Christina Crawford, Author of "Mommie Dearest", Interview with Bill Boggs

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 2,2 тыс.

  • @alwaysangel
    @alwaysangel 9 лет назад +1308

    Her sisters claim it's all a lie, however they were 8 years younger than her and she was in boarding school by the time they were two. Also, abusers can fixate on one particular child. Happens all the time.

    • @Marguerite21
      @Marguerite21 8 лет назад +121

      +alwaysangel There are some people who witness abuse can choose to deny it.

    • @petmomful2260
      @petmomful2260 8 лет назад +113

      My little sister missed a lot of the abuse, and can't relate to it. So I understand this.

    • @hthtv3440
      @hthtv3440 7 лет назад +33

      Yes, exactly. But did you note *how* those twins told *their* side...? All stuck, and robotic...choppy soundbites. #Truth rarely spills like *that*.'s more fluid. Kinda how #ChristinaCrawford emotes.
      Either those twins had/have #StockholmSyndrome, or there may have been stipulations in the will that claused for them to always speak kindly of their adoptive mom. I know, speculation.

    • @thenamenotavailable
      @thenamenotavailable 7 лет назад +48

      Agreed. My parents had 4 children and I was the second to the youngest and my fathers favorite target of his abuse. Not to say that he did not beat my siblings but I was definitely the one he fixated on most. ALL my siblings agree that we were abused but, of course my mother and father claim it never happened. Once in a while you can catch my mother off guard and she almost admits to it but usually tried to make up some excuse as to why he would beat us, as if we had done something to deserve being beaten black and blue!

    • @cjandauntieyaya1446
      @cjandauntieyaya1446 6 лет назад +37

      Her adopted sisters did not live with Joan full time. So Joan would most likely treat them the same way she treated all the other people in her life that she wanted to smooze and manipulate. Joan was a known sociopath.

  • @forlostnfound
    @forlostnfound 7 лет назад +521

    What many people don't realize is at the time of this interview (late 70s), child abuse was rarely talked about publicly or privately. The book "Mommie Dearest" helped start a national conversation regarding child abuse. Christina Crawford was treated horribly and unfairly by the public because most people thought she was lying, and that her book was written for revenge because she was left out of her mother's will. About 10 years after Mommie Dearest was released, an 8 year old little girl named Lisa Steinberg was beaten to death by her adoptive parents, Hedda Nussbaum & Joel Steinberg in New York. The case OUTRAGED Americans (and people around the world), who couldn't fathom how a parent could murder a child. Also, similarly to Christina Crawford's situation, there were many people in Lisa's life who knew she was being abused, including Social Services, but because her father was a New York Attorney, he was able to get away with horrific abuses towards both his daughter and his wife. For many people, Lisa Steinberg's murder was the first time they'd ever heard of such a thing. The release of "Mommie Dearest" and Lisa Steinberg's murder were two HUGE factors that played a part in bringing child abuse & domestic violence out from behind closed doors and into the public eye.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад +9

      Thank for sharing this.

    • @stepcollazo8134
      @stepcollazo8134 2 года назад +1

      I remember that but it was Joel Steinberg that did most of the beating

    • @1000sachenmuell
      @1000sachenmuell 2 года назад +10

      I did not know Christina Crawford before this interview that I watched because of the movie trailer to Mommy Dearest. I feel a lot of sympathy for her and she seems like a very brave woman. Concluding by what she mentioned about the unfair long duration of her punishments, being left out of J.C.‘s will seems like the final punishment. I feel blessed for having such a good childhood.

    • @Garsons-oq4lh
      @Garsons-oq4lh Год назад +6

      @@1000sachenmuell Christina Crawford claims in "Mommie Dearest" that she was strangled by Joan Crawford in the summer of 1953.
      Here is how she describes this incident in her book:
      "The choking pain of her fingers around my throat met the thudding ache of the blow to the back of my head. She banged my head on the floor, tightening her grip around my throat....I gasped for air and felt myself sinking into unconsciousness as I tried desperately to fight back....If something or someone didn’t help me very soon I was going to die. I tried with the last bit of my strength to struggle free of those choking fingers and managed to wedge one of my knees between her body and mine and push upward on her ribs with my hands which loosened her grip slightly. It at least allowed a trickle of air down my throat and kept me from losing consciousness."
      This type of physical attack would, no doubt, leave bruises to the neck and throat. However, according to Christina, she had no bruises to the neck or throat, and the bruises she claims to have received to the face were greatly diminished within "a few days."
      This is what Christina Crawford said regarding her "injuries" after this alleged strangulation:
      "I had one black eye and a cut on my upper lip that was swollen and covered with dried blood. My whole face was sort of puffy and I had a perfect handprint bruised across one cheek....A few days later I was on my way back to the Chadwick’s house...I still had vestiges of the black eye but the rest of my face had returned pretty much to normal."
      This claim is medically impossible. Bruises to the face take at least a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks to fade. Perhaps this was a quick rationale by Christina in her book to account for no one seeing these "injuries" after she returned to Chadwicks.
      By 1988. Christina Crawford claimed in her book "Survivor" that the stroke she suffered in late 1981 was the result of this "strangulation." Christina claimed the strangulation caused an embolism (a blood clot) that blocked the flow of blood to her brain, and this embolism had lied dormant for over 28 years (1953 - 1981) without causing issue before it dislodged and flowed to her brain.
      This claim, in and of itself, is medically improbably, if not impossible. However, the impossibility is further enhanced when considering that Christina did not even have bruising to her throat from this alleged strangulation.
      In "Survivor" Christina writes:
      "In the hospital the doctors questioned me as thoroughly as they could about possible causes of my stroke. They were interested in what might have been a source of original damage to the left carotid artery in my neck since I had no history of high blood pressure or high cholesterol. They asked me about a car accident or a neck injury. I had experienced none. The only incident I could think of was a violent argument my mother and I had when I was thirteen years old. She had been drinking at the time and flew into a rage. I recalled this incident in the book Mommie Dearest, not knowing at the time I wrote about it that I would later have a stroke"
      This outrageous allegation is further debunked by a 1978 sworn deposition, whereby Christina DENIES knowledge of this incident. Along with a unpublished interview with the secretary (Billie Greene) who was an eye witness the evening Christina claimed this strangulation took place. Greene refuted the claim that Joan strangled or choked Christina.
      Billie Greene -Former secretary to Joan Crawford
      -“I believe I am quoted to have said something like, “Stop, you’ll kill her.” There was a point where they were having an argument. What precipitated it was possibly one of many misunderstandings. Or where Christina had lied to Joan, and the hostility was getting greater. Joan came towards her and gave her a good swat, and hit her towards the neck area. I remember at one point taking Joan’s arm when it was in midair and saying, “I want you to stop. You’re going to hurt her.” This was not for Christina’s sake. This was for Joan’s sake. No one wants to see anyone out of control. I can tell you that I’d never seen any discipline towards Christina or towards the other children that I would call out of control. There was not brutality that night. Possibly there was rage. I can’t conceive of the distortion, unless Christina had a deep-seated plan, a vendetta that was present even when she was 14. Christina lied often for absolutely no reason. [The book] was a pack of lies that made your hair stand on end. I have utter contempt for Christina.
      When Christina was at Chadwicks, she would tell some lies. Like the lengths Joan would go through to see that she had everything to get back to school. Shoes, dresses, etc. I don’t know what Christina would do with them between Brentwood and school, but she would arrive with a couple of beat up, old dresses and the call would come from Chadwicks. “Couldn’t you send this girl one decent thing to wear?” I got Christina in my office one day and said, “Christina, what did you do? All those things we picked out and packed and got ready for you that you chose?” She said, “I gave them to my friends,” and I said, “What does this do? Make you a hero with your friends?” and she said, “No, I just wanted to.” I said, “Don’t you know what you do to your mother when you make her look cruel and evil and selfish?” and she said, “No, it’s just something I like to do. I like to give my clothes away.” On more than one occasion I found Christina to be an opportunist, dishonest and distorting everything, every single actions of her mother.”

    • @brigidspencer5123
      @brigidspencer5123 Год назад +1

      Christina Crawford has admitted to exaggerated in order to sell her book. Being adopted it's possible that Christina suffered from Reactive Attachment Disorder and they always claim that they are abused.
      Joan Crawford herself came from a traumatic childhood of her own. It's obvious that Joan suffered from OCD & possibly Historonic Disorder.

  • @Muirmaiden
    @Muirmaiden 9 лет назад +150

    Christina began writing "Mommie Dearest" before her mother passed away and Joan was aware of the book, so there goes the theory that Christina penned the book because she was cut out of the will. Also, Bob Thomas wrote a biography of Joan which was published BEFORE "Mommie Dearest" and recounts abuse suffered by Christina and Christopher, backed up by eyewitness accounts. It even contains a passage that Christina didn't include in her book. She also wrote two other books, one about the effects of abuse. How would she know, if she hadn't experienced it herself? What's more important - preserving a star's image or spreading knowledge about child abuse? Think about that for a second.

    • @LRayart
      @LRayart 9 лет назад +7

      Muirmaiden But, if Joan was aware of the book, might that also have been the reason that she cut Christina and Christopher out of the will? Every relationship is complicated. We are only seeing one side of the story. Joan was dead and could not defend herself, and, the other children allege that there was no abuse.

    • @lmsandy9154
      @lmsandy9154 9 лет назад +4

      +LRayartJoan Crawford's will is no one's business , except Joan Crawford's. I have relatives who left everything to the Humane Society. That' their prerogative, it's their money.

    • @artakhas3005
      @artakhas3005 9 лет назад +2

      +Silence is Golden Duct Tape is Silver Actually, she did cut them out, so that fact is right but the book was written after Joan's death so I can certainly see why some may state that Christina wrote it out of spite of being cut out of the will. Joan Crawford Died in May 1977 the book was published in 1978. It's hard to say if it was true, her other children do not support it nor do a number of other actors and actresses. Though there are some that also do support it.
      ~~~ In her will, which was signed October 28, 1976, Crawford bequeathed to her two youngest children, Cindy and Cathy, $77,500 each from her $2,000,000 estate. She explicitly disinherited the two eldest, Christina and Christopher, writing "It is my intention to make no provision herein for my son Christopher or my daughter Christina for reasons which are well known to them." She also bequeathed nothing to her niece, Joan Lowe (1933-1999; born Joan Crawford LeSueur, the only child of her estranged brother, Hal). Crawford left money to her favorite charities: the U.S.O. of New York; the Motion Picture Home; the American Cancer Society; the Muscular Dystrophy Association; the American Heart Association; and the Wiltwyck School for Boys.~~~~

    • @annacornykova9023
      @annacornykova9023 9 лет назад +11

      +LRayart Siblings that aren't abused usually do deny the abuse of their siblings. Mine did until my father admitted it to him. When it came out about my mom, he then believed me right away, but now is back peddling. He can't handle it because that was not his experience with her. He knows a more loving mother than I do. They also have a very codependent relationship. I hope that makes sense.

    • @lmsandy9154
      @lmsandy9154 9 лет назад +2

      Writing it was, for Christina, clearly meant as revenge. She had learned that she wasn't 'in the will'. Joan didnt leave much to any of her children, not just Crawford. If we are being honest, I dont think Joan liked any of her kids very much. When you have two million, and your will leaves 77 thousand to a couple kids, and zero to other kids, well, I would say she didnt care much for any of them. They got a very small fraction of her estate. And maybe that's fair. Were they nice to Joan? Did they ignore her? Did they visit her when she was elderly? Why leave money to kids who don't even like you?

  • @PinkSoldier2009
    @PinkSoldier2009 8 лет назад +370

    No surprise that the victim is being treated as the perpetrator.

