What's the funniest thing Player Character's latched onto? #2

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 122

  • @Rippertear
    @Rippertear 3 года назад +60

    That big #1 on the screen right a you say "Part 2"... *chef's kiss*

  • @johnjackson2042
    @johnjackson2042 3 года назад +47

    A mimic named Tote. When they met him he was just chilling being a mimic who got found cause the wizard used detect magic and he had a bag of holding. He's very peasant and even speaks common he now travels with the party as basically their bank.

    • @iron5050
      @iron5050 3 года назад +3

      Ik it was a typo, but I love the thought that a peasant is a bank

  • @ike_and_mike
    @ike_and_mike 3 года назад +36

    A suit of animated armor that we named Iggy. DM ruled that I could in fact wear it, and basically had a Jarvis in our campaign. Iggy would take over when I fell unconscious, I could still travel while asleep, was able to keep me from making lethal mistakes with failing strength saves. It was sad though when my character died and my armor was walking around with my dead body.

    • @vass6120
      @vass6120 3 года назад

      Old world blue style

    • @dragonqueen1474
      @dragonqueen1474 3 года назад +2

      "Hey, who turned out the light?!"

  • @malbogia8003
    @malbogia8003 3 года назад +41

    That radroach one was oddly heartwarming

    • @BusterBuizel
      @BusterBuizel 3 года назад +8

      Thanks, I still have him to this day XD

    • @a_singular_nugget
      @a_singular_nugget 2 года назад

      @@BusterBuizel wait you are the guy whose pc owns petey?

    • @BusterBuizel
      @BusterBuizel 2 года назад +1

      @@a_singular_nugget yes

    • @a_singular_nugget
      @a_singular_nugget 2 года назад

      @@BusterBuizel is he alive, if he isnt then pay respects for me. If he is tell him i said hi.

    • @TightSweaters4
      @TightSweaters4 2 года назад

      @@BusterBuizel And to think you tried to vore the poor bastard.

  • @kirb1414
    @kirb1414 3 года назад +62

    The carriage driver. Midway through the campaign, our barbarian who was the carriage driver thus far, due to their proficiency is land vehicles, left. Our party searched for an NPC who could fill his spot, so I made something up in the spot. 6 months later, he is the party’s favorite NPC, and they just spent 1,000 gp to get him a new carriage after his old one got damaged, and joke about him being god.

    • @theenderdestruction2362
      @theenderdestruction2362 3 года назад +2

      Make him god but make call him something like "father of creation and destruction" or something similar and why he is there well idk mabye he just wanted to help our the party for no reason other then he could and can and is

  • @crashedwin
    @crashedwin 3 года назад +9

    I just played through some of a starfinder campaign. It was my first time playing, and my character Velcan (a stealth operative with the Ghost subclass) would do all kinds of random stuff with items. The DM let me start with a motorcycle. I didn't even keep it for the entire first session, but I cut the hand off of an enemy and kept it for in game weeks. The most useful thing I found and kept, though, was an old gold coin I found at the bottom of a lake. Much later in the campaign I accidentally summoned a ghost pirate. After we beat him he dropped a chest with a coin slot for a keyhole. I pulled out my coin and unlocked it. My DM forgot I had this coin and figured I would have to carry this thing around until I found the item I needed. Nope. Already had it. Inside was the pirate's gear (which I immediately put on) and the pirate's skull, which I took with me. Later on we were in a pocket dimension where violence wasnt allowed and a PC started being a bit of a jerk. I lobbed the skull in his direction just to make a point. The skull started laughing all pirate like. Apparently his soul was attached to the skull, and his name was Avarr. Some time later I gave up half my soul to help resurrect a depressed vampire lord's dead wife then fused my half soul with the pirate. We fused our names together and became Velcarr the Ghost Pirate. Every once and awhile I can go ghost and phase through things, so in the big fight at the end i phased through a dude and left a grenade in his chest.

  • @BrothaJdogg
    @BrothaJdogg 3 года назад +8

    At some point early in the campaign I'm in (before I joined), the party had encountered a group of Kenku bandits. The DM had written in his notes as sort of a joke that among the Kenku bandits was a baby Aarakocra, who'd developed a habit of mimicry from the Kenku's despite being able to speak proper Common and Auran.
    The party killed the Kenkus (according to the DM and veteran players, this was very early in the campaign when most of us still had a "shoot-first, ask questions later...then shoot again" attitude), but found the baby aarakocra rummaging through their cart trying to steal stuff while they were distracted. Our Dragonborn Monk took pity on the aarakocra and the party ended up adopting it (insert "boblin the goblin" joke here). The Monk assumed the role as it's adoptive father, and named the aarakocra "Copy" due to his mimicry habit
    Since then, Copy has:
    a) Became the de-facto mascot and namesake of the adventuring party (We are now well-known through the continent as "Copy's Family"), and
    b) Proven that we are all TERRIBLE parents, as Copy not only still enjoys stealing things (and is FAR to good at it), but has also gotten drunk with us on multiple occasions, learned a plethora of swear words, developed a habit of whipping out stolen firearms at the most inappropriate times, and most recently nearly died during a triple white dragon boss fight (though I think at this point the DM knows that if Copy ever dies, he might as well TPK the party)

