What Is Occultism? Part 1: The Definition

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • #occult #occultknowledge #occultism #occultist #satan #satanism We hear so much about it in the Truth Community, but everywhere else it’s hidden. What is occultism really about? Do we know enough about it even in the Truth Community?
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Комментарии • 25

  • @TruthTVNZ03
    @TruthTVNZ03 8 месяцев назад +3

    Wow Goddamn that was a good video. It answered a lot of questions about occultism and it helped me understand what it is. I can't believe it's that simple. Occultism really is a waste of time man.

  • @TruthTVNZ03
    @TruthTVNZ03 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hey what's up dude I have a question. I've been thinking about it and I've realised since everything is so scripted I'm just wondering. Did the occultists back then know what their actions would lead to?
    For example did Aleister Crowley know that his work would indirectly lead to the movie cuties?
    Or did Eliphas Levi (or Anton Lavey) know that his work would lead to stuff like Hollywood or Beyonce?
    Or did Marquis De Sade know that his perversity would indirectly lead to stuff like the pride parades?
    Or did Karl Marx know that his plans would lead to The Holdomor and The UN?
    Etc etc. I have a really good (and kind of weird) feeling that The Power Elite and Occultists somehow knew what each of their actions in the occult world would lead to. Like they kind of knew their place within the plan and they were just smiling with glee the whole time. I genuinely think that Aleister Crowley knew in some way that his work would lead to stuff like cuties or pride parades. I just know it.
    (Also I totally think that Socrates knew about The Power Elite. He's rad like that.)

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  7 месяцев назад +1

      "Hey what's up dude I have a question. I've been thinking about it and I've realised since everything is so scripted I'm just wondering. Did the occultists back then know what their actions would lead to?"
      Well, different types of occultists believe different types of things about demons and fallen angels. For example, in Voodooism, demons and fallen angels are seen as agents of God. In Theosophy they are considered to be "ascended masters". Some occultists know what their actions will lead to. These are the higher ups.
      "For example did Aleister Crowley know that his work would indirectly lead to the movie cuties?"
      I think so. He wanted to create a new religion ("Crowelyanity") to replace Christianity, but he must have known that that wouldn't be possible because the masses would only accept a version of occultism that isn't about secrets (i.e. Darwinism).
      "Or did Eliphas Levi (or Anton Lavey) know that his work would lead to stuff like Hollywood or Beyonce?"
      Maybe. I think that Eliphas knew that he was going bring occultism closer to this world.
      "Or did Marquis De Sade know that his perversity would indirectly lead to stuff like the pride parades?"
      I think not. Marquis didn't seem to have an agenda (like Aleister Crowley) to change the future.
      "Or did Karl Marx know that his plans would lead to The Holdomor and The UN?"
      Karl Marx might have known about that. After all, he basically sugarcoated the Illuminati agenda for the masses. So he must have known that the purpose was to create the NWO.
      "I have a really good (and kind of weird) feeling that The Power Elite and Occultists somehow knew what each of their actions in the occult world would lead to. Like they kind of knew their place within the plan and they were just smiling with glee the whole time. I genuinely think that Aleister Crowley knew in some way that his work would lead to stuff like cuties or pride parades. I just know it."
      They are being led by fallen angels who know much more about worlds and what happens in them. There is no need for them to share that information with most occultists because most occultists live in darkness and have no idea what's going on. Fallen angels just need to wait for someone like Marquis to show up and then it will be easy to contact him and get him to do stuff. No need to inform him of more. Occultists aren't as powerful/great as they try to convince everyone.
      "(Also I totally think that Socrates knew about The Power Elite. He's rad like that.)"
      I think so as well. Socrates was a truther and a philosopher. He definitely was smart enough to figure out what was going on in his time.

  • @user-fi9sk6kp4j
    @user-fi9sk6kp4j 8 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for another great one.
    This is perhaps a bit off topic. I’m conflicted on one topic: same sex unions. I’ve done a lot of research on this topic because admittedly I am attracted to the same sex. In many indigenous cultures precolonization, there was a third gender, I.e. a biological male or female that had opposite sex gifts or inclinations and would identify with the opposite sex in role and behaviors. The modern appropriation is known as “Two Spirit” because of the fluidity of their gender identification, and often their romantic interest. It was considered a normal part of indigenous tribal societies by most Native American tribes.
    I resonate a lot with this term as throughout my life as a male I’ve been interested in more feminine practices, such as healing with herbs, dance, language, cooking, cleaning and caretaking.
    Right now I have met another man who is very similar and am feeling conflicted. I want to honor God above all things and so the past year I’ve been really struggling whether to accept this part of me or not.
    I’m curious what your take is as you seem well researched and knowledgable on many topics. I ask because a lot of homosexuality nowadays is very much based in lust, and I have struggled with this as I don’t resonate with that. If it was based in pure, committed, devotional romantic love, with service to community and honouring God as the focus, as with the indigenous Two Spirits, would it be okay in His eyes?? I will await your answer and also continue pray hereupon.
    Blessings of peace, health, love and Christ centered living for you and your loved ones in the New Year!