    • @windstorm1000
      @windstorm1000 7 лет назад +26

      good observation. narcissists blame others to maintain control ---we have just to look at the white house now for someone with classic narcissistic tendencies. in the situation of child abuse this is crime of the greatest disorder. children are powerless-it was very brave of Christina to write this book--hell, to have survived a mad woman.

    • @narcbegone1507
      @narcbegone1507 5 лет назад +4

      Guess the world is full of dumb folks

    • @spike16965
      @spike16965 4 года назад +5

      Happens all the time

    • @judethaddeus9856
      @judethaddeus9856 2 года назад

      When was she treated like the perpetrator?

    • @inaj27
      @inaj27 2 года назад


  • @skellymom
    @skellymom 9 лет назад +337

    I remember watching Mommy Dearest and later on in life reading the book. As a child and young adult went through the almost exact same type of abuse. The "night raids" and major violent mood swings with abuse were a hallmark of my upbringing. As an adult, I sought counseling and had to end the relationship with my mother and walk away to find peace and sanity. I totally understand where Christina Crawford came from.

    • @emilywillen508
      @emilywillen508 8 лет назад +17

      +ZombieMommy I've been struggling with the idea of cutting ties with my mother, though my abuse wasn't as bad as hers. I was treated more like a slave, & my nickname while growing up was even "slave girl", & "kitchen wench". I was always the reason for anything bad happening, & they always critiqued me. I have trouble making decisions to this day because I was always told what to do, & if I wanted differently I was yelled at. My mother didn't hit me until high school, which she did because I wasn't "smiling", so I always hide how I feel. She also would kick me when I had seizures & said she hoped I die, then married me off so she wouldnt have to take care of me. My sister & brother though would abuse me- sister started sticking me with pins & cutting me with knives. When mom found out, my sister wasn't punished because "my sister has OCD, so she's mental & theirs nothing you can do about it". My brother would hit me over things like me asking to use the Playstation when he was done while he was playing & I disturbed him. I would get in trouble if I crossed my baby brother because I supposedly baited him. I think the emotional abuse is worse though, I feel like peoples opinions are facts because my family always projected things onto me...

    • @wldwon
      @wldwon 8 лет назад +14

      +Emily Willen; go get some help, talk to you doctor, go online find a self help group, start reading some books to get your life back, start to love yourself, I was an angry man, still ,at times but not always. Meditation helped me a lot ..... do something to feel better live a constructive life ... do what you want , YOU DON'T NEED ANYONES APPROVAL if you need some info on meditation just message me peace

    • @robnlynchburgvaable
      @robnlynchburgvaable 8 лет назад +15

      My mother was volatile much like Crawford. my mom would go into blind rages that she conveniently doesn't remember. It's very frustrating and im sure my mom had a very difficult childhood herself.

    • @Sillyvicen
      @Sillyvicen 8 лет назад +7

      The first time I watched Mommie Dearest I didn't really get it cause she wasn't as bad as my mother and she consumed alcohol which my mother didn't. These days I have as little contact as possible with her. She still continues to pull horrific illegal schemes and attempt to shift the blame to me.

    • @petmomful2260
      @petmomful2260 8 лет назад +17

      My nickname was, The nervous wreck. Gee, I wonder why!? When you are abused and walk on eggshells 24/7, you do develop a nervous personality.

  • @raisakirks3593
    @raisakirks3593 7 лет назад +16

    she's not doing this TO her mother, she's doing this FOR herself and to help other child abuse survivors. Abuse should be brought to light.

  • @cutzymccall7675
    @cutzymccall7675 6 лет назад +223

    Using your child to mirror you is the ultimate sign of narcissism. I believe every word of her story. Poor Christina.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад +15

      I believe christina too.

    • @angelacooper8973
      @angelacooper8973 2 года назад +5


    • @hard-truthsbetter-than-swe6543
      @hard-truthsbetter-than-swe6543 Год назад +5

      I believe her too.

    • @brianoyler706
      @brianoyler706 Год назад +2

      No, no, no....I cannot consider Christina's points of view as valid, especially when siblings are at odds with different opinions!!!

    • @ValleyoftheRogue
      @ValleyoftheRogue Год назад

      Nope. The opposite is true. You believe the lies of a sociopath who still trades on the name "Crawford."

  • @itsmeAshley84
    @itsmeAshley84 9 лет назад +84

    Narcissistic mother/scapegoat child relationships are complicated. At one hand you love them, but on the other hand you hate them for all the years of abuse and trauma they put you through. Joan Crawford got her judgement in the end, but left a huge scar on her daughter's life. It's wonderful that she got the help she needed. Some people would've probably committed suicide or became just like their abusers. 

    • @wrincht1
      @wrincht1 9 лет назад +4

      +Black Ginger “...what does a covertly narcissistic family look like? Unfortunately, it looks more like Joan Crawford with drawn on eyebrows, and giant shoulder pads chasing little Christina around screaming, “No wire hangers!” In Christina Crawford‟s memoir, Mommie Dearest, she exposes the abuse that went on behind closed doors, shattering the façade of the loving family with perfect children that her mother had so carefully manufactured….Christina Crawford‟s story is a perfect example of the Echo child. It was her duty to unconditionally love her mother, but her mother‟s love was always conditional. In Christina‟s book, she explains this role reversal beautifully:
      The image was of a bottomless pit into which you could pour years of loving kindness, and attempts at reconciliation, without visible results. It failed to erase the one mistake...there just wasn‟t enough love in the world to fill her need...She demanded constant reassurance of devotion that she left no room for love. It was impossible to love her. (Nathiel, 2007, p. 45)"

    • @annacornykova9023
      @annacornykova9023 9 лет назад +7

      +Ted Wrinch Going to have to look at that. I've not heard of the echo child. I am the scapegoat. I think my mom may be borderline on top of narcissism. Too complicated of a person. Too severely damaged.

    • @wrincht1
      @wrincht1 9 лет назад +4

      It's sad when the damaged inflict more damage. The choice after damage seems to be to become a healer or abuser oneself. They do need support and knowledge from us to help them heal their damage; I know I didn't know enough to do that well enough for my narc :(

    • @Silvana716
      @Silvana716 7 лет назад

      As someone who experienced much of he same, I hope you are receiving help and/or have someone o help you through this.

  • @LG-lb7sf
    @LG-lb7sf 9 лет назад +363

    Abuse happened to me. It's why I'm watching this interview. The beatings were bearable but the extensive mind games were the most damaging. I think Chris just wanted to tell her own truth. And there was no reason for her to feel obligated to insist she loved her mother. What I have learned is that you have the right to protect and distance yourself from anyone that causes you harm. Very cathartic for me to listen to Christina talk about her abuse, it's as if I were speaking and people were actually listening.

    • @marksmeaton13
      @marksmeaton13 4 года назад +10

      Thank you LG. I too was abused by my Dad, verbally and emotionally all throughout my childhood and teens. Like Joan, he told everybody I was expelled from school - a total lie which through sheer repitition many people came to believe. This when I was 13-14 years old. It was humiliating, probably because academia was so important wthin our family. My Dad also abused my mother relentlessly - she actually took her own life seven years ago. She changed from a beautiful, strong, progressive, feminist into a nervous wreck - by the time of her death, my Mum was like a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. Sorry for such a digression but your post has moved me to share my own experience. I suspect Christina probably was motivated by vengeance more than she can admit or acknowledge, even to herself. But I cannot fault her for that . How could I? Just writing this RUclips post about my abusive father feels strangely exhilarating & cathartic too! PS Joan Crawford left behind a brilliant ouvre & as an actress, I love her.

    • @MR-fe7st
      @MR-fe7st 3 года назад +4

      Same here girl. Well said.

    • @LG-lb7sf
      @LG-lb7sf 3 года назад +4

      @@MR-fe7st I'm sad that you had to endure the same experience. I wish you all the love and light I have, hoping you find true peace in this lifetime! :)

    • @LG-lb7sf
      @LG-lb7sf 3 года назад +7

      @@marksmeaton13 I'm sad you had to experience such difficult experiences. I understand what you mean, putting something out there into the internet ether feels rather cathartic. Even after 6 years, I have forgotten what I wrote but proud that even all those years ago, I was still choosing to be consciously healing. My healing journey has brought me to a place where I am finally able to take my experience and serve others who find themselves in the same hardships and now I know it wasn't in vain. I hope you will be given the same opportunity, I guess because helping others who are going through the same things are the most valid and significant effects that we should highlight after surviving such hell. Sending you all my love and light so that you too may experience some peace and relief from the burdens you carry! Thank you for sharing, I hear you and I believe you!

    • @auntpeach2996
      @auntpeach2996 3 года назад +4

      @@marksmeaton13 I believe you and hear you, too. I will hold you in my heart and in my prayers. Linda

  • @ToyotaCelicaDude1
    @ToyotaCelicaDude1 10 лет назад +323

    Why is he always interrupting her? It's annoying!

    • @LujackLvr
      @LujackLvr 9 лет назад +38

      Yes, this "interviewer"/host is aggravating. He seems to be talking over her at times.

    • @aitch3
      @aitch3 5 лет назад +31

      He's a terrible interviewer.

    • @sarahm2878
      @sarahm2878 5 лет назад +14

      Cocaine is a terrible drug

    • @philipjennelle4257
      @philipjennelle4257 3 года назад +10

      He's definitely not a gentlmen.

    • @Crystal-ge9gh
      @Crystal-ge9gh 3 года назад +3


  • @klassicalmuzik
    @klassicalmuzik 7 лет назад +243

    God bless Christina, she was one of the leading pioneers in bringing awareness to the issue of child abuse. She's done so much advocacy for children and who knows how many families and children she helped. Thank goodness for her bravery.

  • @Barefootnot
    @Barefootnot 7 лет назад +223

    If you understand narcissism, you will understand the story much better. Joan was a die-in-the-cast narcissist.

    • @vanessaquinlan783
      @vanessaquinlan783 7 лет назад +10

      Tina Jenne Oh Joan Crawford was batshit fucked!!! She was completely insane and should have been locked up for life!

    • @marlenaeva3813
      @marlenaeva3813 7 лет назад +5

      and sociopath too

    • @marlenaeva3813
      @marlenaeva3813 7 лет назад +4

      yet no one did anything about that!!!

    • @Barefootnot
      @Barefootnot 7 лет назад +3

      Marlena Bontas that's because it was kept hidden.

    • @windstorm1000
      @windstorm1000 7 лет назад +4

      like our current president--god help us! we'll all end up like abused children-so to speak-as a nation.

  • @opelleiolanthe8548
    @opelleiolanthe8548 8 лет назад +182

    Bill, get the message, please. It's NOT about revenge. Let Christina talk for god's sake.

    • @TheCalicocat2
      @TheCalicocat2 8 лет назад +20

      Actually, there have been several Hollywood stars who have said they witnessed some of the abuse (which was referred to as 'mistreatment').....They said it was no secret in Hollywood. Some of this happened at her school when Joan ordered them to collect all of her dresses and make her wear one dress for months....Joan didn't seem to mind who saw it because she thought she was right. Remember when this was going on, there was a prevailing attitude that you didn't interfere with other people's parenting or discipline style. And NO ONE talked about child abuse, just as they didn't have any help for abused women. If you study ANYTHING about child abuse, you will find that it is not unusual for abusive parents to pick out one or two of their kids to abuse and treat the others normally. so the 2 younger sisters who were 8 years younger and not even there for much of the abuse, may have had a different relationship with her. Sometimes it is because they learn to 'comply' and not confront. Joan was a control freak, so if you didn't balk, she was happy. It was also common knowledge among co-stars that she was a control freak who went into rages if she didn't get her way. NONE of this was secret, but people didn't interfere.

    • @baccount2137
      @baccount2137 7 лет назад +3

      Thanks, Calicocat. Finally someone who knows what they're talking about. Some of that I didn't know or think about.

