Anav Afenesyova Andronova these are the cultures between 7000 BC and 500 BC. They are considered as Proto-Turk, that is, the beginning cultures of Turkish culture.
gözümün önüne istiklal marşı yazarının atatürk, fatih sultan mehmed, erdoğan, inönü, özal diyen kitlenin olduğu röportaj videosu geldi :) çok iyi biliriz tarihimizi.
AV, video boyunca gördüğün tüm devletler türk devletleri. Başlangıçta, bilinen ilk Türk devleti olan Büyük Asya Hun Devleti var. Türk tarihi göktürklerden çok daha önce de vardı ve biz tarihimizi çok iyi biliyoruz. Bu videoyu yapman çok güzel😁👍ama sen izlediğini anlamayınca ben burada kafayı yiyorum😂 Videolarını izlerken çok eğleniyorum. Böyle güzel videolar yapmaya devam et👍
Abi videoda zaten Türklerin tarihi anlatılıyor. Kalkıp where are turks diyemez ya :D Demek ki Türklerin kökeni oraya dayanıyor işte bunu anlamak zor değil valla izlediğini anlayamayan biri görünce ekran başında deliriyorum.
@@castle26 bu konuda senin ile tartışmak istemiyorum belli ki adam akıllı tarihi araştırmamışsın bile ki İskitler hakkında bu şekilde konuşma cürreti gösteriyorsun :D
@@mehmetkrca8191 hahhaha iskit - sakalar bilinen ilk Türk topluluktur hiçbirzaman devletleşememişlerdir adam akıllı tarih araştırmayanın kim olduğu belli oluyo :D
Bize kendi tarihimiz en başından itibaren öğretiliyor. Yalnızca Türkiyr tarihi değil tüm Türk tarihini, atalarımızı çok iyi biliyoruz. Orta Asya'dan Sibirya steplerinden çıktık ve kime sorsanız bunu bilirler :/ Evet, videodakilerin hepsi Türk devleti ve bizim atalarımız
Siz bizi Selçuklu döneminden sonra tanırsınız ama biz orta Asya Hun imparatorluğundan geliyoruz. Bunu en iyi Çinliler ve Ruslar bilir 😊@@Nameless-yw6kj
@@tadopoulostadopoylos5864ismin daha çok Yunan olduğunu gösteriyor. Hani şu medeni görünen ama vahşetle iç içe olan Yunanlar. kendilerini Bizansın soyundan sananlar oysa Bizanslılarla Yunanların alakası yoktur. Yunanların tarihin bilmediği medeniyetsiz meslekleri balıkçılık olan yerel bir halk
Türk devletlerinin özellikle milattan sonra 1000 yılından önceki Türk devletlerinin çoğunun bölünmüş olması Çinden dolayıdır. Çin ve diğer devletler Türkler ile baş edemeyince Türkleri içeriden içeriden bölmüştür, ayırmıştır ve bu sayede yenemesi daha kolay bir durum olmuştur
Turkish origins are from Central Asia. but now all Turkish states are located in Asia except for Turkey. Turkey is located in both Asia and Europe. The origin of Hungary is tied to the European Hun state. So the ancestor of the Hungarians is Turkish. That's why there are word similarities between Hungarian and Turkish.
@@nadirhikmetkuleli no, Azerbaijani Turks are from Oguz group of Turks. And from AD times we have lived in Caucasia. We havent come here from central Asia. Our leader was Dede Korkut even in prophet Muhammads time. At that time, Gokturk group of Turks had no any empire
@@kubra34000 en iyisi biziz dostum bunu tarih diyor bizim dünya üzerinde kaç yıldır var oluşumuzu bilim adamları dahi açıklık getiremiyor ve kurdugumuz imparatorlukları videoda gördün herkes ayagını yorganına göre uzatır hintlilerde ona göre övünür
3 bin yıllık tarihi 2 bin yıllık devlet kültürü olan tarihinde Göktürk, Selçuklu, ve Osmanlı gibi 3 büyük imparatorluk bulunduran şanlı Türk milletine selam olsun. Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene 🇹🇷🐺🤘
At least, One of Provinces of My Country was once to be Part of Ottoman Protectorate ie Aceh, Greetings from Indonesia and Thanks to Turks to help us against Portuguese
Allah aşkına biri şu adama Orta Asya'dan bu yana tüm tarihimizin ayrıntılı bir şekilde anlatıldığı bir video bulup atsın. O da rahat etsin biz de. Birisinin anlatmasına ihtiyacı var böyle sadece harita üzerinden olacak iş değil bu😂
11:51 As a historian, I can say with certainty that it is the island of Crete. The Ottomans had already captured Athens that year. 15:46 That's right, since 2003. I'm a Azerbaijani Turk.
@@TheGreenLeafSk Dilimizi çox yaxşı bilirsiniz) Ancaq birinci yazdığınızın bütöv çevirisi: “Narahat olma, bəziləri türkdür, Türkcə danışa bilərsən” olacaq.
Turkey is not only Turkish in the world. Turks are divided into many groups. and we are just a group. By the way, the place you thought was Athens is the island of Crete. The island of Crete remained under Italian rule for many years.If I remember correctly, at that time the island of Crete belonged to a state in the region of Italy. but it could also be an independent state of Crete. Before the Turks conquered Greece, there were many small states in the Greek region. The island of Crete could be one of them.
Just to point out... before the land Greece was under Ottoman empire rulership, this land was not greece. There vere sveral lordships and tribes who had all the same mythological helenistic religion. Greece as a country was foundet in the year 1821. Creta and all the Island were not part of that Greece.
At the beginning of the video, the person you called a Mongolian, Mete Han, is mentioned as the founder of the first Turkish state in history, in school books, we learn this information. In addition, the history of the armed forces of today's Republic of Turkey is the date of the accession of Mete Han to the throne. I understand you saying that they can't all be Turkish, but they are. The language and culture they speak is proof that they are Turkish. Turks established many states in history, and they are one of the oldest tribes in history, they were sometimes Christian, sometimes Muslim and sometimes Jewish.
Merhaba, yorumunuz çok doğru ancak bir hata gördüm ve söylemek istedim. "Turkish" sözcüğü yalnızca Türkiye Türkleri için kullanılan bir ifadedir, bütün Türk halklarını kapsayan "Turkic" sözcüğünü kullanmak daha doğrudur. Bu yüzden "Turkish state" yerine "Turkic state" demek daha doğru olur.
5:40 History course is a compulsory course in Turkey and all the things you have just seen are explained in the lectures. The Göktürks used the name Turkish for the first time in history, but what they saw before Göktürk was the Turkish state, and what they saw after the Turkish state (who had Turkish blood)
3:19, Till the Mongol Empire there is only a few villages belongs to Mongols, with the great leader Genghis khan, Mongols become United but also the Mongol army have a lot of Turks in it, espcially in the beggining Genghis gained muchly his force from Turks and Turk Generals. And also Xionxu is Turk, with its other name is Asia Huns. Respect both nation and İtaly.🇲🇳🇹🇷🇮🇹
All rulers of these countries are Turk. And Xiongnu(Great Hun Empire) is first state of Turks. And that land isn't Athen, its Girit Island and Ottoman worked hard to take that land (many years). If i am not false, we fought with Italians for Girit so many years.
If you check 4:52 the avars are one of the turkic groups. They are beaten by another Turkic group which formed the Gokturks. They moved westwards towards europe. 4:52 you can see them at europe again. These are the 10 ogur tribe people which formed todays Hungary. That is why Turkey and Hunarian people are very distant relatives in history. Also it is thought that there are a lot of Turkic invasions towards Europe by these steppe people (some are Turkic). Even in the Poetic Edda of Nordic people , the Nordic god Odin was said to come from "Turkland" or with exact writing "Tyrkland". There are even some scandinavian historians that support this theory. Because many of the things in nordic mythology like the tree of life, serpent and the bird above the tree etc are also existent in Turkic mythology. Turkic culture seems to be very closely connected with most of the Europe, it is sad that Europeans do not focus on this commonality but always see Turks as invaders and enemies instead of friends and part of Europe. Although they now fully accept Hungarians as European. That is a bit weird :)
Hatta Hunlardan öncesi de var ancak videoda yalnızca devletlere özel gibi gözüktü aslında orda anav, andronova, afanesyova diye yazan yazılar Türk kültürleri ve yaşandığı yerler
My favourite thing to watch AV while doing make up for meeting with friends on weekends 🥳🥳Otherwise they always wait for me at the door I can't come I'm watching AV wait please 😂😂Let's remember again our beautiful history 🥰
O kadar doğru bir şey söylüyor ki farkında olmadan… Bence Türkler bile kendi tarihlerini bu kadar bilmiyor diyor ya… Şunların hepsini yarım yamalak İngilizcemle saatlerce anlatacak kadar çok seviyorum Türk tarihini. Ömrüm boyunca hep ilgileneceğim ve hep öğreneceğim. Çok derin, çok köklü bir tarihimiz var ve acaba gerçekten ne kadar biliyoruz?
