Үйл үгийн хэрэглээгээ сайжруулцгаая. Яагаад үйл үг чухал вэ? Номинтой Хамт англи хэлний хичээл

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • Contribute to хувь нэмэр оруулах
    John from accounting has also contributed to this project.
    Cover with бүрхэх, дүүрэх
    The hillside was covered with snow.
    Decide (up)on шийдэх
    Have you decided on what to wear tonight?
    Dream of/about мөрөөдөх
    I dream of creating my own company one day.
    Escape from зугтах
    Please don't escape reality, you are responsible for your own actions.
    Excuse for тайлбар тавих, чөлөөлөгдөх
    I don't want to hear anymore excuses for your mistakes.
    Feel like санагдах
    Although I accepted, I feel like it wasn't the right decision.
    Forget about мартах
    Don't forget about us after you become popular.
    Hope for найдах
    I'll just wait here and hope for the best.

Комментарии • 8