    • @claudiacooper1387
      @claudiacooper1387 7 лет назад


    • @stacie7766
      @stacie7766 7 лет назад +7

      I thought the same thing when he said, "If you really loved your mother, why would you write this book exposing her?"
      Seriously??? What the fuck!?!?!?! As if she owes it to her to keep it a secret. What a douche bag.

    • @sharonminton5149
      @sharonminton5149 7 лет назад +8

      That part is true.There was no protection for abused children back then.Help for abused kids didn't show up until the late 70's or early 80's.

  • @lakrishiw
    @lakrishiw 10 лет назад +234

    Abusive people love to look good in the public eye. Just because her friends saw her as sweet, doesn't mean she didn't abuse Christina. She was older when she got the twins. That's why they were not abused.

    • @reginabarron557
      @reginabarron557 3 года назад +15

      I don't, think it had to do, with her being older. She, already took, all her (anger) out on Christina & Christopher. That's, what that was.

    • @judethaddeus9856
      @judethaddeus9856 2 года назад +1

      What does her being older have to do with her not abusing the twins??

    • @judethaddeus9856
      @judethaddeus9856 2 года назад +2

      @@reginabarron557 I agrée, what the fuck does her being older have to do with anything?

    • @Garsons-oq4lh
      @Garsons-oq4lh 2 года назад +2

      Christina Crawford was born in June 1939.
      Joan Crawford’s third husband, Phillip Terry DENIED ever seeing abuse.
      Joan Crawford’s twin daughters were born in January 1947. The twins DENIED ever seeing abuse.
      Christina Crawford was sent to boarding school in February 1950.
      During all of this, Joan Crawford’s secretary, Betty Barker, was constantly in the Crawford home. Barker DENIED ever seeing abuse.

    • @judethaddeus9856
      @judethaddeus9856 2 года назад

      @@Garsons-oq4lh ok

  • @remcat03
    @remcat03 10 лет назад +156

    She comes off very well in this interview. Intelligent, articulate and entirely believable and sympathetic. It is amazing that she came through the harrowing experience of being Joan's daughter and emerged on the other side as a lovely, grounded young woman.

    • @windstorm1000
      @windstorm1000 7 лет назад +6

      I applaud her surviving this--many children don't.

    • @hthtv3440
      @hthtv3440 7 лет назад +4

      Probably due to her DNA. 'Could you imagine if she was Joan's natural daughter?

    • @Silvana716
      @Silvana716 7 лет назад +4

      I had an abusive biological mother but was lucky to connect with a therapist when I was younger. I think from experience that most mental issues are nurture rather than nature. I am not in the least the violent people that my parents were. I'm still resolving matters unlike other members of the family.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      I agree.i enjoy watching and listening to christina.

    • @DylanRomanov
      @DylanRomanov 2 года назад +5

      Not saying I’m a great person, but I was adopted by a “Joan” when I was a baby and I think I’ve turned out okayish I am mentally ill for sure but I know how to treat people no I’m well spoken at times lol. I always knew I wanted to be nothing like my “parents”

  • @JoseahBonito
    @JoseahBonito 9 лет назад +83

    I too am a product of child abuse. But for yrs, I had no idea it was considered "abuse". I thought all children were disciplined the way I was, until abt 4th grade. I knew I wasn't a bad child nor was I disrespectful. We were afraid of my Mommy, yet Loved her so much. But we were even more afraid 2 speak out against Mommy. There's a lot of truth & pain behind Christina's words. Those of u who weren't raised like this have NO IDEA how tough & courageous u have 2b in order 2 accept what has happened & then talk abt it. I applaud her 4 giving US ALL a voice. I commend her 4 freeing herself of the pain. Don't get it twisted...I Love me some Joan Crawford...but we Love her persona, not get actual personality. Thank u Chris!!

    • @yvonce7309
      @yvonce7309 7 лет назад +2

      Ampp Hosea
      I couldn't of said it any better.
      My maid last name is Hosea we could be

      @TAEMXCLUSIVE 5 лет назад +2

      My situation was similar as yours. I grew up being abused and hit by my parents alot as I was growing up but I didn't know nor realize it was abuse. I just thought it was how every parent would teach and discipline their child. But something about the way my parents "teaching" seemed off and just too much when I observed and compared to other parents. It was borderline abusive. There was alot verbal abuse and name-calling as well. Too hurtful if I still think about it to this day. The pain and suffering I felt and went through as a child, I couldn't reach out to anyone. Also I remember my mom never talked nicely about me in front of her friends and neighbors. She tried to imply that I was a devil and not a good daughter and that I was nothing special. While other mothers boasts about their children, my mother would put me down. I felt despressed since young. I grew up having low self-esteem. Relatives were mum and didn't think much about the way my mom treated me. Tho my cousin actually threw shade (in a joking way and tactfully) in regards to my mother when she asked me and my brother whether our mother is as scary as a lion or tiger when she's angry. But what I couldn't handle the most was I was 8 when I was reading a story on a newspaper about irresponsible mothers abandon their innocent children and I asked "Why would mothers do this to their children? How could they?" Then my grandma answered out of the blue, "Because of the children are SPOILED, DUMB, DISOBEDIENT, MISCHIEVOUS and STUBBORN which made the mothers run away. Now, if you don't stop being all of those, your mom would run away too, so you better start behaving." Can you believe what my grandma said? So suddenly it's all my fault, the children's faults as if the mothers are all innocent and never at fault. She actually defended all those irresponsible selfish mothers and implied that I should take all the responsibilities and punishment because that what I deserved, I guess. Surely I was mischievous and disobedient alot but can you blame me? I was a child for god's sake. I was growing up and being immature and childish was normal. After what I went through with the abuse, ofc a child like me felt the need to rebel after being in control so much as I needed an outlet to rage. Had my parents adopted a good parenting and disciplining style, I would've also not given them a hard time.
      It wasn't until I turned 25 that mom realised her mistakes and asked for my forgiveness. She realized how much wrong she had done after seeing my current adult self with state of having depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, no confidence, weak, etc. She couldn't remember all of the things she did, so I listed out the ones that are most painful that I could never forget even if I tried. It was finally quite a relief that I was able to get it out of my system. Even with her apology, I still feel hurt because those scars were cut so deep into my heart and memories. But I guess her apologies and me showing/telling how awful she was made me feel a little bit better.

  • @bookdear
    @bookdear 9 лет назад +111

    Not a very sympathetic interviewer! Who asks a victim of abuse if telling her story is way to get revenge? I thought she handled all of his questions very well.

    • @lilasmurray2425
      @lilasmurray2425 5 лет назад +3

      Watch all her interviews. I watched one she laughed with delight at every single negative made against her mother. Her words are more staged in later years for one goal. To destroy her mother personally. Is sad to watch as she got older, she exposed her growing hatred.

    • @NubiLachelle
      @NubiLachelle 2 года назад

      @@lilasmurray2425 as she should that's growth

    • @ciggystardust99
      @ciggystardust99 3 месяца назад

      I laugh when people talk negatively about my abuser too. Does that mean I wasn't abused? Are victims of domestic violence obligated to have nothing but goodwill toward their abuser in order to "deserve" a shred of empathy in your mind?

  • @LtJackboot
    @LtJackboot 9 лет назад +83

    When this bbok came out my mother kicked me out at 15 yrs old because she was afraid that I would conect the dots. I believe every word of this because I, as many kids in the 70's did, lived it.

  • @cindybriden372
    @cindybriden372 3 года назад +81

    Bill makes it sound that Christina was wrong to write about her mom's abuse. For one I am really happy because as a victims myself, through the hands of a sibling, I found reading the book extremely healing. Thank you Christina for writing the book!!!

    • @NuvoBAbyK21
      @NuvoBAbyK21 2 года назад +8

      I know it was annoying to see him ask the questions like that. It is her story and people needed to hear it.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад +4

      Yes I am glad christina came out.i read mommie dearest in 1992.i was 16 years old.i reread it in 2012.i recently bought the 40th anniversary edition.chrustina is a highly skilled and gifted writer.a few years ago I read the sequel survivor.late in 2019 I read no safe place.i also read her novel black widow a few times.

    • @Garsons-oq4lh
      @Garsons-oq4lh 2 года назад +2

      @@eugenekozma2697 Christina Crawford claims in "Mommie Dearest" that she was strangled by Joan Crawford in the summer of 1953.
      Here is how she describes this incident in her book:
      "The choking pain of her fingers around my throat met the thudding ache of the blow to the back of my head. She banged my head on the floor, tightening her grip around my throat....I gasped for air and felt myself sinking into unconsciousness as I tried desperately to fight back....If something or someone didn’t help me very soon I was going to die. I tried with the last bit of my strength to struggle free of those choking fingers and managed to wedge one of my knees between her body and mine and push upward on her ribs with my hands which loosened her grip slightly. It at least allowed a trickle of air down my throat and kept me from losing consciousness."
      This type of physical attack would, no doubt, leave bruises to the neck and throat. However, according to Christina, she had no bruises to the neck or throat, and the bruises she claims to have received to the face were greatly diminished within "a few days."
      This is what Christina Crawford said regarding her "injuries" after this alleged strangulation:
      "I had one black eye and a cut on my upper lip that was swollen and covered with dried blood. My whole face was sort of puffy and I had a perfect handprint bruised across one cheek....A few days later I was on my way back to the Chadwick’s house...I still had vestiges of the black eye but the rest of my face had returned pretty much to normal."
      This claim is medically impossible. Bruises to the face take at least a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks to fade. Perhaps this was a quick rationale by Christina in her book to account for no one seeing these "injuries" after she returned to Chadwicks.
      By 1988. Christina Crawford claimed in her book "Survivor" that the stroke she suffered in late 1981 was the result of this "strangulation." Christina claimed the strangulation caused an embolism (a blood clot) that blocked the flow of blood to her brain, and this embolism had lied dormant for over 28 years (1953 - 1981) without causing issue before it dislodged and flowed to her brain.
      This claim, in and of itself, is medically improbably, if not impossible. However, the impossibility is further enhanced when considering that Christina did not even have bruising to her throat from this alleged strangulation.
      In "Survivor" Christina writes:
      "In the hospital the doctors questioned me as thoroughly as they could about possible causes of my stroke. They were interested in what might have been a source of original damage to the left carotid artery in my neck since I had no history of high blood pressure or high cholesterol. They asked me about a car accident or a neck injury. I had experienced none. The only incident I could think of was a violent argument my mother and I had when I was thirteen years old. She had been drinking at the time and flew into a rage. I recalled this incident in the book Mommie Dearest, not knowing at the time I wrote about it that I would later have a stroke"
      This outrageous allegation is further debunked by a 1978 sworn deposition, whereby Christina DENIES knowledge of this incident. Along with a 1980 interview with the secretary (Billie Greene) who was an eye witness the evening Christina claimed this strangulation took place. Greene refuted the claim that Joan strangled or choked Christina.
      Billie Greene -Former secretary to Joan Crawford
      -“I believe I am quoted [in Christina’s book regarding the LIE that is the strangling incident] to have said something like, “Stop, you’ll kill her.” There was a point where they were having an argument. What precipitated it was possibly one of many misunderstandings. Or where Christina had lied to Joan, and the hostility was getting greater. Joan came towards her and gave her a good swat, and hit her towards the neck area. I remember at one point taking Joan’s arm when it was in midair and saying, “I want you to stop. You’re going to hurt her.” This was not for Christina’s sake. This was for Joan’s sake. No one wants to see anyone out of control. I can tell you that I’d never seen any discipline towards Christina or towards the other children that I would call out of control. There was not brutality that night. Possibly there was rage. I can’t conceive of the distortion, unless Christina had a deep-seated plan, a vendetta that was present even when she was 14. Christina lied often for absolutely no reason. [The book] was a pack of lies that made your hair stand on end. I have utter contempt for Christina."
      "When Christina was at Chadwicks, she would tell some lies. Like the lengths Joan would go through to see that she had everything to get back to school. Shoes, dresses, etc. I don’t know what Christina would do with them between Brentwood and school, but she would arrive with a couple of beat up, old dresses and the call would come from Chadwicks. “Couldn’t you send this girl one decent thing to wear?” I got Christina in my office one day and said, “Christina, what did you do? All those things we picked out and packed and got ready for you that you chose?” She said, “I gave them to my friends,” and I said, “What does this do? Make you a hero with your friends?” and she said, “No, I just wanted to.” I said, “Don’t you know what you do to your mother when you make her look cruel and evil and selfish?” and she said, “No, it’s just something I like to do. I like to give my clothes away.” On more than one occasion I found Christina to be an opportunist, dishonest and distorting everything, every single actions of her mother.”

