MIT Sidney Pacific Dorm Taiwanese Brunch 麻省理工學院宿舍 台式早午餐

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024

Комментарии • 5

  • @Hyperentropist
    @Hyperentropist  10 месяцев назад +11

    中華民國壹佰壹拾貳年癸卯霜降 高熵狂人 記於美國麻省理工學院 太平雪梨齋
    I have been studying abroad for over two years, and my longing for my homeland has grown stronger. Due to the demands of my busy academic schedule, returning home for a rest is not currently feasible. However, a serendipitous opportunity arose when I organized a Taiwanese-style brunch for over 200 people in my dormitory. This event brought together Taiwanese students who prepared their hometown dishes, and as we joyfully cooked together, we introduced Taiwanese culinary culture to international students from various countries. The event also received enthusiastic praise from students. All these provided me with a considerable source of warmth and comfort. I also hope the willing Taiwanese students who assisted in this endeavor enjoyed the experience.
    The moment I tasted oyster omelet and deep-fried king oyster mushrooms, time seemed to reverse, and I was transported back to my childhood. I was walking hand in hand with my parents, gazing up at them as we explored night markets, sampling street food, and playing games like goldfish scooping, ring tossing, and bumper cars. The mouthwatering aroma of sesame oil chicken with rice wine brought me back to the joy of my grandmother serving me succulent chicken drumsticks. As for the tea leaf eggs, they took me back to my school days, from elementary to high school, when I used to buy 10 NTD tea leaf eggs from the local convenience store, cooked in a Tatung electric cooker. Every bite was like a journey through time, and the tears of homesickness, especially as I now reside so far away on the other side of the world, could no longer be contained.
    I feel incredibly fortunate, to the point where I question whether I deserve it. I have been blessed with a childhood filled with warmth and happiness from my family and society. They have silently supported my growth, helped me face challenges, and overcome setbacks. This support may well be a healing force throughout my life. So, how much responsibility and obligation should I carry, and how much should I give in response to all this kindness? As I write this, with glistening tears, I already know the answer: to stay true to my original purpose and keep persevering.
    Hyperentropist @MIT Sidney-Pacific Graduate Residence Oct. 28th 2023
    P.S. 備註
    特別感謝 SP Brunch Chair Maanasa Bhat (與我來往七十多封郵件協調資源與活動細節、多次開會討論)、各菜色掌廚提前自費試做菜品(陳孟圻、吳宛霓、林宜嫻、曹閎宇、石倩蓉)、 陳孟圻 Ed(專車食材採購、多道菜色掌廚、菜色與活動細節討論、Excel表單、呼朋引伴多位小幫手)、駱炯源 Louis Lo (搬食材與打菜) 、莊永松 Yung-Sung Chuang (冬瓜茶、影音設備)、張恆瑞 Hung-Jui Chang(開胃菜與場地佈置)、Nagina Mangal (場地佈置、食材採購) 、高名震 (滷肉、打菜)、Bill、Laura、Grace、蔡佳晉、黃兆中、林政維、Catherine Ning 寧可、Warren Wang、Kevin Chao、方人弘、陳韋同 Weitung Chen、Amelia ZD、Antonio Salazar、與多位宿舍幹部幫忙 (Lily Liu, Nicholas Liu, Itay Fayer, Nagina Mangal 等)、以及中華民國外交部駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處 黃組長 Cynthia 贊助海報與裝飾品。
    Special thanks to SP Brunch Chair Maanasa Bhat (with whom I exchanged more than seventy emails coordinating resources and event details, and had multiple meetings to discuss), the station chefs who voluntarily test cook the dishes in advance out of their own pocket (Ed Chen, Wanny Wu, Bonnie Lin, Hung-Yu Tsao, and Chien-Jung Shih), Ed Chen (for sourcing ingredients, heading multiple dishes, discussing menu and event details, creating Excel spreadsheets with menu and recipe details, and rallying friends for assistance), Louis Lo (for ucarrying ingredients and food preparation), Yung-Sung Chuang (for winter melon tea and audiovisual equipment), Hung-Jui Chang (for appetizers and event setup), Nagina Mangal (for event setup and ingredient sourcing), Ming-Chen Kao (for braised pork and food preparation), Bill, Laura, Grace, Jia-Jin Tsai, Chao-Chung Huang, Cheng-Wei Lin, Catherine Ning, Warren Wang, Kevin Chao, Ren-Hung Fang, Weitung Chen, Amelia ZD, Antonio Salazar, and many dormitory officiers who helped (Lily Liu, Nicholas Liu, Itay Fayer, Nagina Mangal, etc.), as well as Director Huang from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan), for sponsoring the posters and decorations.

  • @hjgzed
    @hjgzed 6 месяцев назад


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist  6 месяцев назад


  • @jasonhuang4443
    @jasonhuang4443 4 месяца назад


    • @Hyperentropist
      @Hyperentropist  4 месяца назад