İllaki bir gün bizlere kakalanan yalan tarihte sahte kahramanlarda gün yüzüne çıkacaktır..... Rabbim bütün TÜRK milletine intikamını aldığı günü göstermeyi nasip etsin🇹🇷❤️🇹🇷
Everything you see is Turkish states. Turks have established many states until now. There are some differences with today's Turkish states, our facial features are different, but we are all brothers.
@@alexanderthegreat7692 Eyyubiler olmasa da olur da Altın Orda Türk kimliğini ve dilini en sağlam yaşatmış devlet zaten Kıpçak Hanlığı olarak biliniyordu hatta bugün Türkleşmiş Urumlar ve Moğol klanları bile Altın Orda’nın eseri. Bir de yöneticiler Cengizliden ziyade Merkit kökenli gibi duruyor.
@@papazataklaattiranimam öncelikle bende Tüküm sonra bana Kürt falan deme Yazdıklarına gülüyorum , oğlum ciddiyim sen özzzürlü müsün ? Eyyubiler nasıl Türkleşmiş yönetici sınıfı Kürtlerden , ordu ağırlık Memlûk Türkleri , resmi dil arapça ama sen diorsun ki Türkleşmiş ya bi sg Britanicca dünya ansiklopedisi onda da Eyyubiler Türk devleti demiyor ? Bunu açıkla şimdi bahanen ne ? Altın orda ya gelirsek bi videoda görmüştüm tarihçinin ismini bilmiyorum dio ki orda tarihçiler var dior ki ben altın orda ya türk demem ben cumhurbaşkanlığı forsunda onu çıkarır yerine Safeviler ve memlukleri koyardım bunlar türk
@@papazataklaattiranimam altın orda Moğol devleti olarak geçiyor dünya ansiklopedisi Britanicca da işine gelince her şeyi türk yapmayı biliyorsunuz ama onlar devletinizi çalsa ortalığı ayağa kaldırırsiniz ama siz Moğolların ve Eyyubileri çalınca sorun olmuyor ?
Turkish history dates back to ancient times.It begins with the Xiongnu and continues to the present day.Mongols and Turks are related peoples. No matter how close we are to Europe today, we come from Asia.
We Turks know how deep-rooted our history is. The video you watch is our first known states in the history scene, so you are looking at Turkish history, not Turkey's history. we Turks have always existed by establishing different states in history and the last shape we took is Turkey
Av, you know that "Number : Zero(0) in math and count" has founded by Turks in A.C. 780 :D before turks found the zero, europans were using roman numerals I,II,III,IV,V...L,M it was very hard divide, addition and other arithmetics. the Turks coming from Asia to europe took the decimal numbers to europe, and learnt them there was a number called Zero :D so this made possible to improve science faster.
Facial features of realistic Ancient Turkic CN is the Haplogroup of Altaic people. the N came from East Asia and currently share genetics with the Siberian North Asians All East Asians with Y-Haplogroup O have partial origins shared with Southeast Asian farmers. Another point made by academic is that Y-Haplogroup C is original Haplogroup of Northeast Asia which get replaced by Y-Haplogroup O from Southern China. Basically Korean, Manchu and Japanese Y-Haplogroup O2b (or O1b2) is a sister clade of Austra-Asiatic Y-Haplogroup O1b1. They are originally very closely related. Southern Han Chinese derive partial ancestry from ancestral Proto-Austronesians who had Y-Haplogroup O1a, which is the oldest branch of O1 Haplogroup. Proto-Turks were genetically and linguistically closer to Mongols and Tungusic people. Their Homeland was Manchuria hg NOC. These are Northeast Asian People. East Asian Ydna=NCO+DQ 1,N-M231 Turkic languages:Yakut,Khakas Finno-Ugric:Nenets people,Nganasan people,Finns 2,C-M217 Mongolian Kazakhs Manchu Native American C2b1a1a Genghis Khan s Golden Family C2b C2c Aisin Gioro C2b1a3a* (C-M401*, (xF5483)) Liao civilization C2e 3,O-M175 Chinese Korean Japanese O1=O1a+O1b1+O1b2 ,The Liangzhu/Hemudu culture O1a→Austronesian FujianO1a→Taiwan→Philippines→Oceania→ Austronesian,Taiwanese aborigines89.6%O1a O1a,O1b1→Tai-Kadai/Zhuang/Baiyue people→Laos,Thailand O1b1→The natives of Mainland Southeast Asia O1b2→Korean O2→Sino-Tibetan=Han chinese+Tibetan D-Japanese,Tibetan,Ainu people Q-Turkmen(Karakalpakiya 73% ), Native American,Inuit,Yeniseian people Ydna N+C 1,Northern Tungusic:Evenks,Evens,Oroqen 2,Mongolic languages:Buryats,mongolian,Kalmyks 3,Paleo-Siberian:Chukchi people 4,Turkic:Tuvans,Kazakh,Dolgans,Yukaghir people Ydna C+O 1,Southern Tungusic:Manchu,Xibe 2,Southern Mongolic 3,Northern Chinese, Korean Ydna O+D Japanese,Tibetan East Asian mtDNA=ABCD A(Its highest frequencies are among Native Americans, its largest overall population is in East Asia, and its greatest variety (which suggests its origin point) is in East Asia. Thus, it might have originated in and spread from the Far East) B(The greatest variety of haplogroup B is in China. It is therefore likely that it underwent its earliest diversification in mainland East or South East Asia) C (predominantly indigenous Siberian, though some branches are present in the Americas, East Asia, and eastern and northern Europe). D (predominantly northern East Asian, such as Japanese, Okinawan, Korean, Manchu, Mongol, Han Chinese, Tibetan, etc., but also having several branches among indigenous peoples of the Americas) Mongoloid face East Asian face 1,Chinese Korean Janpanese face Ydna O+mtDNA B=Southern Chinese Ydna O+mtDNA CD =North Chinese Ydna O1b2+mtDNA CD =Korean,Janpanese/Yayoi 2,Janpanese/Jomon people,Tibeto-Burman languages face Ydna D1a1+mtDNA G=Tibetan Ydna D1a2+mtDNA CD=Janpanese/Jomon people Ydna D1a2+mtDNA MND=Ainu people 3,Vietnamese people, Thai people face Ydna O1b1 O1a+mtDNA BF North Mongol face Ydna C+mtDNA CD=Mongolian,Tungusic peoples Ydna N+mtDNA CD=Yakut,Khakas,Nenets people,Nganasan people Ydna NC+mtDNA CD=Buryats,Evenks,Evens,Oroqen,Chukchi people,Tuvans,Dolgans,Yukaghir people,Kazakh Native American face Ydna Q+mtDNA ACD=Native American,Eskimo & Inuit Ydna Q+mtDNA HU=Turkmen Mongolia, Manchu people,Oroqen people,Evenks,Buryats,Nganasan people,Chinese,Tibetan,Japanese and Korean→80%-100%noc+dq/East Asian/Mongoloid mixed race The modern Turkic people are a mixture of Eurasian People. These includes Indo-Iranian and Indo-European tribes of Central Asia who becomes Turkic for 2000 years ago. This tribes are members of Haplogroup R1a in Central Asia. Kazakhstan 70.63%nocqd+mtDNA CD→ Mongoloid face nocqd+mtDNA HU→Eurasian face(mixed ancestry) Kyrgyzstan→50.1%nocq Uyghurs→30%-35%nocd Uzbekistan→27.1nocq Yeniseian people/Kets→93.7%q Yakuts→94%n Europid→jrgei Iranian peoples→70%jrge Pashtun→90%jrgel Anatolian Turks→80%jrgel Martine Robbeets suggests that the Turkic peoples were descended from a Transeurasian agricultural community based in northeast China, which is to be associated with the Xinglongwa culture and the succeeding Hongshan culture(hg NCO). The East Asian agricultural origin of the Turkic peoples has been corroborated in multiple recent studies. All Neo-Siberians have origins in Northeast Asia including Korea. They split from common ancestors from Northeast Asians before migrating to absorb Paleo-Siberians/R1aQ. Korea C12.9 D2.5 N3.8 O1a 3.1 O1b 33.4 O2 42.1 Q1.8 Manchuria C14.3 D0 N5.7 O1a 2.9 O1b 8.6 O2 65.7 Q0 Western Japan C7.2 D26.8 O1a 4.1 O1b 37.1 O2 23.9 Tibet C2.6 D51.6 N4.5 O2 33.9 Q3.2 Han chinese O2 O1a 13,0% C- M217 12,0% N-M231 10,3% O1b 7,2% Q-M242 4,2% The original turkic people N are very similar to O (chinese,korean,japanese), they came from the same gene haplogroup NO but absolutely different from J(J1+J2/Turkey) Type of east Mediterranean people.