  • @NesquickCoffee
    @NesquickCoffee 3 года назад +14

    A talking box that spawned a potion once per long rest, or something. I never figured out the rules for the potions it'd make, but it was just a mean, silver box that I kept around. It was great

  • @blackstone1a
    @blackstone1a 3 года назад +16

    Probably our party’s weapons and armor dealer Ratt, dude makes god tier custom weapons and has this chill black market vendor vibe. And by custom weapons I mean we give the DM an example of what we want our new gun to look like and he’ll make it for us, both of my character’s revolvers are based off of The Last Word and Hawkmoon from Destiny

  • @masterzoroark6664
    @masterzoroark6664 3 года назад +5

    The Flea story.
    You almost got a minflayer when you put that thing on the goblin

  • @Attaxalotl
    @Attaxalotl 3 года назад +3

    I played a lizardfolk eldritch knight somewhat based on a skyrim character of mine.
    He was absolutely obsessed with baskets, and went to ludicrous lengths to obtain them, once tossing a flashbang into a shop to get his hands on a pattern of basket he had never seen before.

    • @sillyjellyfish2421
      @sillyjellyfish2421 3 года назад +1

      Minus flashbang this sounds like my mom. So many baskets!

    • @tesswinker2482
      @tesswinker2482 3 года назад +1

      Sounds like a basket case!

    • @Attaxalotl
      @Attaxalotl 3 года назад +1

      @@tesswinker2482 He would take that as a compliment.

  • @thecoreofmagic
    @thecoreofmagic 3 года назад +2

    One time I was playing dnd with my dad, and I was gm. We were playing a prebuilt Stranger Things edition of it (the adventure they played at the end of the first season, with the lost princess and lonely knight and stuff). The party was walking through a labyrinth that was constantly shifting and changing around them. A random scenario came up, where you find a skeleton of a treasure hunter, along with some gold. My dad's half orc ranger decides that he wants to take the skull of the treasure hunter, and since the skeleton was pretty old, it comes off no problem. The party decides to name the skull Jerry and Grok (the half orc) puts a rope through its eye sockets and ties it to his belt.
    Grok had done stuff like this before. When there was an apple salesman, that was just supposed to be there for information, having seen the bbeg for this adventure, he made sure to buy apples from him. Then when a priest came along, he offered him an apple with such enthusiasm, that it intimidated the priest, and caused him to keep moving, so then Grok threw the apple at him. He also threw a pot at the ill tempered dwarf bard after finding out that it wasn't valuable, which then sparked a fight where Drimir (prounced Drim-eer, the dwarf bard) threw a pot back at him, which Grok hit and smashed with his sword like a game of baseball. So yeah, I didn't think too much of it when Grok picked up the skull and named it Jerry.
    Later, the party was walking through a hallway that had a suspicious rotting smell. A passed perception check later, I describe a large panel in the floor that didn't seem to match up with the rest of the floor. It was about five feet long and could've easily be jumped across. Of course, Grok, not being exceptionally smart, doesn't really care about being safe, and is curious what will happen. He also doesn't want to die, and he can't decide whether to jump over or not. He looks down at Jerry and says, "should I see what happens if I jump on it?" Then turns to me and says, "I do a little dance so that Jerry shakes on my belt, then look down to see if he's nodding or shaking his head." Cue the half orc doing some weird flailing dance before looking down on his belt. I rolled the dice and Jerry "nods." So then Grok jumps on the suspicious tile, much to most of the party's laughter.
    The tile turned out to be a pit and he took 1d4 fall damage and found a rotting corpse in the pit. He wanted to take the head of this one too, but couldn't because there was still flesh on it. Grok was able to climb out of the hole and the rest of the party crossed it easily. Throughout the rest of the labyrinth, whenever Grok needs to decide on something, such as whether to do left or right, he does some weird dance and let's Jerry decide. He also sometimes casually talks to Jerry.
    We haven't finished the adventure yet, because my sister decided that she doesn't like dnd, and refuses to play it, despite being the healer of the group, and without her, there would only be two players and a dm, and as it is, I am terrible at playing characters that aren't supposed to be in the front lines, despite being the dm. I expect to see much more of Jerry though if I get to finish the adventure.

  • @shkrploop6187
    @shkrploop6187 3 года назад +18

    A random yeti named Gugey who they took with them on their adventures until they accidentally killed him with burning hands

