Is Consciousness the Unified Field?, John Hagelin

  • Опубликовано: 18 июл 2014
    Progress in theoretical physics during the past decade has led to a progressively more unified understanding of the laws of nature, culminating in the recent discovery of completely unified field theories based on the superstring. These theories identify a single universal, unified field at the basis of all forms and phenomena in the universe.
    At the same time, cutting-edge research in the field of neuroscience has revealed the existence of a 'unified field of consciousness'-a fourth major state of human consciousness, which is physiologically and subjectively distinct from waking, dreaming and deep sleep. In this meditative state, a.k.a. Samadhi, the threefold structure of waking experience-the observer, the observed and the process of observation-are united in one indivisible wholeness of pure consciousness.
    These parallel discoveries of a unified field of physics and a unified field of consciousness raise fundamental questions concerning the relationship between the two. We present compelling theoretical and experimental evidence that the unified field of physics and the unified field of consciousness are identical-i.e., that during the meditative state, human awareness directly experiences the unified field at the foundation of the universe.
    We show that the proposed identity between pure consciousness and the unified field may be required to account for experimentally observed 'field effects of consciousness.' We present the published results of a National Demonstration Project-in which 4,000 advanced meditators markedly reduced violent crime in Washington, DC. We briefly discuss mechanisms from quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and superstring theory that could explain the proposed link between human neurphysiology and the unified field of physics.

Комментарии • 790

  • @AstralHobo
    @AstralHobo 8 лет назад +78

    I had this amazing experience several months ago that I will share as I feel it can be relevant to this presentation. There was a good bit more to what happened that I can share but here is what I felt was most relevant to what Mr. Hagelin is talking about.
    My awareness felt much larger, as in, instead of the feeling of being confined inside my physical body, I felt large, as if my awareness was about the size of the entire area I was sitting in. Very shortly after that is where it really kicked in, I had the experience of what I can best describe as the "Tao", Everything and Nothing all at the same time. I knew without a doubt, as if I had known all along, that every conscious thing was all one, that I am everything and everyone and everything and everyone is me. As I stayed in this state it continued to progress to a point where everything I knew of "me" was completely gone and all that was there was the knowing of everything and nothing, and the feeling of pure blissfulness love and peacefulness, all at the same time. Also note, this all (and more) took place in a matter of a few minutes.

    • @AstralHobo
      @AstralHobo 8 лет назад +12

      +Douglas Daniels
      The best way I can answer that here is with where my attention/awareness was at the time. We are all familiar with the whole name and form stuff, we see something and we give it a name, we then have thoughts and/or feelings towards it in one way or another, sometimes its fleeting and we forget it soon after, sometimes it lingers and occupies the mind for a long time, so on and so on.
      Now, what if, instead of letting your awareness run wild with the thoughts of the mind, you were in a state of stillness and peace (inner and outer stuff). Yet still completely aware of everything going on around you as normal, but without any attention towards what the mind is trying to dissect from your experience. Your awareness naturally can rest at a place it has nothing to be aware of other than itself (of course, unless you give it something to be aware of again). From this, it is my opinion (and is strictly nothing more than just my opinion) is what precipitated the rest of my experience.
      Equally important to note, is that one simply isn't going to think "silence the mind" or "ignore the mind" or even trick the mind into thinking "I am at peace" because then your still just using the mind to work against the mind. There is a genuine state where you don't have to "try", you don't even "do", you just "am".
      Last note, I don't know anything, all this is just my opinion and rambling from my own experience.

    • @dario9493
      @dario9493 8 лет назад +3

      +Chris Taylor I had this when meditating on edibles. It was pure awareness of nothing.

    • @justappearances
      @justappearances 7 лет назад +1

      great progress, keep it up, remember that limits do not exist, you are much bigger than the room.

    • @Carolevw
      @Carolevw 6 лет назад +2

      I have experienced this as well, in a couple of levels. This is beyond basic samadhi, which is reasonably attainable with the right approach and practice. It was after a great deal of meditating daily and extensively. It happened one day for a few minutes, after meditating for an hour. I may be wrong, but it also occurred around the time that my awareness of existence was finding out it is just vibration creating illusion of a reality; maybe just after or just before. It was about 20 years ago so forgive me my memory. I don't practice TM: just breath, then going inward -just as this talk has explained. This lecture to me, was co-relating the science with Hindu or Vedic philosophies and I understood it from personal experience and it is possible with the right inward focus.

    • @incognitotorpedo42
      @incognitotorpedo42 6 лет назад

      Chris, were you meditating at the time you experienced this? As I read the first few lines you wrote, I knew exactly what you were talking about-- it has happened to me several times while in group meditation, particularly in the presence of a very experienced meditator. I don't think I've ever reached that state while meditating alone. I don't think I had the experience you describe as the Tao, though. It was just the feeling of being unbounded. Also, the sense of looking at the back of my eyelids, where I normally just see a dull blackness, changed to a distinct sense of clarity.

  • @methemoglobin1068
    @methemoglobin1068 9 лет назад +164

    John hagelin is one of the most 'clear-minded' physicist of our times. Sadly the destiny of all great men is that they are never recognised widely in their own time, but generations after. So many people have developed their ego, with their entire lives and careers based on a strictly materialist interpretation.
    Can we expect them to suddenly let go of their lives work? No more funding, no more reputation, nothing remains once we recognise how paradigm shifting this new (old as per vedantas) understanding really is.
    Science progresses from funeral to funeral! because there is just too much at stake for the people strongly holding to those materialist ideas.