Origin of Japanese: Haplogroup D1a2 and C1a1 are suggested to have arrived into Japan during the prehistory of Japan, during the Jōmon period. D has its highest diversity within Tibeto-Burmese groups and the oldest D lineage was found im western Tibet and one sample in the Altai region. Y-DNA haplogroup D1, making up 40% of the Japanese male lineages Haplogroup D1a2a is found among the Ryukyuans as well as the Ainus, and is t hought to have been the dominant paternal lineage of the Jōmon people. K2a/NO During the Yayoi period, haplogroup O1b2+O2a started to arrive and spreaded to every region of Japan. Just over half of Japanese men belong to haplogroup O. The vast majority belong to O1b2, a lineage found especially in Manchuria, Korea and Japan, and O2a, the main Han Chinese paternal li neage. A negligible percentage of the Japanese belong to the O1a and O1b1 The O-M175 haplogroup origin were Yunnan-Burma border,and separated into 2 branch, O1 (O-F265) and O2 (O-M122) O2 - Sino-Tibetan O1=O1a+O1b O1a Austronesians. O1b1 Austroasiatics O1b2 moved to Korea/Samhan people Approximately 3% of Japanese men belong to haplogroup N, a lineage that is thought to have originated in China some 35,000 years ago It is found at low frequencies in Korea and could have arrived with the Yayoi people. Alternatively, N1 could also have entered Japan via Sakhalin and Hokkaido, as it is present among eastern Siberia tribes Haplogroup N1 was found at high frequency in Neolithic and Bronze Age remains (4500-700 BCE) from the West Liao River valley in Northeast China (Manchuria) by Yinqiu Cui et al. Haplogroup N1 is found especially among Uralic and Turkic peoples nowadays, including among the Finns, Estonians and Sami in Northeast Europe K2b/Q Haplogroup Q is the dominant lineage of Native Americans, but originated in Siberia. it is possible that the tiny fraction of Japanese Q lineages came with Yayoi farmers. It is unlikely to have entered Japan through Hokkaido as it is not found among tribes at the eastern extremity of Siberia, nor among the Ainus. In conclusion, approximately 43% to 48% of modern Japanese men carry a Y-chromosome of Jōmon origin. The highest proportions of Y-DNA haplogroup C and D is found in northern Japan (over 60%) and the lowest in Western Japan (25%). This is concordant with the history of Japan; the Yayoi people of Sino-Korean origins having settled first and most heavily in Kyushu and Chūgoku, in Western Japan Haplogroup C is another extremely old lineage that left Africa approximately 60,000 years ago and spread over most of Eurasia. Two subclades of C are found in Japan: C1a1 and C2a. The first group to separate was C1, which colonized the Middle East and South Asia. One branch (C1a ) may have moved north to Central Asia and then split in two: One tribe moved to Europe (haplogroup C1a2,C1a2 is now nearly extinct in Europe.), while the other migrated to East Asia and survives today only in Japan (C1a1). Haplogroup C2a, representing also 3% of the population, is typically found among the Mongols and Siberians. It might have come with the Ainu through Sakhalin island and Hokkaido, or along with the Yayoi farmers from Korea. The second branch of C1 spread into South Asia, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia, where it is found today at low frequencies (C1b1a1). During this time, other C strains continued their eastward migration into Southeast Asia, where they split into four main regional clusters: The first branch colonized Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia (C1b2a). A second branch went south to Australia, where they became the Aborigines (C1b2b). Another settled in the highlands of New Guinea (haplogroup C-P55). The fourth branch went as far as Northeast Asia (haplogroup C-M217) and is now widespread mainly among the Mongols (Kalmyks, Buryats, and Oirats), the Turkic peoples of Central Asia (Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Uzbeks, Dolgans), and the East Siberian tribes (Chukchi, Itelmen, Nivks, Tungus). Furthermore, it is also common in moderate amounts among Chinese (Han, Hui, Manchus), Koreans, but also among several indigenous peoples of North America, including some Na-Dené, Algonquian or Siouan-speaking populations.
Yes AV we give you & Europe coffee, Pide (pizza), pasta and many more 🇹🇷💪 Just another thing the presidential seal of Turkey has stars on it, each star represents a Turkish empire
@@AVREACTSHOW No worries, we got it from the arabs and passed it to europe via ottoman empire, unfortunately because of our heritage being islamic we get no credit even though historic facts are present, we had pasta and pizza (pide) 500 years before europe even heard what it was but thats just the way the world is built
15:21 Well in 1991 Soviet Union collapsed azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and uzbekistan was part of the soviet union so yeah they got independent.
Greetings, this is our history, yes, but there are no shortcomings. We do not have some states in the video, but it is not important, I recommend you to research I also thank you for being English with our history. You are loved, I recommend teaching our history not from videos, but from books.
The reactions I expect from any foreigner They think we are a new nation. Our history goes back to ancient times. Herhangi bir yabancıdan beklediğim tepkiler Yeni bir millet olduğumuzu düşünüyorlar. Tarihimiz eski zamanlara kadar gider.
Selamlar bizim tarihimiz bu evet ama eksikler de vardı neyse oralara girmiyecam tarihimiz gerçek dan büyük tarihimiz ve kökölü bir milletiz teşekkürler tarihimizle ilgilendi için
Origin of the Turkic people The Turkic people are believed to have originated in today Manchuria (northeastern China). They were partially agriculturalists but adopted a nomadic life. Than they started their journey to the West. (The Turkic migration). During and after the conquest of Central-Asia and some other places, they assimilated some of the locals (mostly Indo-Europeans/R1a). All Neo-Siberians have origins in Northeast Asia including Korea(hg K2a/NO+C2). They split from common ancestors from Northeast Asians before migrating to absorb Paleo-Siberians K2b/Q.R1a Turkic people Genetic marker =K(K2a+K2b)and C2b K2a(N1a+O2)+C2b/Proto-Altaic K2b(R1a z93+Q1)+C2b/ancient siberian Proto-Altaic =Turkic+Mongolic+Tungusic+Uralic languages/Yakut+Koreanic+Japonic/Ainu K2b/R1a+Q1→Mongolia C2b→Bering Strait→Americas →Native American mtDNA=ABCD Mongolian=53.8%C2+10.8%O2+10.8%N1+4.6%P* (xQ,R)+9.2%R1a K2a/NO,Origin: mainland China, Indochina 1,N1+O2→Manchuria C2/C1a1→Liao River Civilization 2,N1+O2→Mongolia,Manchuria C2b→Mongolian+Southern Tungusic 3,Manchuria O2+C2/C1a1→Korean Peninsula→Goguryeo Koreans=Samhan+Goguryeo Korean = 20%-37%O1b2+(40%O2 +15%C2) 4,D1→ Manchuria C2/C1a1→ Hokkaido →Jomon/Ainu Northeast Japan C12.5 + D 87.5 = 100% 5,Korean Peninsula O1b2+O2→ Yayoi people Janpanese=Jomon+Yayoi Janpanese=35-40%D1+(30%-35%O1b2+15-20%O2) 6,Proto Altaic NC→Siberia→Ugric/Northern Tungusic/Paleo-Siberian Second migration 1,Mongolia C2N1O2→Central Asia/Indo-European/R1aJ=Eurasian/The modern Turkic people 2,N1a→Siberia → Eastern Europe/Northern Europe=Tatars N+R1a (R-M458),Finnish N+I,some Slavs R1a (R-M458) I2+N:Latvians,Estonians,Baltic 3,The modern Turkic people→Middle East /JGER1b=Anatonian Turks K2a→NO→O→O1+O2→O1a+O1b1+O1b2+O2 O1 Liangzhu/Hemudu culture Fujian O1a→Taiwan→Philippines→Oceania→ Austronesian O1a+C1b O1a,O1b1→Tai-Kadai/Baiyue people→Laos,Thailand O1b1→natives of Southeast Asia O1b2→Korean/Samhan Sino-Tibetan O2+D1a1 O2 → Qinghai → Tibet → Tibetan (aborigines D1a1 + O2) O2→Qinghai → Northern China → Han people/O2a2b+O2a2a → Manchuria/Dong yi people Y-chromosome haplogroup O2-M122 is a common DNA marker in Han Chinese, as it appeared in China in prehistoric times.Other Y-DNA haplogroups that have been found with notable frequency in samples of Han Chinese includ O1a 13,0% C- M217 12,0% N-M231 10,3% O1b 7,2% Q-M242 4,2% Tibetan=51.6% D + 33.9% O2 (M122) + 2.6% C-M217
Armando sen kesinlikle Türk kanı taşıyorsun.Bence soyunu bir araştır.Ayrıca Türk isimlerinide doğru söylemeye başladın.Ü ve Ö seslerinide öğrendin.Bravo🤗👏
Turks, especially in the central Asian region, established states at the same time, at different times and in different places. The public, on the other hand, followed and followed the ruling sector. All they were looking for was peace and freedom. For this reason, there are different states in different geographies, but our roots are still in Central Asia.