  • @levisallade1976
    @levisallade1976 3 года назад +1

    There was one campaign I was in that I've mentioned in a comment before, very Scooby Doo esc.
    It was set in a region called "Bogton," the poorest and generally most ignorant region in the DM's world that we had a couple other games in. Every town we came to were called some variation of "Bogton (title here)." Bogton flats, Bogton commons, etc. Also the only useful/profitable resource in the region was dirt. There were competing dirt farms in each town that would pack up the soil and import it to other parts of the world.
    As we approached one of the towns, we saw some commotion as a group of teens and young adults were doing something in the mud with a man shouting at them. Appeasing our curiosity, we approached the man and asked what they were doing.
    "What does it look like their doing?! They're practicing for the upcoming 'Dirtball' regional tournament." The man says before getting back to barking 'plays' (if you can call them that) at the kids.
    Basically the sport was an extra emphasis on the region's obsession with dirt. The competition consisted of the teams trying to pack dirt and roll it up to make the biggest and most 'dirty?' dirtball. Packing hay and splashing water on it were the biggest parts along with pushing it.
    Our rogue (of all people) asked if he could give it a try. Then later, he kinda got some of the lingo so he could better get information when we were investigating some of the mysteries (remember when I said this was a Scooby Doo campaign? yeah). The problem was that the rogue got too into it, wanting to know the rules, how it's played, prizes, etc. When we were walking between towns we got attacked by a couple giant spiders, and the rogue practiced rolling the dirtball with the corpse of our arachnid foe.
    This campaign was put on hold because the DM was gonna have us compete in the competition after our last mystery was solved, and he had to come up with ideas for rules and how to play it with dice. Though there was the problem that only the rogue was interested in playing (character wise, we all thought this was hilarious). We had a bard and cleric who were very much uninterested in playing in the filth, and my character was an enigma all to himself, who'd sooner die than have a crowd of people looking at him.
    I played him as incredibly social-phobic. In the maybe ten sessions we played in this campaign he probably had a total of five conversations (if you can call them that) and probably only spoke thirty words or so. I rolled saving throws anytime he knew somebody could see him. On fails he would run further away and hide. If I wanted to try to say something to somebody, I'd roll a save to see if I approached them then another to see if he could muster the courage to actually speak. Several times he just walked up to a person and stared as a cold sweat came over his entire being. (I miss playing this character. It was like I was playing an entirely separate game from the rest of the table.)
    TL;DR, So I guess that was kind of two things that got latched onto in that game. The rogue got obsessed with dirtball, and I (player me) was getting far too much enjoyment from having my character avoid any and all humanoid contact.

  • @dolorsitametconsectur
    @dolorsitametconsectur 2 года назад +1

    The magic bucket is the reassurance bucket. The wizard was Gambhorra’ta. The closet was the broom closet, which is my favrite!!!1 XD

  • @lostzodiacproductions
    @lostzodiacproductions 3 года назад +5

    During the campaign I am the DM for, the party's rogue Shank somehow got addicted to finding Rats. Because I really didn't know what to do, I managed to keep Shank off doing something stupid for to get a rat. Finally he got ahold of a rat and he takes care of that rat with his life, he won't save anyone in the party if the rat is in danger. Shank is literally obsessed with this rat and the party doesn't know what to do with him anymore.

  • @SamWeltzin
    @SamWeltzin 3 года назад +2

    Glad you're feeling better, Brian. I don't know ya personally, but you seem like a swell dude and you deserve the best.
    On-topic: I threw a random captain NPC into my Pathfinder campaign (The one with The Red God and Agda Jarvick (pronounced Ahg-Duh Yar-Vick; it's Scandinavian-ish)) who ferried people around the large lake south of the city of Lochurst (pronounced Lock-Hurst), naming him Captain Twalberg. I gave him a pretty generic friendly pirate personality and a mute oarsman named Bruce. They were both extreme alcoholics. Figured Twalberg and Bruce would be throwaway NPCs for the one adventure I had planned for that lake, but the group really seemed to like the duo, especially after the party was forced to make boats out of coffins found in the tower in the center of the lake due to Twalberg's boat being sunk by the party's nemesis. I took a hint that they really liked the two, so when they came back to the city, Twalberg had become a very successful entrepreneur with his unique coffin-boat business. Figured I'd give a character they liked a boon, and at the end of the campaign, they had also invested in the airship business, ultimately sailing off into the stars on a new voyage during the epilogue.
    Twalberg and Bruce have become recurring NPCs in other campaigns we've run. Right now in my Ironclaw campaign (anthro tabletop game with a similar system to GURPS), they're the ferrymen for the river next to the central hub city, and I made them dogs because of their salty sea nature.

    • @BrianVaughnVA
      @BrianVaughnVA 3 года назад +2

      I appreciate it Sam, you take care over there and keep on moving forward no matter what okay?
      Also, good story mate!

    • @SamWeltzin
      @SamWeltzin 3 года назад +2

      @@BrianVaughnVA Yeah, I hit my lowest point in 2016. Since I pulled myself out, it's not been perfect, but I've been doing pretty much okay, so definitely taking that to heart!
      Also thanks, haha. It's fun sharing this goofy stuff. Guess that's why you guys've made a whole successful channel around it, huh? ;)

  • @DeusDeMortis
    @DeusDeMortis 3 года назад +4

    "Arise chicken. Chicken, arise." - Meatwad.

  • @blaqice5075
    @blaqice5075 3 года назад +2

    There's so many things I've latched to as a player and as a DM. You guys all know about my "diddly-sqwat placed inside a bag of holding" but in pretty much all my player characters I had to ask the DM if I could have my Bulette mount. I loved that mount. It was tamed as much as I could do, yet in return it protected me if I was in dire trouble.
    It liked to eat gnomes so I had to convince at least 5-10 gnomes to come with me two times a day.
    So now in my recent adventure, which I'm an evil bad guy - not introduced to the team yet - has a Bulette mount and possibly since I'm the bad guy in this adventure, I'll be kinda like a slaver to the gnomes or something. I don't know yet. Though that is a good thought. Ha!

