@@заяцкріль расскажи это в Белграде, граждане которого пережили ковровые бомбардировки со стороны НАТО, в том числе по мирным кварталам. Те как Русские за ранее предупреждать об атаках не станут. Расскажи это детям на Донбассе которые похоронены на Алее ангелов, которая появилась в следствии обстрела мирных кварталов своих же городов и своего же населения, со стороны Киевской Рады. Как вы не понимаете, если вы станете им не выгодны, так же как стали невыгодны жители ДНР, они и вас начнут убивать. Поведение ТЦК которые хватают мирных граждан на улице, и насильно отправляют на войну это четко доказывает. Так же Кремль с 2007 года говорил о том что не приемлет расширение НАТО, но все подобные заявления игнорировались. Даже в 2014 году, до свержения Януковича, выдвигались предложения о демократических выборах в Украине, но подобные заявления не рассматривались, и власть была взята силой, с установкой подходящих кандидатур на политически важные места. После чего Русские инициировали Минские Соглашения, чтобы Украинская власть перестала убивать собственный народ (Порошенко прямо заявлял, что наши дети(украинцы) будут учиться в школе, а те дети(украинцы Донбасса) будут сидеть в подвалах под бомбардировками.) и попутно граждан РФ на территории ДНР и ЛНР. И в итоге все трое западных лидеров прямо сказали «Минские соглашения никто соблюдать не собирался, мы прост выигрывали время для того чтобы вооружить Украину, в том числе это сказал и Порошенко», так что это ваши лидеры хотели войны, а не те о ком вы описали. Даже с февраля 2022 года, единственная страна которое всегда, без исключения заявляло о готовности провести мирные переговоры, я подчеркну ВСЕГДА и БЕЗ ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЙ. В то время как правительство Украины издало указ на государственном уровне о запрете вести переговоры с русскими. Так кому нужна война? Кто агрессивен то по итогу?
@@thefamousl9043 so what? Brics can become a military alliance with China Russia India alone, and it's stronger then NATO without brazil or other brics countries in our side
@@dennishou6399Have you ever studied the Second World War? Do you know how the United States joined other countries in NATO? he used the dollar as trade and because of the dollar the USA can sanction any country. The BRICs were created to combat US sanctions and when it comes to the BRICs' summits, they are designed to discuss business and speak badly about the US, which is why people think that NATO and the BRICs are rivals.
Paz somente em Cristo Jesus YESHUA o Filho de Deus. Nenhum ser humano infelizmente pode promover a Paz. Jesus Cristo VIVO é o CAMINHO A VERDADE E VIDA NINGUÉM VAI A DEUS SENÃO POR ELE. 🇧🇷🕊❤️❤️✝️
@@mariabatista.jesuseminhalu35 Christians are talking about peace🤯. In your religion peace is only applicable for humans or is it applicable for animals too? killing animals and eating them comes under peace right? Only sanatana dharma has right to talk about that word 🙏.
@@juancarlosgonzalezvelazque513 pero almenos en la OTAN no los está humillando un país muy pequeño que está recibiendo ayuda de occidente sólo con equipo, no con soldados, porque el que tienen está muy atrasado.
O Brasil preza pela paz e pelo pragmatismo, porém, não somos mais uma colônia e exigimos total respeito a nossa soberania. Todos aqueles que respeitam a soberania brasileira são nossos colegas globais, e aqueles que colaboram para o nosso crescimento são nossos amigos 🇧🇷
O BRICS é a parte do mundo que sofre algum tipo de embargo, restrição financeira ou que pretende deixar de ser um colono serviçal. Sempre existe uma história triste entre os integrantes.
@@VictorHugo-od4stand that's probably why Russia's last colonial empire is in BRICS. Russia is currently at war with Ukraine (its former colony). It makes sense to keep it up. P.S. Russia also participated in the colonization of China.
If this happens, it will be only as a sign of opposition to NATO and not to the whole world, because it is NATO that threatens the whole world with its alliance.
From Russia? 😂 Russia it's potential enemy for all countries, don't forget Ukraine 10 years ago vas best "friend" of Russia, the same situation possibly happen with others "friends" of Russia. The doctrine of Russia it's "we don't have friends, we don't need friends, our friends it's our army."
A maior burrice é não sermos uma aliança militar e tecnológica. O Brasil tem os recursos minerais, vocês tem as armas, a China tem a tecnologia e a Índia tem o efetivo militar... A maior burrice é não firmar uma aliança tecnológica e militar! Temos muitos problemas sim e a maioria deles é causados pela Europa+ Estados Unidos juntos. BRICS é a união dos países com recursos minerais e humanos contra a exploração dos valentões.
These numbers don't mean anything to morden high tech wars.A country with not even a single career can destroy all ships at sea with missiles.A single electronic jammer can jam dozens of fighter jets instruments and missiles alike.Numbers really don't count in this age, what counts is the quality of technology one has! Look at Russia, they have single handedly fought 33 countries in the name of NATO for nearly 3yrs,Why? Their weapons are technologically better!
Russia better technology weapon....lol. Russia is on war against ukraine only, not against Nato. plane and nuclear is reason why they dont loose. But Russian military suck a bit
@@derPandre Segundo o que eu entendo, se não fosse pela assistência da OTAN, a Ucrânia teria perdido a guerra já no primeiro mês de 2022. Portanto, a ajuda de 33 países até hoje não se configura como uma guerra entre 1 contra 33, mas sim uma batalha de 33 contra 1. Além disso, o que se observa hoje, em 22 de novembro de 2024, é uma escalada para um conflito em nível global, o qual os EUA da América talvez não consigam suportar. É por isso que Trump está novamente no poder, visando evitar um colapso em sua dívida pública e na valorização do dólar americano, caso contrário, o país pode perder sua influência. Soube também que Trump mencionou que poderia abandonar a OTAN e desconsiderar a Europa, o que indica que a guerra não é de seu interesse, mas sim a proteção da Ucrânia frente a Putin, mantendo sua soberania intacta. Se esse conflito realmente se ampliar, o Brasil pode se tornar uma nova potência econômica global, junto com os BRICS, dado que sua moeda é respaldada pelo ouro, ao contrário das que estão sujeitas a acordos impostos e sanções dos Estados Unidos, que forçam países a utilizarem sua moeda sob pena de conflito, resultando na precarização de muitas nações.
