{ENGLISH} And since I don't have enough space in the description, here goes a little Q/A: Q1: Why is he collecting Knuckles's souls rather than collecting every mortal's soul? A1: Knuckles's souls can do things other souls can't. That's why he keeps killing Knuckles in every dimension. Nightmare Shorts Episode 7, which is gonna be about Chaos Hunter, will explain most of the stuff about him. Q2: You once said that, in Cover Story, Chaos Hunter won't be the same. How's that so? A2: His main revenge's goal is "I will avenge my DEAD FRIENDS!". However, after absorbing so much chaos energy, his goal will change to "Exetior needs to be annihilated till there's nothing left". If he kills Exetior then he will also die since Junter has the Exetior-Side inside of him. On the other hand, you guys will see that Junter's eyes will be torn in Cover Story when the time comes. And the reason why this will happen is because of the side effects of the Exetior-Side inside of him. However, don't expect to see him being half-Sonic and half-Exetior in outside's appearance. Never gonna happen. Q3: Junter? Why does he have that name as well? A3: It's because of what he will become in the future. Highests will call him as "Chaos Hunter" while demons will call him as "Junter". Different names for the same entity. However, both of these names aren't names for a specific character but generalized names of what he'II truly become afterwards. He still considers himself as Sonic, but his usual name is unknown. Q4: Why does he kill every innocent mobian? A4: Because he doesn't need witnesses. He's like Kira Yoshikage and Diavolo in a sense (if you watched Jojo's part 4 and 5, then you already know). Q5: Since Junter will become very powerful, does Exetior stand a chance to beat him? A5: Depends. If Exetior is careful, then he will win. If he's not careful then Junter will easily kill him. Chaos Hunter will truly be something later. And most of all, a huge threat to Exetior. Q6: I still don't understand Chaos Hunter's secret stage in EoT's Part 1 where you have to collect all 485 emeralds. What is this all about? And most of all, after failing at colecting all the emeralds, game shows Junter and Sonic getting his own head torn apart by Exetior's head? A6: I once asked Jaiz and he said; "This secret belongs to the category of 'surreal'. In this category of secrets, a special style of naration can be used which does not always correspond to the real events and places. This secret is the surreal of Junter's path. The emeralds represent the path to his goal. Exetior's heads mean who the main enemy of Junter is and the one from whom he has to hide." - also yeah, that was Sonic who got killed by Exetior's head in which Junter put right into Sonic's head. Sonic's side blames Exetior and keeps collecting emeralds while Exetior's side kills. That's also why Junter is schizophrenic. Q7: Is it possible for Junter to be cured? A7: No. Jaiz once said "All I'll say is 'Trying to heal CH at his peak is like trying to get a tree back to normal after it's been cut by a chainsaw and most of it has been burned.'" - So yeah, don't expect Junter to be cured. Q8: Why there's no happy endings in NU? That's unfair! A8: Cry about it as long as you want but always remember one thing; if NU had a happy ending then it'd not have made any sense. "You defeat the threat and yay! Happy ending!! Hooray!!!! Die 'Sonic.exe'! You suck!!!" Bruh, like for real, there's NO and there WON'T be any happy endings in the CANONICAL events. Hope I made myself clear! Q9: Why does some people call Exetior as "Executor"? A9: Cuz they like spreading false information in order to confuse everyone. Heck, even I said countless of times that Exetior's name ISN'T "Executor". Not to mention that I was once told that there are some wiki-pages which are made with false info. Perhaps Jaiz will make a wiki page someday. Only time will tell. Q10: What would've happened if Junter didn't manipulate Sonic in End Of Hope ending? A10: Most likely Sonic would have lost way more hope. There are two outcomes; 1) Sonic decides to trust Exetior and to believe that the demonized living beings are still his friends. The most happy outcome for Sonic is that he will find peace inside of his mind even though he's not alone. 2) Sonic refuses to believe Exetior. In that case, Sonic will grantually stop taking any actions or conflicts and will start to dissolving anytime soon, meaning that he will die. After that, the body will fully be under Exetior's control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This video is a special one about Christmas and at the same time it's truly something important for NU. Thanks to Triss Vencely, now this video exists! (Thanks for the idea, Triss) :)