Bu adam neyden bahsediyor ben Türküm benim damarlarımda bağımsızlık için canını vermiş atalarımın kanı dolaşıyor bu tarihi bilmesem bu videoya tıklamazdım.
Bize oldukça kapsamlı tarih dersi verildiğini şu an fark ettim. Attila Han bizim tarihimizde olduğu kadar onların tarihinde de var. Avrupa'da devleti görünce o olduğunu fark eder diye düşünmüştüm.
All of the countries shown on the map were in Central Asia before the Turks came to Anatolia. edit: Turks are not only Göktürk, every state you see on the map is the Turkish state. only the first Turkish name was used by the Göktürks, otherwise the other states on the map would be a species state. 7:30 they are all turkish
Год назад+1
All the colored areas of map is Turkic lands. First state you saw was Asia Hun Emperium and first leader of them was Mete Han. Scatians were the proto-turks and their the most famous khan was Alp Er Tunga also his granddaughter the first woman khan was Tomris.
turks ( not turkish i mean turkic people) were nomads generally they did not have writings until too many years so from chinese or other resources they were mentioned.... so the first country as i think asian hunnic empire from turkish history classes but it was chinse in video... since turks could not write...
Yess we turks actually came from central asia, and as we were nomadic there were a lot of tribes constantly moving west and east. Conquering and building several empires at several locations😄🤙🏼
Her türk ne kadar köklü bir tarihimiz olduğunu çok iyi bilir. Tarihimizi öğrenmene sevindim ☺️
Aynen bence tarih olarak gelmiş geçmiş en iyi ülkelerden biriyiz
Osmanlıyı kim kurdu?
-Recep tayyip
-Fatih sultan TERİM
-kanun sultan süleyman
-Cengiz han.
-CHP suçu.
aynen köklü tarihimizi iyi biliyoruz
@@ardadogan9859 ülke değil ırk
@@ardadogan9859 en iyi ırk ülke degil
bok bilir
Actually,we have a great history,I'm from Uzbekistan🇺🇿 and I love all my turkic friends
You are Turkish too brother. I love Asian Turkic People. 🇺🇿🇹🇲🇦🇿🇰🇬🇰🇿🇹🇯🇹🇷
@@mhmtbsbg 👍👍
and greetings from turkey
@@mhmtbsbgtajikistan isn't turkic
Anav Afenesyova Andronova these are the cultures between 7000 BC and 500 BC. They are considered as Proto-Turk, that is, the beginning cultures of Turkish culture.
Afonosyeva ilk Türk kültürü anav orta Asya kültürü
@@gokayarslan2018 sürekli değişiyor o bilgi meb kitaplarında da öyle
Bunu bide kazıda çıkan eserlere göre yapıyoruz kim bilir ne kadar kaybolan şeyler var
They nothing to do withe turks. Turks eastasiens . Turk abi/japonic ani
Biz tarihimizi her zaman biliriz 🇦🇿🇰🇿🇹🇷🇰🇬🇺🇿🇹🇲 😊
Ya birader su tajikistani atmaktan yorulmadiniz mi lan adamlar farslı niye inadına atıyorsunuz koy Macaristanı onun yerine
Bilmiyordum türk saniyodum
@@Enverpasa421geldi türkzaten
I am asian Özbek Türk 🇺🇿
all the states in the video are the turkish state we know our history well from the very beginning
gözümün önüne istiklal marşı yazarının atatürk, fatih sultan mehmed, erdoğan, inönü, özal diyen kitlenin olduğu röportaj videosu geldi :) çok iyi biliriz tarihimizi.
@@BayPizzaTR eyvallah.... bilen biliyor gardaş... besmelenin manasını bilmeyen bile var.. o da bilmeyenin ve öğrenmeyenin ayıbı olsun
not turkish turkic
@@BayPizzaTR onlar kurgu
@@adnan_honest_jihadist5775 ne alaka lan
İt is not only anatolian turks’ history, it is history of every turkic nations’
AV, video boyunca gördüğün tüm devletler türk devletleri. Başlangıçta, bilinen ilk Türk devleti olan Büyük Asya Hun Devleti var. Türk tarihi göktürklerden çok daha önce de vardı ve biz tarihimizi çok iyi biliyoruz. Bu videoyu yapman çok güzel😁👍ama sen izlediğini anlamayınca ben burada kafayı yiyorum😂 Videolarını izlerken çok eğleniyorum. Böyle güzel videolar yapmaya devam et👍
Abi videoda zaten Türklerin tarihi anlatılıyor. Kalkıp where are turks diyemez ya :D Demek ki Türklerin kökeni oraya dayanıyor işte bunu anlamak zor değil valla izlediğini anlayamayan biri görünce ekran başında deliriyorum.
aslında yanlış bilgi bilinen en eski Türk devleti İskit-Saka İmparatorluğudur.
@@mehmetkrca8191 iskit ler devletleşememişlerdir
@@castle26 bu konuda senin ile tartışmak istemiyorum belli ki adam akıllı tarihi araştırmamışsın bile ki İskitler hakkında bu şekilde konuşma cürreti gösteriyorsun :D
@@mehmetkrca8191 hahhaha iskit - sakalar bilinen ilk Türk topluluktur hiçbirzaman devletleşememişlerdir adam akıllı tarih araştırmayanın kim olduğu belli oluyo :D
Ne mutlu Türküm diyene 🇹🇷🇹🇷 nasıl köklü bir geçmişimiz var sayende bir kere daha gördük Armando teşekkürler 👏
Aayadaki sibiryadaki tum turk devletlerinin bayragini koysaydin cok sevinirdik, rusyada yasiyan bir turkum❤️
@@Flex68-s9w haklısın kardeşim tüm Türk bayrakları bizim 🤗
Bize kendi tarihimiz en başından itibaren öğretiliyor. Yalnızca Türkiyr tarihi değil tüm Türk tarihini, atalarımızı çok iyi biliyoruz. Orta Asya'dan Sibirya steplerinden çıktık ve kime sorsanız bunu bilirler :/ Evet, videodakilerin hepsi Türk devleti ve bizim atalarımız
Benim bildiğim bunu orta okul yada lisede öğretiyorlar... yada içindede tam olarak ne zaman öğrendiğimi hatırlamıyorum.
Not all of them are turkic
@@Nameless-yw6kj no turk
Siz bizi Selçuklu döneminden sonra tanırsınız ama biz orta Asya Hun imparatorluğundan geliyoruz. Bunu en iyi Çinliler ve Ruslar bilir 😊@@Nameless-yw6kj
@@Nameless-yw6kjThis video is true, my friend.