@@derPandre From what I understand, if it were not for NATO's assistance, Ukraine would have lost the war in the first month of 2022. Therefore, the aid from 33 countries to date does not constitute a war between 1 against 33, but rather a battle of 33 against 1. Furthermore, what we observe today, on November 22, 2024, is an escalation into a conflict on a global level, which the USA of America may not be able to withstand. This is why Trump is back in power, aiming to avoid a collapse in its public debt and the appreciation of the US dollar, otherwise the country could lose its influence. I also learned that Trump mentioned that he could abandon NATO and disregard Europe, which indicates that war is not in his interest, but rather protecting Ukraine from Putin, keeping its sovereignty intact. If this conflict really escalates, Brazil could become a new global economic power, along with the BRICS, given that its currency is backed by gold, unlike those that are subject to imposed agreements and sanctions from the United States, which force countries to use their currency under penalty of conflict, resulting in the precariousness of many nations.
As an extra note, the military cooperation with NATO also extends to, among others, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea. This video is a really stupid and even dangerous comparison. It insinuates that BRICS should be compared to the old Warsawpact. If a war would break out between NATO and Russia or China, it would literally become World War 3 (God help us all in that case), but it remains to be seen which side Brazil, India and South-Afrika would join in such a case. Making comparison videos like this creates a we-them way of thinking and insinuates that relations between NATO and all members of BRICS is bad.
Quem vai impedir? A onu? A Otan? Até parece, o Brics pode tornar uma e acredito que irá se tornar uma aliança militar, é o fim do imperialismo desses ganaciosos que bagunça o mundo todo!
India in brics only for economic reasons not for war india not want war it always want peace in the world india also behave with his enemy like friend god bless you all brother😊😊😊
@@IShootGayPeople777 A Russian wife turned to her husband and asked, "What's this special military operation our glorious leader keeps talking about?" Her husband replied, "It's a war to stop America and NATO." "Oh, right” she says “How's it going?" “Well” he replied “so far we have lost over 20 generals, 80,000 troops killed, countless injured, 3000 tanks, 300 aircraft, hundreds of helicopters, countless armoured vehicles, artillery and trucks, our flagship along with other naval ships, our army is being defeated in most areas and we have had to resort to conscripting 500,000 Russians to replace our losses”. “Wow” replied the wife “what about America and NATO”? “They haven’t turned up yet”
Could people stop thinking that the army still matters ? The moment someone seriously invades/attacks a atomic nation, it´ll be the end for humanity...
@@craigquannEven if they aren't functional all some of them are actually and sets say if those exploded , there is no chance of world surviving that , radiation will take down everything with it
К сожалению пока Россия только сражается со всем НАТО на поле боя под названием Украина . ( был там и Украинцев толком там нет . У меня уже 2 трофейных куртки Британии)
Ты не заметил, что укрские комментарии сократились раз, наверное, в 20 с 2022? Походу их осталось реально немного. Раньше весь ютуб в них испачкан был, а сейчас Мыколы порипались. С одной стороны даже грустно.
Ну да со всеми НАТО.. легко сражаться с НАТО когда НАТО не пришло на сражение 😄😄😄 Ты это когда НАТО победишь не забудь им сообщить об этом. А то они не в курсе будут.
Думаю тут дело в том что страна аггресор применяет людоедские методы ведения боя обстреливая энергоструктуру зимой. Остовляя детей и страиков бед тепла с -10. Таким даже в СС особо не занимались, хотя те знали толк в терроре .
@@eduardheidebrecht4820 пропаганда сразу в ход детей и стариков пускает. Так обезопасте их, их защита - долг украинцев. А если вы не способны защитить женщин, детей и стариков, то что вы вообще там защищаете? Сладкий сон верховной рады? У них то все нормально с электричеством. Собаки лают, караван идет. Ваши вопли о стариках нас не остановят. Раньше надо было думать
@@studioPROXIMA1918 Putin is a kind person, if he had ordered his troops to act the way Israel acts in Gaza, then Ukraine would no longer exist at all. And by the way, in Ukraine there are many NATO soldiers who are called “instructors” fighting against Russia
Models are not proportional. Font size of numbers is too small. Its ineligible. So I didn't watch to the end. Hope the channel will do better next time.
Все пункты сравнения - чушь, кроме последнего. Последний пункт показывает, что, как только начнется война, "весь мир в труху" ... и остальные пункты уже не нужны. Как сказал А. Эйнштейн: - "... Четвертая мировая война будет вестись палками и камнями".
NATO is cooked. Im from the UK, but im glad BRICS exists because it keeps NATO in check. Without rivals, NATO would have unlimited power to do whatever they want to anyone
Interesting question. Though it would mean that all Latin American countries would have to get along... well enough to fight for the other one. Which is a hard sell. For instance: not much chance of Brazil lifting a finger if Venezuela is a war with another non-Latin American country. Beyond that. The expeditionary power of all Latin American militaries would stop at about 250 km off shore... exactly against who would a Latin American alliance be formed?... Or better yet, necessary?... lol.
Большая часть лучших танко России уже уничтожена - старый хлам последний вытягивают на войну. Артиллерия изношена, старые снаряды в КНДР вынуждены покупать. А авиация против НАТО вообще лет на 20 отстала.
Nato doesn't outnumber Brics, but Nato does posses an Economy that is significantly stronger than that of the Brics. Brics has some countries with a tendency for bad military management (Russia). And the fact that Brics is about as cohesive as the HRE. India, Russia and China on their own are really tense. If you ignore nukes (of which every side has enough to erradicate humanity). You still need to account for the fact that the Bric's three biggest members all have thorns in their sides to begin with. Ukraine for Russia, Pakistan for India, Argentina and Colombia for Brazil and Japan for China (and even South Korea considering NK doesn't pose a huge threat anymore). Next to that Nato has other allies like the Phillipines, Thailand, Taiwan, Israel and 4 more African countries (including Brics member Egypt). Oh yeah, and also Brazil. If you count Nato with all it's non member partners, it's not 32, but 72 countries. Those countries aren't Nato members mainly because they're just not north atlantic. And to top that all off, Brics isn't even a military alliance. Brics work together for devellopment. Nato works together for protection of themselves and their interests. It's like comparing a book club to a gang.
В России оценивают резерв в 2 миллиона человек. У Китая, я думаю, миллионов 20 где то.... У Индии, связи с их отношениями с соседями, должно быть где то так же как и у Китая.
@eduardheidebrecht4820 ну, 10 лет допустим. Ежегодно на срочку в Китае уходит 400 тысяч человек. Тоесть 4 миллиона за 10 лет постоянного резерва. Некоторые сайты выдают что теоретический резерв Китая составляет 600 миллионов человек. Но туда входят и женщины и не служившие. Это вообще сколкьо с случае чего могут они мобилизовать. В России же 2 миллиона резерва первоочередного И 25 миллионов резерва общего.
@@user-smertXoxlam резерв 2 ляма, но по факту больше, ведь у страны есть запас, но есть ли он у стран запада, 2 ляма это только армия а есть ещё живая сила по мимо армии, но живой силы у запада нету, так как их люди воевать не умеют
Everyone knows that the BRICS are an economic alliance, but in this comparison, the BRICS would wipe out other countries from the map and emerge victorious..