{GREEK/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ} Λόγω έλλειψης χώρου στην περιγραφή, ορίστε και ένα μικρό Q/A: Q1: Γιατί συλλέγει ψυχές από κάθε Knuckles αντί να συλλέγει ψυχές απ' οποιονδήποτε θνητό; A1: Οι ψυχές του Knuckles μπορούν να κάνουν πράγματα που οι άλλες ψυχές δεν μπορούν. Γι' αυτό σκοτώνει κάθε Knuckles από κάθε διάσταση. Το έβδομο επεισόδιο του Nightmare Shorts, που είναι σχετικά με τον Chaos Hunter, θα εξηγήσει πάρα πολλά. Q2: Είχες πει ότι, στην Cover Story, ο Chaos Hunter δεν θα παραμείνει όπως ήταν πριν. Πώς το υπονοείς αυτό; A2: Ο κύριος στόχος της εκδίκησης του είναι "Θα εκδικηθώ για τους ΝΕΚΡΟΥΣ ΜΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΥΣ!". Ωστόσο, όταν συλλέξει πολύ χαοτική δύναμη, τότε ο στόχος του θα αλλάξει σε "Ο Exetior πρέπει να αφανιστεί μέχρι τέλους". Αν σκοτώσει τον Exetior τότε θα πεθάνει κι εκείνος διότι ο Junter έχει την πλευρά του Exetior μέσα του. Απ' την άλλη, θα δείτε στην Cover Story ότι τα μάτια του Junter θα είναι σχισμένα όταν θα έρθει η ώρα. Και ο λόγος που αυτό θα συμβεί είναι λόγω των παρενεργειών της Exetior-πλευράς του. Ωστόσο, μη περιμένετε να τον δείτε με τη μισή πλευρά του Sonic και του Exetior στην εξωτερική του εμφάνιση. Δεν πρόκειται ποτέ αυτό να γίνει. Q3: Junter; Γιατί έχει κι αυτό το όνομα; A3: Είναι λόγω με το τι θα γίνει στο μέλλον. Οι Highests θα τον καλούν ως "Chaos Hunter" ενώ οι δαίμονες θα τον καλούν ως "Junter". Δυο διαφορετικά ονόματα για την ίδια οντότητα. Ωστόσο και τα δυο ονόματα δεν είναι για έναν ιδικό χαρακτήρα αλλά είναι γενικευμένα ονόματα με το τι θα γίνει αργότερα. Εξακολουθεί να θεωρεί τον εαυτό του ως Sonic, αλλά το συνηθισμένο του όνομα είναι άγνωστο. Q4: Γιατί σκοτώνει κάθε μόμπιαν (δηλαδή θνητό); A4: Διότι δεν θέλει μάρτυρες. Μοιάζει με τον Kira Yoshikage και τον Diavolo αν το καλό-σκεφτείτε (αν είδατε το 4ο και το 5ο σκέλος του Jojo, τότε ήδη καταλαβαίνετε τι θέλω να πω). Q5: Αφού ο Junter θα γίνει πολύ δυνατός, έχει ελπίδα ο Exetior να τον νικήσει; A5: Εξαρτάται. Αν ο Exetior είναι προσεκτικός, τότε θα νικήσει. Αν δεν προσέχει τότε ο Junter πανεύκολα θα τον σκοτώσει. Ο Chaos Hunter θα παίξει πάρα πολύ μεγάλο ρόλο μετά. Και επίσης, θα είναι μεγάλη απειλή στον Exetior. Q6: Ακόμη να καταλάβω το μυστικό σχετικά με το στάδιο του Chaos Hunter στο 1ο σκέλος του EoT που θα πρέπει να συλλέξεις αυτά τα 485 σμαράγδια. Ποιο το νόημα; Κι επίσης, αν αποτύχεις στο να συλλέξεις όλα τα σμαράγδια, το παιχνίδι δείχνει τον Junter και το κεφάλι του Sonic να γίνεται κομμάτια απ' το... κεφάλι του Exetior; A6: Παλιά είχα ρωτήσει τον Jaiz και μου είπε: "Αυτό το μυστικό ανήκει στην κατηγορία του 'σουρεαλισμού'. Σ' αυτή την κατηγορία μυστικών, μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ένα ειδικό στυλ αφήγησης που δεν αντιστοιχεί πάντα στα πραγματικά γεγονότα και μέρη. Αυτό το μυστικό είναι ο σουρεαλισμός σχετικά με το μονοπάτι του Junter. Τα σμαράγδια παρουσιάζουν το μονοπάτι του στόχου του. Τα κεφάλια του Exetior συμβολίζουν ποιος είναι ο κύριος εχθρός του Junter και από ποιον θα πρέπει να κρυφτεί." - επί την ευκαιρία, αυτός που σκοτώθηκε απ' το κεφάλι του Exetior, που στο οποίο ο Junter έβαλε προς το κεφάλι του αθώου σκαντζόχοιρου μέχρι να του το κάνει κομματάκια, ήτανε ο Sonic. (Με απλά λόγια, ο Junter σκότωσε αυτό τον Sonic και μετέπειτα είπε "Τι έκανες, Exetior;". Αν έχεις παίξει ή έχεις δει το σκηνικό, τότε κατάλαβες). Η πλευρά του Sonic κατηγορεί τον Exetior και συνεχίζει να συλλέγει σμαράγδια ενώ η πλευρά του Exetior σκοτώνει. Οπότε αυτός είναι ο λόγος που ο Junter είναι σχιζοφρενής. Q7: Υπάρχει πιθανότητα για να θεραπευτεί ο Junter; A7: Όχι. Ο Jaiz μου 'χε πει παλιά: "Το μόνο πράγμα που μπορώ να πω είναι ότι 'Το να προσπαθήσεις να θεραπεύσεις τον CH στην κατάσταση που είναι, είναι λες και προσπαθείς φέρεις ένα δέντρο πίσω στη ζωή μετά απ' το κόψιμο που έφαγε από αλυσοπρίονο και σχεδόν το μισό του κομμάτι έχει καεί.'" - Οπότε ναι, μη περίμενε να δείτε τον Junter να θεραπεύεται. Q8: Γιατί δεν υπάρχει χαρούμενο τέλος στην NU; Άδικο! A8: Γκρινιάξτε όσο θέλετε, αλλά να θυμάστε αυτό: αν η NU είχε χαρούμενο τέλος τότε δεν θα έβγαζε νόημα. "Εξολοθρεύεις την απειλή και ζήτω! Χαρούμενο τέλος!! Γιούπι!!! Ψόφα 'Sonic.exe'! Είσαι μάπα!!!" Bruh, δηλαδή έλεος, ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ και ΔΕΝ ΠΡΟΚΕΙΤΑΙ να υπάρξει χαρούμενο τέλος στα ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ γεγονότα. Ελπίζω να έγινα σαφής! Q9: Γιατί κάποιοι καλούν τον Exetior ως "Executor"; A9: Διότι τους αρέσει να δημοσιεύουν λανθασμένες πληροφορίες έτσι ώστε να μπερδέψουν τους πάντες. Ε δηλαδή ρε, το 'χω πει αμέτρητες φορές ότι το όνομα του Exetior ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ "Executor". Αν εξαιρέσεις το γεγονός ότι με ενημέρωσαν ότι υπάρχουν μερικές wiki-ιστοσελίδες που είναι λανθασμένες. Ίσως ο Jaiz θα κάνει μια wiki ιστοσελίδα κάποια μέρα. Βλέποντας και κάνοντας. Q10: Τι θα γινόταν αν ο Junter δεν είχε χειραγωγήσει τον Sonic στο End Of Hope ending; A10: Λογικά ο Sonic θα έχανε ακόμη ποιο πολύ ελπίδα. Υπάρχουν δυο εκβάσεις: 1) Ο Sonic αποφασίζει να εμπιστευτεί τον Exetior και να πιστέψει ότι τα δαιμονοποιημένα ζωντανά όντα εξακολουθούν να είναι οι φίλοι του. Το καλό με αυτό είναι ότι ο Sonic θα ζει ειρηνικά μέσα στο μυαλό του, παρ' όλο που δεν είναι μόνος του. 2) Ο Sonic αρνείται να πιστέψει τον Exetior. Σ' αυτή την περίπτωση, ο Sonic θα σταματήσει να αντιδρά ή να προκαλεί συγκρούσεις και θα αρχίσει, σιγά σιγά μετά από ένα χρονικό διάστημα, να εξαφανίζεται, με λίγα λόγια θα πεθάνει. Μετέπειτα, το σώμα θα είναι υπό τον πλήρης έλεγχο του Exetior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Αυτό το βίντεο είναι σπέσιαλ για τα Χριστούγεννα και ταυτόχρονα είναι κάτι πολύ σημαντικό για την NU. Χάρης την Triss Vencely, τώρα υπάρχει αυτό το βίντεο! (Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ για την ιδέα, Triss) :)
I also kind of wonder, why exactly does chaos hunter/Junter have an "Exetior" side if he hates him...and how exactly did he even gain this second kind of personality within him Uh....also just asking how exactly does sonic have a heart attack in his mind- (or maybe this was already adressed, I'm not sure)
@@jayleeean3969 1) Cuz of the fusion which you already saw in this video's beginning. Junter is schizophrenic. 2) Cuz Sonic pressured himself to the fullest and unfortunately, he overdone it in which he also paid with his life.
He aqui sho un sub de este crack llamado marcelito que tambien es de mi pais argentina BOLUDO te deseo lo mejor eres el papu de los papus y esperare lo que tenga que esperar para tu grandiosa serie de la invasion.EXE yyyyyyy que te revivan con las esferas del dragon muaxjxjxxjxjzjxaxaxaxsxjxjjjsjsxjsjxsjxsjxsjsxjjxsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsj XD
Kostas, once again you impress me with your potential and determination to make such videos, go on, Kostas. I know you're gonna be even better and better, I believe in you. 😊
2:01 This animated part is just my favorite. It's not only because how the lighting looks but this shot of Exetior walking down to meet Chaos Hunter just looks so badass.
Honestly, Junter is one of the characters who’s piqued my interest the most as of late. And his story is quite interesting as well, with him being a fusion of a Sonic and Exetior from another simulation after falling under the beam of the Master Emerald. It’s really cool to think about. And his goals, they’re so mysterious, but not because of what he’s doing, but moreover how he plans to achieve him. I also can’t help but feel sorry for him because even if he wins, Junter will still perish as a consequence of having fused with an Exetior. Overall, I give his character a 10/10
I love the way the animation is! Basically Junter is like my favorite character in the NU because the way he acts and does and I love the way there are some stuff recreated in sprite animations while the future stuff is in 3D! The future battle for Exetior and Junter will be something interesting since he's collects alot of emeralds and Knuckles souls so he clearly has god's power at this point since he collects a million of them and a very deadly opponent!
That was an incredible music video! The song choice really fits the animation (which was amazingly done by the way.) I am truly impressed with this work of art. I don't usually end up commenting on videos as much but this was an absolute masterpiece. No matter what happens I will keep believing in you and Jaiz. You guys have made some incredible stuff and I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the great work Kostas!
Didn’t expect ya to release this music video but I feel like it’s quite unique and good in a fashion (I liked it). So yea good luck with the projects and all that ya and Jaiz are working on.
This was awesome man! I really didn't expect you to upload two videos in a day! The animation was great as always, especially the 3D parts, now the only thing to do is the goodbye 2021 video and then have a little break, you really deserve it! Have a nice day and stay safe!
I have no words to what I just witness with my own eyes, tbh you really exceded yourself on this one, be proud and happy about it because you truly nailed the expectation of your own technic in animation my friend, I really loved it and I can't wait to see even more, not only just from you but from Jaiz and the others in this community as well~!
