When Ruby's Mom was walking away, she saw the CCTV camera. She knew the authorities would review it, so she stopped turned and pointed to the sign for the camera. That's my head cannon and I'm sticking to it. 🙂 And at this point I'm 98% certain that Mrs. Flood is "The Oldest One" - it would explain her omniscience. Thanks for the upload!
It'd be very unlikely to see a CCTV camera, in the dark... with a hood over your head, trying to hide your identity... while it's snowing... while you probably have tears in your eyes...
My theory on Mrs. Flood is that she is Romana. The Doctor said that sometimes Time Lords can regenerate to hide away followed shortly after by Mrs. Flood saying she always feels like she is hiding herself away. Romana would certainly know what a TARDIS is. Romana was always quite clever and could have worked out "he waits no more" and also to stay out of things that have nothing to do with her plans. We've seen that the Doctor can break the fourth wall (and not just for a twist at the end). And then there is that outfit Mrs. Flood was wearing in that last scene (check out Romana in The Ribos Operation). That seems like one huge coincidence (do I hear goblins on my roof? maybe). While the way she phrases things might be a bit odd and alien, I'm not convinced that she is a villain and perhaps her plans are to help the Doctor in his time of need. I mean, what has she done that is bad? Refusing to make a cup of tea? Oooh that is so bad. Of course, it is just a theory. There are other theories out there with good supporting evidence too and we all know that RTD just loves to mess with fan theories so I could be completely wrong and it is just a misleading clue to get people to go down the wrong path. I do hope I'm right though because I've long wanted Romana to return (she is my favorite companion). While I'll be disappointed if I'm wrong because of this, I'm sure I'll be excited at the reveal of whoever Mrs. Flood turns out to be.
Yes! I DID see the outfits the two wore after watching this...but then there's Mrs Flood wearing Clara's jumper, perhaps that was to give The Doctor a hint? and I guess I misheard Clever Boy for That Love of Mine, so that's a second Clara hint...but i don't know! Romana or Clara or SOMETHING is using knowledge of the Doctor for some reason! (and it sounded a bit sinister). YES not make a cup of tea! Cherry deserves her tea! hahahaha Sometimes I wonder if RTD trolls subreddits and reaction videos to get ideas or see where our collective heads are at...and if you do watch, Russell...love ya, keep up the great work! lol
@@DFQreacts True, well, let's not forget that Romana has a propensity for dressing up and trying on different looks when she regenerates. I mean, she even dressed up as the Doctor. So trying on different outfits from various other companions as she passes the time waiting for the terror to come and to enact her plans to help the Doctor in his darkest moment might be possible. Yeah, I'm probably grasping at straws a bit, but I really would like to see Romana return (she is my favorite companion) and lead into a spin-off Whoniverse series whether I'm right or not in this theory. I can also imagine RTD having a good laugh saying, hey, dress up Mrs. Flood in an outfit worn by Romana... I'm sure that will drive fans nuts and they will never suspect the reveal that Mrs. Flood is actually Mrs. Flood all along.
I think Mrs. Flood is Missy in a mask like Saxon master! the name is an anagram: M Fools Dr. 👀 I think they are reversing the order of spymaster and Missy. The red nails pick up the Master' tooth. In the giggle the Toymaker says that the hair of the dummy was taken from a woman and she won't MISS it or MISS anything ever again. I think the spymaster teamed up with the pantheon of discord to change the doctor's past (to the timeless child) and the toymaker logic allowed for the spymaster and Missy to bi regenerate. Spymaster battled the toymaker and lost sealing him in the tooth which leaves Missy free to hide away till the right time. Oh btw Mrs. Flood said that clever boy did it. I thought CLARA immediately! But with Missy it makes sense because she's the reason he met Clara!
Ya after being told I misheard 'That Love of Mine' instead of 'The Clever Boy' I do think its Missy now, being as Missy did spend time with Clara, so she would have some of her style! lol And if that anagram is what gives it away, it would also fit in The Master's letter gotchas (O, being Ohhh and M for M fools Dr!) Very interesting theories! I hope we find out sooner rahter than later...although I suspect it won't be until this time next year :( lol
there may be a bigger story about family & finding our roots. The family convo has been found family in other series, but this season about adopted family. It could be hilarious if there's a joke about how Disney is not great with parents.
true, and with Ruby returning and Susan being brought up, I think we'll revisit...plus we still haven't met Ruby's dad, so who knows, maybe the mystery is just dormant?