NATO is a military alliance. Brics is a economic alliance. Brics is overall more powerful, but in a realistic scenario in a conventional war, NATO would win because Brazil and India are more leaned towards NATO in military and they are both neutral. This comparison doesn't make sense lol.
В реалистичном сценарии не победит никто, вся планета вернётся в каменный век и будущие люди будут находить останки нашего мира, думая что же у нас произошло.
@@BlauImHerzeni agree with you brics militaries arent very sofisticated despite having big numbers, ukraine has prooven that tech is more important that pretty much anything else
@@ahmedslihbuza6645 In general, I find the debate about who would win the war between NATO and BRICs extremely stupid. What do these people want? A war? I don't think you and I and the others here in the chat would benefit from a war. Nevertheless, I would recommend that BRICS supporters take a closer look at NATO's military strength in order to understand that these provocations could be very detrimental. Because almost all of the technological foundations in the world are developed and researched by the NATO states, NATO's technological lead over the BRICS is enormous. And I don't want to insult the BRICS, I just want to underline a fact.
The comparison is interesting, not to imagine a BRICS vs NATO conflict, as that doesn't make much sense. But to show how much more militarized NATO is than BRICS. Compare the numbers of each bloc's armed forces and military budget with the size of each bloc's territory and population. The difference is big, it is an interesting point to reflect on from several aspects.
@nintendoandwowsblitz what doesn't make sense that governments pin and brainwash its citizens against countries on the other side of the planet and young people die for old people in politics
Кто поддерживает Россию из БРИКС?? Никто. Кроме северной Кореи и Ирана. Никто не подерживает. Даже самые близкие этого не делают типо Белорусси или Казахстана. Если страна ведёт войну в которой у неё почти нет союзников, а против нееё настроины очень многие ОООЧЕнь многое идёт не так. И если брикс такой мощный союз то почему они забили болт на Россию?
@@Hunter-lp9pq по факту никто не забил?? Никто не признал не то что новые захваченые территории за последнгие 10 лет никто их них даже Крым не признал. Индия навариваеться на всеё этой движухе. Потеряли только Европа и Россия. Китай навариваеться на всей этой движухе. Мало того что навариваеться еще и умудрился протолкнуть цены на силе Сибири 2 как на рынке России для своих !!?! То есть Китай будет получать газ по ценам, по которым его получают Россияне. То есть со скидкой!?! Китай настолько союзник что готов от ? иметь тебя сзади пока ты сражаешься с соперниками. вот такой вот союзник. Бразилия просто забила на всю движуху и ничего не делает. ЮАР промоему даже продовал череж чехию снаряды в Украину. И созерцая эти моменты ни одна страна не подержала Россию ни в каких начинания не политически не по военному... Ах дам Иран брат Иран помог дронами, он же тоже теперь в БРиксИ . Ты видел слитые данные как дорого это Росиии обходится. И почему у Ирана появились новые самолёты СУ, которые они бы никогда в жизни не получили бы в нормальное время. Даже если на Росиию нападут инопланетяне, Брикс просто забёт болт и будет продовать снаряды по завышеной цене. Вот так оно сейчас выглядит.
Throughout history its proven numbers aren't always the winning factor. NATO would smash BRICs. The fact that it has generations worth of wartime experience and knowledge is enough not to edge the battle but to flattern BRics. This video is a what if?! Brics was a military alliance.
India have more experience in war than any nato country and if we talk about the Hi-Tech equipments India already proven that wrong it already destroyed so many American hi-tech weapons with his old world war 2 weapons already when it comes to nuclear submarines or planes😂😂
@@sellerdirntu compare vraiment des pays de 70M d'habitants a peine plus grand qu'un États américains aux USA qui est un pays Unis dirigeant l'économie mondiale ??? 😂
@@Specter690655 Yes even though NATO armies mostly spend their budgets in more innovative technologies such as dominance over sky and oceans, aforementioned NATO tanks are better than their BRICS made counterparts.
No like what China is literally threading Taiwan Iran is launching missiles Russia is at war India is having dispute with China are you in your own world kid?
На воздухе и на море у НАТО больше шансов , но на сухопутном БРИКС сильнее . Но по ядерном сравнивать нечего (пизда всем) . Но в целом победа над БРИКС , так континенты как Европа , Азия и Африка объедены. На 3 мировом войне (без ядерной вооружений ) победила БРИКС . Так 3 млрд населения БРИКС как тогда у Европы 970-980 миллионов
Okey, I'm from Belarus(Live in Russia) and i'm don't like USA, United Kingdom. But most of all, I don't like Ukraine, because Nazis, Bandera and the like live there
😂😂😂😂 Your president has stated Mexico will not join BRICS. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has categorically stated that Mexico will not participate in the BRICS association. Instead, Mexico is prioritizing strengthening its economic ties with the United States and other nations within the Americas.
@Redbaron1006-warthunder Times change and he is no longer president now, and Brazil is part of the American continent so it wouldn't be a bad idea. More so if the United States continues with its tariffs, let's see how it goes because it has a trade war with China and if Mexico continues, I don't know who will supply it.
BRICS: Time for business
NATO: He says he wants war, I heard that right
Nato is jealous lol
Нато оборнний союз, агресивні країни які хочуть війни Росія Китай та Іран
@@заяцкріль ты шо из окопа вылез, Мыкола? Полезай обратно, щас птичка прилетит😂
NATO is only responding to the activities the Chinese and USSR, not wanting war, and the people who are wanting war is China and USSR.
@@заяцкріль расскажи это в Белграде, граждане которого пережили ковровые бомбардировки со стороны НАТО, в том числе по мирным кварталам. Те как Русские за ранее предупреждать об атаках не станут. Расскажи это детям на Донбассе которые похоронены на Алее ангелов, которая появилась в следствии обстрела мирных кварталов своих же городов и своего же населения, со стороны Киевской Рады. Как вы не понимаете, если вы станете им не выгодны, так же как стали невыгодны жители ДНР, они и вас начнут убивать. Поведение ТЦК которые хватают мирных граждан на улице, и насильно отправляют на войну это четко доказывает. Так же Кремль с 2007 года говорил о том что не приемлет расширение НАТО, но все подобные заявления игнорировались. Даже в 2014 году, до свержения Януковича, выдвигались предложения о демократических выборах в Украине, но подобные заявления не рассматривались, и власть была взята силой, с установкой подходящих кандидатур на политически важные места. После чего Русские инициировали Минские Соглашения, чтобы Украинская власть перестала убивать собственный народ (Порошенко прямо заявлял, что наши дети(украинцы) будут учиться в школе, а те дети(украинцы Донбасса) будут сидеть в подвалах под бомбардировками.) и попутно граждан РФ на территории ДНР и ЛНР. И в итоге все трое западных лидеров прямо сказали «Минские соглашения никто соблюдать не собирался, мы прост выигрывали время для того чтобы вооружить Украину, в том числе это сказал и Порошенко», так что это ваши лидеры хотели войны, а не те о ком вы описали. Даже с февраля 2022 года, единственная страна которое всегда, без исключения заявляло о готовности провести мирные переговоры, я подчеркну ВСЕГДА и БЕЗ ИСКЛЮЧЕНИЙ. В то время как правительство Украины издало указ на государственном уровне о запрете вести переговоры с русскими. Так кому нужна война? Кто агрессивен то по итогу?
