gorkha lapu v d c Tourism Development and local promoter of Gorkha district have started a touri

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Dharche-Manslu Tourism Development Committee and local tourism promoter organisations of Gorkha district have started a tourism promotion campaign in the eastern part of the district. The committee is promoting a new trekking route I have an account, login clear restore list images close sort Pro­mote Gorkha dis­trict as his­tor­i­cal tourist des­ti­na­tion: Dr. Bhat­tarai Pro­mote Gorkha dis­trict as his­tor­i­cal tourist des­ti­na­tion: Dr. Bhat­tarai1the tourism pro­file and man­age­ment plan of Gorkha dis­trict Fri­day, UCPN vice chair­man Dr. Babu­ram Bhat­tarai said that Gorkha dis­trict should be pro­mot­ed as a his­tor­i­cal tourist destination.?Nepalnews.?com, (www.?nepalnews.?com) is a l... Lo­cals ini­ti­ate tourism pro­mo­tion in Gorkha Lo­cals ini­ti­ate tourism pro­mo­tion in Gorkha6:05Dharche-Manslu Tourism De­vel­op­ment Com­mit­tee and local tourism pro­mot­er or­gan­i­sa­tions of Gorkha dis­trict have start­ed a tourism pro­mo­tion cam­paign in the east­ern part of the dis­trict. The com­mit­tee is pro­mot­ing a new trekking route cov­er­ing... Spring Rit­u­al in Nepal Spring Rit­u­al in Nepal3:54In the Hi­malayas be­fore Spring plant­ing, a rit­u­al pro­ces­sion of Ti­betan monks around the fields and through the vil­lage, mix­ing Bud­dhist and an­i­mist fer­til­i­ty tra­di­tions (Sama Gaon,Man­aslu Con­ser­va­tion Dis­trict, Gorkha Dis­trict, Nepal).... Man­aka­mana Cable Car, Nepal Man­aka­mana Cable Car, Nepal0:11Man­aka­mana cable car hous­es the one of the most mod­ern cable car sys­tem im­port­ed from Aus­tria. The Bot­tom Sta­tion is at Kur­in­tar, Chit­wan dis­trict and the Top Sta­tion is at Man­aka­mana tem­ple in Gorkha dis­trict of Nepal. The bot­tom sta­tion i... Tsum Val­ley Part 6 Tsum Val­ley Part 65:20Tsum val­ley lies in Gorkha dis­trict and com­pris­es two re­mote vil­lages called Chum­chet and Chhekam­par. The name Tsum came from the Ti­betan word called Tsom­bo, which means vivid. Tra­di­tion­al­ly Tsum val­ley was a very dis­tinct place ge­o­graph­i­ca... Gorkha1 2007 Gorkha1 20079:22Real Gorkha Dis­trict peo­ple sum­mer bbq and Lhosar 2007 a glimpse... Spread­ing aware­ness through Saran­gi Spread­ing aware­ness through Saran­gi6:2355-year-old Akkal Ba­hadur Gand­har­va from Prithv­ina­gar Mu­nic­i­pal­i­ty left his per­ma­nent job at the Radio Nepal as he de­cid­ed to spend rest of his ac­tive life by spread­ing aware­ness through Saran­gi in Gorkha dis­trict. Cur­rent­ly, he spends most... SEEDSvideo.?mpg SEEDSvideo.?mpg7:55Video from June 2010 W omen's Health Train­ing pro­gram spon­sored by SEEDS Nepal (www.?nepalseeds.?org). Sama Vil­lage, Gorkha Dis­trict, Nepal.... Gorkha Pal­tan by Lalit Chhetri Gorkha Pal­tan by Lalit Chhetri10:36Video... Tsum Colling­wood Chant Tsum Colling­wood Chant0:43This video shot and editd by one of our mem­ber dur­ing the Trekkig for Re­mote Health Camp and Food Dis­tri­bu­tion pro­gram in Tsum Val­ley, Gorkha Dis­trict, Nepal part of our or­ga­ni­za­tion­al ac­tiv­i­ties. I like this video be­ca­sue it shows peo­ple&#... GORKHAL­ISUM­MERB­BQ2007 1 GORKHAL­ISUM­MERB­BQ2007 19:34Sum­mer BBQ of Gorkha Dis­trict peo­ple in uk... Sur­vivors Story; The Aeri­al Tramway in­ci­dent in Chi­naghat, Ghyal­chowk, Gorkha Sur­vivors Story; The Aeri­al Tramway in­ci­dent in Chi­naghat, Ghyal­chowk, Gorkha11:04One of the sur­vivors, Suraj Khad­ka telling his or­deal, hap­pened on 27 June, 2011 11:30AM in Chi­naghat, Ghyal­chowk VDC-9 in Gorkha dis­trict.... Liglig Kot Ru­ined Fort and around.?MP4 Liglig Kot Ru­ined Fort and around.?MP41:02Ru­ined fort of King Drabya Shah at the top of Liglig Kot, Gorkha dis­trict of Nepal. March 19, 2011.... Gorkha Jan­muk­ti­mor­cha Gorkha Jan­muk­ti­mor­cha8:48E-jazz Ali...
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