They got me good, I was so worried about Stalker 2 after seeying this hairdo LOL I was thinking - not another Metro Exodus! Great game overall, but cutsenes are so cringe, like 12y old wet dream 🤣
There is actually a lore reason The hair is actually weaved from the blind dogs which look mangy, but the effect is shown to appear silky and smooth. You can year the stalkers talk of how ‘the dogs don’t come out right in photos’ in clear sky. In Pripyrat they make up coats, and some stalkers ‘wear caps’ of the hide to change their hair as its effects changes in photos and often confuses eye witnesses and people looking at footage, causing issues with investigations. This is also why Spark holds a interest in hunting dogs for camouflage. Jk jk, i made the above up.
Aaaand I still got spoilered. If I would have met him without knowing the whole block would have heard my "strelok? What the hell?" through closed windows...
after i finished the game i was looking for that guy in the trailer thinking i missed something in game, watched all trailers in steam and couldnt find who that guy was, good to know that was strelok all along, he just used artifacts to fix his baldness lol
@@lucianod98 I haven't played the game yet. But now that I know, it's so lame. I'm convinced they replaced the character cuz they ran out of time. Him and Strelok don't even look alike, hair or no hair. Don't lie to yourselves.
@@poly7069 precisely! after a few days i saw some guys with the same theory, they maybe didnt had time to develope this new character so they just switched to Strelok instead, others say they switched to Strelok only for nostalgia or fan service
@@lucianod98 my guy the game was in development for 10 years, sure a lot had to be cut one way or the other, but I highly doubt that they changed much of the script. They clearly intended for Skif to be a guy, who just arrived in the Zone. Most of the main characters were either already existing or had to do with previously established plot points. If such an important character was someone brand new, he had to be either someone we knew to be dead or connected to Skif somehow.
@@Black0raz0r I even went searching online to see if GSC really didn’t cast Robert Pattinson in the game, like CDPR did with Keanu Reeves)) Especially since Matt Reeves’ Batman had just come out around that time, where Pattinson was basically in the same persona...
for trailers they choose the best lighting themselves. I can't do it during the game 😁 Theoretically, you can choose the same time in the game as in the trailer. but also don't forget that most likely in the first trailer it is a prerender with maximum lighting quality, while in the release there is not even full-fledged ray tracing.
i think it is lack of ray tracing, which maybe will come to the game eventually. The first part doesn't help the time of day difference but it is much nicer 2021
This is defo one of the closest concept/ early builds that is close if not identical to the final released project. Refreshing compared to things like watchdogs/rainbow six seige etc.
Hey everyone listen to me. They cut the grafics for optimization purpose only and even for playing low to mid-end pc. And they recorded the trailer with the best time of light and obviously maximum qualilty.
So, the biggest and weirdest part is at 1:36. Only months from release yet the April showcase if superior in nearly every way with colors, detail, lighting, saturation, etc, I am genuinely curious if this is old footage or a random tech demo they used because if not and that's what the game is supposed to look like, we either got lied to or something is wrong with the game much more than we thought because I would like to see how in 6 months it went from photo-realism to a good looking game. I mean if RD2 in 2018 can look like the bottom one, I don't see why Stalker 2 couldn't if that supposedly had it looking like that at one point.
Gamedev here: It really similar and all rendering feature set is +- same. Only difference is assets placement, render profilling changes and different time of day and weather preset. Biggest change that they made is tree foliage - in final game they decided to use more autumn like trees without foliage because alpha textures are really demanding (especially if you plan to use ray tracing). This is by far most aesthetic change if we consider poplar tree is the most characteristic tree in this region.
This scene actually scared me of Stalker 2. It looked nothing like Stalker, just like some random game with good graphics. The final version looks and feels like Stalker. Thats why they changed it.
@@hammondztexasu Then you would have to explain at 0:54 as well, 2 scenes that are "similar" but clearly the bottom example has much more detail and overall quality with no tree in sight. The game clearly took a massive downgrade, and I find it hard to put the blame simply on the time of day or trees.
I hate to admit it but there's a massive difference. Just look at 0:59. Top one looks like a modded Call of Pirpryat while the trailer looks like something released for next-gen
its because the settings are cranked to the absolute limit because its pre rendered not running in real time lmao hardware is no way near the level to do stuff like that at playable framerates i mean even in its current state its barely running
The original video is rendered in UE but with path-tracing, which is evident in the precise shadows and high quality materials, some extra light sources have been added here and there to make it look more cinematic. We can't do this in realtime yet, we don't have powerful enough hardware. Rendering a single frame with production-quality path-tracing now takes 1-3 minutes in the editor on my PC, which by the way is a huge improvement on the 3-5 hours (!!!) we were at 10 years ago.
