This IS the Worst Kind of Church

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 574

  • @barbarakuykendall2515
    @barbarakuykendall2515 Год назад +97

    Avoid any so called church that does not preach JESUS and how to live Holy as our GOD is HOLY!

    • @aben4895
      @aben4895 Год назад +8

      If a Church gives more importance to money and not preaching the Word of God, leave it.

    • @verajones9158
      @verajones9158 Год назад +7


    • @barbarakuykendall2515
      @barbarakuykendall2515 Год назад +1

      @@verajones9158 Amen, Gospel! Praise God.

    • @NITA-iy1kx
      @NITA-iy1kx Год назад +2

      👁 FLOATERS

    • @hcho7776
      @hcho7776 Год назад

      Wake up to the Truth before it is too Late
      Friday, April 15th, 2011 @ 23:00
      My beloved daughter, you must tell the world that My Most Holy Will must now be adhered to, if mankind wants eternal life. This world will, although it has much to offer, never satisfy your hunger. Were it not for the sins of your first parents, Adam and Eve, then yes, it would have been possible to live in eternal happiness with no obstacles in your way. Because the deceiver is everywhere, he will not let any of you plan your life towards Me. Cunning, a liar, he will strive continuously to ensure that you fall into sin through various means of seduction. He will find it very difficult, however, to target you if you are in a state of grace, achieved through Confession and the Blessed Sacrament.
      The Holy Rosary is especially effective against Satan because of the powers given to the Blessed Virgin, My Mother, by God the Eternal Father. She has tremendous power over the deceiver. He is powerless against her and he knows this. If you allow My Holy Mother to guide you towards the graces she can intercede for, on your behalf, then you will be immune to his influence.
      While people today strive towards happiness and peace on this Earth, they look for a secret formula. This is where they spend time trying to unlock the secret of happiness, material gain and peace in their lives. They come up with new ways, ideas, all of which are promoted through get rich schemes. Irrespective of all the arguments they put forward, most of which are based on psychologically driven idealism, it is simply not possible to attain peace and joy in your lives if you do not believe in God the Eternal Father. He is the only Giver of Life. Without becoming close to Him, you will be empty of spirit. Those of you, who invest a considerable amount of time trying to disprove My Existence, waste your time chasing dreams, which will never come to fruition. Your stubborn refusal to acknowledge your Creator, the Supreme Being Who created this world, will lead you into an abyss of eternal darkness. Many people like you, who went to extraordinary length to deny the Existence of God, in their lifetime, by spreading the lie that there is no such thing as God the Father, are now, sadly, in the depths of Hell by their own choice. Don’t you allow this to happen to your souls; where those who do end up in Hell, burn as if they were still made of flesh. How Satan laughs at your ignorance. When you deny God, you are denying your right to eternal happiness. This same eternal happiness is what you seek relentlessly in this world. But it cannot be attained on Earth.
      Never live your life on Earth as if this is the only part of the cycle of your existence, because it is not. Your real home will be in Paradise with Me.
      Your loving Saviour
      Jesus Christ

  • @kelliesmith7569
    @kelliesmith7569 Год назад +111

    It's not just the mega churches that you have to look out for. Many small churches fall into the same situation. It comes down to reading the scriptures for yourself and having some kind of discernment when you are in search for a church home.

    • @CuriouSteve
      @CuriouSteve 10 месяцев назад

      ​​​​@@thetruthchannel349*Exactly!* It's the doctrine that matters.
      Some ways to quickly eliminate a few falsehoods.
      1. Female pastor
      2: Speaking in random tongues and random convulsing.
      3: Deliverance ministry for "Christians"
      4: Telling you that you can pray Jesus in your heart at the alter call, that's only been around for about 100 yrs. Popularized in America. For most of the last 2000 years people saw baptism as essential.
      Satan wants to make sure you do everything BUT get baptized into the family of God. And people are too prideful to admit that they are wrong I was one of them. But God opened up my eyes. I didn't realize it was a spiritual blindness because I didn't want to know the truth, in my own way I hated the truth because it was a lot to admit that I got it wrong and was taught wrong. I was handed over to my delusions concerning salvation, and once I wanted to actually know the truth, I literally couldn't unsee it. God opened my eyes just like that after fighting with someone about it for almost half a year. Baptism is essential. You can tell whether your heart is able to accept it by reading the following scriptures. If you feel strong resistance regardless of what it says and hold on to what you've been told instead, then you know that you are under a spiritual blindness. Anyway, that will eliminate the _mass_ majority of churches.
      Acts 9:18
      Immediately something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he got up and was baptized;
      These people take the thief on the cross as a way to supersede baptism even though Jesus had not entered into his glory yet. They ignore his last comandment. They look at Romans 8 and don't realize that Romans 6 goes with Romans 8 and those in Romans 8 have already been baptized clearly as you can see in Rom 6. Even Corey gets this part wrong. Hope he sees it one day. But it takes extremely humility to say to yourself WOW I got this part wrong. Question everything just remember even TD Jakes Paula White Benny hinn Joel Osteen all do the "pray Jesus into your heart" thing so that *alone* should make you question to at least investigate salvation.
      Acts 8:36-38
      As they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch said, “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?” [38] And he ordered that the chariot stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him.
      Mark 16:16
      The one who has believed and has been baptized will be saved; but the one who has not believed will be condemned.
      Romans 6:3-4
      Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? [4] Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life.
      Matthew 28:18-20
      And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. [19] Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
      1 Peter 3:18-21
      For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit, [19] in whom He also went and preached to the spirits in prison [20] who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In the ark a few people, only eight souls, were saved through water. [21] And this water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you also-not the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God-through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
      Acts 2:37-41
      When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” [38] Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. [39] This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off-to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.” [40] With many other words he testified, and he urged them, “Be saved from this corrupt generation.” [41] Those who embraced his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to the believers that day.

    • @WayneDomingo-Sambrano-xe4ff
      @WayneDomingo-Sambrano-xe4ff 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @Gwynelle-j5q
      @Gwynelle-j5q 7 месяцев назад +1

      Bigggg timeee😮

    • @vickiebunch3072
      @vickiebunch3072 7 месяцев назад +1


    • @bessiecrockett5427
      @bessiecrockett5427 7 месяцев назад +1

      So true many churches The leadership does not encourage to read the Bible, it used to be back in the day the Pastor encouraged the people to bring their Bibles, Also you would be encouraged to open your Bible at home.😮

  • @elliottparker6389
    @elliottparker6389 Год назад +50

    He is on point. Also, having anniversaries is problematic as well. And pastors' sons taken over a church is problematic as well.