When Mrs Flood is revived, you misheard what she says there, which is actually "Clever boy! That clever boy!" So, make of that what you will, lol. Clearly she knows the Doctor. She was also aware of Sutekh. And she seems quite sinister. Her words to Cherry about coming to the gates of her maker in her true name.. I think maybe we'll see what thats about at the Christmas special. Interesting to note is in that final moment of her in the coat, its snowing around her. Going by the name Flood, maybe its actually a reference to the snow.. there's so many things that could be done with it, lol. Very fun to think of. Great reaction vid and review. I felt similar. I think the 'pointing' thing was just symbolic, not to actually point the name to a person at the church. The first time we see it, she doesn't point. It's only after they have gone into the Time Window and interacted with the memory that it changes to include the pointing. I like that and it would've been interesting to find out that she was pointing at.. the doctor, or ruby, or sutekh, or the tardis, somehow interacting with them in the memory scene, but. RTD chose for it be just symbolic thing of naming her in a sort of psychic/spiritual way, maybe, its... yeah i didn't like it much either. It was clear Ruby was disappointed too. But I do like that the mother was actually a normal girl just protecting her baby. I would've been fine with some 'it was a mother's love' feel good thing, that would've been better than just 'she was pointing at the sign' lol. I love Doctor Who so much. I thought it was a great season, and finally got me excited for the show again, after getting depressed by Chibs. I'm just happy to be enjoying the show again, even with its flaws. Which to be honest, weren't that atrocious, in the end. Hopefully it will improve as time goes on. There was a lot of good stuff in this season, and the team clearly worked very hard on it together. There were some amazing performances. For being jampacked into 9 episodes, they got a lot done. especially compared to a chibs season. But I hope they'll get more in the future. I just really hope people don't bash the hell out of this season and end up crashing it.
Ohhhh Clever Boy, not Love of Mine? oooook....THAT does make a big difference! I also saw that that white coat was similar to Romana's...so her mystery is even deeper than Ruby's! Ya it felt like that reveal took the wind out of the room when it came on the screen. Just a normal Nurse. cool. lol I like how we put meaning into things, but after a whole season and the entire last episode focused on that mystery for it to just be nothing...just a bit disappointing. I feel the exact same way. People may complain about the season, but forget we had space surfing, farting aliens and pig hybrids for his first run and people LOVED it! lol I suspect we'll get more (and more episodes as well for next season). I just hope they are able to space the story out over those episodes to give us a full and satisfying end. After this season, I have faith!
@@DFQreacts I hear you. Although, I've been thinking on it, after seeing a number of people calling it a "nothing" reveal like oh she's normal, thats boring- which is kinda true, buuut at the same time, as a mother myself, I can't help but feel like that's missing part of the point, that a young girl giving up her baby, an extremely difficult thing to do, for her child's safety and probably her own too, that was such an amazing act of courage and love that's something that happens every day, yes but I don't think that detracts from it, personally. In the first episode, Ruby's mom gets cast in a different light. Her adopted mom says how she'd love to give her birth mom a piece of her mind, saying how small Ruby had been. Anytime it was mentioned it was more of a "I was abandoned" narrative instead of a "I was taken to where I was safe." We see it when they open the Time Window and realize the mother is crying. She wasn't some almighty cosmic power dropping off an alien baby conspiracy story- that could've been interesting yeah.. maybe we'll see it someday lol. But in this case, I like that the 'super being' of her mother was actually a courageous girl, and we're pretty dang strong 😉 Just my thoughts on that!
"Where's Claire?" on an alien planet apparently. Ruby's mum being ordinary, very weird because it doesn't explain the snow or the power that Maestro saw within her. Maybe it has something to do with her father? His last name is Garnet, a precious stone like a Ruby? Mrs Flood saying 'Clever Boy' when she is revived, a very Clara thing to say about the Doctor. "Run you Clever Boy and remember me", Also Mrs Flood was dressed in an outfit very much like Clara's. Right at the end in her White outfit, which is very similar to Romana's outfit (4th Doctor). and in 73 yards was dressed very much like Rose Tyler's outfit.
I'm SO glad I knew that was her! (although not until the end did I really put it together, and she didn't look like a pencil! lol)I DID see the outfits after...so Russell is throwing ALL the distractions out to hide who she really is. Flood/River? Maybe. Clara/Romana, perhaps! lol
@@DFQreacts It would be great to find out what her full name is, like Mrs Carol Flood. River/Flood, Song/Carol. But I'm sure we just have to wait for next season. lol
"His story ends in absolute terror". Some people suggested that you should understand it literally - there will be episode with "Absolute terror" title, and Doctor will regenerate in it. Several seasons or next one - unclear for now (obviously). Because If you're breaking fourth wall, why not tell some spoilers for one of the future seasons.