Wow.. I hafta say, the lore about these two is definitely the most interesting thing in Nightmare Universe!! Well, to me atleast "^^ I do look forward to more content of them in the future!! And this video was done very well, Kostas!! Keep up the great content ^^
This is stellar material. A book I read on this subject revolutionized my thinking. "Mindful Mastery: Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World" by Kyle Ash
yoooo this slaps hard i liekd everything in this video keep up the good work also wish you a merry christmas even though i dont celebrate it but still i will watch your channel grow over the years
AWESOME EPIC LEGIT MASTER PIECE EVER THANKS KOSTAS FOR THE EPIC VIDEO EVER AND IT IS MIND-BLOWING FOR ME !!!!!! I MUCH APPRECIATE OF YOU NOT GONNA LIE !!!!😃😃❤❤💯💯 And a fan made dialogue at last from me Exetior :this power..who are you.. Junter:you know who I am ,demon hehe Exetior : do I really know ... Junter:(chaos energy) I AM YOUR DEATH .... And also 1:48 it kinda reminds me of modgen junter's sprite did you use modgen modern sprite on these scene ???
You really love your job, right Kostas? Its kinda scary how fast you're improving your animations, and this one is a lot of better than the previous ones. Like if some of you think the same.❤
That was amazing! Wish you happiness! I had a question. When the ??? day comes? It's just I didn't find such date in calendar. p.s. That was a joke. I want make you laugh. If I made it then I'm glad
Oh yes. The Junter!) The dangerous being that shouldn't have appeared in this world! The being that everyone else (I mean, everyone else in NU), including Highests, Demons (and, of course, Exetior himself), would see as a mistake, which should have been erased with an Ending where he was "born". There are a lot of people (including Kostas himself) who have a tough life. But at least, we all can get help from our friends and family, when the times are bad. But Junter, unfortunately, cannot be helped. A lot of times, he has to watch at how his friends are dying by his own hands over and over again. He thinks that it is Exetior who makes him do it, and he doesn't even realize that he has an Exetior's part inside of him, and this part is the one which makes him kill his friends over and over again...In my opinion, if Junter knew the truth, it would have broken him so much, that he probably would have caused suicide. And the worst thing, there is no cure that can heal him. Maybe the only thing that can bring peace to his soul...is death... But obviously, since Junter thinks that Exetior is the one to blame for all these deaths, he is not going to die until he gets his revenge on Exetior... I'll give a credit to the author of this video - he has found a song with a right context!) This song makes me remember Junter's words: "And more ironically...just like me, you won't understand what destroyed you." Maybe these words were the ones that inspired Kostas to take "The devil within" for this video!) There is a good animation and voice acting here too!) Of course, when the time of "Cover Story" comes, Junter will strike. And when this happens...only one will win. I'm not sure if Junter can really kill Exetior. From what I've heard, the Demons are immortal here, just like Highests...So even if Junter wins, he won't be able to kill Exetior. But who knows, maybe Junter will discover a power, which can at least make Exetior suffer forever. Maybe this is what Junter will want to do, when he finds that Exetior cannot be killed... Let's wait for Cover Story to find out!) Have a good day, everyone!!👍
No. He's schizophrenic. He kills via the Exetior-side and collects emeralds (+ Knuckles's souls) and blaming Exetior in real world via the Sonic-side. He doesn't and will never understand that he is the one who kills innocents instead of Exetior. It's all because of the merge of the both personalities from one of the NB's simulations. He wants to make sure that Exetior has been wiped from the universe for good. That's why he wants to take revenge, because of the despair he's going through "thanks" to Exetior.
And since I don't have enough space in the description, here goes a little Q/A:
Q1: Why is he collecting Knuckles's souls rather than collecting every mortal's soul?
A1: Knuckles's souls can do things other souls can't. That's why he keeps killing Knuckles in every dimension. Nightmare Shorts Episode 7, which is gonna be about Chaos Hunter, will explain most of the stuff about him.
Q2: You once said that, in Cover Story, Chaos Hunter won't be the same. How's that so?
A2: His main revenge's goal is "I will avenge my DEAD FRIENDS!". However, after absorbing so much chaos energy, his goal will change to "Exetior needs to be annihilated till there's nothing left". If he kills Exetior then he will also die since Junter has the Exetior-Side inside of him. On the other hand, you guys will see that Junter's eyes will be torn in Cover Story when the time comes. And the reason why this will happen is because of the side effects of the Exetior-Side inside of him. However, don't expect to see him being half-Sonic and half-Exetior in outside's appearance. Never gonna happen.
Q3: Junter? Why does he have that name as well?
A3: It's because of what he will become in the future. Highests will call him as "Chaos Hunter" while demons will call him as "Junter". Different names for the same entity. However, both of these names aren't names for a specific character but generalized names of what he'II truly become afterwards. He still considers himself as Sonic, but his usual name is unknown.
Q4: Why does he kill every innocent mobian?
A4: Because he doesn't need witnesses. He's like Kira Yoshikage and Diavolo in a sense (if you watched Jojo's part 4 and 5, then you already know).
Q5: Since Junter will become very powerful, does Exetior stand a chance to beat him?
A5: Depends. If Exetior is careful, then he will win. If he's not careful then Junter will easily kill him. Chaos Hunter will truly be something later. And most of all, a huge threat to Exetior.
Q6: I still don't understand Chaos Hunter's secret stage in EoT's Part 1 where you have to collect all 485 emeralds. What is this all about? And most of all, after failing at colecting all the emeralds, game shows Junter and Sonic getting his own head torn apart by Exetior's head?
A6: I once asked Jaiz and he said; "This secret belongs to the category of 'surreal'. In this category of secrets, a special style of naration can be used which does not always correspond to the real events and places. This secret is the surreal of Junter's path. The emeralds represent the path to his goal. Exetior's heads mean who the main enemy of Junter is and the one from whom he has to hide." - also yeah, that was Sonic who got killed by Exetior's head in which Junter put right into Sonic's head. Sonic's side blames Exetior and keeps collecting emeralds while Exetior's side kills. That's also why Junter is schizophrenic.