    • @justaregularguy115
      @justaregularguy115 Год назад +3

      That's oddly specific. Sounds like ur speaking from experience, lol.

    • @elliottparker6389
      @elliottparker6389 Год назад

      Fasho. I pastored a Chicago church

    • @Gwynelle-j5q
      @Gwynelle-j5q 7 месяцев назад

      Some pastors have so many special days the calender has to change. I grew up in a small Baptist church and they would raise enough money to buy him a brand new Cadillac for his anniversaries from time to time. Other times he got an outright cash gift😮😢😮Pastornomics can be tricky! We had nothing and walked to church from the projects. We loved our Pastor he was a good leader in spite of his people around him😮.

    • @drdecker1
      @drdecker1 7 месяцев назад +1

      Read your bible. God has a son. But the devil does not know scripture. Who do you think Jesus was praying to in the garden?

    • @elliottparker6389
      @elliottparker6389 7 месяцев назад

      What you mean? Satan does know. Read your bible, sir!@@drdecker1

  • @lindacornett1114
    @lindacornett1114 Год назад +129

    The gospel doesn't need all the bells and whistles to do what only it can do - save souls.

    • @robertarice4163
      @robertarice4163 Год назад +5


    • @koolsmoothfan
      @koolsmoothfan Год назад +5

      All you have to do is lift up and preach Jesus Christ. Jesus said it Himself. John 12:32...He said, If you lift Me up, then I will draw all men to Me.

    • @susizettcolbert2394
      @susizettcolbert2394 Год назад

      @@koolsmoothfan If you read that scripture again,you will find out,Jesus was talking about him dying,he didn't say if you would lift me up,he was saying,If I (him Jesus)be lifted him I will draw all men,John 12:31-33) Jesus said, “ Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” He said this to show the kind of death he was going to die.

    • @koolsmoothfan
      @koolsmoothfan Год назад

      @@susizettcolbert2394 Sharing with people that Jesus died on the cross for them, and showing them that He loved them so much that He gave His life for them. That does draw a lot of people to Christ, when they realize the sacrifice, He made for them. I have seen it happen a lot.

    • @lorenzobradford9013
      @lorenzobradford9013 Год назад

      Save our soul, from what? The boogie man.?&. Do you have to refrigerate after opening,to retard spoilage?

  • @sueorona5524
    @sueorona5524 Год назад +43

    When I was a Buddhist, I have everything that most women want to have, when I started work as servant of God, everything gone as family 👪, 🏠, friends with the all the injuries and husband of 24yars... 😱 but I never feel sorry myself for all my lost😅 because the devil 😈 can have it all! Except One you never taken away from me,
    "Lord, Jesus Christ!!!💝

    • @sueorona5524
      @sueorona5524 Год назад +4

      😗, He chosen me with his 💘 and Grace and taught me as servants must do.😔😃😁🎈🎉💝

    • @sueorona5524
      @sueorona5524 Год назад

    • @27copper27
      @27copper27 8 месяцев назад

      Praise God Almighty! You will receive a great reward at the judgement seat of Christ for your stance for Him.

    • @marionmarcetic7287
      @marionmarcetic7287 7 месяцев назад +1

      Blessings On You Sue Orona For Being Such A Faithful Daughter Of Our Precious Lord And Saviour Yeshua Jesus Christ! Shalom And Amen!✝️✝️🛐🛐📛🕊️🕊️🕊️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🤰🤱🧬🤰🤱✨👑✨🦁🦁🦁❣️❣️❣️🌺🌺🌺😇🌟🤗🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🗽‼️

    • @vickiebunch3072
      @vickiebunch3072 2 месяца назад

      @@sueorona5524 SING it sister! Amen!

  • @Careabout597
    @Careabout597 Год назад +66

    These Pastors are giving the people what they want to see: Entertainment! Time of the fallen! There’s no other way to interpret it! Great wave of deception!

    • @davidodediran716
      @davidodediran716 7 месяцев назад +1

      The Bible says the people have itching ears, they love lying pastors and prophets.

    • @DonnaMarie007
      @DonnaMarie007 3 месяца назад

      Yes, they are scratching the members itching ears.

  • @cindymccafferty8346
    @cindymccafferty8346 Год назад +18

    I knew a pastor like the I AM Important Man. “Nobody in this church reads the Bible as much as I do. No one prays as much as I do.” “I’m worried about you. You’ve got so far to go. I don’t know if you’re going to make it.” I left that church. A false prophet glorifies himself. He makes sure to mention that he is an expert in theology so people believe everything he tells you. He emphasizes money. He rails against anyone who dares to question his authority. He rules with an iron fist. Mental and verbal abuse, controlling is part of his ministry. I had a pastor say in church, “I am God’s representative on this earth. What I say, God says. And if you don’t believe what I say, go home and pray until you do.” And all the people nodded their heads agreeing with him. I literally grabbed my kids and ran. This was only a few years after 800 Jim Jones people at the People’s Temple in Guyana died.

    • @Micah6.8life
      @Micah6.8life 4 месяца назад

      😮Please share more. Did you leaving go well? Did you find a new place? Were you single?

  • @honeytoone8610
    @honeytoone8610 7 месяцев назад +6

    Thank you so much for your channel! I am so glad I found it!!! May God continue to bless your channel and change hearts and educate and help Christians grow.

  • @samuelflores1419
    @samuelflores1419 Год назад +20

    The Church has become a Venue and the so-called Pastor is the Entertainment! If your Pastor is all about you, how great you are? No Jesus Christ Crucified! RUN! God bless you brother and your ministry!

  • @sueorona5524
    @sueorona5524 Год назад +26

    "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.."
    Matthew 7:21

  • @vickiebunch3072
    @vickiebunch3072 Год назад +103

    If you go to a church with an ATM, R U N!

    • @WayneDomingo-Sambrano-xe4ff
      @WayneDomingo-Sambrano-xe4ff 8 месяцев назад +8

      I've worked with a guy from Detroit when he went to church and saw a 🏧 in the church that rubbed him the wrong way he hasn't been to church since...

    • @vickiebunch3072
      @vickiebunch3072 8 месяцев назад +8

      @@WayneDomingo-Sambrano-xe4ff can you blame him? An ATM means money is bring preached there!