    • @troygardner1610
      @troygardner1610 7 лет назад +5

      Methemo Globin that was a mystery for me too, until I realized this world isn't supposed to make sense, rather it's setup with a trick question to set ego on full till we collectively want to be one, value ourselves sustainably (rather than the suicide of materialsm/ego that no longer works) and others as ourselves (also held to sustainable rather than sacrificial forms of love)

    • @opm1047
      @opm1047 6 лет назад +4

      he studied the Vedas. check his other video out, where he explains it well. he is explaining what Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma is all about

    • @MarkSabbas
      @MarkSabbas 4 года назад +5

      Methemo Globin it boggles my mind how materialist science is still a thing after so many experiments of quantum physics proving otherwise.

    • @bethbartlett5692
      @bethbartlett5692 4 года назад +2

      Imagine if he were our POTUS...
      I know, its a most pleasant thought. Lets hold the thought until the energy grows and the LOA kicks in and - woosh! ... he setting on Pennsylvania Avenue in the Oval Office going - OK Who's playing with the Universal Laws and now I have a plethora of Opportunities of Improvements
      Might as well put the Unified Field Theory to work for me and also clean up the environment while I'm here -
      It would be a Utopia!

    • @Alejandro388
      @Alejandro388 3 года назад +5

      the problem with this guy specifically is not his spiritual knowledge and attainments or his path, but rather the unabashed and unashamed way he bends solid theories of modern science to somehow exactly match the aspects spiritual world and ancient traditions. It probably sounds amazing and convincing for laymen listener, but for people of the field or those who have some firmer background in these issues, we get a lot of eye-roll at they way he makes plain false or willi-nilly associations, to the point that i'd beg to ask him is he really being honest with what he presents? or is he hoping that only laymen audience is listening and no actual scientist enter the room

  • @dragontypetrainerlevi8451
    @dragontypetrainerlevi8451 8 лет назад +72

    essentially what he's saying is that at the most basic level we are the universe experiencing itself thus I am you and you are me we are all and all we are as above so below as with in so with out

    • @florin604
      @florin604 8 лет назад +4

      +levi lemble we are more than the Universe. The Universe is just our womb.

    • @TheNobleLoyalist
      @TheNobleLoyalist 7 лет назад

      levi lemble Yes, I call it The Universal Mind. Dark matter, space, here, there and every where in between IS the unseen synapses of the Universal Mind.

    • @justin-mu1oc
      @justin-mu1oc 6 лет назад +3

      @ulitarism the thing is these pseudo science theories need to be tested ( in any way possible ) Its just current modern science doesnt seem to want anything to do with it as it has become a dogmatic religion in and of itself and readily dismisses anything non materialistic in this case anything under the umbrella of paranormal . You should have a read of this article if your interested..

    • @opm1047
      @opm1047 6 лет назад +3

      he studied the Vedas. check his other video out, where he explains it well. he is explaining what Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma is all about.

    • @tanyadangl3107
      @tanyadangl3107 5 лет назад +1

      This is put perfectly

  • @SainteMichele
    @SainteMichele 4 года назад +29

    I love everything about John Hagelin and indeed consciousness = the unified field = god\dess = love. ☺

    • @totallyanonymousbish9599
      @totallyanonymousbish9599 3 года назад +3

      Blessed Be!

    • @suppiluiiuma5769
      @suppiluiiuma5769 3 года назад +2

      It's interesting that you say God/Goddess. In Sri Vaisnavism, we call God Sriman Narayana ; which is a couple of which Half is Lakshmidevi(Sriman) and the other Half is Vishnu(Narayana):the masculine and the feminine. We believe Narayana sustains everything with His Power and Sriman IS that Power. Basically God is both male and female and God needs to be. I think that's beautiful.

    • @SainteMichele
      @SainteMichele 3 года назад +1

      @@totallyanonymousbish9599 blessed be! 💚

    • @SainteMichele
      @SainteMichele 3 года назад +1

      @@suppiluiiuma5769 accurate and beautiful!!! 💛

    • @parth894
      @parth894 2 года назад

      Completed celibacy transcends gender

    @MANHATTANBEEFMAN 4 года назад +20

    A brilliant lecture on unified field theory. The best I have seen.

  • @theterribletwo7546
    @theterribletwo7546 4 года назад +62

    This is the beginning of NeoScience. The bringing together of matter and mystic sciences. Thank you deeply Mr. Hagelin.

    • @gregmezera6571
      @gregmezera6571 3 года назад +5

      This type of stuff already has a name: "pseudoscience".

    • @Iskander67
      @Iskander67 3 года назад +15

      @@gregmezera6571 Only close-minded scientists still think that Science and Spirituality are opposed to each other. They are actually complementary, both are seeker of truth : Science is seeking the truth with their minds, Spirituality is seeking the truth by intuition and feeling.

    • @seditt5146
      @seditt5146 3 года назад +3

      @@Iskander67 yeah one uses rationalization and evidence, the other is spirituality, the bane on mankind's existence for thousands of years

    • @Allenryan819
      @Allenryan819 2 года назад +1

      @@gregmezera6571 how is this pseudoscience but M theory is not? Both of these theories haven’t been proved in the Laboratory. And I’m pretty sure you believe in M theory because it suits your atheistic narrative. And this does not.

    • @thomasre2125
      @thomasre2125 2 года назад

      @@gregmezera6571 that may not be

  • @ericgamble2517
    @ericgamble2517 5 лет назад +42

    none of this explains why my wife thinks as she does.

    • @gerardowmby7156
      @gerardowmby7156 2 года назад

      Jyotish will explain it. I am a Jyotishi.

    • @oldschoolman1444
      @oldschoolman1444 8 месяцев назад

      Man has been asking this question since the beginning of time! =)

    • @inspiringmedia3716
      @inspiringmedia3716 8 месяцев назад +1

      Lmaooo 😂

    • @theveganpages862
      @theveganpages862 5 месяцев назад

      Actually Dr Joe Dispenza has talked about this in an event.

