being good at communication (generally) even though to the rest of us around the world, it seems like you are very good.
    The Irish are the same (who I guess many Americans are descended from.) Because they are always talking with everyone, people think: "Oh, the Irish are very good at communication." I heard this Irish guy on the wireless the other day saying: "You know, the image everyone has is that Ireland is a nation of warm-hearted people talking to each. It's not true - we rarely listen - we're really a nation of warm-hearted people talking to ourselves."
    I think you are right about Slovenes being very good at communication. I have the sense that they generally listen very well, and want to know what I'm thinking, and then respond very honestly, and often with some philosophical reflection too which is spot on.

  • @jeffsaviola2109
    @jeffsaviola2109 6 лет назад +1

    This was good idea !!! I was trying to read some of the translations but went to fast !!! I went back to pause them 🤣😂🤣

  • @lauraajazaj4608
    @lauraajazaj4608 6 лет назад +1

    Hoj Maria! Vec objavli kako govoris slovensko ker jo boljs k jaz govoris in jaz kle zivim ze 11 let in imam v soboto 12. rojstni dan. No hvala ker si me nasmesnila ves ta cas ko sem te gledala! Najboljsa si 🤗

  • @roza344
    @roza344 6 лет назад

    super in hitro se učiš slovensko! čestitke 💕🌼🍀💗

  • @lejlazel5528
    @lejlazel5528 6 лет назад

    Dobro govoriš slovensko💖

  • @abcdefg3086
    @abcdefg3086 6 лет назад +1

    Haha, ni niti enega dislikea. Bravo 👏

  • @Saavik256
    @Saavik256 5 лет назад

    The bit about people who live here 30+ years is mostly the fact that back in Yugoslavia we had one common language, and they are now mostly older people (60+) and it's not as easy for an older person to learn a new language as it is for a young one. :)

  • @franjon.6283
    @franjon.6283 5 лет назад

    Thumbs up, MD....😘

  • @teahorvat9354
    @teahorvat9354 6 лет назад

    Ful dobro govoriš slovensko❤

  • @nejcgorkic3808
    @nejcgorkic3808 6 лет назад

    Zelo dobro givoris slovensko👌

  • @smacksvita9317
    @smacksvita9317 6 лет назад

    Ce si slovenka raje delaj slovenske vloge😊😊

  • @kristalnovak2782
    @kristalnovak2782 6 лет назад

    ❤❤❤Kako lepo.❤❤❤Zelo sem ponosna nate.❤❤❤

  • @leafurlan8407
    @leafurlan8407 6 лет назад

    Your slovene is sooo good.

  • @booperdooper6930
    @booperdooper6930 6 лет назад +1

    hahah well ofcourse it translates to 'application' that's what it means xD i've actually never thought about it untill you mentioned it

  • @manfredbismark6688
    @manfredbismark6688 6 лет назад

    Lepa MARIAH!

  • @nusafilipovski1969
    @nusafilipovski1969 6 лет назад

    res super govoriš slovensko vsaka čast

  • @hannatianainnezabff3392
    @hannatianainnezabff3392 6 лет назад

    Zlo obvladaš slovenščino upam da boš tako nadaljevala zelo dober video

  • @althar4692
    @althar4692 6 лет назад

    Mariah, the easiest way to deal with LJs and NJs in Slovenian language is to simply ignore the 'J'. So: L'ubl'ana, poloml'en, čebl'ati (to chatter, to babble), kon' etc.
    Softeners LJ and NJ are alien to our language and were introduced relatively lately, only in 19th century, when our scholars were trying to make Slovenian language sound more like southern Slavic languages (Croatian, Serbian), which are filled with these language softeners. Except perhaps in Primorska region, nobody really speak combinations LJ and NJ.
    Yes, and use sl.pons.com/prevod for translation. It's free and excellent.

  • @malibozicek3251
    @malibozicek3251 6 лет назад

    Girl I can pronounce "th" and such, and I'm like 15 haha. I guess it depends on the person? Oh and I love your channel je zelo zanimiv love youu

  • @doloresjenus5897
    @doloresjenus5897 6 лет назад


  • @DiamondMan321
    @DiamondMan321 6 лет назад

    Zelo dobro govoriš slovensko kar tako naprej 👍

  • @evab.6240
    @evab.6240 5 лет назад

    "Lj" is actually not an original part of our language, it's sound that was 'imported' from Serbian or Croatian language during the period Slovenia was a part of Yugoslavia or even before, Kraljevina Jugoslavija. It isn't really natural to most Slovene speakers either, that's why 'Ljubljana' is mostly pronounced "Lublana" (that's how it used to be called before, Lubiana) and 'polomljena' is pronounced like 'polomlena' etc. So don't feel bad for not being able to pronounce it 100% :D

  • @anesajusufi3080
    @anesajusufi3080 6 лет назад +3

    Use "pons" for translating words it's 99% accurate

  • @rokstrojin7440
    @rokstrojin7440 6 лет назад

    Where are you from? Cleveland?