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад +1

      @@Garsons-oq4lh thank you for sharing.

    • @00st307-m
      @00st307-m Год назад +2

      Right - I don’t appreciate his questioning

  • @dustycrider8083
    @dustycrider8083 10 лет назад +68

    Christina is very well spoken,thorough,and consistent with the recollection of her childhood and young adult relationship with Joan.

  • @TheEmeraldtrinity
    @TheEmeraldtrinity 9 лет назад +157

    My mother is identical to Joan Crawford's behavior as depicted in the book and movie. She is still alive and still refuses to get help. Certainly, I believe Christina Crawford - the descriptions of memories in psychological yet illogical behavior are too dead on for someone to make it up.

    • @KingofgraceSARA
      @KingofgraceSARA 5 лет назад +5

      My mother, as well.

    • @bherrin67
      @bherrin67 4 года назад +5

      One of my aunts was just like this too. Bipolar maybe, definitely crazy, and any little thing would set her off and she’d switch from being overly sweet to a raving monster. My cousin, her daughter, lived through god knows what.

    • @vm3141
      @vm3141 4 года назад +6

      I feel you
      And now as old my mother says none of that it’s true and play the victim 🙄

    • @Muirmaiden
      @Muirmaiden 4 года назад +8

      I think this is one of the reasons why Christina's story has not only resonated but encouraged others to come forward and speak out about their own childhood abuse. There is so much that others with similar experience can relate to - it's so vindicating to know that you are not alone, that it's not normal, and that you deserved better.

    • @jasminesantana8846
      @jasminesantana8846 2 года назад


  • @raea3588
    @raea3588 9 лет назад +337

    What I find so sad is Christina is not believed by so many because her mother was a movie star. Her mother was beautiful and good to most people when she was in public, her mother was wealthy... This is 2014! Don't be so naïve! Abuse happens behind closed doors all the time, there are children who are abused and their siblings are not, it's amazing how often it happens in wealthy families that seem to have everything and it's incredible how many people will whiteness it and later betray the child by not reporting it!
    However when Shirley Temple was plugging her Autobiography when she was in her 60s right around this time, she was asked if she knew anything about the Joan Crawford/Mommie Dearest scandal? Shirley replied the Crawford's lived not far from them when she was a child but she rarely saw them. She said Joan did visit her once and during that visit she witnessed her slap Christopher and say something strange to him. Joan then gave her a puppy which seemed sick and died by the next day.
    In June Allison's Autobiography there is a section where she writes about being invited to the Crawford's. She describes Joan's behavior as strange and fake. She recounts a scene of child abuse she witnessed between Joan and Christina who was young then. June left the house vowing to herself she hoped never to return and if she ever had children she would never treat them the way Joan treated her's!
    But people should not need this proof.
    If Christina was someone off the streets who wrote this book people would most likely listen to her and despite who she is she deserves to tell her story! Her mother doesn't deserve to be protected. No abuser does!

    • @danapreston6427
      @danapreston6427 9 лет назад +32

      The same thing happen to me and two brothers by my father who was an alcoholic too! The other 4 siblings did NOT get hit on. We were NOT rich but considered upper middle class. It was a secret not even neighbors new but I told ALL when I was 16 yrs old. When I listen to Christina I can tell she's telling the truth and I understand her reasoning for her book and movie. It is a HEALING to TALK about it especially if you are Against Violence. That's the WHOLE REASON for Talking about it and the BOOK I'm sure. It does help YOU better yourself and heal those terrible Scares.

    • @raea3588
      @raea3588 9 лет назад +8

      Dana Preston I'm so very sorry for what happened to you and your brother's! I'm glad you've been able to talk about it. God Bless!

    • @bookcreator
      @bookcreator 9 лет назад +23

      Rachel A. I think what adds to the dissent is the differing accounts of the twins. But what people don't get is that it's normal for child abusers to single out children to abuse

    • @Zizzyyzz
      @Zizzyyzz 9 лет назад +5

      bookcreator Yeeup.

    • @cisio64123
      @cisio64123 9 лет назад +26

      Rachel A. Lana Turners daughter Cheryl Crane say's in her book *Detour* that everyone in Hollywood knew about Joan's abuse of her children. Cheryl learned about it at a early age as it was a frequent topic of discussion of" The Nanny Network ". Cheryl later went to boarding school with Christina who's a bit older and she said Christina was basically trapped at the School and wasn't allowed any privileges . She wrote that everyone at the school knew Christina's situation and felt sorry for her.

  • @PinkLederhosen
    @PinkLederhosen 10 лет назад +74

    When a mother is unrelentingly harsh toward a child it's almost impossible for the child to ever find peace. They can if they figure out their mother didn't really take their dignity. It's still there, but it's hard to keep in mind with that absence of warm, motherly memories.

    @MrRJMGREEN 11 лет назад +200

    Christina's story never changes. She tells it just the way it is. She truly was abused by a crazy, drunken, mean, difficult, control freak.

    • @gra-emed3617
      @gra-emed3617 2 года назад +12

      I used to feel the same. But her story does appear to change in a few different ways. She said here she loved her mother very much yet later said she never loved her. Although I appreciate that could be a case of her coming to terms with her own emotions and feelings over time. But there are other instances. For example, when she contested the will she didn’t state anything about the abuse and when asked about a specific incident she stated she had no recollection of it. Yet some years later she remembered every detail. The instance was the strangling incident. The secretary she stated who witnessed it was nameless in the book at first but eventually it came out and the secretary stated it was nothing like what she stated happened and while there was an argument it was nothing like an attack. I’m a bit torn these days as to what to believe

    • @toxicperson8936
      @toxicperson8936 2 года назад +18

      I honestly just can’t believe her, even if I wanted to. Just the fact that she waited after Joan’s death so she couldn’t defend herself, & that the main reason she did the book was because she was disinherited from her mothers will. Not to mention Joan’s younger daughters, as well as everyone who actually knew Joan, said that none of it was true. I think she was just an average strict & over protective type of parent, which is not abusive.
      I think that when she was disinherited, she thought of this as a way to make the money she didn’t get, but also a way to get revenge on her mother for disinheriting her. She almost ruined her mothers legacy, Good thing she didn’t.

    • @pigtailsandteddybears
      @pigtailsandteddybears Год назад +6

      @@toxicperson8936 Very well said!!!

    • @aprilsilvers381
      @aprilsilvers381 Год назад +7

      Are you serious!,! It had changed, many times. And this is not proved because Joan was denied her right as a person to face accuser or defend herself. I hope people here in the comments know tour children could do the same to you. Guess what there will be people who would believe that too. But you'd be gone, so it will be said to be a fact. No, a fact can be proved. It's not a fact otherwise

    • @aprilsilvers381
      @aprilsilvers381 Год назад

      @@xg7022 because it's a famous name

  • @Ferrychick1
    @Ferrychick1 9 лет назад +54

    I don't get why most people would call Christina Crawford a liar? She wrote as much as she could recall from the past. We are not her and don't know her life.
    Even though I was never abused by my own parents, I kind of understand that there was some love between her and Joan Crawford, but it's confusing at the same time because of the trauma and abuse Christina dealt with throughout her childhood and teenage life.
    I'm pretty much surprised that Joan was not arrested for her actions.

    • @kathybrisky
      @kathybrisky 9 лет назад +7

      Back in the day it was considered a family affair.

    • @atlantic-yq2wr
      @atlantic-yq2wr 9 лет назад +1

      What about Barbara Bennett, the Redbook reporter who allegedly witnessed the near strangulation of Christina by Joan? Did she say anything about this afterward? Or any of the people who worked for Joan? (Cooks, maids, and so forth). I am certain Christopher Crawford has corroborated the accounts.

    • @danapreston6427
      @danapreston6427 9 лет назад +3

      atlantic 11561 Christopher has corroborated it's True, he just doesn't want to talk to the press, etc.

    • @atlantic-yq2wr
      @atlantic-yq2wr 9 лет назад

      Dana Preston I assumed that, thank you!

    • @baddoggie101
      @baddoggie101 9 лет назад +3

      We have come a long way since those days. Today, such a person would be arrested. A child will love its parent, regardless of what the parent does to it up to and including the time the parent kills the child. That is just the way they are made.

  • @madamefluffy4788
    @madamefluffy4788 11 лет назад +59

    All I can say is what I know from my own experience growing up in an abusive family setting - people live in denial, and there are people who are close to the abuser that will lie to protect them (sometimes in order to protect themselves because they fear the abuser that much).
    Unless you lived that kind of Hell, you have no business saying it never happened. Nobody can be that naive.

  • @philipjennelle4257
    @philipjennelle4257 10 лет назад +76

    I have to admit I'm a big fan of Joan Crawford myself but just because that's true doesn't mean I'm gonna doubt Christina and her book because I don't doubt it. But for people to say all these heartless, mean, and cruel things about Christina just because their a fan of her mother and they would rather to support a self-centered, ridged, child abusing movie star parent instead of supporting and believing the victim. I just think that's beneath contempt.

  • @youruniquestyle
    @youruniquestyle 8 лет назад +75

    Christina has a very soothing voice.

    • @m.e.d.7997
      @m.e.d.7997 7 лет назад +13

      She does. She is very well spoken.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      Yes christina crawford is so sensitive

  • @veraevans6387
    @veraevans6387 9 лет назад +81

    This interview is a buried treasure. People just don't believe what lies in the hearts of women and men, and how it is expressed behind closed doors.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      I agree.

    • @ValleyoftheRogue
      @ValleyoftheRogue Год назад +1

      Remember, she was cut out of the will. This worthless excuse for a daughter failed at everything she ever attempted, except trade in on trashing her mother.

  • @baddoggie101
    @baddoggie101 9 лет назад +87

    There is a coherence and verisimilitude to Christina's story. I believe her.

    • @nathancruz9172
      @nathancruz9172 4 года назад +3

      baddoggie101 me too!

    • @kevinc4756
      @kevinc4756 4 года назад +6

      Me too. And there are several celebrities who witnessed the abuse.

    • @erickroman4550
      @erickroman4550 3 года назад +1

      I do believe her as well

    • @Garsons-oq4lh
      @Garsons-oq4lh 2 года назад

      @@erickroman4550 #ChristinaCrawfordLied

    • @teo5836
      @teo5836 2 года назад

      @@kevinc4756 wrong.

  • @rosered103
    @rosered103 8 лет назад +7

    My heart goes out to this young lady. Joan Crawford was falling apart and those who tried to intervene were slapped down. If adults were helpless to help a child then who was left to help?

  • @zenpaganwarrior
    @zenpaganwarrior 10 лет назад +88

    This interviewer is so crass and insensitive.

    • @jennfaire154
      @jennfaire154 10 лет назад +2

      Are you one of these new effeminate males floating around these days, you sound like a girl, be a man..