Q7: Is it possible for Junter to be cured?
A7: No. Jaiz once said "All I'll say is 'Trying to heal CH at his peak is like trying to get a tree back to normal after it's been cut by a chainsaw and most of it has been burned.'" - So yeah, don't expect Junter to be cured.
Q8: Why there's no happy endings in NU? That's unfair!
A8: Cry about it as long as you want but always remember one thing; if NU had a happy ending then it'd not have made any sense. "You defeat the threat and yay! Happy ending!! Hooray!!!! Die 'Sonic.exe'! You suck!!!" Bruh, like for real, there's NO and there WON'T be any happy endings in the CANONICAL events. Hope I made myself clear!
Q9: Why does some people call Exetior as "Executor"?
A9: Cuz they like spreading false information in order to confuse everyone. Heck, even I said countless of times that Exetior's name ISN'T "Executor". Not to mention that I was once told that there are some wiki-pages which are made with false info. Perhaps Jaiz will make a wiki page someday. Only time will tell.
Q10: What would've happened if Junter didn't manipulate Sonic in End Of Hope ending?
A10: Most likely Sonic would have lost way more hope. There are two outcomes;
1) Sonic decides to trust Exetior and to believe that the demonized living beings are still his friends. The most happy outcome for Sonic is that he will find peace inside of his mind even though he's not alone.
2) Sonic refuses to believe Exetior. In that case, Sonic will grantually stop taking any actions or conflicts and will start to dissolving anytime soon, meaning that he will die. After that, the body will fully be under Exetior's control.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This video is a special one about Christmas and at the same time it's truly something important for NU. Thanks to Triss Vencely, now this video exists! (Thanks for the idea, Triss) :)
Λόγω έλλειψης χώρου στην περιγραφή, ορίστε και ένα μικρό Q/A:
Q1: Γιατί συλλέγει ψυχές από κάθε Knuckles αντί να συλλέγει ψυχές απ' οποιονδήποτε θνητό;
A1: Οι ψυχές του Knuckles μπορούν να κάνουν πράγματα που οι άλλες ψυχές δεν μπορούν. Γι' αυτό σκοτώνει κάθε Knuckles από κάθε διάσταση. Το έβδομο επεισόδιο του Nightmare Shorts, που είναι σχετικά με τον Chaos Hunter, θα εξηγήσει πάρα πολλά.
Q2: Είχες πει ότι, στην Cover Story, ο Chaos Hunter δεν θα παραμείνει όπως ήταν πριν. Πώς το υπονοείς αυτό;
A2: Ο κύριος στόχος της εκδίκησης του είναι "Θα εκδικηθώ για τους ΝΕΚΡΟΥΣ ΜΟΥ ΦΙΛΟΥΣ!". Ωστόσο, όταν συλλέξει πολύ χαοτική δύναμη, τότε ο στόχος του θα αλλάξει σε "Ο Exetior πρέπει να αφανιστεί μέχρι τέλους". Αν σκοτώσει τον Exetior τότε θα πεθάνει κι εκείνος διότι ο Junter έχει την πλευρά του Exetior μέσα του. Απ' την άλλη, θα δείτε στην Cover Story ότι τα μάτια του Junter θα είναι σχισμένα όταν θα έρθει η ώρα. Και ο λόγος που αυτό θα συμβεί είναι λόγω των παρενεργειών της Exetior-πλευράς του. Ωστόσο, μη περιμένετε να τον δείτε με τη μισή πλευρά του Sonic και του Exetior στην εξωτερική του εμφάνιση. Δεν πρόκειται ποτέ αυτό να γίνει.
Q3: Junter; Γιατί έχει κι αυτό το όνομα;
A3: Είναι λόγω με το τι θα γίνει στο μέλλον. Οι Highests θα τον καλούν ως "Chaos Hunter" ενώ οι δαίμονες θα τον καλούν ως "Junter". Δυο διαφορετικά ονόματα για την ίδια οντότητα. Ωστόσο και τα δυο ονόματα δεν είναι για έναν ιδικό χαρακτήρα αλλά είναι γενικευμένα ονόματα με το τι θα γίνει αργότερα. Εξακολουθεί να θεωρεί τον εαυτό του ως Sonic, αλλά το συνηθισμένο του όνομα είναι άγνωστο.
Q4: Γιατί σκοτώνει κάθε μόμπιαν (δηλαδή θνητό);
A4: Διότι δεν θέλει μάρτυρες. Μοιάζει με τον Kira Yoshikage και τον Diavolo αν το καλό-σκεφτείτε (αν είδατε το 4ο και το 5ο σκέλος του Jojo, τότε ήδη καταλαβαίνετε τι θέλω να πω).
Q5: Αφού ο Junter θα γίνει πολύ δυνατός, έχει ελπίδα ο Exetior να τον νικήσει;
A5: Εξαρτάται. Αν ο Exetior είναι προσεκτικός, τότε θα νικήσει. Αν δεν προσέχει τότε ο Junter πανεύκολα θα τον σκοτώσει. Ο Chaos Hunter θα παίξει πάρα πολύ μεγάλο ρόλο μετά. Και επίσης, θα είναι μεγάλη απειλή στον Exetior.