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk.🇹🇷💞
I am Turk and barbarian…
@@tadopoulostadopoylos5864ismin daha çok Yunan olduğunu gösteriyor. Hani şu medeni görünen ama vahşetle iç içe olan Yunanlar. kendilerini Bizansın soyundan sananlar oysa Bizanslılarla Yunanların alakası yoktur. Yunanların tarihin bilmediği medeniyetsiz meslekleri balıkçılık olan yerel bir halk
@@tadopoulostadopoylos5864i'm greek and a hypocrite
من ترک و بکن مادرت هستم @@tadopoulostadopoylos5864
Türk devletlerinin özellikle milattan sonra 1000 yılından önceki Türk devletlerinin çoğunun bölünmüş olması Çinden dolayıdır. Çin ve diğer devletler Türkler ile baş edemeyince Türkleri içeriden içeriden bölmüştür, ayırmıştır ve bu sayede yenemesi daha kolay bir durum olmuştur
Everything you see in the video is Turkish states Av....🇹🇷
Turkic *
Not Turkish its Turkic
@@bahstudio4463 i think she meant turkic but her keyboard said turkish (with google translate)
Tarihimize bakman beni mutlu etti Türkiye 'den izlemeye devam ediyorum🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
Videonun başından beri hepsi Türk milleti tarih dersinde hepsini işledik Türk ismini ilk defa göktürk devleti kulladı
Hayır ilk türler milattan önce 7000'e kadar dayanıyor aslında
@@angelstar2538biyolojik ve kültür olarak M.Ö 1700 falan ama ilk devletimiz M.Ö 250 yıllarında Asya Hun devleti
@@Kadir-qj8ss xiongnu işte ilk kurulan. Bu videonun sahibi Türk tarihi diye video atmıştı avarlar iskitler falanda Türk
Tarihten Türkleri çıkarırsan Tarih kalmaz 🙂
Turkish origins are from Central Asia. but now all Turkish states are located in Asia except for Turkey. Turkey is located in both Asia and Europe. The origin of Hungary is tied to the European Hun state. So the ancestor of the Hungarians is Turkish. That's why there are word similarities between Hungarian and Turkish.
Azerbaijan is in Caucasia, not in central Asia. Also our Dagestan has been occupied by Russia, our South part has been occupied by Iran
Turkish origins are not from Central Asia. Turkish turks are from Oguz group of Turks and Oguz turk's origin come from Derbent
@@nadirhikmetkuleli no, Azerbaijani Turks are from Oguz group of Turks. And from AD times we have lived in Caucasia. We havent come here from central Asia. Our leader was Dede Korkut even in prophet Muhammads time. At that time, Gokturk group of Turks had no any empire
@@nadirhikmetkuleli Mogol empire had created after 1200s. Before them, we had empire in Caucasia. Im talking about AD times
@@nadirhikmetkuleli Turkish Turks are also from Oguz group of Turks, so they also havent come from central Asia
Türklerin nekadar köklü bir millet olduğunu bilmeden kendi milleti ile gurur duyanları görünce gülüyorum daha öğreneceğin çok şey var.....
@@kubra34000 ğğğğ
@@kubra34000 adam haklı
@@kubra34000 hintlilerin tarihi iyimi
@@kubra34000 en iyisi biziz dostum bunu tarih diyor bizim dünya üzerinde kaç yıldır var oluşumuzu bilim adamları dahi açıklık getiremiyor ve kurdugumuz imparatorlukları videoda gördün herkes ayagını yorganına göre uzatır hintlilerde ona göre övünür
@@kubra34000 sen git önce bize barbar diyen çomarlara cahillere kandırılmış beyinlere eleştiri yap sonra gel
3 bin yıllık tarihi 2 bin yıllık devlet kültürü olan tarihinde Göktürk, Selçuklu, ve Osmanlı gibi 3 büyük imparatorluk bulunduran şanlı Türk milletine selam olsun. Ne mutlu Türk'üm diyene 🇹🇷🐺🤘
3 ten çok daha fazla kanka en basiti asya hun- avrupa hun u yazmamışsın
Çok daha fazla. 9000 yillik medeniyet bulunmuş Azərbaycanda
@@feel_music_sincere249 evet te o medeniyet türk değil işte
@@Reich-wj6dz tamamen türk
@@feel_music_sincere249 Coğrafya bilginin mk
At least, One of Provinces of My Country was once to be Part of Ottoman Protectorate ie Aceh, Greetings from Indonesia and Thanks to Turks to help us against Portuguese
Allah aşkına biri şu adama Orta Asya'dan bu yana tüm tarihimizin ayrıntılı bir şekilde anlatıldığı bir video bulup atsın. O da rahat etsin biz de. Birisinin anlatmasına ihtiyacı var böyle sadece harita üzerinden olacak iş değil bu😂
In 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved and the Turkic peoples of Central Asia gained their independence.
11:51 As a historian, I can say with certainty that it is the island of Crete. The Ottomans had already captured Athens that year.
15:46 That's right, since 2003. I'm a Azerbaijani Turk.
merak etme bazıları türk türkçe konuşabilirsin
Narahat olmayın, bəziləri türkcə danışa bilir
@@TheGreenLeafSk Dilimizi çox yaxşı bilirsiniz) Ancaq birinci yazdığınızın bütöv çevirisi: “Narahat olma, bəziləri türkdür, Türkcə danışa bilərsən” olacaq.
@@Turk_1918 tm
Turkey is not only Turkish in the world. Turks are divided into many groups. and we are just a group. By the way, the place you thought was Athens is the island of Crete. The island of Crete remained under Italian rule for many years.If I remember correctly, at that time the island of Crete belonged to a state in the region of Italy. but it could also be an independent state of Crete. Before the Turks conquered Greece, there were many small states in the Greek region. The island of Crete could be one of them.
Just to point out... before the land Greece was under Ottoman empire rulership, this land was not greece. There vere sveral lordships and tribes who had all the same mythological helenistic religion.
Greece as a country was foundet in the year 1821. Creta and all the Island were not part of that Greece.
At the beginning of the video, the person you called a Mongolian, Mete Han, is mentioned as the founder of the first Turkish state in history, in school books, we learn this information.
In addition, the history of the armed forces of today's Republic of Turkey is the date of the accession of Mete Han to the throne.
I understand you saying that they can't all be Turkish, but they are. The language and culture they speak is proof that they are Turkish.
Turks established many states in history, and they are one of the oldest tribes in history, they were sometimes Christian, sometimes Muslim and sometimes Jewish.
Merhaba, yorumunuz çok doğru ancak bir hata gördüm ve söylemek istedim. "Turkish" sözcüğü yalnızca Türkiye Türkleri için kullanılan bir ifadedir, bütün Türk halklarını kapsayan "Turkic" sözcüğünü kullanmak daha doğrudur. Bu yüzden "Turkish state" yerine "Turkic state" demek daha doğru olur.
@@karsktarih5038 bu bilgilendirme için çok teşekkür ederim saygılar.
@@bıdıbıdıkral rica ederim
@@bıdıbıdıkral Ayrıca Mete Han'ın onluk sistemi dünya ülkelerince de kullanılıyor. Yani sadece Türkiye kullanmıyor. ☺️
The original vid has many mistakes some of them are not turkic states
Av react show notififation🙌🏻🥳 Just in time just got my coffee.👍😍 I‘m always curious about history and geography and wanna learn everything at once😅
5:40 History course is a compulsory course in Turkey and all the things you have just seen are explained in the lectures. The Göktürks used the name Turkish for the first time in history, but what they saw before Göktürk was the Turkish state, and what they saw after the Turkish state (who had Turkish blood)
good luck to you
3:19, Till the Mongol Empire there is only a few villages belongs to Mongols, with the great leader Genghis khan, Mongols become United but also the Mongol army have a lot of Turks in it, espcially in the beggining Genghis gained muchly his force from Turks and Turk Generals. And also Xionxu is Turk, with its other name is Asia Huns. Respect both nation and İtaly.🇲🇳🇹🇷🇮🇹
All rulers of these countries are Turk. And Xiongnu(Great Hun Empire) is first state of Turks. And that land isn't Athen, its Girit Island and Ottoman worked hard to take that land (many years). If i am not false, we fought with Italians for Girit so many years.
Venedik ile savaştık Girit için
Ingilizceside crete, girit degil
@@anonymanonym3251 Teşekkürler, bilgilendirme yaptığınız için.
Mora orası lan Mora !
@@Damon..... Mora değil Girit
Ne beklıyordun Tarih bızden sorulur 🇹🇲🇺🇿🇹🇷🇰🇿🇦🇿🇰🇬
Have a nice weekend AV👌😉
4:33I answer😅 Turks are everywhere, (a famous saying) 😅💬❤️
Btw, I loved the music of the video💥🚀👍
If you check 4:52 the avars are one of the turkic groups. They are beaten by another Turkic group which formed the Gokturks. They moved westwards towards europe. 4:52 you can see them at europe again. These are the 10 ogur tribe people which formed todays Hungary. That is why Turkey and Hunarian people are very distant relatives in history.
