Organ donation: dead or alive?

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • The ethics of organ transplantation are largely based on 'brain death' - the certainty that brain activity is irreversibly over - to allow harvesting of organs from the cadaver while the heart is still beating. But, there is considerable debate about what the ability of the body to survive such a loss might mean for the ethics of organ transplantation. Are we confident in saying that these living bodies are dead? Confident enough to harvest unpaired vital organs from them? Even to presume consent for donation in these cases? Who should pronounce on matters of life and death? Do we trust doctors enough to make the decision for us? Medical ethics boards? Public opinion? Philosophers, theologians, politicians? In this Battle of Ideas debate, we learn that central to this issue is just what we mean by being human and how we value autonomy and free will. Much of our morality rests on a feeling that we should treat a human as an end, never as a means, certainly not as a bag of spare parts.

Комментарии • 13

  • @ligaskirbauska8652
    @ligaskirbauska8652 7 лет назад +12

    And theese are professionals?what a shame...we dont want to donate cos we know reality-donors are paraliezed when organs are extracted,not anestetics at all,just many people have woke up from brain dead dyagnosis?many! and many will tell you what they heard and how they felt abbout being dyagnosed brain dead and been talked next to them on how they want to sell those organs and have byers wayting in line,with big cash...when I came out of sucha coma,because of epileptic attack, I remmembered all,even fact they drug indused coma,to get my organs...and hear I am,more than 20 years ago,speecking 5 languages,having normal life...and ow I got tattoo on my chest,over the left boob,RESUCITATE,DONT EXTRACT ORGANS,so I have literaly writen it on my heart..and by the way..I was educated as ateists,and since that coma(after getting out of it I was even blind for more than 2 weeks after waking up..and allready then DR.s from all hospitals arround was comming to see the blind girl who came out of coma and is puting together brainbraker things faster than nurses cud dismake them..and that without eyes,and cos it was taking away preshure of my head..I know well,how it is to have engured brain and recover,and that its more than I want to bring message to people to rethink donation,get informed well! No one who is offered to be donor(acctually its quiet a pressed on on all practices and every Dr.asks that..why you dont want to donate? but no one of them will explane you that it means it wont be extracted when you dead,noooo! They will do it while youre alive...there are accounts of people,braindead moving away from scalpel and crying when organs are extracted...who want to have such a desth? 4 or more hours of torture....I say if youre heart is beating and youre breathing youre not dead yet...after any accident patients should be given atleast 2 weeks for brain to lose inflamation before trying to run tests what can even more damadge to the brain-and guess what-rhey push theese tests in first 3 days,when brain is realy inflamated,so it couses more damadge and they get those organs faster... Dont trust any doctors and scieentists of theese,they dont know shit..just what they have bin tought..and guess who educates them,whos interests are represented there?not the persons whos laying there down..they will do all,to get organs before even they will tell family,so just arriving in hospital after trauma,is the place where most of theese vultures are..and they will try to do it before they even find out if you dont want I made tattoo,its like my last wish right on my chest and leaves clear my will and God dam those who dont inform properly and hounts organs for profit..and Dr.s are in the bussines and and work for hiest bidder...And persons like me are many,im not the only one who awake and is what a shame that theese pros dont even tell abbout things -facts I wrote down..just tell me who have mentioned of them fact that youre not dead when they do it,youre not under anestetics,youre laying down paralized for hours feeling pain,dying in worst way possible,while vultures are claping their wings over you as a pray..shame on theese speackers..obiously,telling propaganda and nothing of proper research....And stop telling us we are lazy!!! just check my msg-is it short? Or I have told you more than all of them together? well,yes disinformation and propaganda to promove their agenda...Stupidest people playing be Gods and they dont even understand conciesness is not in ye-that awkward moment when you know and tell more than all doctors in a room...I have clear,i will fight for each and one of my familly members till last and we wont donate to them not even dirt behind a nails...and you know why?cos if we would need it organ,poor simple people,we dont have chance..but Rokeffeler will get 10th heart in age close to 100,cos Drs.are so good people,right? I have spent half life in hospitals,and I svare than less than 10% of them are decent persons...90% same are brain dead zombies,who only know what theyre books tell,they dont use own brain and conciessnes-so I suguest to put them to meat and organ market and you will see how fast they change idea and definitions..So rethink donating organs in all senses,dont allow them to chop youre loved ones into peaces just for profit of others..sooner or later you will find information what will put you in doubts if you did it wrong...I say1% chance to live is still grate chance! Each one of us won bigguer races when arriving to this world ;)

    • @CanIbeWithThee
      @CanIbeWithThee 5 лет назад +1

      I'm going to do the very same thing. I'm going to have the exact same tattoo as you over my heart. Thank you for the AWESOME idea!

  • @gigis731
    @gigis731 6 лет назад +12

    I see no admission of the FACT that a BD dx, in the end, is subjetive and merely a best quess. I see arrogance of people on this panel who seem to be laboring under the delusion that know everything there is to know regarding brain health and neuroscience. The reality is we know very little in comparison to what we still do not know. I see a prevailing attitude that doctors are never wrong, the dx is defintive and must not be questioned. I find this attitude and delusion to very dangerous.

    • @AREEN941
      @AREEN941 5 лет назад +4

      There is not too many people talking about this fact and the current generation doctor are the priest of medieval century priest, who are doing anything and everything mean to get rich.

    • @AREEN941
      @AREEN941 5 лет назад +2

      There is no good motive behind their act.

    • @westernwarrior978
      @westernwarrior978 6 месяцев назад +1

      You are 100% correct. The term brain death dates back to 1968 by some creatures at Harvard. No change in over 50 years for a reason. I am beyond disgusted by the evil of it all and in my opinion they murdered my daughter when they removed her organs which they do without anesthesia. My heart will never heal.

  • @bridittebargeot2679
    @bridittebargeot2679 Год назад +3

    Dead or alive is the wrong question. If the donor where dead, you couldn't use the organs. The real question is "unconcious or concious"?

  • @westernwarrior978
    @westernwarrior978 6 месяцев назад

    I would venture to guess that the majority of people that are signed up to be an organ donor have no idea whatsoever about their "brain death" criteria or the majority of them would not have signed up to donate their organs. Unfortunately my daughter was signed up to be an organ donor and after she suffered a medical emergency they deemed her to be "brain dead". She was admitted to the hospital on a Saturday and they did brain death testing on Tuesday, however, I later discovered that a referral was sent to the organ vultures the morning after she was admitted. The organs they took from my beautiful daughter generated over 3 million dollars for the medical industrial complex (aka Rockefeller medicine)May God have mercy on their souls

  • @DaveWhite12
    @DaveWhite12 Год назад

    Presumed consent means supposed to be the case without proof. I suppose they want to do the same with criminal law. Presumed guilty until proven innocent.