I want to know what happened to sutekh when the Tardis exploded in all of time and space in 11s era. Did Amy bring him back when she remembered the Tardis at her wedding to bring the Dr back?
thats true, there are a TON of implications to Sutekh being a tagalong. But maybe he was only in spirit during most of that time and 14 invoking that superstition gave him entry into our reality? Idk...
My issue with Ruby's story is that if they're gonna put such emphasis on Ruby's bio mom and pay it off as just some person, is, and I'm fine with some Doctor Who classic putting significance on the small human things, while they don't treat it as a replacement, they really go for "real mum". Carla is Ruby's real mum, if Louise wants to be in her life, great, but they're strangers. I genuinely believe in the christmas special where Ruby shows up and answers the phone and goes "Hey mum" they meant Louise, they just didn't think about it. I hope they prove me wrong in series 15 but I feel like if it isn't significant to the story going forward, they should have just had Louise deny her.
ya the entire build up to who her mom could be was really just a red herring to get the fandom guessing, and to have it just be a plain man and woman felt...cheap. I'm glad she got the happy ending with a new mom in her life, but Carla is her mom, and I hope thats who was on the phone. But WHO knows, maybe we'll get something with Louise next season?
Mrs flood could be Clara Oswald, she was dressed similarly to Clara when she died and that was her saying..you clever boy! But this is Dr Who so this is what RTD wants us to think lol, so its probably not! 😂
ya that accent made me hear That Love of Mine everytime I've listened to it haha, but I've seen the jumper she was wearing, but then she was also in a Romana-esque white coat at the end, so who knows! *taps side of nose* WHO Knows.
Im not sure that sutekh survives on Tennant's tardis. When 15 claimed his prize for defeating the toymaker, he wished for a duplicate Tardis, and i guess thats all. I dont think he wished for a duplicate invisible entitiy attached to the tardis as well.
I love Doctor Who. I have loved it since I was four years old and enjoyed every part of it, even the episodes that weren’t that popular. So it hurts me to say this, but I felt let down by this episode. As a season finale it didn’t give the impact that I was expecting, especially since the first part was such an amazing story with a strong cliffhanger. It felt almost like Chibnall and his sloppy writing to try and tie it all together at the end. I feel like an extra scene to add depth between the dust destroying all life and the part where he finds the spoon with the random woman on this unknown planet. It didn’t make sense, and I can follow the chaotic storylines of Doctor Who pretty well. The defeat of Sutekh was fine but it still needed a better lead up, like some part where Sutekh gloats over his victory. But the part that really bothered me was the anti-climactic reveal of Ruby. The season long buildup of her being something special and unique only for that to be absolutely nothing. I guess the message was supposed to be that even ordinary people can be extraordinary, but that didn’t tie up the threads they were weaving the whole time. What about the snow? What about the ominous Mrs. flood? Those weren’t answered and it wasn’t a good hook to keep us till next season. Granted, as a life long Whovian, I will watch it, but this one didn’t land well with me. I feel let down and that makes me sad because RTD has a proven track record of producing some really great stuff. Especially after the Chibnall era with his disconnected stories I was expecting to have a new wave bring us back to a higher level of storytelling, but it didn’t. I feel awful for having said that because I love Doctor Who so much. However… I have seen that the story of Ruby isn’t done yet. She’s coming back next season so maybe we will actually get the big payoff later with her character. *Fingers crossed*
Ya the random woman was way out of left field. Maybe she'll show back up? (probably not) but I wonder if the Memory TARDIS was just focused on the last bit of metal? again, not known and we'll never know. I was fine and good with the entire episode, except for the Ruy Reveal, which was shit. lol Ruby was called a 'thing' and 'creature' by gods and they couldn't tell she was just a girl? The Mrs Flood thing I'm ok with not knowing as its a hook into the next season and a bigger mystery (don't drop the ball on that, RTD! lol). Overall, I was favorable to it, but I have to call BS when I see it and that reveal was. Hopefully it can be redeemed next season!