Back then with the first trailer I was like "yeah... it will never look like that in game". I mean I know why developers do that to max their advertisement, but this days the usual trailers are often pretty close to a "serving suggestion" on packaged food.
Кстати атмосфера мрачности на болотах в первом трейлере классная, подходящая такому месту как Зона. По канону же солнечная погода редкость для зоны особенно в центре
Do you think lighting has anything to do with character models? They look like a port from an underperforming console, worse graphics textures and realism in their faces.
I guess there are few possible reasons why they downgraded it. One of the most possible variants is that they later during development decided that Strelok needs to be more emotionless, what caused the downgrade of cutscene.
In this scene they are standing on an unfinished block 5 with the cooling towers in the background. The main part of CNPP is behind them. So why would it be rendered?
no, sadly this game has no mod support, like with the original trilogy. would have made great games if they had mod support, imagine all the cool names you could come up with... like "anomaly" or "misery" or "oblivion lost" or "gamma"...
hmm, I'd need to make my own comparisons, but from looking at this video, there is no lighting on the characters or models AT ALL in the upper screen...
Yes, the lighting problem in the game is huge, due to the use of software lumens from UE5. I don't understand what prevented them from adding the ability to enable hardware ray tracing. Even without modifications, the game does not show the dynamic shadows from the flashlight that were in the first game released in 2007.
@@TestThisGamehardware raytracing will be added in next patches, you can search for intreview where lead dev talking about alife 2.0, hardware raytracing, multiplayer and mod support
Допомагати Стрільцю захистити Зону після всього, що відбулося і що стало відомо - це велика помилка. Стрілець на ділі виявився пихатим егоїстом, який привласниі собі Серце Зони і зрештою так само як всі використовував її для своїх цілей. Натомість доктор попри допущені помилки виявив розсубливість, як науковець, як людина і показав, що цінує життя, дав зрозуміти, що ті ж мутанти по суті не винні, що вони такі, навпаки - це вина людей. Те що Зона страшне місце - це вина пихатості, егоїстичності людей, які діяли ніби то з добрими намірами в ім'я науки, а насправді влни думали тільки про своє значення в історії, про славу, про те як задовільнити своє самолюбство і звеличитись в очах інших. Люли постійно зкхоплюють владу і ресурси і стають монополістами, диктуючи правила іншим. Тому протягом проходження треба бути уважним до всіх і до ситуації, тожі ви побачите як Шрам, Варта і той же Стрілець використовують вас, хоч і здаються хорошими на перший погляд. І з самого початку нам постійно нагадуали: "Нікому не вір!". Бо справді потрібно все аналізувати і зважувати, думати логічно.
@@Naruto_Fan2020та найбільше шкода Фауста та Бродягу, я хотів би щоб був варіант вимкнути моноліт до кінця гри та врятувати тих кого ще можна, або взагалі підірвати моноліт так щоб ніхто його більше не міг включити
they really need to do something about the artifacting with the whole upscaleing thing, its bad. games is fun though, be nice if they can fix that and the the bad ghosting with TAA, never seen TAA look so bad in my life.
sadly, but for like 2 years GSC was saying the first trailer is real gameplay. Then they change their narration to "we want to hit quality of first trailer" lol. Bunch of liars.
i swear to god the amount of ignorant people in this comment section is insane they really cannot tell the difference between cranked pre rendered graphics and what can actually be achieved in real time
@@Dstryrr Not even max settings on a 4090 gets close to the 2021 "gameplay trailer". It's blatantly pre-rendered, and it's insane how people refuse to see it.
For some reason I have the feeling that they specifically changed his appearance so that it wouldn't be a spoiler, because his real appearance was only shown in the release trailer.
@@Rockrgcs то, что Стрелок будет, я знаю. А вот то, что Стрелок будет в этой сцене вместо этого мужика, я не в курсе. Или ты просто самоутвердиться сюда пришел?