    • @raysurya2022
      @raysurya2022 3 месяца назад


  • @leonardopadron-hermes2163
    @leonardopadron-hermes2163 4 года назад +10

    The most comprehensive explanation of consciousness. Everyone shall have access to this information, in fact, the world is the way it is because they lack of knowledge

    • @EnjoyTheShoah
      @EnjoyTheShoah 6 месяцев назад

      Its not lack of knowledge, its morality they lack.

  • @CosmicJonas
    @CosmicJonas 6 лет назад +26

    wow...this man is an absolute genius who also embodies awakened consciousness

    • @robbie_
      @robbie_ Год назад

      Don't be silly.

  • @Megahieron
    @Megahieron 5 месяцев назад +3

    Consciousness is your spirit. It is you yourself. You came here with it, you will live your life and make choices and when you die your spirit will leave your body and go on to other realms. It's as simple as that.

  • @angussstudio6139
    @angussstudio6139 4 года назад +18

    I keep listening to this. this man is absolutely amazing.

  • @jairoacosta8940
    @jairoacosta8940 6 лет назад +44

    mind blowing! and we must not forget that the ego in its own self interest will naturally seek to reject this type of information

    • @opm1047
      @opm1047 6 лет назад

      he studied the Vedas. check his other video out, where he explains it well. he is explaining what Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma is all about

    • @MariaM-wi7ix
      @MariaM-wi7ix 4 года назад

      I accept everything and everybody is connected. I am not only saying it, and not acting uppon it.

    • @fishfrogdolphin2799
      @fishfrogdolphin2799 3 года назад +1

      Why would the ego want to reject this information? What does the ego have to benefit?

    • @howmathematicianscreatemat9226
      @howmathematicianscreatemat9226 3 года назад

      @@fishfrogdolphin2799 because he states there is something much more powerful. Therefore it is threatened to soon not to be listend to anymore.

    • @donutstix22
      @donutstix22 2 года назад +2

      @@fishfrogdolphin2799 For the ego, to accept the information is death.

  • @qtmelly2012
    @qtmelly2012 9 лет назад +4

    Wonderful video. John Hagelin expresses these incredibly complex concepts so eloquently and with such clarity.

  • @qiqqaqwerty1713
    @qiqqaqwerty1713 7 лет назад +9

    What is "pure existence", stated clearly? (I saw this question bellow and decided to give my point of view!
    Stay with til the end I will be using an analogy to pass my point across!
    Imagine a [drop of water] falling in a [cup of water]!
    Think now about the [drop of water] inside of the glass and start to mixing with the ["other" pure water] already in the glass, until they are indistinguishable one from another!
    (Would help to think or mentally view the experience if first you try it with a [glass of pure water] and a [drop of colored water]! After when you became comfortable with the sequence, repeat it now with both the [drop] and the [cup of water] without any coloring, and try with you mental eye "to see" the drop mixing with the [cup of water] until the water is totally mixed!)
    Now put yourself in the role of the [drop of water] and repeat the whole experiment, but this time try to imagine "what the [drop] feels" as the experiment goes on, in special when it is totally mixed with the "other water"! (note that I meant not to mention the glass here! The glass has nothing to do with the experiment!!!)
    Last and final part! While you are the [drop] totally mixed with the "other water", reverse the time until you became again a separated [drop of water], BUT KEEP THE SENSATION OF "mixed with the other water"!
    P.S.: In your day to day actives imagine your a [drop of water] mixing/unmixing with "other persons", "other objects", "other animals", etc... BUT REMEMBER! ALWAYS KEEP THE SENSATION OF TOTALLY MIXED WITH THE "OTHER WATER"! You know the drill!!! ;)

  • @santanukumaracharya3467
    @santanukumaracharya3467 5 лет назад +4

    Superb. The ancient Rishis must be listening to the learned speaker there in the Tapa Loka, with Ananda par excellence. Grateful for the immense pleasure derived from the most enlightening talk, just presented.

  • @johnnyarco
    @johnnyarco 9 лет назад +2

    "Samati" explained by a physicist is a blast....thx Johnny

  • @patrickdague2284
    @patrickdague2284 2 года назад +2

    Wow - this is brilliant! He actually explains things in a way that anyone who has a smattering of in formation about 'armchair' quantum field theory (like me) can easily understand.

  • @lightloveandawake3114
    @lightloveandawake3114 5 лет назад +4

    I love how calm you talk. 😊

  • @KimmoKari
    @KimmoKari 8 лет назад +7

    Amazing video ! I have approached this topic via Jung's theories and M-theory. It lead to similar path :-)

  • @XXHattoriHanzoXX
    @XXHattoriHanzoXX 10 лет назад +1

    This is a fantastic conveyance of these concepts :)

  • @theknifestsharp6884
    @theknifestsharp6884 9 лет назад +109

    You know what's wrong with the science community? The fact that they laugh someone like John Hagelin out of the room like a bunch of playground bullies. Hagelin paid his dues in understanding their language. The least they could do is have an open mind to understand his. He deserves respect and has only received disrespect since he's put forth his own understanding. He's going to soldier on, no matter what.
    Consciousness is responsible for the entire universe. It is infinitely creative, infinitely aware, and, every single possibility is contained within it waiting to be expressed at all times in all spaces.
    Modern mainstream science has nothing meaningful to say about consciousness because consciousness is metaphysical. There is practically nothing physical about consciousness. Therefore, the material reductionist has no idea of it's nature.