I guess I misheard Mrs Flood and she said: 'You Clever Boy' and not 'That Love of Mine'...but why would Clara tell Cherry to pray to her god because she would meet him in her true name or whatever lol closest I can guess now is it IS Missy, or Missy 2, perhaps? lol I guess we'll have to wait again and find out lol
I was really enjoying this episode up until the end. The Doctor controlling the TARDIS with a whistle was a lot of fun. I like the solution of this episode and the idea of death of death creating life. I just didn’t like the end. Though the sentiment that something is important because we ascribe it importance is nice, it feels like such a cop-out. Her being just a regular person doesn’t make sense to me. Because then why didn’t Sutekh the name of anyone else who was in the same position as Ruby? I much rather would’ve preferred Ruby’s mom or even dad be some type of other member of the pantheon, making Ruby a demigod. And I’m really interested in seeing where the Mrs. Flood stuff goes. I’m glad they kept that open. And I am sorry to see the season end so fast. With the Doctor being in only the majority of 6/8 of the episodes, I feel like I barely know him. And while I love that we have an emotional Doctor, his crying every single episode really makes the whole crying thing less impactful.
Ya, and i was watching JustSoShayla's reaction to it last night and she pointed out something that I can't believe I didn't (because of how much I despise it)...Ruby was Rey 'Skywalker'. The mystery of her parentage was meaningless and she was nothing, nobody (but not to me! lol) But maybe the shorter seasons mean we don't get fully realized plots (which is disappointing), but now that he's done with Sex Education, we'll get much more of him!
Unpopular opinion(?) I think Rey in The Ladt Jedi was handled *better* than Ruby, if only because people getting powers out of seemingly nowhere was already established in that setting.
This was the worst episode of Dr. Who ever since "Hell Bent". I hated the ending i was bored shitless throughout that whole Ruby and mum scene it dragged on too long it was cringe very in your face it was lazily written and it's a complete cop-out this is not "Dr. Who" this is a soap opera in space. And i thought the defeat of Sutekh was lazily written i mean he gets defeated by a "rope"? Oh come on Russell your creative than that and i also think the supporting characters should had stayed dead as it you would had felt that impact but you couldnt because you knew it would be reversed somehow there's no stakes or drama in this anymore. The bit where the Doctor mentions "cultural appropriation" could had done without that line.
I'm sorry you said worse since Hell Bent? Since when has Hell Bent been a bad episode!? lol The rope was tech he brought out in his first adventure, so to bring it back around is very RTD. And thats what Doctor Who is...he reverses the bad shit. Gallifrey is destroyed? Reverse it! Universe gets destroyed? Reboot it...thats the show, man! lol Its all about the adventure to get there.
Terrible plot, full of holes and a hamfisted and downright wrong explanation/retcon about how Sutekh survived. A terrible CGI Sutekh and an insulting end for a great villain. Shame on Davies for writing and producing this tripe. It's an insult to a classic story and all those who were involved as well as fans of classic Who.
I don't think the Sutekh bits were terrible. CGI, eh whatever its Doctor Who lol but I doubt Sutekh is gone forever...the Doctor wins and his enemies come back, that's the show! lol idk I definitely don't feel insulted and I know a lot more fans who don't either. But I hope next season will have a story that satisfies you!
@@DFQreacts I know a lot of fans of the classic show who think it was awful. The retcon to explain how he survived doesn't hold up to scrutiny. If you're going to bring back a classic villain, don't mess up the the story he first appeared in. An actor playing Sutekh would have been far more real and sinister, and would have actually resembled the original. Nor was he ever a god, except to the abcient Egyotians.
@@DFQreacts as for next season, after being a fan since 1980, I'm afraid I'm a fan no more. Davies writes awful stories, this season was dreadful for a variety of reasons, but when you mess with one of the all time best stories, enough is enough, Davies is not a good enough writer to do that. Afraid I'm joining the millions who've deserted the show.
@@DFQreacts thanks for your considered appraisal of the points I raised, complete with lol at the end of every sentence. This is why the show is haemorraging fans and viewers alike.
When Ruby's Mom was walking away, she saw the CCTV camera. She knew the authorities would review it, so she stopped turned and pointed to the sign for the camera. That's my head cannon and I'm sticking to it. 🙂 And at this point I'm 98% certain that Mrs. Flood is "The Oldest One" - it would explain her omniscience.
Thanks for the upload!
THAT would be interesting...if Sutekh was just a placeholder for the ACTUAL threat a year or two down the line...hmm...idk! lol Thanks for watching!
It'd be very unlikely to see a CCTV camera, in the dark... with a hood over your head, trying to hide your identity... while it's snowing... while you probably have tears in your eyes...
I Love 💗😍Doctor who it’s my favorite 🤩
Same! and I'm SO glad it feels like its old self again!