  • @magenstaffarts
    @magenstaffarts 3 года назад +8

    This reminds me that the half-Dragonborn, half-Halfling daughter of our late Dragonborn Sorceror/Artificer (sadly died in another MULTIVERSE and was erased from existence and memories) and our Halfling Rogue. And how attached our party has been to her. Frost, the cause of epic, wild quests.

  • @LexiCooksStuff
    @LexiCooksStuff 3 года назад +1

    I joined my very first campaign somewhat late, and the other two players had begun the journey without me. During my first session, I woke up in a blueberry field, where I met the other two player's characters after helping them kill a sea hag near the field. I decided that I would grow an extreme fondness for blueberries, and when we went into a nearby store, I intimidated the shopkeeper to create a magical blueberry plant for me. To this day, I have my magical blueberry plant I've nicknamed "Blu." My other players find it both hilarious and annoying how much I love this plant.

  • @nikko6041
    @nikko6041 2 года назад

    6:21 sounds like the skaven queek headtaker when talking to his skull trophy rack😃

  • @spinfoilhat3087
    @spinfoilhat3087 3 года назад +1

    The first campaign I ever participated in I was that drow rogue running around with Yorik
    After the first encounter we had my PC just up and picked up one of the enemy's heads and kept it on him and would talk to it occasionally, much to my DM's horror

  • @nikolaskaarsberg7754
    @nikolaskaarsberg7754 3 года назад +2

    Firstly, sorry if I get something wrong in my English.
    My party ranger wanted to have a pet, so, having a shit ton of homer brew and not caring that much about balance, I got him (and the party) a blink dog, that the party named Beleg. Skip a few sessions and, due to in character disagreements, the rogue paid a demon contractor to kill the dog. The demon wanted the player’s hands, but he refused and offered his foot, which the demons accepted.
    Skip some more sessions and the demon kidnapped the blink dog, taking him to the nine hells. The party was so pissed that they wanted to go to the nine hells in a rescue mission, while being level 5.
    I’ve managed to make things work out on a way that the demon refuses to kill the dog because he didn’t had the hand that he wanted to, so he handed Beleg to the rogue again. Now he is slowly turning into a hellhound and will still be the party’s pet.
    The party’s pet got kidnapped, my players almost went on a suicide rescue mission to the nine hells but the blink dog got back and is now turning into a hellhound hybrid.

  • @greendragonfly4831
    @greendragonfly4831 3 года назад

    Me as a DM - "Don't get so attached to things"
    I like high-risk, high reward, no railroad.

  • @stunsisacul
    @stunsisacul 3 года назад +1

    We had found a bag of holding that led to a pocket dimension where a voracious creature lived. Anything you put in the bag would he bitten off by the creature.
    At first we used it as a garbage disposal. Then as a sort of booby trap and after a while an interrogation device.
    Some of the more clever uses was allowing an NPC thief to take it and waiting for a scream to find and follow him back to his hideout. Once our rogue snuck into the tent of a warlord and placed the bag inside his helmet. The next day our bard challenged him to a one on one duel to the death for control of his army. So the men gathered around in a circle as the warlord and the bard faced off. As the warlord placed his helmet on his head the bard pointed at him and strummed a very sour chord on his lute. This was followed by the warlord screaming, going silent and limp then falling to the ground without his head. We had won our own small army and the army was kept in line by the men believing our bard could remove someone’s head with just a chord.

  • @faithleeper3609
    @faithleeper3609 3 года назад

    A goblin they severally traumatized and then forced into accompanying them.

  • @blakeetter280
    @blakeetter280 2 года назад

    This actually caused some in lore conflict.
    So the campaign was fighting a demon king and his various lords, we fought like seven or eight of them in the end. When I killed the first one my sorcerer noticed he had a staff, so I took it. This became a theme and by the end of the campaign I had nine McGuffin level weapons or artifacts, including a witches scarf thing I found at a thrift shop. I just kept it as the worlds most dangerous pick pocket protector. This all came to a head when I sacrificed myself to kill the demon king, only to be revived by that first staff I took cuz it had true resurrection and I had given it to a wizard with specific orders to use it for that purpose. Favorite character I’ve ever played

  • @tactishovel2247
    @tactishovel2247 3 года назад +1

    Me: *After looting treasure pile:* Is there anything else?
    DM: Roll investigation.
    Me: *Rolls low, but not too low*
    DM: You find a stick
    Me: I pick up the stick.
    DM: You have a stick.
    Me: Does it do anything?
    DM: Roll.
    Me: *Rolls low*
    DM: It's just a stick.
    And that's how the legendary Stick of Nothing was born. It's a stick. That does nothing.