    • @MrForestExplorer
      @MrForestExplorer 9 лет назад +19

      It's the arrogance of materialist reductionists that drives me up the wall. Some are as arrogant as religious fundamentalists. There is a name for that kind of arrogance: Pseudo-skeptical Scientism.

    • @yummypieProductions
      @yummypieProductions 9 лет назад +15

      This comment makes me happy. I hope as an upcoming physicist that I can be open-minded enough to accept more ideas and horizons, no matter how farfetched they may seem.

    • @Sydebern
      @Sydebern 9 лет назад +23

      It is all just a matter of time. I was once a diehard materialist as well. But it took 1 (involuntary) glimpse into my deeper self to change that forever.
      The problem with materialists, is that they have completely identified with the concepts of mainstream science. It is not just that they prefer a 'scientific' approach towards the understanding of life, but there is actual identification with it. The identification with the belief that we are located in these bodies and that we can study the 'outside world' within the framework of thought is so fundamental, that if someone questions it, a materialist can feel personally threathened. Because if all that is known to be an illusion: 'what is left of my identity?' 'who am i?' It is actually very understandable that people are so defensive about it.
      Perhaps there will be an acceleration into this "new" consciousness, so more and more people step away from such belief systems. It probably won't be pretty though, as the old ego consciousness will do everything to survive.

    • @anniemoonmaid
      @anniemoonmaid 9 лет назад +5

      Well said! You would expect scientists to have open minds! But ego and career get in the way!

    • @TheFrygar
      @TheFrygar 6 лет назад +10

      Scientists do have open minds. The problem is that we've all seen science work extremely well at what it does best: create explanations. We have launched people into space and walked on the moon with science. We have begun to understand the mechanics of the universe and human biology. Yes, the nature of consciousness is a huge unsolved problem, and yes, many materialist scientists cling to purely materialist dogmas, but criticizing science and scientists is the easy way out. To simply wave your hands and say "bah...scientists and their egos!" without actually engaging the fact that everything you know about the world was GIVEN to you by people working in a materialist framework (aside from what you know about consciousness, of course, but even then we know there are unarguable correlations between the *material* of the nervous system and our experiences) is to commit intellectual suicide. Our precise understanding of the natural world must RECONCILED with these mysteries about consciousness. We cannot throw either away, and we cannot move forward without accepting both.

  • @ramrao9328
    @ramrao9328 5 лет назад +7


  • @dapplerose
    @dapplerose 9 лет назад

    Richard, You have a wide range of interests and clearly you are very intelligent (For a drummer).

  • @integralsun
    @integralsun 3 года назад +1

    Very powerful way to distinguish Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and Mimansa Sutras. I’m fine first getting mastery over creation before proceeding onto mastery of the unmanifest quantum unified field....I’ll take that up Mimansa in my next visit here.

  • @bethbartlett5692
    @bethbartlett5692 8 лет назад +7

    What amazing positive potentials exist - what a professional - well articulated presentation.
    Now we only need to police the evil doers and - in that arena - (there will always be - the neg's )
    Now I have scratched the surface of knew levels of knowledge - anxious to be a student again and dedicate some Consciousness to this gift of knowledge :-)!

  • @AllenFMackenzie
    @AllenFMackenzie 6 лет назад +17

    Such brilliance. Visionary, profound and historic. My highest regards to this remarkable man.

    • @midlander4
      @midlander4 6 лет назад

      Allen F Mackenzie you are joking, seriously? This idiot really does know how to wind people like you up, doesn't he?

  • @Joethebro101
    @Joethebro101 9 лет назад +3

    Wonderful. Thanks John.

  • @Milesian1918
    @Milesian1918 Год назад +2

    Even though the unified field is presented as a theory..if one truly understands what it is then you you cannot help but to see it as Truth. An undeniable Truth.

  • @forresthawkins6621
    @forresthawkins6621 Год назад +2

    Inspiring, hopeful words from a brilliant mind which we all share in the unified field .love it

  • @sonurachna
    @sonurachna 6 лет назад +2

    Very wonderful lecture.

  • @pwcrabb5766
    @pwcrabb5766 Год назад +3

    One of the most important lectures that I have ever witnessed

  • @RogerDrayton
    @RogerDrayton 10 лет назад +1


  • @PhillipYewTree
    @PhillipYewTree 4 года назад +13

    Unfortunately, the richness of the ocean analogies has left me all at sea.

    • @juanalvarado6943
      @juanalvarado6943 3 года назад +1

      It is the best analogy between physics and intuitions from mysticism that we can built with our current knowledge.

    • @gerardowmby7156
      @gerardowmby7156 2 года назад

      @@juanalvarado6943 I experience it directly, as does Dr. Hagelin during our practice o f the Transcendental Meditation technique.

  • @yummypieProductions
    @yummypieProductions 9 лет назад +1

    This gave me much to ponder, thank you.

  • @gajendraaasingh7169
    @gajendraaasingh7169 5 лет назад +1

    Fantastic presentation

  • @theway5258
    @theway5258 4 года назад +1

    Once we develop field magnetic transistor (FMT) that represents logical operation in the magnetic field in 3D manner we are able to create pure consciousness in magnetic field itself in which FMT is only platform to generate 3D field that can influence or modify 3D configuration of another field. In this model consciousness may stay relatively free without raw substrate. In this aspect make sense to consider that consciousness is a complex magnetic pattern that emerges in field and could give the start of self replicating process in any magnetic field in sort of an indignation style. In turn of the magnetic field it should have possibility be the basic of kind of chaotic/ordering patterns to coagulate into consciousness pattern within.

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад +1

      New and amazing claims requires new and reliable evidence.