Also it is thought that there are a lot of Turkic invasions towards Europe by these steppe people (some are Turkic). Even in the Poetic Edda of Nordic people , the Nordic god Odin was said to come from "Turkland" or with exact writing "Tyrkland". There are even some scandinavian historians that support this theory. Because many of the things in nordic mythology like the tree of life, serpent and the bird above the tree etc are also existent in Turkic mythology.
Turkic culture seems to be very closely connected with most of the Europe, it is sad that Europeans do not focus on this commonality but always see Turks as invaders and enemies instead of friends and part of Europe. Although they now fully accept Hungarians as European. That is a bit weird :)
abicim oradaki her ülke türk ülkesi türk tarihi göktürkler ile başlamadı
Hatta Hunlardan öncesi de var ancak videoda yalnızca devletlere özel gibi gözüktü aslında orda anav, andronova, afanesyova diye yazan yazılar Türk kültürleri ve yaşandığı yerler
Time to learn History with AV 🤎
Biz hepimiz biliyoruz Av.😅👍 gördüğün her harita, Türk milletine aittir. 🐺
My favourite thing to watch AV while doing make up for meeting with friends on weekends 🥳🥳Otherwise they always wait for me at the door I can't come I'm watching AV wait please 😂😂Let's remember again our beautiful history 🥰
@@aleynat.8674 🤪💕💕
Ahahahahaha Hey don't make them hate me 😅😅😅💬
@@AVREACTSHOW Ahahahaha I guessed you would say this to me but no I made them to love you good for me 😂😉
O kadar doğru bir şey söylüyor ki farkında olmadan… Bence Türkler bile kendi tarihlerini bu kadar bilmiyor diyor ya… Şunların hepsini yarım yamalak İngilizcemle saatlerce anlatacak kadar çok seviyorum Türk tarihini. Ömrüm boyunca hep ilgileneceğim ve hep öğreneceğim. Çok derin, çok köklü bir tarihimiz var ve acaba gerçekten ne kadar biliyoruz?
İllaki bir gün bizlere kakalanan yalan tarihte sahte kahramanlarda gün yüzüne çıkacaktır..... Rabbim bütün TÜRK milletine intikamını aldığı günü göstermeyi nasip etsin🇹🇷❤️🇹🇷
Everything you see is Turkish states. Turks have established many states until now. There are some differences with today's Turkish states, our facial features are different, but we are all brothers.
Greatest history of all time
İmam Eyyubiler ve altın orda nasıl. Türk oluyor ?
@@alexanderthegreat7692 Eyyubiler Türkleşmiş Altın Orda da önce Moğollaşmış sonra Türkleşmiş
@@alexanderthegreat7692 Eyyubiler olmasa da olur da Altın Orda Türk kimliğini ve dilini en sağlam yaşatmış devlet zaten Kıpçak Hanlığı olarak biliniyordu hatta bugün Türkleşmiş Urumlar ve Moğol klanları bile Altın Orda’nın eseri. Bir de yöneticiler Cengizliden ziyade Merkit kökenli gibi duruyor.
@@papazataklaattiranimam öncelikle bende Tüküm sonra bana Kürt falan deme
Yazdıklarına gülüyorum , oğlum ciddiyim sen özzzürlü müsün ? Eyyubiler nasıl Türkleşmiş yönetici sınıfı Kürtlerden , ordu ağırlık Memlûk Türkleri , resmi dil arapça ama sen diorsun ki Türkleşmiş ya bi sg Britanicca dünya ansiklopedisi onda da Eyyubiler Türk devleti demiyor ? Bunu açıkla şimdi bahanen ne ? Altın orda ya gelirsek bi videoda görmüştüm tarihçinin ismini bilmiyorum dio ki orda tarihçiler var dior ki ben altın orda ya türk demem ben cumhurbaşkanlığı forsunda onu çıkarır yerine Safeviler ve memlukleri koyardım bunlar türk
@@papazataklaattiranimam altın orda Moğol devleti olarak geçiyor dünya ansiklopedisi Britanicca da işine gelince her şeyi türk yapmayı biliyorsunuz ama onlar devletinizi çalsa ortalığı ayağa kaldırırsiniz ama siz Moğolların ve Eyyubileri çalınca sorun olmuyor ?
Turkish history dates back to ancient times.It begins with the Xiongnu and continues to the present day.Mongols and Turks are related peoples. No matter how close we are to Europe today, we come from Asia.
We Turks know how deep-rooted our history is. The video you watch is our first known states in the history scene, so you are looking at Turkish history, not Turkey's history. we Turks have always existed by establishing different states in history and the last shape we took is Turkey
Ben ve benim gibi birçok Türk genci Türk tarihini iyi biliyor
Tarih boyunca dunyada kurdugumuz türk devletleri bir gün mutlaka tekrar eski gucumuze ulasacagız.
Bu zekayla, bu muhafazakarlikla bi sikim kazanamazsiniz.
12:33 The Safavid 🇦🇿and the Ottomans🇹🇷, unfortunately, came to the trick of the West and fought. And the Safavid empire was defeated.
Av, you know that "Number : Zero(0) in math and count" has founded by Turks in A.C. 780 :D
before turks found the zero, europans were using roman numerals I,II,III,IV,V...L,M
it was very hard divide, addition and other arithmetics.
the Turks coming from Asia to europe took the decimal numbers to europe, and learnt them there was a number called Zero :D
so this made possible to improve science faster.
Sifiri hintliler buldu bu arada turklerden ogrenmis olabilirler ama turkler bulmadi
@@Alpagut81 El Harezmi buldu sıfırı ve adından da anlaşılacağı üzere kendisi Harzem'de doğan bir bilim insanı ve *Türk*
This is not the history of Turkey, but the history of all Turkic peoples. The history of Turks is very old
I wanted this video for months and you have told me that you will, finally you did after 6 six months or something 😂
Hanlar Hanı Atillayı görünce videoyu kırpmasını ben beğendim. Sanırım kendisi Atilla Han'ın Türk olduğunu bu video sayesinde öğrenmiş.
Facial features of realistic Ancient Turkic
CN is the Haplogroup of Altaic people.
the N came from East Asia and currently share genetics with the Siberian North Asians
All East Asians with Y-Haplogroup O have partial origins shared with Southeast Asian farmers.
Another point made by academic is that Y-Haplogroup C is original Haplogroup of Northeast Asia which get replaced by Y-Haplogroup O from Southern China.
Basically Korean, Manchu and Japanese Y-Haplogroup O2b (or O1b2) is a sister clade of Austra-Asiatic Y-Haplogroup O1b1. They are originally very closely related.
Southern Han Chinese derive partial ancestry from ancestral Proto-Austronesians who had Y-Haplogroup O1a, which is the oldest branch of O1 Haplogroup.
Proto-Turks were genetically and linguistically closer to Mongols and Tungusic people. Their Homeland was Manchuria hg NOC. These are Northeast Asian People.
East Asian Ydna=NCO+DQ
Turkic languages:Yakut,Khakas
Finno-Ugric:Nenets people,Nganasan people,Finns
2,C-M217 Mongolian Kazakhs Manchu
Native American C2b1a1a
Genghis Khan s Golden Family C2b C2c
Aisin Gioro C2b1a3a* (C-M401*, (xF5483))
Liao civilization C2e
3,O-M175 Chinese Korean Japanese
O1=O1a+O1b1+O1b2 ,The Liangzhu/Hemudu culture
Austronesian,Taiwanese aborigines89.6%O1a
O1a,O1b1→Tai-Kadai/Zhuang/Baiyue people→Laos,Thailand
O1b1→The natives of Mainland Southeast Asia
O2→Sino-Tibetan=Han chinese+Tibetan
D-Japanese,Tibetan,Ainu people
Q-Turkmen(Karakalpakiya 73%
), Native American,Inuit,Yeniseian people
Ydna N+C
1,Northern Tungusic:Evenks,Evens,Oroqen
2,Mongolic languages:Buryats,mongolian,Kalmyks
3,Paleo-Siberian:Chukchi people
4,Turkic:Tuvans,Kazakh,Dolgans,Yukaghir people
Ydna C+O
1,Southern Tungusic:Manchu,Xibe
2,Southern Mongolic
3,Northern Chinese, Korean
Ydna O+D
East Asian mtDNA=ABCD
A(Its highest frequencies are among Native Americans, its largest overall population is in East Asia, and its greatest variety (which suggests its origin point) is in East Asia. Thus, it might have originated in and spread from the Far East)
B(The greatest variety of haplogroup B is in China. It is therefore likely that it underwent its earliest diversification in mainland East or South East Asia)
C (predominantly indigenous Siberian, though some branches are present in the Americas, East Asia, and eastern and northern Europe).