Stalker 2 opens the door for another zone somewhere on the planet, IF GSC is willing to take the risk, cause lets face it they CANT do a 3rd game in Chernobyl, im hoping with the addition of A-Life 2.0 in the future and mods we can do alot if great thing s with stalker 2 Edit: as the guy pointed out yes there are 4 stalker games, but the original trilogy, has no significant timelapse between they ALL take place withen a week of each other, so I lump all 3 as just "OG STALKER"
@@bloom-mania roadside picnic that they borrowed from has other "zones" on earth but the CNPP was the only one humanity fucked around with, now with the addition and some clarity of certain groups, they could totally go see about making another zone to control and it goes arse up and you go in years later after things settle down a bit, also no worries bout your comment lol
lmao no this game would never have looked that good on pc its pre rendered and probably rendered at multiple minutes per frames whereas for gaming we need at least 60 frames per second
@@bloom-mania I know.. It's always in any games that trailers look better before game release because they are rendered in engine and not from gameplay but still it will look better if it's not for console ) With consoles there must be always deeper downgrade for any game.
@@alzhighmr5406 yeah but i’d rather a downgrade than to loose fps i mean seriously if stalker 2 was in the x-ray engine (original 3 games engine) i would prefer it cause playing at 400 fps is a lot nicer than a capped 75 for stability and 50 - 60 in towns (im running a rx7800xt for context)
@@bloom-mania Yeah to be honest me personally like a big fan all my life of OG trilogy i don't care even about graphics :D But yeah i will love too some upgraded xray engine for sure than UE5. I have Ryzen 3600 + Rx 5700xt + 16gb ram and i'm playing around 80-120 fps with TSR on quality and FSR frame gen on outside of populated cities on FHD. So i'm somehow actually happy then before I initially thought ) I expected for me like 60 fps at max on low with FSR on :D
@ i care about graphics as long as they aren’t ugly il take an older game any day over a 9th gen games like titanfall and bf4 are some of my favourite looking games ever also sound design is far more important in my opinion
Ну, думаю, там багато графічних змін через те, що її перенесли на інший рушій (по суті той самий, тільки інша, більш нова версія). Тому, скоріш за все, вони отримали багато помилок через перехід і були змушені змінити деяких персонажів та безліч інших деталей. До того ж можна додати, що вони вперше працювали з Unreal Engine 4, бо до цього у них був X-Ray рушій. З цього можна зрозуміти, що вони провели деякий час, вивчаючи новий рушій та всі його можливості. У подальшій розробці вони використовували його функції, намагалися зробити гру більш реалістичною на тому рушії і, скоріш за все, шліфували її графічно, щоб вона вийшла як одна з найреалістичніших та атмосферних ігор на той час. А потім вийшов 5-ий рушій, і вони вирішили перейти на нього, можливо через його покращені можливості або через обіцяну оптимізацію з використанням Nanite та Lumen. Це моя думка, але було б цікаво дізнатися й інші.
Я вообще не понимаю, нахуй они переходили на UE5, если даже на нём сталкач крашится как ёбаный кусок кала. Ладно баги и оптимизация, хер с ними. Но блять, как можно было выпустить игру с софтлоками и шоб она ещё каждые 2-3 часа вылетала. А потом не запускалась без перезагрузки компа. Я НИ РАЗУ не видел, чтобы игры на анрилах крашились.
now we know Strelok's full name
Strelok S Kennedy
His name is Pavel Streletskiy
Strelok when the residents are evil:
Стрелецкий Павел Константинович, вроде так.
S stands for STALKER
Leon "Strelok" Kennedy
I like how to avoid any potential spoilers with revealing strelok they just slapped a kpop hairstyle on him.
It fooled me.
They got me good, I was so worried about Stalker 2 after seeying this hairdo LOL
I was thinking - not another Metro Exodus! Great game overall, but cutsenes are so cringe, like 12y old wet dream 🤣
There is actually a lore reason
The hair is actually weaved from the blind dogs which look mangy, but the effect is shown to appear silky and smooth. You can year the stalkers talk of how ‘the dogs don’t come out right in photos’ in clear sky.
In Pripyrat they make up coats, and some stalkers ‘wear caps’ of the hide to change their hair as its effects changes in photos and often confuses eye witnesses and people looking at footage, causing issues with investigations.
This is also why Spark holds a interest in hunting dogs for camouflage.
Jk jk, i made the above up.
Aaaand I still got spoilered. If I would have met him without knowing the whole block would have heard my "strelok? What the hell?" through closed windows...
