Aqeedah & Tawsauf - Dr Shadee Elmasry

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 36

  • @MohammadGhaniRavi
    @MohammadGhaniRavi 5 лет назад +6

    A similar story from the Ottoman Empire Sultan Abdul Hamid II, when a business man comes to visit who lost everything in trading and every night makes supplication to Allah to ease his burden. The Holy Prophet comes in his dreams and tells him to go visit the sultan and give him His salam and ask him to repay the debts for him. The sultan ask for evidence and the man said that the sultan sends salawat on the prophet every night but he forgot to do so the previous night!
    Source: Biography Sultan Abdul Hamid II

  • @zahhran5348
    @zahhran5348 6 лет назад +3


  • @yushaumeri6292
    @yushaumeri6292 Год назад

    This Masjid looks like it may be the Albanian masjid found in Garfield, NJ

  • @muheet602
    @muheet602 2 года назад +2

    Where is the daleel for tawsauf?

  • @assamk
    @assamk 6 лет назад

    Salaams Dr Shadee where is audio and link to the Awraat you mentioned please ? P
    Please listen back from 8.50 onwards

  • @adamchand4409
    @adamchand4409 8 лет назад +5

    Sorry but I wouldn't be impressed just like that. I know you mentioned the name of my Beloved Prophet Muhammad, who is more beloved to me than my life, parents and kids!
    In Islam we need Daleel/Proof from Quran and Authentic Hadees for every aspect of Deen.
    Since you associated the dream story to Prophet Muhammad, it is even more incumbent upon you that you give us the source of the hadees so everyone here can see the authenticity, and dont become followers of innovations and hearsay!!!
    I will be impatiently waiting for your reply with the source of the Sahih Hadees.
    If you can't provide it then repent and say a sincere astaghfar, and resort back to Quran and Authentic Hadees!!
    Furthermore, stop following greek methodology, "Aqeeda Wahdatul wajood", I.e, Pantheism!!
    Stop missleading innocent Muslims!
    Sending salawat to Rasool Allah is one of the best prayers, but dont use that to make up and develop a story to prove your ibn Arabi's sufilam!
    Also correct the kalima written behind the guy in the picture, which Muslim will write it reversed and backwards, what kind of calligraphy is that?
    Stop misleading the sincere truth seekers and innocent Muslims!!

    • @planc3318
      @planc3318 8 лет назад +9

      Nobody cares about the first part, if you love the Rasul(S) you would send salawat on him, but no you write his name and call him your beloved without sending salam upon him.
      Imam Ahmed(R) based some of his arguments of Fiqh on weak ahadith, tell me how someone who can't even spell misleading is above the scholars of the Hanbali fiqh which include Ibn Taymiyah who if you are a salafi you worship( search up the definition before you claim I made takfir of you).
      It isn't a hadith, not everything is a hadith; if everything was a hadith than we eouldn't have stories of the Sahaba(R) or stories of the Awliya, and we can't have lectures because they aren't hadith. You can't even spell heresy.
      This story cannot be a hadith, it is a story of the pious. Also you are impatient, and sharing your feelings and then seeing your impatient lesser self as a good part of you.
      The Holy Prophet( Salawatu rabbi wa salamun alai) said"Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her leader be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!"( sahih according al-Dhahabi, As Suyuti, Al Hakim, and many other( May Allah have mercy on all of them)). Sultan Muhammad Al Faatih(R) conquered this city and was the first to do so, the Ummayads didn't conquer everything and the hadith said "Lataftahanna al-Qustantiniyya", meaning that it will be an opening, not a reconquest; meaning it was the Sultan and not the Mahdi(AS). The Sultan(R) was a Hanafi, a Maturidi, and a Naqshabandi aka a Sufi.
      The definition of Tassawuf according to ibn Khaldun(R) is "total dedication to Allah Most High". This is proved to be a pious and excellent deed through copious ahadith and ayat of the Quran.
      You don't know what Pantheism is do you. You most likely took from other Salafis who the founder of their sect the Beloved of Allah(S) has called the horn of the devil according to many Ulama( Bukhari, Book 15, Hadith 32). A; Wahdatul Wujud is the belief that Allah is superior to his creation such that nothing compares to him and it is as if they are nothing compared to him.
      Prove that he made it up, and don't shift the burden of proof.
      He isn't the imam of that masjid; he is the imam of NBIC and that is Masjid Al Wali, which is free of sins you accuse of it. You are just attacking it because you don't like how they wrote it. Know I don't know if it is haram, I doubt it is as the imam is pious man and the board is a group of slaves who fear Allah, and the community is a great community, but show me proof that it is because you are attacking him because you hate him, and by Allah, you would defend one of your own if they used calligraphy in such a manner and I attacked them for that.
      Hafiz Ibn Taymiyah (R) said" “Some people criticised Sufiyyah and Tasawwuf and they said they were innovators, out of the Sunnah, but the truth is they are striving in Allah’s obedienceas others of Allah’s People strove in Allah’s obedience. So from them you will find the Foremost in Nearness by virtue of his striving And some of them are from the People of the Right hand, but slower in their progress. For both kinds, they might make ijtihad and in that case they might be correct and they might be wrong. And from both types, some of them might make a sin and repent. And this is the origin of Tasawwuf. And after that origin, it has been spread and has its main line and its branches. And it has become three kinds:
      1. Sufiyyah al-Haqa’iq - the True Sufis
      2. Sufiyyah al-Arzaaq - the Professional Sufis (those who use Sufism for personal gain)
      3. Sufiyyah al-Rasm - the Outer Sufis. (Sufi by appearance only).”
      Fear Allah and delete the comment. The Chosen one(S) has said "“All of my ummah (nation of followers) will be excused, except for the mujaahireen (those who make their sins known)." and Allah(SWT) has said Whoever takes a Wali of Mine as an enemy, I will wage war on him.'