  • @hattsbygaming2861
    @hattsbygaming2861 3 года назад +1

    So we just cleared out a bandit fortress that was behind a illusion wall. We began to look through the bandit chief's office, getting objects and weapons, when a crystal orb in the chief's desk drawers began going off. The orb was a communication device to the chief's boss: a dragon. We attempted to talk to it, but it paid more attention to the warforged in our party saying he recognized it. (Warforged has amnesia) He cut communication with us. Half the party, myself included, wanted to keep the orb (1 didn't really care), but 2 of us (Rogue and her irl Husband) wanted to get rid of it thinking the dragon could track it. In the middle of the night, the 2 went to the docks, borrowed a paddleboat, and dumped it in the ocean! THE NERVE OF SOME PEOPLE!

    @ZA_VIKINGOH 3 года назад

    The amazingly epic story of: COUNT COCKULA THE 3RD: he got attached to a golden log ring, but he would put it on people he hated because it made them shit themself but it was 100% gold/golden shitting.

  • @sampletext5959
    @sampletext5959 3 года назад +1

    Now I gotta play D&D so I can latch onto a... oh I dunno, a bottle of puke?

  • @crashkojote5627
    @crashkojote5627 9 месяцев назад

    Now after playing Baldur's Gate 3, the mind-flayer tadpole IMMEDEATELY rang alarm bells loud enough to wake the dead

  • @TacoCannon
    @TacoCannon Месяц назад

    Sir Cluckles the All Knowing. A lich sealed inside of a jared and preserved chicken found in the cellar of an adventurer's guild. AqInc campaign, was quite fun as I started slowly corrupting my already morally questionable character with the lich's influence, hopefully I get to use that character again. I'd like to finish that plot line.

  • @EnjoyerofSpinach
    @EnjoyerofSpinach 3 года назад

    I had a level 2 warlock during the Curse Of Strahd campaign, and we were going through the Death House Basement when I tried to take a shortcut to where the party was. Turns out I placed my character (on roll20) in the EXACT place that a spike trap was. Killed me instantly.

  • @nocount7517
    @nocount7517 3 года назад +4

    5:50 Alas, Yorick! I knew him well.

  • @rkhannahstudios6500
    @rkhannahstudios6500 3 года назад +1

    welp best tell mine, so I'm still pretty new to D&D, and I am turning into that player who takes EVERYTHING
    This came from an unfinished/ended game of D&D from a few years back, so I don't remember all the details. I was playing a young bard that was themed around illusions spells that was literally insane. So our party of three goes into this dungeon that's main entrance was underwater, looking for cultists. The dungeon was an old mine that had a kitchen where we ran into a mimic. After we killed it, I asked our DM if I could take the mimic's remains and put it into a bottle and another thing that came from my PC's past. He told me yes but was hesitant BECAUSE that other THING was an old CREEPY teddy bear that might as well come from a horror movie. So now I have Mimic goo, BUT IT does not end there. We when further into the dungeon we came across a monster that I don't remember the name of but was a Living brain. We killed the thing, and I proceeded to take the dead corpse and Stuff it in the Teddy.
    So, to Sum up, my bard had made her Old creepy Teddy bear into a Disgusting toy that GLOWED and had GOO Dripping out of out of it And MIGHT have A DEMON IN IT. Let's just say that this became her goal in life.

  • @moathewolfcub3020
    @moathewolfcub3020 3 года назад

    A bit late perhaps, but ill share anyway. In our current campain i play as a elf ranger, specifically a thief, thats kind of like a magpie with the things she collects, so theres plenty of things in her bag of holding to match this video.
    The one im perhaps the most pleased with and that surprised my friends the most was the shit potions. We had almost at the begining of the campain visited a amature alchemist that didnt know everything about the trade and because of that an entire batch of health potions that we needed caused diarea instead. Everyone passed, but I bought two. Much much later i get in trouble by stealing from a wealthy merchant and to make up for it i have to break into a boat for a specific item. If my character could swim thered probably be another way in, but now the only way was guarded by a bunch of sailors drinking and playing cards. Disguised as another sailor i join them and offer to get more to drink. As im by the jug i tell our DM "I pour some shit potion in it!" "You... what?" "Yeah, remember the failed health potions? I want to make them sick with it!"
    Everyone was surprised and i suspect DM had other plans for me to get passed, but he let me do it. Which was followed by a great success on my mission. Still got one and a half bottle left, saving it for some special occasion

  • @postapocalypticnewsradio
    @postapocalypticnewsradio 3 года назад +2

    PANR has tuned in.
    PANR's throat hurts.

    • @BrianVaughnVA
      @BrianVaughnVA 3 года назад +1

      Yorkshire tea with honey will soothe your throat my friend.

    • @postapocalypticnewsradio
      @postapocalypticnewsradio 3 года назад +1

      @@BrianVaughnVA earl gray is my go to. I'd just finished talking for six hours straight, so lord knows I needed a cup

  • @Nostripe361
    @Nostripe361 3 года назад

    An ancient stick. First session of the campaign my character removed an arm of a petrified mannequin. From then on I always make sure my character never losses the ancient stick as he uses it as a trap detector by chucking it into some pathway we are heading through to trigger traps.

  • @bobwalsh3751
    @bobwalsh3751 2 года назад +1

    10:46 SO PETEY DOES!!!!!