Can people stop comparing a military alliance to an economic alliance
No one says that BRICS is a military alliance. People just interesting to see their military combined
@@jam9142 NATO is miliatry alliance BRICS is not a military alliance is what he meant!
@@vikaythchandra9236did somebody say that BRICS is a military alliance?
@@vikaythchandra9236everyone knows it
Enemies of freedom make BRICS a military alliance in their dreams.
Nato is a military alliance, brics is for economic resolution.
Это сравнение чел
Did anyone asked?
But brics has power also
@@thefamousl9043 so what? Brics can become a military alliance with China Russia India alone, and it's stronger then NATO without brazil or other brics countries in our side
@ChessCrown. OK bro
There is no point in comparing, because the result is the same. Nuclear weapons will destroy everything.
Хоть кто-то это понимает на западе
@@джеимсдигриз-у9л do you?
@@джеимсдигриз-у9лoye no metas a los latinoamericanos en esto nosotros no nos importan sus peleas con estados unidos ellos no son america
Difference is that BRICS is not a military alliance, while NATO IS intrinsically, a military alliance....
Very soon they are going to form military alliance
@@blessedokezuo6941 doubt that
@@dennishou6399 this can really happen in the case of violent aggression
this can really happen in the case of violent aggression
@@dennishou6399Have you ever studied the Second World War? Do you know how the United States joined other countries in NATO? he used the dollar as trade and because of the dollar the USA can sanction any country. The BRICs were created to combat US sanctions and when it comes to the BRICs' summits, they are designed to discuss business and speak badly about the US, which is why people think that NATO and the BRICs are rivals.
The world needs peace not problems.
Concordo plenamente
No war only peace 🤝❤
Paz somente em Cristo Jesus YESHUA o Filho de Deus. Nenhum ser humano infelizmente pode promover a Paz. Jesus Cristo VIVO é o CAMINHO A VERDADE E VIDA NINGUÉM VAI A DEUS SENÃO POR ELE. 🇧🇷🕊❤️❤️✝️
@@mariabatista.jesuseminhalu35 Christians are talking about peace🤯. In your religion peace is only applicable for humans or is it applicable for animals too? killing animals and eating them comes under peace right? Only sanatana dharma has right to talk about that word 🙏.
@@0-NOMAN-0bro be having vegan teacher logic
Your tamil
@@N.RAMANOfficial no bro
Yep, but in brics there are strong countries ☠️
Brics not millitary alliance like nato
Vivan los BRICS!!! Y aún faltan los países que se han sumado y seguirán sumándose ☠️ 😂
@@juancarlosgonzalezvelazque513 Brasil es aliado de la otan. E india es amiga de usa. Ahí como lenharan. Chairo estupido
@@juancarlosgonzalezvelazque513 pero almenos en la OTAN no los está humillando un país muy pequeño que está recibiendo ayuda de occidente sólo con equipo, no con soldados, porque el que tienen está muy atrasado.
இந்தியா மற்றும் ரஷ்யா சீனா 🇮🇳🇷🇺🇨🇳உலகின் பவர் பியுள் ராணுவம் ஆகும் இந்தியா ல இருந்து தமிழன் 🇮🇳🔥🔥🔥
Brazil is really more powerful then india but india having massive population
@Th_Thajus Just thing about it if brazil having indian population
From history bruh 🇮🇳 is power full anyways@@SOCIALIST0PARTY
@@SOCIALIST0PARTY dude you are using "if" 😂 ain't no way u saying it...
It's like saying "if I was a bird I would have layed eggs"☠️
O Brasil preza pela paz e pelo pragmatismo, porém, não somos mais uma colônia e exigimos total respeito a nossa soberania. Todos aqueles que respeitam a soberania brasileira são nossos colegas globais, e aqueles que colaboram para o nosso crescimento são nossos amigos 🇧🇷
Ok Zuca. Brazil is still a colony, because it only exports commodities. Diplomatic dwarf... Lol
Irmão, esse vídeo é a prova de que gringo não sabe de nada. 😂😂😂 BRICS é uma aliança econômica, enquanto a NATO/OTAN é uma aliança militar.
nós somos uma colonia da russia e da china 🫵🤡
Vocês brasileiras não passam de V4D1A5 cafetinadas por Russia e China...
Brincs é uma aliança econômica.
That helps
@@tacede ty
@@ИванСоболев-е8и yes… Russia and China are pushing the world into total war … god help us
This comparison is meaningless. BRICS is maily for economic cooperation while NATO is mainly for military cooperation.
the BRICS are a circus
A cooperação deles não está com nada na guerra da Ucrânia.
Indonesia BRICS
It is already becoming a military alliance, see the current geopolitical context :)
@@Liberal__ and the US is a joke
Love from India 🇮🇳
Lol, when you hear china would invade you but it didn't cuz you had mountains and strong army
@renatoribeiropereira8920 LoL nato 😂
Какой смысл сравнивать военный союз с торговым?
Потребуют видео где будут сравнивать Луну с Землёй. Население содержание воды и кислорода и тд.)
O sentido é criar uma narrativa para que o ocidente cultural se sinta ameaçado e aceite possíveis incursões criminosas aos territórios BRICS.
Прямой... Брикс будет защищать свои интересы.
@@marcelinodasilvabrito3847Dumm oder bezahlter Troll?
It's hard to admit that BRICS have no air supremacy...
حسنا خمس دول ضد 32 (دولة على ما اعتقد) ومع ذلك تنافس قوي ومتقارب جدا
BRICS 🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦
O BRICS é a parte do mundo que sofre algum tipo de embargo, restrição financeira ou que pretende deixar de ser um colono serviçal.
Sempre existe uma história triste entre os integrantes.
Nossa que lindo. Só a nata de ditaduras fudidas.