    • @maryncudo4526
      @maryncudo4526 7 месяцев назад

      In those congregations with false doctrines,
      where those false preachers, prophets, they quote the Bible but they are satan's servants using the name of the SOVEREIGN GOD in vain. GOD IS HOLY his presence is not in that mess within those congregations .
      Look that Pastor in red suits and white this too is a pastor? It's more like the world. Look like the world talk like the world.
      Come out of them and be separated.
      No one could serve GOD and baal simultaneously false shepherds.
      Listen when the head is till putrid, depraved, worldly then entire body is sick very sick

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@WayneDomingo-Sambrano-xe4ffGod told us through the parable He told us through Peter, flesh and blood is the church, Matthew 16:18...
      And to be ye/you not called Rabbi or teacher; for one is your Master, even Christ, and all ye, you are brethren, Matthew 23:8.

    • @aunteepsalmsfasting
      @aunteepsalmsfasting 7 месяцев назад

      Completely disagree. ATMs in the church lobby is convenient. I love it.

  • @justintillett
    @justintillett Год назад +39

    This is solid teaching. I wish every Christian could hear this.

  • @janetdavis6473
    @janetdavis6473 Год назад +26

    I just found your channel today. Really like your honesty and transparency. So far so good!😻

  • @andre0baskin
    @andre0baskin Год назад +50

    When a church is large, church governance and management become very important because the temptation to line one's pockets is so strong. A church of 100 people can have honest well meaning people running things and do just fine, but a large church needs people with clearly defined skill sets and a proven track record, whether on staff or volunteers. As a church grows it needs to move from _Bro. Jones feels lead by The Spirit to manage the church finances_ to _Does Bro. Jones have the proven skills and experience to manage the church finances?,_ as an example.

    • @ifeifesi
      @ifeifesi Год назад +18

      Large or small I think a good church starts with good doctrine. Without good, sound doctrine the more chance that church will be run & managed by the world's principles with the wrong people put into leadership and management.

    • @andre0baskin
      @andre0baskin Год назад +6

      @@ifeifesi Correct, I was taking the fact that the churches were doctrinally sound as a given, but it is always good to remind people that it is the first step.

    • @KeithEasley-vc1mb
      @KeithEasley-vc1mb Год назад +5

      That is well said my brother thanks for this comment

    • @fothgt
      @fothgt Год назад +2

      Actually most important is does the pastor love Jesus? Have a true heart for God whether in obscurity or publicity?

    • @sharoncrawford7192
      @sharoncrawford7192 Год назад +1

      I know of a rather large church where the pastor retired. They put a younger man in as senior pastor. He embezzled a million dollars from the church. They pressed no charges and I don't know if he had to pay it back?

  • @SpyrytBearandSnowDog
    @SpyrytBearandSnowDog Год назад +13

    I feel set aside and lost in the crowd and chaos in a large church because I don’t have any interest in the things of this world anymore and that’s what they talk about constantly it’s so surface level.

  • @pettspeace
    @pettspeace 6 месяцев назад +2

    I just discovered - was lead by the spirit - you and this channel and you are right on! You let me know that I am not losing is spiritually because you are answering so many of my concerns about the church! Thank you

  • @IseetheGloryofKingdom
    @IseetheGloryofKingdom Год назад +24

    Those who study the Word of God Teach Word of God! That is what is NEEDED!

    • @sylviafullerton7416
      @sylviafullerton7416 7 месяцев назад +1

      Don’t go to Church to be entertained, go to praise GOD and come out sharing his Gospel.

  • @Americanwoman74
    @Americanwoman74 Год назад +89

    Corey, have you listened or heard of Paul Washer? Look up Paul Washer "how dare you" sermon. He speaks on pastors who preach to those with tickling ears, and ignoring the members that truly want to hear the gospel. You gotta hear him.

    • @thisistheway7529
      @thisistheway7529 Год назад

      ​​@@carlosreira2189pharese Spirit is destructiv

    • @Americanwoman74
      @Americanwoman74 Год назад +3

      @@carlosreira2189 no! You don't say!!🙄 I kindly suggest you just listen to Paul's sermon so you can get a better understanding of what he was preaching my broth er. Can't understand your haste to assume something about the man & his message b4
      hearing it. Stop it.

    • @Americanwoman74
      @Americanwoman74 Год назад +4

      @@briannajenell he's one of a kind that's for sure 😂
      And I think he's legit for sure!

    • @Name92391
      @Name92391 Год назад +4

      I have a great deal of respect for Paul Washer, he is preaching the Word of God.

    • @scottgiannotti5480
      @scottgiannotti5480 Год назад +3

      Washer is very much in an Old Testament Judiac mindset of scolding, hellfire, and brimstone. Did Jesus teach like this? No. Because the Old Testament is the doctrine of confusion.

  • @RevDrJohnWWilsonIII
    @RevDrJohnWWilsonIII Год назад +12

    Hi Corey, I enjoy your teaching and conversation. Regarding FWBC and it's teaching classrooms, they have many. I was pastor of Christian Education for 13 years. I believe we had one of the best teaching and learning opportunities in dfw. Our teachers, ministers, and leaders went through extensive and lengthy training. Also pastor Haynes and I differed politically, he allowed me to thoroughly train his members. 90 percent of staff ministers completed masters level seminary. Our members were equipped.

  • @melissamartin8208
    @melissamartin8208 Год назад +8

    Praying for God to expose all deceptive pastors ASAP.

  • @AVAROPENA-wm2co
    @AVAROPENA-wm2co Год назад +10

    I have a big problem with pastors maintaining a social media presence. Is that something I should be more understanding of?

  • @sharonchesser9194
    @sharonchesser9194 7 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for this. So much "I, me , my" it is truly all about our wonderful Saviour, Jesus Christ! This old world has more than enough to entertain my flesh. Oh precious blood that cleanses. Praying for you.

  • @jerryavalos9610
    @jerryavalos9610 Год назад +11

    I go to the large church, however both the pastor and associate pastor answer to the board of elders and they also determine their salary. Churches need to beware of too much glitz even in worship that will take peoples eyes off Christ.

  • @DougWilliams-mk5ir
    @DougWilliams-mk5ir Год назад +9

    Teaching the feel-good gospel, which is NOT the Gospel, causes hearts to be hardened.

    • @DougWilliams-mk5ir
      @DougWilliams-mk5ir Год назад +1

      If you don’t believe me, ask me. I am warning you that wanting to feel good all the time, has caused my heart to be hardened. And it slows me down, to a point of unfruitfulness..