  • @FACEgod_
    @FACEgod_ 4 года назад +6

    1st Law of the Universe: All Is Mind

  • @tapashchatterjee3176
    @tapashchatterjee3176 4 года назад

    Dr.JOHN HAGELIN...My Virtual Mentor

  • @Meditation409
    @Meditation409 2 года назад +1

    Wow!!! Absolutely 💯 mindblowing explanation and he spoke as well versed and clearer than I ever heard before. 😲

  • @BlackPDigitalMedia
    @BlackPDigitalMedia Год назад

    wow @13:12 is exactly what i thought yesterday and now the universe brought me to THIS particular video from traveling in a rabbit hole about "Everything - Yes, Everything - is a SPRING! (Pretty much)" from arvin ash.. the universal field theory (the physical) uniting with consciousness makes complete sense

  • @gerthie
    @gerthie 8 лет назад +3

    brilliant john

  • @neerajk_10
    @neerajk_10 3 года назад +4

    Being an Indian, I feel we're missing so much. Not just missing but also ridiculing this ancient science in the same land that it originated from

    • @jednmorf
      @jednmorf 3 года назад +1

      Your time cometh bro

    • @neerajk_10
      @neerajk_10 3 года назад

      @@jednmorf didst it?

    • @kc4276
      @kc4276 2 года назад +1

      @@jednmorf The Far Left operates in India as well, and they consider any attempt to revive or study ancient Indian knowledge as the rise of fascism. I'm not even kidding.

    • @jednmorf
      @jednmorf 2 года назад

      @@kc4276 why is that

    • @gerardowmby7156
      @gerardowmby7156 2 года назад +1

      @@kc4276 I have no idea what you are talking about.

  • @wagfinpis
    @wagfinpis 9 лет назад +1

    The thing is coming into the awareness that we are all aspects of this same breath by which we know is quite a curious matter when you attempt to disprove this and you realize you are alone except for your oneness and the one you are separated from. I know that this will be misunderstood.

  • @hens93
    @hens93 3 года назад +2

    This is the most well presented presentation in history.

    • @sunnyboy4553
      @sunnyboy4553 2 года назад

      Agreed. Even his calm tone helps us understand the concepts better. Some presenters of concepts like this are brilliant = but their tone and pacing make the ideas hard for non-specialists to comprehend.

  • @nondual
    @nondual 9 лет назад

    There is this side-comment: "By the way, it's called vacuum energy, O energy, dark energy today". Is Prof. Hagelin saying that the unified field is dark energy? So is the line labelled "Vacuum Energy! a line of space, a gap, or is it identical to the unified field? We're wondering why the separation is made in the infographic?. (5:03)

  • @Adamkww
    @Adamkww 8 лет назад +26

    This guy knows what's up 👍

  • @GavinMcAuley
    @GavinMcAuley Год назад

    can I use some of this for RUclips video?

  • @TheSolsonia2003
    @TheSolsonia2003 9 лет назад +2

    Infinite Gratitude to you !!!!! Superb and most needed information of the Truth !!!!

  • @immoveableone
    @immoveableone 7 лет назад +2

    While I intellectually understood that consciousness is a preexisting phenomenon, not produced by the mind, but is cognized and perceived by the mind, it became a living reality one day when I suddenly saw consciousness...that the relative phenomena that we normally see as just that, now became vibrations within a background of pure consciousness. Along with this I saw/realized that this reality was forever..that it always has been and always will be...uncreated and ever, eternally existant. There was nothing to worry about because life was eternal....I was infinite, I was that..that was perceiving that through me because I am That...pure consciousness.

  • @ritcha02
    @ritcha02 6 лет назад

    Some if this is very poetic and compelling. I would love to know a definition of 'unmanifest energy'

  • @michaelrichardson2323
    @michaelrichardson2323 6 лет назад

    does that anti gravity equation mean that the expansion of space is gravitys equal and opposite reaction?

  • @Frank-si2jd
    @Frank-si2jd 10 месяцев назад

    Wow very interesting talk (lesson) Mr. John Hagelin thank you very much! Two questions arise about string theory;
    1st. Is the ‘string’ itself purely energy (a wave) and actually not comparable with the analogy that is often heard, a rubber band?
    2nd. If the Internal String Mode is purely life, is there anything to say about its emergence? Where did it come from, how did it came into existence? Who or what is behind this? Why does it let us emerge? Even in a dualistic view you can ask these questions.

  • @eambrose350
    @eambrose350 5 лет назад

    We need to remember that in order to describe something that is everything is impossible at our level of existence. We are describing something that can become infinitely different things with infinite descriptions and infinite ways the idea of “description” is phrases with language

  • @wagfinpis
    @wagfinpis 9 лет назад +3

    I have very rarely heard anyone come this close to relating to the reality I know.

  • @riseoftheinfinite8800
    @riseoftheinfinite8800 2 месяца назад

    Yep. “Be Still!” is making a great comeback 🥰

  • @mindcurve9464
    @mindcurve9464 4 года назад

    Amazing.....sir can you please illuminate about recent researches on biofield... "Aura" ... And subtle another form of body...

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      Sounds off-topic.

    • @gerardowmby7156
      @gerardowmby7156 2 года назад

      Those are little things. Remember the ancient Vedic axiom: "Seek the highest first." That is the experience of your own awareness as unbounded. Maharishi gave me and Dr. Hagelin the mental technique to experience it twice a day. But you can learn it too from one of Maharishi's other teachers.

  • @ruparkyitin
    @ruparkyitin 4 года назад

    Are strings in Super String theory permanent ? Or are strings short lived?

  • @kilianlindberg
    @kilianlindberg 4 года назад +1

    16:35 signature of coherence

  • @ChadKovac
    @ChadKovac 6 лет назад +1

    When filming a slideshow, you video the slides and the speaker is the narration.