That really is a fantastic "nope" moment...nearly 50 years ago and it still makes me laugh. ↪
Literally the best, and before memes were a thing! lol
My theory on Mrs. Flood is that she is Romana. The Doctor said that sometimes Time Lords can regenerate to hide away followed shortly after by Mrs. Flood saying she always feels like she is hiding herself away. Romana would certainly know what a TARDIS is. Romana was always quite clever and could have worked out "he waits no more" and also to stay out of things that have nothing to do with her plans. We've seen that the Doctor can break the fourth wall (and not just for a twist at the end). And then there is that outfit Mrs. Flood was wearing in that last scene (check out Romana in The Ribos Operation). That seems like one huge coincidence (do I hear goblins on my roof? maybe). While the way she phrases things might be a bit odd and alien, I'm not convinced that she is a villain and perhaps her plans are to help the Doctor in his time of need. I mean, what has she done that is bad? Refusing to make a cup of tea? Oooh that is so bad. Of course, it is just a theory. There are other theories out there with good supporting evidence too and we all know that RTD just loves to mess with fan theories so I could be completely wrong and it is just a misleading clue to get people to go down the wrong path. I do hope I'm right though because I've long wanted Romana to return (she is my favorite companion). While I'll be disappointed if I'm wrong because of this, I'm sure I'll be excited at the reveal of whoever Mrs. Flood turns out to be.
Yes! I DID see the outfits the two wore after watching this...but then there's Mrs Flood wearing Clara's jumper, perhaps that was to give The Doctor a hint? and I guess I misheard Clever Boy for That Love of Mine, so that's a second Clara hint...but i don't know! Romana or Clara or SOMETHING is using knowledge of the Doctor for some reason! (and it sounded a bit sinister). YES not make a cup of tea! Cherry deserves her tea! hahahaha
Sometimes I wonder if RTD trolls subreddits and reaction videos to get ideas or see where our collective heads are at...and if you do watch, Russell...love ya, keep up the great work! lol
@@DFQreacts True, well, let's not forget that Romana has a propensity for dressing up and trying on different looks when she regenerates. I mean, she even dressed up as the Doctor. So trying on different outfits from various other companions as she passes the time waiting for the terror to come and to enact her plans to help the Doctor in his darkest moment might be possible. Yeah, I'm probably grasping at straws a bit, but I really would like to see Romana return (she is my favorite companion) and lead into a spin-off Whoniverse series whether I'm right or not in this theory. I can also imagine RTD having a good laugh saying, hey, dress up Mrs. Flood in an outfit worn by Romana... I'm sure that will drive fans nuts and they will never suspect the reveal that Mrs. Flood is actually Mrs. Flood all along.
I think Mrs. Flood is Missy in a mask like Saxon master! the name is an anagram: M Fools Dr. 👀 I think they are reversing the order of spymaster and Missy. The red nails pick up the Master' tooth. In the giggle the Toymaker says that the hair of the dummy was taken from a woman and she won't MISS it or MISS anything ever again. I think the spymaster teamed up with the pantheon of discord to change the doctor's past (to the timeless child) and the toymaker logic allowed for the spymaster and Missy to bi regenerate. Spymaster battled the toymaker and lost sealing him in the tooth which leaves Missy free to hide away till the right time. Oh btw Mrs. Flood said that clever boy did it. I thought CLARA immediately! But with Missy it makes sense because she's the reason he met Clara!
Ya after being told I misheard 'That Love of Mine' instead of 'The Clever Boy' I do think its Missy now, being as Missy did spend time with Clara, so she would have some of her style! lol And if that anagram is what gives it away, it would also fit in The Master's letter gotchas (O, being Ohhh and M for M fools Dr!) Very interesting theories! I hope we find out sooner rahter than later...although I suspect it won't be until this time next year :( lol
there may be a bigger story about family & finding our roots. The family convo has been found family in other series, but this season about adopted family. It could be hilarious if there's a joke about how Disney is not great with parents.
true, and with Ruby returning and Susan being brought up, I think we'll revisit...plus we still haven't met Ruby's dad, so who knows, maybe the mystery is just dormant?
@@DFQreacts maybe Susan is the god of Christmas specials? Dad is her herald🤗
@@illanalevi6091 well then nick Frost better come back since he's Father Chrimbo! lol
When Mrs Flood is revived, you misheard what she says there, which is actually "Clever boy! That clever boy!"
So, make of that what you will, lol. Clearly she knows the Doctor. She was also aware of Sutekh. And she seems quite sinister. Her words to Cherry about coming to the gates of her maker in her true name.. I think maybe we'll see what thats about at the Christmas special. Interesting to note is in that final moment of her in the coat, its snowing around her. Going by the name Flood, maybe its actually a reference to the snow.. there's so many things that could be done with it, lol. Very fun to think of.