  • @bigzackk7
    @bigzackk7 Год назад +25

    We live in a world today where there are so many people attacking or bringing under scrutiny the Gospel and them that are preaching the Gospel. It is problematic for me because I see all the post, blogs, videos,etc submitted for critique by individuals. I VERY rarely see the ones that provide the critique or scrutiny, themselves ever put forth any physical work or some sort of demenstration ,that will aid the Gospel to go forward with reconciliation of souls back to God. There’s many highlighting the problem, themselves put forth NO example to show the work or how ministry or church should operate correctly. They do a lot of talk against those that are laboring but themselves will NOT put there hands NO where near the plow! They sit behind screens via social media which is there “Church” and have NO hands on or one on one with people. Instead of praying for, or using the platform they have to invoke the presence or power of God for fire or revival, there platforms are used for scrutiny and critique. Ultimately this is sowing discord and “God hates”that’s what the Bible say them that sow discord. There is much pray needed in our Churches today. There is a lot of corruption in the community of churches. There is also more corruption in our government(s), police departments,schools, work places. We need more people focusing on pulling down principalities of darkness and praying for deliverance. We need to fight for one another, rather than against one another. Just my opinion

    • @janekangethe1190
      @janekangethe1190 Год назад +5

      Fully agree..we are tired of critic videos....adds no value to the body of Christ

    • @Derekbaugh
      @Derekbaugh Год назад +2

      We also need the voice of awakening.
      The devil has breached the gospel, and babes need to be warned.
      The incorrect teaching of once saved always saved started all this confusion.

    • @bambooluxury6293
      @bambooluxury6293 Год назад

      You say all these because you do not know how damaging corrupting the gospel is. It undermines the truth and still leads people to hell. False gospel from false preachers is same as somebody standing in the doorway and not allowing people to pass through with he himself not going through. Imagine living your whole life thinking you're a Christian because you've been fed lies, but you really are a false convert with no idea of what it means to be in a relationship with God because somebody kept feeding you lies. Additionally God commands us to expose these works of darkness and to contend for the truth. How can u stay silent when somebody deliberately maligns the only hope that the world has. we all are going to stand in judgment before God someday this is very very very important in fact more important than anything else here on Earth. From the day we are born to the day we die this is the only thing that will matter that we know the God of the earth who made all things and commands us to live holy.

    • @brucedavis8773
      @brucedavis8773 Год назад

      I agree. No one is dealing with the racism, police brutality, etc. They blame the black community for their own ills. But white people killed more of their own last year. But when it comes to dealing with it. The black gatekeepers say , “color” don’t matter.
      U have everybody saying what people are not doing. It so many of these platforms. Is there anyone doing it right? Also, who checks the checker?!!

    • @aprilwhite1794
      @aprilwhite1794 Год назад +1

      Well said! It's so very disheartening, but a lot of these RUclips teachers don't believe in the power that the LORD has given us.

  • @msv2886
    @msv2886 8 месяцев назад +3

    My pastor does not accept a salary from the church. He lives(through faith)off whatever members give as a love offering. We only take up one offering. He doesn’t “hoop” when he preach. Some people will find that boring. I don’t

  • @juliewilliams52
    @juliewilliams52 2 месяца назад

    Sir, you are 100% right on every issue. You are a blessing to all of us! We need people like you for all who have itching ears!!! God bless!

  • @benita-qt7jb
    @benita-qt7jb Год назад +18

    I'm in a big church and my pastor teaches the word of God.

    • @Derekbaugh
      @Derekbaugh Год назад +4

      Everyone says that.

    • @aprilwhite1794
      @aprilwhite1794 Год назад +2

      Before COVID I belonged to a mega church (it was a store front church when I joined), the minister turned into a narcissistic Trump praising teacher. I can't make myself step back into that church.

  • @RoderickPhelps
    @RoderickPhelps Год назад +4

    Hello Dr. Corey how r u my dear bra in Christ. I just want 2 encourage u in the Lord by keep exposing all the false things and peeps out here. Most of all thank u 4 always using God's WORD as the foundation of all ur discussions. I told my wife how I like ur analytical approach 2 make us think. May Jesus continue 2 use & bless His ministry via u. Keep up the gud work 4 Jesus cause.
    Pastor Rock Phelps of
    T.O.U.C.H. of CHRIST Ministries.

  • @G2024M
    @G2024M 3 месяца назад +1

    You are so true in what you are saying. Love it.

  • @dolittle6781
    @dolittle6781 3 месяца назад +1

    Well yes, this is exactly right. Sadly though the word of God is not for everyone-as in scripture that says let those who have ears hear-meaning that some people simply don’t want to hear His word. And then there are those who hear it but don’t understand it and those who understand it but won’t do it. Isn’t this why we are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ?

  • @AllanMcCoy-fc2td
    @AllanMcCoy-fc2td 3 месяца назад +1

    HI I am 75 years of age and was blessed to brought up in a BIBLE BELIVEING AND PREACHING CHURCH ; we were not there to be entertained but on the contrary TO ENTERAIN THE SPIRIT OF ALL MIGHTY GOD( JESUS CHRIST ) A LOT OF THE SO CALLED CHURCHS TODAY IS LIKE A CIRCUS HOLY , HOLY, HOLY IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY

  • @katsummers8826
    @katsummers8826 Год назад +3


  • @Heavenzvoice
    @Heavenzvoice 8 месяцев назад +1

    I had a choir member who would come to choir Reh , head straight to work then get off with about 4 hours before Sunday service , not go to sleep but come sing with the choir and … go back to work.
    I got rebuked because I didn’t get up and say something during a testimonial service. I didn’t get bullied into it cause I don’t roll with foolishness. But after church I told the person… I literally walk in here after work. I’m at a gym 6am and teach 4 classes a day and personal train people til 6pm. It took all my energy to not go home but get here. As you were berating me about not saying anything I was actually saying to God,” Lord I’m so tied but thank you for getting me here.”, to be overshadowed with someone telling me I oughta get up and say something by for the Lord.
    All of that stuff is from Pride.

  • @eunicegeorge8126
    @eunicegeorge8126 8 месяцев назад +1

    Brother let us all be introspectful, letting the Holy Spirit guide us away from sin and false teaching and TO God!

  • @dianewilliams4123
    @dianewilliams4123 7 месяцев назад +1

    This is a good spiritual discernment taught lesson that needed to be taught, we need to listen and hear this wise advice. We need to be aware of these churches especially in these days.