  • @michaelrichardson2323
    @michaelrichardson2323 6 лет назад +1

    i have always loved the idea of universal consciousness. galaxies are like the nuerons of the cosmic mind. ive always thought it strange that physics doesent ever seem to even approach consciousness.(as far as im aware) im no expert but after reading up on the history of physics it baffled me that after the double slit experiment they continued looking for a theory of everything without including consciousness!? i didint understand alot of this talk but i got the basic idea and i think its brilliant. does anyone know if the expansion of space could be used as a source of energy or source of propulsion as i heard its faster than light?

    • @opm1047
      @opm1047 6 лет назад

      he studied the Vedas. check his other video out, where he explains it well. he is explaining what Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma is all about.
      even Tesla , Einstein , Oppenheimer read the Vedas , Upanishads.

  • @GameShowALG
    @GameShowALG 3 года назад +1

    Please, i need the 20:25 slide

  • @slyslaughter5115
    @slyslaughter5115 5 лет назад +1

    "...wherein the ups and downs of daily life simply cannot overshadow--at all--the continuum of Bliss." And true, you cannot 'live' there, in form, but, alas, some have come to know it.

  • @jonathansnagel
    @jonathansnagel 4 года назад +1

    Fantastic talk! Thank you!

  • @sunnyboy4553
    @sunnyboy4553 2 года назад

    Christian saints lived primarily in this state of consciousness. I believe that there is a correlation between egolessness and non-locality. Egolessness is an inner state of non-locality, and when saints and others are in it, their consciousness, [prayers, etc.) have stronger intentional energies. We need to start doing these group meditations ASAP. to bring peace and Oneness inro our world and unify with our Divine Source and each other...the Omega Point Teilhard de Chardin called it. He envisioned our acheiving this higher state of consciousness
    as our becoming "human=squared'. I want to see if John Hagelin has a website now and keep up with his latest ideas. This video is such a blessing for us all. God Bless you, John. Your wisdom and vision is greatly appreciated.

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      Dr. Hagelin is the president of the organization that teaches Transcendental Meditation(R), so he does indeed help the world achieve the oneness of pure consciousness, which is our true self.

    • @sunnyboy4553
      @sunnyboy4553 2 года назад

      @@david203 Thank you for this info.

    • @anshumanpanda1227
      @anshumanpanda1227 Год назад

      Not Christian "saints" for sure bro. They were the leaders of persecution of pagans many times. You can say Pre Christian and Eastern saints perhaps.

  • @michaelmcintosh6061
    @michaelmcintosh6061 3 года назад

    Multiple strings depending on its entangled density patterns and how they interact and entangle with each other

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      What do you mean? This is not even a sentence.

  • @user-ik8vy1rg8f
    @user-ik8vy1rg8f Год назад

    Was referred to Hagelin by Mark Passio's WOEIH #129.

  • @leohall7260
    @leohall7260 3 года назад

    Good lecture.

  • @erixoz8535
    @erixoz8535 9 лет назад

    Maxwell required an ether for his equations to work, something had to 'wave' in the field. Maybe after all there is an ether of neutrinos or smaller, not the more irrational space-time concept which removed the ether.

  • @muchimi
    @muchimi 5 лет назад

    Mr. Hagelin, I'd love for you to study real kaballah and see how you process that with your understanding of physics.

  • @authorityandresponsibility9205
    @authorityandresponsibility9205 6 лет назад

    Within the first few minutes this is has so much in common with Walter Russels work from the 1920's! Amazing how science is catching up to alternative thinkers of the past :) and the Vedic texts and beliefs contain so much knowledge!

    • @MagklJellyBeanPastelLucidDream
      @MagklJellyBeanPastelLucidDream 6 лет назад

      Authority and responsibility, LAWFUL and LEGAL. Change your life! Quantum mechanics and other theories on it have gone back to the 1800's my friend.

    • @authorityandresponsibility9205
      @authorityandresponsibility9205 6 лет назад

      Change my life :) this stuff goes way back before the 1800's ;)

    • @opm1047
      @opm1047 6 лет назад

      he studied the Vedas. check his other video out, where he explains it well. he is explaining what Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma is all about.
      even Tesla , Einstein , Oppenheimer read the Vedas , Upanishads. Jung too was fascinated by Hinduism. his thoughts are exactly Dharmic thoughts.
      modern science says there are 11 or maybe 26 dimensions. Vedic Scriptures say there are 64! heaven(Swarg Loka) is just one dimension.

    • @gerardowmby7156
      @gerardowmby7156 2 года назад

      @@MagklJellyBeanPastelLucidDream It is eternal knowledge, my friend, and directly experienced by those of highly elevated consciousness. Anyone can verify it for themselves now. The technique is available to all.

  • @futonfave
    @futonfave 9 лет назад +2

    I like what he is saying.

  • @ama-tu-an-ki
    @ama-tu-an-ki 10 лет назад

    Thank you!

  • @arjunkhede1123
    @arjunkhede1123 4 года назад

    One question:
    What is the relationship between pure abstract consciousness and entropy?

    • @tmillchr
      @tmillchr 4 года назад +2

      None? Everything? They're both just concepts in the realm of relativity. Remove the language, calm the mind. The answers to everything are there.

  • @lancejackson9108
    @lancejackson9108 9 лет назад

    "In addition to the expressions of the unified field in creation, we can also look at the unified field before the big bang. In superstring theory, the ocean of the unified field wasn’t created in the big bang, it created the big bang. It was there before the big bang. And so, long before the universe, the unified field was contentedly sitting within itself, not dead, not lifeless, not inert. But pure life. A field of pure life. Reverberating within itself. Humming within itself". 27.00

  • @BalaChennai
    @BalaChennai 4 года назад +1

    Force and Consciousness cannot be Separated , hence the answer is yes. How the unified energy acts in our life-force energy partices through the vortex of genetic center, with such precision, pattern and regularity is the design wonder to be decoded and mapped. Vethathiri Maharishi's insight on this subject can help the scientists to achieve that goal.