  • @unluckysoul5494
    @unluckysoul5494 3 года назад +6

    Those rippling adamantine,In my ghosts of saltmarsh game we had one player who described every monster as having rippling adamantine abs,terrifying sahagin baron,rippling adamantine abs,about to face anthropomorphic talking cow,it had rippling adamantine abs. It got so out of had all the players did it

    • @SamWeltzin
      @SamWeltzin 3 года назад +2

      Those kinds of in-jokes are fantastic. My group has one too: "It bounces off its rubbery skin!"
      Came about because the GM kept using the phrase when we didn't quite hit a creature's AC but didn't outright miss either.

  • @AnneRiddleS116
    @AnneRiddleS116 3 года назад

    This reminds me:
    We were playing Baldur’s Gate and our party was searching a bath house for clues about some recent murders. I, an wood elf monk, was outside looking for anything unusual while the dragonborn paladin, gnome bard and gnome rogue were interrogating the masseuses. I asked the GM if I found anything. He told me to roll and I got a pretty middle number. “You just admire the well trimmed hedges and flowers” he says. I asked if there were any butterflies and there were. So I decided to catch one. Having +5 on my dex roll I managed to catch it without difficulty. I carried it through the entire dungeon, even going as far as to land on my back with my hand in the air (the butterfly was in my hand) when I tripped and fell in the sewer; and only using one handed attacks. I was lvl 2. Curious to see what my GM does with this.

  • @glassyloss4715
    @glassyloss4715 3 года назад

    It was a duo party,
    Me and my party member.. found a necrotic sword that would level up the more things it ate, it was made completley of mouths.. acid, and overall a sword of basically death incarnate..
    So we named it Jerry and kept it for 4 sessions straight, before we used the thing to bribe a literal god.
    (We rolled a nat 20 and he dumped us into a high leveled battlezone, and stole Jerry..)
    It is now a goal between me and my friend, to get Jerry back, by any means necessary.

  • @jackberberette5093
    @jackberberette5093 3 года назад

    A player was a squid monger with pet squids he used as weapons. One of the big bass killed it and tried to drive away. We tried to get revenge.
    The entire encounter ended in a TPK.

  • @nickpossum3607
    @nickpossum3607 3 года назад

    2:07 Doofenshmirtz Evil INC.

  • @titan5045
    @titan5045 3 года назад

    One of my fellow players and I saw a sword in the stone in the center of a lake. Naturally I went and swam over to the center and pulled it out without any real problems(I had a plus 4 to strength as a Dragonborn Bard.) All of a sudden the sword literally was giving my character a headache. Not realizing my friend wanted the sword I put it back in the stone. He struggled to get it out but eventually grabbed it. All of a sudden he fails the Con. Save for the headache and he just heard a female speaking in his head from his sword. It made his Chaotic Evil turn to Neutral. Which was great for us as he was out of control. Now he got the Angelic creature named Angelica out of it and married her. The character is now Lawful Good and the two have a kid. I was dying laughing when the ringing voice in his head became a physical thing he married. I literally just wanted to be King Arthur.

  • @ignisshadowflame1027
    @ignisshadowflame1027 3 года назад

    I made an npc based on an old character of mine because the party decided to take a ship to their next contract and needed to make a captain. This character had a war scythe made by a goddess with a powerful spirit placed into the scythe. The ship was named the Fox of War as a play on the Man of War jelly fish the ship was a frigate with an interior design based of of traditional Japanese architecture. The party got unhealthily attached to the ship not the npc with a weirdly detailed backstory and divine war scythe, not the well trained crew, nor did they even question why it looks so different than anything they have seen before.

  • @impofstpete727
    @impofstpete727 3 года назад

    I can't remember how we found it since it's been about 7 years ago but our bard got his hands on this hideous outfit that allowed him to pass any performance check without any checks as long as he used his lute. Sounds good? Except it also caused anyone listening to go into a violent frenzy. He used it once but was hesitant after that. He still refused to get rid of it so he always had it in a backpack ready to go. It was like our nuclear option. Anyways we got asked to figure out why there was a large bandit encampment that had been growing larger over the course of a few months. The bandits had kind of unionized and were working as a massive group. They were celebrating their newest members and we knew how to handle it. Our halfling had lost some of his hearing two sessions before so he acted as the "roadie" for Ren. As a precaution he had stuffed wax in his ears and would pretend to be deaf. Ren walks right up to the camp and tells them he has come to play for the party. They let him in because charisma. He changes into the outfit, takes his lute, and gets on the makeshift stage. Jardin, our halfling cleric, gets under the stage and takes the extra step of covering his ears.
    Ren does a Jimmie Hendrix level performance while the entire camp begins tearing each other to pieces. When he finished there was only a few guys left alive and barely at that.
    We forever remember that as the Lute Suit Riot.

  • @MoiraMcGill
    @MoiraMcGill 3 года назад +1

    I've had a player latch onto harassing a shopkeeper for no reason xD The shopkeeper owned a knickknack/pawnshop kind of shop and the player started off by swiping, I think it was, 100 rings and a few other things and then proceeded to "accidentally" spill booze all over the place and light it on fire xD Then, in the middle of the night, he places rotten and waterlogged oranges (the party had found earlier while investigating a shipwreck) all around the shop like a ninja. The next day, he offered to help the shopkeeper clean up the mess...for a price...and only after the shopkeeper had struggled with the mess for a while. After that, the rest of the party decided that they should probably move on before that PC was discovered and arrested xD I swear he was trying to make the shopkeeper kill himself or something

  • @connoissuer_of_class
    @connoissuer_of_class 3 года назад

    Our groups Paladin has a magical stick. The magic is that it looks more valuable and important than it really is...

