I should confess that this is altogether worse than what he said on fidelity in the other chapter from his main work. But all that aside... man, what an epic piece of prose. God bless all types and genders.
@@No_Avail At work one night, one of my three jobs, sexuality was described. Two gentlemen ment- ioned their wives always degrading them, whilst seated on the couch, watching TV. Girls do have a place in life; to equate or hold themselves higher than men leads to argument and division.
@@markrunnells5642 I still don't find fault with any sober-minded woman (so anti-womyn) accurately placing herself above various men she knows or knows of, whenever she's capable of being realistic about her personal qualities/attributes vs those of the men. There are after all a lot of unimpressive men. Still womyn takes the cake.
@@markrunnells5642 No, not in the fields you mentioned. Only the exceptional ones. Certainly the genders/sexes have their niches. On the whole I value stuff men tend to excel at more than the stuff of women. I'm the proud anti-caretaker. But even I can see that they caretake better than us on avg. They're also better at gossip.
Man was he right....thank you for this BTW
mann Im dead, I wonder who did this to him....
@@dedefakolujo5304 was thinking the same thing the whole time I was reading lmao
I should confess that this is altogether worse than what he said on fidelity in the other chapter from his main work. But all that aside... man, what an epic piece of prose.
God bless all types and genders.
@@No_Avail At work one night, one of my three jobs, sexuality was described. Two gentlemen ment- ioned their wives always degrading them, whilst seated on the couch, watching TV. Girls do have a place in life; to equate or hold themselves higher than men leads to argument and division.
@@markrunnells5642 I still don't find fault with any sober-minded woman (so anti-womyn) accurately placing herself above various men she knows or knows of, whenever she's capable of being realistic about her personal qualities/attributes vs those of the men. There are after all a lot of unimpressive men.
Still womyn takes the cake.
@No_Avail So, you feel girls excel in military, policemen, firemen, guard, railroad, construction, linemen, electric, roadwork and plumbing?
@@markrunnells5642 No, not in the fields you mentioned. Only the exceptional ones. Certainly the genders/sexes have their niches. On the whole I value stuff men tend to excel at more than the stuff of women. I'm the proud anti-caretaker. But even I can see that they caretake better than us on avg.
They're also better at gossip.
@@markrunnells5642 I fear my reply was auto-scrubbed.
I've never been a fan of ol' Shoppie - I much prefer his more virile protegé in Fred. This is pretty hilarious to listen to, however.
Thinking about it, Fred would probably agree with a lot of what's being said here. Old goats haha!
Google his attempts to get women to marry him, makes this 10x funnier