Great reaction vid and review. I felt similar. I think the 'pointing' thing was just symbolic, not to actually point the name to a person at the church. The first time we see it, she doesn't point. It's only after they have gone into the Time Window and interacted with the memory that it changes to include the pointing. I like that and it would've been interesting to find out that she was pointing at.. the doctor, or ruby, or sutekh, or the tardis, somehow interacting with them in the memory scene, but. RTD chose for it be just symbolic thing of naming her in a sort of psychic/spiritual way, maybe, its... yeah i didn't like it much either. It was clear Ruby was disappointed too. But I do like that the mother was actually a normal girl just protecting her baby. I would've been fine with some 'it was a mother's love' feel good thing, that would've been better than just 'she was pointing at the sign' lol.
I love Doctor Who so much. I thought it was a great season, and finally got me excited for the show again, after getting depressed by Chibs. I'm just happy to be enjoying the show again, even with its flaws. Which to be honest, weren't that atrocious, in the end. Hopefully it will improve as time goes on. There was a lot of good stuff in this season, and the team clearly worked very hard on it together. There were some amazing performances. For being jampacked into 9 episodes, they got a lot done. especially compared to a chibs season. But I hope they'll get more in the future. I just really hope people don't bash the hell out of this season and end up crashing it.
Ohhhh Clever Boy, not Love of Mine? oooook....THAT does make a big difference! I also saw that that white coat was similar to Romana's...so her mystery is even deeper than Ruby's!
Ya it felt like that reveal took the wind out of the room when it came on the screen. Just a normal Nurse. cool. lol I like how we put meaning into things, but after a whole season and the entire last episode focused on that mystery for it to just be nothing...just a bit disappointing.
I feel the exact same way. People may complain about the season, but forget we had space surfing, farting aliens and pig hybrids for his first run and people LOVED it! lol
I suspect we'll get more (and more episodes as well for next season). I just hope they are able to space the story out over those episodes to give us a full and satisfying end. After this season, I have faith!
@@DFQreacts I hear you. Although, I've been thinking on it, after seeing a number of people calling it a "nothing" reveal like oh she's normal, thats boring- which is kinda true, buuut at the same time, as a mother myself, I can't help but feel like that's missing part of the point, that a young girl giving up her baby, an extremely difficult thing to do, for her child's safety and probably her own too, that was such an amazing act of courage and love that's something that happens every day, yes but I don't think that detracts from it, personally. In the first episode, Ruby's mom gets cast in a different light. Her adopted mom says how she'd love to give her birth mom a piece of her mind, saying how small Ruby had been. Anytime it was mentioned it was more of a "I was abandoned" narrative instead of a "I was taken to where I was safe." We see it when they open the Time Window and realize the mother is crying. She wasn't some almighty cosmic power dropping off an alien baby conspiracy story- that could've been interesting yeah.. maybe we'll see it someday lol. But in this case, I like that the 'super being' of her mother was actually a courageous girl, and we're pretty dang strong 😉 Just my thoughts on that!
"Where's Claire?" on an alien planet apparently. Ruby's mum being ordinary, very weird because it doesn't explain the snow or the power that Maestro saw within her. Maybe it has something to do with her father? His last name is Garnet, a precious stone like a Ruby? Mrs Flood saying 'Clever Boy' when she is revived, a very Clara thing to say about the Doctor. "Run you Clever Boy and remember me", Also Mrs Flood was dressed in an outfit very much like Clara's. Right at the end in her White outfit, which is very similar to Romana's outfit (4th Doctor). and in 73 yards was dressed very much like Rose Tyler's outfit.
I'm SO glad I knew that was her! (although not until the end did I really put it together, and she didn't look like a pencil! lol)I DID see the outfits after...so Russell is throwing ALL the distractions out to hide who she really is. Flood/River? Maybe. Clara/Romana, perhaps! lol
@@DFQreacts It would be great to find out what her full name is, like Mrs Carol Flood. River/Flood, Song/Carol. But I'm sure we just have to wait for next season. lol
"His story ends in absolute terror". Some people suggested that you should understand it literally - there will be episode with "Absolute terror" title, and Doctor will regenerate in it. Several seasons or next one - unclear for now (obviously).
Because If you're breaking fourth wall, why not tell some spoilers for one of the future seasons.
I wonder if Russell T would be that bold with the foreshadowing?
@@DFQreacts For me it's interesting thought, but i hardly can imagine episode with such title. It sounds a bit odd.
