School Day in Qiaoda
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- Qiaoda Life !
This is our speaking assignment (vlogging assignment) and this is about our school day in Qiaoda (NTNU Linkou).
Music by : • Happy Background Music...
Instragram : / catherinegnwan
Pardon our Chinese, because right now we are still studying the language. We just learn to speak, and hope we can make a good progress in the future! Enjoy :)
If you guys love it, let me know and please give me some comment if anything needs to be improved. Thank you.
wah jadi inget masa lalu di sekolah tsb wkt th 1985
saya sekolah disana tahun 2007. Kamar, toilet, dan ruang makan masih jelek dulu.. sekarang sudah jauh lebih ok ya.. jadi kangen sama qiao da.. ^^
Melody christian Otto iyahh sekarang sudah jauh lebih baik yaaa
cathrine msh di qiao da? dulu 2003 sy di sana, pake seragam, & makan nya udah included. sudah byk beda ya skrg
Hello, im gonna take a prepatation class next month at qiaoda. im kinda insecure, because im basically can't read Chinese or talking it gonna hard to adapt in there (Trying to find friend,etc) because im so so scared of it also the language barrier :(
Valerie Tjio hi! where are you come from? indonesia? its okay, because they teach you from the basic, so don't worry :)
Catherine Gunawan yes im from Indonesia, really? from the beginning?
Valerie Tjio Indonesia bagian mana? yash ! jangan kuatir hehehe
Catherine Gunawan aku di jatim kak, sama boleh minta contact line ato apapun ga? aku masih mau tanya-tanya soalnya hehe
Valerie Tjio @cath_ket linee kuu
Halo Catherine,anak saya akan masuk Qiaoda 2020.
Apa bisa diinfo apa perlu bawa Komputer kesana ? Biasanya disana lbh cocoknya pakai Windows atau MacBook .
Oya,ukuran ranjangnya berapa ya utk bawa Sprei ??
Mohon infonya,trims.
kalo abis lulus dr sana bs univesity di indo lg ga kak? jd pake ijazah sana gt bs ga?