    • @resendezjacob
      @resendezjacob 10 лет назад +13

      jenn faire I don't think he's "effeminate" as much as he's pointing out the honest truth. Just saying.

    • @fabriziofinelli3429
      @fabriziofinelli3429 10 лет назад +9

      Asking direct questions about a topic is part of taking that topic seriously, and that is a good quality in an interviewer. He certainly screws up, though, when he asks her if she had written the book to get revenge on her mother, and then insists, even after receiving a negative. It's OK to be curious, but insisting on your own assumption after your interviewer has denied it is definite bias.

    • @rottenraquel666
      @rottenraquel666 10 лет назад +2

      just like her mother

    • @intrepidtomato
      @intrepidtomato 5 лет назад +4

      @@jennfaire154 the OP is right, the guy is hostile and insists on painting her as a gold digger out for revenge on her dead mother. PS, effeminate, wtf.

  • @valereirenfro9040
    @valereirenfro9040 5 лет назад +26

    God bless Christina from a survivor of a chaotic + abusive childhood.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад +1

      Yes God bless her

    • @brianoyler706
      @brianoyler706 Год назад +1

      No, no, no....I cannot consider Christina's points of view as valid, especially when siblings are at odds with different opinions!!!

  • @MichaelGaschler
    @MichaelGaschler 9 лет назад +39

    I know those sad eyes. I believe her.

  • @richardsimpson9102
    @richardsimpson9102 10 лет назад +30

    Joan should never have been allowed to adbopt. Christina's book was a water sheed. Now we know more about personality disorders we can diagnose her mother, we can be aware of how well someone with NPD can hide abuse. Christina's legasy will outlive Joan, who was after all just another abusive, alcoholic actress. Christina has helped to advance our understand, to help prevent abuse - now that's worth somthing.

    • @kevinjohnson4599
      @kevinjohnson4599 3 года назад

      I agree with you because I believe Christina Crawford 1,000%. Her OLD LADY should have gotten medical help a long time ago but I doubt any SHRINK would have been able to cure her.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      Yes joan crawford should not been allowed to adopt christina and christopher.she was an abuser.

  • @taoofmike
    @taoofmike 10 лет назад +76

    All of you people who think abused children should KEEP QUIET should be ashamed of yourselves. You all are absolutely vulgar. While the movie is scandalizing, the book couldn't possibly be more relatable as a victim of childhood abuse myself. She is courageous to show that abuse is a problem that doesn't just happen in trailer parks or ghettos... it can even happen among the "high class" rich & famous.
    Your shaming of her makes you victimizers as well. And you help perpetuate the cycle of abuse. Shame on you!

    • @mothermovementa
      @mothermovementa 4 года назад +2

      SPOT ON!

    • @Muirmaiden
      @Muirmaiden 4 года назад +2

      I don't know why it's so hard for some people to understand this. What's more important - keeping up appearances or exposing the reality of child abuse? This shouldn't even be a question, but the sad fact is, a lot of people choose the former.

    • @laraoneal7284
      @laraoneal7284 2 года назад

      Thank God this is being exposed heavily today. There were NO CHILD ABUSE LAWS ON THE BOOKS WHATSOEVER UNTIL 1974 . Unbelievable.

    • @laraoneal7284
      @laraoneal7284 2 года назад +1

      taoofmike. 💯. Ppl negating this horrific fact are complicit in all child abuse . Yes they should be ashamed of themselves.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      I agree.but I like the is a true portrait of child abuse and family violence.i take the movie seriously.i do not find the movie campy and I do not find it a laughfest.i am glad the movie was makes dysfunction in households come alive highly well.i saw the movie on videotape in 2000.i recently got it on dvd.i treasure the I said it successfully shows family violence and child abuse.

  • @DavidKen878
    @DavidKen878 9 лет назад +153

    I'll never understand why people call Christina a liar.

    • @H81234
      @H81234 8 лет назад +37

      +MrJTYoung7 Because they are blind fans

    • @spicey6646
      @spicey6646 8 лет назад +16

      +MrJTYoung7 Because she is a liar.She was spoiled.Why did Bing Crosby's son say he was abusive? Why did Bette Davis' daughter BD say she was abusive? For one thing,the baby boomers are so messed up! They were the suburbia children and yet,they always have the most terrible lives-give me a break.And these Stars' children were the very priviledged.LISTEN to her,she don't sound AT ALL abused.

    • @TessaLeigh
      @TessaLeigh 8 лет назад +42

      +spice66 No, she is not a liar and her accounts are corroborated by many people. It is part of the healing process of children who suffered abuse to be able to tell their story, to talk about it and have a catharsis of sorts. It also helps other survivors of abuse as well. You are not an expert, so don't remark on the appearance of anyone as if you know what is inside their head. The most stunning thing about your callous comments is that we should NEVER diminish the very real and lifelong damaging effects of severe child abuse. Don't judge them because they were wealthy. Wealth means nothing when your life is marred by abuse. This isn't a "messed up baby boomer" who was "spoiled." This is an adult (middle-aged) woman coming to terms with her stolen childhood, instead suffering years of horrible physical and mental abuse. Imagine how you would feel if the one person appointed to protect and care for you causes you untold physical and emotional harm that lasts into your entire lifetime. Now imagine that person who abused you is canonized as an icon when they have a completely maniacal and violent side to them. Celebrities must not be immune to scrutiny and more than any other member of society. Children all deserve to be protected and nurtured. We should nurture the lost child in her and applaud her courage as an adult to come to terms with what she experienced, and she had every right to tell it. This book was hugely influential and pivotal moment in history because nobody ever talked about child abuse so openly before it was published, though we now understand that adult neurosis stems form early childhood experiences. As a survivor of child abuse myself, I appreciated this book and film and how it exposed something hideous that people used to ignore. So did millions of others. Be understanding and less judg-y.

    • @spicey6646
      @spicey6646 8 лет назад +1

      I have moved on.Bye,lol.

    • @TessaLeigh
      @TessaLeigh 8 лет назад +4

      Fu**ing troll

  • @Muirmaiden
    @Muirmaiden 7 лет назад +46

    If Joan Crawford wasn't a famous movie star, nobody would be whining that "Joan isn't here to defend herself". If she had lived, she would have denied it anyway. That's what abusers do. Hitting a child is abuse. This includes spanking (which is also sexual assault), punching, kicking, biting, pinching, pushing, choking. Calling a child cruel names, hurting their dignity and self-esteem is abuse. Isolating your children from their peers is abuse. Ignoring your children and their needs is neglect. This should be simple, but many people still don't get it. I don't care if you come from wealth, are middle class or poor - abuse is abuse. It should be exposed and talked about, not kept a secret.

  • @bluedancelilly
    @bluedancelilly 8 лет назад +28

    I suffered mental/emotional abuse from my stepmother for years as a teen and some people in my life either didn't believe me or told me to not talk about it. People need to believe kids about this stuff. Too much goes unnoticed and denied. I so appreciate that Christina spoke out despite the criticism she received for doing so.

  • @marymacintyre3648
    @marymacintyre3648 10 лет назад +58

    Recently ive gotten into christina's story. I absolutely love the movie, but the book breaks my heart. Im so sorry she had to be raised in such chaos. all my love to the crawford children, none of my love to joan.

    • @jennfaire154
      @jennfaire154 10 лет назад +1

      Shut up bitch, she made all of this crap up to make money.
      Joan was Top notch, you're just a dumb stupid bitch with no talent.

    • @TheLemrak
      @TheLemrak 10 лет назад +4

      Wow, like your misguided pity is a loss to Joan Crawford. Get off your high horse!

    • @GroovyDoom
      @GroovyDoom 9 лет назад +6

      Mary MacIntyre There is a big difference between the movie and the book, agreed. The movie is ridiculous and fixates on the tantrum scenes. I think something that gets lost when people talk about "Mommie Dearest" is that it is Christina's story, not Joan's story. The book makes clear what she was going through emotionally when all this was happening. It was much worse than just a beating with a hanger, especially when Joan strangled her and then sent her to the convent.

    • @mayjones1
      @mayjones1 4 года назад +1

      @@jennfaire154 stfu you asshole

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      I love the movie mommie dearest too.i saw it in 2000.i got it on dvd a few months ago.u find the movie a strong powerful and well done movie showing child abuse and family violence.i read the book in 1992.i reread it in 2012.i recently bought a copy of the 40th anniversary edition of the book.excellent book.several years ago I read survivor.late in 2019 I read no safe safe place is a wowza of a book.i also read her novel black widow a few times.christina crawford is a gifted writer.she is so rich with words facts and detail.

  • @darkanser
    @darkanser 9 лет назад +48

    Getting hit while you're sleeping or in the middle of the night sounds a lot like what my mother went through with her own mother. My grandmother was eventually diagnosed as schizophrenic as we had suspected for years.

    • @DamascenaSims
      @DamascenaSims 7 лет назад +9

      This book was written in the spirit of bringing light to a dark subject that is hidden way too much, the comments on this feed really show how much this is STILL a problem. She was incredibly brave to share these things and use her notoriety to help other suffering children and still suffering adults.

  • @alangray2568
    @alangray2568 Год назад +5

    I grew up with a parent with severe narcissistic personality disorder. When the book first came out I was in middle school so naturally I wanted to read all the parts about the wire hangers. The rest of it was pretty much over my head. I'd seen the movie and was smart enough to know that Hollywood over-dramatizes things. So that phase passed and I moved on. Decades later I decided to read a book I hadn't read in a long time and I chose "Mommie Dearest." Reading it as an adult was an entirely different experience. I was SHOCKED at the similarities between Joan and my mother! I wished I had had a highlighter to mark the passages where I would literally say out loud, "Oh my God! That is my mother!" Now - not the physical side but the humiliation and all the other control factors. One of the things that stood out and still does is when Christina said things were fine until she started to get some independence and that's when all hell broke loose. Mommy Dearest must stamp this out immediately! And that was EXACTLY like my mother and still is! She's 87 now with dementia but she's still that same person underneath. Whether or not the physical abuse happened to Christina we will never know because we weren't there to witness it. But I certainly do understand Joan's mental issues but in those days you just didn't talk about it. You didn't just casually go to a therapist. That was shameful and wrong. You keep your problems to yourself.

    • @KatWoodland
      @KatWoodland Год назад

      Survivor of a pathologically narcissistic mother here.

  • @anotherjoshua
    @anotherjoshua 11 лет назад +13

    the emotional distance, the monotone, the lack of eye contact -- this is very typical of children who have faced abuse. she has taught her to be some distant and unemotional when talking about this part of her life. it's a survival strategy. she's obviously being very truthful here.

  • @KittyNippz
    @KittyNippz 3 года назад +34

    This guy is the reason why people fear asking for help when they are trapped by a narcissist! the worst.

  • @cr3062
    @cr3062 6 лет назад +12

    Good for Christina for ploughing open that ground of exposing narcissistic abuse that few knew what it was back then and didn't talk about it. Of course nowadays we know abuse is rampant and many are finding out about narcissistic abuse, their tactics and how to recover from it.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад +1

      I applaud christina for coming out.

    • @brianoyler706
      @brianoyler706 Год назад

      I will always question her motives: why didn't Christina have Mommie Dearest published before Joan died?? Would that not have eradicated the speculations of greed and notoriety on Christina's part? If abuse so urgent to reveal, what was holding you back Christina ?? I cannot consider Christina's points of view as valid, especially when siblings are at odds with different opinions!!!