They disabled dynamic lighting in the game because you haven't bought an RTX 6090 yet
5090 думаю що хватить
Бо 4090 не справляється у 4к
Потому что в Киеве нет света
@@BorodaWayne are you sure?
@@oleksandrhlotov5981 не зважай уваги на дурнів )
after i finished the game i was looking for that guy in the trailer thinking i missed something in game, watched all trailers in steam and couldnt find who that guy was, good to know that was strelok all along, he just used artifacts to fix his baldness lol
@@lucianod98 I haven't played the game yet. But now that I know, it's so lame. I'm convinced they replaced the character cuz they ran out of time. Him and Strelok don't even look alike, hair or no hair. Don't lie to yourselves.
@@poly7069 precisely! after a few days i saw some guys with the same theory, they maybe didnt had time to develope this new character so they just switched to Strelok instead, others say they switched to Strelok only for nostalgia or fan service
It was to avoid spoiling the game
@@lucianod98 my guy the game was in development for 10 years, sure a lot had to be cut one way or the other, but I highly doubt that they changed much of the script. They clearly intended for Skif to be a guy, who just arrived in the Zone. Most of the main characters were either already existing or had to do with previously established plot points. If such an important character was someone brand new, he had to be either someone we knew to be dead or connected to Skif somehow.
@@lucianod98the old model was just a dummy placer to avoid potential spoilers before time.
There was a chance we would have gotten a Strelok who got a hair transplant in Turkey
Turkiye, not turkey
So, at first, they didn't plan to bring back Strelok and made that Leon Kennedy type guy. I'm glad they changed their minds. Strelok is S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
They always planned to bring back Strelok. They simply hid Strelok by giving him hair.
@@BillyTubememe just a wig and we didnt saw him until it was too late hahaha
@@FirebonE_88 tbh I was thinking this dude was gonna be like a Duty Col. Or Maj. When this first came out.
Nah. It's for the same reason we didn't see Strider in the earlier videos: it was the psi-induced illusions.
Okay, but why show that scene in the trailer at all then. Why not another one so they don't have to make a fake npc that doesn't exist lol
It's a shame that Robert Pattinson only played Strilok in the trailer 2021
That’s what I was thinking 😂
was thinking the same thing after I watched Tenet and then some month later came the Stalker 2 trailer I was like "Oh look! Robert Pattinson"
I even went searching online to see if GSC really didn’t cast Robert Pattinson in the game, like CDPR did with Keanu Reeves)) Especially since Matt Reeves’ Batman had just come out around that time, where Pattinson was basically in the same persona...
I like that they put in a fake Strelok and masked Strider to avoid spoilers.
pretty much 80 % of the changes are: turn off the lights
@@Daya97228 bro
I wonder why they changed the lighting. It looked beautiful in the first trailer.
for trailers they choose the best lighting themselves. I can't do it during the game 😁 Theoretically, you can choose the same time in the game as in the trailer. but also don't forget that most likely in the first trailer it is a prerender with maximum lighting quality, while in the release there is not even full-fledged ray tracing.
Because of xbox
@@Jv19979 that doesn’t make sense, what the RUclips channel owner said sounds more accurate.
i think it is lack of ray tracing, which maybe will come to the game eventually. The first part doesn't help the time of day difference but it is much nicer 2021
@@rustyshacklefordposter ohh ok can’t wait for the mods tbh, apparently they’re going to try to make it very open for modders.
This is defo one of the closest concept/ early builds that is close if not identical to the final released project.
Refreshing compared to things like watchdogs/rainbow six seige etc.
Hey everyone listen to me.
They cut the grafics for optimization purpose only and even for playing low to mid-end pc. And they recorded the trailer with the best time of light and obviously maximum qualilty.
And yet the game still is unoptimized
This game does not even run well on high end pcs, saying it runs on low to mid is a complete lie unless you say that you can game while having 10 fps.
wtf are you babbling game the game doesnt work above 60 fps even on latest gpus
@@upanddown1132 I got 140-160FPS in 2560x1440 on Maximum Settings - 4090/7950X3D
It wasn't down for low to mid pc's, it was done for the Xbox cobsoles.
But even then, high end PC's arent doing well either.
Great comparsion, thanks.
Sad too see the graphic downgrade.
Unreal Engine 5 is by far not as good as assumed.
its pre rendered of course the graphics are going to be worse lmao stuff like that is no way near doable at playable framerates
@@bloom-mania And if you look closely like the rooftop scene, ingame one actually has more LOD details in the background
Yes, unreal engine to fast make progress, technical, and optimisation progress can't be normal. This engine broke gamers
@@BiosDestruction true. Sad but true..