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      Force and consciousness can certainly be separated, since pure consciousness does not exert force in the material world. Any form of change is alien to the absolute and unchanging level of life, pure consciousness. It is like the relation of ocean waves (which have lots of energy) to the water of which they are composed (which has no kinetic energy).

    • @BalaChennai
      @BalaChennai 2 года назад

      @@david203 any wave is a particle, and any particle is a manifestation of force... only primordial state can be forceless for there is nothing there except Absolute Space. The most important fact is, particles are called particle, as they are part of the whole, Space itself.

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      @@BalaChennai While it is true that any wave in the tiny domain corresponds to a particle, and that elementary particles mediate forces, that has nothing directly to do with force or Absolute Space, whatever that is. Your thinking is sloppy, probably because you have had no actual education in physics. A particle is not part of space, it is an entity located in space and time.

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      @UC30k6suxdw0GXerK316ijYA This is not physics but mumbo-jumbo. Either you invented all this gibberish or you copied it from someone who did. Pretty much not one part of this statement is true. Please learn some real physics so you don't mislead people with this pseudoscience.

    • @BalaChennai
      @BalaChennai 2 года назад

      @@david203 Do watch how Unified Field and Consciousness are connected in reality . - around 20th minute in this video

  • @GodsCommunity
    @GodsCommunity 6 лет назад +3

    _Peaceful blessings._ ♥️

  • @robertflynn6686
    @robertflynn6686 4 года назад +1

    It's a good start which I also realized in 1985 but my view differs from the narrator. Consciousness is predominately life based and something unlike consciousness but equally profound replaces consciousness outside of life. So full gravity unification is not possible in this one universe. But it's quite interesting. Thanks

    • @robertflynn6686
      @robertflynn6686 3 года назад

      @@AliveClint narrator John Hagelin mentioned near end of talk about " life in the Unified Field" . Do you disagree with him as well?

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      Yes, the absolute (subjective) and relative (objective) levels of life are quite different. Yet there can be no thinking or perception without being conscious, so consciousness is the more elementary and universal level of life. All the laws of nature, along with matter, energy, space, and time, have at their root pure unchanging consciousness, which is identical to our own subjective ability to be aware.

    • @robertflynn6686
      @robertflynn6686 2 года назад

      @@david203 OK 👍 but also consider that there are 2 anti duality aspects in mathematics of unified fields....
      Ie local and global gauge symmetries!
      Hard to to unite these. These would engage or disengauge,, time from/space, in Gauge symmetry!!
      In actuality they might appear as global consciousness and local consciousness. Global purposes such as defying gravity to travel in deep space. Are there similarities in physical laws . Most of matter outside of life(inorganic chem.) is caught in the bonds of gravity by
      Attractive force. Life is anti-dual to that due to our living
      properties. Repulsive gravity only emerges through change via quantum gravity events which are tiny gravity.
      That is in a boundary of black holes or neutron stars 🌟 🤩
      No link of living consciousness and its outside mind equal. At the big bang edge it could join.
      That's what I would exclude from your argument.

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      @@robertflynn6686 You jump to way too many conclusions based on only that there are a number of different gauge symmetries. I see no reason why an elementary particle symmetry should have anything whatsoever to do with consciousness, whether local or global. We will have to agree to disagree, as I have no time to do deep research to present you with compelling facts. Frankly, it's okay with me if you believe whatever you like. In my experience and understanding, there is still quite a distance between the objective knowledge of science and the subjective knowledge of spirituality, even at the subtlest level of both. It's way too early to claim a unity between science and nonduality.

    • @robertflynn6686
      @robertflynn6686 2 года назад

      @@david203 you said it yourself Spector.
      To quote you:
      The symmetries of what makes up carbon has everything to do with life, period, end of questions.
      It's all about carbon.
      There is nothing else you could ever conjure up to explain your own views of consciousness
      You seem to have tapped into wisdom
      Beyond all known science.
      Your on an island of your own.

  • @Real_KCHL
    @Real_KCHL 3 года назад

    Amazing and thought provoking to say at least

  • @helenazavesku7445
    @helenazavesku7445 8 лет назад +9

    Incredibly amazing. Our world is waking up

  • @sureshakella4263
    @sureshakella4263 10 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent knowledge

  • @ryanpsych7083
    @ryanpsych7083 5 лет назад

    Was not able to see the second last slide, with 3 quotations just before Aham Brahmasmi........
    If you could make out the quotes please do post it .

  • @Junker-kr4sd
    @Junker-kr4sd 9 лет назад +2

    How do you meditate? And where do you go to learn?

    • @petersz98
      @petersz98 9 лет назад

      You need a teacher to teach meditation, nice plug though

    • @Xarieus
      @Xarieus 9 лет назад

      Anybody who is also interested can be your teacher, and you theres. Just never agree on one thing and you've cracked the code

    • @wagfinpis
      @wagfinpis 9 лет назад +1

      You can learn meditation techniques from a system or someone with experience. There are some does and don'ts that are helpful, some of wich are about personal effectiveness, general well being, and even health. Meditation can be understood surprisingly well academicly to a point, but it is adventualy an art and way of life that you are personally responsible for when taken to a profound level

    • @Sydebern
      @Sydebern 9 лет назад +4

      There are many meditation types, but most of them are just methods to keep the mind (thought) busy. They are the long way around to that which you (and everyone else) is seeking. Only one "meditation" gets you to the "new" consciousness instantly and directly, which is self-inquiry. This is not a practice, since it is no activity of the mind. It is simply staying as that which you already are, without following thought patterns. You might want a personal teacher, but you can look it up on the internet also. Always remember that it is about realizing that you are already consciousness/awareness. Many people spend decades of their lives to try to develop this new consciousness by means of the thinking mind, which is a waste of time and extremely frustrating. Save yourself the trouble and frustration and start with abiding as awareness, which already is the end "goal". Staying there long enough will result in seeing what is real and what is not. The unreal (the identification with thought) will then fall away by itself, while you stay as that which you eternally are/have never not been.