Q6: Ακόμη να καταλάβω το μυστικό σχετικά με το στάδιο του Chaos Hunter στο 1ο σκέλος του EoT που θα πρέπει να συλλέξεις αυτά τα 485 σμαράγδια. Ποιο το νόημα; Κι επίσης, αν αποτύχεις στο να συλλέξεις όλα τα σμαράγδια, το παιχνίδι δείχνει τον Junter και το κεφάλι του Sonic να γίνεται κομμάτια απ' το... κεφάλι του Exetior;
A6: Παλιά είχα ρωτήσει τον Jaiz και μου είπε: "Αυτό το μυστικό ανήκει στην κατηγορία του 'σουρεαλισμού'. Σ' αυτή την κατηγορία μυστικών, μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ένα ειδικό στυλ αφήγησης που δεν αντιστοιχεί πάντα στα πραγματικά γεγονότα και μέρη. Αυτό το μυστικό είναι ο σουρεαλισμός σχετικά με το μονοπάτι του Junter. Τα σμαράγδια παρουσιάζουν το μονοπάτι του στόχου του. Τα κεφάλια του Exetior συμβολίζουν ποιος είναι ο κύριος εχθρός του Junter και από ποιον θα πρέπει να κρυφτεί." - επί την ευκαιρία, αυτός που σκοτώθηκε απ' το κεφάλι του Exetior, που στο οποίο ο Junter έβαλε προς το κεφάλι του αθώου σκαντζόχοιρου μέχρι να του το κάνει κομματάκια, ήτανε ο Sonic. (Με απλά λόγια, ο Junter σκότωσε αυτό τον Sonic και μετέπειτα είπε "Τι έκανες, Exetior;". Αν έχεις παίξει ή έχεις δει το σκηνικό, τότε κατάλαβες). Η πλευρά του Sonic κατηγορεί τον Exetior και συνεχίζει να συλλέγει σμαράγδια ενώ η πλευρά του Exetior σκοτώνει. Οπότε αυτός είναι ο λόγος που ο Junter είναι σχιζοφρενής.
Q7: Υπάρχει πιθανότητα για να θεραπευτεί ο Junter;
A7: Όχι. Ο Jaiz μου 'χε πει παλιά: "Το μόνο πράγμα που μπορώ να πω είναι ότι 'Το να προσπαθήσεις να θεραπεύσεις τον CH στην κατάσταση που είναι, είναι λες και προσπαθείς φέρεις ένα δέντρο πίσω στη ζωή μετά απ' το κόψιμο που έφαγε από αλυσοπρίονο και σχεδόν το μισό του κομμάτι έχει καεί.'" - Οπότε ναι, μη περίμενε να δείτε τον Junter να θεραπεύεται.
Q8: Γιατί δεν υπάρχει χαρούμενο τέλος στην NU; Άδικο!
A8: Γκρινιάξτε όσο θέλετε, αλλά να θυμάστε αυτό: αν η NU είχε χαρούμενο τέλος τότε δεν θα έβγαζε νόημα. "Εξολοθρεύεις την απειλή και ζήτω! Χαρούμενο τέλος!! Γιούπι!!! Ψόφα 'Sonic.exe'! Είσαι μάπα!!!" Bruh, δηλαδή έλεος, ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ και ΔΕΝ ΠΡΟΚΕΙΤΑΙ να υπάρξει χαρούμενο τέλος στα ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ γεγονότα. Ελπίζω να έγινα σαφής!
Q9: Γιατί κάποιοι καλούν τον Exetior ως "Executor";
A9: Διότι τους αρέσει να δημοσιεύουν λανθασμένες πληροφορίες έτσι ώστε να μπερδέψουν τους πάντες. Ε δηλαδή ρε, το 'χω πει αμέτρητες φορές ότι το όνομα του Exetior ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ "Executor". Αν εξαιρέσεις το γεγονός ότι με ενημέρωσαν ότι υπάρχουν μερικές wiki-ιστοσελίδες που είναι λανθασμένες. Ίσως ο Jaiz θα κάνει μια wiki ιστοσελίδα κάποια μέρα. Βλέποντας και κάνοντας.
Q10: Τι θα γινόταν αν ο Junter δεν είχε χειραγωγήσει τον Sonic στο End Of Hope ending;
A10: Λογικά ο Sonic θα έχανε ακόμη ποιο πολύ ελπίδα. Υπάρχουν δυο εκβάσεις:
1) Ο Sonic αποφασίζει να εμπιστευτεί τον Exetior και να πιστέψει ότι τα δαιμονοποιημένα ζωντανά όντα εξακολουθούν να είναι οι φίλοι του. Το καλό με αυτό είναι ότι ο Sonic θα ζει ειρηνικά μέσα στο μυαλό του, παρ' όλο που δεν είναι μόνος του.
2) Ο Sonic αρνείται να πιστέψει τον Exetior. Σ' αυτή την περίπτωση, ο Sonic θα σταματήσει να αντιδρά ή να προκαλεί συγκρούσεις και θα αρχίσει, σιγά σιγά μετά από ένα χρονικό διάστημα, να εξαφανίζεται, με λίγα λόγια θα πεθάνει. Μετέπειτα, το σώμα θα είναι υπό τον πλήρης έλεγχο του Exetior.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Αυτό το βίντεο είναι σπέσιαλ για τα Χριστούγεννα και ταυτόχρονα είναι κάτι πολύ σημαντικό για την NU. Χάρης την Triss Vencely, τώρα υπάρχει αυτό το βίντεο! (Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ για την ιδέα, Triss) :)
@@MUI_Kostas awesome music video Kostas!👍
ig everybody who was watching this video will be waiting for a year (or less / more) for the thing to release
I also kind of wonder, why exactly does chaos hunter/Junter have an "Exetior" side if he hates him...and how exactly did he even gain this second kind of personality within him
Uh....also just asking how exactly does sonic have a heart attack in his mind- (or maybe this was already adressed, I'm not sure)
1) Cuz of the fusion which you already saw in this video's beginning. Junter is schizophrenic.