So, the biggest and weirdest part is at 1:36. Only months from release yet the April showcase if superior in nearly every way with colors, detail, lighting, saturation, etc, I am genuinely curious if this is old footage or a random tech demo they used because if not and that's what the game is supposed to look like, we either got lied to or something is wrong with the game much more than we thought because I would like to see how in 6 months it went from photo-realism to a good looking game. I mean if RD2 in 2018 can look like the bottom one, I don't see why Stalker 2 couldn't if that supposedly had it looking like that at one point.
Gamedev here: It really similar and all rendering feature set is +- same. Only difference is assets placement, render profilling changes and different time of day and weather preset. Biggest change that they made is tree foliage - in final game they decided to use more autumn like trees without foliage because alpha textures are really demanding (especially if you plan to use ray tracing). This is by far most aesthetic change if we consider poplar tree is the most characteristic tree in this region.
This scene actually scared me of Stalker 2. It looked nothing like Stalker, just like some random game with good graphics. The final version looks and feels like Stalker. Thats why they changed it.
@@hammondztexasu Then you would have to explain at 0:54 as well, 2 scenes that are "similar" but clearly the bottom example has much more detail and overall quality with no tree in sight. The game clearly took a massive downgrade, and I find it hard to put the blame simply on the time of day or trees.
strelok on the trailer was so handsome
I hate to admit it but there's a massive difference. Just look at 0:59. Top one looks like a modded Call of Pirpryat while the trailer looks like something released for next-gen
Maybe You can get that quality if you have 4090.
@@badguyfromnorthdagonI have it and no. I think the trailer was mixed with pre-rendering or even CG
That square fire, woooof
its because the settings are cranked to the absolute limit because its pre rendered not running in real time lmao hardware is no way near the level to do stuff like that at playable framerates i mean even in its current state its barely running
the visual diffrence of strelok is fuckin WILD
tbh strelok with hair actually lookin lit
Fr yes, wish they use that model... But OG-looking Strelok also do well
slavic and conserved hairline does not go together
Didnt see me then
Strelok with a hair transplant
Strelok after visting Turkey.
The original video is rendered in UE but with path-tracing, which is evident in the precise shadows and high quality materials, some extra light sources have been added here and there to make it look more cinematic. We can't do this in realtime yet, we don't have powerful enough hardware. Rendering a single frame with production-quality path-tracing now takes 1-3 minutes in the editor on my PC, which by the way is a huge improvement on the 3-5 hours (!!!) we were at 10 years ago.
I was always wondering who that guy is... until... he is strelok?! In the trailer he looks like Leon Kennedy
This is Ada Wong under the influence of radiation 🤣
@@TestThisGameHas she turned into a man?
Developers changed his appearance intentionally to avoid spoilers
more like Robert Pattinson in Tenet
I think they removed his character cuz they ran out of time. So they replaced him with Strelok
keep in mind that some of the scenes especially outdoor, will vary depending on what time of day & weather you trigger them
Strelok was Niko Bellic whole this time
Back then with the first trailer I was like "yeah... it will never look like that in game". I mean I know why developers do that to max their advertisement, but this days the usual trailers are often pretty close to a "serving suggestion" on packaged food.
Кстати атмосфера мрачности на болотах в первом трейлере классная, подходящая такому месту как Зона. По канону же солнечная погода редкость для зоны особенно в центре
It left photorealism for Xbox 360 with remastering for current platforms.
The only real difference in visual quality is the lighting. Still very impressive how close it is to the trailer material.
Do you think lighting has anything to do with character models? They look like a port from an underperforming console, worse graphics textures and realism in their faces.
And in the first trailer there was a scene we're he talks to other Stalkers. And in the release game it's a ending scene in Scar ending
Strelok cutscene is a HUGE downgrade and I'm not talking about graphics.
I guess there are few possible reasons why they downgraded it. One of the most possible variants is that they later during development decided that Strelok needs to be more emotionless, what caused the downgrade of cutscene.
@@Key_eg0r The emotions of characters in cutscenes generally looks goofy anyway, if You pay attention ofc, so I'd rather go with blank strelok face.
It's not the emotions, it's just that they overly exaggerated them.