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад

      We will continue to live in a lie, until we listen to God through JesusChrist, and worship Him in Spirit and in truth, John 4:21-24..
      Because millions it be, that know not what they worship.....
      Know ye, you not, that ye are the temple, synagogue, house, building, church, of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?????? also, Matthew 16:18.

  • @kingleroyfilms1962
    @kingleroyfilms1962 3 месяца назад

    Thank You Sir for teaching reproving and exorting the true word of God. My wife and I are Christian entreprenures in San Antonio,.Texas, and we have been blessed by your channel. We would like to support your ministry. Please Reply..
    In Christ
    Brother and Sister
    King Le'Roy and LaRosa McDonald

  • @Butterfly04able
    @Butterfly04able 3 месяца назад +1

    I don’t want or need smoke and lights with a worship team. I know Jesus on a personal level, He blesses me for my blessings going up to Him

  • @eddiev73
    @eddiev73 Год назад +2

    Amen Brother. Many churches only teach what the people want to hear - exactly for itching ears. People trying to attract people for itching ears falling away from God's Word. Amen. Great Video Brother. Praise God.

  • @lesterduncan2914
    @lesterduncan2914 7 месяцев назад +1

    Great introduction on explaining why these "churches" draw people in.

  • @DT-pd7ty
    @DT-pd7ty 7 месяцев назад +1

    Greetings! Excellent Commentary to keep the People from being deceived. Amen! I also wanted to point something out with that large church you pointed out in the graphics with the cross on top of it. You pointed out the sanctuary in that photo being the biggest part of the church being the problem. I want to also point out the cross on the top being a problem. This is symbolism and Idolatry. I'm straying away from buildings with Flags and crosses as well. Thank You Brother!

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад

      Know ye, you not that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you, 1 Corinthians 3:16. Matthew 16:18, Thou, you are Peter, a stone or a rock, upon this rock, I build my church....,... and that rock was flesh and blood....
      Do you not care for the things that God speak through JesusChrist no more? These things which God speaks through JesusChrist are true! Man gives us a vision out of his own heart, and not out of the mouth of God, Jeremiah 23:16.

  • @luismendoza3240
    @luismendoza3240 Год назад +9

    I have been noticing a lot of churches are headed down this path.
    It's as if it's not church but a production of a show now

    • @bigdaddysugarcane2894
      @bigdaddysugarcane2894 Год назад +3

      You won’t hear them talk about gay homosexuals or all the stuff going on around us.

    • @GodSaid777
      @GodSaid777 9 месяцев назад +1

      Lights,cameras,action,send in the clowns. Are you not entertained ?

  • @pettspeace
    @pettspeace 6 месяцев назад +2

    I love it!,, “ …can I get my offering envelope back😂😂😂😂

  • @jacquelineMeyers-is1zz
    @jacquelineMeyers-is1zz Год назад +1

    Just what a man of God who knows the word would know, that for those of us 8n nasty now and now, we need the encouragement, and were in the word enough in our own time when were right with God, that the fellowship we seek is of those who take the word with them.

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад

      Amen my brother, I hope that God's children wakes up before it gets too late! God said, we are His building, we are His temple, which the Spirit of God dwelleth in, 1 Corinthians 3 16, 9.

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад

      And to go out into all the world, and He sent them out 2 by 2, and to teach all nations, people.

  • @delbertcanright2710
    @delbertcanright2710 Год назад +2

    Friday 9 1 23 10am. Joshua., Tx. Thanks for exposing these false churches!
    All we need is the preaching of the word, the true Gospel.

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад

      Because God made us to be the church, flesh and blood, and to carry the Word of God with us. Know ye, you not that ye are the temple, synagogue, building, church, of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you??, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 9, Matthew 16:18, Thou art Peter, a stone or a rock, flesh and blood, upon this rock I build my church..... yes, Peter was flesh and blood.

  • @natefowler7988
    @natefowler7988 Год назад +1

    This is minister nate fowler. I agree with everything I have heard. I agree with you sir. I am very thankful for you and what u are trying to accomplish sir.

  • @acur7227
    @acur7227 Год назад +3

    I pray their eyes are open to see the error of their ways before judgement comes. I've grown, usually I would wish God's wrath upon them swiftly!

  • @sseltrek1a2b
    @sseltrek1a2b 10 месяцев назад +2

    it's alarming how many Pastors are not being "Pastors", making it really hard to find solid churches to be a part of...

  • @aprilwhite1794
    @aprilwhite1794 Год назад +5

    Recently I finished reading the book of Exodus, I'm now at the beginning of Leviticus. When I read chapter 32 of Exodus I was floored, it was as if I'd never read that book or chapter before, and I have. After I finished laughing at God and Moses's conversation, I read on and was shocked at what Aaron did. At the end of the chapter I had to ask the LORD why Aaron wasn't dead.
    The people asked Aaron to make them a GOD because they didn't know what happenes to Moses, which was a lie, then Aaron sculptured a golden calf from gold and told the people that the golden calf delived them out of Egypt. Then HE invited the people to come to a festival the next day to worship the LORD ( he called the calf the LORD). When Moses came and asked what happened Arron said he just threw the gold in the fire and the calf just popped out.
    The book of Exodus enlighted me to what a mess we are, priest included. Did you know that there's more than one sin offering in the bible? According to the book of Leviticus priest have their own sin offering. I think when Paul was listening the attributes a priest should have, I think he meant what a priest should work at having.

    • @susizettcolbert2394
      @susizettcolbert2394 Год назад +1

      They didn't lie,they throught Moses had died upon the mountain,only Joshua went with him,Aaron throught he had died too,that's why he listen to the people.After Moses came down he melted the golden image and put it in water made them drink it.They paid as well as Aaron,but he didn;t kill Aaron because he was a priest,Moses also disobeyed God,he and Aaron didn't make it to the promise land but he allowed Moses to look at it.There are 7 offerings in the bible it's all together.Burnt offering,Drink offering,Heave offering,meal offering,peace offering,trespass offering,and sin offering,before the high priest go into the Holy of Holiness behind the curtain,he had to offer a sin offering for him and his family