I want to know what happened to sutekh when the Tardis exploded in all of time and space in 11s era. Did Amy bring him back when she remembered the Tardis at her wedding to bring the Dr back?
thats true, there are a TON of implications to Sutekh being a tagalong. But maybe he was only in spirit during most of that time and 14 invoking that superstition gave him entry into our reality? Idk...
My issue with Ruby's story is that if they're gonna put such emphasis on Ruby's bio mom and pay it off as just some person, is, and I'm fine with some Doctor Who classic putting significance on the small human things, while they don't treat it as a replacement, they really go for "real mum". Carla is Ruby's real mum, if Louise wants to be in her life, great, but they're strangers. I genuinely believe in the christmas special where Ruby shows up and answers the phone and goes "Hey mum" they meant Louise, they just didn't think about it. I hope they prove me wrong in series 15 but I feel like if it isn't significant to the story going forward, they should have just had Louise deny her.
ya the entire build up to who her mom could be was really just a red herring to get the fandom guessing, and to have it just be a plain man and woman felt...cheap. I'm glad she got the happy ending with a new mom in her life, but Carla is her mom, and I hope thats who was on the phone. But WHO knows, maybe we'll get something with Louise next season?
when I heard the Doctor says "I'm back" when he was going into his tartis, I was thinking he was going to say "I'm back bitches"
15 could totally get away with saying that and it wouldn't be out of character! lol
@@DFQreacts when everyone reads the message that I commented, I don't think anyone would unhear it when re-watch that scene. It might be me though.
Also Ruby is coming back in the future with the whole family.
and we still don't really know who her dad is, so she STILL could be something not fully human...I hope lol
@@DFQreacts but the tardis said she was!
Mrs flood could be Clara Oswald, she was dressed similarly to Clara when she died and that was her saying..you clever boy! But this is Dr Who so this is what RTD wants us to think lol, so its probably not! 😂
ya that accent made me hear That Love of Mine everytime I've listened to it haha, but I've seen the jumper she was wearing, but then she was also in a Romana-esque white coat at the end, so who knows! *taps side of nose* WHO Knows.
Im not sure that sutekh survives on Tennant's tardis. When 15 claimed his prize for defeating the toymaker, he wished for a duplicate Tardis, and i guess thats all. I dont think he wished for a duplicate invisible entitiy attached to the tardis as well.
true, but nothing is set until its written! guess we're just gonna have to theorize and wait! lol
I love Doctor Who. I have loved it since I was four years old and enjoyed every part of it, even the episodes that weren’t that popular. So it hurts me to say this, but I felt let down by this episode. As a season finale it didn’t give the impact that I was expecting, especially since the first part was such an amazing story with a strong cliffhanger. It felt almost like Chibnall and his sloppy writing to try and tie it all together at the end. I feel like an extra scene to add depth between the dust destroying all life and the part where he finds the spoon with the random woman on this unknown planet. It didn’t make sense, and I can follow the chaotic storylines of Doctor Who pretty well. The defeat of Sutekh was fine but it still needed a better lead up, like some part where Sutekh gloats over his victory. But the part that really bothered me was the anti-climactic reveal of Ruby. The season long buildup of her being something special and unique only for that to be absolutely nothing. I guess the message was supposed to be that even ordinary people can be extraordinary, but that didn’t tie up the threads they were weaving the whole time. What about the snow? What about the ominous Mrs. flood? Those weren’t answered and it wasn’t a good hook to keep us till next season. Granted, as a life long Whovian, I will watch it, but this one didn’t land well with me. I feel let down and that makes me sad because RTD has a proven track record of producing some really great stuff. Especially after the Chibnall era with his disconnected stories I was expecting to have a new wave bring us back to a higher level of storytelling, but it didn’t. I feel awful for having said that because I love Doctor Who so much. However… I have seen that the story of Ruby isn’t done yet. She’s coming back next season so maybe we will actually get the big payoff later with her character. *Fingers crossed*
Ya the random woman was way out of left field. Maybe she'll show back up? (probably not) but I wonder if the Memory TARDIS was just focused on the last bit of metal? again, not known and we'll never know. I was fine and good with the entire episode, except for the Ruy Reveal, which was shit. lol Ruby was called a 'thing' and 'creature' by gods and they couldn't tell she was just a girl? The Mrs Flood thing I'm ok with not knowing as its a hook into the next season and a bigger mystery (don't drop the ball on that, RTD! lol). Overall, I was favorable to it, but I have to call BS when I see it and that reveal was. Hopefully it can be redeemed next season!