The light from the fire is a separate pain
where is the scene of the guy dancing in the abondened house with the piano?
0:50 He become Niko 😁
I just like that in the trailer everything isn't yellow/orange 🧡. It's so annoying when the sun goes down and it's extra unrealistic
It doesn't even render the CNPP in the crane scene (for me at least and I guess for everyone else too)
That's not the CNPP
In this scene they are standing on an unfinished block 5 with the cooling towers in the background. The main part of CNPP is behind them. So why would it be rendered?
Nice to see the comparisons since the first trailer.
Im still really enjoying this game.
RTX on vs Lumen :))))))))
0:30 this scene looks much more better on 2021
Both look good, even 2024 more realistic i think
Imho 2024 is way better, there is no such saturation in real life so imagine it in a survival horror game
As the tradition goes. The GSC studio must cut something from retail
What is the name of the background song? It's great but shazam won't tell me the name :(
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl OST - End Titles (Launch Trailer)
@wadlet3380 damn, thanks bro 🙏🏼
Any way to get the heavily orange tint go away?
no, sadly this game has no mod support, like with the original trilogy. would have made great games if they had mod support, imagine all the cool names you could come up with... like "anomaly" or "misery" or "oblivion lost" or "gamma"...
So the S in leon s kennedy stands for strelok. Good to know
hmm, I'd need to make my own comparisons, but from looking at this video, there is no lighting on the characters or models AT ALL in the upper screen...
Yes, the lighting problem in the game is huge, due to the use of software lumens from UE5. I don't understand what prevented them from adding the ability to enable hardware ray tracing. Even without modifications, the game does not show the dynamic shadows from the flashlight that were in the first game released in 2007.
@@TestThisGame because the game already runs poorly enough adding hardware raytracing would make it a stuttery mess
@@TestThisGamehardware raytracing will be added in next patches, you can search for intreview where lead dev talking about alife 2.0, hardware raytracing, multiplayer and mod support
@@TestThisGameAlso if your Global illumination is lower then Epic than it bounces less times and lighting in rooms will be very unrealistic black.
То Стрiлок та Клик на початку вiдео? Думав ми побачимо обох, не выйшло чомусь
Моделькі персонажів були підмінені. Бродяга взагалі якиймь чел в балаклаві. Думаю це зробили щоб уникнути спойлерів.
Зачем они всю игру сделали в оранжевом цвете? Такое ощущение что в игре постоянно закат.
It's hard to change in game time and weather to match it in the trailer? Because of this game seems slightly awful.
Dynamic lights and shadows would be great🤔
Ahh a true stalker, would remember what they been promised
1:34 man i like the clear graphic one, i know it would be off with the how the scene mood is, but hey i prefer it more.
have you set all to epic and HDR? mine almost same, but the person have no hair
Еще прицел в трейлерах реалистичный, без приблежения фона, а в игре самый обычный с приближением всего что вокруг прицела
Версия стрелка в треилере с длинными волосами мне нравиться намного больше чем класическая
Even with the visual downgrade on release version, the game still looks very good
The colours are flatter
The cinematics are poorly framed and less animated
The lighting is just... worse...
Well this is depressing…
I think they had english scar voice actor wrong. Ukrainian scar voice sounds real. If you play CS you could imagine thats not his voice
Ubisoft-tear downgrade. What a shame, I was so hyped for this game.
if we had graphics like in trailers of 2021, we would get 5 fps on medium on 4090 :D
What about the dancing guy?
wow Stalker 2 got Ubisofted
Dracula Flow Strelok is the only Strelok.
i would like to think the zone's power gave Strelok his 2021 look.... and would love to have it back, at least like an option.
No. Make this guy a new character with his own story
@@PickMeBoy2137 difference in opinion, all good
@@PickMeBoy2137I don't care for Strelok. The stranger seemed so cool and mysterious. I want him to have his own story too!