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  8 месяцев назад +2

      Hi! Thank you! Well, I'm going to give you an honest answer, so be prepared for that. Homosexuality doesn't exist. It's not a sexuality. It's a paraphilia (homophilia to be specific) and that means that it's not part of the way we are designed. Some heterosexual men have a foot fetish and it's a fetish because such men are attracted to something that is not sexual. There are many reasons why someone would be attracted to something that is none-sexual or contrary to reproductive behavior. Not all reasons are known but in general, sexuality puts you in a mode that makes you less disgusted at doing sexual things. This mode is nowadays misused to make us less disgusted at doing sexual things that aren't supposed sexual. Likewise, the Two Spirit concept that you mention has nothing to do with homophilia or gender identification. Native American who did jobs that the other gender did were called Two Spirited, but nowadays people are trying to tell us that it was about a third gender, "transsexuality" or whatever else. That's how some people develop sexual urges for non-sexual things. In the past, men who had an interested in one or more feminine practices weren't considered "gay" or "trans". They were just who they are. Girls who did boy things were called tomboys, but now they are immediately considered to be lesbian or transgender and that's very wrong. It only causes confusion and it gets worse when homophilia is presented to them as a sexuality that you can be "born" with. They will think that they are lesbian or transgender, so they will get interested in it and hence, their sex mode will make lesbianism or trans-stuff sexually more and more attractive to them. No, there is nothing wrong with tomboys. It's perfectly normal. Confusing tomboys is not normal.
      So you are Two Spirited but in accordance to the Native American definition, not in accordance to the modern redefinition of the term. If a man likes to knit, he doesn't have to put on a dress. Just knit and leave the dress alone. In the Bible, God makes it clear that there are two genders and that He wants that to be respected (i.e. Deuteronomy 22:5). Unfortunately, evil people like to confuse us and they immediately confuse people and hence, they tell them that they are trans or whatever when they love to knit, for example. That's not how you honor God.
      You have stated that you are interested in same sex unions and that you are attracted to the same sex, but you didn't ask me a specific question about it. So I assume that you are wondering if you can get married to a men. You can't get married to a man under God's conditions. Why would you anyways? Marriage is about having a family. My advice is to start practicing celibacy and fasting more frequently. I couldn't find a virgin wife to marry, so I decided to remain unmarried and celibate. In other words, I couldn't have a marriage as it has been designed by God, so then I don't need a fake deal. So I recommend that you do the same. When it comes to sex and marriage, God doesn't play around. You can see that in the divorce rates since the Sexual Revelation. Normalizing sexual promiscuity was enough to make divorce rates sky high and then it got worse when paraphilias began to be normalized. So I'm not taking any risks when it comes sex and marriage. I'm totally fine being celibate.

    • @user-fi9sk6kp4j
      @user-fi9sk6kp4j 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@OrthopraxChristianity Thank you for your answer. I will take it with me in my prayers and ask for clear conviction from the Holy Spirit. Admittedly, it has been a confusing and lonely journey as my human need for intimacy is strong. Nonetheless, I’m feeling less and less drawn to sex, which to me is evidence that the Holy Spirit is already operating and preparing me for celibacy. Likewise with food; I’m noticing I’m being delivered from emotional/stress eating and being called to moderation and fasting.
      In full transparency, I can see that my desire for intimacy, along with some sexual trauma and an abusive or absent father figure, has probably resulted in a desire for a man’s love; this, by the sin of the world, was perverted into lust or sexual attraction.
      It’s devastating to come to this realisation, because I never chose this and the last thing I want to do is go contrary to God. Nonetheless, we must face that the truth of the times we are living are not meant to be easy. I shall pray for strength in living a celibate life-until, if that is His will, God has done sufficient healing work in me to prepare for a wife and family.
      This world is truly at its darkest age. May we continue to put our hope and faith in its eventual redemption by Christ. Thank you once again; may you keep being guided by the Holy Spirit of Truth in your works.

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  8 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you.
      "In full transparency, I can see that my desire for intimacy, along with some sexual trauma and an abusive or absent father figure, has probably resulted in a desire for a man’s love; this, by the sin of the world, was perverted into lust or sexual attraction."
      That's what I was talking about. It's always this world that confuses us. It's also therefore that you shouldn't hate yourself. My biological father left my mom when he heard that she was pregnant. I know that a lot of boys in this situation become either criminals or homophiles. Life is hard. The things that we become and do are not always our fault and even when they are, it's never too late to change.
      "Admittedly, it has been a confusing and lonely journey as my human need for intimacy is strong."
      You are no longer alone! We should stick together. The Bible never uses the word "church" but "ekklesia" which means "congregation" and "community". That's exactly what we need. On your spiritual journey we are alone, but we need to support each other. Don't hesitate to reach out to me.
      BTW, you might be interested in checking out my Programs video. In that video I talk about trans themes.

    • @user-fi9sk6kp4j
      @user-fi9sk6kp4j 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@OrthopraxChristianity “Don’t hesitate to reach out to me.” I would love to ask you so many more questions as I am still seeking Truth and feeling things out in discernment. Things such as reincarnation, hell, the atonement, Jesus declaring to be the only way to God, and how that ties in to other religions and spiritual paths, etc. Is there a way we can communicate more easily, if you are open to that?