O BRICS é a esperança de um mundo onde as negociações entre países sejam justas e igualitárias. o BRICS não quer semear guerra, mas sim a paz
@@VictorHugo-od4stand that's probably why Russia's last colonial empire is in BRICS. Russia is currently at war with Ukraine (its former colony). It makes sense to keep it up. P.S. Russia also participated in the colonization of China.
Well done with other important information! Kudos to y’all!
*🕉️ 🚩 🇮🇳 INDIA 🇮🇳 🚩 🕉️*
@@md.shamiulislam4384what you mean by water?
A kangladesi is barking 🤣
@@md.shamiulislam4384 convert kanglu kangladeshi dharmantrit convert ask arb master for some zakat
Three Democratic country...
BRICS is not a miltary alliance...
Love from India...😍😍
No war, only peace...👏🏻
who supports BRICS++, vote, BRICS will become a military alliance in the future, as NATO is required to protect the whole world...
Where did you get the whole world from
If this happens, it will be only as a sign of opposition to NATO and not to the whole world, because it is NATO that threatens the whole world with its alliance.
From Russia? 😂
Russia it's potential enemy for all countries, don't forget Ukraine 10 years ago vas best "friend" of Russia, the same situation possibly happen with others "friends" of Russia.
The doctrine of Russia it's "we don't have friends, we don't need friends, our friends it's our army."
stupid nato has turned my country india from the richest to worse than africa😡😡😡😡
@@Warship332nd kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
BRICS это не военный Альянс . не говоря о том что в нем все страны друг другу конкуренты . такие как индия и китай
A maior burrice é não sermos uma aliança militar e tecnológica. O Brasil tem os recursos minerais, vocês tem as armas, a China tem a tecnologia e a Índia tem o efetivo militar... A maior burrice é não firmar uma aliança tecnológica e militar! Temos muitos problemas sim e a maioria deles é causados pela Europa+ Estados Unidos juntos. BRICS é a união dos países com recursos minerais e humanos contra a exploração dos valentões.
Тут чувак сравнивает военный и экономический, как бы союз по площади... что еще нужно знать про аналитику видео?
بصفتي ليبي فأنا ادعم التحالف الروسي 🇷🇺💙. روسيا أكثر سلمية من الناتو الذي شن حروب في مناطق كثيرة من العالم ومن بينها بلادي.
Are you fucking retarded? That was rhetorical.
Ha yes Russia totally isn't involved in this special operation in Ukraine😂😂
تعداد دخالت های امریکا در جنگ های دنیا 200
تعداد دخالت های روسیه در جنگ های دنیا 4
Italy is the best
@@tommasoepapa you guys are alright. Lol. 🇨🇦
Brics Nation Powerful for Nato country
These numbers don't mean anything to morden high tech wars.A country with not even a single career can destroy all ships at sea with missiles.A single electronic jammer can jam dozens of fighter jets instruments and missiles alike.Numbers really don't count in this age, what counts is the quality of technology one has! Look at Russia, they have single handedly fought 33 countries in the name of NATO for nearly 3yrs,Why? Their weapons are technologically better!
Russia better technology weapon....lol. Russia is on war against ukraine only, not against Nato. plane and nuclear is reason why they dont loose. But Russian military suck a bit
@@BlackCat-ci1ibНато потеряло 60% запаса всей своей техники и вооружения, потому что отправило это на Украину, поэтому данные уже не актуальны
When did russia fought 33 countries for 3 years? xD
@@derPandre Segundo o que eu entendo, se não fosse pela assistência da OTAN, a Ucrânia teria perdido a guerra já no primeiro mês de 2022. Portanto, a ajuda de 33 países até hoje não se configura como uma guerra entre 1 contra 33, mas sim uma batalha de 33 contra 1. Além disso, o que se observa hoje, em 22 de novembro de 2024, é uma escalada para um conflito em nível global, o qual os EUA da América talvez não consigam suportar. É por isso que Trump está novamente no poder, visando evitar um colapso em sua dívida pública e na valorização do dólar americano, caso contrário, o país pode perder sua influência. Soube também que Trump mencionou que poderia abandonar a OTAN e desconsiderar a Europa, o que indica que a guerra não é de seu interesse, mas sim a proteção da Ucrânia frente a Putin, mantendo sua soberania intacta. Se esse conflito realmente se ampliar, o Brasil pode se tornar uma nova potência econômica global, junto com os BRICS, dado que sua moeda é respaldada pelo ouro, ao contrário das que estão sujeitas a acordos impostos e sanções dos Estados Unidos, que forçam países a utilizarem sua moeda sob pena de conflito, resultando na precarização de muitas nações.
@@derPandre From what I understand, if it were not for NATO's assistance, Ukraine would have lost the war in the first month of 2022. Therefore, the aid from 33 countries to date does not constitute a war between 1 against 33, but rather a battle of 33 against 1. Furthermore, what we observe today, on November 22, 2024, is an escalation into a conflict on a global level, which the USA of America may not be able to withstand. This is why Trump is back in power, aiming to avoid a collapse in its public debt and the appreciation of the US dollar, otherwise the country could lose its influence. I also learned that Trump mentioned that he could abandon NATO and disregard Europe, which indicates that war is not in his interest, but rather protecting Ukraine from Putin, keeping its sovereignty intact. If this conflict really escalates, Brazil could become a new global economic power, along with the BRICS, given that its currency is backed by gold, unlike those that are subject to imposed agreements and sanctions from the United States, which force countries to use their currency under penalty of conflict, resulting in the precariousness of many nations.
Brics isn't a military alliance and besides that, we don't have to worry about conflict with India, Brazil, or South Africa.
But you have to worry because because we can help our BRICS members.
@luvuyongesi6772 who's we?
As an extra note, the military cooperation with NATO also extends to, among others, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea.
This video is a really stupid and even dangerous comparison. It insinuates that BRICS should be compared to the old Warsawpact. If a war would break out between NATO and Russia or China, it would literally become World War 3 (God help us all in that case), but it remains to be seen which side Brazil, India and South-Afrika would join in such a case.
Making comparison videos like this creates a we-them way of thinking and insinuates that relations between NATO and all members of BRICS is bad.
@@luvuyongesi6772 no , 😂
Nice video bro ❤
I thought BRICS was a commercial trading partnership now how do you compare that to a military alliance?????
Это видео спойлер на 2025 год, создание военного союза БРИКС в противовес нато, а также уход Турции из нато и вступление Турции в БРИКС
@@СергейЛисовойbut India and Brazil is allie of USA and Otan
A military alliance treaty is also signed in the meeting and so against nato BRICS will be best
There is a problem with this, compare a economic alliance with a military alliance.🙄😒
it will soon turn into military one only minor block will be removed.