Hey niko let's go bowling 🎳
Допомагати Стрільцю захистити Зону після всього, що відбулося і що стало відомо - це велика помилка. Стрілець на ділі виявився пихатим егоїстом, який привласниі собі Серце Зони і зрештою так само як всі використовував її для своїх цілей. Натомість доктор попри допущені помилки виявив розсубливість, як науковець, як людина і показав, що цінує життя, дав зрозуміти, що ті ж мутанти по суті не винні, що вони такі, навпаки - це вина людей. Те що Зона страшне місце - це вина пихатості, егоїстичності людей, які діяли ніби то з добрими намірами в ім'я науки, а насправді влни думали тільки про своє значення в історії, про славу, про те як задовільнити своє самолюбство і звеличитись в очах інших. Люли постійно зкхоплюють владу і ресурси і стають монополістами, диктуючи правила іншим. Тому протягом проходження треба бути уважним до всіх і до ситуації, тожі ви побачите як Шрам, Варта і той же Стрілець використовують вас, хоч і здаються хорошими на перший погляд. І з самого початку нам постійно нагадуали: "Нікому не вір!". Бо справді потрібно все аналізувати і зважувати, думати логічно.
Менi шкода Бродягу вiн дiйсно хотiв як найкраще для своiх людей
@@Naruto_Fan2020та найбільше шкода Фауста та Бродягу, я хотів би щоб був варіант вимкнути моноліт до кінця гри та врятувати тих кого ще можна, або взагалі підірвати моноліт так щоб ніхто його більше не міг включити
😂 Включите и настройте правильно HDR.
Deleted Russian voice and amotional cast scene 😮💨
I can't complete the game on Xbox Series S because of this boss... The game crashes every time. I love the game, but they really need to fix it
Music name please?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl OST - End Titles (Launch Trailer)
A downgrade to put even Ubisoft to shame.
Performance seems to have been the decisive factor in this game... shame
Different time of day
Стрелка чуть не превратили в эмо)
they really need to do something about the artifacting with the whole upscaleing thing, its bad.
games is fun though, be nice if they can fix that and the the bad ghosting with TAA, never seen TAA look so bad in my life.
Да норм всё выглядит. Даже лучше, в основном.
Только лицо стрелка
Ты перепутал, игра сверху
@@what8338 Так там и написано, что игра сверху.
@@what8338 Динамическое освещение, тени и всё. Вид как в трейлере. В релизе его нет из-за оптимизации. По мере фиксов в патчах обещали вернуть.
стрелок полысел, с кем не бывает
Prerender vs actual gameplay
sadly, but for like 2 years GSC was saying the first trailer is real gameplay. Then they change their narration to "we want to hit quality of first trailer" lol. Bunch of liars.
Ah yes a lie@@KoweK
i swear to god the amount of ignorant people in this comment section is insane they really cannot tell the difference between cranked pre rendered graphics and what can actually be achieved in real time
to achieve the pre-rendered graphics everyone complaining would have to be rocking a 4090! At the least
@@Dstryrr not even lol modern games run so poorly even flight sim 2024 at max graphics only runs at 40fps AT 1080P
@@Dstryrr Not even max settings on a 4090 gets close to the 2021 "gameplay trailer". It's blatantly pre-rendered, and it's insane how people refuse to see it.
guys, do you know music name?
desde cuando ese es Strelek
Creo que para el trailer le pusieron otra skin para evitarnos spoilers. Pero siempre fue Strelok desde el principio.
@drakodrizzt7795 LoL
glad they reverted strelok to his original look. man was having them temples in 2012 so he has to have them now or even bald
For some reason I have the feeling that they specifically changed his appearance so that it wouldn't be a spoiler, because his real appearance was only shown in the release trailer.
@@TestThisGame makes sense
Дякую за спойлер прямо в превью відео. Що з вами, ютуберами, не так?
Это момент из трейлера игры, то что стрелок у игре будет и так понятно если напрячь свои извилины.
@@Rockrgcs то, что Стрелок будет, я знаю. А вот то, что Стрелок будет в этой сцене вместо этого мужика, я не в курсе. Или ты просто самоутвердиться сюда пришел?
Im not gay, but goddamn Strelok
00:30 is Leon
Stalker 2 opens the door for another zone somewhere on the planet, IF GSC is willing to take the risk, cause lets face it they CANT do a 3rd game in Chernobyl, im hoping with the addition of A-Life 2.0 in the future and mods we can do alot if great thing s with stalker 2
Edit: as the guy pointed out yes there are 4 stalker games, but the original trilogy, has no significant timelapse between they ALL take place withen a week of each other, so I lump all 3 as just "OG STALKER"
in stalker novels there is actually another zone in fucking Afghanistan
3rd game??? you mean 5th there are currently 4 stalker games
@bloom-mania I count SoC, CS, CoP as stalker 1 because they all take place withen DAYS, a week at most of each other.