  • @filipitambasco5166
    @filipitambasco5166 3 года назад +1

    in the first story I would try to put the painting on a shield or something

  • @kathrynmccrary1461
    @kathrynmccrary1461 3 года назад +1

    My first player got attached to a box full of bolts nonmagic bolts I later had the box enchanted and it became sentient followed me around for the rest of the campaign I called it "the box of bolts" I know soooo imaginative

  • @maxxor-overworldhero6730
    @maxxor-overworldhero6730 3 года назад

    I did a Christmas one-shot a couple years ago with some friends from college, and the DM had mentioned jingle bells in passing. Maybe because of the DM, but my friends and I got confused and thought that the jingle bells were important, so for about ten minutes we were stuck on that, including it in our questions to NPCs, etc. Eventually we were told that the jingle bells had nothing to do with the one-shot.

  • @hirozero3185
    @hirozero3185 3 года назад

    Rusty Bucket. So, this is connected with a NPC and inn the frequently visited. The NPC was elderly (and extremely grumpy) Dwarf that I appearantly described in a way that made them think of cousin it (I ended up rolling with this and whenever he'd do anything with his eyes, like narrow or stuff, he'd pull back some of his long hair with one finger to do it with one eye) and they loved him. Well, his inn/tavern was called the Rusty Bucket, but he'd lost the sign in a bet and never replaced it. The players, for some reason, decided they'd keep a look out for the PERFECT BUCKET to use to make him a new sign (without telling me). When they broke onto a witches hovel, trying to find, well, the witch, they DROPPED THE ENTIRE QUEST because the bard found the witches cleaning closet. They stopped the entire thing, and started asking me questions about this bucket. How big was it, was it old, what was it made out of. And they agreed, in that moment, that THIS WAS THE BUCKET. They were going to leave, run three days journey back to the tavern, and make the Dwarf a new sign, using the bucket. I had to insist that they could do it later, and remind them that the witch was killing children to use in an immortal youth brew of some kind.

  • @whippedalcremie7718
    @whippedalcremie7718 3 года назад

    One time during the Waterdeep dragon heist campaign, I was a half-elf cleric. Our party encountered a tiny gazer, mostly a small nuisance in most circumstances. While waiting for another player to get done with something out of game, we had some fun messing around. I decided to try and capture the gazer and take it with us on our journey just as a joke. Surprisingly, I rolled a Nat 20 and was able to stick the blue gazer into my backpack and move on with the campaign. We had fun with the gazer encounter for about an hour of the campaign before my character took it with us. This wasn't the last we ran into gazers. Another one was light blue, and yes, I took that one with me too and named him Icicle. So my half-elf cleric has two pet gazers for some reason.
    Edit: the first gazer was named Pokey and his catchphrase was "bread!" because we tried to feed it artisan bread once

  • @maxruff9913
    @maxruff9913 3 года назад +1

    My character Lump had a plain stick he would sometimes take it out to poke things he killed when i would remember... On a side note on the subject of mind flayers one of the things he wanted to do most was to mind link with one just to see how it would turn out (Lump wasnt very sane...)

  • @NotAHologram
    @NotAHologram 3 года назад

    The second story smells like Mitten Squad.
    B U C K E T

  • @Mothman1992
    @Mothman1992 2 года назад

    Was flea an illithid tadpole? Lol yep

  • @Bootsofwings
    @Bootsofwings 3 года назад

    My wolverine halfling fighter has an attachment to a group of 3 kobolds named snorpe, holgie, and I can’t remember the last ones name, that we found after fighting a demon in an Iceland castle in the middle of nowhere so I took them under my wing

  • @asagothe_fander
    @asagothe_fander Год назад

    That last bard was disturbing

  • @BlackWolfessUSCM
    @BlackWolfessUSCM 6 месяцев назад

    Iwrecked my part when they asked how we were going to destroy the evidence and i said "Remember that baby mimic we found in that one cave? Hes my pet now.: ROFL