If she is River, why is she dressed exactly like Clara? Also, why was her last dress the one that Romana wore? hahahaha she is probably the master.
I guess I misheard Mrs Flood and she said: 'You Clever Boy' and not 'That Love of Mine'...but why would Clara tell Cherry to pray to her god because she would meet him in her true name or whatever lol closest I can guess now is it IS Missy, or Missy 2, perhaps? lol I guess we'll have to wait again and find out lol
I was really enjoying this episode up until the end. The Doctor controlling the TARDIS with a whistle was a lot of fun. I like the solution of this episode and the idea of death of death creating life. I just didn’t like the end. Though the sentiment that something is important because we ascribe it importance is nice, it feels like such a cop-out. Her being just a regular person doesn’t make sense to me. Because then why didn’t Sutekh the name of anyone else who was in the same position as Ruby? I much rather would’ve preferred Ruby’s mom or even dad be some type of other member of the pantheon, making Ruby a demigod. And I’m really interested in seeing where the Mrs. Flood stuff goes. I’m glad they kept that open. And I am sorry to see the season end so fast. With the Doctor being in only the majority of 6/8 of the episodes, I feel like I barely know him. And while I love that we have an emotional Doctor, his crying every single episode really makes the whole crying thing less impactful.
I was really hoping that it would've been River being Ruby's mother.
Ya, and i was watching JustSoShayla's reaction to it last night and she pointed out something that I can't believe I didn't (because of how much I despise it)...Ruby was Rey 'Skywalker'. The mystery of her parentage was meaningless and she was nothing, nobody (but not to me! lol) But maybe the shorter seasons mean we don't get fully realized plots (which is disappointing), but now that he's done with Sex Education, we'll get much more of him!
I'm still holding out River is Mrs. Flood!
Unpopular opinion(?) I think Rey in The Ladt Jedi was handled *better* than Ruby, if only because people getting powers out of seemingly nowhere was already established in that setting.
Night night
and now the long sleep until Christmas! lol
run u clever boy...should be clara not river :D
I honestly heard 'That Love of Mine' every time I watched this until someone pointed out it was 'you clever boy' hahaha
This was the worst episode of Dr. Who ever since "Hell Bent".
I hated the ending i was bored shitless throughout that whole Ruby and mum scene it dragged on too long it was cringe very in your face it was lazily written and it's a complete cop-out this is not "Dr. Who" this is a soap opera in space.
And i thought the defeat of Sutekh was lazily written i mean he gets defeated by a "rope"? Oh come on Russell your creative than that and i also think the supporting characters should had stayed dead as it you would had felt that impact but you couldnt because you knew it would be reversed somehow there's no stakes or drama in this anymore.
The bit where the Doctor mentions "cultural appropriation" could had done without that line.
I'm sorry you said worse since Hell Bent? Since when has Hell Bent been a bad episode!? lol
The rope was tech he brought out in his first adventure, so to bring it back around is very RTD. And thats what Doctor Who is...he reverses the bad shit. Gallifrey is destroyed? Reverse it! Universe gets destroyed? Reboot it...thats the show, man! lol Its all about the adventure to get there.
Terrible plot, full of holes and a hamfisted and downright wrong explanation/retcon about how Sutekh survived. A terrible CGI Sutekh and an insulting end for a great villain. Shame on Davies for writing and producing this tripe. It's an insult to a classic story and all those who were involved as well as fans of classic Who.
I don't think the Sutekh bits were terrible. CGI, eh whatever its Doctor Who lol but I doubt Sutekh is gone forever...the Doctor wins and his enemies come back, that's the show! lol idk I definitely don't feel insulted and I know a lot more fans who don't either. But I hope next season will have a story that satisfies you!
@@DFQreacts I know a lot of fans of the classic show who think it was awful. The retcon to explain how he survived doesn't hold up to scrutiny. If you're going to bring back a classic villain, don't mess up the the story he first appeared in. An actor playing Sutekh would have been far more real and sinister, and would have actually resembled the original. Nor was he ever a god, except to the abcient Egyotians.
@@DFQreacts as for next season, after being a fan since 1980, I'm afraid I'm a fan no more. Davies writes awful stories, this season was dreadful for a variety of reasons, but when you mess with one of the all time best stories, enough is enough, Davies is not a good enough writer to do that. Afraid I'm joining the millions who've deserted the show.
@@DFQreacts thanks for your considered appraisal of the points I raised, complete with lol at the end of every sentence. This is why the show is haemorraging fans and viewers alike.
@@Farsight-nc1ib ...lol