@@chromaticturtle8657 true that’s good point sorry i was a bit harsh i went on a bit of a reply spree and got a bit heated
@@bloom-mania roadside picnic that they borrowed from has other "zones" on earth but the CNPP was the only one humanity fucked around with, now with the addition and some clarity of certain groups, they could totally go see about making another zone to control and it goes arse up and you go in years later after things settle down a bit, also no worries bout your comment lol
В принципе они просто время суток поменяли . А так игра не особо хуже трейлеров. Только динамическое освещение и тени жалко что не добавиши
В 2021 игра выглядела лучше и волосатый Стрелок мне нравится больше
Why Strelok look like a Ničo Bellic from Gta 4????
strelok looks like strelok from the previous games, which predates GTA IV. So if anything; nico bellic looks like strelok, not the other way around.
I think they tried to cover it with another skin just to avoid spoilers for us.
That downgrade is insane, especially the first scene.
the eyes are also worse just look dead forward
Hardware raytracing vs software raytracing.
Rt nothing to do to the textures, sounds, etc.
так шо за чел на градирне сверху? бил?
even the fire was downgraded. Sad. The mods are the only way to make this game what was in the trailers.
The downgrade in lighting and draw distance is incredibly disappointing. I could not give less of a shit about cutscene changes.
There's a little bit of game in your downgrade
Thanks for existence of console yeah )) Worst thing what can happen to PC games to be compatible with console
lmao no this game would never have looked that good on pc its pre rendered and probably rendered at multiple minutes per frames whereas for gaming we need at least 60 frames per second
@@bloom-mania I know.. It's always in any games that trailers look better before game release because they are rendered in engine and not from gameplay but still it will look better if it's not for console ) With consoles there must be always deeper downgrade for any game.
@@alzhighmr5406 yeah but i’d rather a downgrade than to loose fps i mean seriously if stalker 2 was in the x-ray engine (original 3 games engine) i would prefer it cause playing at 400 fps is a lot nicer than a capped 75 for stability and 50 - 60 in towns (im running a rx7800xt for context)
@@bloom-mania Yeah to be honest me personally like a big fan all my life of OG trilogy i don't care even about graphics :D
But yeah i will love too some upgraded xray engine for sure than UE5. I have Ryzen 3600 + Rx 5700xt + 16gb ram and i'm playing around 80-120 fps with TSR on quality and FSR frame gen on outside of populated cities on FHD. So i'm somehow actually happy then before I initially thought ) I expected for me like 60 fps at max on low with FSR on :D
@ i care about graphics as long as they aren’t ugly il take an older game any day over a 9th gen games like titanfall and bf4 are some of my favourite looking games ever also sound design is far more important in my opinion
They need to add Russian voices
Персы все зрительно не похожи на оригиналы 15-летней давности
maybe stalker 3
Тотальное снижение качества и рыжий фильтр
whats the song used?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl OST - End Titles (Launch Trailer)
@@ОстапПристач thanks bro
Im feeling scammed...
Ну, думаю, там багато графічних змін через те, що її перенесли на інший рушій (по суті той самий, тільки інша, більш нова версія). Тому, скоріш за все, вони отримали багато помилок через перехід і були змушені змінити деяких персонажів та безліч інших деталей. До того ж можна додати, що вони вперше працювали з Unreal Engine 4, бо до цього у них був X-Ray рушій. З цього можна зрозуміти, що вони провели деякий час, вивчаючи новий рушій та всі його можливості. У подальшій розробці вони використовували його функції, намагалися зробити гру більш реалістичною на тому рушії і, скоріш за все, шліфували її графічно, щоб вона вийшла як одна з найреалістичніших та атмосферних ігор на той час. А потім вийшов 5-ий рушій, і вони вирішили перейти на нього, можливо через його покращені можливості або через обіцяну оптимізацію з використанням Nanite та Lumen. Це моя думка, але було б цікаво дізнатися й інші.
Я вообще не понимаю, нахуй они переходили на UE5, если даже на нём сталкач крашится как ёбаный кусок кала.
Ладно баги и оптимизация, хер с ними. Но блять, как можно было выпустить игру с софтлоками и шоб она ещё каждые 2-3 часа вылетала. А потом не запускалась без перезагрузки компа.
Я НИ РАЗУ не видел, чтобы игры на анрилах крашились.
@@MironBleek у меня за 40 часов 4 вылета. В принципе пофиг.
@@ВанДаркхолменко граю на rtx4080 0 вилетів