2) Cuz Sonic pressured himself to the fullest and unfortunately, he overdone it in which he also paid with his life.
I'm really impressed how you evolved a lot on doing animations, keep going bud! and good work as always!
Thank you Ramon! I appreciate the warm support!
Ramon omg??!!
@@MUI_Kostas wha
@@senhorincrivel1843 Wdym "wha"? That's his real name.
Yoooo... this was surely a masterpiece! :D
He aqui sho un sub de este crack llamado marcelito que tambien es de mi pais argentina BOLUDO te deseo lo mejor eres el papu de los papus y esperare lo que tenga que esperar para tu grandiosa serie de la invasion.EXE yyyyyyy que te revivan con las esferas del dragon muaxjxjxxjxjzjxaxaxaxsxjxjjjsjsxjsjxsjxsjxsjsxjjxsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsj XD
Te doxxie
@@SpiderPoko_123 xd?
Kostas, once again you impress me with your potential and determination to make such videos, go on, Kostas. I know you're gonna be even better and better, I believe in you. 😊
2:01 This animated part is just my favorite. It's not only because how the lighting looks but this shot of Exetior walking down to meet Chaos Hunter just looks so badass.
is this the animated part where Junter kills tails and Exetior was going to avenge Tails?
True maybe. Idk
This was pretty awesome! The song is fitting for this video. The 3D part was amazing as well! Chaos Hunter is something!
Honestly, Junter is one of the characters who’s piqued my interest the most as of late. And his story is quite interesting as well, with him being a fusion of a Sonic and Exetior from another simulation after falling under the beam of the Master Emerald. It’s really cool to think about. And his goals, they’re so mysterious, but not because of what he’s doing, but moreover how he plans to achieve him. I also can’t help but feel sorry for him because even if he wins, Junter will still perish as a consequence of having fused with an Exetior. Overall, I give his character a 10/10
nah bruh change your score bro, it was supposed to be 11/10
Holy crap, all the hype seemed to be worth it! This looks freaking amazing and the music is awesome!
I love the way the animation is! Basically Junter is like my favorite character in the NU because the way he acts and does and I love the way there are some stuff recreated in sprite animations while the future stuff is in 3D! The future battle for Exetior and Junter will be something interesting since he's collects alot of emeralds and Knuckles souls so he clearly has god's power at this point since he collects a million of them and a very deadly opponent!
2:26 This whole part unironically goes hard
I just realized, Exetior being a former highest gives the line “i am god” an actual meaning.
Your animation has a great potential and you never cease to amaze me, I'm really impressed by this, well done, Kostas!
That was an incredible music video! The song choice really fits the animation (which was amazingly done by the way.) I am truly impressed with this work of art. I don't usually end up commenting on videos as much but this was an absolute masterpiece. No matter what happens I will keep believing in you and Jaiz. You guys have made some incredible stuff and I can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the great work Kostas!
This guy makes my day better whe he uploads :)
Also wish you merry Christmas! ;D
Oh now this is S tier! So epic!
Didn’t expect ya to release this music video but I feel like it’s quite unique and good in a fashion (I liked it). So yea good luck with the projects and all that ya and Jaiz are working on.
Man the song. And the animation about Fleetway vs Exetior was great!
This is so awesome Kostas, I loved it 1000000000/10, hope you and Jaiz have a good day
The quality of this, looks epic, keep up the good work, kostas!
This was awesome man! I really didn't expect you to upload two videos in a day! The animation was great as always, especially the 3D parts, now the only thing to do is the goodbye 2021 video and then have a little break, you really deserve it! Have a nice day and stay safe!
This is a masterpiece on both the music and animations in this video, I loved it!
Voila! The Animation makes it even more exiting for some reason. The Trailer looks Epic! Keep up the good work Kostas.
Aaaaa this is beautiful Kostas!
amazing, literally everything is amazing in addition to the good camera movements of the animation, plus 3d, keep it up!
This was animated really well good job man
This video is epic and a masterpiece! Thanks for making this!
I have no words to what I just witness with my own eyes, tbh you really exceded yourself on this one, be proud and happy about it because you truly nailed the expectation of your own technic in animation my friend, I really loved it and I can't wait to see even more, not only just from you but from Jaiz and the others in this community as well~!
Extremely awesome, you've worked on it and it's noticeable, good job :D
Very cool and at the same time very nostalgic. Good job!
U only get better and better within time u are amazing bro much love man 🖤
3:55 Junter has a TERRIFYING Death Stare
Wow.. I hafta say, the lore about these two is definitely the most interesting thing in Nightmare Universe!! Well, to me atleast "^^ I do look forward to more content of them in the future!!
And this video was done very well, Kostas!! Keep up the great content ^^
he’s finally back
its a nice video kostas
That section with the 3d models tho...
That. Was. A w e s o m e
The 3D Style looks amazing!And the song fits to the animation.Good job!
Wow kostas that's a good Sprite Animation & 3d animation Music Video Not Gonna Lie Keep up the good work!
That was very impressive) Animation is very cool and beautiful) Thank you for your efforts)
1:07, that shot looks AMAZING especially with Junter's glowing green eyes to Exetior's glowing red eyes
This makes an awesomely amazing music video!
Wow Kostas
I bet stuff like this never stops impressing people
Nice job boy!