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  8 месяцев назад +2

      Sure. Drop me an email at manuel@orthopraxchristianity.org and we will take it from there. I will reply from another email address because this one doesn't yet have a security certificate behind it.

  • @gihsbpmg12
    @gihsbpmg12 8 месяцев назад +2

    I know this question is off-topic, but what do you think about Ted Kaczynski and ideology of Neo-Luddism?

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  8 месяцев назад +2

      I'm okay with off-topic. I don't know much about Ted Kaczynski. I'm planning to read more about him and once I do, I will come back to your comment. As for neo-luddism, I think it's fine. I'm not against technology. In fact, I love it, but the truth is that humans are massively misusing technology. It's used by the government in particular against us. So I'm fine with people who are against technology.

    • @gihsbpmg12
      @gihsbpmg12 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@OrthopraxChristianityThanks for answering.

  • @TruthTVNZ03
    @TruthTVNZ03 8 месяцев назад +1

    Hey I have a question. Given this definition of occultism why do the elites have to show what they are doing? How is this part of the occult deal? Is it because of the permission/ consent thing?

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  8 месяцев назад +1

      Yes. They need consent but in other cases they are doing it for the purpose of predictive programming.

    • @TruthTVNZ03
      @TruthTVNZ03 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@OrthopraxChristianity That makes sense. I think it is both too. I think it depends on the individual action. For example I think that some leaked documents might be revelation of the method and some tv prorgams are just predictive programming.

    • @TruthTVNZ03
      @TruthTVNZ03 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@OrthopraxChristianity Ok then if that is predictive programming then I have another question. Why do they do all these weird spectacle things like do weird tripe helix rituals during the corona virus or do really weird sports game rituals like in the Olympics or the Super Bowl? Why do they do weird stuff in music videos? I don't get it man. I don't get what it does exactly to keep people benighted or whatever. I know it actually does but I just don't know how.
      But my real question is why do they do weird hazing rituals or blood sacrifices in Hollywood? Why do they do all of this weird gay stuff in Hollywood for initiation or hazing rituals? I don't understand why this would help them or their masters. It just seems like they are doing weird stuff for the sake of it. If it's all about becoming benighted and reengineering yourself to become an animal figuratively why is all that stuff included? I just don't get it man. It's super confusing.

    • @OrthopraxChristianity
      @OrthopraxChristianity  8 месяцев назад +1

      You always ask good questions. I will cover a lot of what you have just asked in Occultism: Part 2.
      Their rituals (including what they do in music videos) is all about spreading confusion and getting the masses to do what they want them to do. Take the bee-theme in Beyonce's performance. It's all about supporting collectivism, the hive mind, authoritarianism (following one central authority), etc. They are trying to make people (especially the fans) love such evil things. They are more willing to accept it if it's promoted by some they love. It's how sheeple think.
      "But my real question is why do they do weird hazing rituals or blood sacrifices in Hollywood?"
      They love hazing. Humiliation is key in occultism. As for the blood sacrifices, you can't progress far in occultism without sinning. If you want to become a famous singer, for example, and are willing sacrifice a relative, then you are totally in. The more disgusting you are, the more you sin, the further you can progress in occultism.
      "Why do they do all of this weird gay stuff in Hollywood for initiation or hazing rituals? I don't understand why this would help them or their masters."
      Imagine someone making a deal with them to become a famous actor. He needs to become a bootlicker. They can't afford him to come out and say what's going on. So they need to break him mentally, make him do all kinds of humiliating things and make him commit lots of sins. Once you get deep enough into the occult, you can't leave them anymore.

    • @TruthTVNZ03
      @TruthTVNZ03 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@OrthopraxChristianity Ok this is unrelated but I have figured out what is going on with subliminal's (both new age and normal,) and movies and manifestation.
      They are all forms of image reengineering but on a subtle level. For example subliminal's are basically a form of both magic and magick. They brainwash you into conforming to society and being a slave worker (look at "They Live" for example. Perfect example of material image reengineering,) now with the magick subliminals (the youtube ones,) those are basically mayanet/magick forms of image reengineering. Sure a lot of is it the placebo effect for sure but that's also part of the magick in my opinion. It's all about trickery right?
      That's why I think people are so brainwashed and you can't get through to them. It's because they are so benighted inside that they can't listen to reason. It's definitely the music, I've noticed myself becoming less conscious because of music so I have cut it out a little bit (listenting to 2000's music for a girl is definitely not a good idea.)
      But anyway I think that's part of it. Obviously there's more metaphysical stuff here but I would need to research metaphysics more to really understand that.
      - One last note I think manifestation is not actually occult in the same way. I don't think it's actually image reengineering I think it's a way of changing Maya to become more unfair. Like think about it. If someone would manifest themself a girlfriend/BMW then who is missing out on that girlfriend/BMW? Same for all manifestation. It's basically a way of enacting the enemys plans and progressing The Power Elites plans.

  • @solesurvivor7989
    @solesurvivor7989 8 месяцев назад

    Darwinism doesn't have to be the occult