@@aayushjha2023no, Brazil, India and UAE would never accept
And still lost lol
@@aayushjha2023Brasil jamais aceitaria
Brazil would never fight against NATO
South Africa probably wouldn't attack either
@@IqSjuWe neither would India lol
@@Fattyyyyxno, India is a fight against nato
@@MWD_RUS you're dense. India is in a military alliance with The US and Australia.
Brazil doesn't have anything to fight 😂they are finished economy
the point of this is that BRICS can become a military alliance at any moment
Dificilmente o Brasil trairia o EUA
Nothing prevents you from becoming a military alliance
Quem vai impedir? A onu? A Otan? Até parece, o Brics pode tornar uma e acredito que irá se tornar uma aliança militar, é o fim do imperialismo desses ganaciosos que bagunça o mundo todo!
India in brics only for economic reasons not for war india not want war it always want peace in the world india also behave with his enemy like friend god bless you all brother😊😊😊
3:15 😊 you know
@@BREAKBALLYT 83 teu qi?
@@svens.3839 nato cant win ukraine 🤡🤡🤡
@@IShootGayPeople777 A Russian wife turned to her husband and asked,
"What's this special military operation our glorious leader keeps talking about?"
Her husband replied, "It's a war to stop America and NATO."
"Oh, right” she says “How's it going?"
“Well” he replied “so far we have lost over 20 generals, 80,000 troops killed, countless injured, 3000 tanks, 300 aircraft, hundreds of helicopters, countless armoured vehicles, artillery and trucks, our flagship along with other naval ships, our army is being defeated in most areas and we have had to resort to conscripting 500,000 Russians to replace our losses”.
“Wow” replied the wife “what about America and NATO”?
“They haven’t turned up yet”
@@IShootGayPeople777NATO isn’t in Ukraine.
Could people stop thinking that the army still matters ?
The moment someone seriously invades/attacks a atomic nation, it´ll be the end for humanity...
Chill out, this is just a meaningless comparation
Du hast vergessen dazu zu sagen wie lange es die NATO gibt und wie jung BRICS ist. Zudem kommen im Jahr 2025 noch um die 12 Länder dazu !
The right military comparison should be NATO vs CSTO
Брикс, в отличии от НАТО, не военный союз, а экономический
the last fact is the one that matters
Somewhat. 2 things. 1) how many of them are functional and won't be intercepted or destroyed? 2) only 1 country has ever used them and lived to tell.
@@craigquannEven if they aren't functional all some of them are actually and sets say if those exploded , there is no chance of world surviving that , radiation will take down everything with it
@@craigquannbut half of the bombs aren't necessary to destroy the world, but they'll use
К сожалению пока Россия только сражается со всем НАТО на поле боя под названием Украина . ( был там и Украинцев толком там нет . У меня уже 2 трофейных куртки Британии)
Ты не заметил, что укрские комментарии сократились раз, наверное, в 20 с 2022?
Походу их осталось реально немного. Раньше весь ютуб в них испачкан был, а сейчас Мыколы порипались. С одной стороны даже грустно.
Excusez nous de défendre un pays injustement envahis vous pensiez sûrement conquérir l'Ukraine sans rencontrer de résistance européennes ??
Ну да со всеми НАТО.. легко сражаться с НАТО когда НАТО не пришло на сражение 😄😄😄
Ты это когда НАТО победишь не забудь им сообщить об этом. А то они не в курсе будут.
Думаю тут дело в том что страна аггресор применяет людоедские методы ведения боя обстреливая энергоструктуру зимой.
Остовляя детей и страиков бед тепла с -10.
Таким даже в СС особо не занимались, хотя те знали толк в терроре .
@@eduardheidebrecht4820 пропаганда сразу в ход детей и стариков пускает. Так обезопасте их, их защита - долг украинцев. А если вы не способны защитить женщин, детей и стариков, то что вы вообще там защищаете? Сладкий сон верховной рады? У них то все нормально с электричеством.
Собаки лают, караван идет. Ваши вопли о стариках нас не остановят. Раньше надо было думать
Who support BRICS? 😊🙏
no one
@@HaNguyen-k8qSó você que não, até porque só você é ninguém 😂
Я русский
@@тигр-ь3яlove you Russia 🇷🇺 ❤🇮🇳🥺🥺🙏
🇮🇳 INDIA🇮🇳 ❤️❤️❤️
បើគុណភាពសព្វាវុធ Nato វ៉ាដាច់ហើយ🇰🇭🇺🇲🇺🇲💝🎉
The whole world sees how easily Russia destroys NATO weapons
@@olegrussanow8943 ukraine is still not destroyed, nato send just ammo, not even soldiers, russia has more soldiers. 😂😂😂
@@studioPROXIMA1918 Putin is a kind person, if he had ordered his troops to act the way Israel acts in Gaza, then Ukraine would no longer exist at all. And by the way, in Ukraine there are many NATO soldiers who are called “instructors” fighting against Russia
@olegrussanow8943 just 1500 - 2000 volunteers, not like north korea, that send 30 000 soldiers
@@studioPROXIMA1918 1500=2000?LOL
Models are not proportional.
Font size of numbers is too small. Its ineligible. So I didn't watch to the end. Hope the channel will do better next time.
Все пункты сравнения - чушь, кроме последнего.
Последний пункт показывает, что, как только начнется война, "весь мир в труху" ... и остальные пункты уже не нужны.
Как сказал А. Эйнштейн: - "... Четвертая мировая война будет вестись палками и камнями".
NATO is cooked. Im from the UK, but im glad BRICS exists because it keeps NATO in check. Without rivals, NATO would have unlimited power to do whatever they want to anyone
нато это военный блок, который несёт миру демократию в бомболюках☝️
Could you write the numbers any smaller? 🤔
I am support the NATO
Мы это учтем
You need to check your English before you support anyone at all.
@@tenamsb686he could be from a different country
Tá, faça o que quiser 💅🏻
What are the sources?
What would happen if all of Latin America formed its own union like NATO or the BRICS?
Interesting question. Though it would mean that all Latin American countries would have to get along... well enough to fight for the other one. Which is a hard sell.
For instance: not much chance of Brazil lifting a finger if Venezuela is a war with another non-Latin American country.
Beyond that. The expeditionary power of all Latin American militaries would stop at about 250 km off shore... exactly against who would a Latin American alliance be formed?...
Or better yet, necessary?... lol.
@NicoSteentjes :,v
usa will come for democracy like in cuba
Support NATO from Madagascar 🇲🇬
You can count Brazil out, we would never engage in a conflict against the US
NATO = 100% power
NATO - USA = 1% power
صحيح جدًا
So USA alone is more powerful that all the BRICKS 😂
If it is than forget the rest and go fight and we will see 😂
@@Vyr-kj1crDo you know that China alone can complete with the whole of Europe in terms of GDP, population, area, import and export?