    • @aprilwhite1794
      @aprilwhite1794 Год назад +3

      @@susizettcolbert2394 where does it say they thought Moses had died?
      Exodus 32:1 Now when the people saw that Moses delayed coming down from the mountain, the people gathered together to Aaron, and said to him, “Come, make us gods that shall go before us; for as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him."
      Notice they said, "for as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has become of him" They gave Moses, a man, the credit for bringing them out of Egypt, no mention of the LORD. These are the same people who said “We will do everything the LORD has said.” Exodus 18:8, “Everything the Lord has said we will do.” Exodus 24:3.
      They referred to Moses as if he were just some guy, like they barely knew him, again, they didn't even mention the LORD, he had just verbally given them the ten commandments from his own mouth at the foot of the mountain.
      Did Aaron remind the people of any of the miracles that the LORD had done for them? No! He replaced the LORD with a golden calf and then invited them to a party. HE blasphemed the Holy Spirit by saying that the calf was their God who bought them out of Egypt. HE called the calf "their LORD". When Moses questioned him about the calf he lied.
      Leviticus 4:3 if it is the anointed priest who sins, thus bringing guilt on the people, then he shall offer for the sin that he has committed a bull from the herd without blemish to the LORD for a sin offering.
      Priest sin and they sometimes cause the people to sin. As for Moses the LORD rightly threatened to kill him in the book of Genesis and in Exodus.
      The point to my post is that we all struggle with righteousness but the blessed LORD has made a way for us to receive salvation through his son our redeemer. As for the priest/ministers, all he has to work with are the flawed people that we are. I don't believe that all ministers are true believers. We have to read the LORD's word so that we know his voice to not be deceived.

    • @susizettcolbert2394
      @susizettcolbert2394 Год назад +3

      @@aprilwhite1794 Sorry typo error,I meant to say they throught he had died or left them.I know God was going to kill Moses at one time for not circumcising his son,his wife Zipporah did.If you would read the history along with the bible verses you will understand.Everything you just said I said the same.There's no small or big sin.When the priest sinned they paid too as Aaron's two sons who was priest,Nadab and Abihu who was stoned to death for idol gods.I don't go back and forth about something I know.I'm not a pastor,nor,a missionary,or evangelist,nor did I go to a school to get a degree,I did go to nursing school.I learned through fasting,praying,studying God's word,through trials,through Jesus giving me miracles all my 73 life.I was just giving you a little extra.I was in the world did things I won't say it's too long and the miracles,it's too long.Sometimes saints just want to help a little.I won't comment about this post again.Just trying to help.Only Jesus can give knowledge and wisdom concerning the scripture.I pray Jesus blessing for you

    • @aprilwhite1794
      @aprilwhite1794 Год назад +3

      @@susizettcolbert2394 you're fine. I think I felt duped by the movie the 10 commandments. Even though I read the the book of Exodus a few times before the movie version of chapter 32 was stuck in my head. Please don't let my response keep you from responding to post in the future. God bless you.

    • @susizettcolbert2394
      @susizettcolbert2394 Год назад

      @@aprilwhite1794 Thank you, ❤❤

  • @dkaenterprise219
    @dkaenterprise219 Год назад +4

    Jeremiah 23:1 says
    Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord.

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад

      You the first person I heard say that scripture, you must let God talk to you???

  • @terencewoodson409
    @terencewoodson409 Год назад +2

    Living here in Dallas Tx here on the highways and byways witnessing to some people on the Streets and neighborhoods around. I get a chance to hear different stories and testimony of what some of these Pastors require to be happy, how about one Pastor gets a 90 paid vacation, and not only takes his wife, he can choose some of the associated leaders to go with him all paid in full by the saints of God. I wonder about this people and not leaving out a lucrative salary. If you spoil a child with cookies and ice cream and then try to give them veggies, what do you think that child is going to say…. Where’s my ice cream. Take away the cookies and ice cream and see what these Pastor’s will say.

    • @LoriBrogdon-yz7rx
      @LoriBrogdon-yz7rx 7 месяцев назад +1

      Howdy, I'm from Tulsa, but live in Ohio now, there is a church in the forth Worth area called revival today church. The main church is out of Pittsburgh that has been open for I think 3 yrs. And the Pittsburgh church has about 1,000 ppl. They have outreaches all the time, they go to the projects and they bus ppl in every Sunday, that's the Pittsburgh location, but the forth Worth location is a second church just like Pittsburgh and the pastor from the main location is at both. The forth Worth location I think has only been one for a few months and I think they already have close to a thousand ppl. Those 2 churches helps ppl all the time in alot of different ways. You should check out revival today church near forth Worth. The pastors name is Jonathan Shuttlesworth

  • @sitagobin1655
    @sitagobin1655 Год назад +1

    Thank you my brother i really like how you explain god bless i am a jw ❤❤

  • @kingmaafa120
    @kingmaafa120 Год назад +3

    Thank GOD FOR UGANDA 🇺🇬 👍

  • @d_roi8689
    @d_roi8689 Год назад +3

    What is that individual who looks like he was a Barbie movie reject?

  • @ladyk7317
    @ladyk7317 7 месяцев назад

    I like music and dance so good for Pastor Rogers for creating good gospel dance music👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💋

  • @myronfeiock6434
    @myronfeiock6434 6 месяцев назад

    I have left small churchs because of false teaching and not intwreted in giving the Gospel door to door,but to mail out small booklets.the area has enough population to go door to door.this is a small IFB church. You are right on Bro.

  • @karencampbell5794
    @karencampbell5794 7 месяцев назад +2

    And just how do you know how the space is divided up on the inside of this church building by looking at the outside? How do you know there's no classroom space?

    • @lindacowles756
      @lindacowles756 7 месяцев назад

      G'day, karencampbell! I was just saying that to myself a few minutes ago.

  • @daisyfleming886
    @daisyfleming886 7 месяцев назад +1

    Very good teaching thanks for sharing

  • @lorettahenson2949
    @lorettahenson2949 Год назад +1

    Thanks for validating my thoughts and beliefs.

  • @brendaevans1378
    @brendaevans1378 Год назад +2

    That's ridiculous church is supposed to washup GOD not be a rock concert! The Bible tells us the requirements for a pastor including the husband of one wife... ✝️🙏

  • @dennisconner5919
    @dennisconner5919 7 месяцев назад

    I’m a pastor of 52 years, yes I’m a church man. There is a difference between the physical structure, where God’s people meet, and the people where I completely understand are the Church, however Jesus made a distinction between the physical structure, which he called my father’s house.. the scripture uses the word temple. But Jesus on at least two occasions calls it my father’s house. I know from a biblical standpoint I am the temple, where God dwell by the Holy Spirit. But it ages me to see the physical structure, becoming more and more a place like the world. Nightclubs where the atmosphere is dark.. I believe that God’s house the physical structure should be as nice as our homes. I believe in having a pulpit. It’s nice to see alters in front where people can pray. I love the old hymnals such as it is well with my soul, You find great theology in the hymn. I do enjoy the choruses when the courses at least has something to say., that is biblical. God was very pleased with Solomon going to great extent to make God’s house really nice. It’s like I heard one minister say., we don’t need big screens, smoke machines and skinny jeans. Thank you for your comments.