  • @robinsmith5001
    @robinsmith5001 6 лет назад +19

    Christina I believe you. I believe that all the events described in your book happened. Your story needed to be told. I am so sorry that as a child you suffered the abuse at the hands of someone who took you in and promised to love and protect you. For the nay sayers. No one wants to admit to having a horrible child hood. It is just not something anyone would make up. I come from a dysfunctional family and it is embarssing to admit. My best to you.....In kind...Robin

  • @narcbegone1507
    @narcbegone1507 5 лет назад +13

    All a victim wants, is for their story to be heard, their reality to be acknowledged. But no, the interviewer and other child abuse apologists have to insist that this book is written out of revenge.
    It's not about the abuser, people. Why is that so difficult to accept.

  • @captainvin9009
    @captainvin9009 8 лет назад +13

    My mother was a huge fan of Joan Crawford so much so that in 1946 she named my sister Joan. As was the custom in our Italian family, children were usually named for
    close relatives, living and diseased. My mom dealt with some flack from family members, yet she felt great joy in honoring her favorite movie actress.
    When "Mommy Dearest" was published, my mom felt awful about the child abuse situation and refused to read the book. She didn't want the memory of her "star"

    • @user-ob9do3qi6u
      @user-ob9do3qi6u 7 лет назад +7

      did your mother know that -Joan- was Not at.all her reall name!!! That was another thing in Joan'S life-that was fake,and only made up for her image

    • @antonellafuoco7662
      @antonellafuoco7662 7 лет назад +3

      For pete's sake you idiot a lot of actors and actress's changed their names.

  • @MonaMaguire
    @MonaMaguire 8 лет назад +23

    You poor woman...I have the utmost respect and admiration for you and thank you for telling............... Blessings

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      I have respect for christina crawford too.glad she came out.

  • @Jackknifegyp
    @Jackknifegyp 9 лет назад +111

    I believe her. Writing a book about the truth of a parent's abuse is hardly new and helps humanize these celluloid legends.
    In every movie I have seen of her, I have always thought her a sinister outrageous maniac, so I guess I believe Christina because she verifies my own instincts, intuition and chemical reaction to Joan.

    • @wyomingadventures
      @wyomingadventures 5 лет назад +4

      My dad was abusive to me as a child so I would say daddy dearest

    • @nathancruz9172
      @nathancruz9172 4 года назад +1

      Wyoming Adventures that’s good to know.

    • @nathancruz9172
      @nathancruz9172 4 года назад +1

      Jackknifegyp me too.

    • @MR-fe7st
      @MR-fe7st 3 года назад +2

      She DOES have a sinister look!

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад +2

      Yes joan had a disturbingly hard personality.

  • @bkbekka3039
    @bkbekka3039 8 лет назад +33

    Shay Grey, Your comment is outrageous and downright scary. "Keep it in the damn family" Really? What a great way to keep abuse alive well and kicking. This is HER (Christian's) story to tell or not to tell.

  • @annacornykova9023
    @annacornykova9023 9 лет назад +37

    her sorted private life? It was Christina's life too, and she has her own story about what really happened. Revenge? How about validation? The star is really a monster.

  • @LisaODavis
    @LisaODavis 10 лет назад +29

    When I saw "Mommy Dearest" back in 7th grade, it really shook me up, because it reminded me of my mother to the nearly exact! It has mostly to do with being adopted, and the desire for my mother and J. Crawford to be PERFECT mothers. When they fell short, their narcissistic personality could not take it. I felt like a doll, a stand in, and indeed I was. At It is also VERY difficult to go through 10 years of fertility treatments, and feel like a failure as a woman and to my father. My mother also was also totally unloved as a child herself. My early childhood like Christina's, was great, a wonderful childhood early on, but as I approached puberty, she went crazy due to a variety of health factors, causing her to abuse me in even worse ways than the movie portrays, but it was very similar. I also loved and love my mother. I think that Joan and my mother's striving towards perfectionism is the key to the problems causing the abuse, but things are more complicated of coarse. Christina is very strong and courageous, her pathetic mother was unable to love, much like mine.

    • @DylanRomanov
      @DylanRomanov 4 года назад +1

      Lisa O. Davis I was adopted as well and I relate a lot of your comment

  • @cynthiaking406
    @cynthiaking406 2 года назад +8

    She is beautifully spoken.

  • @mybraineatseverything7404
    @mybraineatseverything7404 9 лет назад +22

    This interviewer is so annoying!!! He keeps interrupting her while she's already answering the question!

    • @MariaRuiz-cq7er
      @MariaRuiz-cq7er 9 лет назад +1

      I thought the same thing

    • @bookwoman53
      @bookwoman53 5 лет назад

      Unfortunately lots of interviewers do this. It’s likely that he is trying to keep the interview moving so that he can cover all of the questions on his list.

    • @nathancruz9172
      @nathancruz9172 4 года назад

      MyBrainEatsEverything that interviewer is just impatient and in the rush as a stupid head.

  • @charlia7695
    @charlia7695 2 года назад +6

    I wish he wouldn’t have kept interrupting her.

  • @ritadegenova3081
    @ritadegenova3081 9 лет назад +10

    I do believe Christina had every right to tell her story and profit of of her story , she was abused and had to release all that was kept deep inside of her ,almost as to get rid of the injustice she was served by her adoptive mother's rage ~` Christina had no reason to lie about something so herrific ~``

    • @opalo4113
      @opalo4113 6 лет назад

      Christina broke a huge taboo by airing dirty laundry in public. That had never happened before in publishing or really the country in general. And I find her story a mite dubious because ultimately everyone forgot one thing: she wanted to be a star also and she had neither the talent nor the drive and on top of it she got shut out of the will. Personally, I don't think she did what Christina said.

  • @TheVisions888
    @TheVisions888 8 лет назад +24

    My perspective I grew in the house full angry and they did drink no one has any reason to lie , Abuse is real , and I experience this life style as well , those are not lies, I was beat with and hanger, as well release the hurt and move on with your life,

    • @petmomful2260
      @petmomful2260 8 лет назад +14

      I was beaten with my dad's big black policeman's belt. Abuse is very real. I am still trying to release the hurt and move on. I am in therapy again, at age 61. Those people sure messed up their 5 kids.

    • @rachelsweets
      @rachelsweets 6 лет назад +1

      Elder Randy G, Newman Sorry for your experience

    • @steph.li3
      @steph.li3 5 лет назад +1

      Pastor Randy G, Newman wish you all the happiness and success in life. You deserve it

    • @KingofgraceSARA
      @KingofgraceSARA 5 лет назад

      Look to the dearly departed Pastor Stepehen Darby.
      My Lord, he has helped me to start the process to unbind evil generational contracts and to close the doors and return the evil back to its senders, in Jesus' holy name.

  • @golden-63
    @golden-63 10 лет назад +31

    Isn't it ironic that by cutting Christina out of her will, Joan actually ended up making her daughter far wealthier than she would have been otherwise. Not to mention she destroyed Crawford's reputation. TINA: 1 JOAN: 0

    • @nathancruz9172
      @nathancruz9172 4 года назад +1

      golden86 in your face, Joan!

    • @VodkaRose
      @VodkaRose 3 года назад

      Joan TOTALLY deserved to have her reputation destroyed!! Joan did that to herself, by being a monster!!! I am glad that she didn't totally get away with it!!

  • @mikester420
    @mikester420 10 лет назад +29

    I applaud Christina's courage in turning a negative into a positive and this interviewer is a rude jerk!! The idea that she has done something wrong by telling her story in a way that earns money is laughable.

  • @Moosetta
    @Moosetta 8 лет назад +7

    In my opinion, Bill Boggs is doing a perfectly fine job of interviewing his guest. She has plenty of opportunity to speak, and speaks extensively.

  • @tamaragarrett3625
    @tamaragarrett3625 8 лет назад +110

    Will Ferrell is a terrible interviewer.

    • @adambohman6405
      @adambohman6405 6 лет назад +8

      Stay classy, San Diego!
      -Ron Burgundy!

    • @honeyasonja522
      @honeyasonja522 6 лет назад +9

      fawwwk thought I was the only one..

    • @lellen1986
      @lellen1986 6 лет назад +1

      Chevy Girl good one! I was gonna say Juan Epstein from Welcome Back Kotter.... but that would show my age.

    • @ilovejclove7516
      @ilovejclove7516 5 лет назад +4

      Chevy Girl lol yes he keeps interrupting her.

    • @danugo6742
      @danugo6742 5 лет назад +2

      Yeah IKR he should stick to comedy acting and playing drums for the Red Hot Chili Peppers

  • @steph.li3
    @steph.li3 5 лет назад +9

    I admire you Christina you are my real life hero. You’re the reason why I will continue to live my life and fight

  • @timofreeman4574
    @timofreeman4574 9 лет назад +19

    I find it necessary to point out some of this interviewer's horribly obnoxious, arrogant and unnecessary interviewing "techniques." I'm not sure if it's his personality to take such an aggressive tack, or whether he's emulating a certain style of reporting.
    On several occasions I was totally engaged and interested in what Christina had to say, and then she was cut off and not allowed to continue her thought, except in one occasion where she said, "as I was saying." And good for her to not let herself be totally dominated by this man who apparently thought she needed to stay on topic. I found she was extremely well spoken, obviously had put a lot of thought into what she was saying, and kept her points relatively succinct and her topics cogent. I still want to know about that painting above the mantle!
    Also, the repeated badgering about "you're getting revenge aren't you?" is really a tabloid journalism sort of technique, right? Jerry Springer had more compassion. Revenge over a dead person? I love the calm composure of Ms. Crawford who therewith demonstrated her growth and triumph over an abusive past. I would be tempted to give Mr. Boggs a tongue lashing, yet she showed an assuredness that defied the provocations of the interviewer.

    • @aitch3
      @aitch3 5 лет назад

      He's a horrible interviewer. Same in all the interviews he does.

    • @Nitya-r86
      @Nitya-r86 4 года назад

      Very well said. I agree.

  • @sosoo000
    @sosoo000 Год назад +2

    The late actress Helen Hayes, whose son played with Christopher, wrote in her autobiography that Joan was ‘cruel’ to her children and that her Hollywood contemporaries were ‘worried to death’ about them. ‘It would have been futile for me or anyone else to protest,’ she wrote. ‘Joan would only get angry and probably vent her rage on the kids.’ from The Guardian

  • @rolandomasakayan7904
    @rolandomasakayan7904 5 лет назад +8

    I have read the book and honestly believe christina is telling the truth...!

  • @pushon2342
    @pushon2342 9 лет назад +9

    If one never experienced child abuse, the questions or doubt are only the theory of what one person or interviewer thought or read. It's not a matter of getting even or an action/reaction way of getting ``even``. It's getting past the destruction, the devastation, the years of tortured scarring, to try to live past it. To accept it. To try and rationalize ``why``. What did I do to deserve this? It never leaves you. If you're humane you may forgive, but you'll never forget. I applaud her.

  • @loralieisa
    @loralieisa 8 лет назад +8

    I do believe Christina and think alcoholism played a large role in in her mother's behavior.

  • @Glenn1441
    @Glenn1441 Год назад +4

    Actress Eve Arden, who not only worked with Joan Crawford but also lived nearby, is on the record stating she was well aware that Joan abused Christina and Christopher. With some digging, one can find online an article written in Redbook magazine in 1960, when Christina was only 21 and her mother was alive and well and obviously aware of all that was written in the article. I can only state that the article, titled 'The Revolt of Christina Crawford' does not paint a flattering picture of Joan, and goes into some detail about Joan's claim Christina was expelled from the Chadwick School, which the author of the article could find no record of. Chadwick would not comment, citing Joan Crawford as the root of its decision to decline further comment. At the time of the book's publication, child abuse was rarely discussed in the media, and even if Christina may have felt some small pleasure pointing out the hypocrisies of the Hollywood 'public image' star making machine, she did many a great service by doing so. Wealth and social status are not innate barriers to acts of child abuse. Good for Christina for exposing that truth. And if she made some good money from the book and film rights -- good for her. She has no responsibility or duty to keeping intact the papier mache public image her mother so skillfully created. If you love Crawford's work, it indeed lives on untarnished on celluloid. Her film legacy has nothing to do with her role as a parent.