@@Vyr-kj1crno 😂
great job, I like your videos, I try to follow your example
Только у России танков больше чем у всего нато
Качество этих танков сомнительно.
@@gelionpraym Согл у нато еще и плохие танки
@@gelionpraymкачество танков НАТО сомнительно. На Украине они очень быстро горят.
Большая часть лучших танко России уже уничтожена - старый хлам последний вытягивают на войну. Артиллерия изношена, старые снаряды в КНДР вынуждены покупать. А авиация против НАТО вообще лет на 20 отстала.
@@Renvissvnce_39Там очень мало танков НАТО уничтожено по сравнению с количеством уничтоженных российских танков.
Nato doesn't outnumber Brics, but Nato does posses an Economy that is significantly stronger than that of the Brics. Brics has some countries with a tendency for bad military management (Russia). And the fact that Brics is about as cohesive as the HRE. India, Russia and China on their own are really tense. If you ignore nukes (of which every side has enough to erradicate humanity). You still need to account for the fact that the Bric's three biggest members all have thorns in their sides to begin with. Ukraine for Russia, Pakistan for India, Argentina and Colombia for Brazil and Japan for China (and even South Korea considering NK doesn't pose a huge threat anymore). Next to that Nato has other allies like the Phillipines, Thailand, Taiwan, Israel and 4 more African countries (including Brics member Egypt). Oh yeah, and also Brazil. If you count Nato with all it's non member partners, it's not 32, but 72 countries.
Those countries aren't Nato members mainly because they're just not north atlantic.
And to top that all off, Brics isn't even a military alliance. Brics work together for devellopment. Nato works together for protection of themselves and their interests. It's like comparing a book club to a gang.
6 миллионов резерва у БРИКС? Где то автор ошибся. Там одного Китая больше резервов.
😂😂😂😂 só no Brasil o BRICs tem mais de 1 milhão de reserva, agora imagina juntar China e a Índia.
В России оценивают резерв в 2 миллиона человек. У Китая, я думаю, миллионов 20 где то.... У Индии, связи с их отношениями с соседями, должно быть где то так же как и у Китая.
У Китая человек служивший 10 лет назад не считаеться за резерв ибо его нужно переобучать.
@eduardheidebrecht4820 ну, 10 лет допустим. Ежегодно на срочку в Китае уходит 400 тысяч человек. Тоесть 4 миллиона за 10 лет постоянного резерва.
Некоторые сайты выдают что теоретический резерв Китая составляет 600 миллионов человек. Но туда входят и женщины и не служившие. Это вообще сколкьо с случае чего могут они мобилизовать.
В России же 2 миллиона резерва первоочередного
И 25 миллионов резерва общего.
@@user-smertXoxlam резерв 2 ляма, но по факту больше, ведь у страны есть запас, но есть ли он у стран запада, 2 ляма это только армия а есть ещё живая сила по мимо армии, но живой силы у запада нету, так как их люди воевать не умеют
Everyone knows that the BRICS are an economic alliance, but in this comparison, the BRICS would wipe out other countries from the map and emerge victorious..
NATO is a military alliance. Brics is a economic alliance. Brics is overall more powerful, but in a realistic scenario in a conventional war, NATO would win because Brazil and India are more leaned towards NATO in military and they are both neutral. This comparison doesn't make sense lol.
В реалистичном сценарии не победит никто, вся планета вернётся в каменный век и будущие люди будут находить останки нашего мира, думая что же у нас произошло.
@@Кукуруза-м9хhuman beings will screw up and destroy the world as always. God will regret creating such beings like HUMAN AND PEOPLE, ALL 8 BILLION!
As an Indian, I can confirm that India doesn't lean towards NATO, rather a different statement about India being neutral is true.
@@tenamsb686 oh thanks
@@Кукуруза-м9х sorry I meant in a realistic scenario in a conventional war, no nukes involved.
BRICS nie zaatakuje NATO z jednego powodu, ponieważ BRICS nie jest organizacją militarną
Nice video,,,,,, i love brics
South Africa 🇿🇦
It's not about the number of soldiers, but about the technology, resources and the tactical and strategic understanding of the military leadership.
Yes you think brics is lacking with leadership, tactical , strategic and resources.
@@vishwav4255 :o ..... Look at Russia right now ?!?!?
@@BlauImHerzeni agree with you brics militaries arent very sofisticated despite having big numbers, ukraine has prooven that tech is more important that pretty much anything else
Если начнётся противостояние, пойдёте ли доказывать свои слова на деле? Или же сядите на диван и дальше будете писать, чей член больше?
@@ahmedslihbuza6645 In general, I find the debate about who would win the war between NATO and BRICs extremely stupid.
What do these people want? A war? I don't think you and I and the others here in the chat would benefit from a war.
Nevertheless, I would recommend that BRICS supporters take a closer look at NATO's military strength in order to understand that these provocations could be very detrimental.
Because almost all of the technological foundations in the world are developed and researched by the NATO states, NATO's technological lead over the BRICS is enormous. And I don't want to insult the BRICS, I just want to underline a fact.
The comparison is interesting, not to imagine a BRICS vs NATO conflict, as that doesn't make much sense. But to show how much more militarized NATO is than BRICS. Compare the numbers of each bloc's armed forces and military budget with the size of each bloc's territory and population. The difference is big, it is an interesting point to reflect on from several aspects.
NATO The best 💙💙💙💙
The best in Afghanistan, yeah
жалкие нато снова проиграли проигрывают, а азов фашизм кричит ураа
BRICS are just beginning. But comparing a military alliance with an economic bloc is a bit strange, but it is still interesting.
Quality over quantity
Keep crying about quantity🤣🤣
@Chiccodiris8 same, spoken like a third world mindset
Doesn't make sense to compare a military alliance with a economic alliance. Brazil and India won't fight against NATO.
@nintendoandwowsblitz what doesn't make sense that governments pin and brainwash its citizens against countries on the other side of the planet and young people die for old people in politics
What is the car of brics0:30
Внедорожник «Тигр» (ГАЗ-2330)
Gaz-2330 "tiger"
3:03, guy on the left literally has a Russian flag on his arm 💀
@@JHPnut86 I see all three of those colors on his right arm in that order. It’s the Russian flag
@JohnFKennedy1964 👍🏽
А если о войнах сравнивать. По факту сейчас западный мир поддерживает Украину. Как там успехи? Это по факту.
Кто поддерживает Россию из БРИКС??
Кроме северной Кореи и Ирана. Никто не подерживает.
Даже самые близкие этого не делают типо Белорусси или Казахстана.
Если страна ведёт войну в которой у неё почти нет союзников, а против нееё настроины очень многие ОООЧЕнь многое идёт не так.