  • @lorettagallegos2558
    @lorettagallegos2558 Год назад +2


  • @lalastorytime1597
    @lalastorytime1597 7 месяцев назад +2

    There is a great falling away this is what's happening in the Church today 😂❤

  • @katsummers8826
    @katsummers8826 Год назад +6

    My church is worldwide and recently seriously divided 😢

    • @jernisharichard5032
      @jernisharichard5032 Год назад +1

      Over what may I ask,???

    • @LoriBrogdon-yz7rx
      @LoriBrogdon-yz7rx 7 месяцев назад

      If your church is world wide it must be life church or something like life church

  • @dteh4501
    @dteh4501 Год назад

    Isaiah 3:12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, And destroy the way of your paths.” Nkjv

  • @mlaverne
    @mlaverne Год назад +1

    The way you know that you’re in “THE RIGHT CHURCH”. #1. Seek first the kingdom of God. #2. God said, I will give you pastors after my own heart. You don’t pick your own church. Once God fill you with the Holy Ghost, you won’t be interested in a dead church. Neither will you entertain them. Jesus said, I know my sheep and my sheep know me. These people know they not living righteous. The word condemn them already. If God changed your life just preach the gospel with conviction. I wouldn’t spend a lot of time talking about them, but too them so they can be delivered.

  • @tiffany-sheriwageman.3702
    @tiffany-sheriwageman.3702 Год назад +10

    I consider the greatest church is in a forest and walking with God on the trails of the planet. When you can have no glamour of God but it is so simply with focusing on his nature.

  • @judihaynesworth
    @judihaynesworth 2 месяца назад

    As an old RUN-DMC song,'WALK THIS WAY'(out the door)! Blessings

  • @G2024M
    @G2024M 3 месяца назад

    I would leave that church running if I were on the sidelines. But since I am a pastor with many years experience I would ask to speak to him privately and confront him concerning his behaviour. Pastor’s do not have the authority to be so rude.

  • @jamesmorse8329
    @jamesmorse8329 7 месяцев назад

    Good teaching the word of god should always be the foundation reference place and our platform for life and living.

  • @G2024M
    @G2024M 3 месяца назад

    If you look carefully at scripture you will learn that coming together as a church it is not to save souls per se. It is to equip the saints to go into the market place and win souls. Pastor Casey Lewis, a pastor in a Baptist Church in .Decatur, TX. Has a great article on what we meet as a church for. Go read it. He provides 10 reasons we meet as a church.

  • @michaeltowslee4111
    @michaeltowslee4111 Год назад

    The most offensive practice that most churches commit is the moulding of Jesus into a figure that supports what they want. I'll give you a few examples. Some churches make him into a social justice icon without a sense of consequences. Others transform him into a free market capitalist who lacks mercy. Lastly, others mutate him into a warrior judge so they can feel free to condemn others and commit violence upon them. Jesus, because of the maleability of the Bible can not be defined in anything other than the contemporary needs, greeds, and desires of Christians. Thomas Paine said, "My church is my own mind, and my creed is to do good " I believe in this statement. For myself, I would add, " My own conscience shall be my only guide." We are are born into this world alone, we live alone, and we die alone. Doing good to others, being charitable, sharing mercy, and living in empathy ease our solitude, makes others and ourselves happier. And, and, none of this requires a church corporeal or incorporeal to be brought into reality.

  • @willielittle9301
    @willielittle9301 Год назад

    That's the problem with many millennial churches today...We are living in demon days and Christ has warned us that man cannot live on bread alone but on the "Word/Christ" and "Word/Bible" of God...Man will perish due to our willful "ignorance" of the Gospel...the preached Word of God...Save me from a Church where there is no consistent weekly Sunday school and Mid-week Bible Study school...Keep preaching truth pastor brother...

  • @GodSaid777
    @GodSaid777 9 месяцев назад

    Let The Word do the work. Lights,cameras,action,send in the clowns" The flesh desires to be gratified. Whatever
    happen to Holiness and Sanctification ? No one is concerned about losing anything of no value. ( Souls )

  • @ifechi3698
    @ifechi3698 3 месяца назад

    Thank you brother. Agree with most of what you’ve said. Where you lost me is when you say that a woman can’t lead a church bc she is a she! I’m glad bc it shows that we don’t know it all. You stand on 1 or 2 passages to make ur prescription. You don’t examine them in cultural & historical contexts. I’m sure you have a justification for Paul’s declaration that women should keep quiet in church or you probably agree!

  • @deborahleone4351
    @deborahleone4351 Год назад

    It doesn’t matter if the church is giant or a’s what is preached from the pulpit. As long as the Message is directly from Gods Word, it’s not an issue. If your pastor is preaching, and your church family is teaching “You must be Born-Again”; “the Blood of Jesus is the ONLY thing that can atone for sin; “go and sin no more”; “Be nor conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. Let GOD lead your steps every day; “no other God’s before Me” know in your heart what is being preached is Scriptural or not. Every answer to every question is in God’s Word. However, it is a “Two-Edged Sword”! Cuts both ways! So you may have to get down on your knees and have a long talk with Our Heavenly Father, in Jesus’s Precious Name, to see what needs to be changed in your life.
    Truthfully, it’s not about “religion”! It’s about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, Our Master and Our Savior, and being washed in His blood that He shed for us on that old cross, because He LOVES US SO MUCH! Glory to God! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙋‍♀️🙏🕊🌹✝️😘

  • @JamesNewell-xm2vf
    @JamesNewell-xm2vf Год назад

    Jesus said I Am coming for a CHURCH with no name and iam going to reward each Man and women who work for ME. ME next stop thank you holy spirit amen

