马中企业家联合会五周年暨2021新春贺岁短片PUCM 5th anniversary & 2021 CNY video clip

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024
  • 马中企业家联合会发布5周年短片《不忘初心》致力促进马中友好
    这支5分多钟的短片 用回顾的手法回顾了PUCM过去5年来的重要事件,包括为马中两国抗疫捐赠物资、走进马来社区交流促进马中友好、举办大马首届中国智能科技展览会、马中建交大型晚宴、在彭亨州成立分会、发行英文报纸、中英文杂志及巫中英三语新闻Apps以及拍摄贺岁片促进马中友好合作等,都凸显了该会在过去几年快速成长为马中友好不可或缺的一股新生力量,也向大马社会展示他们“活力创新正能量、入乡随俗接地气”的鲜明特征。
    “除了庆祝硕果累累的五年,马来西亚中国企业家联合会也欢庆其官方杂志《马中企业家》成立三周年,及成功出版发行其英文报纸《马中透视》及其三语新闻App。我对PUCM的这些举措充满信心,并深信他们将进一步增进马中两国国的友好关系。” 摄政王在贺词中说道。
    摄政王还提到:“还值得一提的是,玻璃市州政府参加了由PUCM主办的马来西亚第一届中国智能科技展览会(SCITE),该展览会于2019年12月在吉隆坡的谷中城展览中心举行,展示了来自中国的人工智能及技术产品,例如智慧城市概念,各种机器人应用,无人机技术和其他智慧产品。我希望通过这个展览会,玻璃市将有机会吸引到中国的智能及高科技投资,并进一步加强马中两国在人工智能和高科技领域的双边合作。 “
    “PUCM还设立了彭亨州分会和人工智能分会,旨在加强与马来西亚政府、各行业领域以及各个地区的联系。我期待着PUCM将来能成立玻璃市州分会,以进一步促进中资企业与马来西亚半岛北部地区的经贸投资合作。 “
    短片中也引用新任中国驻马大使欧阳玉靖的抵达大马时的讲话,“ 希望中马两国永远做好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴、好兄弟“来描述联合会成立五周年的愿景”不忘初心,接地气促进马中友好“。
    该短片由联合会会员企业雅居乐地产独家赞助拍摄。雅居乐集团控股有限公司作为一家以房地产开发为主营业务的综合性集团,创立于1992年, 并于2005 年于香港联交所主板上市。从 2015 年首度布局海外至今,雅居乐地产已于马来西亚吉隆坡布局雅居乐·大使花园、雅居乐·天汇、雅居乐·满家乐及柬埔寨金边雅居乐·天悦4个项目。
    PUCM released the 5th anniversary video clip " Vision” dedicated to promote Malaysia-China friendship
    China Entrepreneurs Association In Malaysia (PUCM) released its 2021 Chinese New Year and the 5th anniversary video clip to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the association and express their dedication to promote friendly cooperation between Malaysia and China.
    This 5 minutes clip used flashback to review the important events of PUCM in the past 5 years, including contributing to fight against the epidemic between Malaysia and China, promoting Chinese companies and communicating with the local community through such creative methods as holding trade exhibitions, shooting Chinese New Year and Hari Raya video clips, holding seminars and forums, interacting with the Bumiputera community and holding charity events.
    PUCM has received a congratulatory messages from the Raja Muda of Perlis, Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Jamalullail, and YB Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Communications and Multimedia as well as other VIPs.
    “Aside from celebrating five fruitful years, Persatuan Usahawan China di Malaysia (PUCM) or China Entrepreneurs Association in Malaysia is also marking the 3rd anniversary of its official magazine, Malaysia-China Entrepreneurs; its English-language newspaper, Malaysia-China Insight and its trilingual news app. I am very confident PUCM’s initiatives will further enhance good relations between Malaysia and China.” Said Raja Muda Perlis in his congratulatory message.
    “It is noted that the members of PUCM made a successful and meaningful visit to Perlis in November 2017, which I regard as proof and consolidation of Malaysia-China friendship. The visiting programme offered PUCM members an opportunity to interact with local government officials, students and the local community, helping to enhance their understanding of Malaysia’s developmental aspirations as well as of Malay society in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia. During the visiting programme, PUCM generously made some social contributions by giving to the local community through charity events and donation efforts.”
    Raja Muda also mentioned , “It is also worth noting that state government of Perlis attended Malaysia’s 1st China Smart Technology Trade Exhibition (SCITE) in December 2019 hosted by PUCM at Mid Valley Exhibition Centre in Kuala Lumpur, and featuring companies representing artificial intelligent and smart technology products from China such as smart city concepts, various robotic applications, drone technologies and other smart products. I hope that through this SCITE, Perlis will have the opportunity to welcome China AI technology investment and further enhance bilateral collaboration between our two nations in the fields of AI and advanced technology. “
    “I would like to conclude my congratulatory remarks with the strong hope that PUCM will continue to contribute even more to the enhancement of Malaysia-China friendship for the foreseeable future.Happy 5th birthday to PUCM.” Raja Muda Concluded in his message.
    The clip also quoted the new Chinese Ambassador to Malaysia Ouyang Yujing's recent speech , "I hope that China and Malaysia will always be good neighbors, good friends, good partners, and good brothers" to describe the vision of PUCM for its 5th anniversary to enhance the friendship between Malaysia and China."

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