И если брикс такой мощный союз то почему они забили болт на Россию?
@@eduardheidebrecht4820 забили болт, это говорят западные сми наверное и все кто против России, а по факту не кто не забил
@@Hunter-lp9pq по факту никто не забил?? Никто не признал не то что новые захваченые территории за последнгие 10 лет никто их них даже Крым не признал.
Индия навариваеться на всеё этой движухе. Потеряли только Европа и Россия.
Китай навариваеться на всей этой движухе. Мало того что навариваеться еще и умудрился протолкнуть цены на силе Сибири 2 как на рынке России для своих !!?! То есть Китай будет получать газ по ценам, по которым его получают Россияне. То есть со скидкой!?! Китай настолько союзник что готов от ? иметь тебя сзади пока ты сражаешься с соперниками. вот такой вот союзник.
Бразилия просто забила на всю движуху и ничего не делает.
ЮАР промоему даже продовал череж чехию снаряды в Украину.
И созерцая эти моменты ни одна страна не подержала Россию ни в каких начинания не политически не по военному...
Ах дам Иран брат Иран помог дронами, он же тоже теперь в БРиксИ . Ты видел слитые данные как дорого это Росиии обходится. И почему у Ирана появились новые самолёты СУ, которые они бы никогда в жизни не получили бы в нормальное время.
Даже если на Росиию нападут инопланетяне, Брикс просто забёт болт и будет продовать снаряды по завышеной цене. Вот так оно сейчас выглядит.
Throughout history its proven numbers aren't always the winning factor. NATO would smash BRICs. The fact that it has generations worth of wartime experience and knowledge is enough not to edge the battle but to flattern BRics. This video is a what if?! Brics was a military alliance.
India have more experience in war than any nato country and if we talk about the Hi-Tech equipments India already proven that wrong it already destroyed so many American hi-tech weapons with his old world war 2 weapons already when it comes to nuclear submarines or planes😂😂
USA 90%
Other 10%
Russia 20%
China 30%
India 20%
Other 30%
More like Russia 20% China 30 and India 20 and the rest 30%
US 90% is a stupid way, but of corse at least 35-40% of Nato is US. Than Türkiye, Spain, UK, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Germany, France etc..
@@GM35717 i meant manpower and military budget
@@sellerdirntu compare vraiment des pays de 70M d'habitants a peine plus grand qu'un États américains aux USA qui est un pays Unis dirigeant l'économie mondiale ??? 😂
@@GM35717 Nato Military Budget is 1.2 trillion dollars, in that the US military budget is itself more than 800 billion dollars 🤷🏻
BRICS: we just want to trade freely from US
Meanwhile US:
И сошлись в комментариях две противоборствующие стороны - те кто сравнивает тёплое с мягким, и те кто не сравнивает тёплое с мягким
I full support BRICS
Then you’re an idiot.
There is an enormous quality advantage of NATO over BRICS on every single aspect. Please take that into account.
Yeah, we see. And Abrams/Leopard are the best tanks in the world, yeah
@@Specter690655 Yes even though NATO armies mostly spend their budgets in more innovative technologies such as dominance over sky and oceans, aforementioned NATO tanks are better than their BRICS made counterparts.
I support NATO from Albania
🇵🇱 nice video 🇵🇱
NATO is most aggressive Club in world 🌍🇭🇲
No like what China is literally threading Taiwan Iran is launching missiles Russia is at war India is having dispute with China are you in your own world kid?
Russia and China are more aggressive, ask in Ukraine, or in Tibet and Taiwan and you will find out, my friend.
natos father = 🇷🇺
@@Liberal__aren't we gonna talk about the wars from cold war until nowadays that USA did in north africa to middle east and asia?
@@Gary_The_Man76 But why don't you want to talk about Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Ukraine?
Everything is okay? But what about drone both side?
US and Turkiye >> all the world probably
India ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ 🎉❤
ನಮ್ದು ಧಾರವಾಡ.....🎪
@Sudeep.M. ಶಿವಮೊಗ್ಗ ನಮ್ದು
@@ಗಿರೀಶ್...ಮಲ್ನಾಡ್..ಹುಡ್ಗ ಶಿವಮೂಗ್ ಹೈಕ್ಳು ,ಬಿಡ ಬೆಂಕಿ 🔥....🗿
Plz tell me who is winner nato or BRICS
На воздухе и на море у НАТО больше шансов , но на сухопутном БРИКС сильнее . Но по ядерном сравнивать нечего (пизда всем) . Но в целом победа над БРИКС , так континенты как Европа , Азия и Африка объедены. На 3 мировом войне (без ядерной вооружений ) победила БРИКС . Так 3 млрд населения БРИКС как тогда у Европы 970-980 миллионов
Support for NATO
Okey, I'm from Belarus(Live in Russia) and i'm don't like USA, United Kingdom.
But most of all, I don't like Ukraine, because Nazis, Bandera and the like live there
@@EdentiyNazi ukraine? Nationalism isnt nazism
@studioPROXIMA1918 Ukrainian - Nazi
Not putting the KC-390 in the transport aicraft was a shame 😢
Full support NATO from INDIA..
India Is Member Of BRICS
B - Brazil
R - Russia
I - India
C - China
S - South Africa
. UAE, Iran, Ethiopia, Are New Member
@K-Combat. We know ,Still doesn't support Brics as military power bcz it's a economic organisation not military
@@MonuSharma-yt5kn You Support West 🌚🌈💒
@@K-Combat. West is Best
@@MonuSharma-yt5kngenes 🧬 comes true
What is the music please 😅
" Может бахнем?"
"Обязательно бахнем! И не раз! Весь мир в труху! Но,потом"😂
The anencephalic Russian came to write shit 🤦🏻♂️ these people are sick in the head
Nato without USA 💀
So? Nato without usa can still handle russia,in a real war russia would be alone.
No Peace, Only War
Победит дружба
@@Death_2091 сырок)
Cool WW3 trailer
NATO team
Congratulations... Brics.. here from brazil...
México for BRICS❤
😂😂😂😂 Your president has stated Mexico will not join BRICS.
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has categorically stated that Mexico will not participate in the BRICS association. Instead, Mexico is prioritizing strengthening its economic ties with the United States and other nations within the Americas.
@Redbaron1006-warthunder Times change and he is no longer president now, and Brazil is part of the American continent so it wouldn't be a bad idea. More so if the United States continues with its tariffs, let's see how it goes because it has a trade war with China and if Mexico continues, I don't know who will supply it.
Very interesting
به امید پیروزی محور شرق ونابودی غربی ها متجاوز وبی رحم
Bro Russia attacked Ukraine hamas attacked Israel China is threading Taiwan North Korea is sending troops east is the aggressor