  • @katsummers8826
    @katsummers8826 Год назад +1


  • @nbflc4073
    @nbflc4073 Год назад

    Ya gonna want to read it all .the ending is my utmost favorite now
    I love this one.gets ya ready for matthew 25 doing the 2nd commandment of god to love thy neighbor as thyself.and who is thy neighbor.brings in the story of good Samaritan .describing in more clarity who the least of these are..injured on side of road?? Cud be injured in any type of way .takes greater love than this that a man wud lay his life down for a friend(we are to follow jesus example and jesus is not dead he us alive so greater love was not death) wich wud be a stranger and its not death its your day to day life ya lay aside for another and as you do ya make sure to not throw your pearls before swine to be trampled on and also while ya use this scripture make sure ya still entertain strangers unawares cus might be an angel of god as matthew 25 says when did i see you in some type of need and wasn't there for you..jesus says what ya do for least of these ya done unto me.scriptures unify together as i done in this message ..jesus followers shud unify together and be laborers in christ so when harvest is ready the laborers wont be few but in todays society laborers are diminished cus 10 commandments are not being done.bringing in what jeremiah said this generation wont hear or see cus eyes they have that don't see ears they have that don't hear and preaching has become nothing but a lullaby story and not something ya live by..the end times is here and its sad so many in some kind of need is turned away and light of jesus is not shining its put under a bushel swept under a rug jesus name what is going on with church of today ?? I cant understand how the love of many has waxed cold ..why lord why .cus bible says evil has rule of this world for a time and a time til Jesus returns and finds those who endured til the end ..with all i said .many are turning away from the truth in pain and anguish ..this town having so many mountains its easy to be like judas iscariot just to escape the pain of this world and the evil it gives out with no help around .not given the chance to see jesus in those in need cus jesus says do not look on the outward appearance . jesus doesn't

  • @alexd0617
    @alexd0617 2 месяца назад

    You have a little more control in the small church when it comes to membership follow up and accountability depending on who is in leadership

  • @wswanson7
    @wswanson7 Год назад +1

    Actually it looks like there are a number of offices that could be for training.

  • @Wl5134
    @Wl5134 Год назад

    Excellent presentation. I’m annoyed by the phrase “this is how to get young people into the church “!

  • @rickthomure1134
    @rickthomure1134 Год назад

    There absolutely no room for compromise in Gods Word add not too and take not away! In changing the Word at all or take away is saying you are smarter than God and true teacher of our hour the Holy Ghost!!!!

  • @betolinorodriguez8493
    @betolinorodriguez8493 4 месяца назад

    I'm currently looking for a home church, in other words, a house church, most churches today are entertainment centers with watered-down gospel.

  • @Wanda402
    @Wanda402 Год назад

    Why is everyone trying to appeal to the younger audience? If you're in your 30's, 40's, 50's, ....... and don't know Christ shouldn't that be what's most important appealing to everyone who needs to hear the Gospel??

  • @carlsmuck284
    @carlsmuck284 3 месяца назад

    One of the problems with many mainline denominational church congregations and some Pentecostal congregations is they allow women to be pastors which is unbiblical.

  • @cheryldunaway9177
    @cheryldunaway9177 3 месяца назад +1

    Etching ears!! They want to hear a message that doesn’t convict of sin.

  • @prissiepot01
    @prissiepot01 Год назад +1

    Thank you for truth

  • @davidramos8765
    @davidramos8765 Год назад

    Hi you're good teacher a great 1 pretty much in my opinion.
    I get a lot of people sing one thing in the other in about the rapture as it before. Is it after it's the the 7 years?
    Are we gonna go through the middle of the ohh? How the states of level order?
    What happens first what happened second?
    I'm very confused please. Do a teaching? And if you did already please direct? My to. Where I can find?

  • @AES950
    @AES950 7 месяцев назад

    Too many big churches have adopted the same philosophy of Wal-Mart - "give the people what they want." In many churches, The "User Friendly" idea has softened the Bible, to the point that it doesn't offend anyone. "The Word of God is a two edge Sword."

  • @Ahuntrgw2013
    @Ahuntrgw2013 Год назад

    Okay. I got the 2 Timothy 2:2 reference (Paul talking to Timothy) mixed up with the passage in Philippians 4:8-9 (Paul talking to the Philippian church) where he DOES say “…what you have heard and SEEN IN ME - practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” A slightly different message to a different person / group. 🤷🏻

    • @user-Dayvid1
      @user-Dayvid1 7 месяцев назад

      My brother, the Phillippian people though, because the people are the building of God, and the temple of God, which the Spirit of God dwelleth in, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 9.

  • @davjoplum3461
    @davjoplum3461 11 месяцев назад

    One more thing The Help Meet Ministry is a ministry only a women can do. A Help Meet gives love, support, companionship, help, aid, assistance edification, protection and more. Each one of these titles has a whole host of things that is a ministry in its self. The ministry of a help meet is a unique ministry that God designed for a woman.

  • @tazg349
    @tazg349 7 месяцев назад +2

    If you go to a church with Starbucks this should be your only visit.

  • @BUGMAN-22
    @BUGMAN-22 Год назад

    I always think how much the money that cost would help people. If it is Sq Ft they need, it doesnt have to be fancy, if god is in it they will flock to it.

  • @yepisaidit100x
    @yepisaidit100x Год назад +1

    My eyes hurt from that pink insanity!

  • @judihaynesworth
    @judihaynesworth 2 месяца назад

    So much emphasis on 'packing out stadiums' is a red flag for me! Allowing'anybody' in the pulpit is another! Be mindful of the 'main objective'! (Jesus)! Blessings

  • @debrastamper8081
    @debrastamper8081 7 месяцев назад

    I can't believe that pastor talked to that young man like that! He may leave, never go to church again and die lost. All because of his comments . I wouldn't want to listen to him or visit his church!

  • @blackorchid7724
    @blackorchid7724 Год назад

    I asked question using scripture as my source. The leader continued to throw me under the bus. His ministers said I was wrong. Because I said the first white horse of revelation is not Jesus. He said it was and then said he didn't say it. When it's recorded he never said that. He said I couldn't be dogmatic about my interpretation of the 4 horsemen. I left the ministry

  • @marcbryan8925
    @marcbryan8925 Год назад +2

    Walk in the Spirit and you Shell not fall into your Flash.

  • @williewhite169
    @williewhite169 Год назад +2

    Moses was never a priest. Part of the Law given to Moses at Sinai granted Aaron the priesthood for himself and his male descendants, and Aaron became the first High Priest of the Israelites.
    Moses is considered the most important prophet in Judaism and one of the most important prophets in Christianity and other Abrahamic religions. According to both the Bible Moses was the leader of the Israelites and “lawgiver” to whom the authorship, or "acquisition from heaven", of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) is attributed.

    • @ollark
      @ollark 3 месяца назад

      Moses functioned as a priest on many occasions, just like king David.