  • @Celisar1
    @Celisar1 5 лет назад +3

    Parents often have their favourite, but also a favourite child to pick on which was me; I was beaten by far the most, resented and neglected the most.
    And my parents always dismissed their sexism, their taking sides and worst of all: their abuse and neglect.
    The favoured, youngest sibling to this day paints a rosy picture of our childhood but luckily my older sibling confirmed my stories when our parents tried to claim I was a liar or just imagining things.
    Everything that Christina Crawford tells rings true.

  • @deniecebasso5367
    @deniecebasso5367 6 лет назад +10

    This interviewer is irritating and at times, rude. He keeps interrupting or cutting her off.

  • @Tam5115
    @Tam5115 9 лет назад +17

    I've read the book several times. My opinion is that Joan was bi-polar. I doubt that was diagnosed then, or if it was, there weren't known treatments. I'm not sure.
    I don't think Joan wanted or needed to be abusive, but that her condition caused the irrational behavior.

    • @belaboured
      @belaboured 8 лет назад

      +Tammy Nelson It's comforting to think that it's just a condition, that what you're doing doesn't have deep roots in your own experience, because that way you limit the pain you have to feel. There's nothing especially irrational about abusive behaviour. It's learned. It's also an effort to get rid of the energy of a feeling you desperately need to avoid. You do it because you don't realize that you can in fact feel a little of your own old helpless victimization, without lashing out at people. Yes, there's biochemistry at work, but if you learn to deal with it thus, your biochemical condition may in fact improve in time. for more.

    • @Tam5115
      @Tam5115 8 лет назад +2

      Randall Vanderende It's not a "condition". It is a valid illness, a disease.
      Sure, Joan had a tough life, she worked her butt off for every single thing she had. I agree, abusive behavior can be learned, but I don't see just that in this case.
      There is no "pulling up your bootstraps" with mental illness. Sorry, it isn't a matter of, I don't want to be this way, and if I go to therapy, I can cure myself!
      It is these kinds of beliefs that continue to cause shame to those afflicted. If you broke your leg, would you just continue to walk on it, believing you could make it go away? If you had Diabetes, would therapy make it all okay and you didn't need to take insulin? How about food poisoning? Could you just tell yourself, okay, we've puked and pooped enough, so we're not going to do that anymore? It makes me CRAZY when people put mental illness into a category in which the afflicted are supposed to just cure it themselves. That's not the way it works!
      Joan was also from a generation that did not accept such things. They thought that you just get right or be committed.
      You can clearly see the manic phases when you read Christina's memories. That isn't excusing Joan for her behavior, it just means she was ill and undiagnosed.
      Read Patty Duke's book, Call me Anna.
      I should have said, the condition Joan was in, not just "her condition"

    • @belaboured
      @belaboured 8 лет назад

      +Tammy Nelson I'm not suggesting people bootstrap themselves. In fact, with the best help in the world, it's still slow and difficult. It's just that believing it's a condition is a way of resisting having to feel, and I know from experience you can block yourself that way for years. The feelings you're talking about, that you resent being forced on you about having an illness, are actually the tip of an iceberg. But they are at the same time your consciousness's only current point of contact with what's really going on. If it's shame, then you have to feel that shame, for starters. One doesn't want to, so you'll grab any theory that suggests that you don't have to feel. It's not about being fair, it's about understanding what works. I'm presenting a simple idea here; there's a lot more. Check out

    • @Tam5115
      @Tam5115 8 лет назад

      Sometimes, many words are said and it doesn't mean anything.
      Sell your kool-aid to someone else.

    • @sugarpop7377
      @sugarpop7377 8 лет назад

      I have the same theory .

  • @deannaphillips4038
    @deannaphillips4038 11 лет назад +5

    Joan's long-time housekeeper admitted not long ago that what Christina says in her book is all true, she was there and witnessed much of it.

  • @mellaniecooper4507
    @mellaniecooper4507 7 лет назад +2

    I just want to say thank you Christine for writing about you experience with child abuse. You are very brave. The commend you on the courage it took to tell your story. You had everything to lose because your mother was famous and loved by so many. I know you loved your mother and your intention was not to bad mouth her but to tell your life story and have a voice of your own. It is very healing to tell what happened to you and get it off your chest it was also very helpful to other child abuse sufferers. You have given us a voice. Thank you!

  • @windstorm1000
    @windstorm1000 7 лет назад +3

    Abused children never ever get over that--even as adults and therapy...even with writing a book--Christina has learned to live with it, I'm sure, and healed--but I imagine there is that residual of pain. She's a survivor and I salute her--as I do all survivors of this horrendous type of crime. To come forward in a repressed society such as ours is an act of courage!

  • @Nicole3900
    @Nicole3900 10 лет назад +15

    The interviewer needs to stop interrupting Christina!!!

    • @nathancruz9172
      @nathancruz9172 4 года назад

      Nicole3900 definitely, yes! Impatient interviewer.

  • @elizabethmcfadden4574
    @elizabethmcfadden4574 10 лет назад +5

    Can you imagine what it must be like for the last message you have from your parent to be that they are angry with you? Now imagine you have no way to reply. Now imagine that you get to say goodbye to your loving parent and the last thing they say is is they love you and here is something to remember them by, a last gift of love. Two quite different scenarios, right? This woman is obviously hurt, don't judge her.

  • @Geannie123
    @Geannie123 6 лет назад +4

    She defended herself BRILLIANTLY against his idiotic allegations!

  • @Tiffany-mu6br
    @Tiffany-mu6br 2 года назад +6

    Several interviews, interview clips, etc that I have been doing a deep dive on, and not once do any of Christina's details in her story change. Whether she's interviewed in the 60s or 2000's it never changes. There's a quote that I don't believe can be debated: "If you are telling the truth you don't have to remember anything. The truth never changes"

    • @Garsons-oq4lh
      @Garsons-oq4lh 2 года назад +1

      Not a deep enough dive..
      Christina Crawford claims in "Mommie Dearest" that she was strangled by Joan Crawford in the summer of 1953.
      Here is how she describes this incident in her book:
      "The choking pain of her fingers around my throat met the thudding ache of the blow to the back of my head. She banged my head on the floor, tightening her grip around my throat....I gasped for air and felt myself sinking into unconsciousness as I tried desperately to fight back....If something or someone didn’t help me very soon I was going to die. I tried with the last bit of my strength to struggle free of those choking fingers and managed to wedge one of my knees between her body and mine and push upward on her ribs with my hands which loosened her grip slightly. It at least allowed a trickle of air down my throat and kept me from losing consciousness."
      This type of physical attack would, no doubt, leave bruises to the neck and throat. However, according to Christina, she had no bruises to the neck or throat, and the bruises she claims to have received to the face were greatly diminished within "a few days."
      This is what Christina Crawford said regarding her "injuries" after this alleged strangulation:
      "I had one black eye and a cut on my upper lip that was swollen and covered with dried blood. My whole face was sort of puffy and I had a perfect handprint bruised across one cheek....A few days later I was on my way back to the Chadwick’s house...I still had vestiges of the black eye but the rest of my face had returned pretty much to normal."
      This claim is medically impossible. Busies to the face take at least a minimum of 1 to 2 weeks to fade. Perhaps this was a quick rationale by Christina in her book to account for no one seeing these "injuries" after she returned to Chadwicks.
      By 1988. Christina Crawford claimed in her book "Survivor" that the stroke she suffered in late 1981 was the result of this "strangulation." Christina claimed the strangulation caused an embolism (a blood clot) that blocked the flow of blood to her brain, and this embolism had lied dormant for over 28 years (1953 - 1981) without causing issue before it dislodged and flowed to her brain. This claim, in and of itself, is medically improbably, if not impossible. However, the impossibility is further enhanced when considering that Christina did not even have bruising to her throat from this alleged strangulation.
      In "Survivor" Christina writes:
      "In the hospital the doctors questioned me as thoroughly as they could about possible causes of my stroke. They were interested in what might have been a source of original damage to the left carotid artery in my neck since I had no history of high blood pressure or high cholesterol. They asked me about a car accident or a neck injury. I had experienced none. The only incident I could think of was a violent argument my mother and I had when I was thirteen years old. She had been drinking at the time and flew into a rage. I recalled this incident in the book Mommie Dearest, not knowing at the time I wrote about it that I would later have a stroke"
      This outrageous allegation is further debunked by a 1978 sworn deposition, whereby Christina DENIES knowledge of this incident. Along with a unpublished at the time interview with the secretary (Billie Greene) who was an eye witness the evening Christina claimed this strangulation took place. Greene refuted the claim that Joan strangled or choked Christina.
      Billie Greene -Former secretary to Joan Crawford-unpublished interview
      “I believe I am quoted [in Christina’s book regarding the LIE that is the strangling incident] to have said something like, “Stop, you’ll kill her.” There was a point where they were having an argument. What precipitated it was possibly one of many misunderstandings. Or where Christina had lied to Joan, and the hostility was getting greater. Joan came towards her and gave her a good swat, and hit her towards the neck area. I remember at one point taking Joan’s arm when it was in midair and saying, “I want you to stop. You’re going to hurt her.” This was not for Christina’s sake. This was for Joan’s sake. No one wants to see anyone out of control. I can tell you that I’d never seen any discipline towards Christina or towards the other children that I would call out of control. There was not brutality that night. Possibly there was rage. I can’t conceive of the distortion, unless Christina had a deep-seated plan, a vendetta that was present even when she was 14. Christina lied often for absolutely no reason. [The book] was a pack of lies that made your hair stand on end. I have utter contempt for Christina.”
      “When Christina was at Chadwicks, she would tell some lies. Like the lengths Joan would go through to see that she had everything to get back to school. Shoes, dresses, etc. I don’t know what Christina would do with them between Brentwood and school, but she would arrive with a couple of beat up, old dresses and the call would come from Chadwicks. “Couldn’t you send this girl one decent thing to wear?” I got Christina in my office one day and said, “Christina, what did you do? All those things we picked out and packed and got ready for you that you chose?” She said, “I gave them to my friends,” and I said, “What does this do? Make you a hero with your friends?” and she said, “No, I just wanted to.” I said, “Don’t you know what you do to your mother when you make her look cruel and evil and selfish?” and she said, “No, it’s just something I like to do. I like to give my clothes away.” On more than one occasion I found Christina to be an opportunist, dishonest and distorting everything, every single actions of her mother.”
      **Courtesy of ChristinaCrawfordLied**

    • @Insomnious8
      @Insomnious8 2 года назад +1

      @@Garsons-oq4lh I wonder why Dinah Shore, June Allison, Kirk Douglas, Lana Turner, Betty Hutton, Natalie Schafer, Helen Hayes and others all invented first hand accounts of Joan Crawford's abusive parenting. If Joan Crawford's reputation is ruined, she did it to herself.

    • @pendorran
      @pendorran Год назад +1

      That's false. The twins successfully sued Christina for lying about them in the book, and she added new details on multiple occasions.

    • @pendorran
      @pendorran Год назад

      @@Insomnious8 Give one example. One direct quote. Joan was unquestionably very strict by 1940s standards, but provide one witness account of violence.

    • @Insomnious8
      @Insomnious8 Год назад

      @@pendorran The beatings and attempted strangulation may have occurred in private, but the abuse was well known and several of the first hand accounts from Lana Turner, Natalie Schaffer and June Allsion have made their way onto RUclips.

  • @1974Coconut
    @1974Coconut 9 лет назад +20

    it sounds this joan was jelous of her beautiful daughter, and severely mentally ill.