  • @nejcdragarslo5250
    @nejcdragarslo5250 6 лет назад

    Ful dobro

  • @randomdudu
    @randomdudu 6 лет назад

    hey thats a pretty unique idea, love it

  • @anjapetek2082
    @anjapetek2082 6 лет назад

    Slovensko govoriš bolje, kot moj prijatelj, ki že 5 let živi v sloveniji.👍👏

  • @majabizjak3784
    @majabizjak3784 6 лет назад

    ful dobr govoriš slovensko

  • @MrZan009
    @MrZan009 6 лет назад

    Uporabljaj pons prevajalnik za dolocene besede ki jih ne razumes tvoja slovenscina je zelo dobra kar tako naprej

  • @SuperCirci
    @SuperCirci 6 лет назад

    for me, as a slovene, 13 and 33 are hardest to pronounce ;)

  • @lunadobravc7424
    @lunadobravc7424 6 лет назад +2

    I love you ❤️💕

  • @frenkkersnik8059
    @frenkkersnik8059 6 лет назад +1

    HEHE Sam reči LJUBLJANA večkrat na dan hihi

  • @tvojsong721
    @tvojsong721 6 лет назад +1

    si gledala evrovizijo? :D

  • @MrPicofmylife
    @MrPicofmylife 6 лет назад

    Čebljaš :))) nice one!

  • @1232gezza
    @1232gezza 6 лет назад

    If you need single word translations you gotta use pons! Pons has great translations, google translate doesn’t :p

  • @piagrom3585
    @piagrom3585 6 лет назад

    Zelo dobro govoriš slovensko. Pohvalno kar tako naprej

  • @almad212
    @almad212 6 лет назад

    My comment has been translated! Yees! 👏🤗😸🌸

    • @almad212
      @almad212 6 лет назад

      Yeah, čebljati = to talk in a cute way 🤗

  • @tjasborovnica5892
    @tjasborovnica5892 6 лет назад

    Pridi kaj v Ljubljano

  • @martinyt3270
    @martinyt3270 6 лет назад +1

    Jaz sem iz slovenije

  • @itsmelara2251
    @itsmelara2251 6 лет назад

    Ali lahko še več takih videov

  • @janpeternelj2309
    @janpeternelj2309 6 лет назад

    Čebljaš (infinitive čebljati) = to prattle :)

  • @paulsdancing5429
    @paulsdancing5429 5 лет назад

    The way I see it, you have been in Slovenian Vlog business for a couple of years. You popped up on my screen a couple of weeks ago. What is the catch? If I heard it write in one of your other shows you said that Luka your Slovenian husband cannot express himself. According to you, Luka never could find himself to say that he loves you. What is up? A Canadian observer.

  • @FoxterYT
    @FoxterYT 6 лет назад +2

    6:42 i wasn't exspecting that...lol google translate is broken

  • @kristinatrivic1384
    @kristinatrivic1384 6 лет назад


  • @khajiitbob543
    @khajiitbob543 6 лет назад +1

    oh look, my comment :D

  • @alyakalisnik9021
    @alyakalisnik9021 6 лет назад

    Dobro ti gre

  • @BlackholeSi
    @BlackholeSi 6 лет назад +2

    Do you prefer reading comments in English or Slovenian? :)

  • @martinakranjc5219
    @martinakranjc5219 6 лет назад

    čebljaš is another expression for talking (govoriti)

  • @biba1baba2buba3
    @biba1baba2buba3 5 лет назад +1

    I can say "th" raises hand*

  • @lauracesnik3995
    @lauracesnik3995 6 лет назад +1

    Še tako naprej in boš čista slovenla

  • @papadabbyjr8071
    @papadabbyjr8071 6 лет назад

    Jst sm slovenec i am slovene

  • @squngy0
    @squngy0 6 лет назад

    čebljanje = jabbering
    čebljaš => second person accusative

  • @gajagajci1178
    @gajagajci1178 6 лет назад

    I from slovenija

  • @luana-cj3en
    @luana-cj3en 6 лет назад

    i can help you blo means bilo in english bilo means something like it was beautiful je bilo lepo.

  • @misajelenc5523
    @misajelenc5523 6 лет назад

    se motim?=am I wrong?

  • @timrihter-kozar7986
    @timrihter-kozar7986 2 года назад

    čebljaš means talking

  • @amadejrosar5300
    @amadejrosar5300 6 лет назад


  • @nexy5139
    @nexy5139 6 лет назад


  • @jehonaajvazi7166
    @jehonaajvazi7166 6 лет назад +1

    A si slovenka ali ne ker mas slovenski primek

  • @smacksvita9317
    @smacksvita9317 6 лет назад

    Se opravicujem ko sem gledlou vlog sem dojel da nisi slovenka

  • @evazz8696
    @evazz8696 6 лет назад

    Kar dobro ti gre

  • @evahorvat2115
    @evahorvat2115 6 лет назад


  • @papadabbyjr8071
    @papadabbyjr8071 6 лет назад

    Objavi is upload

  • @ndrjskrbnk
    @ndrjskrbnk 4 года назад

    v mariboru je tudi nekdo, ki ima podobne težave, gl. ruclips.net/video/cUkkW7cauPE/видео.html :)

  • @laho1727
    @laho1727 6 лет назад

    zaka se delaš da neznaš slovensko

    • @laho1727
      @laho1727 6 лет назад

      faking dolenc se pišeš

  • @PrettyWilds
    @PrettyWilds 6 лет назад +1

    I'live in Slovenia

  • @jehonaajvazi7166
    @jehonaajvazi7166 6 лет назад +1

    A si slovenka ali ne ker mas slovenski primek

    • @MariahDolenc
      @MariahDolenc  6 лет назад +1

      Moj mož je slovenec. Američanka sem.

    • @jehonaajvazi7166
      @jehonaajvazi7166 6 лет назад +1

      Mariah Dolenc lepo you are good at slovin