It's a saying from an old English comedy sketch following two teenage boys. The show was called Kevin and Perry, it's what I was searching for when I came across this!
Sorry, but these two guys booked up under the name of Kevin and Perry and I thought it was a joke but it was their real names. A right pair of jokers though, they should be on the telly. Steve.
Not what I was expecting.
This is so unfair!!!!!
What is unfair exactly?
It's a saying from an old English comedy sketch following two teenage boys. The show was called Kevin and Perry, it's what I was searching for when I came across this!
I assumed "Kevin and Perry go Hill climbing" was one of their sketches haha!
Sorry, but these two guys booked up under the name of Kevin and Perry and I thought it was a joke but it was their real names. A right pair of jokers though, they should be on the telly.