    • @opm1047
      @opm1047 6 лет назад

      he studied the Vedas. check his other video out, where he explains it well.

  • @TheNobleLoyalist
    @TheNobleLoyalist 7 лет назад

    We as individuals are the singular/individual experiencing finger tips, if you will, of the Universal Mind.

  • @nicholasvandergugten1991
    @nicholasvandergugten1991 3 года назад

    What was the tone he played?

  • @sanzenkoan
    @sanzenkoan 9 лет назад +5

    words and concepts fabricate reality itself, the universe is mind, the human race is the universe creating itself

    • @indianmilitary
      @indianmilitary 9 лет назад +1

      sanzen koan but you are neither your mind nor body. hehe

    • @sanzenkoan
      @sanzenkoan 9 лет назад

      mind is mind and body is body as well as mind..but if i am not me, then you are not you!lol :D

    • @opm1047
      @opm1047 6 лет назад

      he studied the Vedas. check his other video out, where he explains it well. he is explaining what Hinduism/Sanatan Dharma is all about

  • @reysarvida7544
    @reysarvida7544 Год назад +2

    Great Scientist of Physics and conscioueness.

  • @MsKCRN
    @MsKCRN 7 лет назад +6

    OMG. I have believed this very thing for 20 years... I'm a microbiologist specializing in genetic neurology. Finally someone said it. I have also wondered if dark energy could be consciousness and if dark matter is what will become matter from imagination that is brought into reality. Th.e latter is less likely, but I still think it likely unified field theory could be tied up with a consciousness field.

    • @Carolevw
      @Carolevw 6 лет назад

      Yes, most scientists now accept that they just can't find dark matter, but I have wondered if it is in actual fact, consciousness vibrating in the same way our brain vibrates with electrical stimulation, since the theory of an electric universe is becoming more accepted now.

  • @totallyanonymousbish9599
    @totallyanonymousbish9599 3 года назад +1

    There is nothing but the force💖

  • @purpleglitter9596
    @purpleglitter9596 2 года назад

    What are the strings made of?

    • @gerardowmby7156
      @gerardowmby7156 2 года назад +1

      Vibrations manifested from the unmanifest Unified Field of consciousness.

  • @wagfinpis
    @wagfinpis 4 года назад

    I think the reason for the ginger ale effect is like associated particle particle spin/spooky action at a distance. Instead of two associated particle's, the rubber bands we are trying to observe are like a google Plex to the google plex'ed power of associated particles/a lot. Maybe something like all of the Higgs Boson's in "the universe" are associated particle's for example, and the motion he describing as rubber bands is the result of all the Boson's instantaneously acting like slave and master to each other's motion potential's.

  • @michaelmcintosh6061
    @michaelmcintosh6061 3 года назад

    Opening of all chakra points in synchronicity

    • @david203
      @david203 2 года назад

      Your comment is not even a sentence. It has no obvious meaning.

  • @CoopAssembly
    @CoopAssembly 5 лет назад

    At 31:40 ... Apas is matter. In the tattvas, apas is water. What is going on, here?

  • @amyzhang2082
    @amyzhang2082 3 года назад

    10:02 Was there a spider crawling on the camera or something? Anyone noticed?

  • @user-ik8vy1rg8f
    @user-ik8vy1rg8f Год назад

    18:08 - I'm gonna rip the audio right now to sample that bit.

    • @user-ik8vy1rg8f
      @user-ik8vy1rg8f Год назад

      Interestingly, the metadata when saving that bit of audio from audacity says,
      Artist Name: Internet Goddess Shinatama
      Track Title: Unified Consciousness

  • @psykovskee
    @psykovskee 4 года назад +1

    it's very liberating to know that we can become the god ourselves, because everything is connected!

  • @kiradelarochefoucauld7499
    @kiradelarochefoucauld7499 4 года назад +1

    3D model of the tonal vibrational sequence =THE TORUS. The Circle. Halo and Holy Spirit. The Manifestor Ambassador of Unified Field Ocean of PURE LOVE.

  • @danjones5119
    @danjones5119 2 года назад

    Excellent speech.

  • @edinburghwellbeingcentre7613
    @edinburghwellbeingcentre7613 5 лет назад

    Might be worth checking out it is now being look at as the first Unified Field Theory

  • @davidzemke2549
    @davidzemke2549 4 месяца назад +2

    10:20 The spider on the screen is intresting on the screen. Looks like it comes out of the flowers. looks like... Ironic what changing the focal point does to changing what ones sees. I think their is a reason for this idea to pop into your mind. Yes i am communicating with you the reader of this.
    I know wow.

  • @supratim17roy
    @supratim17roy 4 года назад +3

    If Universe can happen, then anything can happen. Laws were incorporated just to limit our beliefs to experience the greater reality.

    • @psykovskee
      @psykovskee 4 года назад

      and to follow someone else's rules

    • @DrMarwaha
      @DrMarwaha 4 года назад +1

      Beautiful & scientific explanation of unified field of
      ..consciousness !