바르톡의 작품들은 내겐 황당한 화성, 불협화음들로 썩 좋아하지는 않지만 내가 많이도 좋아하는 Hanna Lee의 귀한 음원이기에 연거푸 2번을 감상했습니다.쉽지않은 곡, 까탈스런 곡을 아주 훌륭하게 연주한 모습에 박수만 보냅니다.Bravi~!, ”Brava~ ”Brava~ ”Brava~~~!!!!!!!(7개)참, 슈베르트 겨울나그네 전곡 연주 다시 듣고 싶어요.쇼스타코비치 현악 4중주 전곡도...왕팬입니다.
Hello! Wow! Well done! Fantastic version! This concerto is difficult, but hanna play it very well, very professionaly, IN TUNE and she's so beautiful!!! I play viola too, but in arrangements, on my channel. Greetings!
Very lovely music unfamiliar to me. Thanks Hanna Lee.
바르톡의 작품들은 내겐 황당한 화성, 불협화음들로 썩 좋아하지는 않지만 내가 많이도 좋아하는 Hanna Lee의 귀한 음원이기에 연거푸 2번을 감상했습니다.쉽지않은 곡, 까탈스런 곡을 아주 훌륭하게 연주한 모습에 박수만 보냅니다.Bravi~!, ”Brava~ ”Brava~ ”Brava~~~!!!!!!!(7개)참, 슈베르트 겨울나그네 전곡 연주 다시 듣고 싶어요.쇼스타코비치 현악 4중주 전곡도...왕팬입니다.
Bartok would have been VERY impressed!!..EXACTLY in style! THANKYOU
This is a very difficult concerto, great energy and solid playing!
Desde chile escuchando y viendo buena musica ,gracias Filamornlca de berlin Oscar gonzalez.
Inspire me.,🤩🤩 it’s out of this world:)
Bravo! Good intonation, nice sound!
I’m playing the first movement of this for my senior year of high school. And I am terrified.
god that is too early.. rip my friend
역쉬 비올라의 여제 . 최고입니다
This play is like..... beyond my imagination.Totally overwhelmed. Perfect intonation.Hats off to her, Bravo!!
Hello! Wow! Well done! Fantastic version! This concerto is difficult, but hanna play it very well, very professionaly, IN TUNE and she's so beautiful!!! I play viola too, but in arrangements, on my channel. Greetings!
춘천시향 바르톡 연주합니다 너무 힘든곡이네요
Adagio religioso 14:34
love this viola concerto so much, and you played very well.
welcome to my channel, hope you will like it.
the original had the tympani playing pizzicati in the cellos and basses. the original is far better, and more bartokian.
very nice technique. That's all.
very musical, but bad intonation.
In 3rd mvmt, I cannot hear notes but noise.