    • @tiffanycherish793
      @tiffanycherish793 9 лет назад +2

      1974Coconut That would be the other way around. I don't care for Joan's movies, and she wasn't that great an actress, but the woman was stunning, at least far more than her adopted daughter would ever be. I'm not trying to dog on someone's looks, I don't think Christina is ugly (at least not on the outside), but I have to question someone's eyesight who would ever say Joan was less physically beautiful than Christina. Just, no. Though I do understand how her supporters would deny truth just to make their point.

    • @deniawiseone95
      @deniawiseone95 6 лет назад

      Tiffany Cherish Christina looked sorta homely to me...she slowly grew into her looks as she got much older

  • @broadwaymelody33
    @broadwaymelody33 7 лет назад +3

    My fiancé and his sisters were abused and they talk about their childhood and experiences exactly like Christina. They sound very matter of fact because that was their reality.

  • @RoalDeePR
    @RoalDeePR 11 лет назад +5

    My thoughts exactly, she still talked about the beautiful years, she went to funeral, the way she said goodbye at the end of the movie, and still some people worlds shame on her. Most of the time is from child abusers or potential child abusers.

  • @skaismith
    @skaismith 11 лет назад +13

    Amen, I've been no contact with my mommie dearest for 16 months! Best decision I've made on all of my life, me, my husband and children are FINNALY at peace :-) I share my testimony too and for those who have a problem? If they haven't lived it, they need to step back and listen or go somewhere else.

  • @skaismith
    @skaismith 11 лет назад +6

    is part of what I lived and the bathroom scene, mom did just that in our bathroom MANY times is there was any residue of ajax on any surfaces. Christina has helped many children of narcissistic parents realize that they are NOT alone and I thank her. Oh and I also went through the 3+ hrs at the dinner table too, almost everynight. Sir, if you have NEVER went through this, you need to just sit back and listen, respect the victims testimonies, Bless You :-)

  • @markmontieth8815
    @markmontieth8815 3 года назад +3

    "This is you when how old?" What a question when looking at a picture of a newborn baby.

  • @truly3743
    @truly3743 2 года назад +3

    Christina always wanted to be loved by her mother. She lived her young life not knowing the difference from normal and abuse or what real love is. I believe she was shocked about her mother leaving her nothing and finally got the courage to tell the truth about her mother probably because she finally felt safe.

  • @daveyleeterure83
    @daveyleeterure83 10 лет назад +3

    No one knows what really went behind closed doors, only those behind those doors knows the truth.

  • @Iliekdeers
    @Iliekdeers 10 лет назад +3

    Oh gosh ! that is quite awful . I can"t believe it Joan Crawford she was a monster . I am so glad that Christina she survived to wrote her own life story about her abuse because of her mother Joan Crawford , good for you Christina , well done Christina , you are so brave to wrote this disaster experience about the abuse and congratulations Christina . Christina Crawford you are a star and a great writer . Bless you Christina Crawford you are amazing person , lots of courage and you are a heroine .

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      Yes she is a truly truly gifted writer christina 1992 when I was 16 years old I read mommie dearest.i read it again in 2012.i recently bought the 40th anniversary edition.a few years ago I read survivor.late I 2019 I read her rich and fascinating book no safe place.i also read her novel black widow a few times.she is an amazing writer.

  • @nativetexanful
    @nativetexanful Год назад +2

    Like Christina said, back in those days it was illegal for single people to adopt. It's too bad that Crawford was able the skirt the law just because of her money and fame. As a result Christina and her siblings experienced abuse that could have been avoided.

  • @Silvana716
    @Silvana716 7 лет назад +3

    Funny how people like to insist that writing about an abusive experience would be revenge rather than healing and educational and helpful to others. I've distanced myself from my abusive and controlling father and have been repeatedly have it said that i"m punishing him, which I had to correct repeatedly, and then the nuisance of relatives absent for years, and equally abusive to their own children, who attempt to push me to reconcile and make peace while their own families are absolute nightmares - complete with physical abuse among adults from both men and women. Why are abused people not believed?

  • @Eurafrican
    @Eurafrican 10 лет назад +12

    Anyone that thinks Joan Crawford deserves vindication for the emotional and physical abuse she inflicted on her adoptive children because of her successful career and achievements, needs some serious serious psychological help...

    • @GroovyDoom
      @GroovyDoom 9 лет назад +4

      Consider the source. I haven't seen a mature, well-stated perspective from any of these people here calling Christina a liar. They call names, they laugh over the fact Elvis supposedly slapped her, they use a lot of exclamation points and say Joan couldn't possibly have abused her kids because so-and-so said she didn't, and someone said Christina makes a mean neighbor. I'm sure they do fabulous Joan Crawford drag, but they ain't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

    • @thecalmingwitch
      @thecalmingwitch 9 лет назад +2

      @groovydoom I one hundred percent agree with you... I mean, wow. It makes me absolutely sick when people create these disgusting accusations about others. Now, was I there to witness the abuse, no! Do I know if Christina is telling the ABSOLUTE TRUTH or not? No. But I still believe. I know what I would do if I ever had such a mother. I wouldn't be able to stand the fact that everyone saw her as a goody goody princess. I would expose her, Of course I would! Not for MONEY! No, just to show what was really going on. So that people would finally open their eyes and go," gee, maybe I do actually know some child abusers. Maybe I can actually do something about it..." In my opinion, most people shouldn't have children or own pets.

  • @invinciblecucumber
    @invinciblecucumber 8 лет назад +4

    Poor woman. I feel so sad for her.

    • @kevinbarton9052
      @kevinbarton9052 8 лет назад +1

      +Alex Black I always feel sorry for Christina Crawford because I have feelings for her all the time.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      Me too.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      @@kevinbarton9052 me too.

  • @teresafraser3049
    @teresafraser3049 Год назад +2

    I was the youngest of five kids. My Mother was the abuser and targated me, my sister and one brother BUT she never touched the other two boys. Not all the children are targated! They go after the weaker link!

  • @Garsons-oq4lh
    @Garsons-oq4lh 2 года назад +2

    Billie Greene -Former secretary to Joan Crawford-unpublished interview
    “I believe I am quoted [in Christina’s book regarding the LIE that is the strangling incident] to have said something like, “Stop, you’ll kill her.” There was a point where they were having an argument. What precipitated it was possibly one of many misunderstandings. Or where Christina had lied to Joan, and the hostility was getting greater. Joan came towards her and gave her a good swat, and hit her towards the neck area. I remember at one point taking Joan’s arm when it was in midair and saying, “I want you to stop. You’re going to hurt her.” This was not for Christina’s sake. This was for Joan’s sake. No one wants to see anyone out of control. I can tell you that I’d never seen any discipline towards Christina or towards the other children that I would call out of control. There was not brutality that night. Possibly there was rage. I can’t conceive of the distortion, unless Christina had a deep-seated plan, a vendetta that was present even when she was 14. Christina lied often for absolutely no reason. [The book] was a pack of lies that made your hair stand on end. I have utter contempt for Christina.”
    “When Christina was at Chadwicks, she would tell some lies. Like the lengths Joan would go through to see that she had everything to get back to school. Shoes, dresses, etc. I don’t know what Christina would do with them between Brentwood and school, but she would arrive with a couple of beat up, old dresses and the call would come from Chadwicks. “Couldn’t you send this girl one decent thing to wear?” I got Christina in my office one day and said, “Christina, what did you do? All those things we picked out and packed and got ready for you that you chose?” She said, “I gave them to my friends,” and I said, “What does this do? Make you a hero with your friends?” and she said, “No, I just wanted to.” I said, “Don’t you know what you do to your mother when you make her look cruel and evil and selfish?” and she said, “No, it’s just something I like to do. I like to give my clothes away.” On more than one occasion I found Christina to be an opportunist, dishonest and distorting everything, every single actions of her mother.”
    **Courtesy of ChristinaCrawfordLied**

  • @ruthbashford3176
    @ruthbashford3176 8 лет назад +43

    That was certainly spiteful of Joan, leaving Christina and her brother out of the will.

    • @nassauguy48
      @nassauguy48 8 лет назад +7

      Joan was a control freak, and always had to be in charge. She was reportedly even like that on the set, which in turn caused her to engage in bitter feuds with other actresses, namely Bette Davis. (This explains why, in her later years, she starred in Grade B movies with unknown actors and actresses whom she could easily manipulate). With that said, Christina (along with Christopher who apparently always took Christina's side) were written out of the will because they both dared to defy Joan. According to Christina, when the latter got a part in Marcus Welby, MD, Joan was furious because she had wanted to appear in that show for a long time, but was never given the opportunity. When Christina got another guest part in a TV series called The Sixth Sense, sure enough, Joan secured a part in that same show soon after. Have you seen the video clip of Joan's other two children? They lavish praise on Joan like cult members lavish praise upon their spiritual leaders. This is why they got the money, simply because (I am not certain how genuine it was) they bowed down to Joan when she was alive.

    • @vickisloane7585
      @vickisloane7585 8 лет назад +4

      yes it was. it's really sad at all the stuff that girl had to go through. I hear the little brother went through a lot of abuse too

    • @rtoma1974
      @rtoma1974 8 лет назад +2

      Joan knew Christina was writing the book a couple years before her death. Read the Vanity Fair article. No wonder Christina was cut from the will. She was always envious of Joan's beauty, talent, and fans. Spoiled problem child of the highest order.

    • @golden-63
      @golden-63 8 лет назад +6

      And yet, by doing so, Joan made Christina a FAR wealthier woman than she would have been and her reputation was ruined forever. I think Christina won.

    • @vickisloane7585
      @vickisloane7585 8 лет назад +1

      +Ron are you trying to be sarcastic

  • @heytimgarcia
    @heytimgarcia 6 лет назад +6

    I believe you, Christina.

    • @kevinjohnson4599
      @kevinjohnson4599 3 года назад

      Same here. Joan Crawford was nothing but a NASTY OLD WOMAN who should have been in prison a long time ago.

    • @eugenekozma2697
      @eugenekozma2697 2 года назад

      I believe christina too.

  • @OLIVIER56780
    @OLIVIER56780 10 лет назад +14

    Her brother said that it's the truth. It was the first "destroyed celebrity" memories. The film is fabulous. The illusion was perfect but the truth is sad. Poor children.

  • @foxit515
    @foxit515 Год назад +1

    After everythink she went through ' she came across as a well grounded truthful lovley person

    • @Garsons-oq4lh
      @Garsons-oq4lh Год назад

      Think about it: no one corroborated Christina’s claim that Joan strangled/choked her. Christina in fact wrote that someone was there who intervened (named Billie in the 20th anniversary edition of MD) however not Billie not no one came forward to corroborate that claim.

  • @Lilyanna298
    @Lilyanna298 11 лет назад +4

    Eve Arden, James McArthur, Helen Hayes, Betty Hutton and June Allyson. Cheryl Crane who lived in the neighborhood has also said there was a lot of talk about how the Crawford children were treated.

  • @EM-lz9kg
    @EM-lz9kg 2 года назад +5

    The late actress Helen Hayes, whose son played with Christopher, wrote in her autobiography that Joan was ‘cruel’ to her children and that her Hollywood contemporaries were ‘worried to death’ about them. ‘It would have been futile for me or anyone else to protest,’ she wrote. ‘Joan would only get angry and probably vent her rage on the kids.’

    • @Garsons-oq4lh
      @Garsons-oq4lh 2 года назад +1

      What are the exact quotes from Helen about Joan? What specifically did Helen witness that was outright abuse? Thank you.

    • @verucasalt9182
      @verucasalt9182 Год назад

      Lana Turner and her daughter said about the same .

    • @pendorran
      @pendorran Год назад

      Give an example