I have congenital deafness of unknown aetiology. I used to wear the hearing aids since my parents and schoolteachers forced me to do so even though I did not benefit from wearing them. I had a massive meltdown when I was 14 and threatened to drop the hearing aids in the toilet and flush them unless my parents backed off and stopped demanding me to wear them. Eventually, my mum mentioned the new technology that mutes the background noises and din. Unfortunately, my ears kept flexing, causing the feedback loops. I gave up after trying many different ways to seat the ear moulds properly and getting new ear moulds done a several times. Recently, my mum asked me if I could consider the hearing aids again: the audiologist told me after my recent hearing test that no hearing aids would help me at all. I glared at my mum and bellowed, "I TOLD YOU SO! WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT I AM DEAF, PERIOD?!?" Why are there so many hearing parents who are deluding about wanting their deaf children to be "quasi-hearing" even though nothing would benefit their deaf children?
의사선생님의 배려에 감사드립니다
7월9일에 수어통역사 필기시험 보는 구독자입니다:)청각장애의 이해 과목에서
청력검사 !문제는 꼭 맞출 수 있을 것 같아요~~!좋은 영상 감사합니다:)
우와 미모의 원장님!! 친절까지 하시네요. ^^ 보청기 상담은 오티콘동작점 가즈아~! 청력검사 과정 세세히 알 수 있어서 좋았네요. 유익한 정보 ㄳ합니다 :)
오오 찍어줘서 감사합니다! 좋은 정보 얻고 가네요
5:15 자막에 기본검사가 아니라 기도검사에요!
챕터 청력검사 부분에서 기도를 검사한거에요!😃
앗 기도검사구나!! ㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니다^^
설명을 알아듣기 쉽고 명쾌하게 엄청 잘해주시네요~^^ 하개월님 평소에 궁금한 것 잘 못참으셔서 뭔가 듣고 이해하는게 중요하신 것 같은데~ 설명 들어도 이해 안될 때 응~???? 하는 표정과 다르게 여기서는 아~!!! 하며 시원해하시는 것 같아요 ㅎㅎ
오~~!! 저도 이번에 필기시험보는 구독자입니다!!
시험에 도움이 되는영상까지 올려주시다니 감사합니다!!
원장님 세심하시네요...!!👍 근데 8:30 여긴 권상우 소라게 생각나네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5년마다 교체기간이구나.ㅎㅎ
두개의보청기끼어보는테스트해볼때방향분발력은 진짜로 좋은데 말소리를 알아듣지못하면 하나만 만족하면서 써야하나봐유~ㅠㅠ
저음고주파쪽은 엥?(무슨소리인지몰라서)이러고있고 고음고주파는 오~이러고있는ㅋㅋㅋ 근데 고음고주파도 엄청 큰소리는 확실히 들려요.
와 보청기 안끼고 영상들보면 작게들리긴한데 소리(음량)를줄인다면 아예 못알아듣는 귀들....
골도검사는 첨 알았네요.ㅎ
해개월언니덕분에 골도검사는 처음 알게 되었고 다음에 할때 해봐야겠네요.
I have congenital deafness of unknown aetiology. I used to wear the hearing aids since my parents and schoolteachers forced me to do so even though I did not benefit from wearing them.
I had a massive meltdown when I was 14 and threatened to drop the hearing aids in the toilet and flush them unless my parents backed off and stopped demanding me to wear them. Eventually, my mum mentioned the new technology that mutes the background noises and din. Unfortunately, my ears kept flexing, causing the feedback loops. I gave up after trying many different ways to seat the ear moulds properly and getting new ear moulds done a several times.
Recently, my mum asked me if I could consider the hearing aids again: the audiologist told me after my recent hearing test that no hearing aids would help me at all. I glared at my mum and bellowed, "I TOLD YOU SO! WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THAT I AM DEAF, PERIOD?!?"
Why are there so many hearing parents who are deluding about wanting their deaf children to be "quasi-hearing" even though nothing would benefit their deaf children?
전 왼쪽 귀 전혀 안들린데 양쪽 보청기 착용 중입니다
소리 안들린데 의미 없는데 소리 균형 맞춰야 하길래요.. ㅠㅠ
그냥 아무 소리 못느껴요 ㅠㅠ
왼쪽 귀걸이형 오른쪽 귓속형 보충기 착용중입니다 ㅠㅠ