Damm I espected anything but a 3D animation
This is stellar material. A book I read on this subject revolutionized my thinking. "Mindful Mastery: Living Intentionally in a Chaotic World" by Kyle Ash
At the beginning Junter looked like he is giving Exeitor a vibe check
These animations are amazing. Keep those up
This one of the very few EXEs created their very own worst nightmare. Definitely pairing this "Sonic" (Junter) with Dark, Fleetway, and DLL Sonic.
That was a masterpiece! And seems like we will see 3d animations too anymore !
yoooo this slaps hard i liekd everything in this video keep up the good work also wish you a merry christmas even though i dont celebrate it but still i will watch your channel grow over the years
Very great and epic...
Everything made beautiful...thenk you master kostase 👌👌👌
Me when I'm an imposter in among us 4:28
One Question what do you hear is it your dead or your death mine is your death
One word, amazing! The song was perfect. Both 3d and 2d motions were great. It would be cool if you could make a music video with Sark next time.
Good videos as always. Your content will always entertain me! : )
Cool music video, Kostas and happy late Christmas plus happy new years 🎉🎉🎉
Hey Kostas just wanted to say I really liked the video ❤️ and great job look really good.
Sheesh this is amazing.
Love Junter
They should create a movie of this entire game series
this was Great im Really sad that it all ended
This was pretty good!
I didn't have idea about that song but i like it :D
Exetior, is Amazing as always! By the way I Always Love This Character!
that was really amazing :D
Just amazing
4:26 Junter is AWESOME
And a fan made dialogue at last from me
Exetior :this power..who are you..
Junter:you know who I am ,demon hehe
Exetior : do I really know ...
Junter:(chaos energy) I AM YOUR DEATH ....
And also 1:48 it kinda reminds me of modgen junter's sprite did you use modgen modern sprite on these scene ???
What would have happened if Creep managed to notice who Sonic was talking to in his subconscious?
epic! 🌟
If chaos hunter and exetior teammed up the world would be gone
You really love your job, right Kostas? Its kinda scary how fast you're improving your animations, and this one is a lot of better than the previous ones. Like if some of you think the same.❤
Yo kostas.
I absolutely loved the 3d animation.
Also, by the way, how did you made the 3d animation and who made it.
That was amazing! Wish you happiness!
I had a question. When the ??? day comes? It's just I didn't find such date in calendar.
p.s. That was a joke. I want make you laugh. If I made it then I'm glad
Chaos hunter really wants justice huh.....
Really good music video. Aniamtion i one of best sprite + 3D style plus music
this was awesome
Merry christmas and happy new year!!!
Nice Animation! 😃😃😃
Exetior: all stump on this strangers head also exetior: 3:51
Damn, it's awesome...
Diy: Hey guys where are you?
Denton: diy there you are! *Hug him*
Diy: at least I find out what is going on, we have to get the gang
Denton: right
You are the best kostas
Man that was like wow I mean daaaammmm
oh yay my child hood song finnaly came to my present self in a new animation
Oh yes. The Junter!)
The dangerous being that shouldn't have appeared in this world! The being that everyone else (I mean, everyone else in NU), including Highests, Demons (and, of course, Exetior himself), would see as a mistake, which should have been erased with an Ending where he was "born".
There are a lot of people (including Kostas himself) who have a tough life.
But at least, we all can get help from our friends and family, when the times are bad.
But Junter, unfortunately, cannot be helped. A lot of times, he has to watch at how his friends are dying by his own hands over and over again. He thinks that it is Exetior who makes him do it, and he doesn't even realize that he has an Exetior's part inside of him, and this part is the one which makes him kill his friends over and over again...In my opinion, if Junter knew the truth, it would have broken him so much, that he probably would have caused suicide. And the worst thing, there is no cure that can heal him.
Maybe the only thing that can bring peace to his soul...is death...
But obviously, since Junter thinks that Exetior is the one to blame for all these deaths, he is not going to die until he gets his revenge on Exetior...
I'll give a credit to the author of this video - he has found a song with a right context!) This song makes me remember Junter's words: "And more ironically...just like me, you won't understand what destroyed you."
Maybe these words were the ones that inspired Kostas to take "The devil within" for this video!)
There is a good animation and voice acting here too!)
Of course, when the time of "Cover Story" comes, Junter will strike. And when this happens...only one will win.
I'm not sure if Junter can really kill Exetior. From what I've heard, the Demons are immortal here, just like Highests...So even if Junter wins, he won't be able to kill Exetior.
But who knows, maybe Junter will discover a power, which can at least make Exetior suffer forever. Maybe this is what Junter will want to do, when he finds that Exetior cannot be killed...
Let's wait for Cover Story to find out!)
Have a good day, everyone!!👍
a question junter is aware that it is merged with exetior?
No. He's schizophrenic. He kills via the Exetior-side and collects emeralds (+ Knuckles's souls) and blaming Exetior in real world via the Sonic-side. He doesn't and will never understand that he is the one who kills innocents instead of Exetior. It's all because of the merge of the both personalities from one of the NB's simulations. He wants to make sure that Exetior has been wiped from the universe for good. That's why he wants to take revenge, because of the despair he's going through "thanks" to Exetior.
Fleetway sonics Reaction is ULTIMATE
Good job
I don’t know which is better the animation or the music?
This Power Great :O And IT CA BE Exetior AND Chaos Hunter
after the death of sonic
the boi appears......
The scream at the start scared me the fur out of me, I have no idea why it did, and why is *HE* at the glitched screen..
In end trailer Cover Story. Perfect!!!
Very interesting.
Is this song from bendy and the ink machine?