D (predominantly northern East Asian, such as Japanese, Okinawan, Korean, Manchu, Mongol, Han Chinese, Tibetan, etc., but also having several branches among indigenous peoples of the Americas)
Mongoloid face
East Asian face
1,Chinese Korean Janpanese face
Ydna O+mtDNA B=Southern Chinese
Ydna O+mtDNA CD =North Chinese
Ydna O1b2+mtDNA CD =Korean,Janpanese/Yayoi
2,Janpanese/Jomon people,Tibeto-Burman languages face
Ydna D1a1+mtDNA G=Tibetan
Ydna D1a2+mtDNA CD=Janpanese/Jomon people
Ydna D1a2+mtDNA MND=Ainu people
3,Vietnamese people, Thai people face
Ydna O1b1 O1a+mtDNA BF
North Mongol face
Ydna C+mtDNA CD=Mongolian,Tungusic peoples
Ydna N+mtDNA CD=Yakut,Khakas,Nenets people,Nganasan people
Ydna NC+mtDNA CD=Buryats,Evenks,Evens,Oroqen,Chukchi people,Tuvans,Dolgans,Yukaghir people,Kazakh
Native American face
Ydna Q+mtDNA ACD=Native American,Eskimo & Inuit
Ydna Q+mtDNA HU=Turkmen
Mongolia, Manchu people,Oroqen people,Evenks,Buryats,Nganasan people,Chinese,Tibetan,Japanese and Korean→80%-100%noc+dq/East Asian/Mongoloid
mixed race
The modern Turkic people are a mixture of Eurasian People. These includes Indo-Iranian and Indo-European tribes of Central Asia who becomes Turkic for 2000 years ago. This tribes are members of Haplogroup R1a in Central Asia.
70.63%nocqd+mtDNA CD→
Mongoloid face
nocqd+mtDNA HU→Eurasian face(mixed ancestry)
Yeniseian people/Kets→93.7%q
Iranian peoples→70%jrge
Anatolian Turks→80%jrgel
Martine Robbeets suggests that the Turkic peoples were descended from a Transeurasian agricultural community based in northeast China, which is to be associated with the Xinglongwa culture and the succeeding Hongshan culture(hg NCO). The East Asian agricultural origin of the Turkic peoples has been corroborated in multiple recent studies.
All Neo-Siberians have origins in Northeast Asia including Korea. They split from common ancestors from Northeast Asians before migrating to absorb Paleo-Siberians/R1aQ.
Korea C12.9 D2.5 N3.8 O1a 3.1 O1b 33.4 O2 42.1 Q1.8
Manchuria C14.3 D0 N5.7 O1a 2.9 O1b 8.6 O2 65.7 Q0
Western Japan C7.2 D26.8 O1a 4.1 O1b 37.1 O2 23.9
Tibet C2.6 D51.6 N4.5 O2 33.9 Q3.2
Han chinese
O1a 13,0%
C- M217 12,0%
N-M231 10,3%
O1b 7,2%
Q-M242 4,2%
The original turkic people N are very similar to O (chinese,korean,japanese), they came from the same gene haplogroup NO but absolutely different from J(J1+J2/Turkey) Type of east Mediterranean people.
Origin of Japanese:
Haplogroup D1a2 and C1a1 are suggested to have arrived into Japan during the prehistory of Japan, during the Jōmon period.
D has its highest diversity within Tibeto-Burmese groups and the oldest D lineage was found im western Tibet and one sample in the Altai region.
Y-DNA haplogroup D1, making up 40% of the Japanese male lineages
Haplogroup D1a2a is found among the Ryukyuans as well as the Ainus, and is t hought to have been the dominant paternal lineage of the Jōmon people.
During the Yayoi period, haplogroup O1b2+O2a started to arrive and spreaded to every region of Japan.
Just over half of Japanese men belong to haplogroup O. The vast majority belong to O1b2, a lineage found especially in Manchuria, Korea and Japan, and O2a, the main Han Chinese paternal li neage. A negligible percentage of the Japanese belong to the O1a and O1b1
The O-M175 haplogroup origin were Yunnan-Burma border,and separated into 2 branch, O1 (O-F265) and O2 (O-M122)
O2 - Sino-Tibetan
O1a Austronesians.
O1b1 Austroasiatics
O1b2 moved to Korea/Samhan people
Approximately 3% of Japanese men belong to haplogroup N, a lineage that is thought to have originated in China some 35,000 years ago
It is found at low frequencies in Korea and could have arrived with the Yayoi people. Alternatively, N1 could also have entered Japan via Sakhalin and Hokkaido, as it is present among eastern Siberia tribes
Haplogroup N1 was found at high frequency in Neolithic and Bronze Age remains (4500-700 BCE) from the West Liao River valley in Northeast China (Manchuria) by Yinqiu Cui et al.
Haplogroup N1 is found especially among Uralic and Turkic peoples nowadays, including among the Finns, Estonians and Sami in Northeast Europe
Haplogroup Q is the dominant lineage of Native Americans, but originated in Siberia.
it is possible that the tiny fraction of Japanese Q lineages came with Yayoi farmers. It is unlikely to have entered Japan through Hokkaido as it is not found among tribes at the eastern extremity of Siberia, nor among the Ainus.
In conclusion, approximately 43% to 48% of modern Japanese men carry a Y-chromosome of Jōmon origin. The highest proportions of Y-DNA haplogroup C and D is found in northern Japan (over 60%) and the lowest in Western Japan (25%). This is concordant with the history of Japan; the Yayoi people of Sino-Korean origins having settled first and most heavily in Kyushu and Chūgoku, in Western Japan
Haplogroup C is another extremely old lineage that left Africa approximately 60,000 years ago and spread over most of Eurasia. Two subclades of C are found in Japan: C1a1 and C2a.
The first group to separate was C1, which colonized the Middle East and South Asia. One branch (C1a ) may have moved north to Central Asia and then split in two: One tribe moved to Europe (haplogroup C1a2,C1a2 is now nearly extinct in Europe.), while the other migrated to East Asia and survives today only in Japan (C1a1).
Haplogroup C2a, representing also 3% of the population, is typically found among the Mongols and Siberians. It might have come with the Ainu through Sakhalin island and Hokkaido, or along with the Yayoi farmers from Korea.
The second branch of C1 spread into South Asia, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia, where it is found today at low frequencies (C1b1a1). During this time, other C strains continued their eastward migration into Southeast Asia, where they split into four main regional clusters: The first branch colonized Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia (C1b2a). A second branch went south to Australia, where they became the Aborigines (C1b2b). Another settled in the highlands of New Guinea (haplogroup C-P55).
The fourth branch went as far as Northeast Asia (haplogroup C-M217) and is now widespread mainly among the Mongols (Kalmyks, Buryats, and Oirats), the Turkic peoples of Central Asia (Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Uzbeks, Dolgans), and the East Siberian tribes (Chukchi, Itelmen, Nivks, Tungus). Furthermore, it is also common in moderate amounts among Chinese (Han, Hui, Manchus), Koreans, but also among several indigenous peoples of North America, including some Na-Dené, Algonquian or Siouan-speaking populations.
Actually, Mongolians are also Turks but they deny it.
The world is a small place for us Turks :D there is even such a saying when we meet someone we know in a different place, we say "the world is small"
İstediğim video gelmiş thanks Av❤
Yes AV we give you & Europe coffee, Pide (pizza), pasta and many more 🇹🇷💪
Just another thing the presidential seal of Turkey has stars on it, each star represents a Turkish empire
Thank you give giving us PIZZA 🍕 & PASTA man I appreciated it 😅😅😅 ( IRONIC)
@@AVREACTSHOW No worries, we got it from the arabs and passed it to europe via ottoman empire, unfortunately because of our heritage being islamic we get no credit even though historic facts are present, we had pasta and pizza (pide) 500 years before europe even heard what it was but thats just the way the world is built
@@ssoruyorum 16 EMPIRES BABY !!!
Hacı adamların pizzasını nasıl onlara biz veriyoruz: D
@@PsYcHoRaTurk we didnt get arabs nothing, except refugee lol
Mughal Shah is the continuation of the Timurid state in India and the state that made the famous crown place.
Gördüğün her şey devlet Türk devleti Av
8:18 And we call it Anatolia opened its doors to Turks, so at least that's what my middle school and high school teacher taught me.
Abi video sonuna kadar az daha çıldırıyordum gösterilen her devletin türk olduğunu bilmediği için o da haklı ama neyse...