  • @Barker7734
    @Barker7734 3 года назад

    So we were playing a pirate open sea adventure in 3.5 and around the midway point of our first session we come across a strange island covered in a veil of darkness. Us being the idiots we were we just strolled onto the island because it seemed safe, we make our way to the center of the island to a large stone statue of an angel with no face. The statue then started to communicate with us telepathically, he claimed that he was a demigod that was trapped inside of the statue by the Elder Gods for his trickery. And that he would grant us wishes in exchange for something, I asked if we needed to give up our soul or something cliche, he said no and that we actually needed to give him some of our health points, and the larger item we asked for, the more health it cost. We went berserk, asking for item after item, each of us getting 1-2 items (at the cost of health, oops squishy boys) but it was worth it, my character (dragonborn wizard) asked for a 6th level spell (I think it was fire ball) our ranger asked for a +3 bow and so on. But the real kicker of this story is that our Half Orc barbarian was super friendly to almost everyone who he shouldn’t have been friendly to, ie: this statue, the two ended up becoming friends and as a way of communication the statue gave our barbarian one of those talking fish wall hangers that could only talk to the barbarian, we dubbed the fish/statue “Fredrick No-Face” and be became a running gag in our campaign, we constantly kept on coming back to Fredrick numerous times. One time with my 2nd character (This was a longish campaign and i had 3 characters) who was a human healer cleric, Dubbed Jesus Christ. Jesus believed that he was the son of the healer god and that he could do basically anything the actual Jesus could do. But in reality my cleric was just schizophrenic and was just amazing at healing magic, no son of god or anything. But due to him being extremely crazy and schizophrenic, he would occasionally talk to Fredrick via the wall fish. Sadly Jesus Christ died of severe burns and trauma trying to hot wire an early design of a gas powered boat, by igniting the gas tank.

  • @perceuspybro8445
    @perceuspybro8445 3 года назад

    Two words..... frying pan

  • @trinstonmichaels7062
    @trinstonmichaels7062 3 года назад

    Trinston was here ..

  • @TexasGodot
    @TexasGodot 3 года назад

    Im dm for a group of college friends and we were just running around in the world and players were captured by a tribe of bullywugs the king of the bullywug sent them off to be highway bandits for a while in order to pay for their items back as well as one of my players who was being held hostage. Being the group they were they weren’t about to be knocked around by some frogs so they decided to introduce me to pixies... one young blue dragon later all the bullywugs were dead except for one that had knocked itself out because it jumped for joy after talking with the captured player about how much gold her party was going to bring back. The captured player later felt so bad for the lone bullywug that she adopted it and so Gregory the bullywug was born

  • @kyanbogard2993
    @kyanbogard2993 3 года назад +1

    Jokes on you I am a-ok

  • @Zach_Ze_Zombie
    @Zach_Ze_Zombie 3 года назад

    Well right now me and some friends are in a session and one of them has a baby dragon. He buys a bunch of chickens to feed it I asked for one to keep as a pet, next thing that happens is I take it into town to find someone to make it talk, little bastard starts berating me for being a drunk short fuck (playing as a halfling drunk monk) and I decide he needs armor. 500 gold later and he has full armor and knives on its toes, first enemy we fight the little shit turns on us and almost kills my halfling

  • @adamnakamura8003
    @adamnakamura8003 3 года назад +1

    Umm... your intro bugged out there. There’s nothing on screen + it says #1 not #2.

  • @nes819
    @nes819 3 года назад

    My players charakters started to kolect "Empiric data" for randome stuff they found. Point one on the list... Is it breakible (Throws object against next whall/tree/bolder), point two... does it burn (setting object on fire).
    You see where this is going right? Corect, they stumble over the maguffin i placed at the verry begining of the campaign and accidentaly create a 10mile raddius dead magic zone centered on theyr hubb citty (duration about a jear). It's basicaly a handgranade with a homebrewed list of ctaclysmic events. Good thing they didn't hitt the plainshift.

    • @robertplanas6064
      @robertplanas6064 2 года назад

      English your third language?

    • @nes819
      @nes819 2 года назад

      @@robertplanas6064 second, plus dislexia plus fast typing to keep up with my mind. Lastly, i don't proofread as most of my coments are quick typedowns two stops befor i gett of the train.

  • @janTesika
    @janTesika 3 года назад +2

    14th comment! there shall be no unluckiness!

    • @Otatsuke
      @Otatsuke 3 года назад

      21st Comment, I suppose. Lol

  • @magikarpjumppro1969
    @magikarpjumppro1969 3 года назад +1

    Hi I'm new here

  • @HuffleRuff
    @HuffleRuff 3 года назад

    This is annoying me... Kuo-Toa (koo-o-TO-a) is what it's called >3

  • @stanislav6092
    @stanislav6092 3 года назад

    Why on earth this one dude decided to swallow a fuckin brain eating larva???? JESUS IT WAS THE MINDFLAYER LARVA FUUUCK this is so gross! XDDD

  • @Ice-Cream-9009
    @Ice-Cream-9009 3 года назад


  • @SnowfallAlaska
    @SnowfallAlaska 3 года назад +5

    That last story made no sense and was actually just cringe.

  • @someonesomewhere7057
    @someonesomewhere7057 3 года назад +1


  • @showtimeva167
    @showtimeva167 3 года назад

    Comment Number 26!

  • @savekillqqpsounds8473
    @savekillqqpsounds8473 3 года назад +1

    Im 9th and hello

  • @roberthilberling7668
    @roberthilberling7668 3 года назад +1

    YO BETHESDA! Stop trying to salvage fallout 76. its a dud.
    Give us fallout 5 and make Petey the Legendary Rad Roach a companion!

    • @BusterBuizel
      @BusterBuizel 3 года назад +1

      YES I WANT THAT SO MUCH! I am Petey's owner!

  • @lrknm
    @lrknm 3 года назад +2

    Hehe first

  • @lordasher2874
    @lordasher2874 3 года назад


  • @draconiclegion2001
    @draconiclegion2001 3 года назад