    • @adamchand4409
      @adamchand4409 8 лет назад +1

      Sincere Person, Deen is the name of Quran and Hadees, it is not based on random and unverifiable stories and dreams! Don't sufi sheikhs tell their followers about what Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, extorted and repeatedly said in the Hajj Khutba to his Ummah? That those who would follow and steadfastly adhere to Quran and Sunnah will never go astray?
      Honesty speaking, have you ever heard from your sheiks the following authentic Hadees, even once, be honest?
      "In our Islam any new thing introduced which was not before in it is Mardud(rejected)" (Bhukhari Sharif part 1 Page. 371)( Sahih Muslim Sharif Part 2 Page 77). ( Mishkat page 27)
      What about this one...
      "Fainna khairal Hadisi Kitabullah wa khariul Hadyu Muhammadin sallallahu alaihi wasallam, wa Sharrul Umoori Muhdasatuha wa Kullu Bidatin Zalalah wa Kullu Zalalah tin Fin Naar"
      Do you believe in this, or have you even heard this from your Sheikhs, I bet not because ibn Arabi's sufism is nothing but deviations and innovations into the Deen of Allah, so how would they say it which negates and notifies everything they believe as sufis!
      One can claim to love Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, however, if one doesn't asserts that Deen e Islam was completed in the lifetime of Prophet Muhammad, and those who follow innovations, Gnostic ideologies then he is following everything but not the Deen e Islam that was revealed to Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
      Thank you for admitting the dream story in this video is not EVEN a weak Hadees.
      If you were ever sincerely interested in reading about Sahaba's stories, you would have come to conclusion much earlier and wouldn't be defending ibn Arabi's aqeeda wahdatul wajood, Pantheism!
      You would have known that Sahabas never knew, tasawwuf, kashf, tariqah, haqiqah and marfat as you do.
      You would have realized, sufism is a shameful deception which begins with Dhikr and ends with Kufr. You would have comprehended, its outward manifestation appears to be piety, but its inward reality forsakes the commandments and Deen of Allah.
      I did not write heresy in my previous post, I said
      not to follow "hearsay", you know information received from other people that one can't adequately substantiate, such as in the case of dream story in this video? But you are right heresy can also be used to describe the dogma of sufilam.
      For your information, you terribly misspelled "we wouldnt" in your reply. Instead of finding typo and spelling errors(there is just an extra s there though) I hope you would contemplate and think about what I tried to point out to you. Resort back to Holy Quran, Authentic Hadees and how Sahabas understood it. For that is the only Sirat um Mustaqeem!!
      Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said “My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of whom will be in Hell except one group.” They (Sahaba) asked: Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah? He said: “(Those who follow) that which I and my companions follow.”
      This Hadees is very conspicuous and detrimental to batil aqeedas, So let you, me and the sheikhs look within ourselves how much our Islam is parallel to the teachings of Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, and aligned with Sahabas understanding.!

    • @planc3318
      @planc3318 8 лет назад +7

      Show me proof, you are making claim without any proof whatsoever.I have showed my proof sultan Muhammad al faatih(R). Also ALL major orders of tassawuf descend from either Ali(R) or Abubakr(R), but you wouldn't know that. Kashf is real, it isn't wahi and it is the same as it was 1400 years ago and we believe it to be the same. The Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salam said, “Beware of inner vision (firasa) of the believer for he sees with the light of Allah.”, this is kashf. The definition of Tassawuf according to ibn Khaldun(R) is "total dedication to Allah Most High". No scholar, even Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab, rejected tassawuf. You surely know the hadith on the scholars, where they are the inheritors of the Ambiya(AS), and they excepted tassawuf.
      On narrating dreams, the one who(S) is a flawless diamond and the rest of humanity are stones compared to him(S), has said"" If one sees a good dream, let him expect good, and not tell it except to those he likes." (Muslim).
      While you have not proven tassawuf to be a bidah( and it isn't), and you have not proven turuq to be innovations. But alhamduLilah, you have shown two narrations. Now, there are five types of bidah, but let us narrow it down to bidah hasnah, and bidah sayeeah. The hadith according to Mullah Ali Qari has said that this refers to Bidah sayeeyah. The proof for this "Whoever initiates a good practice in Islam and then acted upon it, he will be rewarded for it" (Muslim). Imam As Shafi(R) has also stated that "kull" refers to most.
      The accusations you have put on the Shuyukh(H) are without evidence. If you are referring to the false Sufis then I have already provided a quote from ibn Taymiyah(R).
      Everything else is just the manifestation of your whims and desires. You have not proven that wahdatul wajood is pantheism. I have explained what it means to you but no, you remain deaf and blind.

    • @MusabTheHermit
      @MusabTheHermit 7 лет назад +3

      wahdatul wajud, the concept is not believed in the literal sense, because Allah exists without a place.

    • @adamchand4409
      @adamchand4409 7 лет назад

      Sincere Person I gave you a universal formula to test the authenticity of every aspect of the Deen, (the 73 sect hadees) yet you deny it!
      You remind me of a verse in the Quran...
      Ittakhathoo ahbarahum waruhbanahum arbaban min dooni Allahi (They have taken their rabbis and their monks-as well as the Christ, son of Mary-[ in your case your Sheikhs, abn arabi, rumi, etc] for their lords beside God, )
      Summun bukmun AAumyun fahum la yarjiAAoona
      2:18 Deaf, dumb, blind - and they cannot turn back.

  • @FarzadFazel
    @FarzadFazel 3 года назад

    1000 salawat? More like 1000 bidah