15:21 Well in 1991 Soviet Union collapsed azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and uzbekistan was part of the soviet union so yeah they got independent.
Greetings, this is our history, yes, but there are no shortcomings.
We do not have some states in the video, but it is not important, I recommend you to research I also thank you for being English with our history.
You are loved, I recommend teaching our history not from videos, but from books.
The reactions I expect from any foreigner They think we are a new nation. Our history goes back to ancient times.
Herhangi bir yabancıdan beklediğim tepkiler Yeni bir millet olduğumuzu düşünüyorlar. Tarihimiz eski zamanlara kadar gider.
abi 138 türk devleti var 16 imparatorluk
Aslında 138 devletten ve 16 imparatorluktan fazlası var ve daha bir çok bilinmeyen devlet de ortaya çıkmaya devam ediyor
"Dünya tarihinden ,Türk tarihi çıkarılsaydı geriye pek bir şey kalmazdı " çünkü Türkler neredeyse tüm dünyaya gitmiş bir çok yerde devlet kurmuştur. 😊
Selamlar bizim tarihimiz bu evet ama eksikler de vardı neyse oralara girmiyecam tarihimiz gerçek dan büyük tarihimiz ve kökölü bir milletiz teşekkürler tarihimizle ilgilendi için
Origin of the Turkic people
The Turkic people are believed to have originated in today Manchuria (northeastern China). They were partially agriculturalists but adopted a nomadic life. Than they started their journey to the West. (The Turkic migration).
During and after the conquest of Central-Asia and some other places, they assimilated some of the locals (mostly Indo-Europeans/R1a).
All Neo-Siberians have origins in Northeast Asia including Korea(hg K2a/NO+C2). They split from common ancestors from Northeast Asians before migrating to absorb Paleo-Siberians K2b/Q.R1a
Turkic people Genetic marker =K(K2a+K2b)and C2b
K2b(R1a z93+Q1)+C2b/ancient siberian
=Turkic+Mongolic+Tungusic+Uralic languages/Yakut+Koreanic+Japonic/Ainu
K2b/R1a+Q1→Mongolia C2b→Bering Strait→Americas →Native American
Mongolian=53.8%C2+10.8%O2+10.8%N1+4.6%P* (xQ,R)+9.2%R1a
K2a/NO,Origin: mainland China, Indochina
1,N1+O2→Manchuria C2/C1a1→Liao River Civilization
2,N1+O2→Mongolia,Manchuria C2b→Mongolian+Southern Tungusic
3,Manchuria O2+C2/C1a1→Korean Peninsula→Goguryeo
Korean = 20%-37%O1b2+(40%O2 +15%C2)
4,D1→ Manchuria C2/C1a1→ Hokkaido →Jomon/Ainu
Northeast Japan C12.5 + D 87.5 = 100%
5,Korean Peninsula O1b2+O2→ Yayoi people
6,Proto Altaic NC→Siberia→Ugric/Northern Tungusic/Paleo-Siberian
Second migration
1,Mongolia C2N1O2→Central Asia/Indo-European/R1aJ=Eurasian/The modern Turkic people
2,N1a→Siberia → Eastern Europe/Northern Europe=Tatars N+R1a (R-M458),Finnish N+I,some Slavs R1a (R-M458) I2+N:Latvians,Estonians,Baltic
3,The modern Turkic people→Middle East /JGER1b=Anatonian Turks
O1 Liangzhu/Hemudu culture
Fujian O1a→Taiwan→Philippines→Oceania→
Austronesian O1a+C1b
O1a,O1b1→Tai-Kadai/Baiyue people→Laos,Thailand
O1b1→natives of Southeast Asia
Sino-Tibetan O2+D1a1
O2 → Qinghai → Tibet → Tibetan (aborigines D1a1 + O2)
O2→Qinghai → Northern China → Han people/O2a2b+O2a2a → Manchuria/Dong yi people
Y-chromosome haplogroup O2-M122 is a common DNA marker in Han Chinese, as it appeared in China in prehistoric times.Other Y-DNA haplogroups that have been found with notable frequency in samples of Han Chinese includ
O1a 13,0%
C- M217 12,0%
N-M231 10,3%
O1b 7,2%
Q-M242 4,2%
Tibetan=51.6% D + 33.9% O2 (M122) + 2.6% C-M217
Birinin buna bunların hepsinin Türk devleti olduğunu anlatısın
What you see in color is independent, sovereign Turkish states. What you see as colorless is only the Turks who live there but do not have a state.
Armando sen kesinlikle Türk kanı taşıyorsun.Bence soyunu bir araştır.Ayrıca Türk isimlerinide doğru söylemeye başladın.Ü ve Ö seslerinide öğrendin.Bravo🤗👏
Şimdi DNA testleri var ya soyunu gösteren türükle yapılıyor ondan yaptırsın
@@nurmert5405 Tip olarakta çok benziyor gerçi bizim belirgin bir tipimiz yok ama😁😆☺️
Turks, especially in the central Asian region, established states at the same time, at different times and in different places. The public, on the other hand, followed and followed the ruling sector. All they were looking for was peace and freedom. For this reason, there are different states in different geographies, but our roots are still in Central Asia.
Xiongou is first Turk Empire
I'm not first? Nooo 😒🙁
Kalplerde firstsün be canım 🥳
@@melisturan9134 😂😘❤️
@@ekint5 😘💕
@@aleynat.8674 💕💕
Bu adam neyden bahsediyor ben Türküm benim damarlarımda bağımsızlık için canını vermiş atalarımın kanı dolaşıyor bu tarihi bilmesem bu videoya tıklamazdım.
Bize oldukça kapsamlı tarih dersi verildiğini şu an fark ettim. Attila Han bizim tarihimizde olduğu kadar onların tarihinde de var. Avrupa'da devleti görünce o olduğunu fark eder diye düşünmüştüm.
Thanks for the content AV
Mabel Matiz new song reaction plss❤️
I liked the video. I hope your channel grows
15:20 The Soviet Union disintegrated and the Turkish nations declared their independence
All the states you see in the video are the Turkish state, no need to be surprised, they are all of us, we are everywhere 🇹🇷🐺
Remember this: Turks do not hold grudges, but they never forget national grudges.🇹🇷🐺🤘
We are TÜRK
We are one
Khanate of Khiva was a turkish state
Bi an İtalya da gidiyo diye ödü koptu sdghjkkllk
The first Turkish country is Hunian and ı am Turkish ı am feeling very good
Türklerin tarihi M.Ö.7000 lere dayanır.o tarihten beri dünya üzerinde bulunduğumuz yerleri gösteriyor🥰🥰🇹🇷🇹🇷
Beklediğim reaksiyon videosuydu teşekkürler
Turks lived in all the countries you saw. Turks came to Turkey with the Seljuk empire.
Interesting Info ** - The population(half) of the Mongolian empire and half of the soldiers were Turks, but the Europeans did not want to accept it.
When two foreigners come together, they form a company. When two Turks come together, they form a state ☾☆
asya hun devleti gibi devletler yani milattan önce olanlar dahil türk okullarında ders olarak veriliyor
Bu videoda farklı renkle gösterilen tüm devletler Türk devletidir. Ve biz Türkler hepimiz tarihimizi çok iyi biliyoruz bir gün tekrar edecek..
Man, I'm telling you as a 19-year-old Turkish young man, all the young people around me know Turkish history.
All of the countries shown on the map were in Central Asia before the Turks came to Anatolia. edit: Turks are not only Göktürk, every state you see on the map is the Turkish state. only the first Turkish name was used by the Göktürks, otherwise the other states on the map would be a species state. 7:30 they are all turkish
All the colored areas of map is Turkic lands. First state you saw was Asia Hun Emperium and first leader of them was Mete Han. Scatians were the proto-turks and their the most famous khan was Alp Er Tunga also his granddaughter the first woman khan was Tomris.
turks ( not turkish i mean turkic people) were nomads generally they did not have writings until too many years so from chinese or other resources they were mentioned.... so the first country as i think asian hunnic empire from turkish history classes but it was chinse in video... since turks could not write...
Arkadaşlar biz milattan önce de Anadoludaydık . Karadenizde ve Anadolu'nun diğer yerlerinde Türk kalıntıları bulundu milattan önceye ait.
TAJ MAHAL builded by Turkish state king is shah cihan
3:30 moğol değil bunlar videoda sadece Türk devletlerinini gösteriyor
Yess we turks actually came from central asia, and as we were nomadic there were a lot of tribes constantly moving west and east. Conquering and building several empires at several locations😄🤙🏼